The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-09, Page 40 11 1 1 1 11111 10 100 ------ III III THE WINGRAM ADVANCE I Thursday, Dtc, 9th, 19,0
Ini'l, I - ____ 1 1 1 '':I i I , - I ,. ___ iii ---
A VISU TO THE WEST the other about ten miles out on a farm Di.4 In Tile West Lucknow
F and I spent a very pleasant day there, Thomas Armstrong, a former respected Luolmow, Dec, 6th, 1920
bu*. Carr visitsi Many Who 1, grmerly but the crops were very poor in that
UyostI In Huron resident of Wingbam, passed away at his Two more weeks till Christmas, it
locality this year. They seem to be able
to live well, I then came on to Regina home in Edmonton on November 30th, has been said that,there Are only two per -
not Deceased wat in his 59th. year and had but to the children at least December
The following letter was, printed in the and as it was raining that day 1 did feet montlis In the year, June and October,
Christmas. and although it is only one
takes the prize, because that month brings
lyth Standwd and was written by Mrs, czpend much time there but took the first been in Poor health since May', suffering
A, B C;arr upon her return from visiting train 01 for Moose Jaw where I spent
from heart trouble. The family left Wing. day there are w ekq of anticipation (which
ten days with old and new
with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs another n,
A. H. Wilford at Moose Jaw. friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wightman li ham for the West- about fourteen years are often better than the reality) and even
Wso, mentions several former radtlents of ago. The sympathy of many old friends to grown ups it is a season in which every
here also several other friends, Mrs. is ex one is happy. There seems to be a spirit V Y j
Griffin of Wingbam, was with us the last abroad at Christmas time, which causes
this vicinity. who will be kindly rememL er& tended to his widow and throe daughtr one to be at peace with everyone else and losard s
*xed by many of our readers. i week I was there, However, the time although tl;ic old grouch may come back
Dear Sir:—I thought that some of my I came when I bad to start on my bome , Sad Death In flowick it is forgotten for a time at least.
friends, readers of the Standard, would be! ward trip. Came to Regina and stopped A very sad death took place in Howick The members of Old Light Lodge, A
interested in. hearingwinething about MY!, off there for a few hours with Mr. and -on Thursday morning of last week, P. & A. M. held Ladies night on Thura-
when day last in the town hall and only that the
Western trip and the people that I visit- Mrs. J. McKenzie. He took me around Mrs. Andrew Allen, near Lakelet, passed roads were in such bad condition the hall
I Chrio'st-m—as Merchandise
ed, many of whom used. to live in and the city in his car. He too has done wO away a(ter a brief illness with peritonitis. would have been crowded, A splendid
mound Blyth. out West. Then I came on to Brandon!, Shehad undergone an operation for ap. prograrn consisting of readings, speeches, ;:w W= IN I
solos, -duets arid instrumental& was given
Well, I left home on Sept, 13th. and I where I changed onto the Souris line for pendicitis by Dr. Lucy, of Guelph, about and theroughiv enjoyed. Speeches by BUYYOUR XMAS GIFT9- EARLY and buy litem at this stor
landed in Moose Jaw on the 17th, I found Melita to Visit our eld friends, -Mr. and ten day previous to her death. She is sur. Rev , Bros. McCallum, and Ecclestone e
my son and daughter enjoying good Mrs. D. Taylor and their eon's family, vived by her husband and three young and Oro, 1W, Wilson. D. D. G. M, and where you have the largest selection of u* seful'and Inexpen-
kealth and A. H. was very busy in the Bro. Patterson P. D. D. G. M. Solos by rew of giving our etistom-
They have bought a home there and are children. The funeral took place on Sat- sive Merchandise, bought with a VZ
comfor Mrs J. W. Joynt bliss Cole, Miss Hill
produce business, especially the poultry, tably settled there. Mr. Taylor 1 urday to the Gorrie cemetery. and'Bros, T. Wats;n and T. Reid Duet ers the "'Best Value"' obtainable.
yr4rt of it, After sp,,nding two wceks has been working all summer with his I
by Miss Mary and Bro. E. Aitcheson
there, and while the weather was fine I so". Milton, They also had a good crop The Late Mrs. (Dr.) Musgrove it strumental by Mrs. Newton and Airs',
went to visit my Cousins near Edrnont n this year. After spending a few days ,*A well-known and highly esteemed lady Reid, and the Harmonica Band, a Two Stores—Wo'men s Wear and Men's Wear Stores crowded with all kinds of
tetre by Miss Joynt, Mrs, Joynt, wearables suitable for every meml-er of the fanifly.
