The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-16, Page 7!f)
To Kiss Union Jock And Wasn't
The death of jas. Boyle occarrell AI A man to WhOn' success hltd come sole� Made
We have a Splendtd StoeU Of his residence on Havelock St-, Saturday the result of his own pemistent Given Monte To 40A
morning. fie had beewill 0111Y A few ly as prominent Place
in A
(lays with PlIcUtIlOnia but it was a very efforts always kept I a n Tolouctcin, N. B,, Dec. 6—Amid some Of
severe attacir and his constitution was above his desk a card which CQ tai ed ich Moncton lAas
Victor Rre c o r d S not strong enough tQ withstand it. Mr. seven questions: the wildest scenes wh
Boyle was a quiet, industrious man, And Are, Yom willing witnessed ill Illarly years, UndsaY CrAw-
made many -friends. He was In his 64th. "You want Sue , cess.
I to pay 1.1 - for it? ford of Toronto, National President of the
FOR CHRISTht-AS ear and moved to town a few years ago How e price
from his farm near Ripley, H6 is stir- touch discouragement can you Self-determination for Ireland Leaguf,,
Store Open Evenings. vived by his wife and two sons, one on 1 stand? was prevented from �pesking here to -
the old home farm and the other in New ,14ow much bruising can You take?
Ontario. lie was a member of tile 1. 0, 1 you hang oil in facts. of night and was ordered out of town. He
0, F. and A. V. & A. M, th'O' latter "How long cal
N'S MUSIC STORE society will have charge. of the funeral bilacles? WAS escorted to the station to the accomp-
IFLANIGA i I I ", - Tuesdav front the 0 — do what ; utof fivintymissiles, and there re-
WHICLI W At e 11 oss ceme- -,Have you tile grit to ICY 4'. Uk- After he
Anglican church to South Ki'll others have failed to do, quired to kiss the Union Jack, irti6t "rton keeps it "'GO04",
tery. It on t1ift groand that he ana the se"
A wedding of interest to mail., "Call you go up against skepticism, sought protectio ith all its 0*'W041
( in tlli� wx
loolility was solemnized at Calgary, Alta., ridicule friendly advice to quit, without had been injured and unable to travel- Pted Rose Tea comr4 to you
I N 8 when Mr. Nelson Webster r" strength and ritre flavor fully retained.
Oil OY, flinching? Air. Crawford was permitted to remain In
I hat he would
Doherty both of Nevi, ug, on the finish as'
well as with the understanding t
XV.X1AXV.==% and Miss Janet to the bonds of matri- "At-(- you stro
Alta., were united i of Mr. and quiLk at ihe start? leave the city to -morrow.
r !�ouy�._ The groom is a son
K Webster who formerly resid- "Success is sold in the open market, The trouble started when Mr. Crawford
I t
RING S A LE e t�e outskirts of the town and is You can. buy it -1 can buy it—anY 113- refused to answer ibe first question lin'
BIG XMAS CLEA well known here. He enlisted here with can buy it Who is,willilig to Pay the 'to him by, a returned soldier, who appear -
the i6oth. Batt, and after returning from entative of citizens who had
of active erv�i�-,Wweut out west, His many price." ed as it repres; HOOVER OR EUREKA CLEANERS
'r end. met last Friday night to cousider.the
"I sh them many years of The chief reason Why so many people
44 � - do not attaill success is that they do not proposed visit of Mr. Crawford, and who d Xmas Gir"Itse,
mc%uiet adopted a resolution strongly protesting
IPA% bs',Pk'PVery wedding wail solemnized desire it strongly' uflOugh to Pay the price, Make the most appreciate
117 Ham -
at the bome,of Mr. and Mrs. — at tilL failures. against his appearance,
'V V %W Twp., oil Wednesday, Dec. They become discouraged
ilton, Huron Samuel McGuire and Mrs. which are sure to attend their initial Long before eight o'clock, the hour
S. when Mr. iey have only set for the meeting� the public auditorium
Martha Millian marriage.
