The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-09, Page 7* V,
1';Ui14r0d^y, DOC. -011. LVIV
...... .....
OUNW1. MUTINU Outstanding ............... N$ a
(Continued from page 1) Totaloverdraft ............. S 789 56
Bylaw No. $41 to fix the exemption of Balance due ................ 1600
farmlands in the, town of Wingliam. as CAQU Book .................
- _ X
PECIALS. follows was read, and passed: Wm. Field The cash . $ 714 �50 4�j
$5.75, H. T. Thompson 2,25, F. Angus book of the electric depart. dF6
........ ment was posted up to October 31st. Su__90stioflV3uit8h1e fop -Xmas Gills
OOA . 75C., Chas. Burford 1.50, Jas. Angus, Debentures to the amount of $10,
estate 2,25, J. A. McLean 8.84, Thus. ow
erest pay- y attractive showing of seasonable goods that makke Ide
.50, N. S. Burwash, estate 75c., able half yearly. This amount was paid
Gregory I were issued and sold at 6% int A ver
Chas. Elliott LW,'Robert Hogg 75c. over to Mr. J. A, Murt;n. I al
"SAT5 0 N LY, DECE' 11th Bylaw No 842to provide for the election The Bridge Contractor has been pair] X gifts, at remarkable prices.
of councillors, Public School board and two progress payments of 58"500,00 each X
mmissioners 'Was read and passed. in all $7000.00. This amount was bor- Ladies' Wear
Nominations will take place in the town rowed from the Bank of Hamilton pend -
,pure Lard, 1 lb . . . . . . 0 0 29c hall on Monday evening, Dec. 27th. at ing the issue of debenture.
Ora and Peas each C 7.30 o clock and if a poll be demanged On the Sewer Sweater Coats, Pullovers and Sbawlette�-, PancF
voting will be held on Monday, January 1919 and 1920 there was due
Construction accounts of Underskirts, Silk and Dress Lengthig, Ljuc�u Cloths
3rd. from 9 to 5 o'clock. Polling places the Bank of 'nd Caps, Crib BlatAtet�, f)lovas
'Tomatoes each . . . .. . . . . . 19C 15 and Napkills, Scarfsa
Harnilton on Oct. 318t the sum of $57 and Hosiery, Silk Blouses, Camisoles and %oudolr
and officials will be as follows.,
Surprise S o a p . . . . . . . . . 10e
Caps, Fancy Collars, Nit Mode Brassieres, Fa:�.-y Rilv.
Haines, D. R. 0. and Win bous, Fancy Bath Towels, 1,inen and G hiest lowels,
Ward No. I.—At Robertson's garage, J. The Mayor brought up a matter of re -
..Pearl! n e . . . . . . . . . . . . ge Gannett. poll fund of school taxes to Air, Alfred Carr
clerk, Madeira Centres, Fancy Handkerchiefs.
The matter was referred 'to th
Post Toa� School board. Publi..
,,;fles, 2 for . . . . . . . . 25c Ward No. 2.—At Win. Gannett'sim-
pIement shop, C. R. Wilkinson, D. R. 0, At aiis the curtain dropped as far as ai;r
ocerned as tile cc
I a �' `Iii ` , , ,
Corn flakes, 2 for 25e and Win. Moore, pull clerk. the public were co' uncil Ng
Ward No. 3. Men's and Boys' Wearr X-C
Mixed tea,.1 lb . . . . . . . ... . 45c —At the Town Hall with went into commiLtee of the whole all(i ad- X
A. M Fralick, D. R. 0. and A. Fleming, i ourned to the- �auncil chamber. Err."
poll clerk. Council met as a commattee of tile Silk or Woolen Mufflers Sweaters and Pullovers,
whole w itb Mayor Gurney eleettd as Hats and Caps, Silk a nd Cashmere Hose, V - -
Ward No. I. -At Gregory's vacant aurtuan. Cloves and Mitts, Handkerchief.,, sul,
store with John Dodd, D. R. 0. and H. ch panders and Garters, Fancy Armband V
Tax collectui And
HinsclaTe: poll clerk. Fralick read a list cf, s, rk!'..,
0 P ELAND'S C1 ROCERV I parties who were slow in making payment' Collars, jerseys, Neckwear, Fancy Ties, Shoes,
Ward No. .5. -At A. Bell, D. R. 0. ofpoll tax. The collector wus instructed V Overcoats, Suits. Fine
and Win. Guest, poll clerk, I to place the amounts in the Division
The bringing up of uncertified accounts Court for collection if same were not.
