The Wingham Advance, 1920-11-25, Page 8i W 30 Sev4, us a: pmift card for a fride sample, statinil the 1 vice You now pay and if you use, SlaEk Green or , 5aladal Toroatd4 ixjoTea. Address SHEITER STOCK PROPERLY DURING COLD FALL MONTHS Keeping Your Cows Under Cover Will Boost Milk Pro- duction, Says Successful Dairy Farmerl The unseasonable weather since the thing ouug and tight for Winter, it beginning of September Is. something doesn't take long and it pays In sav- so rare in our climate that one feels Ing feed.and saving stock. ,onG must bear It as philosophically And wlidle the tools are handy, why as one can and be thankful It is no not put up that cover over the manure worse. What It this sort of weather pile that you have been thinking about -mme every year? The worst feature and know you ought to attend to. The ,of It Is that It cornea at a time when land needs to be fed as much as any - good production s serausly necessary body, and it Is cruel to give it the 'to the world at large, and the destruc- mere husks from which all the good tion of the later crops In various parts ness has leaked down into the crect, of the country Is not only a loss to wso Ws amiably idiotic. the farmers alone, but also the whole Don't let the stock eat down. the -Country. But even this cloud will have clover pastures too late in the Fall; a silver lining—, even it it Is only of leave something for Winter protec- Alre subdued eatirt-finishod sort—It it tion. Don.1 break up the rotation that drivea home upon us all the necessity Tcu have Carefully figured out as be - ,for more thrifty ways. The spurt of ing the best for your conditions. It thrift that -we made during the war may seem tempting to keep on tr)*iq.- ineorno to have been so exhausting that to get a certain. paying crop all the 'we have been spending hard to get time, but will it pay In the long run? over it ever since, with the result that Pens, vetches and the clovers help to 'we now find ourselves in worse than put money into t1i, bank by putting ,war conditions, It was out of the loss gordriess Into the 8011; they should of her two most fertile provinces, never be omitted frora the regular ro. Schleswig and Holstein, that Denmark, ,atinrL On light soils, maple paas do .through sheer necessity, gave such -well -when sown In We Fall, the land :eloiss study to getting the last ounce should always be rolled after sowing lot good from her poor, sandy, tracts 1,beni. It you want it big potato crop of soil that made her the well -stocked next year, now is the time to begin. 'larder of Europe and placed her In p, under this �Ow Fall a good dressing the forefront of the agricultural world. of barnyard manure; if on a clover Good Breodina, Good Feading sod, so much the better, And �Ieave it Cold, continuous rains will cause a that way until Spring. Fresh manure put on in the Spring has a tendency drup In the milk flow unless the stock sheltered properly. It Is better to to promote scab and other disease; ,'are ,kkep them under cover, and warm, ploughed under now It becomes Mel- low and available for plant uses. AIJ30 vell-vatitilated quarters will save feed, :wudh of which In cold, wet weather -select the seed now and place by it- ,goes,to keep the animal warm. Fall self in shallow bins or trays In a cool, well -ventilated place. Seed thus ex - graBs'pasture, too, Is often poor In 'milk -making qUallties,'arid once the posed to ripening influences will Yield milk production drops It Is diffleult to better and earlier than when not so get it up again. Calves. should be kept :growing right along. A successful treated. As the machines and tools are fln- .dairy farmerwho admittedly has made ished. with for the season, remember that It saves time and money to look raoney In his business adopted for his �motto, "Good breeding and good feed- Over them at once, correcting any In&11 With these two conditions ful- weak parts, cleaning, oiling and giving palat where necessary. Of course, the Alled, a man cannot help being a sue- :cego, for people will always be read3(,, man who can aff5rd to leave his buy what be has to offer and pay things out all Winter just where the ,to, good prices for It, too. horses left them doesWt need to bother, Pall litters of pigs need to be 'kept but he Probably won't read these lines, �avay from dampness and draughts. anyway; bs will be too busy studying the machinery catalogues and figuring .Fresh air Is wholesome and eosentlaT but draughts are deadly for man Oi out the, prices of their successors. But else�'vill have an Implement .beast., A man can't do better than speud some of these rainy Fall days everybody shed where the Implements will live In- going round and fixing up every- when they are not In use. Clogged Nostrils Open s0A ME COMPLEXION HINTS Start a searching self-analysis; find reported In the London "Laneet.". 