The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-16, Page 5Dec. IM . o n)
Do Your Christmas
Bu ing
y at
N.Pro cery
"' I L 0,
A full stock of Fresh Groceries, Fruits,
and Confectionery at lowest prices.
Special Christmas Stock, of Chocolates,
Candies and Nuts.
Highest Prices,, Cash or'Trade
for Butter and Eggs.
Bluevale will get possession in March next.
Mrs. 'k elson Thornton has returned Miss Rintoul of Wingham, was a visit,
13ome after spending the past couple of or with Mrs. Geo. Mowbray this week.
months with relatives out West. -BothZunday Schools are busy prepar.
Mr. las.'McHardy visited relatives at ing for their Xmas tTee eutertain*nt.
Smelph this week. Mr. Harold Hammond has had a well
Mr. Robt. Musgrove was at Niagara drilledatthe Creameryand now has a
TAIls last week attending the funeral of first class supply of good water,
U sister -In-law. Mr. Geo. Townsend, and son of Gorrie,
XT. aud Mrs. J. McLaren . and fainily'Spent Sunday with Mr, 'Win. Thornton,
lof Alberta, are at Present visiting with' Mr. Eldon McKinney is relieving the
Mr. E.Obelrt Yeo. Operator at the G, T, R. at Wingham at
I present,
Mr. i3ld Mrs, Chas. ) - uright of Toron'
U spent a few days last week with Mr. Mr. Win. Garniss, Sr., does not enjoy
Ivery good health lately. We hopc he
I will soon be feeling better.
Chas. Garniss jr,, of Lumsden, Sask.,
is at present with relatives here, 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Garniss and Mr. and
When Roger Oke was taking a load of Mrs. F. B. ScotA, motored to Seaforth
butter to the depot on Monday one of tUe to attend the funeral of Mr, Scott's
wheels catire off his truck, not minch nephew,
J#mage was done however. Mr...James Moffatt, Reeve, vms in
God ' ch attending the meeting of t
,OF Mr. Alex Maltwen while at the Guelph 41 he
Vair last week purchased a pair of Rhor- County Council.
oughbred Berkshire pigs. They areve Mrs. Ne4on Thornton returned from
large 14' uglish type, the West, after spending a couple of
Mr.and Mrs. John Fitch of Howich, mpnths withher daughter, Mrs Crestella
spent Sunday at the home of Win, Me- Mr. Earl' Gray is visiting, his grand-
Nichael, Sr. f ther, Mr, Andrew Grey) and renewing
Mr. and Mrs. John Anger of Witigham, old friends.
spent the week -end at Mr. Alex McGeels, i Charles and Helen Black spent a
Qnite a number from here'attended the J couplb of days 'with old friends in the
winter fair at Guelph last week.
INIessrs, A. Wheeler, M. Sellers, and C , village.
Higgins are attending the 11, V. 0.
convention at Toronto at present.
m Mrs. 11. Bostiiau and daughter, Miss WHAT ITS COMINJ3 TO
Minuieare visiting at Toronto at present. 0
Mrs, J, Messer, Sr. and Mrs. fm,. M...! I&the days of yore we used to purchase
Kinnev are at Toronto attending the; . coal
funer 'l of the former's sister this week. In ten -ton lots, nor did we need Peguile
Mr. and Mrs. W. Matbers; of St. Marys, The dea!er, On the contrary, he'd smile
spent the week -end with the fornier's As though our order pleased his very soul:
parents, Mr. and.Krs. Geo.Mathers. And though Al -put. we grumbled we were
Mrs, John King who recently under- 1
went all operation for goitre at Rochester, qhit
N. Y., returned to her hoine Monday. In pocket by his prico, we'll admit
Her many friends will. be pfeased to see We were not badly t eated on the whole.
lier liotne again and to know she is get-,
tingalong! icely. ; But'n6w lie will not listen to a hint,
Mr. C. F. ' NTartfii of 1Vb iteeliureh, ship- EntneltY or a threat. Unloved alone,
J)ed 7 cars of hay from here this week, He will not answer his own telephone.
