The Wingham Advance, 1920-11-11, Page 80
. .. T! !— , I
'ibursdhy Nov. -kith, L920
I! I lx-" , 11
bUNTINQ SEASON UEREACUAIN Uo'411% !said that Iam now prepared to dementols in %no sport—* thiar, in which IN MEMORIAM
tum square, Around and assert, that the every boy should have caroful instruction, Mrs. Crow of Ripley was 4 Visitor at In loving moraory of little Nvwton
beat sportsman Is the man who not only ()Oly tb* 1444 who knows, liow to shoot the Methodist parsonage during the week. Galbraith, son of Mr. and Mr. A. Got -
X, ew days W the sWotlug, season will knows how to kill cleanly and mercifully C40 be trusted to $hoot wisely\ And tile Mr. William Moore attended the funer- braith, Wroxeter. who passed this life
'6e with usagain. It's a ch"rIngthouglit. but also When Not to Kill. The lacreas.. man,who shoots wisely knows that.Que
,09coureethere, will be those among us ed use of the camera has brou I ghttomany of the basic tenets of his creed is not to al of his mother at, Shakespeare, on Thum- Nov. 3rd., 1919, aged 5 years and 6
*baocanl see in shootingnatarig but kill- e that formerly could be shooi too much. day. months.
4-.Z. 'For such we have only of us pleasur Any other course leads straight to the The Wom.en's Institute are holding % We, loved him, yes, We loved him,
pity. found only with a gvn. The greater war. time when there will be, ng more game fowl supper in the Methodist church# But Jesus loyed him more,
They will never 6ow the 10Y of long city of many kinds of game has laid heav- and no more inspiring days afield with the
,U=ps across the wino -swept uplands, Of ier emphasis ort protection rather tbau dog and gun.—Alberi Britt in "Outiug"- Armistice Day, November 11th. And so be, gently called him
v.-Atirlgl n the blind while the rain besta destruction. Mr. and Mr& H. Thomas left for Thes- To beyond the shining shore. RUBBEDANS-Y
n gusty squalls and the decoys ride salon to visit the former's sister. Mr. The Poorly gates were opened,
This does not mean that we accept the Qroy Thomas will spend a short time in Mus- The Masters, voice mid, "Come".
Ite choppy waves of that last breathless
Ing argument of the extreme sentimeaWists' koka hunting.
So with farewell, unspoken,
avownt when the bull moose is tbrashl animal life ii murder. I J. K. Baker wai in Detroit last week The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mr,s.
,4t,t zough the underbrush to 'the call. And that the takingjf , on business. Maurice Link succumbed to pneumonia He calmly entered Home.
t7j, eg 'Will never know the hair-raising To adroit that if to set our feet oil a road' . md Mrs. Win HollenbecR. Myrtle on Wednesday A short service was held HIS MOT 11;,,R AND D&D.-
at must lead logically to the Position Of Mr' 0 iil Friday afternoon followed
%mVmeut when. your finger squeezes the vb and Ben., visited at Charles Hopper's on at the home c in loving memory of our dear father,
the Hindu fanatics. it we may not kill a Sunday. by interment in Union cemetery. George Tervitt, who died November 13tb,
t: &-ger and you know that Your shot has duck for food or as the necessary climax Mr. Thos. Stevenson was home everl The farmers in this sectiorlPhave been 1919.
.Vne home. of a manly health -giving sport, thert we the week -end. ! busy picking and packing apples which
3loodthirsty isn't it? Perhaps. But a the sick list.: have been a fair cropAnd are busy taking We thinkof you dear father,
may not kill a gnat for our comfort or a i Steyart Noble has been o 40k6m
-tollien men no longer feel these things as iv- up tile root crop at present, But not with outward show,
mosquito for the protecti in of our health. I David Sanders is getting his new dri
,=n.lutless thousands have felt them in the ing sh2d completed. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart attended For the hearts that raourn sincerely
V_-st,sometbing will have gone out of tile The fact of the matter is that the kn Cheese factory rims only three days a the funeral of the formers' aunt at Fergus Mourn silently and low..
tile fun- on Monday.