1. red nose Is generally due to Breathing IM"ade Easy some forni of dyspeipsla. There is no use In laying down the law as to diet right Is no proof of<the correctness of and without any feeling of fatigue. in these cases. Find out what special Catarrh Cured 1. things disagree with'You; it may be fish or strong tea, or even po- convinced that the attacks were hys- did it. Go over the motives that un- shell tatoes. Carefully avoid -whatever It derlay the action. Consider what you happens to be. Now MOW Very Successful 2. Chills to feet and legs are par. see It there Is not a course of action ticularly bad for those whose diges- It is a now method of treatment, tions ate weak. Keep your feet well that of medicated air, and cannot fail shod with stout shoes, and wear to be beneficial. It goes wherever woolen stockings In winter, and you air can go, thus reaching all the at- will find this will do much to prevent 'fected parts. It purities -as liy fire, your having a red nose. simply burning up the disease germs. 3. A shiny nose Is due to over-ac- Catarrhozone Is a non-poisonous and tivity of the oil glands In the skin, healing agent; It therefore acts upon the mucous tissues of the throat, nasal a condition difficult to rectify. The best treatment 10 tbe use of a few passages, and bronchial tubes, destroy- drops of, tincture of benzoin In the Ing all microbe life, and at the same water with which the face is washed. thns heals up all the Inflamed parts. This is a good skin tonic for use now As a cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, and then. :A.sthma, La, Grippe; as a strengthener 4. The Oatmeal Bag—If You suffer for the throat, Catarrhozone cannot be from a shiny nose, do not USS Soap equalled. every day for washing the face, Use It is a guaranteed cure, and Is big!%- instead an oatmeal or a bran bag; ly endorsed by prominent physicians merely a little bag of soft muslin part - who use Catarrhozons fix their prac- ly filled 'with flue oatmeal or bran. Let tice. this take the place of a sponge or Sufficient Catarrhozoner for two flannel. Change the contents Of the montbW use, price $1.00; smaller size bag thype times 9, week - 60c; at 0,11 dealers. ERNEST LMVFULI�B, 10arn your strong points, too, and . Peevish, pale. restless, -and sickly The Irish Linen Society at Belfast children OWO theircondition to worms, states that an agreement has been Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator health, reached between the British, French, will relieve them arid restore and Belgian flax spinners whereby a fixed minimum yarn price list is es- . (,apt. Angus V. Hamoro, 'Unionist taolished between the three Countries, member for South Dorset, Is to retire blndltkg utitil April 1, 1921. at the, next general election. Arrange to Attend the 11th Annual Fnn err, XIT7 CITTOIA7 A IL a JL 0 Ulk 311 VV UNION STOCK YARDS Thursdaay an-- Friday, beow 9'h'th and 10th taro* rntvwt In All Classes. judging .10 a -m", Decomber ath. Auotlon Solik Of Sh*w StOck, 10 a-m-l'ose' 10' BEST WAY TO . BUY SHORTHORNS k Well -Known Authority Gives, His Idea of Pure Bred $took. Mr. Druno, a well-known authority' in Shorthorns, recently said that in 4is opinion A young breeder, com- mencing to breed pure Shorthorns� should be very careful In his selection of females, buying only the best of proved ancestry, puying attention to type and color, And making sure that they were of a good milking strain It possible, A bree4er starting off should be voutent with a few, rather than buying second-rate ones, as, In his experience, young breeders were too often fit a burry for numbers. The female should have a nice head, the face shortish, rather than long, clean nose, no trace of black, the eyes prominent, the horn$ not too long, and a little flat at the root, of a yellow color, well set, turn - lug a little forward and down rather than u- black not s beine an obJec- tionable . feature here, The back should be strong and straight, with well - sprung ribs. The hindquarters should be square and well filled, with a smoothness over the tail. The under- line should be straight arid well filled behind the forelegs, and the udder well-slxaped, with