The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-16, Page 8_.._______., I I -
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The Quiet Observer
. _""'"�" i
Public Health Talks
. (By Dr. J. J. MkOtoton) I
I � -4
L, - . - J . , Qnsluren ShQuId Have Plenty o Sleep, ON VWIJIP.�; d R0011111 "
I __ZP__J
SWvAlt AND ALCOHOL f ir 4 honest lines and no 1�11. T '! . `_� N % — Oil Plenty of Recreation; Parents *bould Make It a PrAotice to see,
1, 1�1ull"'Ine,851MIlau *,%,viill dream of overcharg, I Tha Their Children Deveiopr.Regularly in Their Health +ivlyits*
I S111JIM.E. . . .1 I - 46-- )), --,\ 7 the Growing Child Can Miake the Best progress In Home an�
� � Ing his neighbor. 'Z,
� I � W School If Proper Care 19, Given,
. —
, It you do not eat CAndy it will dol I . ) �', ,�: , I I
I I ; 7ou 110 harm it you ate a, hard worker � . . I I -11 — �
; to contract the hubit- It You Vill UNZbWZQy:E1)- 3% l; , 1-f 0, S, I \ 11
11. 1*0 I
, . ..% i
- of candy for a , % X, - ��_ �
substitute a box For a long time the, leaders of tI1% . . ,I
*IcroelC' -of bootlegger's stuff you will ., , I I
world In soclety, in politics, In blS it �� I
'be money in pocket, you. will feel all I � , �
tile stimulus that you need and your blisines.s. in education and in religion I I . 'I- - I
, hive existed without the necessity of I .... I 11 /Z//Z� 1�
. brain. will not be affected either 441- 1having to deevend to manual' labor, I � . , I
pGrarily nor perinknently. Alcohol I in the course of the centuries the Idea .. � I . I
� and sugar Chemically consist of tile lias become ingrained in the masses I /
,arbon, Oxygen I
I same proportions of C that the Ideal of life is to be able to I . . . . . .. I 11
, I
I and hydrogen, but organ!SAII.r they live without working. Gradually i1che 11 , _ .
are differently constituted. NObOdY part About the ability to live withOut ��
. � knows Just why -the atorns ,of carbon, wo,-Idng dropped out of Sight, and ��_____ � _11
. oxygen and hYdrOg`i,U have different during the last century as education L_ — -
! -values In �the one Case than in the advanced, the view has become gen- . � F
I ,other, but they ,differ in their value ermi that people ,cut% live -without . I I - . E
� as five carda in eucliTe are different
� in va i s five Card% in working. A lot of people and some I I J.lS*tr;M, llok,EN 130mCR, I DAI<EID A CAJde� I C%ViamAN MID JOUJIMIZ 1. .
: Sature Plays a, different nations have given this view consid- YOPM ! I WA ttr L-' D -ro ,S E E, I F- I CGOLD - -IF-S VOUAIZel ko. fvdr k
I poker. eration with the result ,that a lot of ET f I'v rm GOT A I I
, game with alcohol -than with sugar. trouble has arisen on every- ,hand. PrCAMS0V1'JbVrF1x4eA N.LSAVS a I I 10945 UP "I , 0
Iti . half an tour afte'r eating halt a Those who want to live without worlz-- %too A Pmcs I 0"-QL)1�'%4oVW_ 10DV1W - . ,; 0. Lo-. (.2F Immle.5 I WAMIC 710 1
. Mound of candy there is an imeulnse Ing must rely on -those wbo do, and I "400 V.MOVJ DETYE�� 't"a _.� -rA&x -ro VoO AU(QVUT! F/1/1
� release of enerm and prohibition Vill if they cannot make what Basins an A .�11, TRAIT! VE*, %400 DO! I ---I_ f
� I have no terror for the Ulan Who Con- adequate return for the privilege they .. i 4tis %400 Do! ( &�)) Alo U 11 I
tracts the Candy habit, and he will enjoy tlieriz position is precarious, and 'I . f�)� oom'T SM � k-, ,- . 11 I 11 ID I % � I
'I A! , �V
11ave no terrDr for his family* I 101-n.- 11
has become still more so since the h f -41A-r � F.41.10� __.� I- -
�, war, Well educated people have nev- -, I hl,'_zl�, I i a , N U �
. 11 I 7rf, _�, - �.. -11 ,. ., I 11
/�, 11 -,,�pz,l -.-� , -1i
THE GENEROUS FARNMR, er had any illusions on the matter and , .1 ,�
. the conscientious among t1hem. have 4, I . -,-4K' '1)'> '�,, 9
ad to make the 1, 11 - . . .,L
� Eftorq were direct UP4 -the I I I �, . _m---, ,� I/ I
� a crop of tried to make some fair return by . _ir-- �S-s,>-x ,i�#;r ,�r- ,, I
� ,most of the tremendoll . ��5 . � r g, I ,
� to a '' I " I . .' -
.�� , 7 , /��. .Z., 14. ,,�;!�.,� �_.T�,Y,
- Went exercize of their br ins or such dis- I , , , , . g ��t
ples, :1 / , ,� , ,
lr� waste. nds and city peo- welfare as.appeared just and honest. . � - t .., I , ! N qp#
er,ons to their frie - 1 . I ! I'.,
-y dangerous idea has I ,I h /" t;.