brought a little -fireworks into action. paid before the ' X 1.� BUY PRESENTS H HE
15th. of December. X New and Exclusive Goods. Kill
-Tho Art of Giving Lies in the Appro&lateness of Councillor Mitchell opposed the passing Moved by Couns. Cunninbarn and Fells, 7
the Thing Given" of an account of $2080.77 to Drummond, that we advertise for applications for the Something to Meet Your
McCall & Co. for iron, pipe for water- position of Clerk and Treasurer, Ap-
works. He claimed that the waterworks plications to be received by the Mayor up 95410
committee had decid Demands, Wonderful Values
�jd it best to delay to 6 p. m. on December 14tli,-Carried.
V I I I N the buying of these 6jpes over until next Moved by Courts. Cunningham and V"
Ill Ilia
Year when they would be cheaper and
Fells that Court. Elliott be empowered to
ater *as in sight. This Piping was to sign cheques and notes on behalf of th e
put the waterworks to the north of the Corporation - until *such time as a new Q%d
Maitland and work would not be pro. Clerk and Treasurer is appointed -C Vill
Merry Christmqs" Electricall w Je At, MILLS
y ceeded with this winter. He wanted to ried, Shop Early. Butter, Eggs 'and Fowl Wanted.
know how any individual could order Moved by Court. Fells and Ree�re Tip -
anything for the town without the town's
ILI? ling, that the Hunter Bridge and Boiler
consent, as a member of the finance com- Co. be paid $41.38 as per Engineer's
mittee he refitsed 'to pay this account ,,timateandtbat V. R. VanNorman be
Mr. Cunningham calmly asked who the paid $92M as Inspector's fees-Car'ried. Bl�th East Wawanosh Wroxeter
individual was and expressed surprise at Mrs. Rev. Clysdale of Fordwich, vi�it,
anything being ordered without the signa- Bellmore er mother, Mrs. John Mills, during that Warren
ed h Many people will be sorry to learn Miss jean TQwn of Hamition, is at prew
I James, youngest so
ture of the Mayor and Clerk. the week. n of Mr. sent visiting bar parents here.
I A well kncwn resident,of Turnberry, andMrs.Wm.jamesis threatened With
Mayor Gurney stated that he knew passedaway Wednesday morning, Dec. Mrs. John Harris left one day laz&
A number of our young people attend- appendicitis.
nothing of the ordering, Ist., in arson, of Bridget Meahan, ed the fowl supper at Auburn, Monday A very happy evening was spent at the week for Flint, Mich., wbere she inteniL-
the ip ripe old I staying for a time.
wife or Patrick Meahan, at the night.
6 Councillor Fells stated that he didn't age of 100 years. shower at Air. Thos. Robertson's for Miss. Mrs, Willie Sanderson of llowi&, whi��
Mr& Meallan was a Reeve Cutt of Goderich. AV6 in attend- Ulva. She received mai
order it, but admitted that when it arrived woman of remarkably strong constitution auce of the regular monthly meeting of gifts. iy handsome ( has been quite ill for sometime left Iat,�jt
Friday for Stratford Hospital Miere shs-�
he had sugg-isted that it be oil d had never suffered an illness, until a the Council, Alonday night. i will receive treatmeAt.
.-mutt few years ago, when site fell fracturing a Rev. R. J. McCormick will preach at I
Mr. Patri4 Gibbons and daughter,
the. car. TbL� pipe cost $104.50 pet- ton limb, sinceshe has been confined to her St. .1 Mary have returned from $ask., where
Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller of Wttlgbaw.�
larys on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Mc- they spent three months and they look t Sl-- --- week -end in lown.
and the price now was $117 per ton. bed at the home of bar son, Anthony. Camus of Clinton, will have charge cf the well after their trip.