Rev, R, F, Irwin of the Methodist church to bitch their wagon to a Stat, and the in the City HAII was filled to overfloWit3go
nd Sil krwa officiated in the , presence of only sky ard. They
ve re were ullited in a few of efforts. They think that it
a the immediate relatives of the brid, and star will draw them w and hundreds who were unable to obtain
ould like to get to tile summit, but they ad' ssiot; thronged the street in front of
groom. They will reside Ok Inglis NY mi
Goods At Pre War Prices.' street *d instead of making their way the building.
and will have the best wishes of a. want to ri e
Returned soidie rs h
large lost of friend§. up on foot. ad �eeu. asked,
cFold filled cases The hydror gait g which for the past few An army of youilg men and women n hand
i17 Jewel Regina Watches in I, :own, left
Z�l ...... $21.00 weeks have been working in I ters the success contest everY year l through an advertisement to be o
at ............................ " ............ on Wednesday morning for Norwood. en fresh from the schools and I e a d I e number of them occup-
They were not quite done here but were Tney are i arly "' a arg . e of the
16.00 V. ed a block O)f seats on one sid
nd the cities. They
Nickle cases .................................. heldup for supplies for the sub-statioll colleges, the farms a
at Holyrood, and as Norwood wasin the their aim high—they de I"
7 Jewel Regina �Watchjs in gold filled, cases same position, when the Inen were there, have The Sad part of it is thht b: 'a, �liere was no possibility of other.;
14.00 X I "t I
........ Nj% but now have I 6ir supplies. they went sucCes fail to attain the .3o o'clock, the Chairman,
at ............................................ 9.00 finish tip and after com- majority of them _r '
back there to wilt eutcr"'g a p ty tnlltitl� t-
Nickle Gases ..................................... plethig there will come baek here. We goal—not because their brain power is John Dher , called the
51 1 V. , are now here I older at th, t hour and arose to introduce
5 jewels Banner W understand the supplies deficient, not on account of their bodily
"I'. Criawf. t.
Champ. Wrist. WatChes, 14.00 411 but we will have to wait till the men rd
ength giving way, not for the e6ason
cases ......................................... come back, ,vtlich we are led to believe I portunities to succeed When the chairman bad concluded,
Cuff Buttons, Chains, Brooches, Tie Pins, and ,g will be about tile first Of the year, The that there are not op 9 Doige, a Moncton citizen and a
churches, ulost of the businessplaces and y hand, but becau,;e when tile Thoma
time cofnes for suce
-war prices. This means prices cut �u_ite a number of dwellings are wired. on eve" ess to exAct payment returned soldier, marched to front of the
Rings at pre X -O So -we are now waiting for the juice. from them,�they will not pay tlie price. hall with a document containing a list of
about in half. The entertil"alent (Reveries of a Bach- ice that every man and questions which had been prepared for
Knives V, elor) given in Carnegic Hall by the Ang- And the one pr
Holmes and Edwards Hollow Handle lican Yougg People dre%� aL full house and woman niust pay if they ever achieve the occas aid Mr. Doige,
S. Regular $20.00 the affair'%V*as financially a success. The k "Beforeyou speak", s
and forks, any design success Is wor
13.50 -ted b Rev. t breaks doWn the barriers, addressing Mr. Crawford, "on the subject
home talent being ably suppol
d�oz. at ........................................ .. -. (Rev.) Unp- It is work tha for yo this evening by the
H. Snell of Vviii9liam- Mr. , bstacles, and surmounts arranged 11
poons 30% off, W111- bell and Mrs. (Rcy.) Douglas of Dungan- and overcome o
omes and Edwards Sol
doz. Prices non' also'N11% Jarvii, who delighted the the diffidulties that are found on the road local branch of the Self determination
r Rodcsers knives, flat handles, $7.00 per and!1ence with several vocal selecticons, but to success. It is,.work that pusher. aside for Ireland League, will you 'kindly ans-
be in the way of the wer the following questions, which are
cut on everything but, protected priced goods- the crder was very bad, and not at -all
everything that may
like a Lucknow audience. Rev. Mr. Ec- aspirant for the prize. requ�sted Of you by representative citi-
f Community Plate, w clestone was chairman.