� . , ?
1. 110 .could go and pick or rather been e I , �, ` , J � �, I �.,.,, , ,.I,. -
I I but vast quantities an- 1, ''
I Owners of oTcha,rds were 9 position of their talents for tile public I R I 0, , - "
, The ve , , dl_�A NJ, ,� ,�, , "I',
. 11 I tj // ; , - *�V I " "", .
pie AV . /' ��.Q�*-.;.;/%, "V: . *�A�.j�7.. 1.
spread abroad of late that a man has \ I // ., , ,,, ,,"'-_ � , (..t;1 1,
.. �
convey them home are well 1, . � , I ,.
. // ,
apples and - , , .. 1, i / V
� - - - I -;,� ... I �� � /,o " ,� E '. :,%.,V.�.. A --
supplied Vita tile fruit. This gen wi responsibility for others, but only I ;� ,�:-,, ,
I er lor himself. This, too, has arisen . )// � mx -._;�' . I I .". . .1 , ,_ I
- �, . . � . I S: . . I
d�", 1eTOUS side of the ftirriter's charact ,I1 � , I 'i �11
,,, I '. - .,
by City from the observation of the habits Of r, I 111 I I . .
. overlooked I I , . . � 1*
IS sometimes . , 1111 , - , ,
it , ... � , .. ` 7� ,..�
� inaustry -will -those who -Are -well-to-do but who, like 1%. - I. "I.; ... .." I .
1� ; .
- ts In no Othel � I . i
I Critic - rOsItY is the priest and Levite, pass by on the 11 I I 11 ., �' . v
I be found that 50 d"lich gene in 'A � ..... .."'. - . I ""; .,-,.. I
lasted. 40ompare the dealings other side when real dist-Tess Is - _. .--- . I
. manil the
of tile grocer, the dry, goods or evidence. it is qnitp.forgotten UP, a r
. . hardware man with the farmer, and rule, both by ,capita -land labor, that � ____ _ -----.. _ --- _.______=
. � it will be found that farmers as 8, the Good Sarawritan was a capitalist �-"-*,*-+-+-+-*-+-+-*-,:--+-"-+-+-+ 1 +-4-* pleasure, "Ripping to see you again,
. Class are ,open-handed benefactors in of some sort, but if the capitalists .,,..*-#-*-+4 # 4- 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 6-+*-+-+-+-+-*-+-+ "�_ . �Frankle."
since his time had followed hifA ex- ' - ",Come and sit on the sofa beside
,� ,contrast with. city business men, Of and practice, we -�fy A
I ;e there axe some Surly -and close ample in spirit fewer economic me. Of course you'll stay here, rm
I CoUrE even they FOOLISH FRAZWEOU'll certain Oarissima won't mind VI1 tell
l,isted farmers, but have should have had .
; their friendi and -their generous Mo- problems ou, hand to -day. We will . I her how good you were to. me. She's
, ments plowing has been a little never get over our difficulties, how- By 0?,ive Wadsle,y I such a dear; Reg. Oh, Reg, it is
- t ot the pressure ever, until everybody gets the idea . I sweet of you to come all this way just
I backward on accOun .
of other -work�_ Fall whEF%t is doing that -work Is a necessity, and ldle� 9 4 0 i 6 6 6 I ----------- � 0 0 a * 4 - 4 4 6 * 0 4 61 1 to hear me sing! I'm 'fmid It's fear-
. well, -with some .TeW.rts .of Hessiall ness a crime, and that it any mail will . LULLY spensiver." I .
� I Snow has fallell not work, either with his bodily or She opened her eyes, then with pas- shares, the darkened hours. They were back again at once in
I fly from Norfolk. Attention mental stren�th, he has no right to slonate swiftness put her hand and Fr�mnkfe , her hands beneath her their frindship where they had been
I. ,and )Amy be permanent this sea� eat. perhaps a PaTadise in the Pa- drew Leon's head down again. With head, her face toward the soft sky obliged to leave off When Frankle had
naturally -turns to Stock at cific ocean might be provided for all his lips on, hers he lifted her bodily in lay and lived through her hour oi first been taken to Berlin.
I Ban. Cows of good quality are In Nvh.,) wish to live without working his Arms and bore her to the sofa, and love again. I "A chap doesn't get the chance to
47 demand at prices varying from $1 ' 00 The memory that until'
to $150. Horses Are not in Such de- where they could exist on -wa-ter pro- laid her down O'lilt, and then kneeling that -evening had hated -Leon, had hear -well -to hear the girl he's keea
Tmand and the use of tractors is evl- ducts and spring water. Civilization put his arm round her again. been utterly wiped out by his love.' on sing In opera every day," Danvers
. deutj� going to affect the number Of has no room for tile unemployed "Do YOU.1ove me?" His voice was All her life -she seemed to reall a said stanchly; "and I say, Frankie,
iai-r� horses. The 11103790 'VOUtillueslo whether voluntary or involuntary, and scarcely audible. -she had been waiting for, love, ng*ezd- I've got you a present."