Mr- Mitchell Suggested that T. J. McLean 01, Tuesday evening of last week %ervices iu the absence of the pastor. Mr. Donald Pope just finish, 1 a
knew something about it, where upon Air. about fio young people, gathered at the Mr. John Blair, left on Saturday for Mr. Chas. Robinson has refurned home cessful season's threshing Lm Xonda;j�r
McLean adgressed the council ailing manse, to again organize the Literary uelph Fat $t k S o after spending an. enjoyable summer in last,
society fbr the winter months. The fol- tw6 calves, from thereWs' -� w'Al axtilultl the West. A very sudden death ci,_curt �,d in th�:�
them very plainly that councillor Fells lowing officers �eere elected, President. show in Toronto. he will attend the p
knew all about the order -tnd he had lih Archie Lowry; 18t. ViCa Mr. Frank Shoebottou intends to move h arson of Mrs. Wrn. Alontgojiw.,�%- at tL.t�
Pres.. Writ. Dar- in a couple of weeks to his new rime, of her daughter, Mrs. Ro% McICer-
confirmation of it as cliftirman of t'he 1419; Secrolary Treasurer, GeO. RUMCI- Mr. Tyle gobinsou has accepted a posi- farm. sie, lot No, 6 in the 7th couv,'sSion 0,
-of the evening was
Save-- water works com., a copy of which he ford. The remainder' tion on the teaching staff at Chesley 'Mr. and Mrs. Fluyd Pardo of Detroit, Turnberry on Tuesday, Nov. 2.3; J. �riz_
spent in music and games. The Marion Oliver Mission Circle of is visiting at the -latter's home for th,; deceased was in her itsual boala; on tile
could produce. Cnun. Cunningham said St. Andrews Church held a very winter. day or her death wben sl.e wea,4
9 On Satnrday afternoon the monthlv fulBazaar U 0 c: �Z
that so on as Drummond & McCall had' meeting, of tile on Saturday afternno. from her home in the village of Wroxetec,�
Women's Institute, met
Y& ae a properly signed order for the pipe th�_y at home of Mrs. Jas. Douglas. when the evening, which netted their treasury S196. to visit her daughter, wheti about fiv&
could vollect �h7ir itioney.and Coun, Falls report of the Convention Delegates, Mrs. . The three congregations of town, init. O'clock she SUCLumbed to licait failure-
tha& the pipe Jos. Hall and Mrs. Douglas was listened ed on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian Whitechuroph Mrs. Montgomery's maiden mizue wa7_
agreed with not that now too with much interest, a paper was also Church in the interests of the Canadian Miss jean Tervitt of Winglia ted Susanna Gallaher, daughter of ,he lat6
was unloaded it would have$o be paid given by Miss Nellie Bible Society. A union choir had charge I John and Airs. Gallaher of Salem. on tric
Harkness, Mrs. witit Mr. and Air in, vis
for. Atter the following amendment was DouglaL, and Miss Annie provide of the singing. ., Rev. Mr. Hawkins gave 1 5. Jno. Eggleston. I Howick-L boundry and was born Marck
d lunch Mm, Smith of Langside, is visiting with, Oth, 1860, and was 00 years & monthZ.
in their usual good style. a thoughtful discourse on the bible and Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie.
Give a Time �aver Electi4c put Councillor Mitchell still objected but The January itsinfluence, 'euvelopeswere distributed and 17 days.
the Alayor vIrk told him if lie meeting will be held at the manse. Those left to'niourn be,
Washer for. a �Christrnas didn't favor it to vote it. I cNt at the morning services, a liberal offering Master Allan Buschlon of Arthur, is loss are her son anti daug lobem,
On Monday afternoon Mr. Al �il was liter, Dr. r
the I removed to Winglian) Hospital. where Ile was received. visiting with his uncle, Mr. K. Pat&rsoti. Montgomery of Long *Beach, Cal., ant.
