The Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 5e-, k Jan. (fth I THE V�INGHANI ADVANCE Complimenting t1w boys on t1leir succew W hitochumb X?4xx=ovxxxxxxxxx=xxxxxXXXXXXXXXAVA f', and assuring them that tile committee felt -41 with her it an honor to have been associated with i bliss Helvii llat*rsou visit( graudniother, Mrs. Niyun '44 l.tielmuw, Ithe winnem of tile North Wellington I fora few days last week. THE HOUSE Or QUALITY" League, in 4920, Mr. T. J. McLean, C. Mr. and Allis, Chas. martill 1A Wing - R. Judson, 11. C. 6ray. arAd M. W. Tel- halt% Junction spent '.New Vear'v %ith Mr. -laid Mrs Will. I'larlin. fer replied for the players. es were Oven by Mr. W. J. Arthur DuM(�nt of St. Louis,�i.q Addres� alad .1 �GrrwraadMr. L. C. Young, tile newly visiting nith her 1)=%ts, bir. Im. Adent of the SportsCommittee. U elected pre., Mr. and Mr.n. VI spomt tll(r Mr Greet's remarks were Well recelved, Chriittlaa-11wid N w i a,!" "Illidova with, IN -Wimoderful Valus at 'Reduced PrIces ecpcclally his%tggestion for thL establieb- tlicirson, (worge of Pre-iton. %Dent of a branch of the Carindian Club at Alis� Nellie 51;w(lrogor of Toronto, is visil.i.jgat her Lotne here Wilighatil. He alect rwggeeted that the MONARCH DOWN—In a range of beautiftilshad,�­.; for knitting sweater, -z, pull 4" War Memorial to bp dedicated tothebo�s -Kiric of Detroit, visited Ozk who have fallen could take, no better form with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Beecroft, a overs, Scarf.,;, scarfs, etc., 2 o7 ball reg. 60c, for 50c per ball. few days 1,.i, -,t week. than a park. Iltv. Mr. Snell gave a rec- 'Iraa 'M Mr. and 51rs. Jack Henderson, Ration which was iliuch enjoyed. children of Lucklauw, spent N ew Years X SWEATER COAT$ AND PULL OVERS All Sweaters, pull overs, .;varfs, A bir. arid U with Mrs. Hendcrson's parerts caps at greatly reduced prices. Big saving in all lines. Mrs. MacUregor. W.40 SEA', I 'GIRL./ Belzrave va bliss Jamieson of Rockwood is visiting BLOUSES—Georgette, Crepe de Chene and striped fiabitau in the season"-.,- Dew - P. with Mr. and Airs Jas. Wilson. PRO Mrs. Biruey arid Mrs. Vsterbtook of &A 1. 0 PUCED UNDER TH- P'M S08 Alisses Flora Rossaud Kathleen Terriff est styles, specially reduced for quick selling. AVA6,RV1Q01Y 4fJgW1441A$JV Uxeter, speof (a few days with Mrs. 11 started their course in Ifflugliam llusiness OpJ5RA1rjm4s UNDER.THE- S F Hopper. College oil Monday. MOWILUAMSON SV5 CD 71014t Rev, and Mrs. Peters spent the holidays with, friends in London. --Ladies' flne plain heather hose in brown and green shades, Mr. aud Mrs. Lyons, aud children of X HEATHER HOSE k., are Shelbrooke, Sas visiting with Mr.q. Saturday to L7oo's sister. bla-9. Win. blartin. -iv Miss Girtie Boate left oat . X s es 9, 9�, 10, reg. $2,205, for 1,79 per year. take chartre of it school near Wiartou, ft�l Mrs, 8parling, Harold and Hrilest, Mr, and Mrs. The excellent diving tind ewimming Miss Betty Hilburn doeg in "Girl of the Mr* a"', Mrs, Alex. stelvart, of Norich, spent New Vvars with spent New Year's with the to, mer's <,,, of Wing,111111. Sea' are one of the moo. pleasing featureEt of the film. The fight between the d1wr parent's, Mr. arid Mrs� Sandy Stewart; bliss Greta Pox arid Adams of and tile Octopus is a i eal thriller. The underE(en photography is most marvellous Mr and Mrs. Kirkley spent New Wingbain Staff, spent New Year's at the Wt MEN'S W" E A R G R" E A T L V REDUCED 'and revealing arid mal-es'"Girl of the Sea" which is showing at the Lyceum next Year's at Wa.ton, former's houte here. Mon-,Tucs. and Wed., one of tile most uniquefilms ever produced. Miss Minule Campbell of Clinton, spent a few days with ber another. Mr. and Mrs, Price, Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Wingbant, spent New Year's day Mr. Mrs. Thos Proctor. Miss Lilian Paterson and Mr. H eat Paterson and children, spent New Year's with friend,,, in Witiglialux. