The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-28, Page 6The death has occurred at Ox of Ur.ArthurSedgwick a %vell.Lz scholar and figiire III ille. ITaiveR At Llanelly, �c$outh Vules, pi C�Ourt R dock laborer said that he� received 411 Ift 5d wages in week. FIVO Mon have been respcctivel� $8. 57 50 and 51. Years --total ,,85 y WeluDloYed by Messrs. John Croi VO-, Ltd., Sheffjol(l. Mrs. Miller, wife of M.r. Hen Miller, or Her Barn Farm, Wa grove, )Var4le, near given birCh, to triplets, two boys a girl. Mr. Thomas Brand and his sistei BrOOk Hall, Foxearth, Essex, are E 'employing Henry Ives, aged 80, v Started work for their grandfat'her Yc'ars a Beaillguo�rls, Anglese�r, situated tile Menat Straits, forms part of Baran Hill E state, the property of Richard Williallis-Bulkeley, Ba 'which is to be offered for Sale, A gun presented to Luton was c� tured by the 501 Bedfordshire Ter tOrl4ls at Gaza, and was made Xessrs. Armstrong and Whitwol for tile Turkish Navy before the w� Bishop ThIcknesse, Canon nesia� tiarY of 'Peterborough, for 45 yea and the oldest bishop of the Rug,, Church, is resigning owing to his 0 variced age. Re was 91 last May. Issued in 1893, a 20s Provislor stamp of the Niger Coast fetched ;C1 alld a Q triangular "wood -bloc! Cape of Good Hope, & 38, at Air. H, � Rartrier's Auction Galleries, Old Doi street, W. Formed by thp fourteenth Bart Zouche, a Collection of armor, whi( is to be sold at Sotheby's, Londo: 'text month, is described by an ai thOrItY as "the last of the great En� lish Collection$ of by -gone days." Sentenced at Edinburgh to 12 year Penal servitude for culpable homicid, It Was stated that Nicholas Pag Campbell, Plumber, after receivin more than 260 army gratuity, weri home drunk and ?,eat. his wife witi his fists. After tile Stratford, E., magistrat dismissed a charge against Ernes Gardner, 40, house decorator, of 3 South grove, Walthamstow, E., 40 stabbing Alfred Eley, 46, Grange read E., Gardner said he Intended to com- pensate Bley. At a meeting at Edinburgh of tht Rdyal Scots Greys, Field -Marshal Sit William Robertson, eolonei-ln�chief, presiding, R scheme was, adopted fol establishing regimental clubs In Edirt. burgh, Glasgow and York as a mem- orial to members, of the regiment who fell in the war. Several changes in the staff have taken place at Rugby School since last term. Now masters appointed include Viscount Stuart, M. C., and UT G. R. Woodley, V. 0, Lieutenant-Col'onel G. E. Sharip has been appointed School Bursar, it% succession to Mr. A. E. Don- kin (resigned). Councillor Edwin Yates, J. P., a Miners' checkwelgher, will be Mayor of Wigan next year. William Gunn the famous Notts cricketer, who ha's been lying seriously Ill at Scarborough, is recovering. The Zionist Organization states that English, Arabic and Hebrew have beeh recognized as Official languages in Palestine, To convert it into a convalescent home for members, the National Union Of Vehicle Workers has bought The Grange, Littleport, near Ely. Castlemary. House an historic resi- dence, three miles from Middleton. Cork, owned by Colonel Mountiford Longford, has been burned to the ground. At a store shed tire at Bootle a eat followed the firemen mewing inces- santly, and it was afterwards found that her six kittens had perished in the fire. Fouling the sunken Finnish steam- ship Nferkur, off Barry, Glamorgan, on ,Sunday, the British steamship Zelo, 2,3319 tons, sank in Barry roads, one of the crew being drowned, Grouse put down on the Prince of Wales' Dartmoor estate as an experl� Ment have become thoroughly estab- lished, thus disproving the notto that they would not thrive in Devon, n' After a keen race, Clerkenwell and City District won the -rorrance Cap for inter -district fours at the London Fire Brigade boat ruees held between Putney and Hammersmith Bridges. I A silver sanctudry lamp, Which hung I in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, has been presented by the Patriarch of the Greek Church