I be 4ndi Usa:ble ho-,yever, in 'many there emu be no final settlement of "Is this love?" Ing, wanting it, searching for it. She 'He took a case out of his pocket
isPe ,
Ways and whilo there may be a less' economic -and social problems until Eyes of youth looked at him, soul remembered Kit, and all the days Of and Opening it, disclosed a little plain
. I al demand, his edarcItY May in- this evil of unemployment has been of woman answered -the question It- dreadful loneliness after he had gone. bracelet.
, : gener Hogs Are scarce, wiped out. self.. Frankie half sat up and took Now sh "Rather pretty, isn't,it?" he said
, crease his value. 8 would never be lonely
�. ; . but I)rices are still falling, tlaough lit- � . his hand in her two hands and looked 0;galn. And Leon was a wonderful broadly. "And It's got the date and
� ap. Hay is going G DT ELECTRIC long Into his eyes, then very gently person; he was everything that was everything. I had It put In the very
4 are not che, PIONEERIN
Ile Pigs I. sf worth as I and tenderly she kissed him as moth- Attractive. day I knew that the first night was to
; Up and ,11ing in Went .
I high as �40, There is plenty of silage SCIENCE. ers kiss their little children good "Odi"' said Prankle, sitting up In be the 12th, Let me put It on for
I "
: 4 Mr. W. S. Murray, the electrical ex- night, one kiss on the brow. one on bed, "I'm so happy!" you.
J with surplus corn still in the tields.
— part who has been relied ,Upon by Sir each cheek, and one on the lips. A little sigh of sheer happiness quiv- He bent over her wrist.
i i FINANOIA1 *Mn'LENIUb'- Adam ;Beek in his estimates in the "Mo I love you?" she whispered "Yes ered in her throat. India, the life "rOh, Reg, you are a dear!" Frankle
: � A m in the fail 'Chipliawa Power Canal and Radial and yet .%nd Yes." to believe she would ever see Leon said, instantly touched by the gift. "It
I � sugar has been An Inde
of the trend Of projects, and who is regarded as the His conquering arms seized her and not feel like this, and so she was sweet of you to think of it; no
I of Prices, and also again, .
I ,But the ,prolliteering grpatest authority in America, has wanted naturally to see him always;* One else would have dreamed of get -
k ,profiteering. "Is it really true? -11as it all really but behind the thrill and the ecstasy ting me a present. How can I thank
. would have been Impossibib Without ivTil,ten in the -P,lectric Railway Jour- . . tile real of all hour ago remained, and you for it?"
the Creation of the great modern nal an article recommending tile are- happened?" Danvers fastened the ola p care -
the limited liabil- ation of a super -power zone in which Frankie was as hurtian even it a. even in the midst of her wild joy the s
I I gambling nia,chine, its device Of 00131- power could Ile utilized to the limitof transcendent lover. She sudenly ruf-� memory of to -morrow and Its great fully; then he looked up, and the ex-
,ompany- If tl pression In his eyes was unmistakable.
,. I ity c tured it will de- capacity so that one horse power fled up Leon's thick hair with both event made her heart beat faster.
. : merce be not dena. it a little ,tweak. "But, ilarling, you do want me tp Frankie blushed a little and laughed
I . . Ommerce and civ- could be made to do tile work of three hands and gave , "You sill . y old boy!"
* .., nature and destroy c und of coal the work of . 'Is that rea.l?" she laughed; then be a succes . Think Of -Carlssima!,, nervously.
, Ilimtiou in the West as thoroughly As and one po in a second sh6 caught up again in! Leon kissed the words from her lips. "Just one." Danvers said Very gen-
I ; . I bsA destroyed ,them In the two. This is because the average -her aove. "And I never knew. I "I don't want You even to remem- tly' ",-you don't know how I think.
I autocracy
- I cast. The ,limited liability company load factar, of a locomotive is only ten didn't even guess. I thought I hated bar any ,on, else in -this hour," lie 9f you, Frankie. I'll never care about
. has become tile Means of obtaining per cent.. and the.average load factor . eber how horrid
I of the great central power stations Is YOU. Do you rem said roughly. , "You belong to me any one else,
, .1 unlimited credit from the public or lit. The average load you were tome, do you remember how now, all Your thoughts ,must be 111 A memory of his wanting th help
. '. ; I in other words of transferring the only 25 per ce rude I was?" rn1ne_---,, er when he had been very poor him -
..Ora the 0-
1-� I liability �ft ,i,inal owners and in the great zone of the super power "A darling little devil baby!" he Self came to Frankle. .