Te and use of a gun is olle of To fit all sliapes and
,world that the world can ill -afford to lose. ledi, week now. The silentgrief that's in the soul,
No human life can trace,
- ------ For many an aching heart is bid sizes of sboes.
Behind a smiling face.
In his grav he's calmly sleeping
IV V His spear shines, above,
afe in the Saviour's keeping
Waiting for thqse he loves.
UJ God knows how much we miss him
He counts the tears we shed'
And whispers, "Hush he only sleeps,
0 N'
Your loved one is not dead":
We loved him, yea we loved hi
But Jesus loved him mpre in'
Jklew 'all 'n W`nter 'oods And He has taken him
rtun I ity to buy y011r fall and To yonder shining shore.
NEW GOODS at '-T&EW r...EJ)UCFD RRXERES ... This is YOUr GLP93 Tne Heavenly gates were opened
alues, Fuule, al Manufacturer 9' Prices. A gentle voice said, "Come".
,mezts at MGaleY SRVIR9 V And with farewells unspoken,
winter require we tie W L L I S
He quietly entered home.
A, -
T .
ANN— Wliftechurch
4s a a Messrs. Stanley Rutledpo and Vernon
Ury U. o 0 d Sinclair of Brussels spent Sunday at Mrs, AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
PH 5 Wear Garton, Sr'q. h6me,
Mr. William Th m of Irskine. Sask.,
is visiting at Mrs. Dave Gillies' home.
Miss Cassie Purdon spent Sunday aL
-Silks Mrs. Smith of Langside. is visiting with The Young People's Society and M4% Wallsworth of Sarrija are
s. Scoble. visit;ng at Edward Haine's for a few "s
Mr. on
150 Men g suits, At the Sacrament Service in the Pres- church, Bluevale, will hold a ., oc i ai d
Monday evening, Nov, x4th. Allss Iral;Te!
velvets byterian church here on bunday morninw
sizes greatly reduced. 'I of the Girlsn Rescue Home, Toronto, The Garnvt Broibers visited at Jr.
her home here. Bluevale
there werd 160 members of the church and will be present and give an address. John Jamieson's on Sunday last:
Dress Goods 10 new members. A, quiet but pretty weddingwas solemn-.
Men's Tikeed ove ,,,coa , '5 -. - 1, 1
d Wednesday, November 3rd. at the Mr. and Mrs. George McRoberts also
Mr. Will Conn and his daughter Miss . '
Lulu, motored to St. Marys last week- home of Mrs. John Rolph, Bluevale, when E dward Haines and M _ Robert Haines,
All Wool SergeS Miss Lulu is visiting relatives there for a
united in
.Men's Dress Overcoa `V herdaughter, Laura 13-1was and daughter Winnie, and Miss McQuillan.
-2 few days.
marriage to James Kirton of Turnberry.
visited at Mr. Cecil Orchard's at Wing -
Mr. and Mrs- Rev. R. W
Mr.,,. TbQs. Robinson and ilson officiateil, putting the
Men's Fur Coals ness and de- ham on Sunday last.
iss Myrtle Beecroft ceremony through with neat
J. D. Beecroft and Mi
spatch. - At high noon the Driiial couple
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and eople of this locality gre glad to
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Seafort.b. enter& Lbe drawing -room to the strains L tie p
hear that Willie Taylor of Lucknow, S n
Meyes Raincoats our cu -k Herbert Laidlaw and Jim Falconer re- of the Bridal Chorus, from "Lohengrin' who went under
turned from the West on Monday, played by Miss Grace Curtis, niece of the of E. Taylor's, Lucknow,
bride. The bridal, party stood in front of at, operation lately is improvilli Di-4-
hile the cere-'
a bank of beautiful flowers. w
Towels mony was being performed. The bride
Odd FlanSs A
'rurnberry Comicil
underT-ve-ay, Zosiery looked very becoming in a beautiful gown:
01, f* of brown Georgette crepe and carried a;
-.nd white carn,
11, mec-ting ll ld in bouquet of pink at'Oft Al
Mintile% Of councit
Sh,111-ts, TRes, GRove. 5 part
Blao ate on 0,ctohvi- 25th, 192N). AfEer congratulation ki the wedding
CoVens, etc. Allthe ruombt rs pr2ls0nt. Minutes Of'
partookof a dainty dinner. The'table
wbite ;
tvtro adepted on mOtlOu Of being prettily decorated in pink and
1; last ineeting
flatso capov eae. 1,11edue itkU; ..,.s 1. Scott and V-.. A. Mines. The Len- The bride received many handsome and'
Zle Ja,- j
der,; for the Jermyn drain were then open . useful gifts includirrg a silver casserole.