)4r. and Mrs. W. Smeltzer, I spent a ver; very pleasantly there I started for home. in Niagara Falls passed away after a Watson and Reid and a violin selection
'Pleasant two weeks there, as they were in Left at I p. in. on Monday and arrived short illness in the person of Mrs. -Jennie bv X. McKenzie nftp.r wh;,h th im
me 11110K 01 tnresning and as I, had never i "1 1 utomo at a -,5u p. in. on w eanes0ay. 1 IvAusgrove, WIle of Dr. G. J. Musgrove,
degree was exemplified, every body taking
seen a Western threshing before, I wa:s 1 Stayed with my sister, Mrs. Thos. Mc- former M. P. P., for this riding. Mrs.
part. Tables beautifully decorated and
-f ery much interested in it, and they all'Kenzles and Mr, Frank Carr's a couple Musgrove was fifty years of age and was
heavily spread Were arranged In the
council cbamber. Bro and Mrs. Decker
bad bumper crops in that locality, this:' of days arriving borne s2fely on Frida married to Dr. Musgrove in 1893 and bad
deserve credit for the success of the 4th
- Year Smeltzer will have about 12,000 P- m- The weather was ideal for this lived here for the past twenty-six years.
lsu hels ofirain, He certainly has done time of the year, which helped to make i The decemed lady, who had a pleasant
Mr. Wm. Kennedy for many years a
well since he went out there. They have 1 my trip so enjoyable. I .
personality, had a great many friends in
resident of the 2nd con. of Kinloss, passed
afinehomewith good buildings and alli Y8urs respectfully, this city, and the famiiy have received a
away last week in his 66th year. Mr,
Kennedy had been a great sufferer from
modem conveniences. Mrs. A. B. Carr. great many expressions of sympathy.
cancer which seemed to spread practically
Mrs. Smeltzer and I spent a couple of'
She was a member of Monisbn4Street
over his whole bodi and his death came
days in the city visiting and calling on
Methodist Church, and always took a
as a welcome release from pain. He is
survived by a grown up family. Mrs,
old acquaintances. The following are
,C Grave.
ross" For Major McKeever's
keen interest in all that pertained to the
Wm- McIntosh of town being a daughter,
some of the names: -Mrs. M H he
welfare of the church.
His four sons were all overseas and saw a
Mrs. Jr1o. Fraser, and daughier, %ar'9;
The Committee in charge of the decor-
Mrs. Musgrove leaves to mourn her
good deal of service arid all retui`ned.
He also leaves a widow. The funeral
and Mrs, Jas. Wightman. The men folk
ation of graves of Canadian Soldiers has loss, besides her husband, Dr. Musgrove,
forwarded to Listowel
w6 ht-ld cc Saturday to South Kinloss
absent at that time. We met Mr,,
the authorized two sons, Capt. Wendell Musgrove of the
cemetery and was largely attended.
Jas. Barr and three daughters who are cross" to be pladed at the head of the I 11mi of Upper & Musgrove, barristers,
A few days ago Mr, Jae. Jewitt received
Nuirried. well and very comfortable, settled grave of the late Major A. E. McKeeyer. I this city, Jack W. of Wisconsin, and one
a ilitary medal which bad been awarded
in Edmonton. The other two girls are, The, wooden cross is the same as is placed' daughter, Helen, 'at home, and father
settled in different parts of Sask., I did on the oldlers' graves overseas. - Liitowel
his son, Pie, W. . A. Jewitt"'for braverylon
the field Accompanying the medal was
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smal),
Not meet them. We talked to severa' Standard.
Mount Fdrest-' -Niagara Falls Re, iew.
aletter from the Adjutant General ex-
pressing regret this Pte. Jcwitt did not
ever the phone that we had not time to, 'Mac" Re-elec!ed At Vancouver
call on. We spent a very pleasant even- Dr. Musgrove isa--brotherofMr. A. H.
live to Wear the he so bravely won.