; � pie who -take survey Is only '15 per cent. This is His quick, vehement nature resent -
w investors to Other Pec' said, kissing her,halr and beginning a "Why, of course y6u may!" She
i theli Chance. The fiction that 110W the same thing as saying that it you ad Jealously any slightest reminder of
business and keep a horse and only use him thret- long and eulo&latic definition of her any claim save his own. "Framkle, said, leaning toward 'him. Danvers
. I capital if, put Into the , Put his hands on her shoulders, and
; Idends as a ,part of hours a day his load factor Is -only charms. . d'you hear? You're mine now, and
, i should receive div " I'm as plain as Plain," - kneeling beside her, kissed her once.,
; -investment is the flaw in mod- 1211� per cent- It you work him ten And you're never to forget it." ,He bent '
, . � the hours a day he is probably not actual-, Frankle said, nestling up against him. over ,her. Saby, do you hearv, The door opened and Leon came in,
. '
� ern: .business methods, and it 001110 Ughed at -that. Before sh Prankle over Dativers't head, just
I to remedy it tile 17 using his strength, actually pulling, He IR a could answer, while she
� wa,y, be not found r "But I am," Frankle said gallyt was still conscious of it Sense of fear Saw h1Z radiant face and th, flowers
JI - losses due to it will,ttecome ever more more than half the time so that his he wasearrying; then, before her eyes
. I I us. The sugs,r load factor would be considerably "and I don't care a bit, it you don't. light flared up in the room; Mme, cog
; And mote disastrO under 20 per cent. 'But an electric ,Orf course I'm very attractive In spite Schubert Xafn stood looking at them : ,he altered almost unre nizably.
) boora was -not based on investment, itl't "Oh, HIS face seemed to broaden;. Ole
1, on t,he idea the't tile public could machine can work all the time, and it of - Carisslina.11 Fraikle Cried,
. 1 but olvembage of, that Sugar was its power Is not -utilized atone point She threw back her head and She flew across to the outstretched flushed deeply; ;his eyes looked skv-
I be taken a s scarce, and: in a, super power zone, itcan be turn- laughed. arm and filing herself into them age. He stood by the door, staring.
a ne.
,cessity and that it wa Danveis rose awkwardly. .
4 - people would Pay six or eight or ed on instantaneously at another "We shall be rather the long and There were tears In the., great slnger'� "'Hello," he said, a look of! bravado
i that 1 surveying eyes. "SO YOU bave waked up the "NIV.1
ten times its normal price for it. It point. Mr. !,Murray says that In a the short of It," she said standing Oil his face, lit's Upt
� I matter which of the factors territory between (Boston and Wash- him. ,,you six foot three and me there when $be had been a nobody,
, ,does not . D fiction failed to ington averaging 150 miles inland five foot two. Never mind, darling, the days In London when she had been Frankie.11
I mlscalculated7th4 ,Frankle stood up, too. IL ,
was , eon 11 she
. have from the coast and comprising 60,000 as the little bear said, 'All ille more a waitress, the dreadful -tilile mr.hen said clearly, "this Is Reg Delivers.
gain -credence. 901116 men may per cent of to love me with, my dear!' And talk- ,her voice hail
., the speculation, 'quare miles, or about two 901'e -all these things Last year in London he helped me
.r k,
grown wealthy ove - States, Ing of bears thaVs what you are your- were Past now; they could never Come ever so much when I was very poor,
, I but A great many 1.0st money to the the land area -of tile ,United �
,amount altogether it Is said of $2007- there Is a demand In machine caPac- self -a Russian bear with blue eyes back again. I I be:Zom I knew Carisgima; he --became
I Wlleu we have Ila- ity for .17,000,000 horse power, 10.- and a temper." The love of one being stood forever to -day to hear the opera.,"
I 400000 or nic,"e- will 00,00 for industries And the rest for A quick flow of Russian words an- between her and
, �;�� a little moTe civilized we I liappiriess, Prankle "Are any more of your men friends
1� organize a FedeMtiOn Of Finance railways. By centralizing the poNve:-# sawered her, ,'Love words!" 'she ques- Was not religious; she had never been to be permitted to this pr�vate re -
I . which must first pass -on all stocli sources tile load factor could be raised tioned anxiously. TAon kissed her taught to be in India; and in London 'hears -41 first?" Savings Asked uncon-
� fluctuations, which will represent all from 15 to 50 par cent., a clear gain again and again. you.411 Phe had been too tired to bother much 1 trollably,
the banks, all the big interests, in- of '35 per cent, It,Is this principle 1,1 adore you, I adore about ally -thing except getting up In "Here I say," Danvers bega:tl,, he
. a and labor men, ,whichhas been applied in the Hydro- His eyes blazed at her, lie was hold- time And going to bed as soon as pos. half tu�`Ued to Vrankie� "Who on
; cluding the farmer at, and which will Electric System And which renders ing her so tight that she could scarce- SIbI6, but Pita, got out of bed on thd [earth's this chap, Frankle?"
