The Wingham Advance, 1920-11-18, Page 5I U-41thki i y &^ 18th, ijxv THE WINGRAN ADVANCH
Locknow xxxxxxxxxxxxxl4xxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXIOMXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxx
1,uctaiow, Nov. 15tli, x92o
Armistice Day was obseryed in t(,ivn by
4 a two whinte silence except 'or the ring
mg of bellIs and shrelk of illhiltles. -Ivb;
th, t day s ould be remembered for only1GREA'"I" MONEY SAVING VALUES!
two minutes is hard to understand, if
REMARKABLE there are too many holidays as some as.
sert, why not cross off half the others
and let us have a whole day on Nov. i x. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, NOV. 20th.
it Is the anniversary of the day which
brought the greatest war the world has
ever seen to a close, and nearly every
VALUES$ home in practically every nation has NI Clothing For Men and Boys Linoleum and 011cloths
cause to be either glad or sad on that
day, but all realize that the peace which Our entire stock of Men's and Boys' high class suits, In floral and block patterns, all widths 10 p. c. reduction,
came then is only surpassed by that other overcoats, old pants and knickers. All now stock, rew
Lace which came to the world on Christ. styles and patterns. A special reduction of 10 per cent. Dress Goods, Coatings and Silks
at the Isard Stores. was Day. We think the Prime Minister 5 doz. Men's hcenavry work shirts, black; and white stripes New F all and Winter Dress Goods and Coatings and
would do well to make Nov. ii, Thanks- and blue b ribray, all sizes, reg. $2.00 and $2.25 all Silks at 10 per, cent reduction.
fiving Day.and all could combine thank. X for ....................... : .................... $1.70
ss fo harvest with thaukfullness Special $2.98 a Yard.
for world peace and appropriate services N., 10 doz. -All Wool Socks in black and heather shades, reg.
bl� All Wool Serge in navy, green, red, and black, firie qual-
could be held and all might have a VJ 75 cents for ..................................... 59c. hy for suits and dresses 54 in. Nvide, reg
Every departmenc in our "two stores" is chance to attend. X Overalls for..62.98.
,,=sudden death was that of John
d on the 6th con of Kinloss, Z Plain black and blue striped Overalls, extra heavy qual. Special 75 Cents a Yard
Crowded with just the kind of Goods you want at whose death occurred last Thursday. Ile ity, all sizes, special ................ # ............ 02-75 Tweed and Serge Dress Goods, brown, red, navy, grey,
0!1-- had gone out in the morning to do his -,and black, reg $1.00 and $1.25 for ............ 75c a yd.
prices not to be beaten. Unequal values in all
chores and was to go back. to the bush 107. Reduction, On Meres Wear
Sweater Coats, Underwear, Shirts, Hose, Gloves, Mitts, 10,/,Q1 Reduefion
Ne had to buy heavy in some after lie had finished and hell) cut some )y
kinds of elothing.
UC- wood, but when the men from the bush Hats. Caps. Ties, and everything that men wear, a special All 141annelette, Sbirtings, Towellings, Cottons. Table
lines, in order to get the Best Price and are prepar- 1 1,11
came in for dinner lie had not )een seen, X discount of 10 per. cent. linens, Curtain Nets Scrims, Art Sateens, Cretonnes Hosiery,
ed to supply you with men's and hoy'sclothing, un- ar so they commenced a search and his body 'Underwear, Corsets and Towells at 10 per. cent reduction. *A*
wag found in the bay -mow, Death was GROCERIESs, buy here, save money PC;*
due to heart failure. He was in his 58th A
derwear, toots, and shoes etc. Women's, Misses Black and green Tea, best quality, reg 80c for ........... 50C Shoes and Rubbers
year, and had a ittrge share ofthis world's
and children's coats and furs at prices which will 1 X, Raisins, fine loose muscats, reg 35c for .................. 26c Our full range of Ladies'. Children's and Men's Shoes
I g�ods. Ile was a bachelor and resided X Brooms, extra quality, reg $1.25 for ................... 89c and Rubbers 10 per cent reduction,
with his mother and neice. The funeral
was held on $aturday to Soidh Kinloss Salmon, Unicorn and Empress Brand, reg 45c for ........ 39c
mean Big Saving to you.
i5 Pink Salmon, good quality, reg 25c for .................. 19C
cemetery and was very largely attended. Shirting
;rJ Pork and Beans, in Chili sauce 2 lb. tins, reg 25c for_... 18c 800 yards of black and Nvhite drill Shirting, extra good X
Manyintown were sorry to learn of Oatmeal, Purity Brand', 4. lbs. for ...................... 25c
the death of Miss Mary Patience Sheriff Best Rice, 2 lbs for. ... 25c quality, reg 00c for ...................... 1� ... 49c ayd.
inWiugbam. The deceased young lady Granulated Sugar, best *qwiiity, G'Ibs.* for ............... $1.00,
FURS FURS was well known here having visited her 5% Veleour Cloth
1. brother lack here on many occasions, and ; Light Yellow Sugar, 7 lbs. for ........................ $1'00 For Kimonos and Saclts, assorted patterns and colors,
110 the family, before moving to Wingham X - Sugar,, $13.00 A Sack reg, 70c for .................................. 55ca yd.
