The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 2'.I CURRENT COMMENT , b . :P GOVERNOR QVINEIRAL is OMMSTIC11 hes, none Ills Excellency the eoveruor beneral liae been =4k1Ug ispeec' 4Df wilich -will be cited as examples oteloqueat orator7. None of thO Cavell- _ dishes had that gift, ,but they have a more valuable one of sound common eease. The present duUe, 1128 Shown the ,public ,spirit and devotion to duty distinctive .of his ,character and tile Marquis of Hartington, his eldest son, be$ just been elected Mayor of Brixton. His Excellency has been speak - I ing ,on the necessity Of SUPPOrting the movement for scientific research In , Canada. In commercial and manufacturing fields, in mining and agricul- ture, in forestry and marine, there are vast areas still unexplored, autl it win be tile mlission of -researchers to discount the utmost values In all our wealth of produce. -His, Excellency also SPOIC0 or tile presem�. outlook in -commerce and In affairs as mo,.z. t bopeful, without wider rating, the ,obvious difficulties of the Situation, 'Atteuding as he did to the bitter dis- appointment over the present conditions -in Burape, where war in Its most aggravated form still prevailed. His Bxcelieucy also eppealed for -assist- , ance forthe Red ,Cross effort on behat of the -three -or four millions of ,chil- dren In Europe Who depend almost altogether ,ca assistausce, Irom abroad. lie touched on the coal strike in'Britain and expressed the oplitiOt, that the A-ettlement was a triumph for,British people, by wliaitm the miners and t1ftO ownershad been,compelled to submit. He considered it might be a bless- ing in disguise in bringing the people together in workG of co-operation -and *-rhP,Q7-Anqe __,______._.__ � , 11 1 ­,__­____ ---------, ill 0 1 ,�- -, �� . .. 11� - I - ls;pd � /I " "' � .. P a m. W "r,., 11 . . 11 I 1), Ni, .111. 0, 0 We hear much these dgy� . , I 1, I/! - about "TEAK -WORK."' I I I . . �10$tly it is used in connec- , f '. � � I'll d tion with athletic affairs. We I I I t*i ' are told of wonderful victories ":_1�41 0 1 .. --when every member of a I " r team PULLS TOGETHER— . .. � I I when someone doesn't g(00bff , trying to make a, star play, at the expense of,the others. , Trouble is that we limit the word to our recreation— . sport—atlileties. We shoLli(I follow through', think, use, live team--,%1orU in everything we do. It team -work is a winner in sports. then team -work is good in family attairs—and Nve all k w the housebold thrives wherein every member has a shoulder I to the wheel. mily then it is good in, if team --work is good in the fa our work—the commercial organization gr unit -where We earn our daily bread. . If team -work is good in our work—tben team-N-ork _ is good for our neft�,fiborhood affairs—oureolnT litY'- .� our town. And right there, friends. is witere we caty, make the g,reatest _ -work In the development showing When We ALL practice team and growth of OXTR town and county. for advertising M al bi to So ti W III ,a' If ri The Wingham Advance.,; BRVAKV AST MANNERS. Orate oven until cuFytaTd-lik8 and firm. you to permit Wra - � � .T - However. those -%-,Ito pride themselves their' strict table manners. prefer Ten generous servings. $1.1 Don!t bury Yourself in a newspaper 1 the breakfast table unless YOU eaUfast above or with others who Iranging PLACE FOR BROOMS. � ke their breakfast in tile same Ull- Never plan a 11011$e� without AT- rc "I clable matiner. for a. convenient ,broom. clOr-.,- Don't fail to say "Good morning" to already at breakfast et, is the advice of one -housewife who dlda!t, She. planned clothes chuter, m ose who gre len You arrive. Never fall to say and a winter �coal box and a nice place M for the ice box lit surnmer, but when = �Ood morning" to your maid In your vn home or to the waiter or waitress she moved into her house she found you have frequented the hotel or that there was no place for the brooms and -carpet sweeper, the dusters and staurant where they are employed, if you take oranges or grapefruit for dust mops. - There Was, no latiding ' Takfast be content with what you at the t0Pr Of tile cellar stairs, a Place