prominent milk - veins. She should have a nice coat of soft bair, And a fine mellow touch when handled on the ribs. The favor, Its colors were dark roan and dark red. Heifers to be retained In the herd should at no time be over -fed, as it spoiled their usefulness as milk- ers and rendered them not so sure breeders. Females of moderate size And true type were, In his opinion, the safest and surest breeders, and an Impres- sive breeding bull, when put to those cows, would stamp himself morfs ra the progeny than on big cows although equally well-bred. Every breeder had, or should have, his own distinct Ideal of a Shorthorn female. It was a true saying that the bull was half the herd, Any breeder who aimed at breeding, the best class nt stock, and was de- termined to succeed, Must not be soft hearted with regard to price when he saw a young bull of the shape, color and breeding he thought would suit his females. But to make the bull an Impressive sire, he must be bred both on his sireIl and dam!s side, from animals of high Individual merit and good color. The bull himself should have a smart head, prominent intelligent -looking eyes, full neck well set into the sb:oulderso waxy horn, and plenty of wavy or curly hair on his neck and forehead, which de - rioted breeding character. His- top line ought to be straight, well covered over the crops and middle with mellow flesh, square hindquarters with full thighs, and a nice finish at the tail, full chesto straight under -line -0 with, flanks well down fore and hind, The bull must have a sound and healthy constitution, and it was very import- ant that he should have a nice, docile Umper, aq this wgij 'generally trans- mitted t6 his progeny. The other good points of the Short- horn were Its suitability for any cli- mate, and its special value as an im- proving cross with any other breed or class of cattle. WEAK, NERVOUS AND RIIN DOWN A CONDITION AFFLIATiNQ THOUS. AND$ OF PEOPLE—HOW TO GET NEW HEALTH. There are thousands of peep'e who are enduring the pain and discom- fort -of minor Ills in the hope that the indisposition is only temporary and will be outgrown in time. Often such illnesses are not serious enough to require the attention of a doctor, �but -will respond to Intelligent home treat- ment it a reliable remedy Is used. Women, busy with a multitude of household cares, young women In of- fices or stores. or girls studying bard in school, easily fall a prey to. that condition of bloodlessness known as ana4mla. 'The trouble need -act be serious It prompt, effective measures are taken to check it In Its early stages. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will restore the lelemelats needed to bring th% blood back to strength, and once the blood regains Its healthy quality the entire body will soon show the benstit. Among the many who have found benefit through the use -1 Dr. Williams, Pink. Pills Is Mrs. James J. .1ohnston, of Peterboro, Out., who says; 111 can personally strong- ly recommend Dr. Williams, Pink Pills because of what they have done for me. About two years ago I felt ipoorly, Was terribly weak, nervous and Tun down. I was easily annoyf I and worried, and my heart would flutter at the least exertion. I tried several remedt4s but did not find a cure until I took Dr. Williams, Pink Pills. I took seven boxes In all ana am now enjoying lierfeet health, and have gained in weig t. I calculate the goat Small when r think of the benefit I received, arid I reeommend the pills to All weak people." Itich, red blood is the whole lsecret of good health, and from the, first to the last dose Dr. Williams, Pink Pills strich. and purigy the blood. You Can get these pills through any medl- Cite dealer or by mail at 60 cents it box. or six boxes tor $2.90, from The I)r, Williams, N.Jedjejue Co., Brockville, ont. 'rho Last Attack way r,�ally 'be tba last one it prairiDt measures are taken. Dr. Z. D, XellOgg's Asthma nem6dy wil safeguard you. It will pL%1IP.tra,t# to the smallest bronchial pagsage And bring about a hettlth* rondition. it always rolleves and Its continued uge often t1fects a; pst. mituent cure. 