The Wingham Advance, 1921-01-13, Page 1'I
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Hockey Match of the Season. I eeswater vs. W, ingharn, in the Winghaw Rink, on Friday, January 14th. Game ealled at 3. 15.
8ingle CopWs - Four Cento WINQUAM, ONT., TRURSDAY, JANUARY 13th. 1921 S*09Lripfloas; 52.04 per yoar
WINOOAM'S CENTENARIA.N Action At Division Court
41 The 20th Century, Two Carrick farmers staged a lawsuit local 111temss 7/h e
lia.4orod By Friends O'n His 100th. at the Divi !on Court at Walkerton on
3: Methodistychurch 8 ze % a e storl 0
Tuesday, when CDnr4d Russmati brought
su"44y, Jam lath. Mr. Ed. Tomkins is visiting with an action against Conrad Hammer for Ask for a Nyal Calendar and Weather
xx a. in, Subject relative% in Elora. About forty. rpen paid their respects td damages alleged to have been done to a Chart at Mitchells Corner Drug Store.
Mr. Arthur - Knox at the home of his bicycle ridden by the compl4inanta son.' Division Court will be held at Wing- There 'is Pep 1*11
'The Fatherhood of Godthe Mr, Albert Stein of Aylesbury, Saq dauzliter, Mrs. J. E Swarts. Shuttr St.. The evidence brought out the facts that ham on, Frida
y morning. judge Dixon
Foundation of the Gospel" is visiting With friends"' this vicinity' on Wednesday evening, Jany 5th. it be- Mr. Hammers son was taking some re- will Preside.
%30 P. in, , - I aday 50bool, A%r. Jos. Finley of Preston, is visiting in the date whenthat sturdy old Ir sh-
P1 with hie brothizr, John, who is at present 9 latives to the station at NeustAdt One Mr. Norman Brandon, soil V Mrs. "'r', C.
7 P.m. Au address to young very man reached the century mark. He was morning last Augu% with his father's car. Brandon,
Catherine St, was ro-elected
'I Mr. Hugh Halliday one of the ri6wly PEPTO'N'A
born in Ballifighrobe. Ireland, and came young Russman, who was riding a bicycle M orlof St, Marys,
wouien. Subject. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Porter have re- to Canada when a young man, of twenty- in the same direction, was overtaken, and Ay P
"The Model Canadian, turned from visit ag, with relatives Ill five and settled at Kemptville, moving to claimed that 0is wheel was hit by the ca
Toronto.. r elected councillors at t:istowel_
Woman!' Clinton sixty-three years ago, where he and badly damaged The evidence for of the Misses Halliday, Minnie St
We have a church with open door Mr, and.Mrs. W, E. Mahood and little resided. for many years before coming to defence tended to show that the car
son, of Kincardiria . were New Year Wingliam to reside with his daughter,. and wheel did, not 'come into contact Mr. Ed, Irv4a has purchased Mr. 'W'. A combination of PeptonlzW Iron,
and a hearty welcome. Come and visitors in town. Mrs, Swarts. The old gentleman has at all, but when' G. Dunbar's farm near Belgrave, and Mr.
bring ybur friends. lin- been a great reader, and is particularly bad been the matterof the car Dunbar has bought Mr, Andrew Procter's Malt, Maganese and Cod Liver Ex.
Next Sunday eve, subject, $$The Mrs. T. H. Lepington and babe of C purchased by Mr. Hammer form.
too, spent New Years at the home Of her well versed In histnO. upon which sub. from J. G, Russwurm of Hanover, but
Model Canadian Man" father, Mr. Ed. Tonakins. ject he can discourse intelligently, His the license had not been transferred, and Provincial OfficerGeo. Phippen under- tract.
wife died thirty years a.go. Mr. Knox Har
nmer,s son was also under the went a serious. operation on Tuesday.
Miss Isabel Walton Of WaterlOOP has known, very little sickness and is legal age. Judge Greig reserved his de- At time of going to press he is in i critic
spent a few days at the home of Mr.