11 . -A ___ u__ .,bnni class. The
8 75, W. J Duff w for couple left to Spend their honey- 0.07%4
on motkih of W. J n Stratford and Mitcbell, the bride,
P. 0 moon i
loffatt tile lowest ter wore a travelling suit of navy blue serge
4 rid J. J. IN A .-b-ne blouse and
CV ',J
1 accepted, same drain to be comp ete y with pea crell
Nov. Ist, 1921, black hat with pink -trimmings.
Mr. and
The following accounee were PaLid-3. Mrs. Kirton have the beat wishes of many
d happy Wedded:
'W. King gravel $7.90; J. ,Porter gravel old friends for a long an
$22.35; A 5;cDougall gravel $2.01J*, R, I i fe.
Grain brushing, $5.00, Geo Gannett Mrs, John Johnston is Away at Kin -
brushing $6.00; H. f. Lewis, brushing e sister, Mrs.;
cardine a the -home of
$1,00, T Firmen rep. to culvert $&W; Mc- McKenzie. She has been he- ak
vb o t
Kinnon Bros. gravelling $103 80; M Wil care of her mother. Mrs. Strou : is
Clo earl
thes son inspecting $12.ft W. Breck dee, very low at present. I
gravelling 84.75; A. Lincoln inspecting Mr.. and Mrs. Dave Tohnston also Will,
uEadie gravel $12,00; U. Mar-
g idlace. Johnston areaway attbe Nile this week
1j.1o; 12 is attending the Newman—Kirkpatrick wed -
,h. 1, r 6.,01); Tbos. W
drawin t le $3-.00; JAs. N%offatt. selecting
X2 jurors, ding. The bride is a niece of the John -
1. King selecting
1. selecting jurors 7-00; ston boys. J.
Jas. Aitebeson and daughter, Mrs.
Lotilm spector Board of Health. 0
!X - C1111), ;g L I 'IF, 01 n e I
visid 1!
Itural Clegborn of stonev Creek, are ng
$2.iso; A. G Smith grant to Agricultural Society
around Bluevale at present.
society $60,00.
On motion of
AV= Jas Porter and Jas. L 11
dir Scott the next council meeting will be
lievate oil Monday, Nov. 20th at Bylth
held in B1
in. P. Powl-.Li, Clerk Mr. S. H. Gidley made a business trip
to Lucknow on Monday.
Miss Greta Armstrong has gone to en you
Niagara Falls a
Wawanosh Council and will enter the hospita,
there on probation as a nurse. in buy clothes,..
A congregational meeting was held
Minutes of council meeting held on St. Andrew's church, Monday evening to
October 2,51:11. Members ,ill present. md and other ,ider two
IvIi uteg of last meeting were read and consider the rilivister's stipe always cons
r COAO n . Quirin 'and Wilson matters of importance in their church t1,lings—qualiiy and price.
c0lifirmed, MeSSE-Ws - work.
were present statilli that all injustice The brick work in tiae Memorial Hall PeckV' Clothes appeal
The Fai2y Pean StOre had been done to them in placing their
You pay Less nei!s 'Issessluents oil the Keelillie drain, oil the will be complete& in a few days. The to men who refuse to be -
a are anxious to get the rooting
et)llectorls roll, tic; tbedraiu would not be carpenter
I firlisheil this season and claiming they put on before the cold weather sets in, lieve it necessary to pay
LEAR saule till A Towl supper will be held in . the,
the highest price to get
RINGS' GROCERY D-- L A D I E%';; Y V V not be asked to pay for rch on November 11th, a good quality.
