The Wingham Advance, 1920-11-11, Page 1er 16th. Tom Marks' Concert,on, Tuesday, Novemb ign 1A Cninies a Four Cents Under'the Auspices of Lucknow-Wingham Hockey Team. WINQUAM, ONT*. THURSIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th. 1920 Subscriptionst $2,00 per year PUBLIC SCHOO L REPORT HOLLOWE"EN PRANKS personate st, Paul's Church Notes F---*--- I 0-0-wa- r.&e vox�xa stare Sunday, Nov. 14, 24tb. Sunday after Benjamin Goldstein Alleges He Was ILocal Item$ SR. IV - III a- In. Mattins; 2.30, p, in- L� I - ­­ ­ Examination Results. Total 450. Trinity Roughly Treated Griffinis visitingin Moose Jaw, Sualay Szh)A; 7, p. in. EY411'134, aP' Read Hanna's advertisement on page 4, Mabel CasemOre 88o, Charles Mason Mrs Mrs. A. H. Wilford. EDISON'$ NEW DIAMOND tain Joe, Lawson, representative of the Five young men of Gorrie wore arrested Patterson's Jewellery store is the place 3.69. Irene Hunter 302. Eva Green 346, with her daughter, Canadian Federation of Church Brother, in that village and. brought, tQ Wingh8m to buy yout Xmas gifts. Alberta Walker 335, Jessie Taylor 335, Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts and Miss A M B E R 0 L A hoods. will speak at both services. Thurs- by Officer G. A. Pb1ppet, charged with Smash! Toilet Soaps at pro -war prices Clyde Loutitt 323, Vida Bell 317. Gert- McQuillin, spent Sunday with Mr. and rude Robertson s13. Kathleen Dinsley Mrs. C. Orchard. day, Nov. 11, Miscellaneous shower in mistreating Benjamin Goldstein a junk 3 cakes 25 cents at McKibbon's Drug $02, Edward Williams 2S9, Cora Dixon Mr. E. H, Twamley of Gorrie, spent The World's Greatest aid of the bazaar will be held at the home dealer thtore� There will appear before store. 289, Viola Fyfe 287, Ralph Carr 286, the Week -end at the home of Mrs. Win. Phonograph Bargain, of Mrs. R. Clegg, from 3 to 5,30 P. In. Mayor Gurney on Thursday, having been e awaits you at released on bondg furnished by friends Veteran's Dance in the Parish Club Chas, VanNorman 282, Dou&s Arm. Saunders. Alfred St. Remember, a Welcorn Rooms, on Friday evening of this week. strong 281, Norma Fixtet 279, Eleanor Mrs. Robert Haines and daughter, Win - St. Paul's church. who motored in from Gorrie. Tickets 00 cents. I McLean 274, Hattie Sutton 270, Marjory n1fred also son Edward, spent Sunday 11eire's Hopirog The arrests are seque to an affair at Miss Butcher, Teeswater, Ont.. Design- Gurney 263, Willie Sturdy 251, Irene ing of last week, with Mr. and Mrq, C. Orchard. Ellacott 250, Laura Hartnell 249, Beatrice n Quirk may live forever pro. Gorrie on Monday even er of Hair Goods, t�ransfodnations, switch Mr. Walter E. Haines and Mr. J. H - That Job hen, according to Goldsteirt's statements to spend a portion o his wl r order solicited, Dobbie 244, Clayton Lott 243, Dorothy vided he agrees a mob gathered at his house, smashed in es etc. You Skelley have returned to Cobalt, after ine. of 235, Mabel Angus 231, E dna Carr time In Kincard the windows of his barn and took two Dr. irima Kennedy has resumed her Lloy inn spending a couple of weeks at the home of To'know not John Quirk is to argue o(fices recently occupied by 227, Corson Boyce 219, William 1\4.1 the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur was a wagons valued at $100 each. These practise in the 215, Cecil Cooke 215, Morrks Swanson yourself unknown. For years he Haines. smashed and dumped into the river. the late Dr. J. P. Ken edy. T. R. conductor. EverySody who were in 215, Harold Boyce 215, Everett H rider train knew him and he The men then seized Goldstein, lie claims � $5.00 buys any pair of odd trousers son 212, Gertrude Anderson 207, Fred Bell Mr. Jas. Robinson and sons left on travelled on his -Hanna & Co. es kne ;. Bridal and one threatened that if he did not 203, Ada Corbett 202, Edward Forgle Fri _w most of his passengers I our window. iday for Cobalt where they will r ide the village he would be killed. 