- : a -ad the Governme, - Ill tiler Hydro P.sdial pimns so substan- ly breathe. "When will you marry night of ha Piness and knelt by the I
; fix tile amount 09 capital which W ant voice whispered. P "Ra"s-hets the man I'lil going to
� I .
,, 1, be ligitimate to Interest Ta -any bust- ! lal and solid. 'People ,%Vllo figure on: me?19 ]its vehem window for an instant, I I marry," Fran1da faltered; her voice
, ,less that the dividend Tft,ta Which it I electricity as they do on steam -power "At once? say at once. I want No words CgLme but � I
' ro 'usually know nothing about electri(l, yoU all f.)r my own." . rem 'her lie -art 1 Shook P - little. Leon laughed un-
- *
Will be IcgitimatO to Pay- ,But Ni 1,1 can't yet, darl ", Frankle .iftid on inarticulate praY��r was born. As I pleasantly. A ghastly sll�ncs sel,
, ,Aian't do this before -the Year 2020, 1 ity, mild Qs is what has led to so Ing i sbe scramoled back into bed the pray- 1 tied own over them. suddenly,
. n if then, because it will only be much Opposition to the Hydr3 Rad- rather faintly. "There's 'Carmen, to- Or became words: "Thank whatever ! Frarlki(� broke it.
Vve very I tals. As real knowi,�dge on -these morrow, you know, And after that I
. oossiblo -in a Community wl�eye (1, v. - 'Mimi' and -To9ca."" 1 power. there Is In heaven for Leon," "Reg," she said, turning to Dan-
I not Imatterz spre-ds Sir Adam P ','l PI 'Ile fell Asleep at last just as thr,, vers, "will you go now, Just for a lit-
utan wishes to do %,that is square a . 1.
i h a Community 1,,ition as a pioneer In the w-., "What does that matt?r?" lie Urged it-
honeGt, and when Sue ' . clouds grew golden at the v.dg,,,s. " tle while, and then conio back? And
I 3ts it will not need a, F ederation it I o-� tile most advanced science t ' ',-,I impitinntly. "Don't you care for me I Late breakfa9t, late rising, and a tiliank You ever so much for this lov,�-
- eti� I
'Phlb,lice. All busluess will then b�� I reco.-itzed. . more than all that?" I vory hurried Scramble into a rl ffy ly bracelet."
. . I - - Frankle tried to think Coherently, Iftuse, and the best skirt be _U
. ;; .......... �_ vilo was happy now, at this minute, In I Tlv�reso so (,GYIY refused to cause I Danvers lingered. kiddie?"
of h,vl,,, some of ehe worst maiarial m way she had never dreamed she iname of the m1sleut who give tho 'Sure I can't help you,
t5atqlous on earth. would bp. It did not seem possible awaited lie Asked unhappily, ,,,Sure," she said
The peasant lisp, little faith In nied- hild Who S*.ept,11 she Said to Loon, 'n"deniolselie in the salon. gently. 149 walked� past Leon and
i,i-X)n, of nourse" went out of tha door, Shutting It be-
leal sciA,. ,1TIo-%v can a bug give c� .r and Smiled; lit,, I .
,1". Ile camp to lip
R rk UB typhug?,, tb(�y ask. "Every living fle,4 looked transfigured. "Oh, Blene," Frankle e-luckled gaily at his, sub- I hind hini,
nv q thing, harbors Insects. Why not lie s,jid with a big slgh-,�'by Jove, I torlu.0 She would go In and look. at I Leon put the flowers down and
I VEM %UPERSTITIOub i 111.111 a,u4 say In her most distant m4n. Istrolleol to the fireplo.ce. Without
. I man? If the good Ood Bonds its dis- 1-y�j ,-Appy!" It(!,': "To w1ml do I owe the hon,)r of
. (,as,, and misfortune, we beii(,,ve that "You'll bave to kiss Frankle, good i (.v(,,,i glancing at Frankle, he took out
� LITTLE PAITH lie. knows bost." nWht lftAv." Mine. Xftin snid- "�NO, i this visIt, ra'sieu?" And! then -oh, I ,its elgarette case, chose a cigarette,
; PEA$ANTS HAVE W,,,!11, then, both sho and 1,20n would ',and lit it.
. ENCE AND NO ln mosf ,districts In the T-*lIkftUs !Aon, I insist. Tomormw Is the pro-
, i IN �N190ICAL SM ill(, huu"� Of' the rural P')PUlatl0n ar�! wl.,re, tqi�d It pronliere th-l- Without !not vroit an L',4�.I,ant longor for th,�,,.�r ; "Leon," Pran'-A�! said f1lutI.-
I LINESS. I 'Ll 4 an 111('etin,�. ,"dar:hi.g, ir'.lat 11; ,the inatter?"