where many housewives keep illese La get with a -spoon and don't squeeze te last drop out by taking the Skin up O.evices, and there seemed to be no the fingers. corner or cranny in the kitchen where . if you have boiled eggs for break- remember that they should be -they could be hung, The average flat or apartment has ,st iten from the shell in the 4nglI,'A no closet especially planned for this it you are planning your a �slilon or brokan in a cup, preferab'y Never break. an egg on purpose. � owa home re,member that It yonhave n rL egg cup. Dur plate or on a slice of bread. At only ,one set of brooms and, dust lm�-ps it is a good plan to have them restaurant, it the waiter asks You heth9r he shall break -your eggs for placed conveniently to the first floor � on, it is not actually bad form for 4- A 41.4 f � Oil and the upstairs floor or floors. One new house has a rather shallow Closet . NEW EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. to be, and -as experts have � de- I When the merchants Of thl.-, town spenu mone.7 --bairgains-- : space to send you a message of economy -savings They've invested thousands of Ion you to permit Wra - � � .T - However. those -%-,Ito pride themselves their' strict table manners. prefer dn th e, landing Of the stairway from the first to tile second floor and in It is not as well ultolewstood as it ought it, that our educa,tion ,system is deficient In nearly everything In be read. . . that message should ut one guarantee 'that dollars In goods to all to open their own eggs. I here the housewife who Is juft set - tling in this new house keeps allcleall- scribed *111ch it ought to be dominant. at teaches but it does not teach thorough- You will buy e, then take it to the big city store- To earn Your money her is not & meal at which ereakfast emands that we should all good form d Ing devices, Including the uewly AC- . ly, and our children leave aellool withoutbeing able to read. spell, write or business, mus'. first attend a com- e neither of whiab contributes or send it to tb mail order hous unity -is not team-worX. of this cOmm waltOach other sit down together and a that In rising. if you have duties quired vacuum cleaner. I Of course you can have a, board figure well. Those who wish to go into t worse to leaxn to spell and., Wri e and keep books. And one cent to the upbuilding ,r today , then patronize Read the advertisements it, this Pape make it necessary for you to IeAvebe- placed on the wall somewhere where call Ils;ve hooks from -Which to =,erclal school . , what is more tlgLm this, our teaching system does not develop the brain ,nor All this is partly the result our home merchants. BomE-SPENT DOLLARS mean team -,work. -II;\ fore the rest, all that Is necessary to Simple 4 sa.y as you rise is a 'pardon hostess tem - you hand brooms and cleaning mops, but this does mot take I care of the carpet important, does it teach the pupil tb, ,think. I We afraid to spend- an education What is C( . C_ ... ( '�* , , -1 me," addressed to the or Wile head of the house. sweeper and various duster pails, etc. of doing things cheaply. are meeded, and teachers are expected to Murish on pittances. That we shall __=10. �_ - � - - - _. . - �_ _; � There is no reason why you should a L c- �Ierhaps the st thing to do if t ere be 11 simply is no closet at the furniture suffer for this as a nation and Individually goes without sayi ug. But it be- I eat more breakfast than you are customed to or wish to simply because store. They At against the wall like tomes more increasingly difficult to get anything dona In the way of Te- It Is provided. At a dinner one feels a small wardrobe and of cours.3 may ,, ---,A with you whenever You - to=, In Ontaro -for Years the tDopa,ttiment of Education has been reacul— ary ,or at the best stagnant. It is true salaries have been raised slightly in the last fifteen years, and the price of school book% has been. cheapened, but these eye" the titting'Of mint and arise against the weightiest matters lot tho law. Indletmentsbave been trained against our educational system, but they -rarely get a hearing, and the reports get pigeon -holed and &Ul?