1 Dr. Margaret C. Calder is occupying sickle 160. Ross Me- in future. Mrs. Robinson and tfie rest of his specialty. 'He paid leave 180, Margaret Van couples were Goldstein's wife came out, fearing toat I her new office, south of the Brunswick the family will leave in a few days for lionaid, 24. more ittention to them than they desired Hotel. #,Office phone 2S1. Cobalt. he was in danger of his life andt" it Residence JR. IV 4 Ile loved to josh them. ment is announced of Miss would not trade. charged thrt the men used gro nly insult- phone 15A. The engage :,il: He owned nothing he ing language toward her. Total 630 r of the late hatless, A large st9ck of Diamond rings now on Frances G. Ogram, daughte T11ey'do, say he came off his ran M Christie 499, T Robertson 490, D Uoldstpin laid an information next day Mr. Knute hand at Patterson's Jewellery store. coatiess or vestless.. having traded his, hat, in Winghara; the matter was reported to McEwen 483, W McKibbon 481), J Field Mrs Anderson, Hanover, to Mr. Knute Tue regular meeting of the Veterans 475 W Hunter 461, J Cowell 457, N. Wil- F�� Karlson, Hanover, the marriage to Coat, or vest foi something else. in eighty- Crown Attorney Seager, at Goderich and on Mon- lia�son 450. M Snell 437, M Mitchell take place quietly in November. . . . . . . . . to -day he -is nearer ninety thV will be held in the Parish Hail the -gives no credit at all to Pro- officer was sent to investigate. The day evbning. All returned men are urged 430, E Chettleburgh 428, J Young 421, A Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, 695 five and he arrests followed. The complaintant is n hibition, &r his longevity. Granted an to be present. McLean 420, E Hartnell 414, F Angus Shaw Street, Toronto, annou ce the n ample supply Of ale, he would be cobtent apparently in fear of his life. The only Old fashioned fowl supper served at. 411, m Hill 404, A Irwin 400, A Laundy gagement of their daughter Alto Fern, F62.00 cause ascribed forAhe affair is prejudice 1 '-Kincardine Reviow� I I ynt, son of Mrs. A. Joynt, to Lwe forever against Goldstein as a Jew. Only a few Billie Burke Cafe -Queen's Hotel Build- 388, J McGee 374, M Thurlow 361, C Fry to Dr. G, Jo $10.00 Down alid a srnaU weeks ago a Jewish merchant was molest- ing" Wednesday fromOto8. Price 75 $60, G Mitchell 343, E Swanson 335, M Wingbam, Ont.. marriage to take place ymellt N�,ili put an ed and several individuals were fined as a cents for full course supper. Cowell 331, N Beattie 317, B Brown 310, quietly the end of I November. weekly pa honie. 'FI51.00 11-JEATRE consequence. -London Free Press. $25.00 buys any ladies' suit or coat in C Hingstoa 306, F Angus 303, G Rintoul Amberola i n your I VCEUM TH 141 "The Biggest Little $how" We do not think the young men in our window. -Hanna & Co, 281, W Scott, 251, M. Sanderson 250, H PRO' held on Wilde'230, J Brooks 280, A Ludwig 198, CLAMATIONI question are as bad as they would appear. Cottage prayer meeting willl be 1 191, M Hen- s DRUG ritOG'AAM W Taylor 196, A Mitchel' STRE They are just full of life and mischief and Friday evening, at 8 o'clock at tile MCKIBBON b U when a gang gets together thiiy often 90 1 home of Mr. Goo. Mason. 