'Why not get this long6 famous remedy to -day and Commence Itg tLgo? Trihslod aig smoke or VAPO? it 241 equally effeelive. HAWAIIAN CARS RUN ON WHISKEY lNew Use for biscarde4 Spirits in Southern Isles. Hawaii's great Industries are sugar� making and canning pineapples for ex- port. Since alcohol Is. dqrived frorn sweetening, the islands have right at hand the material for distilling the spirit which dilutes Into whlikey, When the price of gasoline soared Into higher regions, it occurred to the Hawaiians that what gives fitsoto ]in. mans, might also energize weir auto. mobiles. The Idea worked out splendidly, arid I I U A I I I f not at - tO k e emora zat on v thirsty chauffeurs, The V. S. Govern- ment looks after th4t end of it, and "deriatureol' every drop of It, making it unfit for human consumption, The price Is now said to be about eight cents a gallon, and It produces one-fifth more power than gasoline, leaving much cleaner cylinders. But the fuel does not work as well in cold climates or even when the on - The Indians of the old day produced some wonderful orators. Not the least of these was the wonderful Tecumseh, Vito gave his life for the English while fighting on their side in the war of 1812, In September, 1813, when things were going bad with the English, a council of whites and braves was held, when the Chief delivered a wonderful address, the warr1pro leaping to their feet and brandishing their war axes in ferocious style. 'Tather," thundered the Chief, as he heard of General Proctor's %inten- tion to retire, "listen to your clill- dren: you see them now all before you. The war before this, our British Father gave the hatchet to his red ch4dren when our old chiefs were Alive. They are now all dead. In that war our father was thrown on his back by the Americans, and our father took them by the hand with our know- ledge arid we are afraid ol4r father will do so again this time. "When war was declared our father stood up and gave us the hatchet and told us he was now ready to strike the Americans—that he wanted our as- sistance and he would got us our lands back which the Americans had taken from us. Listen. You told us the same thing to. get us to bring our families to this place. "Listen. Father our fleet has gone out; we know they have fought; we have heard the great guns; we know nothing of what has happened to one arm. Our ships have gone one way and we are surprised to see our father tying up things and preparing to go e other without letting his red chil- i In 4- ­ ble intentons ren mow w a "Us-ien. The Americans have not yet defeated us by land; neither or(, we sure they have done., -so by water. We therefore wish to remain hire and fight our enemy should they make their appearance. It they defeat us we will(then retreat with our father." Tecumseh then strode across to Where Gerieraj * Proctor was standing and continued: "Brother, htve you not run far I gines are cool. Possibly. we may not be able to use the new auto-foo4 In Canada yet Awhile. May Overcome Olffictiltlea The difficulties have been overcome, however, In Hawaii with the aid of ether, which will mtx wltli*alcohol In all proportions. It is very volatile, has a high vapor pressure. and an extremely wide range of explosive mixturq with air, has a high thermal value, burns with no solid products of combustlon, and Is easily and cheaply produced wherever alcohol is available. It is therefore possible to produce a mixture of oleo- hol and ether in ouch proportions as to .4form an Ideal fuel for gasoline en- gines In that climate, giving great p*wer, speed, and flexibility combined with smoothness of operation And ease of starting. The result Is biat th� mixture be - domes a true gasoline substitute, which may be Instantly -substituted for gaso- line and which gives the same orbet- ter results without modification of the engine or'Its accessories arid with no Change in ordinary methods of mantpu- lation. The motor alcohol made according to the new formula has been m4nufac- tured In Hawaii and subJected to sue, cessful tests in stationary, marine, au. tomobile, truck and tractor gasoline englue:i. Experiments now being carried on In many sections may yet make It pos- sible to run our auto driven vehicles and machinery all the or round with the spirit the Dominila0has discarded as a beverage. enough? Tecumseb. with his warriors Every Irishman or woman should have a picture of this great will not leave this place Uor his land$. Very complex In her physical MIA - "If you go, give us -your guns that on tomorrow's sun we may use them., tions to life, disease early seizes upon the woman who Works, and she must I , 'Tecumseh has said and speaks no therefore guard jealously anything more. He Aghts—perhaps to die." that would tend to destroy her vitg- 6, $2.00, Ith eas1 baek. Ity or health. 