to the Dean of Ro- ellester, and will be hung in Rochester I Cathedral. i The colors Of the .3101itgoineryshirc 7 Yeomanry, which, after an existence of t Over a century, has been disbanded Under the Territorial For e Act, have bieen derosited In St. �Nj c Nvelshpool. ary's Church, Charles Beddows, charged with at, tempted murder at Birmingham, had no Clothes in which to appear at tile court, as he had come out of hog 7 pital that morning, and Le appeared in the dock wrapped in blankets. Hope has been Malost abandoned of the safety of tile Boston (LI Zt steam trawlers, Bostonian and Lnind- Sey, Which are several days Overdue. It Is feared that the boats have been of blown UP by mines, Each vessel car- er ried nine hands. ta For the ambulatory at the 11oYal -ve nxtbange, the Gresham Committee are 18 ac"Opting, as the giti of the Royal 1,;X- wi change Assurance, a panel I;y 31r. Or Ptanhope Forbes. It. A., illustrating '011 "Thollurning of the -SecOftil Royal Ex- all ckauga In 18ilS." I thi Negotiations arc In propmosa for the Pit 011-140 of the Sopwith Aviation and Bligincoring Works United, at King - Stott, Surrey, elosed On SOMembor 10, Owing, it Was announced, to rcstr.cted th ee� credit, r�hlcll PrOveated the company tr, from finding sufficient capital Major-General (.-1. 11. A. White, C. B., Th C.N.G., D.8.0,, Until recently o*,,oi in in- Is PlaIlAftlIt Of the Ro�al Military Acade- (lu Illy, NVOOINIch, has been appointed G. dr4 O.C., WOOIWICII Si&Area, While tile pro."Tcetive buyer of a house In Torlbridge, Kellt, was at tt-Ul with the owner and bis wife, a neigh- 0111] bor called, and entOrI119 the room. ole. And 11011110d the visitor wi 4, owindler only lboa TftentlY relc&,"(I from prison. WO lot )wa hall one ,61, %ars vley (lan ter- i The Suudaty School Lesson Letwou V., October 31. =W DOWN Twl Cunum-'T Tum USOOIX-MUt. 7: 13-29. Printed Text 29att 7. 16-27. WOrld's Temperance Sunday Golden Text - "Vvery tree that briageth not forth good fruit IS Ilewn down, Ana Cubt into the fire.,, (Matt. 7:19). has Ind Historical setting T1m0-­A. D. 28. Place-Uncertaln. I beg to make all Inquiry on an im- POrtant subject. of Daily Readings X0114aF, October 25, - Known by but his Main purp9se If to get In touch. with the officers of the An-ty. till `110 Their Fruits (Matt. 7: 13-29), Tues - day, Oetdber 26.-prult of Repentance MEN "ho lircrl- Outdooz-3 need 76 (Matt- 3: 1-12). Wednesday, October 6M comfortable warMfl, of on .'he alll.--Stroug Bodies (Dan, 1, , 8-20). Thursday, October 28,111triol and Deaf - "Sa' 42: 14-M- 0 STANIFRELD" iir �C, F371,14Y, October 29. ---Corrupt Because Sinful I (now. 9-20). Saturday, -9 16- "Red Label"' Underwear up once Since lie came home. .. 00tobeit 3Q.-Restorb, the While he was away, she had bro4- 011itis, which ended In false reports Lp- Fallen (Gal, 6� 1-10). Sunday, October 31. -The Spirit of Love (I lt's made Of the b0st W001 -and 13 ri- by Cor. 13:1-13). COMMENTS Oult tO k perfe-ptl fi _v, giving enza and th Verse 15, We are still Studying the ft4eclom with th-'Warr,1th e needed Xr. Serratill, On the Mount. The false Pro. & 10 Proteet again$t bitter cold. Stand$ Strenuous It- �sl 1PhetS were Professional crooks, The Ordinary name Is hypocrite, but this uarvi We make underWear' in heavy sh d- tOrIa, Is too Mlld to cover the char. acterlBtles described by our Lord's ii. Weights for merl, w0men and talk to or go blaces wi+,, 4ure of the sheep and wolves. al , Verse 16,14 this verse Jesus illus- .luded. For burns brulies, sprains froA. �es or chiliblains It excells. and I know "The Prince is very fond of hi:3 7-5 trateS the way to tell true teachers 141rite for free Sample 400k. L TrOm false-bY their fruits, This Is One method to measur.e not only doc- STANFIELD'S LWITED ID Ld trlues, but lives. ,mosed to be a lost nection of a v&1u. Man' ners of till in Cornwall, from Spj%!4 [e tow's Udder baq Again dL The Dartmoor Pony 10 of 'Verse IT. A sound, healthy, riglib. T*qroi N. S. 11 b. eous life brings fortli, goodness. An unsound, diseased Immoral 117e brings r3 1, forth evil. than CITAq X. PIOW37XIA In the Old Country, 0 Verse 18. The same thing IS here Iguilij, '''Ill 'd to Pity another visit to Uunada until No svk�filan . MR1111ger and financial "Yonr =rctye,'VLi'J'r1.S stated negatively for the sake of ern� Xft phasts. 