'You are cor- derson 189, G Lediett 110. Armistice Day, Thursday, November and Stationery IrHURS., pkl. and S&T. a few steps too far. dially invited to attend. SR. Ill 11th, Edison Phonographs Drugs Phone 5 1 C. P. R Tickets W1� I Mrs. Kennedy wishes to acknowledge �Marks obtainable 475 Whereas His Maje6ty the King has ask - allace Reid Will Continue Practice 10 Wingham and express her appreciation of the many E Tamlyn 413, N Hornuth 393, G Rob- ed that an opportunity be provided for in Dr. Margaret Calder will continue her kindnesses shown herself and her daughters ertson 393, W Johnston 392, M Isard 391, the people of every part of the British in memory of Dr. Kennedy. A Swanson 377, G Fry 375, D Scott 367, Empire on the second anniversary of the -The Love Burglar" medical practice and had already opened M Sell e field Block, iwo Itisa matterof great convenience to S Blatchford 363. D Haney 361, armistice, which stayed the world-wide her new office in tb le that Templeton's Rheum- 366, J Field, 349, C Wirth 349, E Board- carnage of the four preceeding years and United Partners Ret And a two reel Christie Special d�ors Bsouth of Brunswick I-rotel, opposite Wingharn peop man 348, W Tiffin 346, Y McPherson marked the victory of right, j tice and New Town Clerk The I:nited Farmers of North Huron Residence Phone mory of that Mr. Peter Gowans us S to -N Comedy. ng ros. Ke. 151. atic (�apsules and RAZ I 1AH for Asthma, 343 M Simpson 341,. C McKibbon 340, has been appointed can now be secured at J. W. McKibbon's, freedom to perpetuate theme t in the Wingham Town Hall on Mon. Office Phone 281. P Stokes 336, G Dobbie 336, H Groves . Clerk of the town of Wingham, to replace me "Sally's Blighted Career" 100 Ladies'*wrist watches of the newest 325, M. Mitchell 312, M Musgrove 290, M great deliverance and of those who laid Mr. John F. Groves, who has been the day afternoon and organized for political Adults 25c, Children 15c War Memorial Fund designs just arrived for Xmas gifts at Pat- Hill 270, B Robinson 260,. L Groves 249, down their lives to achiev& it. sts that cleik for the past ten years. Mr. Gowan-,, Purposes- Mr. Clayton Procter was re - There has been considerable delay in terson's Jewellery store. J McAllister 248, F Ford 246, C. Tennant His Majesty, therefore, reque 'has resided at Warman, Sask., until a elected director for the riding of North starting the canvass for the War Memor- I Miss dretta Robinson, teacher in the 235. 3 Roth 216, C. Tennant 215 R Wag- there may be on Armistice Day, for the uple of years ago when he and Mrs. Huron. There was a fairly good repres. brief space of two minutes, a complete a cc SPECIAL --Mon., Tues., Wed. 1, ial Fund at Wingham and it is possible primary department of the Wingliam, tier 214, G Spotton 202, R Lockman 183, n. Since coming entation at the m?eting. that the canvassers will not be able to Public Schoul, has resigned and uill go to D Preston 149, N Carr 141. suspension of all normal activities, so that Gowans returned to tow as beell Curlers Zise-orgagize Therefole, 1 , in perfect stillness the prayers and to Wingham, Mr. Gowans li JR. III call on everyone this weik. Cobalt to join the other members of tier thoug, ts of everyone may be concentrat- teachin" school at Whitechurch. The re -organization rneefing of the it is urgently requested that subscribers h TOM M`*On I will leave their donations with the trea- family at Christmas. Class A. Total 525 ed on reverent remeffibrance of the 910r- Teacher Passes Awa� curlers in tlie fireman's roo��s on ,Y. V CaTppbell 492, V Fox 477, M Weir in At a meeting heldrecent in Stratford, ious dead and of the victory by God's vening was well attended. The surer. Mr. R. S. Williams at the Bank of' It is with deep regret that we 06 wefk N nday I 'The Great Aceident, I Commerce, j Hon. R. H. Grant Minister of Education 46 1 S Bennett 4(33, N.I Robertson .160, R vouchsafed to the Empire and its i g e chronicle the death of Mary Patience f0lll)wnig 0`icers were elected for "'Le i of a mini�_, 1'Armstrong '160, M Carr 457, L Thompson dreavcoted Allies. William; coming season. The -chairmen of the different town declared that he was in favor Sheriff, daughter of Mr. andMrs in 6 reels i commit- um salary of,82,000 being Paid to all public 455, J Green 446, A Field 445, P Gibson L therefore in c6mpliance with the Pres. -A. M. Crawford. wards would like -to meet their school teachers in Ontario. 