I : REGARD VOR tLEAN nmall And ponrly constractcol. Many v,ou wouiol. n,)t have been I A. 0 w - 11 ' - ;- wl
i of tllr.ln a;,q built o! inud and strmv,� (1(,�� . Mle f'flw a'ong tile carridor , her fle snd!,,d a' I., Ithout aoy mirth.
. fu,. (,, g 11 i 1 1
. � .arillen will slu ow w tl I ' skirt proving very unaecommo. -Tho niatter?" lie eehood. "Sure -
I ,I ana have 110 Provision for P,aultstioll iler soul tiq well mLs In her voice! XISS i w` , I ly you should know b6tt- t n i 1.
, . ,
I)Isease in tile talltanD Is looked or ventilation. Tile only air admit- let me I datfil; when it came to A lover's spe;2d, . o 11 I I
- y(jur possession good nighr and . al'id flaglied, 0. white, thin thing, with iniust P.pologize for InterruDting your
.0 p, to(I to tile itomns is obtaint-d through put hor to bed."
,)n by tile poople as A resUlt,02 IMe I
The poasantTY has boon coiticated In accidental imperfections lit COn3tTUC% Loon laughed 811w,"'y' bage tunw,,d !. b'�Vlz silk StOckItI90 and small, black 'I --er- - tgroeablo tote -A -tote just .now.
tiouk- Tattler than in tile laws' tion. A few of ills 11011SPs have two away, and thpli, visibly e.111oluprint,� :smla Show, into the Salon. l I was not awaro th,.0 I was not alont
I Ileg "ll
11 I l'itpoTstl , to, stories, the lower floor beill,-, occupied his anuoyance, bent over Franlile And 1 On thosof-a. a mail was altttn�: ale I In my in-, ,el'or, of Course, I , ould
-)f sallito,tion. Thtly are opposed -1 Imse at once ,aid (.mine toward hot-. It 'not havevbeet. so dlo,cGurteouq ao to
1 4 A qultoOS, ra,tG f1log by t*�lo 1i(,,rtj(.s and cattio, th�,, Upper by I�isz:od her Ill, Itly. she said. 1 wa�,, 1)aUver.' ,11 i,,ay, 1,1ranlila, you do ! c:,rao into your presence unan-
-filling o� 0(),- , the family, In such llouq(,�) as t1inse ,,,Not lilw that," 1 Icurk rinitInjif", he said,
the 1 Are f3r,1!IJ,,,s livo crowdod topvther under Leou ^iluslled. without looklar, al I . I ll(,Unc�tfl,"
011(l v�.,rwhl, L'Illeving that they 1, "Oh. llot?, whpre did you come Frankle felt as though an P-_.eald
I 'knotr nothing tile IndAt U.11lyZ10ftu`(t e*ndlflnjis. Years NImc,. X-1111. he,,put his all -110 TOUIld , frefil"A" IIer*firSt Guolden disaprjoill',- * linlid Avore slowly gripping her hev.t.
; It part of lf�p. Tiler liout a doctor (,;1tPr1n,- Vic 1"�rankie And kissed Ifor nlol,lth: th011,
&bout tilo c-arriers of di,Aoil6b. The PaR,�; Wit i I 11V 11t,W49 111dedn at olice. "I don't understand what you lxwtau."
Ing th<Ar 100d hUL4. 1,),,,,e,1sn goes untre:tted. In wjtil�;11� p,pojidug, left the, roolT. I
i � jrijl�zVtAlluo of protOCt I ,,Cot leave to come over and hear 1 to tell about Reg. Danver.q. Olt, IA!on,
4 fr, ag not tbe country diqtrieN delltistry I,q vir- (11APT1411, XX. yoti cing, kiddie." pleaae. 1)1,e2ne don't be like this!
r. a ,_') ,� I (? " t ,)m �vjj,god Inscv-to It y Unknown. Dath tubq are rare Love. i .
; bee- inli)ressc,oi Ilpo.,% them. Little or tuall, qn1% evpll in tile Imiger 'Clid course of True "Olt, Ro!,,, you dear!" Ole said. ,Tve told you all there lo
� , at) attpinio� IS 1111(i4a to draill 1110s- Ill 11`0 Dall, In that Part Of 19 no night In .lit tile days Of ale SMOOVied his much brilliantined -%viiat bave r done.'"
� Ils or va"triles, .so that the 'GitR"s, 'I"m peopio t JoVehaj? vcry carctully and fluOie4 Nvith I CLra be canftuedl .
'clulto POC e di,.�Irjjletfolt Europe rarely wash. youth 111"o the night wilvii. firs . i
Iralkau ,Sqates elsim t1i � . .