present. It extend all . IMrs. Roy McXersie of Turrib. -.ry, ant�:
Aloved by Tipling and Elliott that 'Mrs. J110. Mowbrav and Mrs. Eli I
�vent Under an operation for trouble Ja sevan sisters and �wrt brothers. t t,!: Mrs,
good cheer� of Christmas' uncertified accounts be paid when pro- sille-3 that little lie lia,; been slowly im- eques visited at the 'home of Nit.. F
1 Wocks twar Tevswater. Jobn Chappol of Hamilton, Ont., Mr.m.
to every'wash-day'of the Perly certified to and re�:ommencl foi- pay- Uelgrave Edward Bryatis and Mrs. Alex [,.-% ans 01,
nit- it-Carriod. Mrs. Law. returned to her lionie in Miss Jean Rgglesto;l visited with Lnek
Toronto Alonday. The DectnnWr meeting of the Belgrave now friends last week. Brussels, Mrs. A. Goodf�llow of Toronto,"
Miss Ada Gallaher, AIns. F. W. !�:tchea,
year* - No other'present 1�rhe report Oi auditors Mus Wolnell's Missionary S`uuiety was held i Mr. qtid Mrs. Isaac Moore of Toronto. hind Mrs. ohn Ra Lr of W a
grove and Peter re"iff all old resident of the lit ro-'-tt r. ne
can make wife or mother Bisbee wus received and wo give a sutn- illage 'basentent cf f visited lit the home of Mr. Arthur Moore. Win Tz.
n P. I oil Tbur�dnyanernooll in the Gallaher of Turnborry. :and
dangerously ill at he the church with a good attendance.., Mrs 11r.s. Harry Gregg of Langford, Ont bert U.. Gallaher )it the lio"o.
so happy. See - thejipie mary bdovr: home, of his daughter, Mrs. sproal, - 'tead a
Thetowngeneral account is balanced wroxeter. W. J. Geddes, President, preAded over is visiting with tier sister, Mrs. Jim C.ri',:,'Salem fit llowick. Early in"';ifo Mr.;�.
'iujour"Ato";. the -eport of the Sr.
jSaver_ ting. A splendid i
to the end of October and all monies re. year I Inee tier heart zo God ana
s work was read by Mrs. Jas, Alichie Viss NeLtic Cottle visited in X11 Ilh tho KWwdist clitirch a,'.
ceived have been deposited in the Bank. Renewals 'thesecretary. It was tile antinal busines la -t week, -inghatil'un'tea %% %ton, Chr' titt�
Due s Salem. and lived a *oonsi
Phone for Free Receipts ................... 0, 4061.5 22 meeting, anti the election of officers Were Mr. Harold lifo until 0,llled it.) her rowa�.'J "Th�;
1K , December is the month in which most as follows— President, Mrs. Jas. Tavior; ral s
11 1 Payments ................. Spat -ling who has heen 4 flille Lryio was 11 in itit- Salem
Demonstration 3,1807 '2101 subscriptions to Tini, An- IstVice Pres., Mrs. W. J. (1.edt living it) Goorgetown for the past summer,,.t
les;"211(t. I b ot, oil artJ was conductol'i
as r,�turn
Vice Pres., Mrs. 'I oe; secretary ed home. ed by pastog,
in your home. VMN(no expire. We Would respectfully Rev. 11. E Lymburner �t%sl's:,,,! :�%- Rev.
Balance ............... .... 81,4808 02 �urer, Rrs.' ilt'l N and Ivirs. Cluskov and Mr. A. Ken- I A. McKil"i"In"o' Gorrie, bofl, A
request all Who can do so to call and lichie, Trea. Mr.
tank book shows a bala 'nee of $13,356.- 111, Aleisenger secretary, Mrs. A." netlY Of Gtlalith, attenird the funeral of" spoke kindly of th inspii i,ion an;f
Pay their subscription before the end of Holile Helpers Seeretary I th0ir brother, tile late
ilottr`fil� lAn't'nple 'of' tier life nie . fut,.
. ...... ie mont . e must nay a Paper account all- , a Alrs. Dr. Jamieson Of Narrie, is visiting larigoly attend, -d and the tioral 'I`erhig-�-
ti h W Str ngers I
no kwt$ K Treasurer, A
secretary, Mrs. Win. Ged"lles;' Organists, %vith her mother, 1Irs. H. D. Heriderson', I `,llowed the est��cm in which th�!