433, E Lott 433, L Peterman 422, P Blom- wishes of His Majesty the King, do re- Sheriff. Deceased lady wa, taken sud-. Vice Pres. -W. S. Mitchell. The screen adaption of Ben Ames tees in the council chamber of the Iown field 405, K Somers 40-1, W Agnew 395, quest that, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. denly ill while attending to her duties as Secy.-Treas.-O. Thi-niaPson, Williams' at ory which created a hall on Friday evening. A. window sale of merf a coat sweaters. M Saint 395, C.Carr .301, C Pendleton in on Thursday, the 11th instant, all bus- teacher in theL6wer Wingbam School on , ecutive Committee -L. C. Young, sensation as a serial story in the . 1$3.98 each -Hanna & Co. Monday She'was taken to the Wing- Ex Presentation to *hiteman Family 1 385, B Armstrong 377. J McLean 369, W ine'as and domestic activities of every de- A. Currie and A. M. Crawford Saturday Evening Post. About thirty friends and neighbors 1 The services in the Wingharn Methodist' Seddon 364, F Fells 364. scription should cease for a period of two ham Hospital where she underwent an',J Entertainment Co in in 1 t t e e -W J. WhAe. i Church next Sunday will be as follows: Class B . Total 525 minutes. operation and on Sunday afternoon she Boyce, R. S. Williams and A. G. Smith. Tom, Moore's greatest achieve- orathered at the home of Mrs. R man, 4th con., Culross, on Widnesday 1, 11 a. in. Public Worship, subject. "Re- E Lepard 371, M Mitchell 366, K Pilon passed away. She was 2,3 years of age. ment since 'The City of Comrades'- he Truth"; 2.30 p. in. Public I beg also to request that commemora- Owing to the fact that her brother, evening, October 24th to express regret I joicing in t old Loses -It's 363, J Sturdy 357, K Reid 355, R Rae tion services be held in schools and col- Mr. John Sheriff is in very poor health, The cast includes: Jane Morak, at their departure to the village, as Mrs."I Worship, subject, "When G �54, L Smith 351, 0 Hornuth 851, L Ben- leges of the town. ... POULTRY... Willard Louis,. Philo McCullough Whiteman and family are leaving the Value". You will be made welcome come nett 344, A Hartnell 331, 1 Clark 327, M It is further specialty desired that flags the remains were taken to the home of i ter, Mrs. Tiffin, Catherine St. and � ALIVE OR DRESSED and Otto Hoffman. farm which has been the old home of the and bring. your friends. Coutts 326, G I? age 325, 1 Wirth 301, L be flown throughout the Lown in honctur her sts -ment of nt the funeral was held to Wingbarn ceme Whiteman family since the early pioneer The bas. the Methodist Church Hutton 288, N Taylor 279, W Tenna of the day. foT best prices sell to Adults 25c, Children 15c. I was filled on Monday evening, the oc- 265, E Stoakley 262, F Carter 227, M tery on Wednesday afternoon settled on it in 1855. Mr. T. B. Aitken I In witness whereof I have hereunto set Among the floral tributes was a beauti- . . . . . . t � HIRST, I;Vingham filled the position of chairman most ac- casion being the reception of the a udents Mitchell 104. my hand and caused this proclamation to ceptably and called on Mrs. Alex Keir to I of the colleges and h gh schools by the SR. II be made public. ful wreath from her pupils. rea 'dent, Mr d the address and at the appropriate Epworth League. The prest - Those who missed one or more exami W, H, GuRxEy, Mayor L4 time Mrs. A Jarvis presented Mrs. E, $. Copeland, had things well in hand na�ons are marked by an x. Mayor's office, Wingham, November XXIIXXXXX Whiteman with a beautiful silver cabinet, and a iplendid program was given after Total 300 ROGERS CEMENT to which Mrs. Whiteman made a feeling which refreshments were served. 