4 ENGLAND'S GLASSWARE UN- Probably nothing Is of more ser - EXCELLED IN PURITY vice than Dr. HamiltOWS Pills, and employ British glassware for the table and every girl and Woman can this grand remedy with gratifying re - house is unexcelled for its purity of sults. color and sparlding clearness. In its As a system tonic and blood reno- best grades, this glass Possesses Cx� strength and great brilliance vator, no treatment gives such re - .Optional and gives forth a characteristic- sharp suits - For maintAluing good digestion awl rIng. New designs and new decorations in healthy appetite, it Is. Imposilble to equal Dr. 'Hamilton's Pill% British glass are constantly being manufactured. The methods of mark- Dusky, sallow complexion is healthy, rudy glow, Ing are many, but whether the designs changed to a which proves that Dr. Humllton!s Pills, are carried out by cutting or etching, circulate blood that is rich and nokt7- all the work b free-bdud, and depends Ishing. on the artistic training and mantpula- Weak organs are filled with new life tive skill of the Individual worker. Elaborate appliances have been devel- and Vitality, weakness, Irregularities and the common Ills are prevented. o�ped for this work. Most Of this fine crystal -is pure When you feel poorly, W'-cn the head aches, back feels lame and a 'through white, but some samples have a tinted drowsy, tired feeling, creeps body or color -flushed surface on which you—that tells of the need Of Dr. the cutting or etching looks very well. Hamilton's Pills, try them. a bad action' or -an, Improper thoixght Sold In yellow boxes, 25c. Impurities of the Blood Counteract. will finally result In the delusion that ed.—Impurities in the blood poind from defects In the action of the liver,' One-third of the blindness In Great They are revealed by pimples ana un- Britain is traceable to Venereal dis- sightly blotches on the skin, They ease, said the Rev. J. Maichant, direc- must be treated inwardly, and for this tor of the National Vounoll for the purpose there Is no more effective I Promotion of . Race Regeneration, compound to be used than Parmelee's speakingat a public morals Campaign Vegetable Pills. They act directly at Merthyr, Tydvil, Glam, on the liver and by setting up healthy ' processes have A beneficial effect r.ron It Is Wise to Provent DIsoedeK— the blood, so that impurities are OHM- Many causes !sad to disorde"s of the Inated. stomach and ew are free from them. The City ot London Corporation has t the first manifestation that the stomach slid liver are not performing appointed Mr. Crowther Smith as City their functions, a couse or Parmeleeli Comptroller at a salary of 41,500. Mr. Vegetable Pills should be tried, and Crowther Smith has been employed by It will be found that the digestive or - the Corporation lor 90 years. gans will speedily resume healthy will be 'educative for you to watch tioll. Laxatives and sedatives are so (�oras and warts disappear when blended in these pills that no other treated with Holloway's Corn cure preparation could be so effective as without leaving a s e . Mr. they. J, to Your own limitations. Stand at a Vegetable Compound. *X T E "K E N C wz" 5"' A C S W I klill'u" V Every Irishman or woman should have a picture of this great hero. It was taken In his robes of office, Oi the day of h1s Waned- mt1on as Lord Mayor of Corli. the only way one can dlseover�, PRAMED PHOTOGRAPHS 8ADGE 2,1,1 5, 1,1.00, with easel badk, FOR ALL 8'019TIES. 6, $2.00, Ith eas1 baek. FLAGS 6 x 7, $3,00, with easel back. 8 x 10, $5,00. ALL NATIONS. ALL 612".4. 16 % 20, $10,00, This Letter Tells How It May Thel.uding mdIl or express dharg6 C74" IVA V PTIOTOS INOT PRAMBI). k"O" toe, $1.00, $1.50, t2.50" 16.00. Photo Post Cards, $11.00 do%. $97 14RAIG STREET WItST, Buttons, toe, $2,60, $10 dos. MONTREAL. A Qdck Reffet .. for fleadacbe the bl"d wMa In neirveo 4W. ptows Called to AQ I off Ora Ir"16 BEAUTY FROM CORN COBS Furfural green, 4 shade about to be- come faBbionable, whichwas formerly a byproducs from Me destructive dis- tillation of wood at a prohibitive price, Is now to be extracted from corn -Cobs at a erice withirt the reach of all. By using furfural as the coal -tar product benzine to handled. a variety of dyes can be produced whose makers will acknowledge the corn As their 108pira, tion. Fabrics in a vivid green have already been evolved, and recently there were evolved some very taking drabs -an dthris and also a bhakl shade which Was most highly commended. The Cob, after it yields Its furfural, which It can be made to do by a simple process, is still