.11r. Richard Johnston took a load Of His heart is cold as ice and hard as flint,
.cattle and one of hogs to Toronto this i
weekaod is attending the T'. F. 0. con- And won't react to anything we spring,
vention while ill the city. Next.week perhaps he'll hop us. if we
Mr..Rd, Armstrong hassold his 5oacre bring
farm to Rev, Mr. Mills of Drayton, who 9paper bag, he'll let us ll V6 pint.
U .
0=1 _
,qvb a Tkno Saver ElecWc
Wazher -br a hrictmaa .
present. It. eztends' the
good clle--r of ychnisitlnae
io every wasla-day. of the
year. N other Present
=. mako r4fe or, mother
to happ, yt Sea the, Time
,8avCr_iU ouv _Slore.
The R"llep-ITRe
Tory Ccwners War Memorial Subscriptions
Mr. James Barton lost a valuable horse, The following tiubscriptions to the War
as did also Mr..A. S arti. Memorial Fund and Veteran's Watch (7t
Mr. Alex Higgins has, t e sympathy of Fund have been received up todate.
the community, owing to the loss of Ills War' Watch pit
barn, Memorial Fund S G 1",
Mr. Oliver Galloway has X estions -Suitable for Xma JIS
h'Iseq a Previously acknowledged $1095,00 IOX0 sugg
lath machine and Js now dusyc* cuttm.,
down his swamp. James Bowman, M, P .... 40.00
Nliss Maria Taylor was the guest of her Abliter Cosens ............ 25-00
brother, Alf, for a few weeks. C. R. Copeland .......... 25.00 A very Owsictive showing of seasonable goods, that xu ke IReal x
The prayer meeting hold at Mr. B. Mayor Gurney .......... 50.00 giffs, at remarkable prices.
Longleys'lagt week was a great sqccess. Harry Hinscliffe ........ 10.00
Many horses werq exchipged last week, .14
J. Johnson ..... 5.00 1b4i
da Hal for Mac,. R. M. McKay . 1,
among them was# Rhoa 62.6.00 Mrs
Doyle. Ladies' Wear
129500 9. 00 VJ
Mr. Harry Smith was the guest of Mr. Sweater Coats, pullovers and Sbarvlot! Fauc ,
John A. Taylor on Sunday last.
Reminiscences Of Belgvave Underskirts, Silk and Dresq Lengths, Linen Clotivi
Frotn Allegan, Mich,, we have received
and Nnpking, Scarfs and Caps, Crib lllanht-i , Cllovc ',
Belgriive the following: audi Hosiery, fqilk Blouses, Camisoles awl 1 oudoir
Those who ha%k envelopes for the Bible Editor Wingham Advance, aps, Fancy Collats, Nit Mode Brassieres, F 17wy Rib -
Society Collection, would do well to place Dear Sir: N bons, Fancy Bath Towels, Linen and Guest Towels,
them on the collection Plates of their While visiting at BelgrAv 4, V-4
church next Sunday. e a short while I 6111 0 IRE xa(leira Centres, Fancy Handkerchiefs.
ago I read some of the "Reminiscences of
Mrs. Anderson of Pr%aton, is visiting
ch I
School Daysonthesixth Line,"whi
at Mrs Finlay Anderson's.
thpugbt were very interestirg. I did not
,Perdu of Clifford, is visit. get all the articles and am wondering if *F
Mr. A. M,
Ing with her mother, Mrs, McRae. X Men's and Boys" Wear
you could furnish all of thep. I would
Mrs, Win. Corbett it shipping a car- gladlypay for papergwith complele articles Silk or Woolen Mufflers, Sweaters and Pullovers,
load o I f turnips. in. Perhaps they could be- put up in Hats' and Caps, Silk and Cashmere Hosv, Fancy
7- pamplet form tosell at about -16 cents Shirts, Gloves and Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Bra.,vs, Sus 39
each. I would take several copies, and if
Grey a number of others would do so too it penders and Garters, Fancy Armbands, Belts and 39-
11arry Atwood audson have been busy might pay You for the expense of getting Collars, jerseys, Neckwear, Fancy Ties, Fine Shoes, 3C
sawing v 'ood in this locality. overcoats, Suits,
1 it out.