- havehad prer 's,on does its deadly work. Technical and vocational training a rough road and a tough experience. There Is a lack of team Play among the teachers. *High School teachers indleale,the Possession or a sense of �­ IF each color representing quotations that courtesy demands that 11 we are - different days. in good healtli, we should eat some of change your residence. The earpen- # the soup, and various courses pre- ter may help you out and make a French Army Gives UP KVPI- sented, but there is no Such obligation closet at a lower cost than this Teady- The kepi is, to go. The French army regarding the various courses of made broom closet, but of course YOU - Is to wear either trench helinets or breakfast. would probably not be able to take - this closet with you. Sometimes he I glengarries. For a hundred years the can make a little thTee-cornered closet 11 kepi has in various forms seen the SPANISH R[IC0. in the kitchen, Where these things,call. French soldier throughbis, few defeats Three small onion% one cupful ,of be stowed, with a low shelf for pails and his many glories. There are rice. Pry onion, -,and Tice in one and a place above for dusters and some sentiments which the most hard- tablesponful of butter and lard, sea- es. superiority -that does not permit co-operation With otber dep tia,ell � h,Laded can hardly deny. All tne Test son with salt and pepper to taste. Add the benefit of pupil%. The boy or girl exists for the teacher, instead of -the Useful Wasps. of the ,Did uniform has gone --the boiling Water three times- until -rice is NVT BREAD. . state and the teacher existing for ,the boy ,or girl., The defective and Despite the general impression, the dark -blue overcoat buttoned back, the well done. just before serving add I flour, half tea - feeble -minded childre-nare not given the attention they -require, and this Wasp Is not a vexatious, good -for- baggy ,red trousers, and now tile Cap. four tablespoonfuls of tomato catsup- Two cups graham The great point of ,honor about the spoon salt, halt cup broken walnut problem is urgent. ilt is well-known but too little practised, In Ontario, nothing insect, but performs quite a cap, of course, was that It. had to be CARROT MA,RMALADE. . meat, one teaspoon sod% one and a that the use of the hands xeacts for the development of the brain, and this useful ,office. He is ver as broken and squashed as was con- halt cup sour milk, one and a half cup On widely availed of -z elsewhere. An effort istent with a passing on Parade. The one pound carrot, two -lemons, white flour, one tablespoon. brown su- mutual Inter -relation. has be . responsible for the xeduction7of the 8 � is notoriously reactionary In, enormous number of flies which little shiny Peak had to be cracked, three cups sugar, one-half teaspoon gar, half cup raisins, two tablespoons -apears to be in progress in Toronto. which and the red crown shapeless and ginger. Wash and scrape carrots molasses�, Mix well flour, grah�arn Quc&tiona,l matters, the ,mayor and other authorities opposing every effort 1. threaten the world every summer with faded. A new -looking kepi could only and put through the food chopper.. and White, salt, sugar, nuts, raisins, to got adequate school accommodation, -to utilize this principle, and an ap- disease and death. The Inhabitants be worn without ridicule -by some Squeeze Jules from lemons and I put " Add soda to sour milk and 0"hibine pointment, the legality of which was immediately and characteristically of a small wasp nest bring home at glorious veteran. The younger the and through food chopper. Birely with molasses. Add liquid t� n n, authority OIL such sub- I soldier the more thought he gave to cover each ,With water and cook Ulatil gredients. q3eat well. Bake for questioned, of Mr. Thomas Beligough, a well -k Ow - Ileast 2,0'00 of these pestseverydayto rendering his headgear disreputable. tender. ,Combine and add sugaT, lem- forty-five minutes 'to One hour in a jecu, as 0, directorof vocational andopportualty work. This experiment is I make their nteals of. A nest of good I �j Importance to the whole province and if the Department of Education I size