available for scores of iridustrial purposes, including that of a substitute for Cotton in the manutac- tare of guncotton. OUR LIVES Ant) SOINGS. Our lives are songs. God. writes the worele, Arid we, Iset them to Music at plea- ure; I Arid the song grows glad, or sweet'or, Bad, As We choose to fashlou the ruea- - ,sure, One bus -01 song that Is tree and strong,,. But the music he WrItQs Is.miaor; And the sad, sad strain Is replete with pain, And the singer becomes a reptiter. I And the song of another has through, the Aords, An undercurrent of oadnesq But he sets It to music of ringing chords,. And makes It a poem ol gladness. I so, whether o*ur songs are sad or not,. :We can give the -qorld mo -re plea- sure And better ourselves by settibg the - words To a glad, triumplialit measure. GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR - SEL P. ;k SUFFERING 1 OF 'About Self Analysis Isthelstepping-stone tQ- Morat and spiritual development.. the only way one can dlseover�, YOUNG WORMEEN the Internal barriers that constrIct- his soul and Choke oft development Of character Is to make a careful dis-. section of one's actions and the wo- 0 tives behind them. This Letter Tells How It May In most meople, dollborate motives - '0121 Overcome—All Mothers h Ave degenerated Into habits, and these habits have been repeated so Interested. Many times as to makb thQ possessor Of them feel that his way of actIn'I;,.­ IS the Only Way to act. Such people'L, ron Ont,–"Ihave suffered since asase ool girl with pain in ray left repeat the same old blunders until they seem, to be. correct methods of' side andwitheramps', , Action, Just- as a )for can repeat A_ ' croe rowing double-diatilled prevarication. until he Y e4 t 71 1 we believes It himself, r im 'd Custom and �habft makes all things childre ' a noro Boom, right,, the constant repetition of" 1wassabad4ttime a bad action' or -an, Improper thoixght that I was unfit or will finally result In the delusion that work. I tried sev- such actions- arid such thoughts are eral doctors and? a� right. .43, ut tent medicine Xno,%v tho truth,'and the truth will was onlyrelieved f9r make you free; kndw , the facts, and a short time. Solne all the facts about any matter, and, ofthedoctorawanted : no one will delude,you about It; kno.r. filther to perform an oper- objected. F16'41y the truth about yourself, and you will t be ation, out my I learned through, my mother of Lydia able to discriminate between the affectations and hyproorlses that bab- R_ Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, how thankful I that I triOd it, it has clothed you In, and the Inner. and am tore of trath' and decency that every I am relieved from pain and cran?s, human, being possesses. and feel as if it has saved mylife, on Get out of yourself, for a while. It, maTuse rorletter to help other women, will be 'educative for you to watch V recommend the as amonytoogla4to isdicine "MT1 �2 BI , amford 'A' Your own wheels go taround, lixtroduce yourself to yourself; yqu T� onto Ont r irls Who or: tro6led as MW'Xerit may not have had the pleasure -of Your own acquaintance—very few of was should immediately seek restoration us haipe arid it may open your eyes to health by, taking Lydia E. Plukham's to Your own limitations. Stand at a Vegetable Compound. *X distance and survey this being that hose who need special advice"Inay write to -Lydia E.. Pinkharn Medicine CO, lives inside the shell you call your body; perhaps 9, dilstant view of this (confidential), Lynn, Mass. These letters will be opened read and answered b i Y kind. wIll enable you to plex out your woman and Rd in strict confidence. own weak nessos as readily as you Pick out the weaknesses of your as- soclates. Size . yourself up, and see HYPNOTISED'HIMSELF ,what sort of a chai) you have been The interesting case, of a youth of running around with all these years. nineteen, who hypnotised himself, is Start a searching self-analysis; find reported In the London "Laneet.". Out why you do things In such a -way, F rom. early childhood, IRT" had been Just because you feel that they are all, able to drop off to sleep at any time right Is no proof of<the correctness of and without any feeling of fatigue. Your Impression. Apart from this peculiarity he was per- After -you have done some habitual fectly normal and the doctors became thing, review the- way lix which you convinced that the attacks were hys- did it. Go over the motives that un- terical and self -suggested; In other derlay the