We carry a,complete line o 1847 Rev. Mr, Mann of Brussels, and Rev. ,Work, Work, Work," was the motto of Zeus of the city of Moncton.
Adains and Patt ician patterns, also Colony R. McCallum exellanged pulpits S n. Sir josbua Reynolds. 4$First—Are yot, a true British sub
and White u Voltairo's rotto was ject?"
Rodgers, Elite, Limoges. Brydal Rose, day. Mr. Mann preached two excellent "Toujours an
Mr. Crav;ford asked that all the ques
sermons. travail, '—"Always at Work".
;-A 0- Irl Patterns. I- " fle tn!S- -, I I - the table aria
'OVE� ---R
e H;x , as it Clean$
It BEATS - - as it SweePs
The Hoover loosens every particle of
destructive embedded grit by gently
beating rugs or other floor coverings On
a cushion of air. It sweef's up lint and
stubborn litter with its revolving brush.
It carries off surface dirt by suction -
We will be glad to demonstrate The
Hoover either on your own rugs or here
in our store.
Silver Novelties and Leather Goods. I& Got -don Drinliwaltet, a Scott's maxim w1as -Never be do ng tions be read an a
9 fortut'i, to get a piece of steel in his eye
J0 one day last week, and had to go to Wing- nothing." He knew a phenomenal work- said that he then would discuss them.
ham to have it removed. er. The Waverly novels were written at This did not suit a large portion of the
U left I - volumes a year. audience and there were insistent de- � X"AXVI
-1 Ar Mr. and Mrs. Earl Begley, W 0 ithe rate o) twe v I y parts of the hall that
"s here for the West five years ago, are it is said that Michael Angelo always inands from man
71L A estions
Re Moo M A spending a few weeks with friends here. kept a block ofmarble in his bedroomt SO he should take up the qu one by
.9. D. K. Webster, who left at night d d them "yes') or no."
Jeweler and Optician. Mr, and Tvlr West that whenever he could not sleep one an answere
here a little ovet . h I and work, that no time The audience heard only one qtestion
a year ago for the, st he mig,t get up
r=de ill�
ingham.0rit. returned con Satt her speaking.
W irday night and willr A:li
ree. ed a stroke of need be wasted, read. There was no furt
En8raving Fo' here. Mr. Webster stiffer r-.
X XXXX;U1XX;rX I al in the A lady once asked Turner the secuet of Mr. Doige said he was submitting
,% , 1�;ralysls shortly after their arr v 11
C.sL, and is completely paralyzed niak-
arm chaiv. his great success as a painter. His reply simple questions.
' ep'y
ing the journey home it' 'all Hbi,,rhad very hard questions for
weather is very much different was: "I have no secret, Madam, but hard They are not
This a man to answer" he said,
from -that Of a year ago' and while many work." a living example , t was difficult
is we would like to see Thor4as A Edisciii is Front that time onward I
ENTER ANY TIME would prefer th - to hear -what anyone -,Vas saying. Several
STUDENTS MAY �nougll snokv for good sleighing, of how a man may win success by keep the audience
Begley took her oldest boy to ing everlastingly at it.
Mrs. Earl ell anything to eveiybody patriotic songs were sting by
Willgham. to undergo an coperation for the -'The gods B which drowned fu#her attein pts at con,
a,, -
at a fair price," says Emerson
removal of tonsils and adnolds. Itmaybeyours Doige and Mr. C
171 liter have I`e- . Do you want success? versation by Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Steele u d
pie years in If you will but pay the price. for
turned to town after a cou The crowd outside, hearing the songs
Michigan. all to surge into the hall.
Two Salvation -assies from Wmgham Leave Your Order NOW and cheers, bea
town ,telling Christmas War Crys,
At 7,45 O,clock a rush was made and
W� give thorough courses, aQe experienced itistruators who give ilidiv - were in rs. W. Sneitth seats were swept aside'.
h ry few refusals. with M
eeting with success. Winter and met ve Lisles aud,
idual instructi011 to Puplils. our graduates are in Carrick Douglas who went West in the For ...... I` People were standing in the I
a0mles for farmers' sons. Ndress college for free catalogue, fall has- accepted a' position in a bank in. on chairs crowding every available f pool;
Regina. D MEMORIAL �tie sougs were sung.