Pte. Jewitt enlisted here in the Bruce
iag at Mr. and Mrs. J. Fothergill'r, where One of the successful candidates in the Musgrove of Wingliam, and he taught
Batt and was one a the finest young
British Columbia elections on Wedneeday I school at Eadies and GIenannan, after -
'we met several of our home friends, but
men to don the khaki. He was killed in
was Mr. M. A. McDonald K. wards practising dentistry at Wingbam.
Abe time came when I had to conle back C,, who'
to Moose Jaw to finish was elected as one of the members for Many old friends will sympithize with
Rdbt Struthers and son, Willie and
Nelson Reynard
up my visit with
, Vancouver. Mr. McDonald is a native him in the loss of his wife.
the friepds there.
are all recovering. hav-
Ing undergone the operation for removing
I came back on tbe C, N. R. via North, of Asbfield, and his old friends here are. The funeral was held to Fairview Ceme
tonsils and adenoids in Wingbarn Hos-
Battleford, Saskatoon, Davidson and pleased to know of his continued success I tery on Saturday and was largely attend-
On the morning oi December Ist, the
Regina, stopping off and calling on friends
the politicial field. ed. Numerous and beautiful were' the
people of Lucknow were all looking for
in eacb place, was one week coming from
Edmonton to Moose Jaw, Well, the
floral tributes sent by friends, relatives,
Carter Schofarrhip For Huron organizations and associations with which
the post office which bad moved in the
night, it has always been" apparently a
first place I got off at was Battleford,
In the recent announcement of the the deceased was affiliated. Mayor H.
awarding of the Carter scholarRhip
ft lure in the Campbell blocli and now it
I xto be found almost two blocks east
for'P. Stephens, members of the aldernianic
where I spent the Thanksgiving holidays 4 7
.Huron County. the Goderich Collegiate board and the boards Morrison
ort the south side of the street in the
Graham block. To
with the of St.
friends; -Mr. and Institute again leads. One of its pupils. Methodist church and LundYs Lane
Mm M. Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. 11. r="10
the stores and shops
the new stand is not so handy but we
Miss Sean McEwen. daughter of P. J. Methodist church attended the service.
Mr.a and Mrs. F. McPherson and Mr, M,-Elve v of Godtrich, having
understand Mr. Lindsay did the best he
could to secure a place convenient to all.
and N4ri,., Wm, Nevicoin won the The pallbearer; were J L. Vanstone,
be. all of shom, firqt cl
I found very comfortal)ly setti(.d and aqs. WiMarn Wallace of Wingham,, IV. H. Buckley, R. B. Drown, (Dr,) Eel.
The corner storein the Murray block
would have been much better. but it' was
. SuCOnd and John Townsend of Clinton, lam, C. C Cole, and 11, F. Upper.
enjoYini! life ia their new Western li?mee' third.
not to rent when Mr. Lindsay wanted to
but it
Tlivri I carne on to Saskatoon where I Mr. and Mrs. A, 1-1. Musgrove and Mr.
move. will not be long before we
l g1t used to it, like Pat with the hang-
spent a few pl .,a ant hours with our o!d Robert 'Alus.-rove atlerlded the funeral,
mg, but just 'low it Wo6ld inake you wish
kiends, Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrington. Mr
you had a rural mail delivery.
F. Mcic-W and ad only time to Call on'
Quite unexpectedly there has bcen a
Mrs. J. McGill and was t ilking to Dr.' BOR N
change in the Lucknow School S".ff.
Principal Elliott after goin g to London
Jno. Brown over the phone. All report. 11, loving memory of Nu se
on Saturday, Nov. 2oth as he had done
ed being viell ard doing well, I came on, Grace N. Ferguson who gave her life I J01INSToN In Wawanosh, on Sunday,
several Saturdays failed to come back.
korn there to Dalidson where I visited! in servi ,2 for others, Dec. 7th, 1018. 1 November 21, 1920, to Mr. and Me%
There appears to be some mystery about
Mr. Elliott's sudden leaving and it is,
two nieces, one is living in the town and'; Father, Mother. Sister and Brothers. Gersharn Johnston, a son.