Farmers are busy plowing, they believe Uo X13
in rtletking use of tlxe,gQod weather. a A ping to hear from you, and to get the
Maxwell Abram had -a colt sick with paper all the time from now on. I am BUY PRESENTS WE X!,
the "Flu" but is getting better we are Yours sincerely, Nlqv and Exclusive Goods.,
glad to state,
G. W. SoivLL;,n.
Some of the threshing machines are Something to Meet Your
just finishing up for this season which Subscribers In Arrears
has been a long one. Behold a certain mhn owed two bun- Demands, Wonderful Values
Frank Hackwell had a well drilled by dr d shekels. 11 1 sc
the Alexander well drilling outfit. And As the time of the payrn
David Sanders lids bonght,,two large
barns and %tends tearing them down and nigh a friend came to hinf and said untQ
rebuilding next summer. David is inak. him, wilt thou have the two hundred
ing plans for a classy barn. X
shekels with which to pay thy debt? And J9, Ae N I L"L S.
Thos. Williamson and Lawrence Whit -t he answered, I know not. & X
field are home from F I int, Mich., for a And the friend said: Hast thou not Shop Early. Butier, Eggs and Fowl Wanted.
month or so. They both look well
some debtor who owest to thee two bun -
dred shekels? And he answered that alas
It _MUSI Be Pretty Bad he had not.
And the friend said: Hast thou per -
The thieving business has been allowed chance one hundred debtors who owe to Falconer—Pu don Nuptials gifts -among which was a handsome leather! by Miss Annie Robinson, cousin of U;v
to go so far in Listowel that it is iven ef- thee two shekels apiece? And he answer- chair from the Pres. choir of which she bride. The bride was prettily attired
be e s C r con of Wednesday, Dec.
fecting The Banner's social and personaL, ed, yea, verily, and sid s the e others 1 was a member, also a cheque from her white Duchess satin, wearing a veil
column. The ladies, leaving town on a likewise. And then some also moreover, Stb, a very pretty ceremony took place father and mother. In the evening a, carrying a bouquet I of Opbeha Roses
visit, prefer to keep it out of the paper And the friend said, Go to, get thee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander large reception was held, the guests num- Maiden Hair Fern. Little Miss MargaT,03,
for fear the t ieves will discoVer that busy among thy small debtors and collect E. Purdon, Whitechurch when their eld- bering about tnq hundred. Mr. and 1 sister of the bride, who was dressed
they're away from home and clean up on thy debts, lest be to whom thou owest est daughter, Catharine*J., was united in Falconer'wil reside, on the groom's farm! white silk trimmed with blue beads, act).,,E
their fruit cellar. —List . owel Banner, _ #
come'upon thee and find thee lacking. in Wawanosh and will be at home to their as flower girl.
marriage to Mr. Cecil Falconer, son of
Renewirg With Verse For behold they th t owe to the6 should friends after the New Year. During the signing of the registe*,
pau,their debts an8 thou knowest that Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Wawanosh. 'Messrs. Russel Thompson, Clarence aln,5
Here is one way to send in renewal sub- "Mony mickles make a muckle. " The officiating clergyman was Rev. J. S. 1 Cecil Chamney and Charlie Robirw r_
scriptions. The Kincardine Review, re* And ehold the certain man was the Scobie of Whitechurch, and the wedding, Pretty I?ecember Wedding 'sang in their usual good style: after wh-lut-,
ceived the following.