action. Consider what you wor,ls Qat, he hypnotised himself. did, and what you might%bave done; Finally, telling him that his attacks see It there Is not a course of action were due to a thickened'spot on the that could advailtageously have been skull -i tjiqv Cured him by Cutting cdit substituted for the One You followed. a tiny piece Of bonw and Allowing hi62 Let uo--sapposOthat a certain course' to handle It. of action Is presbrited to you and that. You act In accordance with your pres. ent Ilklits. Stop after the actloh-Arvd study yourdelt. For 15 days In the mouth of Jan- Why, did you act In this way? ua.ry rkwas suffering with pain of rheu- Habit? matism In the toot, I tried all kinds If so, was the habit based upon of remedles but nothing did me any sound �prinrlples, qr, wab the habit the good. One person told me about*'result of an earl� dropping Into the MINARD'S LINIMENT; As soon as I easiest path, which yQu'have follmded tried It the Saturday night, the next ever since until It has become a rut morning I was feeling very good; I out of which you'cannot climb? tell you this remedy Is very goo& I The only way you will ever find the could give you g good certificate any difference, betWesn, the -real horizon time that you would like tohave one. and the side of'your rut Is to climb It any -time I come to hear about any out of your personality for a while, person sick of rheumatism, I could tell arid to give yourself the kind of acid them about this remedy, test yon give to other people. Yohrs Trul ly, . Don't merely seek your *eaknessis,- ERNEST LMVFULI�B, 10arn your strong points, too, and 216 Rue Ontario East, Montreal. strengthen them; dissect your weak- Veb� 14, 1908, nesses and eliminate them. Hold a "corning -out party." Stand 'off a good TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW,. distance and assay the individual who bears your name. Whitt does lie look I Be sure you arrange to attend the likeT How big a, man is he? I40W lith Annual Pat Stock Show, which strong is his character?. Are you will - will be held at the Union Stock Yards, ing to meet him, and be proud of the West Toronto, on Thursday and Fri- acaualtdariceT day, December 901 and 10til. The Get acquafnted*with yourself now. entries are very large in all gla-v�s. Ile -who controls himself is better The Judging will take placa 'Piurseay, than he who Conquers a eltr, %ud the December 9th, at 10 a.m.. and the auc- surest means to self-control is selfm tion sale of show stock will take place knowledge, on Friday, December 10th, at 10 a.m. -Two 61asses in One Car. A Powerful Medicine.—The heall-g properties In six essential Oils are Con- A iiovel type of trolley ear has been eentrated in every bottle of Dr. built for the South, AlanchuriAn Rail - Thomas' Belecirle 011. forming Ono Of. TOltd, 'rho ear i's divided into first and the most beneficial liniments ever -of. scoond-ciass compartments by a vesti. fered to the use of man. Thousanis bule and 8tepg at the gentile of the car. can testify as to its power In allaying Aq these steps must not PvOjtct Outside pablif And many thousanda more can tho, car body, they cut into, the side MIN, 'ert y that they owe. their Malth to on,4 necessitate a specill construction It. Its wonderful power Is not el. of framework, The firstaclass. conipart. pressed by Its cheapness. nient is fitted -with upholstered smt�,. while, slat teats are provided in the see - When a man walks- a, milt lie takes o11et_(.1w4s eompartni Lint, on an Average 2,269 steps, but when boridesableyele with anaverage The Restaurnteur—HOW's t&IqT gear lie covers a mile with an equiva. Yowv(, charged me 65 cents f or A, lent of only 627 istepm. shmv. The, Barber—G, im. I charg- Certain morbid cohdItio " 'nust -ed only 15 veftts.,f*r theShaVe. The four bits Is my overchargo.—Iloston ptist In tire stornoell. and Intestines to 0lobt. in, encourage wor s, and they Will exist ,s long as theme Morbid Conditions Wlgg; -In thee6 days;Of deuloeracy permit them to. TO be rld of theta we all bave to unWrid. Wagg-1 1,,� and spAro the ehild sufforbig, uso Mil. supMte that aee*ulilts for the fnipos- ler's Worm Powders., They *111 60- sibIlItY of 'ReMing Mtraight and Mak- the dlxett�e irf�gllldfttittl�* bY Ing both endsineet, 'Itott stroytris the wor�s ton t1ong 1, f "Are you th� calftin of your soulvi, 'tulo to worms will �Isappe an "Sort of a sotcorid lii�utensnt,,, venturcd VhII4 Vill lisVe to Zoro tUt'Ir, fel.100 Mr. Henpeck, dublouxlY.—Loutsvillc% tbat "1140. Courler-Journal.