I V rmao. cision in the case. -Mildmay Gazette. condition. It creates new nerve force and fresh
"The Biuveo Little Showoo Mr. Maurice Stewart of Edmonton, Falls Will; Lantern Mr. W, D. Burke has sold his Cafe in
the Queen's Hotel to Mr Andrew Taylor, vitality, tones up the system and
Alta,, spent a few days last week with Mr. Henry Armstrong, well know farm- proprietor of tl;e Hotel, who took P. ossess-
Thure,. Fri. and $at, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Stewart.
er Of Molesworth, escaped fortunately !on on Friday, fortifies the lung$.
Mr, Robert Via* of Toronto. is here Thursday evening in what might easily Speed was asslowas a tortoise on the
Madge'Kennedy on, a visit to his brother, John, whom we have proven a disastrous and fatal sccid- running track but be was speedy in love.
are sorry to say is in a serious condition. ent. See *Going Some" at the Lyceum next
in f Gode- As it was, be suffered injury to his Mon, Tue. & Wed. 1. 2:P 30', a large Bottle
Mrs, N, K. McLeod and son of Gode
"The, Truth" rich, spent a few days with her parents, head that rendered him unconscious for
Burke, Victoria a tim , but from the the effects of which The Great Conclusion" and "Isaiah's
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel he has since ' ' Clarion Calr' will be the subject at the
The most sparkling domestic com-' St. Pretty'well recovered. Every bottle guaranteed.
edy o( the season, and that's "The Mr, A. J. Walker, of the firm Of Wall-- Mr.. Armstrong bad just finished up the Baptist Church next Sunday, Rev. E J.
Truth". er & Son, is attending the Furmniture P chores and was walking across the barn Harris of Woodstock, will preach.
floor with the lantern in one band and an
Also a 2 reel Capitol Comedy. Shoq$ it, Stratford, Kitchener and Tor- Trying tor bring down high prices -on
onto. iron. kettle in the other, when he stepped Saturday, January 15th., only, vVe will
Matinee Saturday 3,30, IQ and 15c. Miss Zeta McKinnon of General Hos- into a trap door -and fell eight feet onto sell Peabody and Carhartt guaranteed
Full program. pital, London, and her sister-In4aw. Mrs the cement flooring behind the rattle. overalls at $2-26-HAWITA & CO. McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE
The lantern was The Veterans will hold a dance in the
John McKinnon, visited Witt! Miss M. fortunately extinguished
Mills Memorial Hall, on Friday evening, Drugs and Stationery
by his fAlling011 it, otherwise Mr. Arm.
COMING SPECIAL Mrs.,Frank Fair has returned to her strong, who was rendered uncon Jany. 21st. The,celebrated Frys', Im- Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday Scions, pgrial Orchestra will furnish the music.
home in Ancaster after spending a, couple might have been burned with the barn Tickets $1,00.
of weeks with her mother, Mrs, John and its contents. Thq regular monthly meeting of the
Rex Beach's Patterson. He bad been lying on his back an hour,
Mrs. Robert Oroves, Mr Milton Gr-oves when a son, Lloyd Armstrong. and friend, W. M. S of.St. Andrew's Church will be
famous story and MNs Edna Smith, spent the ' week- RgY Ronald of Listowel. who had shortly held on Wednesday, ]an, 19th. Subject,
"'Going Some' endwillitheit cousin, Mrs, W. 1. Rad- Come in from the barn and knew the "The- Missionary Message of the oio,- bylaw appointing the officials because that Curreni Expenditure was read three,
ford, Whitechurch, chores Were about completed, went out to TestamenV' by Miss Lewis. he was not just sure how inuch of their times and on motion of Reeve Tipling
V investigdte, Mr. Armstrong was then The Toronto Daily Star has three work would be necessary to the com- and Conn. Bennett was passed as reatd.
You'll say it's 'going some' qh6rl 'Mr. and Mrs W. J. Haines of Wing mission and their would be a possibility By-law No. 845 to appoint the officers;
you see it! IVs chock-a-block With barn, are in Owen Sound. attending the -M; una e o move, and the two young men Huroni n
bl t ans on its staff, viz, Mr. Job
real Rex Beach. fun and tingling of overlapping salaries. of the yt4r was read three times and oix
wedding of their niece, Nurse Lillian brought him to thie house. Bone, from East Wawanosh. one of its 1! motion oFCouns, Greerand Haney waT
with genuine thrills! Sheffieldand Mr., J. Percy McLean of business managers: Miss Etta McBrien On motion of Count. Mitchell anc
X-7 assed as read.