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Simpsoa of Hall. ioka, hlati., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS—Frotu the best rnakes of new clothes in distill,--tive styles at a special discount of 20%. .114 8#_!3EBALL BANQUEl' Finance Committee --R. S. Williams, 6 R. 141. King, and J. W. McKibbon, Dominion Day 'Sports Committee EI,et ; Program and Sports Committee—T. J. McLean. W. A. Currie and W.H. Gurney, with and George Ferguson of Beet6n,is spendl 9 a week with his father, John Ferguson. TZraulr. Henrv. Oil Priday'afternoonat,2,30 n, meeting FUR COATS AND OVERCOATS—Our entire stock of all rnen's and boNls' cver- coats and fur coats at a special reduction of 20%. P_ —1. �A r! . A fl-- + Ir All -ld time d- nee was held in the For- fo- women of both churches willl be held i7llu A The Donaltion Day Sports Committee � J. McLean, W. A, Currie, A, G. Smith, ester's Hall on Friday night the proceeds itilthe Presbyterian church,, as Friday is ;4`4 amountitigto fifty dollars was given to a day of prayer. held thfir annual mwtinft in the town 1 The last named was secretary -treasurer tile Chinese Relief Fund, Averyptesent Our Goods are the Best, Our Prices Right. CaH and Inspect Them. ball on Thursday evenin i. T) -ember Will, :! for tile past few years but owing to lack evening was spent. Mw committee financed the 14crosse andi: of time asked to be relieved of his duties Blyth baseball teams last summer as well, as put on the committee. Fordyce Rev R. J. McCormick and fairnily z a celebration on Jul y Ist. Had the Immediately after the adjournment of spent New Years in Listowel. Tommittee, only conducted the Ist of July the meeting the Sports Committee ban- The regular meeting of school section 'prayer serv" A, M I L L S N'o 12, was held on January 20th, there Union tee will be held this VJ celebration they Would have had over queted the baseball boys at McKay's being a very good turn out which is ome week commencing Tuesday evening in the " Anglican' church. Produce Wanted. Groceries a Specialty. $50".00 in their treasury or had they lef t restaurant and a couple of very enjoyable thing very unusual, The business of the tlie lacrosse team, off their program and hqurs were spent, Rev. H. W, Snell school bdin'g transacted, a new trustee was Mesir%, GeorgL and Jc lan Garniss. re- lected it being Mr. James Dow with a ceived the sad batelligencer of the death of t -W, cQladucted the baseball and celebration asked the blessing and after a photo Was e 17 "C5 big majority, it wws Mr, C. F. Martin's' their fattier at Bluevale on Monday, Jan, tW would bavebefriallead about 8400.00 taken of the'grotip the good things pro- tuni, to retire who has served nine years 3rd, — ------ bu !4 ,tthe lacrosse team were a great ex-' vided by the hosi and hostess were par� �pprenticeship, The trustees for the onsu- Mr. Henry Horney, has purchased the rr Married In Tire West perim and the committee have only la- taken of. Mr. Tipling acted as chair- tog year are C. Aitcheson, W. Webster and draying business front Mr. John Garniss. r. o I I James Dow. A happy event took place at 011*1 plies, lumber and canvas to show as success. Mr. D. P. McFarlane, on held on Monday, for the reeveship _'ORNER crosse, sticks and supplies, baseball sup-, mail aild complimented the boys on their The following is the result of the elec. Miss Lavina Milner of Damascus, is aC ti OUR CANADIA31,14 QUIZ C Sask., on Monday, December 20th. when presi- present visiting relatives at and around Dr. Milne defeated his opponent, Mr. assets. It is doubtful, if they'will under- dent of the North Wellington Baseball Fordyce. "A Tabloid Cyclopedia About Canada" Miss Ruby Murray became the bride of Joseph Taman at ity $0. Tbefollowing allemen comp�jor Uke to finance either lacrosse or baseball, Leave presented the Clarke TrOphy' to A couple of young gentlemen of this ge rise the 1921 council— Mr. Ernest Greer, a former well -knows snothef season. the officers of the club and Mr. Ruelle locality in attempting to gi home on Fri- Reeve Dr. Milne. Councilliors James Instalment No, 2, Cypyrigbt; Canadian Fact Publishing Co.. Toronto, Ont. Wingliant man. Mr, Greer is a nephew Theelectionof officers tesulted as fol- I-Iorning. secretary of the North Welling. �Iay night or rather on New Year's morn Moody, Ed. Hilborn. James D�`dds, E IN_ of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott, and ing, lost their way it being rather wet Geddes. Three school trustees were for a number of years foreman in the ton League presented �the players with and dark, their parents beginning to worry elected to the board by acclamation. I -low many of last week's Questions Rm. Pres.