The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 7-�*
I ___.__ - -.----
%__ ��, -I... 'WANNIP11 mORPRI-0 . I -
i -
. rurn InnW nacked in .__ U,, ra b It .
14 I I
,J, , - _1
C, Ile
I 01auball ,*41vol
(Contlittied from last week)- I
der. Seposon rawer .taw- -.&43,s var.
has succeeded Well in British
square packaocs, f
The usual custom in Amerloo, is to
, � -grow the bush form.
Columbia where it Is very productive,
the foliage is especially good, and it
, �
. Each p4ekaig con- a
li The bush should at first be brought
is one of the best for pl=tiug there.
tal'ns five cakes. 1,
, I into a good shape by leaving A few
I ,of the strongest shoots regularly dis-
it it; promising for the 11ast 0190.
Pearl (Downing x Ashton seedling
which wre, equa I in I
tMbuted to make all open head. Five
� or)gx of these Shoots are quite ant-
or Broom Girl).--Orig. Win. S%un-
ders, London, London, O.nt. Named
que,atity to six
cakes. All
I tiogent to )oave at first. .&a
bush gets older, new Shoot$ are 'al-
by A. .M. Smith St. Catharines, Out.,
and introrduced by him in 1888. Fruit
Iround f
, dealers are I author. t
' . �lowed to grow to take the place of the
older ,ones, as the pruning should be
medium size, about same size as
Downing, roundish to oval, pale greell
Am t
ized to $"ra
. � I
f done with a view to having Only vig-
with paler and distinct vOluS Or
that the quality of
orous bearing Wood. Fruit home on'
i�*Ipes, smooth; Pulp Juicy. sweet,
the round. e,nd I I
. , year-old wood and from,,sputa oil
. older wood. - It is ttsually jot desir-
acid next skin., quality good.
son medium. Very protuct4ye. Fruit
equare cakes
able to have any wood More th
three Years old. The best time to
does not. mildew. Cannot be -dIS
tin .shed 'from Downing.
. are identical I
in Avery
prune Is In tile alltnmlL Or winter.
weakest young, &oot* should be cut
Powinall (Houghton x -Downing)—
Orig, about 189, Win. H. , Craighead,
respect. �
. olt at the ground, also (ill the strong
young shoots not required for truitin,
Brigham City, Tjtah. Introd. D. S.
or -to take .-the place 09 Older bran0l;'a
+ 4, .lit a:Way The side shoots
Lar, Trementon, Vtall,, IBM
larger than Downing, Oval pinkish
, I 0 or .
0 . .
f should be head- rod;. quality good. Plant very vlg-,
,e4w back Or out out ,altogether OD as orous and productive and not affected
to maintain a tairly Open -head, mak- by mildew. A, Promising sort for —
Ing It AS easy as possible to Dick the Bastern Canada. Has not been test-
Craft.and yet leaving sufficient wood ed long ell . ough at Ottawa to deter- ,
. F.. . , tEnd to Shade mine bow 4t compares with the be/,t G
o u oo I
the fridt from the sun, as in a,llot dly of the older varieties. .
..., time . gooseberries are liable to be in- ' Silvis (parentage unkliown).—Orig,
jur,a by scalding. When branches Wni, ,Saunders, Londoii,,Ont, Introd,
: gro itiore than tilr.oe years of age thaf Horticultural Division, central .Exper�,
should be removed to make way for imental Farm, Ottawa, Ont, Fruit
1. younger -yvood. It Is advisable to cut above. medium ,size, roundish, green- T�
� -out all branches which touch the IS'll more or less covered with dull
I li ground as there will thou be& better red; subacid, good fiavor; quality � ,L
� . circulation of air, and the fftit will goad, Season medium. A strong,
be kept oft the ground. Gooseber moderately upright grower and 'has
ries ,,vill often begin to bear the sec- yielded partieuloxbr well at-.the�, Ex-
ond -year after p144ting, but there perlinental Station, Cap Rouge, Prult �
will not be A, full crop lliltAl the fourth seldom Mildew$ and has -never been p.
6 elf I U. If, the Soil! to kept in good r4ore than slightly affected. th
oil � by an annual ,Application Smith (Smith improved) (Seedling th
�. (Houghton).—Orig. Dr, Smith, in
I rotted barnyard manure in the, of
"unin, barrdwed -in the folrowilig. Windsor, Vt. 1�ruit medium tio below va
I . spring,, and It the ,bushes are kept medium size, dull ,pale green, some- so
aprayed and well pruned, the Plan- times with red spots; skin thin, ten- so
.. ..,tatlon will � not need�to be re,UL'Wed: der, sweet; quality good, A -strong w
� for many years., . groNver and productive. 1-lardier than I'D
I . Downing butNfruit Is not so larg6 as gr
yielo of. 0coseberriet. Downing, b
�The American gooseberry is A Pro- rJetles Usually Recom. b
-duetive fruit and avorageg $_ good Enollish Va th
- mended As BelDe ,Less Affected
I ,crop If, well ear8d for. It is ' hOW- With Milckew Than Most Giviters.