evident that he does not iritend to return
and take up his duties here. The school
board have engaged Mrs. Salkeld who is
FAM, 9-NIHIP-210MM, V=014-% V%Xlux X -mm -mm -oz wxxxxum.
aking Miss McLean's work and Mis
'McLean is acting
Too many concerts before and after
spoiled the attendance
at the concert Put
on in the town hall
by the Town Band
on Wednesday last
i were
and the hand as it
had hard luck. Howevertbosewho
were there enjoyed, it very much. the pro -
gram was both long and zood. TheTnnin
-ale yuartette who put on the program
eu ofgoodtalentand those who STORE OPE'N EVERV NIGHT'.
jr I. -a
T' I,, dd
concert missed one of the
treats of the season. The troupe w-39
41'% only picked up on a spare evening and
not Sme enough ahead to let the public
Mr. and Airs. Wm, he 'ANAM
%OIL WAAL sympathyof their many friends in the
1-1cann have t
Ovir No u,,7r Pre I ,;,Ho E.1 0`4 A R D C07, WN 4 .
AR0 ly sudden and sad death of their crily child,
ft Wifflc On Sunday afternoon the little
fellow who is almost two years of age got
Uft a can of Gillette's Lye and before he was
noticed he ate quite an amount. Despite - -----
Cr a BouAlbUO"ISIUS Xmlas
Vall that could be done for him, he kept 'pley, Miss Stole pg,"It prorn Cellar
-K Married -At the Manse, III
getting much worse until 10 p. Ciorrie
m. he Rosetta McKay to Mr Jas. Leslie S
passed away. He was a very bright little t'r- The cellar of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Bas- Will. .111,tin who has been %vorkilig dor-
fellow for his age and his early death is geon of Bervic. ing
A vuraRuc thydnah CIAr, big More will conviace you that we have X sett, Main Street West, was entered re- , the stimmor with the building galig
the largesl aBd M08i COMPlete stock of Gift Goods in Huron. X much r felt h by his parents and friends. B)orn-In Luclmow, to Mr. and Mrs i of the Prestou Metal Rootit)gand
Fathe Jo n of Clinton, Father Jas. of John McDonald a son. cendy and a large quantity of preserved Co. returaied home last wook.
Luqan also Mr. Hogan's father and fruit, valued. at from. $75 to $100, was I
mother of Bidulph Township were up for Mr. -C. B. Allin left this week for St I A il"i"K PiCtUrO. man gave an etitc, r-
L'OOVY aFe Q few suggess t1ons wWch shonad prove InferRsting and' ,o We funeral. John N. B., where he has been en- stolen. It was mostly peaches and berries I la last
ta"It"eut it, the liall hery on Friday even-
%vbi('l1-VA`hSfaJrlV lvell attended.
solve the Gift Probl6M . . . . r*40 Mr, Malcolm Beaton of Seaforth, is via- gaged by the White Sewing Machine'Co. and was put up in two quart jars-Wt I II(- s-lv.s, "tile hifOi hiill refiL
XI iting friends here this week. I him without atly Profits."
CfaFdS and 11001detS FaRCY Linen Scarfs and W b Miss M. J, Murray has gone to* Chat- Miss Coles of Tiverton, i$4 visiting at the -owel Banner. Nilr". John Mils,
am Where she spends the winter. home of Dr. Patterson. and elaughter, are
Visitor- from 14 itimpeg, at the' lionw, of
0 Gravenhurst Sen. Burned
X Mas?apefraes Centre p9eces and Etc. in a big Miss Preda Aitcheson rpent the past Mrs Ins, Fisher of town, spent a few Mr. King's paretioi,
In-fanc-3r bwmms trom, ?.5e
to $5.90 variety at 16wes'll pr1ces. week in Toron-o. days with her daughter, Mrs, Robert i Afire destroyed tile main building of! M.t. and Mrs, Ila,lity,(111ki of Toronto,
peo bo"'K. Mics Mabel Allen is spending i few St the Gravenhurist Cowurr*tive, Sanitarium
dayu with Toronto friends, ruthers of Paramount. i visitW`, with the lattor's pareots, Njr.