—Anaos Tipling the silver medals from the Spalding intended to put an advertisement in the James Sims, Herb, McElroy, D. Critten- were you able to answer without looking Miss E, McKibbin of Tot -onto, is sp d. Times office. Many old Wirighant fri Ptreddent—L. C. Young ipeople. A. G Smith, secretary of the Dailys on Monday. But however, they don. ing, the Xmas vacation at home with enher will ext�nd hearty congratulations- Tice-Pres.—W. H. Gurney Dominion Day Sports Commit'tee pre- were like the Prodigal so s they turned Hollett election—Reeve, Mr. Arm- them up? or how many did you look up? parents in the Methodist patsonage. It Sunday night. Donotn roam so far strong. Councillors—C. Howson, Win. Either method makes a splendid mental At the school meeting on Wednesday Mayors And Reeves Elected Sdey-Treas—H. & Elliott rented each player, on behalf of the cona. u away the next time boys, no exetise what Miller, Robert Clark, Alex McEwing, J. exercise and one that will add to your last Mr. Win. Whitfield was re-elected Goderich—E. R. Wigle. Manager—V. R. VanNorman mittee, with a large group photo, also ever next time. Carter, John Barr. trustee in the. place of Mr. R. H. knowledge of the Dominion. Rev, Mr. Laundy of Walton. has ac- Notice too the wide range of the Quiz- Stephens. Listowel—A. E. Malcolm. t cepted a call from the congregations of Miss Pearl Stinson, of Shelbontme, arid kincardine—J. A. McPherson., Wingham's BasebaH Team, The North We4ington. Champions 1920 Kippen, Blake, Hillsgreem. zes, geographically and in subject. Be Mr. Robt. Stinson, or Rock Haven, Sask., Blyth—Dr. Milne. sure to keep clippings of them all for ent Xmas with their mother, Mrs. Robt. Carrick—Jos. Montag. future reference. Setinson. Goderich Twp.—N. W. Trewarths. Mr. Lloyd Hainstock of Toronto Un - This Week's Questions iversity, is at present the guest of Mr. CuIross—Gect. Falconer. HAWAIIAN GUITAR and Question No. I—Wbere does Canada and Mrs. W. A. Irwin. The young Kincardine Twp. --Geo. Clark. gentleman is a nephew ot Postmaster Turnberry�-Jas. Porter. d in her pulp industry? stan Irwin. Question No. 2—Which is the largest "UKULELE INSTRUCTION Delbert Clegg, who recently under- Deattr Of A Pioneer Protestant denomination in Canada? . went an operation for tonsils and ade- One of the early pioneers of Howick for terms apply at Question No. S—Who was the heroine noids and who for the last three weeks Tow ship,. passed away suddenly on Sun - of Grand Pre, as described in one of has been taking treatment for hearing, is' n improving. day, December 26th, in the person of Flanigan's Music RUG Longfellow's poents? Question No. 4 --Has Niagara Falls ' Rev. A. McKibbin was the recipient of Robert Walker, in his 88th. year. Tile Agrents for Victor Records and Victrolas. ever gone dry? if so. why? and when? a fine dressed bird for Christmas, which deceased gentleman had been living for Came to him by mail from one of his Pres- Phone.284. Question No. 5—Canada shares in the' some years with his son, Mr. Hugh Walk. I oyr.,.erlaza friends on Woodham circuit, his world's largest fresh water Lake. Which . , field. I er, in Elma township, near Listowel. He is it? The nomination for Police Ttustees on lived for many years in Howick township, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Question No. 6—How much fertile land Monday was not very largely attended. near Fordwich. being one of the piorams most of