To the bank balanc'
e must be ahed a of8700. beforejan, Ist,and will be great -'Mrs. Millerand Mrs.8candreLt, Auditors, %*-lie has been seriously ill. Mrs. Hender. %Vits oold in tbe community. wormema
cheque for $534.42 charged against town lY obliged if ourreaders, who are in arrears Mrs. Munreie and Airs. John ite
by the bank which shauld have been wart; s0n is improving -,,or%- nicely audkve litipe' was tultdo in the WromAer ournelery,
or not paid in advance will come across, Press 8evreta-v, Mrs. Rrnest G eddes; %he may contieue to'do so.,
charged toelectric4ight account, adding Thanks! Mission Band 15resident,AIrs, Jas, Ander- Rev. Juo. Hendorson occupi,2d tile put-
tbis'amount and deducting out -standing Soil.
pt -lit tile Presbyterian church, Suudw.Sac re ry
Let the Joys of cheques leaves a balance in the bank of The Rev euitt of Thdrilesville, will ta OfTravellers Diev.
WE _r occup Illorning and preached in tilo iu4!rest% ofr ,He
Pit in Knox Clittreb, Dec. the Lord's Day A will b.- vc-ry greatly miss ---d, lie we,�,
$13,811,91. (The bank hassince LEAD, Y tile I;ill k1liatice. Mr. Henderson,
a dustles,� home f ed this error). r, rAh. allotoolithoifternelon sel-viee at Lau -i the be8t secretary we have ever sai& -
be youts with i J v�Xhis leaves the account as -follows: Ells FOLLO"11W Vr kin(LAIrs. Harvey Watson spent �t sido and e
t. ovening
t cl rch Win . service in th G. 1%4orley Adarm, president of thv Ont.
Bank balance .............. 13811 91 days fil Woodstock, Lost Week. 13LPtis to gliam. ario --9mmercial Travellers' As�
Wise ones are bringing their Mr. and Mrs. S ForsN
ythe tsf Saslr_ are Nit. Alex. Ke.6-hedv of Sault Ste M;lrit' in speaking of John H. Hisc�:,:.�, 17,.ap
Cash Book balance ........ 13808 01 Vi itilig with the latter's uncle. Messre,. 'attendod I t1le l"M ral Of hisfitther the lat
'J Wharneliffe road, London South. vvhmz�
J. A. Brandon and Will.and J. Geddes. IVM- Xerniudy. Alex intends romaining,
Over deposit ............... 'Mr. Gen. Jordan N finishing a Very here foi- tile wintor. death took place at his home or
Cream, ggs
C 60=0" CLCARCR ;
$11emssfulseasoll's thm"Wing this week
Cash received since Nov. Ist on general Wo are sorry to roport the dezili ,fl Mr. Hiscocks had rcsided in 1..-,n&v_
account, amounting to $70.30 has 'been and Poukry 1 The Ladies,' Aid of ilie 11 Air Win. Ronnetiv whiell took place Lill! for -_-v,'ffleen year,,:, going to t",
'aiar Las DOC- 211d-�at his h0ole, 2tid. cou.
Church lielda very successfill ba .111
deposited in the bank to the credit of the t I.- I -:from Chatham in 190!�, a,. -
to Mr. KLutiedy w,%s in ook�.,
town. they realizing about $t2o.00.
"'N 1;6"" - heeper and cashier of the lilt
;�t' t, --liZI has boen a reat suffl �r r tkir
'RWORKS -e than a Vear. No leaves to mourki 11mvester Company's branch
811VOPTOOdS Ltd, Luchmu
Thisaccount was balanced no) to the 'is 10-4 Lis Wif,-, four daughters and fout, 1914 he was
:solls, to whoul th'. o(loununity entends;()JItari,
Free, Church Sheds
end of October and Cash deposited in geti ing higliest cash p;�kvi, "t-culate There Was a tinle %x/lit,11 t:i-,t1y thoil
bank. .v illy.
otpoint Iron reduced from $19. to 8.00' Ch sh,,& which,,viAs 11,1L, 0.�j tion a ji,)Aifon %vUeh 1w iffled, n:�,l W.,
t0sts, honest weights and a square &al. 1lttt'M01%n10
...... MIA! a
The receipts ......... 8 tv) 14 f3l 1`0111"I'y pays, -whetlict. it is new I I S free �A th0 a1w to all who eaied to ';,Itltli KiniONs voilleferY tv� 6vry I'as" i% 'dvath. v.itb grvat
(;-J(;9 13 or Illullitty 1Z vall bring gk y. stm�ess. Ile uj-, we"',
"-"_'s talw adva-ag.1, - theill �br VIC shelter of
Expenditure ......... ......
