The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 8THE WI.NURAM AOYA�NC
Twelty-five Years "MItlis
How Tuses time Cbsoted
Cut REN, aurvm lv�th 1,w
OF T!ii, NOAH 1,111 a Christmas, eve the members of St.
JenJ Union, Masonic Lodge of Griumby. 0
ghter oi Sam Set
tnella "Iedca. ftiry 1 ontarik), celebrates its r.11st, anniversary 1,aulls church remeinberecl their retiring
ecaliar accilaat at, to-Wor thfully atteade4 to
Rlwvy, mct With a P to%%,. The Qld minutes of the k4ge sexton, who has so fai e e cars
in a reolt �-Jtzn C - ' duties f0c the Past tw uty-flv � Y
't to music. Itappearsthat vecord that oa June 21, IBM, arrange hit, sented bim, with a purse of money
is to t�iA to
ICAR of Gilletva Lya lQft by tile caretaker inent-.3 v;ere, inade with Bro. Ilicicson I They pre.
-oa*t -you heai: uq singiug? Z d one quort, and the following address.
.,h-jf tlj,�
hiar t11Q noiso? a starrtvay was in eume provide the room candles, at, am, Dec. 24th, 1920
uf whic-lZey each meeting night, An, Wingb
'Qt Ina UK, contents fell Oil a
Whet's nearlr �iazy Wly UP.
earlier minutes is to the, effect that there t Dear Mr. Coles:
Counting vp his toro. scirf hanvml� in the (363.1k room cloze by. � 1 We. cannot allow the occasion of your
placed L'L' Paid out oi tile lodge funds the VIM I
I Urn is on the 11M, vAl, i�The ccarf had b?en damP When the, retiring, froni tile Position Of Sexton to
hilem is On lv.L ilaor, ;.there and quictity absorbed the acid,,ofthroogallonaotwhistsy drunk at leexpression of our ap-i
jlwus madly 4irldng 1WitTx)utany1Knovjled,,-e0f what bad oe.� junoral of Bro. Stephen Coon. It is at-!, pass without soir
ainty that times bavechanged. , preciation, of the many years of faithful
Sust outsido ttr� door. I curred the ritt'lo girl wrapped toe scarf most a cort rendered. For over
F- service You have
about ber rieck and her chia wag badly Nebange,
twenty-five years you have held the pos-
,tVe1r(3 all at itom e for Christmas, burned. The dactor was summoned and
Falconer-t,oldlaw Nuptials ition. being tile Only official in the Ifistory
were all at Twine to -day; drezmd the wourd which war, very painful a
,*ye--veju,-tun,i3.cked our stm-Adng-4. ilibood leave atacar. Thls� Avery pretty wedding was solemnized, of the cOngreg4tiOn to have bt�ea 1 office
b! and will in all 11, 4 -
on Wednesday, Dec. 22ad, 1920, at the i so long increasing years and in -
And P. I;ir,, hiP, tiu=,' III anothtr case to remind us how careful: Mr. Joseph X. LaIdlaw, West, We regret that
,L,s Ilas, got a ribbon, we should b3 in I le finnity have made your retirement nec-
�.tviug such deadly acids home of
Wawanosh, when his daughter, Magg to
F ldo� a W� a b:nle in aay olace wbere childven gather. r. I essary and wet trust You may live long
Agnes, was united in marriage with Mi
L;eth the girls lv've- dollie�� James Ayton Falconer, son of Mr. and'enjoY YOar well earned rest.
An Afi-RouDd 51an u, to accept this small
And a gramo-03 ione. I ' And we ask YO
lv;spap,-r man is not a Mm. Jolla Falconer of E ast WaNVOI)Osh- i
�x-w and Main are lau7,,hing, wito can say a M -rgyman 4 1
lly 14all -rounX' man? The Forest The officiating cle was Rev.! purse of money from the members of the
Can't yon 1war the roar� rea bio of Whitechurch, precisely congregation, which we beg you to receive
el =irblea Svindard has tbQ following story regard- J. S. ScO not that it fully expresse ur ppr ci t on
be% at st%. o'clock the bride entered the parlor f 1 $0 a C al
Tumbling en th!_� floor. Ing J. J. Hunter, editor and proprietor of leaning on the arm of her father to the! of your many Years Of .;ervice but as a
the Kincardine Reporter and mayor of Isohn's we4ding march, I siciall token of regard.
Taphet left a !euer that town: "The other day Jack Hall of strains of Mende On behalf of the congregation -
Lying on the b4 Warwick asked us if we Unew Jack Hun- by Mrs. $. Coulter, sister of the bride,
�iach a lovely molm, ter of 10ticardine, and if lie was a real and took her place beneath an arch of Horace W. Snell, Rector
ohn Hartnell, Reg. S. Williams, Wm-
TWIS is all b". said: newspaper man or if lie was only putting evergreens. The bride was prettily at- J
Flease, clear Farver Chdain2s.
up a bluff. We informed him that J. 11 tired in white "I k crepe -de -chine and Moore -
Stockings arc -1 sruall? he customary The�cboir also presented Mr. Coles witl
was proprietor -and editor of a newspaper,. duchess satin wairing t 000l
Vhat you can't got in them gan his career as, "clevil"', bridal veil actorned with orange blossoms' a sum of money and the Sunday Se
Pleme put by the viall." also that he b. ca � I sent a box of good things, in recognition a
and had worked on the job ever since. and carrying a sheaf of rnations and
'you can take it maiden-bair fern. After receiving, the his Iong and valued services.
eald Mr, Hall, 1 0111
;rom me he is wiffing to work on a farm, congratulations of those present the bride!