5. Verse 19. "The hewing down of the bad trees arid casting them Into the 0 6 0 0 0 0 o e 9 fire Indicates the final destruction of the false prophets." This is Jesus' Tilt CARE XOTOR NOW OLUSED t I Own warning against the ambitious egotism that Is back of false te ach- AS AN "441DONOXv, JU AND FEEDINC ST Carried Its faM0 boyond the Ae*K 98 lio "Ital In tho whole list Coft$ CrIPP:!0 the root and iijake lent& Of VAlkilig A torture. Ing. Verse 20. False teaching bears the One Combination which is OF CRILDREN showing real team work in slash- rlOOKS t fruits of doubt; Skepticism, tinbells Ing at the high, cost of living Is materJalism, [1,RA1IAf1"A By ELINOR MURRAY the automobile, arid the im-, Verse 21. Something more than A� at Proved condition of highways. More protessiox Is neeeqary to mera. . UX rig to VOP 1�,Years ago an automobile w1aws THE TIDAL WAVE, right Act. By Ethe bership In the kingdom. James after- purely a luxury, later It became a Dill. G. P. Putimlns Som, ward t%Ught this same doctrine (1: e *-0,4 "' $000 0604#60 necessity, and now it is a real Of the six short Stories contain 22-27). The f economy. 'By means of it the this now volume by Ethel M, st thing -a mother shqUld do City dweller is enabled to live "The Locker -011,, is Perhaps the Verse 22. "That day'$ will be the In regulating the new baby"A life Is to 'day of Judgment. Jesus to here be- Outside of tile high -rent districts Stereotyped. While entirely co �nlrulg rain his diciples Concern- P14A his daily routine. Without sacrificing valuable bus- tiOnal In AS portra INtile J1101agrilent. He Himself to be of NVOrywhere to-ClAY we hear the cry Iness hours. apparently Irrespo yal of the gay judge risible '0 (John' 5: 22-P, Matt. - 2e. system, and the more we learn to Furthermore, he can u-bw live Proves himself a her,, it i's 1"'T's 31). 0. Systematize, our lives and WONE the where he can have his own gar- Its climax and In Its presentitio Verse 23. Jesus does n better and happier we are. Haphazard dez,k d laugh at the soaring the stiaady-going - reliable virtue Ot "now Work of any klud, whether In tat bust- pr e:%f food Products. Recres.- 'The longest tal workers Of InIQUItY. They ti the other man I his list Of acqualutaric are not in ne0s world or in the home, 10 sure tion gaIlcleant pure, health-gly- the book, '76 Tidal Wave," es, associates Or to lead to fallare and Wori-Y-and fail- rig res air hTe Provided for 4rPOS Once more tile oft -repo friends. 8 he ure and -worry where baby is' con- I + himse story of the philandering artist, Th�lf aid the whole family. I fa.1 Verse 24, The Lord here makes an' c0raed works t6rrible havoc. I have riner. who formerly had Ineffably beautiful fisher -maiden illustration concerning two bases of Stated before that five citharen mail- to Plan his trips to towli in or- became his model and 'Would but Iffe, One Is false; Ahe other Is true. aged systematically make less worry der not to interrupt his sche- 40 accident have twon his Mist The life built upon Christ is solid, and than one child badiY brought duled work, can now Tun into al 0, and will Stand. ill) on the exemplary fisher the hit aAd-- miss plan. Mark you, town on a minute's notice to get S Verse 25. The rains lover to whom she turned with the of adversity, I said less worry, not less work, for needed supplies or for a bit of t recreation. Parture. It contains some nice the floods of disaster and the sands of mothers are bound to have plenty of most alacrity utter the ar Ist,s misfortune blow Instead of being upon . and beat Work but It Isn't the work they mind, hours from town he is now but of description of rocks and sea. against the Christian life in vain. In as a rule, it Is nervous fretting arid a few minutes, It is just as good Magic Circle," whicl, follow fact, the timbers of Christian char- worry. . 