Inflicts a death roll of something No youth ever colored a meerschaum on juice and ginger and cook a few slow oven. One bread tin full. would back it up Inan intelligent way, -much good might beaccompished. It ' lik-e 9.4,000 upon the tribe of pO;t- more carefully than the eighteen -year- minutes longer, but not long enough I I ench conscript discolored his to give a strong taste. ZUTTGNI-HOLE STITCH ,'INTAXES bearers between every sunrise and Old Fr FLAT F M -SH. I must not ILO forgotten that man is a tool -using animal, and if he does lipt sunset. The hostility we bear the cap. TO 13A,XE A HAM. Ends of bands 'on baby garmerits , - get the OPjQrtU1lItY to use tools, hL9 intelligence suffers. wasp is, therefore, Ill-advised, seeing that -he Is sparing its a lot of -trouble Living Cheap in India. If you ha" not a pan large enough may be given a flat finish much easier �� - .should otherwise Incur. Wasps to launder, by leaving the ends raw — we q India has suffered less from the to take the ham, cook It like this. The .% I, also assist in the fertilization of plants high cost of living than most coull- result is excellent: Soak the ham in and finishing them with a batton-hole I kr Wait government; at any rate, cold water for -twelve hours unless stitch. The old method -of folding 0 Ukrainian nor Russiay. by the carrying of pollen from flower tries, because she is now -withholding very ends often makes a clumsy fin- - Ox_ -salty and hard, when twenty-four in the if TZERLAN m can Issue a . - hours soaking willbe necessary. Trim Ish. 1, $1,111 B HOITIEOF I NhOV , m to --flower. Instead of, as in former years, valid passport. The lady can neither porting a large partof her grain. The . remain here, except on the tolerance Keep Thin in Middle -Age. export of foodAtuffs Is prohibited, ,so and scrape off aU rusty Parts- 'Make LAR, OUTCASTS OF WORLD that in spite of the depletion of stocks a paste of flour and Water and cover HI�Ixl-i COLLAR POPU Illst, nor go to England, where she Ad(iing to the bulk of the body in the ham coulpletely With, this -.about king details in — has some Influential. friends. - middle age is risky. This does not there thould soon be as much -grain in q arter of an incii thick. Put it Ill a 'fall styles appears to be the popular - OF; THESE RUSSIANS WITHOUT To take another case, that 'of a mean that -the diet should -be Spartan. the country,ar, before the war. Less u Ing tin in a moderate Oven and ity ,of the high collar, which is used . 'Well-known drainatist, whobefore the It must be simple and ,moderate. than 9,000 tons of wheat were allowed bak AS regards time, the rule is to be exported during the last finan" bake. regardless of whether the sleevest. ace war lived par�.Iy.hi New York and Tasty. dishes tampt stout people to to allow twenty -fl* initiates to the � partly Ill. L011d�i, Ile Is an .Austrian cial year, whereas exports ordinaxily long or short MOST NUMEROUS. subject, but Was born I na pa,rt of unce may be amount to anything from 70090'00 t� pound up t.o.twelve pounds, and be - reduced by abstaining from fat meats, . each Bread and -Wiliam cooked, pemove the AAiesttla now handed over to Ron- - sugar, ,0,09 ,ad pastryt 1,500,00 tons. Rice exports from India yond that firteem. minhtet ,to FOR �GUESTROOM DOOR. Proper ordinarily amount to 500,000 to- 'Pound" A thoughtful touch in th6 furni Ill bin ,s ag s mania. -Daring the war lie remained o�ir the ham � 'he I potatoes should be eaten rather spar-, 600,000 tone, whereas this year only paste and skin and c and decorating of the guestra . t The -Mall without a country has be- in Switzerland, but recently -he want- I ingly. Fresh fruit and ,gro-en voge- 4%916 tons have been exported up to Vith fine brown breaderambs. Serve addition of a 'knocker on the door. come legion in Switzerland, where ed to return to London and NOW tables may be taken regularly in mod- hot or cold. Theirs are many quaint, flowered Ques, thousands of outcasts of the world York to look after his busin6ss inter- eration. No sedentary middle-aged date. designed, which are as dainty as they I . war -have been cut off from national ests. He was -told