HOUSE the drain was coniplet6d.', An account for Methodist chu
$355 75 was 31-10 present6d for -paymetit good program is announced. Mr. George
-riclal4e fab -
23c il the A. steer, soloist and reader of London, Made from clop,
Bes oatWeal, 4 IbS ............... I ....... . .............
NIS511INGS from; ,e()- W. Snell contractor, 0 Blyth orchestra in attend Tics with and goocl work.
Be&t Rice, 2 IbS .............................. ................. 25C above drain for tile now on thp ground, will take part. OV13
FUR A compr I om Fun a w guaranteed to
ireight. aild teaming, ise was ance d ill be donated to Memor- wear well.
........ .. 25C Ftjr Con. ts
Best Tapioca, 2 IbS .... ........................ alTected both with the contractor and the ial Hall.
Tea, 79e 1b, 5 XbS .................................... interested parties Nvhereby the several Mr. R. M. McKay is spending a few i A larre as ortrnent of suits for
Best Fur StOICS saessments will be rofunded and tile days up No th on a hunting expedition. I
r 69C la I Men and Y unt; Men that will
t Shelled Walnut, pe Fur Muffs In of 8300 on, be paid Mr. Snell as part Mrs. MaXay'accompanied him as far as please you in every way.
mugs Be ab 29C 1) ';.nient on his contract. Toronto. r. I _
Be:t Seeded or Seedless JRW10 59n5l The following accounts were paid: lea are brought;
Axminster MiXed PeCi, c!tron, lemon, oewqifleo 11) 5)e Fur Seis Tp. of TAnberry, amount due oil TNI., Large quantities of app
k $4 oo; J. Wilson, refund on to the evaporator these days. H. E. ISARD 4 0 0.
Wilton Shredded 1%'%eat, 2 plkgs ................................ cleulll' . Coats Creight drair . refund Mr. Jas, Sims has disposed of his prop.,
Xechnie drain 6o.00; 8 Xechnie, r, fill- erty an Mill St. to Mr. Colin Fingland
Corn Flakes, per -pl(g ........... ........................ plush Coats on Xechnie drain 7.00; Thos. Gea ur
Brussels Laundry Soap, Comtort6 6014, P G,, etc .. 10C Separate Skirts ing approaches to 1 othergillls bridge Mr. B. Lockhart of Auburn, has 1%
[00.0o; R. Vint, payment on bridge coil- chased Mr. John l3migh's residence, form-
.................. 1.19 . Snell, part pay- Orly owned by Dr. Guest and will move
11noleums 10 lb pall best Corn SYrHP Underskirts tracts 3000,00; Gen, W 3oo on; The to town in a few weeks,
Co (Voleum Ruqs do 3 1b all ........................................ 1.00 ment oil Xeclillie drain . ! !! 11 . , I 1 1. I
P re Lar T -Ir 1^*6 tl i- —1d, As5essor
ui J reeve, I -
Window Shades Best Curr,ants, per Zue k 'jurorstilolo; Messrs. Currie and Kerr,
a Goo4 broom $1,25 .. .. ................ I Ilse Underwear services as sheep valuators; eaeh 6.00;
EXtr Joe. Stouehouse, rep. culvert Cott. 6, s.00;
Curtains Cuarantecd Red Salmon Per tin ............ 45c Mouses, etc. Wich. Deacon, gravelling oil sid6itle 39
Draperies, etc. and 40, Con. 9, 42,00; RoV Noble, raldill,',
stones off road Con. 4 and 5- 5-00; M -
Fitzpatrick, raking at011e9 And levelling
gravel'Con, 4 and 5 I -SO; 1.
hovelling, gravel 1.80; W. Carter, shov-
400101. Arft elijug gra, 61 O.ou; R. Pattef8011 gravel
S xq- r., Hayden, gravel 3.60; D- Cool", i
4v'el 9,725; J- MC611111m, gravel 9.6o.
Next meetirlov
W lip 11 ham- 8 , of council will 13e held
011 M011daY, NOV. 2211d.
*K&"0@01NG 90 A, PoRTXXVIUD,
I WON 1 Imom