0 it, is oving closer. highly Improbable story of an actergrow stronger by being"buffeted There Is absolutely no reason why as in tranged or supposedly estranged In the storms of human experience. baby should upset a household. yeat Who did not recognize 'her own h fr Verse 26. The sands of Insincerity, very, very often you Will find young band when .,he wooed her at a In IvOlity, unbelief, Instability and husbalift complaining that "things Querade, while "The Second Flddle' doubt make a foundation that can not aren't the same since the baby came " th support life In times of trouble and and C u ris C&Tfh, Bronchitis 8 eQually, perhaPP, Still more Young wives bitterly declaring Probable tale of distress. Therefore the rock -builder they no longer have a determined Y'01 a good time. woman who pursued the man Is Wise and the sand-bullider is foolish. There is no doubt at all that the ar- Without Any Drugs loved to his sea-slde retreat . . Verse 27. Llte!s beaten pathway is rival of the baby will maki6 a change Played the role of village Malden strewn With the wreckage of lives that 111 the house; and if the little in - his benefit, and to the expected c Ots j her If You Buffer from a cold, sneezing were built upon the sands. Xwould Is going to be the kind of m6thi Is or catarrh -don't CluslOn. A shipwreck has an Impo ,Ube a snuff -use a ant Part In the plet of "The Wom seem that these Passing by would be Must be to have the kind 6'f babyshoi- sensible treatment like Catarrhozone. Of His Dreams," whose bero Is a V warned to adopt a better foundation wants, she must sacrifice a 10 'at It heals and soothes, brings relief at correspondent While the,villain is and a saner type of. architecture. Many of the good times she had been Once, cures thoroughly. In bronchitis objectionable 'person who " ILLUSTRATED TRUT11 Used to. On the other hand, If she and wasd't takes care of herbaby as she throat trouble no doctor Carl do for the society of any good woma To keep allve that which bears evil and takes should, better than prescribe Catarrhozone. but in the end becomes quite extr fruit to to Invite disaster (v. 19). care of herself as She Try -it -see what wonders it Xqrks- ordinarijy generous; The last tale should, she will discover good times what power It Possesses. Dlffhw�ut the half-olozen here Collected togeth Illustration - The householder at home that she never -dreamed ol from the old way -you Inhale _ , _ brought an bold -looking vine from the before. Cataf- "The Return Gain rhozone. Get the dollar outfit which . is," Iq an exceedin woods and planted It near this porch, Babies are purely creatures of habit includes the Inhaler and Is guaran� old-fashioned tory of the t1rorough Paying no heed to those who told him They expect exactly what mother . Ill-bred revenge taken by a Supposed It was a species of Poison ivy. After father teach them to expect. a�f teed. Smaller sige 5oc, sample size 9 charming and fastidious woman Up several persons came in contact with great many cases Young parents 'in a 250, at all dealers. the vine to tftelr- sorrow, he put a baby bad habits through their teach the man she Imagined had Won It heart by way of amusement, Of cour sidered a safe height,though his wlf - nervousness. They are so Must Work Together. he was really a w1re guard about it, to what he con own afraid of most chivalrous Ind 0 that little mite, so afraid of liurting v1dual, and everything Is presently 8 Protested against his keeping the vine him so afraid Of not making him Human beings were M right In the Usual way and with t Id all. One morning, however, after IIaP;Y- If he cries they take him up ade to suc. Usual "happy ending," 3everal disturbing experiences, the and rock him or carry him around. ceed and to be happy when they work Conquer beautiful era