by, the British person can eat hearty meals hablt,ual- . S IIN SEASON. affiliations. and American consulates that -his ly -without Impedring health and curn- U. S. Not a Church -Going Notion. ASPARAGU are practical. In Switzerland, with her central Austrian Passport Was Invalid, and tatling -the span of years. The diet IF -acts about the interest of the peo- Choose fresh - asparagus, Wash, situation, it is easier than, elsewhere that he must now obtain a Passport must be plain and digestible, and the ple of the U. IS. In the church axe in- scrape *it the white skin from the BOX FOR OVERSHOES. to realize the number of those whom from the Rounlaulans. Reace, al- quantity -eaten limited strictly to the teresting and enlightening. The lower end and cut the ,stalks, even. A handy place for overshoes Is a the events of the last few yeaws, the though very unwillingly, he went to repair of tissue expended in work. Protestant church numbers 201 differ- ?.Ut them into cold water for ten Or box undemeattL tile back doorstep. . roin the stop may be tak- war and the, peace treaty, have made the Roumanian consulate, only to be ent -denominations; it includes all but fifteen minutes. Have ready a sauce- The boards tr , add two tea- On up, cleSted and hinged, and*a box arrens. Dwellers InGreat Britain, in told -that the consul would merely the, Jewish and Roman ,Catholic con- pan of boiling water; the United States or In Brtish do- give him a passport to return to his Mute Who Uttered One Word. gregations of America. In -these 201 s'poonfuls of salt, Tie the asparagus to fit, placred. beneath the 'step. MinjotiS do not TeallZe, happily for birthplace In what was once Austria, An extraordinary story of how a denominations it would seem that into bundles; Put them Intb the boil- thela, -how many,citizens of no coun- and Is now Roumania, but wdu-Id not dumb man, a peer of the realm, was every American would find some ing 'Water ,and boil gently, with the WEIRD MEC:HANICAL CLOCK IN try there are now in Europe, how grant him, a passport to go to -either shade of religious opinion to which lid off -the pan, from twenty-five to - INDIA. given the power to utter one word, tile soft parts many enforced and unwilling ont- England or the United States. thereby saving many lives, was -told he might attach himself. ,.But of the thirty minutes, or -until One of the strangest of all clock,� casts. Some few may be Indiltereilt, In the Roumanian legattoti. the Of- by the ,bishop Of Bath and Wells, at 106 million Of them, leaving out 25 are tender. It Is best to use a -pan is found In India and is called -the I to the fate which hag Overtaken ficials even refused to talk to him In the dedication of anew -home for deaf mill,lon children under 10 years of with a drainer, on witch the aspara- --Resurrection Clock." Iit has no dial them, but to the very great majority any language except Rouinantan, mutes In Bath, -Eng,land. The peer age, only 26� million are members of gus is placed -and easily lifted out a gong being sli,gpended In its place It is .the last thimg in the world they which he does not know; and It Was was a former Lord ,Carberry and a Protestant churches, and only 44,14,- when cooked. Failing this, wrap the Beneath this gong scattered on W would have Wished -to have 1110 Conn- only after much negotiations that they embers of any church at all bundles in a .piece of muslin to pre- ground, lie enoturb. skulls and bones to I friend of the bishop's. I'Lard Car- 0 r' 87 aaking off the I make 12 complete skeletons. to try which they ,can call their own. consented to do so in English, TO berry," said the bishop, "wits aboard 12)?r�ot'e "tit, Roman Catholic, or Jew- vent the danger of bri and At I o'clock, ,enough bones to form _&.mong these countryless persons are the credit of the -British and Amerl� a steamer sailing from Cork to Bris- I Ish In dentally, there are 218,0N tius. Drain, Aintle the bundles pr� t, el -a a Piece Of toast- send oiled j some who, a few Years ago, held high can governments, be It said, in view to,. A dense fog came on and pas- tes tit churches and 15,194 Jewish dish o one a �leton come together with I