'ever Very Important to have good b
folia'ge to protect the fruit from the Chn,tauqua.--A comparatively re- f (,�
�_.X_ , san, and unfortunately many let thO cent introduction, having large fruit ti
I 11 - , 'it evidently of -D-uropean origin. Has �,j
. . . currilat Worm destroy A. large propor all.
i tion of the foliage, 4144 it the ,weat,II0 nct been tested long enough to de- y
� is hot the fruit suffers. ,Six bunclletd termine merits. others varieties re- 1)
� -of pearl goos6be-T* have 4veragiil it% ,,�_Ambllng it Mrs Triumph, Portage and t
. . five years at the rate of 12,402 pounds Columbus. . stry).- C
�. , -e per year, or at 40 pounds, to Industry (Winham's Indu a
I per ael Fruit medium to large, roundish to II
I the bushel, ove.- alo bushels per mere.
� The largest yield of goosebarrios obloilK sometimes pear shkL,ped, dark 31
recorded at the Experimeital 11arms k,ed m6derately hairy; swe'et, good I
and Stations was 1$0 pouTtds 4 -ounce�s I flavor; quality good, A very good f
from six bushes of Houghton 6 x 5 it. croppbr where it succeeds. Mildews a
,apart at Cap R01190, P. Q., in 1919. lbadly under field conditions, I at Ot- I
This is at the rate of 36,3-60 pounds' tawa, . Pe
,per acre, or at 40 pounds per bushel, Keepsake,-11ruit medium size, In
1. .909 ,bushels per acre. The Iiext bronze green to Yellow, slightly hairy; I
highest yield was 75 pounds from five quality good. Season ,early. Has C
I I bushels of Pearl at Ottawa in '1905. done well at the Charlottetown Sta-
. I At 4 -by 4 -feet apart, this is at the tialt. . �i
rate of 21,225 -pounds Per acre o*� 680 ,May Duke.Frult medium size, a
bushels 26 poutids, 'Per* acreF at - 40 ,Led; quality good. Season enrly.'Has t
pounds per bushel. pro�ad productive at the Charlotte- t
DeWr�ptlitn& of Varieties of town Station. I
. Gooseberries. � . Queen Anne.-Prult medium, size,
roundish to ovul, yellowish green, f
Carrle.--�drlg- Minnesota. Fruit Z smooth, skin thick; ,briskly submeld,
little larger than;HOughton,. red when quality medium -to above medium, Has
_�ripe, ,quality medium. Season me- done very well At the,Cap Rougp Sti-
� dium. Thle has proved a very pro- tion. �. . I
4D - e variety, but, � mll Victor!% --Fruit, large, red, hairy;
..�,." ..�3j�tr'v� larger - trulted sorts can be good quality. A strong growing var- I
�, gi � the
gr , il successfully. tety w1vich has done ;Rl' fit
� ,Charles (Sioughtoll x Rnaring Lion). ,Sidney Station, .
I -orig. Will. Saunders, London, Out. (Cotinued next week).
. I introd. Horticultural Division, -Con- .
I I tral MxPer!311811tal Parm Ottawa, Out, ---
. Fruit larger than Do-vvAIng, roundish
. to, oval_,graen tinged with red; BRUIN WEAKENED "
, I
. I I smooth; subacid, sprightly, go'd tl6,v-
I or, good, quality. Season medium,
lies proven more ,productive than IN CAPITAL "SHIPS
I Downing and Josselyn at Ottawa. �
I Dr. Van Fleet (Houghton x KeGP-
I sate x luduBtry)�--Orlgln. Dr- Vair SOTH UNITED ISTATES ANID' JA.
. Fleet. In -trod, J. IT. Lovett, Little PAN A -SE FORGING AHEAD IN
.. 3117er, N. J. Fruit large,. nearly CONSTRUCTION.
round, reddish; skin thin; quality I . I
good. - A promising new sort. '
Downing, (Seeding of Houghton).- The London Tillies, In an article oil
Orig. Chas. DOV61ing. .Newburgh, N. y, '�Oar Obsolescent Navy," Says.-
. Frult medium In Size, roundish to "The navy probilgin for Britain and
oval, pale green with paler and dis- the Empird cannot be IgOred much
tinct veins And stripes, covered with I onger. The British fleet contains
a white - bloom; skin smooth, -thin - �o capital Ship whose design embodies
pulp juicy, sweet, but acid next skin" all the lsssons -taught by the exper-
ience Of the Jutland battle. On the
quality good� Season medium- Very other band, the Uilted States and Ja-
,productive and usually free from Wil- pan I are both I building warships far
I dew. This variety is grown � more more modern in design, armament auf
I than any other In li)astern ,Canada. protection than uny great ship of the
Houghton (parentage uncertain),- Pritish fleet. Ill three years the fleet
. Orig. Abel Houghton, Lynn, Mass., oll Britain, for the first time within
I IN13. Fruit small, deep red With 1% '
whitish bloom; skill; ,thin; Sweet, the memory of generations Dassed,
good flavor; quality good. Very will no longer be tile Most Powerful
hardy ,And very* productive. This fleet Ill the world in great ships. but
was, until the advent of the Downlng�- will be the third fleet of tile world
the most porMlar gooseberryV and*19 by that reckoning.