the ratepayers evidently being of that township, and be -,vas most highly In,[;he estate 6f Isabella Weir late of ilia is there in Western Canada? well satisfied with the w4y the old trus� Towrshlv of TurnberiT in the OounLy of Question No. 7—Who was Cahada'sitees were conducting their business. lesteemed by a largd circle of rriends. uur;lWylow, deceasen. I alwis hereb r Confediration? Messrs. Stinson, Bremner and Eagleson Mrs. Walker passed away elghtwm years g given nursnant to section first Premier afte 56 cha 1914, that all Persons estion No 8 —What interest or share were re-clected by acclamation. ago and the children surviving bavinjolaims against the estate of Isabella Qu Robert Walker. Manitoba-, Ilj� Wei -r who died Oki or about the twelfth day of in' ions? h Walk November A. D. 020 atthe Tnwnshlp:ofTurrj- has Canada the League of Nat er, Elma Tp.*, Will Walker, Vincouver, bergg, are required to seind to the undersign,0d Question No. 9—Who is Canada's old - executors on or berore tho Cite. davolj,,�nuary Bluevale B.C., Mrs. E, J. Matthews, d Fordwich,: T. A, D. 1921. Weir names and ad '. s With est living Privy Councillor? full particular,4of their claims in writ Mr. R. Johnston received a cat -load of Mrs -John B, Hardie, Turnberry. The "I "I QuestionNo. 10—What is the animal the nature of tile seouvittes (if any) d by nut coal this week. remains were taken to Fordwich for in. then. bred in Canada called the cattalo? And Ifurther take notice that after tbe sald uestion No. 11—What is the annual Mr. Harry Robb of Stratford, visited terment in the family plot. tltli.day of Janua A. D. 1021. the assets of Q frielads around here this week. iTbedistribated li$t,the said value of Ontario's field crops? tbesaid estate wil I Executors among the parties entitled thereto , Mr. and Mrs. A. Procter spent Sunday hato ogard ong to claims of whiell they Question No. 12—What proportion of at the home of Jas. &1asters, hZil grit . ice and the estate will ro r, ada's fruit is grown in Ontario? Jamestown be liab'I" for aey, claims tot filed at the time Can Mr. and Mrs, Elliott frorn the West ate of bhe said diRtribution. (Intended for last week Dated at. ham this 60h. day of Dea- Answers To Questions 7-12 In Latt visiting with relativts in this vicinity' emWr A. D. Witt! red the Your correspondent wish 1920 M blary Stewart has seen e-, all the� Jolix J Rotaixims, Week's Instalment aiiv. as teacher at Danes school near readers of the Advance a very happy aud'k Duaimm Himmics, 'real's PGO, Executors. Answer to Question No. 7— Mont orrie and commenced duties Monday. prosperous New Year. comparison with other ocean ports Mr. and Mrs Geo. Agar are visiting Wasn't the Advance pretty last week . . . . . . along the Atlantic seaboard is that it is with relatives here. with its new Christmas clothes on? What WELEAD, OTH- the second largest in North America, At the annual school meeting held last lovely pictnresl i q S New York leading, Montreal's value 'of week Jas. Masters was appointed trustee Mr. and Mrs. Geo. FAktuier and Miss FOLLOW exports. season of 1919, exceeded " succeed Mr. John McCracken. Fertie, ate their Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Musgrove of Wroxet. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter. Brussels. $700,000,OM. nday with Mr. Wall. Thorn - Wise ones are bringing their er, spent Mc :%fielhi. Answer to Question No 8—Toronto's ton. Mr. Thos. T. Smith of Detroit, visited at nis home here over the ho I i Cream, Egers present population, according to the as- Mr. Art. Shaw, Jr. of Toronto, -returned he has been in Detroit since laast 1w ital stsament estimate, is 518,812. In 1919 Monday after spending the past couple his parent . Mr. and Mrs. Un. Ruttail Wroxeter, t A), oil weeks with S. pent Christmas at Win. Mose's. PoUltry itwas499,295. Itisthetwelfth city Whatmighthave been a and inks -io s V-ryMser. Us the continent in population, and r; Its affair happened at the home of s A. Mrs. Bert Watson and childre to number 