publisher of a newspaper and the certain march was played by Miss Bertha G. A very pretty wedding, was solemnized i ab dut ninety guests enjoyed a , urnpttm ,a,
Breathes there a man, with soul. -so dead, debtors were his subscribers. McKay, aunt of the bride. The bride
Who never to himself hath said, Ion Wednesday, Dec. Sth, f920. at the! fowl supper. Mr. Peters, then, propos&?E,
What sayest thou to these things? who was given away by her father looked a toast to the bride and groom to TvW L ,
I'll pay before I go to bed home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson,
The debt I owe the printer. very lovely in a gown of white silk and the groom replied in, 4, very appropsll A_',
JPARM HELP—Owing to unemployment in wore the customary bridal veil with East Wawanosb, when their eldest daugh-1 manner. The esteem in which the yo=71,
Yes there are some I know full well, centres of Population there are InOny men
Wjio never such a tale could tell, now available for furni work. A large number orange blossom wreath, She carried a ter, Elva Maud, was united in marriage! couple are held was shown by the ra] M5-:7
t of these men have had farm experience and sheaf of carnations and maiden 'hair fern. (with Mr. Joseph Clark Thompson, s9n of beautiful gifts they received. T;,e gro=frc
But bey I fear will go to—, well, their services are now available at modern
wages with board. oFartners who can usefully, Mr. and Mrs. Falconer stood bene4th a gift to the bride was a beaut: ful wina
The place there is no winter. em oneortwo, f these men at this tim I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thompson of Auburn,
wyloy " bowerof evergreens to receive the con- watch, to the pianist a gold Ila, pin smalk
I be rondo 13ervice to the co
as to rin 1= rll iufui 11y. J grave, and
EncloEed please find $4.00 to apply on as well`,' elveq. Many f ) Ont. Rev. Peters oJ Bel
hict gratulations of -their friends after which,
MY subscription. Yours tru repairs and other odd jobs w h have been with pearls. After spending a verT
put off for years on account of the high cost of they sat down to a sumptuous wed.ding ] Rev. A. E. Millson of Auburn, were the pleasant evening with their 4riendii 111z.
labor. This might be a good time to get caught 'gift t I officiating clergymen. Precisely at 5 and Mrs. Thompson left for their
He's No Sficker upwith work of thts nature. repast. The groom's o the bride was:
Farmorsdosiving help please communicate a handsome set of fox furs, and to the! o'clock. the bride enter d the parlor lean- home amid showers of confetti, and vell,
One day last week a farmer living a with your local ReDresentativo ani btate the .
nature of the work and wages you are willing Pianist a lovely piece of Old Colony Sil-'ing on the arm of her father, to the strains the best wishes of a large circle of fdend:3;
few miles from Wifigharn called at Officer to pay,
Phippen's home and Ver. Thebride received many beautiful'
askedfor a hunter's S. B. STOTTIL118, of Mendelsohn's Wedding March playedfor a happy and prosperous wedded N.!
Agricultural Rep,esentative
license. On being asked what he intend- County Huron ===T
HON. MANNTING W. D0111,R11'y,
ed to shoc 4 he said ' oh nothing". He Minister. of Agriculture.
further went orr to say that no govern- -- . X. MXXXXXXXXXIM-4 -MMMOOMM.
ment or government spotter would put NOTICE TO CREDITORS '71 2tv
one over on him. He was tormented
with rats and mice and wds setting traps. I, In the estate of [Fabolla Weir late of the
ownshin of Turnberry in the County of
n wctm,, Widow, deceased.
0 being told that he did not need a
hereby given uur, uant to section - "r,r
a license for that gamO he said, ',I'll take .56 chapter 121 of It. . 0. 1911, that, all oersou.s.,
& im,
one anyhow. and should a fox or a bear well. ,,,Oag Inflt, the estate or Isabella
having claim ZE
who die n or about the twelfth day of I
,t NoVeniberA.D.j(120al the-Town8hip:of Turn,
come on my farm. the government won "1 K- ,J
, I I /
beru, are required 1 o send to the underaiknea
Let twenty dollars, and costs from me." oxecutors on or before the 6tn, day of J=
Ifheever fayored the Ontario Govern. A. D. 1021, their name,, and addgc,;s,,s -E ai,
full barliculani of their claims inwritiog and &S'
merft he has lost his sympa*hy. the nature of the securities (it any) held by
them. V
And further taho not ice that, after the said
f January A. D. 1921. the assets of
the :111111 0,tate will be diirributed by the said'
6111. n3 among the parties entitled there*, o 'IS Now F-mudlyr P v r e
Excoutoe 1.1 r Sto
X, My 07, havingregard oniv to claims of Which they
sball 0eu have notice ana the estAtie will no[,
be liable for any claims no., filed at the time
of the qald diAtribut,ion. X 4W V,
Dated at, W ham this Gth.'day of Dec.,
ember A, 1). 1 12101!