by ,.some preferred to Downing even , "Tile friendliness of both tile 'United
yet oil account of Its great hardiness, Q-tete8 and of Japan toward this coun-
Finces it is .1thout saying; but so great
., Intich try goe, N�
In the Prairle Pro, a reversal of the traditional Policy of
I . I thought at at; good crops of 110ugh- tile ,Sritiph admiralty its I,; Impend-
" n are obtained jvIlen other varieties Ing with ta(I progress of the conqtruC-
� '
� Jwselyn (Ited Sachet) Hought�ii tion programme of tile Uhited Stateg
and Japan cannot be passed over
x War"Ington).-Orig, Win. Saunders, w1f#IOut tile giravost, .consideration.
'London, Olit. Named Rnd Jacket, at
had i�itller this r,ountry and the VnIPIT6
first, but as a, 1!1.uropean Variety Inti9t at once enter into a new naval
. A this liame WOW, It WnLs re- T�Glllpetjflon In the building of great'
named Joso,elyn by Goo. S. JOSslyn, vhIps of war Or they must decide that'
. Predonia, N, Y. Fruit larger than ,U,,il ,colllp,�ti,,joll Ig ncc�,ssary no
.,If,,. roundil
, I to oval, gree-li, Im � g o r.
more or loss, covered With Coppery I ,.,;Ue* a deci� - justified
r0d, 1411100th; sabacid, sprightly, fr , ,I � ,1011 could bo -
.,,,y ()I, two grounds: 1�11st, that thJ
good flavor; quality good. Season I war has nlade any comPetiti011 In
Illedium. Not so productive 'is DOwn- n1l", a,,IIlalllpntu unnecessary, cv-111
iug,, but being larger sqils better. for, 111p f1pet Wbl(,,Ii has for centuries
11rult does not Mildew. A st-1011r, 10(l tile world in the number of Ibi
prawor. '*""' I* sovondly, that the
Mabol. -%Vnl. $aunder,q, ,r""It t'l I 1', f !1(��j�,14 14 no longer to ba'
. - - Orig. by I '
ural s"" g r(_ b , Of their
lj�,udon, Ont. Introd. TIOrtiCult _d , " numbor
nl� 3�3 . t
Division, 1!cntrai I,.,;- ,utal 14'arm, " ,�, �..
. �
,pt,rillic . '.
011t. Fruit above Inedittla size, aver- , ta;it� 9 .--.,-,.----..-
� ,.i,
ftglng larger than 110wiling Or 13011.1. I 1 'fo"p t I I P War Ilm", a Wa3 ill!,,
roundish to oval, Palo gre,en, trans. , ,�
e . s Z, A fllx producer.
luv�,,It; sweet but ,lot high flavor �(j. I wcrld'. 1.'0360S
, , , . . .
(111ality medium to good. Season I -.- _ ___ - ____ �
itiedmin. Hit% provvlt hardy anti �ory . - I I .
rh- - �,�,.�Y_
Productivi, at t)ttawa, havilig a 111, ','�,
or Ovtlrage yielld than 44ther DOW11111p, Pot . 7, _`..-_�,
'Ir ll,,qrl. The fruit has not Mildew- � , i 11
. ()n account or jt�j grea,tj-r Pro, I I ,; , I , i
4'1lvVn"% thin 8hou'a eventrally V
t I ,,, 4 Place I)owning oLnd Pearl. - � I I 0
.11 I egrm Joroson. ("hamPInl0----01;11P! 1931EUW�
ckiwli, ftlem, ()regon. 1"'rult, I I 11 11 vly��l
+%A� r� I -le strPen �vlth I I I ---.-.. _______
— I ._it __ ;
Orowing a Crop -to be subsequently
owed under has to" its object three
Inge: (1) It improves the texture of
e soil by the addition of organic
atter and, therefor, is particularly
luable on hea-vY clay or light aandy
11s; (2) it prevents tile leaching of
luble plaut food, which otherwise
ould be - leached from the soil and
at; and (3) it controls weeds. BY
0,wing a smothering crop, such as
ickwheat, a ,-,rest many weeds can
a gat rid Of in addittgn to improving
e physical condition -of the soil.