positions and owned largeestatess and of the circumstances, they ,ha:ve al- senger's eoik�d see Anothing. Even and Romanist churches in the U. S. margarine or tho following dressing snap, the- skeleton springs up 41114 were welcome guests In ,any land. lowed this man to go to London, and the lookout man was unaware of dan- to table with them: Dissolve 'a salt- I seizes a mallet an'd strikes the goal Itt is not merely tile war which has New York with a special pas,sport ger, when Lord -Carbery, who Was sit- Pictures By Wifeless. spoonful of salt in two tablespoonfuls on, blow, made so many hoiftelegs. One I)Ztll- granted by themselves. The attitude ting. in th� bow, shouted loudly, of vinegar, add one teaspoonful of This done, it returns ta the pile an, *tic -case was that of an Austrian who Of some of these small countries only 'Land V It often happens when God Recently a youngDane, Th. Ander- 'French mustard, a pinch of pepp�rand again falls to Pieces. was was born in a Part Of Austia now Just raised to the dignity,of independ- has Id�prvled a man of one sense he son, a ,watchmaker, invented a method two tablespoonfuls of olive oil. 0dix At 2 o'clock two skeletons spring U *handed over to tile poles, And who tence recalls nothing so much as tile Increases the po,wer of another. Lord by which he Is able to transmit ple- ail Well together and se-ve In a sauce 'and strike two'blows. At noon aii has just been found dead, lying in the proverbial saying, "Set a beggar on Carbery was able to see what others tures by wire or wireless for any dis- boat, � midnight, all skeletons assemble an - grass, literally on the frontier of his .horseback and he'll ride to the devil," could not, and realizing the ship was tance. Mr. Anderson asked the Dan strike the gong, one after another, aii 'native land, Into which the AusVians Where -the Red Cross WasBarm. making straight for the black mass, ish telegraph department for permls- T_&pIOC& rRTJIT!SAL,A.D. again fall to pieces. would got allow blin, to enter, saying In tighting for Its, liberty Is a proof his excitement forced that one word I sion to demonstrate the invention by Three tablespoons minute tapioca, I.--- __ thathewas a Pole. APOlehewould of ,greatness, Geneva, where the next from his lips. The captain -put the I, using two of the government's Wire- 1� I halfs pint boiling water and pineapple, O'l I � not b, -,-,-.an Austrian he could not be. onslon of the Peace Conference will helm. round rind the vessel Just sWm- less stations. His request was grant- juice, pinch salt, halt J11103 of lemon, 1�,Ils name Was Isodor Fachs, and for be held, certainly merits being called mtd past the southernmost rack of I ed, and the picture of a young woman two bananas, marshinallow.oT whipped many years before the war .110 Wa% 6 "the greatest of the small towns." In Lundy Island. We all had a most was transmitted from. the wireless cream, three-quarterf) CUP sugar, *me Paris corresPOndent Of 4a Important 1602, the then Duke of 15avoy made a narrow escape, and many lives were station ,at Bloavandshuk (ofi the west Can pineapple (small), one egg white,l COUNTER �German newspaper. determined attempt to take the Swiss saved by Lord Carbery's warning." coast of 3utiand) to tile wireless sta- one orange, nuts'. Briag water and ' When Tmr broke eat, tie, Of course, town. A moonless might was; chosen That word Island" was the only one tiOn at Lingby, near ,Copenhagen. Mr. pIneapple Juice to boiling Point. Add � liad V) leave Parts with all Ills be- toput his project Into execution. The Lord -Carbery ever uttered. Anderson declares tile transmission lugar. ­�, longings, and come to G-eneva, where intention was to attack the town while lot the picture required the same time � CHECK , �le co, las the transmission of an ordinary . . atinued to act as correspondent I the inhabitants slept. Long ladders A-MERICAN CHOP SUZY. for his ,Ge"inall and Austrian ixews� were, erected against the walls of the Stock Exchange in Toklo. message of one, hundred words, and papers. The money lie had saved Icity and the S%voyards began to Per pleturL-squeness the Toldo that it is the first picture transmitted Half ,package Spaghetti, cooked; lie invested during the War, liks the mount. In a. moment, however, the Stock Exchange -has no rival, In ad- by wireless. four smill white onions, two teaspoOn,q BOOKS rpst of h, c(., I salt, two tablespoons butter, one pound I . 