Usual performances -Usual prices, Brantford. Haney the Mayor and Clerk were author- P
and Miss jean Chidley. Clinton.
The fobowing officers were appointecP,
people. ized to sign a petition to the Minister of
Mr. and Mrq. R, V. Brooks of Wing- Cottageprayer meeting willbebeldonj
Episode 9 of Pirate Gold,, barn, attended the wedding at Owen In conclusion, we sincerely trust that Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home I Justice respecting the sentence of W. D.: E. Lewis, nightwa taunan at a salary of
Mn You 1110 long continue among us and that of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Walton Lepold 'Moyters, who killed George Elliott at the '8700 -
Sound, on Wedne!:day, January 12tb, of AnTaim Kiox.
and Mr. J. Percy a kind Providence may guide and direct Street Rev, Mr. Harris will take i e scrip- Soo. A. H. Musgrove and. R. V. Brooks,
Nurse Lillian Sheffield
you durin the remainder of your pilgrim. ture lesson. You are cordially invited. On
mcLean, the'ladies are cousins. 9. motion of Reeve Tipling and Coup, auditors, at $50 each.
Onsciall Re -organization very active, any summer day' he can be
1. 1 ". ;- _ m6ae- age
found in his garden, which is a I here. - For Bronchitis and stubborn coughs Bennett the Clerk wa instructed to order August Homuth. poundkeeper.,,
A meeting of all those interested in Resident Passei A familiar sight is Mr., Knox pushing In testimony of our sespect and esteern, ,,,Iyal Creophos" the well-known Tonic mine copies of the Municipal . World for,i John Anders6n, Thos. Deans and Aug".
'Wingham baseball club will be held in, Old we would ask of you to accept from as hun- use of the council. ust Homuth, fenceviewers.
the Council Chamber of the town Hall on Many oid acquaintances in Wing:4-am his wheelbarrow to and from his u5 Cough Remedystands supreme, - The Striking Committee reported as A. E. Porter', me . mber of Board of
Thursday -evenin at 8 will deeply regret to bear that Mrs. of pastime, Place dirs cane and trust it may be usetul to you dreds of users in Wingham and surround
g, Jany. 13th, in the time to come. ing district testify., Sold only at Mitch- follows: Health
tMock. Robert Tennant passed away on Xmas The gathering on Wednesday Onight, Signed on behalf of your many friends s, Sidewalks and Sewen" Dr. R. L Stewart, Medical Officer of
day at her home in Harmonsburg, Penn. I was ably pretided over by Rev. H. M(. and well-wishers, ell's Corner Drug Store. I -Street
Reeve Tipling, Conn. Greer* Coun. Mit. Iftalth at $150.
Deceased is a former resident of Wingliam, Snell, rector of St. NOW church, who in Wingham, January 5th, 1921, Send us the names of your visitors. It chell. Rev. E. F. Armstrong to the Public
EVEPYBODY$ C I OLUMN and her husband predeceased her. about I a neat address extended congratulatir ns to Mr- Knox made a wonderful reply and is a tribute of respect to them to have 2 -Property and Fire-Coun. Haney, Library Board for a term of three years;.
the ;Mr. -Knox. Mr. R. Vanitone was then their names appear in the personal
U0 S f arka $toe and m- ayear ago. The family resided in we think it Is well worthy of publication Conn. Howson, Conn. Bennett. C P. Smith to High School Board for
plements, ay and r4lyj t t a. i , house now occupied by Mr. R. D, Cun- eated onto read the address and little column. We try to give all the. news
i a and 661fierefore cOPYi6g it below. ;If I 3-Fin,ace-Coun. Greer, Coun. How-! a term of three Yegra.