In growing green crops, ,such as
lickwheat .and rye to increase -soil
rtility, it is always well to Use ar-
Icial fertilizer in addition, The use
the fertilizer will mean In -creased
leld of crop, and thus more -crop will
e available for plowing down. Where
le soil is deficient in nitrogen, it is
Its justifiable to grow clover or
ome ,similar crop with the object of
creasing the nitrogen supply, but
on-legtiminous crops, Instead of add-
ig plaut food take the soluble plant
ood from tile soil&nd convert It Into
comparatively unaYallable condition.
f .a. soil is lacking in the essential
ements of fertility, its fertility can-
ot ' therefore, be increased by plow -
ug tinder non'legI1111111,10118 gxe!m
reen � mainur�
ng is useful under certain. conditions,
nil can sometimes be used to advan-
age, on the whole it seems to us that
he ,most economical way Of increas,
%ig fertility is by the use of bamyat4
nanure, supplemented,- with ard.
lelal fertilizer, because the larger tll(
crop the larger the ' amount of organli.
matter left In the &OU by the roots An(
stubble. The plan -of seeding dowl
gra � n crops -with clover to be plowe(
aown after the grain crop Is removed
, ne however, which can often b,
15 0 ,
vroflt.�bly mployed. While the PraC
tice of using green manures me;,
sometimes prove profitable, it, 8`116111
not be .regarded as a means by whid
soils may be enriched, ,except wher
legumes are grown. In the case 'c
all other crops, the benefit is Ind:
rect amd Is in proportion to th
amount -of artificial fertilizer Added.
— .
� F UR-10,AUM.
'The rearing in captivity Of fur-beal
Ing animals is largely a question (
the price of fur. Twn
more Ago, when ,ther earliest attenvol
were viade to ,encourage in fur tarn
Ing, Ole, silver fox was abput the on]
Animal whose 13elt offered stilficiel
inducement to experimenterr to fac
the many difficulties and the risk (
loss, . r>ome of these men sucoeedei
hr,wever, and reaped conbiderab]
pecuniary rewards for themselves, b(
sides establishing a new 4E;auadian It
Today, the breed,ing of smaller fill
bearers presents opportunittes to me
with a liking for the -business who al
willing t6 "take a chance." The r(
cant Spectacular rise in fur prices 110
been Mainly In the cheaper grddes-
muskrat, raccoon, mink, skunk, et
LTh6' stimulus thus given to tZIPP111
threatens these Animals with, exte'
-AlPtation, In A101te Of CIOSO season
Fur farming must Come to tho reset
_nd assume ;C%
. _. nadWs great fur ii
dustry a, cOntinuallcO Of Its raw ill
V.1lier's Worm powders will drh
worms from the system without Injul
to tha child. The powders ,Are �
easy to take, that the most delica,
,.toiliach can asSinl4lato them And we
c� Me them as ,spoctly easers of pal
b'e)ejuso. they promptiy kill the worn
that c.ausc., ttxe pain, and thu,4 the S11
forin- of the child Is relieved. Wi,
� � at liftnd 110 CIA
so sterling A remedy �
should suffer all hour from Worms,
Dailloy-011- If there was a t:
on braIns-
nuntley-The 0overnment Won
owe you money.-___
The tqllldrell (If 11011and �,tr(� dresil
In exactly the oftille illaniter as tll(
Parents, In the lilatter Of 610ir 9-%
there Is vc,,ry little variety In th
,country ., antl it, is souletimes diffict
or ,P, betwe�
to deterinine the diff cllf�
the childron and adults,
__�__ _ _ _
The kitchon of ,onp of the big 11
s in N
. #,w yoti, Is an acre In e
. tent. I
—.0, I .
III bloom, transInCOut; Skin t0n I
� ' i i
� �
__ I ___._-1_. I -1.�l-..'�.I..-�".....".---.,....-",.---,-.-----,�,.,-�".--,-�-�.illiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,iioili�
� - . 11 . I
oeson 1.
Leason—Matt, .18: 1-14.
Golden Text,"Whosoever there -
)re Shall humble blillself as this lit-
�e child, the same Is the greatest IV'
40 kingdom of heaven.'�—Xstt. 18. 4.
Historloal 86tUna. _
Time. --A. D. 29. Place. Caper -
AM. �
Daily Readlitias. .
Monday, December =—The Child"
Ike Spirit (Matt. IS: 1-7). Tuesday.
)ecember 28. --God's MTe for Ghll- (Matt. IS: 10-14). Wednesday', �
)ecember, 29�-The ModelChIld (LUke
�,,, 40-52). Thursd,AY, December SO,—
]Iod Calls a Child (I Sum. 3: I-10).
Friday, December 31,-A ,Child God's
Aessenger (I Sam. 3', ,1149). Satur-
Jay, January I.—A Child Deillcat6d
�o God (Ltilte 2: 21-32) - Sunday,
January %--The Pure In -keart (Pa.
24: 1-6).
. 'The Lesson Text,
L In that hour came the disciples
unto Jesus, Saying. Who then Is
greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
,2. And be called to him a little
child, and set him in the midst of
them, �
& and said, Verily I say unto you,
Except ye turn, and beco " me as little
children, ye shall In no wise enter'
Into the kingdom of heaven.