19 -Untrymen, in Austristi, alarin was given, and the 4uenevese aftlon to the exchange hall and the v.ar loan -stock. He set out foripoured from their beds, and, dressed huge blackboards covered with Japan- ParadoXieal Duckbill. Hamburg steak, one call tomato SOUP- Nva are, agents f,),., the Apple - Austria, but whcn 'he reached file only fit their night-elothes, -prepared ese characters, all of the brokers, Tile Duckbill, or platypus, Is one of (,.at up oni,)ns, salt, and cook In but- I ford Pounter check Book Co., I fv)ntluer and slio,vod Ills passport, he to defend their homes. Four Ilun- without exception, wear kimonos, the strangest and most paradoxical of ter until tender, but do not brown, To See' Our saniples and get was told that he could totenter Alis- dred Savoyards were accounted foe, - all the animals of nature. it is the onions add tile steak and Cook Uft- I prices beforc ordering, carry fIns, and .tile only persons dress It mix meat and XCE triji, for he was UoNq a Pole, w1lere- whtfie tit(' defenders' losses only num- Ing In Baropean, garb are tile record- I sometimes called nature's joke. It til partly done. Tile lad t1ste for THE WINOAAM ADVA t itpon 'he laid himself dOwn and died- I bered fourteen. Tile following year cl., - h4.s a bill and Webbed feet Moo aduck onions With Spaghetti, t Winghtm. 'Ont. s <�f prices. As a no!se maker, too, , dled at big "UqtrfF, gat0q, QIld WaS Gcneva entrred Intoan alliance with �jlj�� *.x(!Il,lnge ig undoubtedly ,chain- !and can owlill and dive like a fish. proper seasoning. over mixture DoUr 1i .. __... . ". found by some pc-esinto a few d_1V5 Pribourg, and later with Write. 1,1111- lqo,il (;f V,le -world. The Japanese I The most unexpected trait of the ant- one can tomato soup and inix. Bake �'_­_­_'_� - , 0, "'' . afterwards, lying on tile gra' ss by the ally, In 1810, tile town became teO- brokers do almo�t everything -but =1 is that it actually lays eggs. Ile in moderate oveX.iIalf ail hour. r- ight ----1 I . .__.­__­________.___ wayside. 0�-nlzed as part of Switzerland. give college chicers; they shout and makes long tunnels lit the banks Of gencroug servilig& . � - � 'Homeless Russians. ----.-. yell and whistle, and vary their saw- I streams In Ills native ,home In Aus- - I 13at hoofiel�ogg Rtisslaus are by far JUST DOING A FEW ,�OHAPLINSIY. Ing,& of the air with their hands, and I tralla. These are made barely large FRUIT RICIO PUDDIX0. DR.MARGARET CALDE Vw, most unmerou% of all political lk'nolon,-Henry 3essWi was lit arnis, by occasi,mial bursts of band- cuough for Ills bOd7 to Tiass through; ,I cuteists. Vaus a Russian ejuntesg, , courtchargcd with Insulting bchavlot el,,ipIng. lit making trades the Toklo so that if lie desires to return at any Two,cups cooked rice, two "gs, half Poc Opend ,Her Office in the whtse husband before the war was rashiting the Police and smanbing a brokers used their fingers to indicate i time lie simply backs out, w-111,01 he is teaspoon grated orange or lemon pe -31, ,FIELD 113LOCK, Very wealfily, and whose, Jewels were ewmllablels Whistle. ­ Visn't fair," I)ri(,-er4 and quantities UIUCIL As Is done enabled to do, since hir, fur Is like half cup sugar, twe cups milk, One CUD Near the Motel Brunowlek. wor-,h thf)umands (If pounds,, Is U40W COMplained lip, "I wag only showing In the exchange of this,eountry.,Priees that of the common inolp, set in such dried peaches or apricots, two table- . a way that 110 niatter what direction spoons butter. To the steamed rice Specialist In Vseaqes of the V In Gp,��,vA. horlele,sg. c,)untryless, my little girl soffte Clia.file (1,11aplin are also recorded oil boards as, with nd Throat Speelal, att nd We'll night p(�nmllpEs, Xieff, wilith stunts. Didn't mean any hartu." The our cxchanges, but instead of being! lile moves, ils fu.