You can buy up-to-date styles of Furs at whole- resided for years near St, Helens, 100 lb. Bag of Best Granulated Sugar for $13,00, or 7 lbs 500 yds. of best quality Prints in light and dark patterns, WIN
P�'s W. J. Davison who is in. St, for $1, a limited quanity, so come early and -got your supply.
sale prices. Having bbught a range of traveller's JZe Hospital, Ijondon is.improving. special ........................................ 33c a yd.
Dr. Balfour who is also in the same hos- X Rugs and Linoleums 10% 2
samples, we are, prepared to offer you a saving, 2� pital suffering from a severe attack of X Flannelette
w7e inflammation of the stomach and kidneys A wonderful assortment of Wilton. Axminster, Brussels, Light and dark patterns in blueg, pinks and greys,
of from 20 to 30 per cent while the stock lasts. full
-ring. and Tapestry Rugs in all sizes at 10 per. cent reduction.
is recove Mr, 1. C. Anderson who is Yard wide, splendid quality, special 35c a yd. at sale prices.
undergoing treatment in Hamilton is we
are sorry to report not improving as fast
as his many friends, would like to see Big Bargains in many
Mr. W. G. McMillan and his brotifer- Je A. MILLS too
in-law' from near Blyth have bought out other lines not listed.,
Mr. B. McClure's grocery and intends to- XXXXXXXX
carry on a grocery and produce business.
Miss Nina Woods has resigned her
position as teacher at the Public School,
andherplacehas been taken by bliss
Colina Clark of St. Helens, ;pw
Sale of Women's Winter Coats, comprising E. Aitchison has been appointed man -
the best styles, big stock to choose from made by aegee(r of Silverwoods' branch here to sue -
c , W. 0. McMillan.
expert tailors, to fit well, look and wear wet
Dungannon Creamery was burned to n
the ground on Thursday last. Fire or-
every ent made of guaranteed cloth and wi
iginated in the engine room while the
give satisfaction. See our Salts' Plush coats also men were at dinner
included in this sale of 20 per cent reduction. W. C. Johnstone& Sobs -have bought
the Anderson Block occupied by Cam-
eron, Murdoch & Co., and N. D. Mc-
Kenzie, Johnstories will move their fit 1;�i 11 i I J.,.
furnitutb stock into the part occupied by , Ni
10 Ill 11
N. 1). McKenzie.
D Mr. W. W. Hill visited last week in
Niagara and Buffalo.
I 1., 51 IT! R I
I Mr. Ford Aitchison has been home
v- from Windsor for some time, being on
he sick list,
mim"MMAWW'K Mr. Hugh An derson of Hamilton spent
a few days at his home here.
TO H. W. sawler Of Donnybrook Arthur Carruth of Clinton, spent a
Wingharn, Ontario. week with his sister; Mrs.. R. Aitchison.
Take Notice that an motion wag commenced i On Wednesday evening Nov. 10, the The Annual "At Home" of the
against on on'the 17th day of 9eptember
1920,in ITe cqunl.y Court of the County of friends and neighbors gathered in the Women's Institute was held in the town
York, by His Matitera Voice, Lunited, for thO Lasment of the church and presented hall on Friday night and drew a full
auto ofpauo, for goods Sold and delivered,
and to set a(4ido the sale of Your stock -in -trade Mr. and Mrs. George R. Parsons and house. A good program of songs
made by you to R. M. McKay of the Town ot two bovL; with a purse of money prior to speecbes, recitations and instrumengy "NA(D) Nati'%onll (".!o �o% n s ge, -tN
plytb. Ontario, for failure to comply -1th the their departure for England, on Nov. numbers was carried out after which
Bulk Sales Ael. l9th The address was read by Mr. A]- lunch was Served.