MARRIED took a good horse over, teach a class In and groom led the way to the dining oom -Ambassador Gerard wh(
him. where about tbirtV-&Q, guests sat down Ex
Sunday sc:hool, and generally make tuous fowl supper. Thegroones was in Germany during mos
Dec. 22 at ,If useful,, The other day at Charlie toasurAP et of furs, of the war has revealed th
the home 4 Mr� Jos. Laidlave, 12 con., Smith,$ you should have seen him help I gift to tha bride was a beautiful s
W. Wawinw.b. his daughter, Margaret, fill the silo. When he finished that he) and to the organist a dozen patrician evidence against t h e Hut
to Mr. Ja,;5 Falconer. son of Mr. and went home to milk Bannister's cows.' I silver tea-SPoon.
in which the young couple Ruler in
Ws. John 'Valctmer of Rast Nftvanosh, ThisisthestorY of Kiacardine's mayor.1 Theesteem, beauti-
Rev. Mr. Scoble of WhiteclaIrch officiat- He leaves home for a week's holiday and are hold was shown by, the many
they received. including a bed -
does bard work on a farm. When he ful gifts t -and set of dining -room chairs
bade us good-bye before returning' he did room sul IBEWARE
r *uoi%Na—SmT&A—At the home of the not look as if he had been doing all, that irom the bri-cle's father. After spending a I
a very pleasant evening the guests.d6- Lyceum Theatre, on
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. hardwork. They say a cbangeisas good ih - - fple a hap"' Mom., Tues. and We�
vr e g oUng c
J)m, 28th, Alice G. Smith to Mr. Rimer will never credit him with really having 1�ilia ey dd d Ii r� atnh
an ro'Lls
Smitlit, Huron. toym-thip, on Tueaday. as a ;;est, but Jack's nowsPaPer friends P d p e Ve e,,, id e
Mrs. rosp er an I w res 'a WM
groom alcon in W waricab.
t�arrn a
(%borae. �belmcl On a faim.
�WT., 7,
e;� N
-77 Z
Dee, 30th.
(Correct up till Wednesday vW008)
Wheat No. 2 g ...... 170 to 200
wheat NO. 2 IP21111 170 to 2
Flour ...... .. . .. .... is 50 to 650
Latd ... 35 to 38
Batter, V to 45
Eggs ............... 70 to 75
Cattle, med., butchers.. 1) 00 to 1000
Cattle, butchers choice 1100 to 1.200
15 2r, to 15 115
Hogs, livewelght -
I -lay ........... .24 W to 2600
Crearn ............... 50 to
It you wa nt
BEEFWe wish our friends and
can at customers a Happy and Pros-
Olver & Beninger'sl A, perous 192 1.
lautelter shop
Always young and oboice, and prices
are, reasonable. By the P014nd Or by the
catcus prices fight.
Your Vote and Influence is
r espectfully solicited to
secure the re-eleCtiOn Of
My experience at theCountY Council will
be valuable ingecuring assistance in laying I
the permanent roads next Year.
Wishing,you all the complinignts of the ......
t season and tbanking You for Past SUPPOrt-
Solicits your votes and influence to SOLE AGE N T FOR LADIES'
secure his olecti6n. as
Served eight years in council. TWO
years as reeve. Will give all a square
cleat and work in best interests Of the ANID DUMBY S"'Iop"S FOR 'N11'.'N
For Councillor For 1921-' T#11 /P Off NOYM T 914.
'Your support will be appreciated. If
elected I shall endeavor to work 1917 VIM:
st ON Y
interes *tour town. R1 Np
oficited I
—Vte a—nd —influen-c"e iss
u 0
yo r
to elect
a lt.,vsorkal
will not be able to mak
canvasbutwill appreciate Your SUPOOrt
and if elected will -give You service-
Your vote and influence is respectfully It, k
solicited for
for CounelUor for 1921
-YOM 1?i0iUvization of
W. ff. TR 10L0 F 1141 NOS -E-_
XI T 4, 4 Tn
Public Utilities CompiissionMoa.,, Tues. and Wed., Jan. 3. 4 and,
will be a vote for EFFICIENCY and uSual Performances. #�USual Pr,CeS.
Having time and interest as well as
former three year's, experience in the
late your vote and
council I would appreci
influence to electing ma for
comissioner For 1921.
A Progressive Man for a rc
Progressive Town
W. 3' - B011*11VVE we
For commissioner wish to all our
And get the water and light you, pay for-
SIMOOL RLPORT Customers and Friends
ikellort of S. S. 6, Urnberry for
tilontli of Dcoembell. Happiness and Pro471W Ty
casmnote, 82.
le,Cagu�, 8*a,
Jr. IV Agnes A
Wit, 75. GV.k;;gh,.& Gov 70, Grace Illututh
17o,ma,y,c1,andler67 Hilda j%IcCormiek
06, Ann XAly 63, 1%filford FOXtthA 02, for the New Year,.
j olla si.inn*t. Victor Caseniore 40.
sr. llt._I�tlitlt lmel,'Wm 71, Ilarold
castntlork! 03. 1110,oqgkt Skinu 56, Maitland
Porter 51.
Jr. III- Clwstcr S11(4XI'CIL� fi;r, (:l&)f(i if"
Slitlwvt-4 61, Lillian MO."'Ven 46.
rfoluoted horil ir. 11 to Sr. it —Carl
Iltillititi, tz. Cl;v4i!r vasepore (111.
Sr. KAW 82, ReN11110
18J, N,L16- (_%vvtkl0 7i! Unth I-mley 7:-,
Jawn "it).
'r. .�J.Jjy Skitin
Volt �i.01
sUinil No. Abbie Port, -r 71),
1,411 37,
Nit.* 111A I