0 *
.11 questions appertaining to health
When found, they should be spoken
which are asked by readers of I this
to and Advised, and the parents also
paper will be answered in these
warned of the risk of overworking the
columns. All YOU have to do is to
brain. Less time given to study, and
state your question clearly and ad-
more to recreation and sleep will Of -
dress your letter to Dr. J. J_ Mid:
ten wort wonders in such Cases. Ill
dicton Parlidment 113ulidings, To
Cities, children of the very poor often .
robto.' The answers will appear in
show the effects of lack of sleep I
these columns in about tWO or three
through Selling' papers, �onietirnes
till midnight. in the country dis-
tricts children often Buffer unneces-
Children as a rule do not get enough
Sary fatigiie through the strain of
'esp. On account of their rApid
home work. Teacbers, of celirse, In-
rowth and development and their al-
sist that the junior pupils should do
ceaseless Inclination for play
a certain amount of homework, and
nd activity their liffife frames get
rightly so, but the nature of the study
hysically ex�hausted and need plenty
and time required to master it should
f rest, Only during sleep Is abso-
be Carefully arranged. Ill no case I
ute rest obtained for -the brain and
should the work given -children at 7.4,
iervous ,system generally. The in.
ant should spend most of its time
home interfere with their time for ,
recreation or sleep. The childrs bed -
n sleep; the child of four at least
roon! and how it is ventilated is a very - ,
halt of Its time. The child of seven
important matter; the teachek should
should have at least eleven hours, and
certainly give some instruction In this
the child of nine -as much as, ten hours
subject. 19ood pure air Is neces-
or more. Children require more
Sleep in winter than in summer, and
sary for the brain during sleep as
diiiing wakeful activity. 'The 4,1r of
this necessity should be recogfilzed;
b(,(I,rOCTDS is often vitiated by -closing
they should go to bed early, for the
the windows and lightfill; the I -amp or
most refreshing sleep,is obtained in
gas for some time before the room is
the f Irst few hours after going to bed.
to be Occupied. The lamp should �
Many people do not realize the impor-
not be lighted until the room Is enter�
tance of the children going to bed
ea for the night, or else tile windows
early. Entertainments or evening
should be kept open. If contarilinat-
ed or bad air is breathed during sleep,
parties at home, with all the nois? and
excitement that accompanies such an
it will produce effects no less ser�
event, put the children of the) family
. ious than those produced by breathing .
into a highly ner�ous condition, es-
such Wir during the waking hours.
pecially It they are not sent %o bed
Caildren as a ro!.,ult, will be dull and .
at their regular hours, Regularity of
stupid next olay, not inclined to bave -
the hour for bedtime, as well as for
rising should be Insisted on in case of
much ,vxppatite, And generally feeling
Out Of sorts- In this Condition It 19
children up to ten or'slevan years of
Practically impossible to teach them �
age. .
, .
Anything that will remain Ill .
Ear,ly to Bed. -
w ly adopt these
Well Ventilated Rooms. .
The bedroom should be kept miry .
habits it It is trained to them, and
it is just as easy to teach a child the
and well -ientllated� The -body *111.
right way as it Is the wrong. To let
not suffer if well and properly cloth -
a child stay lip late at night is a prac-
ad. It consumptives and babies. can
sleep in the open -air and thrive on it
tice that has nothing to comme
is no reason why healthy adults.
It is allowed by some parents as a
matter of expediency Or personal
-there .
.and Children should not do SO 41,40.
comfort, because they will say the
Children ihould also be taught to ' . I I..,
go to, the lavatory at the same time 1,
child� it it goes to early at night,
wakes up the whole .household at day-
each (lay. This practice if consis- N. ,
break next morning. This, however,
i tp,n,tly carriel out,makes for bealth, in
is again a matter or habit, for up till
that it tends to prevent constiPatiOl't
nine yaa,s of age the (Aii:d sliouid
hours' '
"'s ar:51r.7 -M
wiih Ps aCellZiftnt ... ' . fro
lowering of tons -and loss jot
have at least ten sleep.
The brain ben-efits from regularity
in rest, no -less than the stomach from
general �
appetite. I
Plenty of restful sleep. And the . �
regularity In meals. The signs of
right kind of outt-door�ex'ercise . to -
Insufficient sleep while mainly nien-;
gether with good nourishing food, are
tal. are largely physical as well.
They am most marked in the case of
the essentla:s for a healthy active
childhood. With these supplied, the
the child, and childien who ,get t6o
growing child may be expected to
the best progress at home and
little sleep are readily recognized,
They are anaentle. languid, dull.
at school provided its general 'health ,
drowsv and stupid. 'Phe appetite, i'A
poor, the growth is stunted. Tb a
is good -
i� pttrantw, w;'.' only ml-ke it a prac-
face is pale, the eyelids are heavy,.
the eyes sunken and dark ranged. These
-ties to see that'theIr children develop
regularly in thQtr health hmbits, and
children are, not inclined to muscular
especially so -with regard to the time
activity And' are incapable of learn-
of going to bed, a lot of good willre-
the besides being kept
Ing. Occasionally children showing
such signs are found in the upper
suit, and child
healthy will have been taught metliod-
standards -of a. school. They are loal ideas that Vill be of benefit to
often hardworking, clever children. all through life. I
- I ____ ____ ; ,
I By Dr. James 1. Vance.