4. Whosoever therefore sball bum-.
his himself as this little, child, the
same is the greatest In the kingdom
of heaven.
5, And whoset shall receive one'
such little child In my name re -
ceiveth me:
.0. but whoso shall cause one of
these little ones that believe on me, I
to, stumble, it is profitable for -him
that a great millstone should ba hafig-
ed about his neck, and that he should
b3 sunk in the depth of the sea,
7. .JVoe ur.t,o the world because of
occasions Of Stumbling; for it must.
needs be that the occasions come; but
woe., to -that man through whom, the Oc-
casions cometh!
1. And it thy hand Or thy fOOt
eauseth thee to stumble, cat It off.
and cast it from thee; it is good for
thee -to enter intb life maimed or
halt, xather than having two hands or
two feet tor be cast into the eternal
-9. And It thine eye causeth thee
to stumble, pluck it out, and cast It
from thee: it Is' .mod for thee to en-
ter into His with one -eye, rather than
havtng ,two -eyes to be cast Into the
hell or fire.
10. See that ye despise not one of
these little ones; for I say unto Yoll
that in heaven thol; -angels do always
behold tile face of my ,Father who is
in -heaven.
12. I -low think ye? It ally man have
a hu,adred sheep, and one of them be
I gone astray, ft,th he not leave the
ninety and mine and go unto the
mountains, and s4ek that' -which goetb
18. And if so be that he find It
� verily I say unto' you, be rejoicett
. over It more than over the ninety au�
I nine which have not gone astraY.
14. h�veu so it Is not the '%fill 0
1 your rather who is in heaven, tha
3 one. of these litt-lo ones ahould perish
r Comments.
I Verse 1. The "hour" was whol.
1, Peter paid the tribute money. Th
a dispute about greatness was pr6babl
r between Peter, James and Jchn. The
�- had been peculiarly favored, but no,
e stood shamefaced and silent. In th
kingdom 'of God greatuess is a niatte
of character. I
Verse 2. It is not too much to sm
pose that children were always nee
our Lord. There ,was that In III
.- psrsonality ,that attracted then
,f Christlikeness Attracts children t(
r day. The love of children Is a big
s tribute.
L, Verse 3. This verse shows the at
y periority of the Revised over the Kin
.t James' Version. The -old versio
e says ',be converted.11 The kingdoi
,f of he on Is .the. church of Josr
I, Chr�Xt AS He sees it now and foreve
0 mofe.
I- Verse 4. The world has never rea
- - Z;;�_ ___ -
. ,:__��
'_ .tv.� 11�1 I
ft DO ALL Mf 0
e �
I 1111111
, - IR ' 'ORI
11 ,..P HOUSE W
,, Before I took Lydia E. Pink
L! ham's VegetAle Compound
I- I could hardly get about.
0 r
o . Cobourg, Ont. - I I For niany years
, have had trouble with my nerves an
7 have been in a I;oneral run down cot
10 dition for Some time. I could not do m
V work half of the time because of tb
I trouble with in monthly sickness.
a, was told of Lyyia E. Pilikham's Veg(
L8 table compound by friends and advisa
f- to try it. it has good, and
11 strongly recommend it. Since I hav
A taken it I have been able to do all M
own work, and I also know friends WE
have found it good. You can use the.,
facts as a testinionial."-MrS. ELIX
FLATTrats, Box 761, Cobourg, Ont.
LX Why will women continue to sliter .1
long is more than we can understano
id when they can find health in Lydia I
Pinkhain's Vegetable Con�rund? ,k
For forty years this e6od old fis']
ioned root and herb remedy, whi(
�contains no narcotics or harnifn drug
�1 has been the standard remedy� for f
Ir niale ills and, has restored the health o
�b thousanas of women wh* havo be(
at uoui)lod with such ailments as displae,
It nlent.q, inflamniation, uleetAtiOn, irrej
"I 41
, , ularities, ate.
If you want Apecial advice VnIte,
Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co. (coh:
0. gential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter W
Z_ olmned read and answered by
woman ua bold In, strict I:Wdanft.
tw�,Sjchja 11 :
= �,_:7_:;, ,=�_�� .___ I
- -
--.----- - -
-1111 � I I
,. I
00,00 +1"4444++* 0
1 . # __'_______ W
+ a History of
Z I I 0 1 VT%* I
, Symfims That Tell 'I
ot L-YOUT HaMe— -
of Biliousom I i
, - VAMATION-S,-Connor, Collor, Con-
ners. O'Conor. Conyors.
How to Prevent and ReUeve RA011AL 0RURNw–Irisli.
le I SOUR0104 given name.