Y. I timill here. We, ge of lintiall to comlacre0l, traveller,
take thein ariv dit
_v their horva,. LAnd �iutos, bzat cm
out 01�!,rk) and 11(41
Balatico oil flaild ............ 8 175 18 81I.1%,%RW()oD8 FOR SERVICE, lllg� what oVie� pjac�o, ,,(,. Going, t,
"NII -10 3�,'art, It(,, Evt d in
Balance in flank ............ our loca* Oral ches i,
(Mntp Eli'! Onlea in. %V11-cre 11�1 L'Onduetcd the gLoecr, OwT.
21 A\Ue1eC30Mi L"Ej
M08 -i Aplowedated W. i respoct, C h u. r c h jrt� G;jo. qf Al-, ictoria Ch-antihit, wh,. b -II cd bY u.1ti 1;�j
[h)(101, dellus; ........... ...... A0 Luvialow rvini Ma 4. �
------------- lateA to ad,�jjt Ll ye�llly
�rh xi!.on who has not llek'n
'iVe'o tile to Cw U,!O:
Since Oct. .3st had been C6 ikd whMa ei,,
4, latcr i;vinq- ^WT41,-3. 4
RDG,�Pynl i lected by tbe-latc- grewinror. 'rhis aln�)ujlt .�4 undot I -
1170111-4- Toasters Heaters -Table f the 'cd fo.� tho o,* live. i Imb"tiLd iw \�.s urpoirat"Id 110 3 AL% il,4.
�dolfaw. Mr. rtild �lr�
has bLcn (:�-positoq ill tile 1�ank to tic, Farm:11*
amp,q I" a d s and eatiy iliont QfLd rzi)jirti, BlliolL T'40,�v ,illtl oil Ca.
11�' CtCdit Oi the watenV,�rhs at�-cotnit.�- 1,11k. oil any bui!ditgr �o_kl�ly Ltwhllk"V. vi,iiijt
tri I at
ing. and thi'l ,11. -d i!, 111, rl,t, or f._a VvN�-.% -Itiaz
rills 71'oiwtor Stoves 2W a -,, 1i i n v I' mynicut-S, if re-ceipto, ul tilig nt!eount for G30ber had FOR SALL SnlaJay It,A.
y I
110 VMS i '--ZA Ef,-;i -',jJ to L. d6n i.! F o4.
%lot Wve. posted hi the Ictit"or. Mr. WdMattl Ta"Ier attcudlu
:j I Icss a &Q, 11a "ild jujrill, in
M,'11i11108-- Electric Cleallors and all cle,,�ireij. y "he nualber, I 11c, wz,, a nak wb�? k"I
Tolo acrt-!4, good antl ttqlt�t., " - t., , S:)ov; w i "u'41:4.
t,juf 01'20�. Q�, till 0la5,C:!. (Soath
I"ILECTRIC LIGHT 1111,1111aA, �vllkull and chul-4-11 ., - %h..Jo%ll i.�
lids of Rh�ctric Fixtures. Tlll�i acctullf. V�Q;i;balane'-J at tile. t2nd L'i All cicaltfl mid tlec. of IN.h. local ��Iliol ",
-stuillpij. �4t �1. M'ct', tye Li:
dial th" rcciipt-8 had oil 0. '0;150o.. 0""Suo Pldv ru!"Lli'l till 111W O'Mf lfi�Aii 4i: jA
RkOq)�,�7 .............
Cjll,�,h:iu 1tio-is.1,6 k,
ftLd iu dw ;KwL 0A 1),�V �'Alt. cd.
--4 1�v . . ., I �; . -, . �
.............. 1�1��,."J uW
ct Z , 's i '#1 � a'v
1 r -n -
P ...............
a V
................. to
16"i 0o
— L �",Z! k", � 1A 1,