And Take Notice tll!Ll IrY(111fiffl ioentertIll
cc in thiti -action wit -ha, Ten tlj-y�
NipeiaAa.11 last publication of thi, Xo.ic(,. the bv 4NIr. Frank Deveratix Jr. After the'
ntifemay sign judgment agaiuit you for - * 1�10 Ufi-,
a'ddre.s., ivas read Mr. and Mrs. Parsons I
Ituipbell and the. pit"o. presented,
hvi t C. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Vraser and family (11
'plat 11 1 of the 4th con. Kinloss, have moved to Lekvel
�hq relief endors(A on the WriL of r Unnuo q 1 Lot 21, con 4, West Zora. Before leav-
and coRts. Appeantrice may be entered tit thanked the neighbors for their kindness. -
the phice of the county cuurt (Jerk, city, Afterwat d% the people sang For they I ing a large number of friends gathered
Bol, Toronto, are Jolly good Fellows", followed by a 41 and presented them with two beautiful To procure furniture that will elevate and
PAnKrIt, CLARK & HAU'r. I black leather chairs and a nicely worded AISE� the standard of livinx
Bank of Hamilton 11pildin" hearty jh�et - A sociablu time Was spent address. The children were also re- # make the house a home of which you can be
Toroi0o:'and lunch served. After wisbin- Mr. yl R justly proud does not call for extravagance.
s; e' membered by their school mates and re- in the home and the standar
.ol-citers for the Pliintitr. and Mrs. Parsons and boys farew 11 and ceived books, tie pins, and purses while (
a.salejourney home tc, England all re. Good taste is more necessary than a large
TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND turned to their homes. Mrs. Fraser, Sr., was given a purse of of the nation rises with it. expenditure of money.
Donnvbrook, Nor. l0th.. 1920. money, �11r. Fraser made a suitable re -
9- Canada was one of the first countries to There are beautiful suites and individual
To Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and the �oys— ply, an,] after lun h dancing was indul
rs it is ed in until morning.
By. virtue of a, warrant issued under the In the ordinary course of affai . respond to the now vvorld-wide movement to pieces of furniture obtainable at moderate
hands of the Mayor and Clork of the town of not customary to reter expressly to the, The congregations of St. Helens and
Wingbara and having the seat of the said Ctir-, lov,! we cherish for our friends, but when East Aslifield have presented a call to beautify the home. And there are no people cost, which are true works of art, many of
- about to be broken, by re. - - in the world who are in a better position to them being correct adaptations of the designs
poration a L t a, e h e d thereto. bearing d"tt" the circle is Rev 1) Ctirrie, D. D. of Beaverton. The
the 9th day of AuguRG A. D. mo, conimandi 9 call i�qs unanimous.
me to levy upon h(, lords enume,a*ed here. moval, friendship demands to express it afford and to appreciate the best and truest of the "old masters" who created the "Period
under for ine arrears of taxe�respectivelydixe selt, so we, your ft iends and neighbours
things in life than we in Canada. Furniture" so much in vogue today.
thereon, together with costs. notice is hereh- are here tit-nigbt to say and do what
given In accordaucewith the Asseknnent Act. our hearts bid us, as we look upon the Dungannon Creamery Burned
Lbat I Shall preceed to oil by public auction
the said landS or so much thereof aq may be, Prorsnpet LA. of your departure. We have The River Valley Creamery at Dun- Furnishings MouRd Chalracter A "Queen Anne" Room
�Sufflcicnt for the pa5,ment of the taxe, ;-4 lea � to respect and esteem you very
coSts thoreon, unless the same be soon(rr Paid*. highly, although you came among us. gannon, one of the busiest institutions in
The sale will commence at the Irdwn Hail In 0 The important part that the furnishings of 41 As a suggestion, study our skretch of a
the said Town of Whiabain on Monday the i as strangers, in a country n w to you. the village, was destroyed by fire at noon
eal n ighhours. a Queen Anne" bedroom. It shows the beau -
13th day of December A D. 1920, at tile hour Of you have proved to be i e on Thursd y, Nov. 11th. the home play in moulding character and de- tiful and refined effect obtained by the selec-
two o1c ock In the afternoon. intereafted in the %velfilre of others, and of It is not known just how the fire start- veloping a true pride in family and in race is tion of an artistic suite of bedroom furniture.
14t No. 5.0entre,9treet, Taxeii$135-89. Coos cheerfol kindly disposition at all times,
Tot4l,$150.89, Pawrited* we shall miss you much and -L hope that better understood today than a few years ago.
JouN 1P, GRovvs. ed, but it evidently originated in the
Treatiurer of the Towlt-ofWinghom some day vou may return. But we wish engine room. The men were away for just two or three pieces of artistically de -
==;.i you a comfortable and safe voyagt. home, dinner at the time, and returning found How are children to be led to appreciate signed furniture wil! raise the level of an
— I you will be in the old home land for the place on flames. Some of the butter the solid, substantial things in life—the beau- entire living room. And by gradually adding
,,'Christmas. We trust it will be a very
merry and appy time for you, among was got out, but the machinery and other ties of art, the love of good literature, th other pieces and suites in the different roams,
First, Class F old friends a!�d dear one,;. In your Eng- contents were destroyed. desire for culture—unless they have the pro- you will, before long, work a magical trans-
lish borne yoti must often think of Donny-
brook, for we shall be thinking The creamery was a frame building per surroundings in the home? formation of the home.