61st among world cities. Thomas Iasi Wednesday, when some visiting at Mr. Win. McDoital&s. population has doubled since 1906 and clothing behind the stove took fire while Ildra. Jatftes V allace entertained quite a i Irebled since 1894, Mrs. Thomas was up street, it was just numint of htr 13russels friends to thefr 811verwoods Ltd, Lucknow Answer to Question No. 9—The mileage discovered in the nick of time, as it *as Chrisitfla dinner. of Canada's chief railways is as follows ' he clothing and walls were damaged and Miss Itizaan, Mrs, Thos. Strachatt wid the house filirzd with smoke. Mrs. A, Robertson, Brussels, spent On and getting highest cash prices, accurate The Canadian National and Grand Mr. and Mrs. John Falls of Wingliam, holiday with Mr. arid Mrs, Daticaft V& ttsts. honest weights and a square deal, Trunk systems total 19.000 miles, atid spent Sunday with Mr. and r&q. Win. Donald. NY �4.; Poultry pays whither it is new laid eggs if il y, Thortat n. Mr. arid *Mrs. T. Ruttara, Mr. aml Mta� 1prpoultryffyou bring them litre. We the CAriadian Pad it Ra wa 2000 tAke them rally day. miles. The January meeting of the BlueVale Anson Ruttan, Howick, spent their Answer to Question No. 10—The area Women.'s Institute wilt be held at the Christnim With Mr. and Mrs. WbI6 SILVJ�R%VOODS FOR SIJRVICS McDonald. sown to wheat in Canada in 1920 homecti'MrS. McCallonjari. lath, sollo, Phone 47. totalled 17,180,800 acres, bringing it Mr, Alex. Xing of Detroit, i. speud L Alkhe thelioliday week at his honne liere. third in the World, led only by the United Miligham Boy Honou'red States and British India. The entertainment at S. S. No. 4,. The gymnasium at the Collegiate In. a grand success. Mr. Albert 0allithat A &1ena, was ellairdlan, -arid Was a gOC4 Answer to Que6tioh No. I I—Ontario's stitute at Guelph, was th Cent of a "a entertainer himself. Javeryone dbtlet First Class Farra anhual dairy production value is pleasing event Thutsday e 6 afternoon, W11011 their part well. Close on $So.00 *A6 my $100100000. the staff and pupils gathered to bid fare rectivtd, The teaebef, Misa Greer, it; to L Answer to Question No. 12—Ontarlot Well to W. H, 11, Green, the popular be congra tulated. V FOR SALE wig set up gig the province of Upo" Can - d 16lict master at the achod. who it, leav4 I Mt. stud Mrs, Chtries 11oad t d act ho ift of tooacres, nod buildings and fenceiA ada in 17101. alyth, spent Christmas '"itu Mr. aftd ing shortly totakda similiar position on close Ct, school and elautch. Mrs. 136traice Taylor. The Isait., ao the staff of the Sudbury All cleared and free of atumpt. Priee High School. As sitter.%. W00, $3500 11111Y remain on mortgage a token Of aPPted4d0h bt WAS given a Miss Vern VUkmier, Toronto, testch at 8 per cent. hattilgeme club bag by his fellow teachers % upenaitig her vacation with bet p Miss Vera Huostbty, - Mr. and MM 0. &kmitt. The names of those in the above illostration am:—IAft to right, too, first rowo H. C. GfAV, SeOttary Of the Baseball Club, N�IrO has been Mr. Green it A former Well-ktiown Wing. under the weather the past week, is re. ham ottogmartand ustudeot of in Mr. and Urs. Job Xin and fA-m—ill, A. Tipling, Prtsidentcf the Dominion Day Sports Committee; A. G. Smith, Seely Treat. of the Dominion Day Sportscom- ABNER COSIENS covering, we are pleased to statc bWft Ch School. He is Et of Mr. Mr. aud Mm. A. Wtock U. IR. I I IllsTIMUCt Arid Rtal ViStAte Mrs. lag. ech will leave for Listowol 11. Green who now liv*z a i�yly Ri and ber it"othe - T I McLean, Prellident of the Deabtlt C16; Sewnd tow, R. Johnston, W - M, Teller, C. E. Judlon, W. morden, D. r, urs. 114. Mb" lb ' taston; Third rovr, N. ' M. Geddes, Clarke Trophy, G. Howson. Fourth row. G. Crulkobsift, 11. Aftcheson, H. Johns, H. Wingbam, Ontario tW9 Week, bore she will apend some He commefices hit new dut at their Christma§ (lixifter voitll Will. Z�� — v C Bridirm. C Bell G. McLean. time viMtio relatives arid friciN6. J With it St0l). yearlY i4eftse fdt five years Mrs. Xing. Y, CODA t