st be fjold as iiasi ningham and Mr, I Geatlemeti-I fall to find lanuage
I, wawnosh, on Tuesda Tennant owned a. Grace. Butch, Mr. Xnox's great grand- but it is bard to guess the names
er t p Irgiet r son, Reeve Tipling, A number of accounts were brought up
suald ialt,0.1911 . . livery stable in the building until recently daughter, presented the old gentleman strangers and tell where they are from nuett Coun. I
I Duy, d ate enough to thank you for t 4-Cemetery-Coun. Be and on motion of Reeve Tipling and
11111.011 OTAY4, Vlo$. OtIN a equ he
r. A.,. 11. . A06tiolker. I occupied as a garage by A. Crawford. with a aold headed 'cane. The address gr at honor you have paid me this even_ Among the students who entered last Mitchell, Conn. Lloyd. 'Coun. Lloyd were ordered to be paid
AUCTION -ALH-Atrm Stock ana 1W Councillar Vvill NO't Qualify. was as follows, , , ing. week at the Spotton Business College On motion of CDun's Lloyd and Greer'when certified correct and recommended
P ouw at, South- I lot 12, con- % morrib, To Mr. Arthur Knox. were. Earl Daniel and' Lester SPacling, above report wa' first -'for payment by the Finance Committte.
at Ill= on Alotiday,Ja&y. 17ch, One hundred years is but a short time
It will be. regretted generally by the s adopted The
xswrft, prop't Dear Friend and Fellow citizen.- Kincardine; Harold Hendrie, Tiverton' , named on each committee to be chairman. On motion of Coun. Bennett anct
SMIM" A.Uqv. electors of Wingharn that Mr. F. R , in the life of an age but in the life of a
I Your many friends and acquaintances, 11i His Worship the Mayor oppointed the Reeve-Tipling Mrs. Carson was 9rAntedL'
WOR SAM-Parebred Game Chiakehe, im- klows ii, who was elected to the council I man it is but a short stretch of time I Eva Po ck, Ripley; Kathleen Terriff and
A parted stock, 19 or 2.). 0 Jan. 3rd, has been unable to amongst whom you b ave. lived for many have found. I have rea hed thishundred Flora Ross, Whitechurch; Lydia Steis , Mayor,'Reeve and Coun Greer as Ex- a refund of Sanitary Tax amounting to
years an i whose companionship you. have
DiVID FINMY board on Brussels; Helolse Kennedy, Wingham. ecutive Committee.
-alify, Mr. Howson War- not aware enjoyed, ewLrace the opportunit Years with very little 'sickness and have I
JrEt S F_TworPura bred Berkshire sows Y to con been a healthy man all my life. Bylaw No 816 to borrow money for Council then adjourned.
(larg g Mrs. Dingman, who leaves this week
ntil be read over the form of declaration Vey to you their greetings and g
W. J.211A.*,OgEg of office that any, person having a contract, Ood wishes 1, came, into this coun try in 46 settled fqr her new home in Ridgetown, sang a
1. 1 ti this the anniversary of your birthday, in the township of Mountain -and at that
with the town. either directly Or Ind irectly, ' 0 solo at both services in the Bap istchurch
FURVIT FOUND-Ovoter can have same by one hundred years ago. time the country was mostly tithber on Sunday last in her usual pleasing man- XxtImpl- V1WV4.X*$ MKO! XXXXX
Calling at, TI(9 AI)VANC9. . could not legally sit on the council board. Ili the present aq very few of the "sons has
Ine 9J hom o men" attain to such a good old age and 11 to -
Howson is a member of the firm of f I saw there was nothing for me to do -bui ner. Her time and talent which
WOR BAL9-Onegavollne Ong take UP the axe. I took up the axe and been so freely and generously give
110wer, new and guarauleed. A Howson & Howson, millers, who contract therefore it is but fitting that when one Of
ATAIVY9 for water power from the town each year went to work. I cleared one hundred ward the service of the church will be ftf
' 'A
PROALS-One hundred acres. 75 tillblo our esteemed citizens has reached the acres in that township and it is to -day very much missed by both the choir and 0"' CLEARINGSALE
balance 'timber land and pasture. xid; Gikpt red.A Swan "Century Mark", such all event should one of the flower gardens of Canada, No congregation. X I .
larm haa a large barn oae of the best ti the On Tueada y afternoon a beautiful White rot be allowed to pass unnoticed by his farce Of I X
neivsteolroaf, cemeat stab- . I I country has made the progress that Con- Slow speed makes a fast un.