1, # OA046.4160, in the -days when Ireland led all
***'" Burope as thetentre of -04ristlau cul -
Are you dizzy? ture 4nd vigor, following the barber -
Does your ]load swIm9 jan Invasions of the decaying Roman
Does everything tur� dark when I-Impire; in the days when the Irish:
you Tise after Stooping? kings, under the single leadership of
Are you constantly suffering from their ,*Ard-ltight," or high -King,"
headache? presented a united front to the Vi)c-
h h ter go- Ing and the Saxon: when Nugland WAS
Ing upstairs? yet g, laud of numerous and antagon-
Is your tongue coated and furred? Istic, Anglo-Saxon kingd*ms, largely
These symptoms give warning that Pagan; long botere the Norman con -
your system, needs a thorough cleans- .quest of England and the countries
Ing—all poisons must be flushed out. following It MW the first growth of
The remedy Is Dr. Hamiltim's Pills. family names in that country,* the
Marked benefit immediately follows name of O!Vounor was already a fam-,
their -use, Ily vame in Ireland. It was the name
These famous pills loosen the be*- of the kings of Connaught, who were
els. and stop constipation; They act 4ew.eaded f�rom. tile famous "Hut
an the liver and kidneys, make them Niall" or O'Neill line, which gave an-
.+- anA vivorous , clent and medieval Ireland so many
� I
This ensures health and purity for of
Its monarchs.
the blood and consequently the whole
It the ancient rule were adhered to,
[zed ChrlsVs conception of greatness-
system benefits. the
modem families of the O'Connor
It is the unassuming worth of a right-
No other medicine tones and braces group
would spell their names "Hui
eous character. �
like Dr, Hamilton's Pills; they at Conebobbair,"'
but it would not be
Verse 5. This PaSsage Sims to
teach not the love of children, but the'
biliousness, headache, pronounced
once reliev(L ',
dizziness,* p(Tor color, coated tongue,
so very much .unlike
O*Conuor," except for the inlectl&
love of spiritual excellence.
all diseases arising through fault of
slurred -like gulterals and aspir-
Verse 6. Nftatover hinders People
the stomach, kidneys, or liver; try ates.
As % given name "Conchobbar"
from coming to Christ Is a Stumbling-
them. I
means "the helping wur:or.1' The
Verse 7. So long as -there Is in-
lWaults prove the merits, of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box.
King -Couchobbar .on whom the O' -
Colmor families are founded, died lit
clination to sin there ,will be teach-
year 937 A.D.
ers of sinning.
But it must always be remember -
Verse 8. Sacrifice any mateWi I
SURGEON necessarily
that all who bear this name are not
descendants of the king.
thing rather than dwarf the spiritua
The majority undoubtedly are des-
�ierse 9. The word "helr' (Gehenn)
Valley HIA-
of followers of his banners.
This rule holds for all Irish
means the same as the of
nom. There Idolatrous Jews burned
names, for there aye no Irish names��
their children in the 'worship of
became the
. except
those which took their origin
the given names of sobriquets
Moloch. Thus the valley
most vivid picture of future torment
of ell,--ftains and hings,
Verse 10. Despise not the sincere
Christian. God honors him.
Verse 12. God values the humble
sinful disciple, and seeks REMOVES
E>00**000**'C'O(t�*0004*OV"��04 "
9 :
an:d. ,even
his salvation, -as -the shepherd seeks
'6he---- -1 4j�
the recovery of a lost sheep.
Verses 13, 14. It is not God's de -
Magic Carpet I 4
be lost, though
to, Q,
sire that one should
Ile neither compels men to sin noi
An unusual operation has been P or-
'Michael's To-
_ __7_— - I 4t,
� I —
—_ if
11 . , cl_�,
compels them to be virtuous. '.
formed In St, illo,apital,
ronto, upon a 1.6 -day-old girl, who was
---.--. In . �,� 0 k,
9 o Neir ff'orlckkl �� %�
U! Lesi "--,
Illustrated Truth.
born with a misdeveloped "twin" at-
___ __ __
t .— Iry
False prid6 is a hindrance to real
tached to her at the base of the Spi
progress (v. 4).
Illustration.—A man of experlened
The "Parasite," as surgeons term such
a growth, grew with the baby's
in fiandling men declares that it is the
growth and is said to have weighed
With ill(, formal entry of the JKLing
"white -cuff" tendency among Young
men that is responsible for so many
five pound2. it occasionally under -
went ,spontaneous confr—action Inde-
of ,Denmark a fe%v days ago the
economic failures and near failures
pendent of the living -child.
Province of Schleswig once again be -
came SleFvig and the crime that was
among men. .'*We are always
to give a young man a chance," be
On thn� unu%tural growth, technic-
Ally termed a ,,multi-loculareyst" two
committed by the Treaty of Vicuna
said "but to too many Of them a
large black spots had appearea, and
when Sleswig And Holstein were
ceded to Prussia and Austria in splte
1cha;i,.e' means a desk In the main of-
fice -Nvith -a -persona-1 telephone and a
this detormined the ,doctors immed-
iately Interested in the case to have
of and In direct opposition to the
stenographer to do the real work. The
fellows who make good are al-
the growth xemoved in order to save
life tile baby. Dr. Gideon
wishes ,of the Inhabitants, has been
avenged. Slesvig forms the southern
most Invariably those who, are willing
the of
Silverthome performed the operation
half of the Cliubrian Peninsula, a -ad Is -
that of - the tirritory which lies
to go down -and make an entry at the
Such isn!t al-
which is said to have been success-
north of the River Dider. Apart froxif
very bottom. a'coureIe
German Immigrants the popu.latl3n Is
have a pretty high opinion of them-
,, ,,, Proved in the ,plebiscite -taken
selves, but it Pays."