8th, 1920. AA i F Loberson 297, B McGee 293 ), E Mc- God Save the King. 917� �eply in a few well chosen words, thank- It will pay you,,to buy Diamonds now Kay 294, C Deans. 292, E Ross 285, H at $3.35 Barrel ing the guests and extended a -Cordial in- at Pattersons' Jgwellery store. Barrett 270 G Burke 278, X King 277, IN nt to her new home. M Cur- Sale Continues vitation to all prese A team of horses belonging to Murray H Browne 276. C Blatchford 276, Mrs Robert Whiteman and family winghamStaltWks Wilson took fright while he was loading tie 275.�,G Snell 2%, R Sutton 270, C Read King Bros. sale advertisement Dear Friends., lumber at Lloyas' Factory and bolted Coutts 259. M Zurbrigg 25 )8, T Henderson and keep down the high cost of living. X We have come to -night to this home down John street to Josephine causing 25S, R Copeland 255, J Angus 252, M X 710 that is so well known to all of us to Pay some excitement on Monday afternoon. Hartneli 250, G Allen 250, L Carter 240, ULFR - A EVEPYBODV'S COLUMN tribute to -your sterling qualities and up- They evidently thought of calling at J Beattie 2,19, A Coutts 249, V Miller 247, -et Fitt r Oyce 8 re AU(1,TJ0V SA1,H-4arm Stacic. and Imple: that we have heard of your intention to 0 ront of the win- 9�3o. J McKibbon 226, W Gurney 21 i, 0 Mont% at, noith halt of Lot 21, Cou, 3 ut on the sidewalk in f. Hutton 200, M Mason 177. xM Red DO J, .1k Z, o'ciock a& F rid4' leave out neighborhood, your will be miss- E` R: igbt character. It is with deep regi B bardwa�� store and one stretched J Ellacott 236, H Pendleton 235, A N-2 1 �L I D Y On W a 7402ris township at one dow. Little damage was done. WEALTH 2 INIU B 'Liz t11P Nov. 12th. ed by every one of us, for -we have Jound mond 158, xxxW Broome 152, D Wagne Toos. A. GRAMiy, Ilroi . I ­rEjg le. S. SCOTT Aucc. you always willing to lend aid to those in 1 151. -Aqu, , ppy to offer sympathy JR. 11 U nece C3DAR RAILS -130t,111111 10 or 15 cord of distress, always ba otocic meduction, Sale ContinUC3 X., cedar rails, dryad aftd saved for sale ut and services where ever needed. We feet , Total 200, IS1. xi Wagner % $4.60 per cord. Apply to. that we cannot let you leave our midst I King Bros. stock reduction salt; contiti- � J Lepard 107, D Miller 10 H Hartnell plenian I�sl, xN1 Ludwig etter qu an-2,ty hereo J. Bunin.% i ues tile people have realized that King's 171, xK Lott 13S. one Brdslels'203 without.showing you in some way our ap- I - Is, 1, M I I'll . I is a real sale and have carried away many 190, R Agnew 185, J Dinsley Pitum.%.Hy Di.,PT. or at Billie Burlal caro'. preciation of all your neighborly acts in Campbell 177, E Shroptshali 17 1. G pt this silver cabinet. dollars worth of high cla�s rwrchandise at I Chattleburgh 171, N Hayles 168, xL Hay- Report for September and October. 1024 Uy theml FOUND­Aboy'ssweatOP, owner may have asking You to acce r old big savings, I Those obtaining';I.S marks and over are gainebyamilugattlilsofficO, 1111dP111"141 Maythisserveto recall toYouYou den 15% A Stokes 156. xI Sutton 151' M propprty aod paying for WWII& 1xN on the Honor Roll. TC ------ A--- neighbors who unite in wishing you health Farmers' Fertilizer Compau.% x,xNl Templeirian 66, ZnT F _�nteed polt SALE, ­DO you'want a chl�.,�rolab (%,,pootl and prosperity in your new home. The annual meating of the, Farmers' -Rintoul M. Total 425. %7, C T it IN E Re.d 100, B Blamfield 394, H Walker as now at a Navilig Of 1 381, 1 Nortrop sm', 0 to buy now for next%0.41110y.