Jolix J Rolwxsox,
Fared h%r vi Bounteo s
A walk through our bAT store will conv2ne(z you hnt we have
OTH ',m the largest and most complete stock of Gift Goods tu Huron.
Recently at a meciing, -of the Tariff jaelow are a few suggesfions which shoUld prove interesUng Urad
Commission Mr. A. H. Clement, President Wise ones are bringing their
. X soHve Me Gift Problem
of the U. F. of Quebec, was urging for X11
lower tariff and suggested an increase in Cream, Eggs X Xmas Cards and Booldets Fancy Linen Scarks n 7 dff
the income tax. Sir Henry Drayton ask. and Poultry X froni'le io 25C. Xmas PapetMea 37,'
ed: "What do you think a man with an Centre 1prieces and Etc. hil & "
income of $1,000,000 should pay?" la"Ahney box -es igom 2se 0$5.00 varleiy at ROWCOR praces. 'Wl
to P ,
Mr. Clement- "About 8250,000 would eir bo7.r.
be fair. A fE
Wue& Qndl connab and _rJae-R.
"Sir Henry Drayton: "The tax isever 311vamods W9 Locknow Wd
X New 93031ka Rim. 2 "EMIg un, r Reiy culTe sets, fyam $21.00 to $3.00
650,0110.11 Wg Wh5ch nlaRxe Rdemu ('NUMS 97LOM
It i8 needless to say that Mir, Clement and getting, hig est vash accurate OV.
test," llollc. t vv ghts; and a square deal, U 25c to 91.00 eaern.
was surprised. Yet lie is not the only one Pol Itry pays w ether it is new lai l (%gs
who show the lack of knowledge in touch. or 1' )Xlltry if yo bring theta bere , Vv Y6 Vje C'n 'DRY Tlhe Rzygest acr,,,
ing upon the income tax, We give the tax take thent al y (ay.
J.4 Tpilcy PECIlRye o nyUgEenniy 110 nney CE-1)0"An nnaoal cai Mn2; , i'ln
as it now tands since the increase kst ses- V011 81 ltvlclt V8 hmAnC& a n. 520, rzim.0je, 09 sub. Huyoiq _ LU50 Flyl?Pni -M,
Ei 5,000 ............. E. Aficheson., Phone 47. 1 ge(218, IT011a 20C RD $2.05 C@e, a. b2aw"Uia =Tnll VirwMe N=2 Ceo '!R"Vlz z
10000 010 1 'o w'il Tll, ^ ;.4
30,000 ............. 11084
50,000 ............. (),6z
100,0110 ............. 32,740
200 000 ............. 9_11819
............. .. 18341)
.......... W 606'" 1)
We havelintoned tothe talk that tile big,
fellows gots off in canadn' but we would
8uggecit that our ro lderq if intcrasted, go
lilt(, &LAalatter of fitcome ard tlaoy will
f Illd that %"(" tile 11441":r thall Grcat Britah),
ALotli(r wh g the will lind iG that oil the
121,111c'r Gleat Ukit""in ! i luv'.
(r "11A Cauadn.
F Irst C I a ss F arm
llootl huilfling ,, and feiice,
olose to -narkot, and elitireh.
$75oo, el ,541,1 litay r(Illain fill mortgag !
M 5 per ccut.
70yf,, ), BeIrliMs =61 Gcnmeb, aal (g I H q 0s). 'y
fInTi a 5flg D"rtM]n1 no'ge
get0b' W 00 01-11 saue nii Cent&
9k,pw to 26 See ea -CE& En and RCOR aT-Oun&
, rc
- A A R