11PU011 and, Com ) and Mani. Mrs. W. Johnston has t3old ber house Mr. Albcrt Towle is visiting friends I I n on TueEday morning of this week. All. %Tld 11",- Steimuillar.
the patients Nvere talwai out, althlugh it Fwtt totally de,;troyod Mox. Hit
on R ," sn strect to Mrs, 13uchanan who Paramount. 1w 13. lino 114mia.k." on Tt osthty
e%u 2m,"Ls" Rmd n VQF efty Cure 15,'Cts, 9)?Om 51-00 to $5.60 per vVill move ia after the New Verin was a very close call in coma m
c seo, one; Al -011,11 to hanti at
mn Im uRr"21ealp-L 699as Imam Sea. r&'l V. !numccearrying a Patient down the fire't'
T. Arractrong i,3 in Totonto P1,0" fit.
and Whilc thcic! is attenduli, the ma-ringe p,q
tal S
Of I= CNtpr Eva 11.1,10 to 6r, Harvey 6. rViee IR
Beall. matter whiclishoutd fome before the L. 0 C'Mflcccs
Famear GH&35- g la r Mr. %'vard Gray, tvll(, 11,1s 11LO11 ill tile
Tl iv Lnel: ,,ov, 1r,.rtjtute will next Press & ,.,ciatinn tneeting fi; the The election of officN, for L. 0. L No.
"IcLt the c6ti-,161 chainbev on Tivari. irr
-, "Qmarfqc a 1 5— 17 aa PYT2ex ale'd j-_ularity in which newsp3pers, are ovt.Fiing in tho honlo hl t wcel,!..
'21, 5 ea t 0 1 Cay. Ducombor 9"12. at- 2.30 1), in. Topic livored i
W14 k to We tern sulm!rbers.
xv",w a pleusturc ra. her t11011 , a' M03'11Y Orange Hall, aM in several ca2 :, tile, Mr. Charlie Nvalin ,lk v is on tile sivL
3,uo !C,J" by ono, 'if th all wceldy Publishers avo ftiiibiliar -with officers were heonlY Contested. 'Flic now, list xt'(' i'01W ho Will h-04:, agaiu.
C VAIM111001'3 RUPOV' ,
le cte, Vi orn all lettem whi -h mad Nlr Will Fdgar:kn(1 Mmilv, ll,,tv(, MOV.
WaTe ammra OLY =)V,7 opidt2awe 90 LUC". -,,0111c tllinfy, lihe thi- 0110, officcm, for 11,M)l nFe:
es, una 1wele(me. which Tin, 9D"VA%cE r&6ved this week W.M. A G. Smith. 4'd th-Ar uk-W 11i'llu, a-, Janie';t"wil - an'l
,l aa r'L-o 4"'U ,rrle V-Jilho'l C -pent sundav in wie" 'M
froirl Imreria!, S Iblcatchevvan, 11P1eaE,,, D 1%,1. W r. 4141, to lfi ;
OF!01171s, 97 -Lak,"Ce, 7:g sc-tid the pnrer move re Lflcirly we, owly ou tlie T!;t1lim..
1 1 % Ale_% cotlx. wac at lg.,ilec 11 v. 11. W. Snell. 11 A Mt-l"M(Al -.11141 "It' W.
get it about evc, , Mo Weelm and sonie,
Ell a, 9""lose Whmm ,, Xce S,.!Cy. J. V llnine ;.
na,!It g C, rj $63.6101 0-m - 'LIOIC c6m ie 1"J, thilu; ve,,- 4,ve them all icr
13m. Alq ,'uo Mccluvo, wl OD Lli ql I a mouth 0? Ipin, G. Stewart. Miss Lila Gray visited at
it PC,1,t rAl e Trmo_ W J. Greor. 1;1,
do not 1,,LIne til- ly) ,,t _W. j. C lj1pS 11.
f DO
n7n tqll Ro"
T"rl L -1A
Y ven".c. but will
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i ""Veat ml i7 "."i 11(;4, 4_4(1 f io, y .44 4". 0. V. I klydon.
Thr,e mcm, anc :: wo most unn-,yi to 'Ilwactioa 14 fiw Uwted ,tatc,-
17_ , Dotxatnl ut J, Qzlt, J.
\7,ull ,o to
hU own
01 V, t, uM .z,.C7 i ovv f
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a -t Is" &Ed.