�. u!1a. UAJplyy Signed on behalf of those present, Mrs, I.Fertlizer Co. was held here, on Saturday Homut I YOU Tim AttvAmu. rs. R. Tliosewho miiged one week or nwrel R ew-i')ow-'IbRe 11 trnoce& Robert Ireland, Jas. Whiteman. M evening. Business this last year has been mark6d x Tllflim 31j% J Copeland 375, D Kargus Paterson, Wm. Gordon. very good, the tonnage having doubled. Folt SAJ,14-The V%vo vacaut Oture4 with � Total 4721. .0. 11 Fry SIO. N1 Dobie "12, J Mitchell a v, T a a g to th I After the ceremony the following pro - J -dw jgga�ovabelongtn I The prospzcts for tile coming season are no 1.140, E Gray a a"i" etlo)po�atethosl Itin rink B Fox iti s. M Coutts 157, J Tiffin 451, 1312, A Atkinson 3 W, E R 18, A I to d situat gramme was carried out, chairman's ad how an increasingi a. at ;,or partioullmi a lit, and wiU r �4VIx,iie stra very brig 1 310, L WilliamsMs, A Zurbrigg 3o J.1Q. 8TWAUT HIM t - dress, a duct by Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. .1�son 438. N1 King 436, P Campbel V lurhe 333, A Loutitt 329, H Town Hall, ine'll lit. trade. The financial report shows that I H Die 423, A Snell 412, J Moir Green:,,8, B I, R. Ireland, recitation by Mary Whiteman, 1433, W Angus P Hender- Zurbrigg I Page 326, a dividend was paid ot&,,the preferred a 327. G Smith 326, r rein and owe lanibs from two violin solos by Robert Aitken and owing oth- 40% 1 Smith 405. V Pilon 40,1, L Stcaldey 318, 1vt Cantelon 813, C Van� ai foil SAI and common stoCk. Thu, �)I' is eggaint') purebreed atock, aldy S. C. White Leghorn John R, Whiteman, a number (if choice - 4 year are as son 404, A Rintoul 40-1, J Carr 396. D L I'M Shoo B ,dolt (.0 )96, W Dow ') 6. A anal B. Plymouth 1. L, 0 eral(�. Guild'sl Cora elected for the comik - sickle 301, D Fixter2 29 Strain, JOH%l FAR111011, ucl� _P110110 VeleetionS on tile follows:-AmosTipllng, President; A. 0. Atkinson 301, G Davidson 380, R Har e our willkliov_­; now . Victrola by Mr. A. Jar. rison 380. 11 Kargus =, G WellwOod Reid 200, 1-1, Sinall 266, R Ilastie 2 03, F via and siort speeches by R. Paterson, Parker. Vice -President; Thomas Taylor, G son 253, G Beattie 251, B Campbell Jas. Whiteman, R. Ireland, Miss Moffatt' Szcretary-'Treasurer. There is no doubt 370, xX Smith 1, xG Young 357, 11 How. 6XI and llarliail! 0811- a ae Mitchell 285, W Hur- twe (4' t d Ulu n yrank Rising, Alex Keir, Mrs. Jas. White- this is one of the wining industros. Burgess 34-3 M McIntyre 341, G Rober. 245 ), A Dow 242, L 1 21.3, C, watton w 0 patef 11 celve 1) AN. 9. T. B. Altioten and son 332, F Saint 321, ,L Broome 3177, xN1 ten 227, L Durnin 216, B Ba%er 11h0ae As" vian, W. Gordon, Mr, Arnistrongr264, %M Clark 246, xL Wild Lediett 212, N Lediet'206. N Shropshall Robt. Rising. Further cheerwaq ampl [y provided in lilts. 19-1, J Milligan 191, W Henderson 182, M J�OP MY FOR '1_2110 aCT0,4, WICk 6 and 'ey 139, houie and bonk b rn, ro id. oih4at tbenatureof splendid refreshmen most Jr. Ciass. ToW, 409. Fitt 171, ANli�LLan Vi7f. 13 C103L regorbuq1. T%v 0 0 11( r tkewf�i,- games which brought to a cloze, a 13% Iz Jor,,;ythe 137* It Iritt a to., �j 32 - game excellent r Cr i t 0 tV11 Al2 I DO Y011 k C, S Cakilpliall' 30, A Scott 3" 1 11 Groves A. Aldington 0 6joyable and inemorablo event. Tec. Gib. �119111%1111. ADVIV to. water Newn. I ; 321d. S "Witzheill "1113, NI Bisbee 31j, J 137, 11 Agnew, 137, It Nagual 94. N1 I FRANU 1%t(,(3ONIqL inay befoun Viif�rhj so, S, S Rob. inkhard. The Mrs. Whiteman referred to in tile Gold H N 93, p, P Clart�� 7 above piece is a daughter of Nfra. CaSa-1 %Fry Lot, IV L_,dwU219, %1I Teen on.oll 41, b CaM27 3& WA"iT7,'Ji-10,000 (leda, Itall.. A))VIY. .76 � jVEJTjn1Z FOUNDIV CO. LTD, More, Minute St. .. . ........ . .. . ..... ....