, 14�q
under tile terms of the Treaty of Ver -
Topies for Research and Discussion.
1-8) I.
,� I-
sailles, almost solely Danish race.
while the Adjoining Duchy of Holstein
i-. The Kingdom. (vs. -
W were disputing about greatness 9
forms part of the ow German or 1,ow
2. In Christ's kingdom, what is ,true
Zaxon. ill tri t. Ahere is, however, a .
a C
. greatness? 3. Why did Jesus at-
strip of Sle;svig along the west coast
from Hasum northward to a point
tract children? 4. What is
kingdom of heaven? 5. What prog-
South of Hoyer which is Frisian. Sles-
. ress is the world making toward
"If people -%vDuld only attend to
vig and Holstein are fertile but their
chief importance is, due to their geo-
. Christ's conception of greatness?
. 11. occasions Of Stumbling (vs'
their blood, instead of worrying
themselves Ill," said an eminent
graphical position lying as they do,
741). 6. What is Christ's teaching
nerve specialist, "we doctors would
between t,%vo seas as well as two riv-
I about the man Who causes another to
7. Does veme 8 teach a spirlt-
not see our consulting rooms crowd-
wrecks. More Poo-
The treatm-eitt Of 11018tvin Which
� sin9
� ualo'lesson, And, If so what is it? S.
literal'meaning of th6
ed with nervous
p' e suffer from worry than anything
has always been largely German and
of the German distrialLs of Slesvig by
what is tile
r d "hell'"
, wor Will (vs. 12-14).,
thing which t spec-
The sort of he
Denmark inflicted many hardships oll
the Cerman people and Denmark fre-
III. The Father's
e oes. God place upon
9. What values d
ialist spoke Of 1.9 the nervous run-
down condition caused by overwork
quently refused to make good her
r the humblest disciple? 10. What is
desire as the future state of
and the many Anxieties of today. Suf-
ferers find themselves tired, low-
promises. it wa,s this treatment that
prOVoked the trouble of 18,Q and 1964 -
- God's .to
r all? 11, Why does not God eomPe�*,'
is the
spirited and unable to'keep their
When, in spite ,of the terms of the,
Treaty of London by which the POW-
s o 12. What
I. full lileaning of the comparison in
minds on anything. Any a dden
noise hurts like a blow, They are
ers recognized the integrity of Den-
Austro-iPrussian troops Invaded
1� verse 12? it. IMbom. doPa the Ijord
'Mean by -'one of these little ,ones"?
full of groundless fears, And do not
sleep well at night. 'Reada-ches and
Slesvig at Bismark's urging and this
[I 14. How call red-blooded men con-
teachings of Christ in His
Other nerve pains are part of the
it comes fr6m starved
finally led to the encorporation of the�
two duchies In the German Empire.
torm to the
.- . and peace?
misery, and all
Germany .then had her revenge anti
9 gentleness -
11 I .
- -
Doctoring the nerves with Poison
measures on the Daties in Slesvig
(now becom" Scllle%W!�-) than Den-
. .
n ��
ous sedatives is a terrible mistake,
The only Teal nerve tonle is a good
mark had Imposed on the Germans.
The of both Schleswig and
supply of rich. red blood. Therefore
Imost u iformly Proties-
11olstelit is a n
. .1 __
to relieve nervousness and run -do wn
health Dr. Williams' Pink pills
tant. The Province of Slesvig 19
.. Walen tile baby is sick—when lie
Z is cross and peevish, cries a great
should be taken. These pill-, make
blood, Strengthens
well provided with roads and canals.
The ellief Indastry is agriculture. uot-
leal and Is a colistamt-worry to the
new, rich which
We nerves. improves tile appetite.
ably cattle raising, although there Is
� motherhe needs Paby's own Tab-
lets. -The Tablets are an Ideal medi.
' lyeq; new strength and spirits, and
considerable, industry activity ill cer-
tain regions. The -standard Of edu-
.4 clue for little ones. They are A get'-
mal&S _11itilarto ,peop*1e
bright and cheerful. It You are at
eation a,id culture in Sleavig Is rela-
F t!,e but thorough laxative which reg-
all ,,out of sorts" you should begiii!
tiv"ly high.