Its a Comfortable ffamq house and drive allod. swan wits captured on the cr4k beside Many friends. someness, in Rex Aft
3t is *Oil ferioed and drained. This farm has . -he bird was Physicians tell us)abour and exercise in ada has made in the last hundred years. frivolity and frolI&
one family rot Aixty yeaft. U Is 121 the foundry in this Village, T If she has made such progress in the past BeacWs "Got Some" at the Lyceum
Int.11mlethe ahnrobe4, storee, dreamer r a short the open air and under the blue sky are ng
y 4n , noticed by some ladsp and afte
WIL station, 1.1 miles from school. It " hundred, what will she do in the next. next Mon. Tile. & Wed, 174 20 P. Imis. off Regular Ppice
Ir m 1 6 T I phone. The stock &A chase the bird was Captured It had been conducive to good health and long life and I again thank you very. kindly for the
an of th (a -ch at
a be ut y gunshot, we have noticed that even in your declin.
uAti of hi may injured in the wiflZ evidently b honor you haye conveyed on me on this
W a Oh or 0 t, 6 0 c 116 It is Ing years you have never failed to follow
ob 0 1 Ak - proper 1."d and as a result it not Very lively- Sion and 1 hope every one of you COUNCIL MEHING
v k as in a 11* are, in the, hope it mayJ the doctor's advice and have regulaily occa Felt Boots, Overshoes and Slippers
receiving good c taken the prescribed medicine. will live to see one hundred years,
Bros,, who have]
good ontario Oats Mt- Win. Jackson Of Clinton, Aft Old The inaugirral meeting of the Wingham In Men's, Womcies and ChIldreals.
fully recover, Hertgott lite tamel -Since the day when you first beheld blue
to arrive this Week. Oall its gd at the swan,ia theircart, bay it is 141, friend of the Knox family, road. an illum- town council -was hold in the clerks of-
toget some Otr car. We also ve t" ecentty escaped fCOM cap sky and the green grass in the Emerald inated address from his many friends in fice at 11 O'clock on Monday morning Big Saving --Buy Now.
*f4ek of Corn, 611114800 and may have r I
11owsox & 11owsou. ti%ty. it is a lovely- bird and weighs Isle, what changes have taken place! It Clinton, who joined with the Wingham and after the Striking committee, com- V
errgott Bros, announce has eeri your privilega to have lived under .14
SPROIrAOLF-M-Gold rIM1116d. id;t, O ; O. fifteen pounds, H overeigns. tou have seen the friendain congratulating him on attain. Posed of Mayor Elliott, Reeve Tipling See our Windows and Bargain Tables.
IlannW$ And M&Wf0fd'S, that any person claiming ownership of the i six British r
same eLt tho Post Offloo, . g their I gdvent,of steard railway. the electric tele- Ing the century mark. and Councillor Greer, had completed
$Wan cat, have some by provirl Others who were called on for address- their report, the council adjourned until
WIA81UNG graph, the telephone, the phonograph, the
T Wroe q u0f1l 46 avbl y`OEn lge x- vp eAlike n' reeyd'SL au ft d rose, ownership and Paying exPtns)e5--Mi*.' tir-ship, the electric motor and the auto, 0s; Were, Customs Officer H. Davis, 8 O*clock, Council resumed as 'Per ad-
Awy to, TUS ADVANCE may CaZette. Postmaster, A. H. Musgrove, W. J. ournment at a o'clock. All members
ROSE 15 10 of" mobile Greer, and John Quirk. The meeting present except Mr. Howson. His Wor-
IM ICU n 4,let%jat um bait lot 48, con. At the time of your birth the County F THER TO "nu B R
o - hip Mayor Elliott in the chair x LEA' P ftil"Bu 8
Twift ook an Tuesday. JaaY- Rev, V?. E. Powell% many friends will of Huron was unbroken forest- its stre-uns came to a close by all standing and sing The
to .6 the dox.,logy, which indeed made an ap- minutes of last regular and special meet -
W61 be glad to learn that he h ' as'agait, headed bad not as yet reflected the face of the for Men and Iloys In :V2 and IS Inch -
T. Bolt ; 0,
- the list for school truttee for Ward I Ili Whiteman. You hAve lived to see this prop riate ending to an occasion of'this ing were read and adoptedas read.