ST FORD Ripley and Luickdow have entered a XMAS AN of space Patrict
WINGHAM or hockey team in the Northern Hockey WREATHS Mr. Doigewent to the platform and I
League, and will play their games here. talked briefly with the Chairman, then.
one or two other engaged with him in a
e audience zould not
lz�,;AV conversation, but tli.
Belmore was said amid the
near what�
The Union Sabbath School entertain. shortly after 8 o'clock the pressure
great that the
from outside became ` so
ment will be held on Wednesday evellin
Dec. 23nd. police officers were no longer able to
Those on the
Women's Foreign keep back the crowds..
The ay afternoon.
I outside poured in, amid intense excite
W ety will meet Frid
er is confined to the
Mr James Weish mcut. For a time it looked as if the
tttack of mumps -
house with a severe z furniture would be badly smashed, and
Mrs. sterling Haskins, Toronto, 18 vis-
rsons in the rear of the hall would be
pkrents and other friends here. p
ifing her
1 -1 Nir. Mitch �11, Robt. Aitken and Rich. injured. ice Hutchison advanced to
-4. Chief of Pol
onto this week attending
jeffray are in Tor
W11 the convatition of the U. F- 0- the platform. There were Shouts Of
Miss NeldaWolfc, Lakelet, visited at Reasonably priced fit "Listen to the Chief."
112L1ZaA__ day. excitement subsided somewhat
Henry Johann's Sun bpli $2.50,$3 and$5 each. The the chief Said. tkat, a.,
on Thursday evening the young pe for a moment and
village and vicinity gathered at the
of the the furniture was being broken by the
of james Douglas spent the even-
t t home whiteehurch inpouring crowd, they should go out 1
Ing and part of the next day in dancing. 1%
14. lrwin, spent last week at Mr. Thor. Kew of Wingharn, visited an quietly by the rear exit from the hall.
M rs. W the
the home �f Mrs. R. E. Jackson, Wing Sunday at Mr. Geo. COttle'$- Several returned soldiers went to
and marched
am. iher, and -on of Manitoba, is Mrs Garton, Sr., and Mable, spent the platforni,boisting a flag,
Mrs. J. ME Ballagh. week end with friends at Brussels- out of the hall, where they held a demon - 160
Puttin Away ` S. J as'.
visiting with her mother, Mr
Miss Lillian Patterson of Lucknow, stration in the street. A larg Crowd
roof 'cm" C"IrOSS. is in tile Wingliam visited over Sunday with her friend, Miss followe(I Mr. Crawford along main
Mr. N. McNeil, who
yo uIr Car? hospital, we ate glad to say is improving lean Eagleston. en living -at street and getthered at the railway
Mr. and Uts. Wm, Alline, North Bay. Miss Ada Club, who has bc4 on and at a local hotel, where, it
RAT tiliout your Storage Battery? Don't Brucefield with her aunt, Mrs. Dow, re- stati was
Ile-leet. is visiting friends around here. said, Mr. Crawfora held decided to stay A
n turned home list Week- I
Wake Chances oil mining 'it thl-011911 und, re- The Sunday School entertainment is to
ar attention
battery nced's reglll� V, Dec. 23rd- COm0 Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacKay and obildren, for the night. 0
An idle be held on Thursda John and Isobel of Brussels, attended tile As the crowd accompanied Mr. craw I
charging at intervals 1:111,oughout tile winter months. and enjoy a good programme. Falconer-PurdOn wedding, last WedneS* ford to the station, pieces of hard ice and I
Simply taking, it out of tile car and Iteep, - it iq 2�lissci Blanth Irwin and Leta Higgilass day. andhwheu he 11
place is lot sufliclent to preserve the bat- Zham, visited friends here oil Manday. Mes, Sturdy of Lucknow, Tvits- peter other missiles were thrown,
a Warm Win oirs. Alf, Carr of Willgham, had arrived at the StAtion Mr. Crawford 1