I alate the bowels, sweeten the
� stolivach, banish constipation and in-
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
You can get these Pills through
digestion, break up colds and simple
fevers and make teethfug easy. ('Oil-
lny dealer in medieine,or by mail ,%t
- conts a bt,x or six boxos for $2 5-3
wat .H,ntf 0 Mile Long and 1,623 Feet
. cernii.g them Mrs. Philippe,RlYell. St,
from Thp Dr. NVil�ljams' Niedleine Co.,
in ,Height.
Flaven, Que., wrtes: 1113aby's Own
' Tablets have been a, wonder.'ul belp
Brockvillo, 011t.
. —
to me in tile case of my baby And
An le(.-borg Out towered 180 f �et
can strongly recommend them to
mothers." The Tablets are sold
ab3Vet tht, sea and v-sembled a oath,�d-
ral spiro was sighted <)ff Ompe Rack, In
by medicine dealers or by mail at. 25
Formorly of Hamilton, has now talt-
th(� wpst-b.-mud trane-Atlantia, steam -
t ceilbq a box from Thee Dr..Williatus'
ell up their quarters at 751, Dover-
or latie by tijc; .,w>v,ed-'-.4h sk,l) Guotax-
I Medicine ('Co., Drockville, Out.
court Rd., Toronto. Thousands of
filled with ent,11118iftsm
-r. was sal by oi"',,om
The big b� 'd —
y o , Ronda,ah.o.-
A PlemedY for S111011t -
citizens are
I over f -the wondefful results accoul-
of tile shill to he fully half a mUn Llug,.
In its lll;:untain u�
I To t'a3ge Subjeut to bilious headache.
Vegt�.,table Pills are rec-
plislied by solile of their juvilor Stu-
dents oil PatiN114 glittering from all
wahe was a vinallpr
ice. Tho c�jmpanjon hergs had --p-
1. '
vs the way to sl)opdy relief.
d1sc,aq,,3 and afffictl3liP. Students
parently bom s1rhted by other ves -
d ommendod
I ,rakell accordint,' to directions they
are onrollin- every day to boconle
."'As.' i1,4 three. itirAr.As r�,porlzs of
0 will ,iubduo I-rogntlarities of We
. � nerve,,
stomach and so jl�t upoll the
Specialists or iChlropractie, realising
su, ,hiropractia, coln-
s tile . ncriority of C
tlic-1- lin,sonue. we"(1 rklal:10 Witilh,
few -hour.-. Ilyftogral)ble oiflvl.c,�
0 Uld blood vossels that the pains In
Pared �Vith tilp r,flter healing'arts.
21 calculated that. a,; tll��, Imown prolwr
. ,
tion of ievbvrg,4 above water is one la
0 the head Will epaso. There Are few
g who are n6t at . sometime subject to
)tin(?, the berg probably Nvas 1,447) fc-ct
biliousness and faililliar With its at-
under water and 1,6ZO feOlt T%'0111 the
tendant ,evils. Yet 110110 need suffer
Not by process of law, but by ttio
bottom to the til).
� with these, Pills at hand.
silent working of "I"UtuMul"A" are
- -- '
I - -- l';AOTION.
1� _
corns soparated frolil aching toeq. Any
corn or wart that "Piltuall"S" W0117t
Two trallips had foll,,jwea a wealtliv
curo basn�t been dlseovor(�d yet. In-
111all through many III-11p:i of ,Atrf,,;(..m
1. 1,1 s,luply call't understand the COM-
,,at oil Putnam's, Vorn L,'Strattol`
Wldtillt', f0l a fAvOrAble NW)"t'l-
billatloll Of 111Y Wife'f� ClOthef&"
only, t3c, at W.I. dealers.
to rob him. Suddeuiy lif.. stopi)NI
1, "What Puzzles you?"
before the. res4dole, of a IATYOr, vft�i
, ,,Well, when sho wants to bide ally-
'rho Friend of All Suffer!�M.—I,ilw
up tho sftepo, raig, tlit� boll, tind wao
if , ill,.1g, she Pokes it down her neck, but
. the fhadow of a TOCIZ in a Weary
n ,vllp� she wants to get It '41gaill ifs
land*' lki Dr. Thomas' Lj�clievtrlv Oil to
The trmilw looked "It each other al
,- Ilways In lie? ,stocking."
ull those who aujft�r paiti, It holdq
I -Well," s -aid olle, "what'o to bo
"O 'Un!eqs wonns -lie expolleil from the
, zos
,3u,t Ilope, to everyone and roalt
by �ttilling sufferinf, ,vverywherO. _ It
. �,yste no ,child e4n be healtbSP.
I- �
is a 111111,11clit that 11119 the less ligg
, pposo Nve 'Alall 11.1ve to Wait foy,
11 i 110ther Graves, Worm Nxtoyttlinator
to do-
of 11alf a contillent. it is on t;alo
everywhere aud call be found NVb*_*-r-
lit to come, out?",
-Not likely," Amid the. otlier, "VP
a . Is the best Inedicino e1tAnt
quired for. qlall have to %%,al#, for lbt. lawyer now."
.o lItroy worms.
�- .. . 11� I _ � - � .
4 I