aores witli good biltidinga. rllq Toronto. He 116t"bnlY was elected but great county settled by a bardy rax of kind- Mayor Elliott in PrCS-enting his inau- 04- es high. Rest in quality- -LO'Lve-st
WANVA.D.A0 RO-C Farm containing 100
ut MA
Tur. ADvAnva receivod over 5000,votes and '2700 tea pioneers I slid as one of these you did your The f6sloNving were present to wish gural address hoped for harmony and
more than hie ne VO part), till it has become one of the finest dwir old , goodwill among the members of the
WANT9l)9%p-rIeuced Lftahq 417rotan. xt opponent. M friend well on his birthday in price. X
ant) for,ars,,nd ItIdge, No. 2319 Alb-rta countits in the Dominion of C anada and lie suggested that'rnap's should
A*"" to cowwenC6 Jan,, salary it.200 pe; Church may yet find Some one, Who Rev. Snell. Rich VanStoce, W. Jo Board
A"Vtft, 84hildrisikinwint4brand 20 Itt sum- give him a tussle forthe mayoralty of ho,inliabitedbyatiint4e]ligent,ii)dustriaI and Greer, J. A. McLean, W. F. VanstOne, be secured showing the waterworks 4 Get our priecS before bVAy1AW---
W1r.T,TAX(40r,-..y, Queen City. law-abiding people. RL&ve'fipling. L Kennedy, A. M. Fra' system, thz tewerage system And tile fr* ft
W"t, long life 41N, 37"U0
" our liciz, D. E. MeDonald, W. A, Curria, A. cemetery. Ile favored baviustlia new ce -4t, will 11
The skating on the river near the C. P. Duritig Me pet iod of your
Alberta alwayo 11. Mu,",wove. Ala or Elliott, IV 1191leY of boolis opened by a chartered account- , X
Ask*val Moodug Ot Th* Tutuberry X station has been attracting large (Towds. belovcd Empire, of which you have, It S. Willianis M. Crawford. John ant They were ilafflng the Year With 4
On Mondoy afternoon, a few of the Old been a statinch and loyal mpvorter, has ti. J)avis, W. 11. Gurney, I. C defiej lley In tile genercil account Tacczu-tf,
timers enjoyed the ice, aniong these were I stood brin f6f civil and reli *jus libcrty (:urtie, J. 11. l3voiner, W J. Hilhiard. J.
that pr )per eitimatea were not nlade last,
C. King,
,lbs alAuvAl neptinx of the Turnborry Dr. Tamblyn and J. NV. McKibbon and L I and you have I*en cpared to see tho W. Mexillbo-n, It 11. King"l,
.Ar(ralLural *wlatt will U hold In the C oun' C Young. A man is isurely just ag old an I British Empire eluelife 40111 tile I'sizat vinNorillan, T. J. McLean, I'Vill. year. dthaituwt; had 'lot MCA Q
el WwR am. on Friditi, lanti.iry 1)oro, Wal, Jaekmn, Clinton, R. A. Cur-
z,s4, Jolm Morgan, John Denni-
'wWroonving at 2 o'elonk v, ra. for he feuds and why should any of us for get world %var with vieVry p2rcbed uiu)ll her lie, Dr. I Isluca for ate ra,;t two r an. but would
icil yo:
of ***erg vind mur-olilier b*Mnsef,
WM may ome *V be Lhe t"Wng- the pleasures of Youth to Rit down and 1)anner and the Old Fiagwh _t lt)vt; c-0 san, W. G. Patterson, L'Lott, J. Haugh.
T. PZMV waves over appy H. McLeaN, A. G. Smith. cluef and tile dcr% Wero OfAitt0l) &041 th(
A. 0. lk"0144pr imagine we are old. well, still a fre,- aud 1,
J plow
. . ..... AL