The very genius of religion is to
Have a savings bank Account, it pos--
forget self in the effort to promote
,the happiness and welfare of others.
ible, but dou't hoard. Don't starve
our soul to feed your locker. Don't
Put you have seen people who act -
iminish ,yourself or your happiness
ed as though they were afraid
might not be enbugh of God to go
r your usefulness Just to increase
our bank account. The life is more
around, as though residential accom-
ban meat and the bo dy than iraiment.
dations in heaven are limited. This
is the worst kind of hoarding�to -get
AMoney In Itself is worthless. Its
a spiritual blessing and try to keep it
,nly Vilue is In what It can do. There
to youxself, .
,s nothing more foolish than try-
ag td see how much filthy lucid You
If you hoard it, It will spoil. .
an pile up. I
'This was the lesson of the matina,
Hoarding Is a process that react!
rained down In the desert from heaven.
to feed Israel on the journey to the
11sastrously on character. Under Its
Land of Pr6mise. Every morning
mneful influences the juices of gen-
xosity dry up and onle's personality
there was a fresh supply for the day's
�ontracts. The soul withers, and a
need. rait Some long-sighted In-
vestors decided to-coriler the market.
asn's nature becomes ,small.and sor-
They proposed to stock up against a
lid and hard and mean.
day when the heavenly rain might
Therefore, dpWt hoard.
cease and there would be a manna
What I am saying about money ap-
shortage In'the camp.
ffies to everything. Don't hoard ally-
-When they examintol what they had
hing. Don't hoard your social and
stored lip, they found that the manna
nental traits. If you do, they will.
"had bred worms and stank." It was
vither, too. Don't board your re-
heaven's wayof saying to foolish, self-
igion. AVhmt a. blunder to try to be I
fissh, sordid human niture: "Don't
L miser with the One thing that was
hoard." . .
neant to make us big-hearted and
Don't be a hoarder 4nd don't be a
"enerolls, I .
spender. Be a, user. .i. Be ,a server.
. .
=%= 7==.=7=7,=-=.-t=*=r.-".___
' '
Came rthe rep'Y. "I'll wager that four
ou-t of every five women who wear the
usual type of bungalow apron have
--.-- I
found tile "me trouble with them
that I have. They wonrt stay put.
The Straps 8111) off the shoulders at
the ,q That's be-
slightest movement.
- _ icause
they we"e designed by a, man.
Now It a wonian had made the Pat -
"There's a Young lady outside walt-
term------." 'Here she slipped ail Ppron,
119 to see. you, sir, and she SAYS it*s
out of her ahopping bag, and, almost
no,,�.t Important. I told Ile-- YOU were
bdbre the buyer know what she wmg
nuqy, but .,ilis said that she'd walt-
doing, had dentonstrated the advan-
r L,h(j had to ztay there a w0ek."
tages of her Ideas in connet,tion with,
The head buyer of one of the larg-
it. .As a, nBult she left tile Office
mt department stores In ,Los Angelle,3
with an order for -0 dozen, which she,
, led In spito ct himself at this evl-
made up Plitirely by herself.
lf_�nce Of feminine obstinacy. The
That was three years ago. Xow
yitl.,�nt person In the ante -room prob,
Jivie ItuAnd, ,02'yoars of age, Is presi.
tb!y wanted to sell him something
dent oil her oN)tn company in Los An-
lia, wis, worthless, but --
thi) ,
geles and thr- oi �'y limit to her apron -
Olt, w6l, show her In," 919!1�1(1
housedTos-,s-itojama, husfneQs appears to
juyt-r. "ThA! SbOner Ave get it over
. I ,
Wi tho ,vailabip supliiy of materials.
vith, tile better."
The moment the ealler appeared tli� �'c, IDANtING
nan behind the big 1=1109=Y d04,
juew til.3t I!e would, have to stel!l
The, Jazz fo.vcr has broken out
.lIlU,,.-,(!If ag,ihist yielding to her WHAS, I
aniong tho 1"skinloes of the fair north.
�3r f -die was not only youag but ex- "
.-optlo, 6, 1
, nally Pretty. Without makill,
Mounted itim:C-111olf report ti0t'd'aft�".
he %lit"Ilteot Attempt to use tile Am. ;ing
cocuples all the,Bparo monlents�
aunitl�nl with which tiaturo had _"O 11�P
the llj.-th,,?rner% and that a ,great
i)lentifully guppi-xea her, the young
I'moo, p,.-csuluably of fee, has been
kyoulan took up her position Irt ,tile
bul;t on Coronation Gulf, for a daneer
2entre of the offico and dcclmanded'
WIlAtIg Ilia pri-10pal trouble with
t.110 aprong you're SPIlin.- 110W?" I
I A.
"Trouble?"' (3thood tile buyer,
James Oarfinld was the only ,or -
didn't knov; there v.,as any."
dalued preacher to be eleeted prooi-
,,Thatl�; bocame you are a mail,"
deilt of the United ,States, I