tery's Itseftilnem Deans and t U I requir-
10 visited with Mes, H. D. Henclecson, lost claimed be bad been inj red am,
We have special facilities for winter storage. We Belgrave week. ed medical aid. A doctor "ras summcn-
will give your battery regular attention this Lilwood and baby of OvAnge. ed and gave what aid was required. The
Winter and deliver it in good Condition in the There Was a vdVY good attolindlince at MrsittWended the ValcOuel,.Purdoro wed rowd thelt insist6d that Mr. Crawford
the meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society Ville, last week. and are making a visit C
ce , but litt-le"more thaft was hold* tile ding kiss the Union jack. To this Mr:
Spring. The Stotage V Is I Church, whioth 4alconer. should tea, saying that,
month. of XDOX and Mrs. John r
the m3t of a freshening ellarge once a home of Mrs. Joseph Miller, on Wedfics- with Mr. conducted file Crawford readilv cousell )bjections
(Jay. Dec. 8th, After flit usual routine of Mr. Riddals of Tiverton,
business had been disposed Of officers service in tile Methodist Oint'611 On ";un' as (L Britiall subj�ct, lie had no 4
will preached Anuiver-
car repaired during the winter were elected for the ensuing Ytar, F011, aay. Rev. Mr. Ir whoLtever to doing so. J the Chief of
owing, which a dainty tea wag served by sary Services 'ayA on the intervention 0 'ed to
Rciv r. i at Tivert0n.
Save yoUr The (Jual0000 The following are the officers rwin intends holding pt 'lag permitt
able tetulisto, thelicittes". - Joseph M111- on Thursday ttvOuing !n, the Police, Mr. Crawfora *
season* Reason vertisement. for 1911;—President, Mrs radeting hotel. After Ile'
Ity Oj our. worlt is ail nt, Mrs. A. Porterfield; Metboa,st Chuch.
cr; Ist Vice Preside veryono w i � I bo. crogs the street to his
2nd. Vice President, Mrs, McGuire; Set., be mado Welcome. had retired to his room he qent out word
IL#10 rdlabel 11negnson; ASA. SM, Mr P-Scmnd' The Methodist COnV09aticia intend thilt he vras not able to e0111,111U0 his
1�10181'1 Orgallist,
rett, Treagwer, Mrs. Ander ) t , ent in tho, church,
CAR Mabel pergutoll., Auditors, Mrs. Munroe hooldin 111 enter amila jolitney aud thAt lie �10111(1 leaVu'9011eton
RTSON ly%,4 HECm, and Mrs. Taylor, Press Sectittaty, Mrs. Dec. 13rd. Vurthet OtAr n'ut to-Worrow.
ROBIE ONTARIO A. Pottart,61- is"110.
= I
- 4"
of High Quality Jewelry to be IM
Salo Stapts Dec. 4, Ends Deco 30 14
We need the, money and the goods must be sold -
Now is your chance to buy Xmas Gifts that last, :at
slaughter prices. We have a wonderful stock tO
choose from. Patterson's are always what he re-
columendq them to be -30 years in business has
proved it,
So up - to- date B o y so Watcher, .4 beautiful scolid, Cl*ld Blocichle5
regular price $5.00 each, to Iva sold set with real pearls, regular prka
at Patterson's B i 9 jewelry Sale $Io each, to be sold at Patterson's
for .................... $3.50 each. sale at ................ $6.50 each.
12 solid Gold Brooches, regular too Ladies"Wrist WAtcloles Of the
price $5.oci each, going at Patter' newest designs to be slaughtered
soil's Sale for .......... $.3.25 each, at Patterson's Jewelry Sale -
A large stock of Diamonds1mounted it, the newest
�;tyles to be sold at Patterson's Big Jewelry JSa . le.
Keep your eye on the windows and colint-
ers for goods ticketed at Sale Prices-
Vresh bargains%brought forward every1day in DiatnOudg, Watcbe3l
]$bciny, Ivor,v, Jewelry, Leather G06dso
Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass,
Novelties, etc.
No Goods Given Without the Spot Cash
Pr 4_
W,4 G., Patterson
Mqtaiage licausel Usual. phone 18r. (7. or. R. Nvatot% Tasp2etor.