FOR SALE This purse which we Pres of you- situated at the river west of the village.
a token of our good wist - 1 It was insured, but the insurance will be
',ect T'o,.yoPu.t`,j' A Finer and Greater Nation
ioo acres, good buildings and fetice,, A' Improve the Home
said "He who steals my purse steals considerably abort of coveringthe loss,
school and ehurcli i;l t
close to market, W b we trust that this m With commendable enterprise the com- Every advance in refinement and culture,
All cleared and free Of stumpl*'. llric� s"t" juete to You. with it go �,'yr 'tL,,,Ot pany declared their intention of rebuild- Beautify the home with furniture that is every improvement in the home surroundings,
$7500, $3500 may remain on mortgage f,'that God will blem you and make you a ing. designed on truly artistic lines. Make the every influence that raises the ideals of home -
at 5 per .(,.cut. s blessing where.ver you "40,
signod in Behalf'of your Friends, home a place of cheerfulness, refinement and life, makes the nation that much finer and
At Donnybrook, restfulness. Make it breathe warinth and
st�, meq-.., C-1 stronger.
ABNER COSENS heartiness. Make it truly hospitable, sol -
We are living in progressive,
Insurance and Real Fstate Young Mea Pay costs comfortable --a home that inspires interest . prosperoug
Mail Contract times in a country with a glorions future,
Wingliam, Ontario Seven young men from the village of fil all that is good and worth while in life— thererore, Canadia�_s have CVU:�' L-1centive and
Gorrie, Howick Township, appeared before SEATAMTENDERS, addressed to the 1,0�,L* and it %vzll niould character and develop true
cnn well afford to beautify their homes with
Mayor (;urney in Winghatn Thursday , master General. will be received at, ot pride in family and in race. new and better furniture.
, awa until noon, on Frffla�. the 17th. day of
G JEA %f 'ilk. J. NWRIGHT afternoon, as a result of interfering with December. 1020. for the ociiiveyarce Hiti
Majesty's Mail on a propo�iffd Contract for
21AJVDMASTE, 'R Benjamin Goldstein. merchant at Gorrie. four yeam elgiiipon times pet- week on isk
Crown Attorney Semger of Goderich, ad- rOUMBelg1tavol.10,40111ce -and Grand Trunk This announceinent is inserted by
U-speriewed 1111anoTuner Omer-
ar,4 Pleasure. Printed rfot,lqe� containing
dreoAng his worship, pointed out that law TH
Teacher of Rudiments of Music Har-, further information an to conditions of prolio-i-
d Couir,
!and order must be maintained, and act way lie Roon and. blank fornw of
inctly, Counterpoint and CoMpeii Tendermay be obtained at the PoRt, Offices of Bank of Hamilton Bnfldivq
pemonal liberty safeguarded, whether of so Toronto, Car"ada
Leave orders at T111' , ADVANCH C Belgrave, lily. th. Bruitsels, Wingliam. and at
Jew or Gentile, He consented, however, the office of the Pogt Office Inspactor, London.
All braqt, and reed iustrUnletit-SI ,,th. November, 1920. CuAs. N,. 11.
to reduction of original charge, eet forth XOTIt,—The Home Furnishings Burenu doef; lintjell fuini
lta,t officil Inspector. _=10
and violin. goods of any kind. Its ob' IJ
to a gL*eater haerc
J in the furnish
in the %yarrants of "unlawfully assembl� ject is to prGn10
Ing of Canadian hwms. VM!r local deal�,r vAblic
ime, to 4 -tile distutbance of the public"
and damaging property to t oil be Vilcased to Give YOU anY filforsilation you desire nboutt,,ujt.
bat ordisorder- !V11f
able furniture �or your honje.
on tills C
)n Payment of damages amount- M'.
4 ly conduct.
I SELL harge the magistrate releasedor. Hma Mundy
They we
,kce my liq
.rown and Vacew Pfoperties. Call and all seven.
t and get my prices. I havc, Ing Zo 646-03. re also bound I
i Over t -or one year in tile suin of $100, on
q i;`Ji �Z; -
Has resuwedj�pracfice in the
e6fte execileut values. bonds furnished by C 4 for the defend- W7�
R val'Atone, counsL
I Gift alit affair which
�,,Voiuted out that thin
!Tr - Q * ��06
SIEWART by the latt
IrGE'Q�d in complaint being made vvaq ORWJ
dorteinthe spiritof liallo%veenfun, an(
"One 134, -e In Town 111111. OR* 34b Pill KENNEDY
no harin lntell&d.