- neither bluders him add sugar, eggs, slightly beaten, With rsYe, Nose a r , ards On which tile nor gets full of dirt. The duckbill grated Deel Or fruit ilifit 1111S b0,e?l well tiOn given to I)Iscas" Of Woulen Z ,%v4II4 I. Dot 1 Children, , .,!�,., !l4mLl,, N n.iw In what Is lnagl�'tral:6 smiled and then lie SaI6 I shliply blackbo, Ir IN - "foirty sl abo& figures -are writt4na with chalk, there I io IWIl that Is left of a Once large rain- coaked, Pour into a baking dl,(h. Ph*"* 151.001 _n , ��w. .L aq g 1,k-.&,,nl_1, but nc� olp� al, hillin's," nhich means with bits of butter and bake it, i Wool- Resident* CA phono I ' I'llie' 117' L Vrt,sent knoms whether thcre Is a Vol . ara boards Of red, white aftd . I I II, , �� I � . . . . ­ . 1. . . I . I I I I I . I I � .1.1 I-- . - I . . 1. . �. .1 11 . . . � I - I I . I - .. 11 . - I'll -1 I I . I I . .1 � . 1. I 1. .�. .. I I I I . - I ­ .- I I - .11, I... .1 . I I 11 - - I I . I . . .1 I— _. ­­ - - - ..".. I I . L . . I . , � �_ � . - � , ., - , . � , , Publishcil at WINGHAM, ONTARIO, �very Thursday Mbrning. A. G, SNITIL PublWher- Subscription XAteS:-0110 year, - ,00; six month% 41.00 In advance. Adve.r6l'T.-OX rateS On UPPOcatiOu. Advertisements 111thout specific di -11 ctions will be Inserted until forbid A charged accordingly. Changes for contract advertise— ents be in the office UY, noon, onday. .1 09 �_._=.�_ �- ­ 7'_-'= BUSINESS CARDS 0-1 J. WELLINGTON M:UTUAl._1 FIRE INSURANCE CO. � I ustablished 1840, -Head Office, Guelptii Risks taken on all classesof Insur- ole property on the cash or premium Dt6 System- . ABNER COSENS, Agent; WIngliali I.- * , 11 ---I.----- ____ .- __ I DUDLEY HOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Office, Mayor Block, W.Ingham,. ______ _______ _ . , R. VANSTNE BARRISTER ANV SOLICITOR. - Money to loan at ,lowest rateo.. WINGHAM. . I ARTHUR J. ININ D.D.S., L,D.8, ' Doctor of Dental Surgery of the- Dennsylvania C41lege and Licentlatet A Dental Surgery of ,Ontario. 'I'losed Every Wednesday Afternoon.. Office in Macdonald 431ock.' DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental - Surgeons. Graduate University of Toronto- - - , Faculty of Dentistry. � 8 ;�i OFFICE,OVER H. E. ISARD'S STORE� " � . . ; W. R. HAMBLY . B.Sc., 'M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, baving taken postgraduate work In Sur�- I gery. 'Lacteriology, and Scientific Medicine. � Office in the ,Kerr residence, betweeir the Queen's -Hotel and the Baptist I Churoh. I All business given careful att'6ntion.. , Phone 64. P. 0. 1BOX 113. , � � � . I I n. R Dit OBT.C. REDMOND, MiR.C.S. (EpS[). . al..RjC.P. (Lond). PHYSICIAN AND ,SURGEON. (Dr. ChIsholmIs Old stand). - $ . � T � D.R.-R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario Colleg% of Physicians and; , Surgeons. I - OTTICE ENTRANCE: Second Door -North of Zurj�riggls Photo Studio. I JOSEPHINE STREET. - PHIONE 29. 1 . I SELL . -,* Town and Farm properties. Call and see my' list and got my prices. I have some excellent values, . : J. G. STEWART . . ,. I I WINGHAM. , Phone 134. 'Office In Town Hail. , I ; .1 I I I DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN I I j 2�1;1� �� I &I 0 ,�� , 01114,Rftll"� II I a CHIROPRACTIC � ) Practice Is confined exclusively to ,Chiropractic, the only and -original I .System, of Spinal .Adjustment. Ef- fective In 95 Der ,cent. of all cases. "(1h%opi.actle Locates and Reih the all Is of Disease, Xature Heals." A. A. 'FOX, b., 0,0. - Also fully qualified. graduate. W Osteopathy. Phone 191. 1HOUTS 2 t% 1), slid 7 to 8 pan. J. ... ....... __ __ _-_1__________-__ ____1 I DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN . OSTEOPATHY . A -A I I DR. V. A. PARKER 'OstedlyatIlle Physician, only ,,qualified Osteopath In North Huron. I Adjnstnient. of the ,,4plue is inorL, I quickly securQ and with ftlw4�-r treat - 0 nients than by any other inethod. I ­ L Blood pressure and other exl,11111110- tious inade. RAll diseases treated. OFFICE *VSR ,CHRISTIE'S Voll't. I- _______1 __ - - __ �_ -__.__1-.__-_1 - __ ` - � I rin � Un, IRLMA'KENNEDY )" I Rr, 11phono 48. 11- 8pecial attention gi".n to 010, lid dimemes of wonien and ,children. '0111008 formOrly occupi6d by the I*t* Al DR. J. P. KIINNICOY. � � ,