Asthma.. TS be r vine was missing. "It was u 13aby likes that; It is much more ex- together on -the "each for all and all lieved from the terrible suffocatin rIne," he explained, "but I concluded Citing than lying In bed and staring for each" basis Put them together due to asthma Is a great thing bu 'hat a thing that had to be hedged -at tile ceiling; so whenever he feels any other way tbout.like that ought to be baril �nd they won't got on to be safeguarded for the futur6l shed like a change he promptly cries, know� at all. even greater. Not only does Dr.J. atogether." Ing that lie 'Will be taken up arid* TOPICS FOR RESEARCI-I AND Played With. Relief Kellgggls Asthma Remedy brin for the Dbpressed.-Physlt&I prompt relief, but It Introduces a ne DISCTJSSIoN It takes most parents a lifetime to;,arll mental depression usually have By Their Fruits (vs. 15 -go). find Out all there is to know aboutl their origin In a disordered stat I O."a of life for the afflicted. Sys L their children; It takes the averagel the stomach and liver, as when th e of tenlatic Inhaling of smoke or fume ese from the remedy prevents re-atta it Vbo, were the false prophets? 2. How baby about a Week to find out all het Of9ans are deranged In their action and often effects a permanent cure,c Id. Jesus describe them? S. H wants to know about his aA7 the characters of all men Ow father and the whole System is affected. Try be Mother.. 04po- ested. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills.. - They re- "Nothing Is mad In vain," mld th ves according I e 11. The pathees The baby who if to hisl vive the digestive processes, act bene� ready-made philosopher. "Maybe Will (vs. 21, 22). InOther's carefully thought out plan 10 ficially on the nerves and restore the answered Uncle Bill Bottlestop. 1113U 7ho shall enter Into the kingdom of the baby who cats n time, sleeps ont SPItiti as no other pills will. Thor I Wouldn't advise anybody around her eaven? 5. NOW may the genuine time exercises on 0 are cheap, simple and sure, brIstlans be distinguished f time, Is happy anoll a�d the to start a corkscrew factory."Wash rom the well all the time. ro�esslonal Christians? 6. To what effects are )asUng. Ington Sta6r. day " does Jesus refer In verse 22? III what sense does Christ not 1*40W �DOOA�L])� ZI riow the unfaithful arid the faithless? K -IT - ---- x - --7 Geew .100 r Neell CM061 Leys 51"r 'DOWN IU. Hearing and Doing (vs. 24-27). You STOP Youiz TO GO TO C140 14 5O(`0CW0EIZE AND Ptsyj What Is the real comparison Jesus W(41MEING-Vod KNOW ALL IT takes here? 9. Describe the' true I A Bour r#4 Id false foundations of lifer. HAVE To 60 ToIAII.f 50NDAY SC 518LE 5TUPP Many children dle, from the assaultq, SWEET N 'worms, arid the first care of Moth- % g should be to See that their In- HOME its are free from these Pests. A A rmifuge that can be depended on millerIg Worm Powders by k, They S'. 11 not only etpel worms, itiom the t. Arl gtemo but as a health-91ving Meal- Hurst to and a remedy for many of the ulents that besot Infants, enfeebling ,,in and endangering their lives, lagAr and Crime. YOU K W -qdv (I -6M Do Vou the observation has been made Ill ? TeRCOMMA00memys English Courts that ninety per J t-) F- -VZ R- - Y1415 10D tile assertion Of 0 It. Of the children brought up for Sun! al were ttecused,of stealing sweets. Is corroboruteg T14e tootif IN 00e -60V Iv Ige Refiry'N011 that whenever there a� r an Increase in juvenile crinin It is to it scarcity of go ULL W"HIS1 sugar. Tho, elill- C eAF.- Yoe Alk 00A n must have sugar atILY t1ley will they must. at It If AM WILL PLAY IT PYA L 04 Can easily kno;y7whoii their dren are troubled Wltk v6rrAs, t they logo no time in applying the Of rP!Ifted1ef5-"XOth0TF =Exter=lflator. I lu ed- It Dell leasi tvan. and Who oil n of of e in, rej ated, ths! who fori ress) man Ut- de- bits The the es- vife Us- as - p Is Im- ng she nd for on- rt - an ar an fit n of er. rly ly ly on er CA l- , et le e. g t is w t t V 9 0 e to at III In bi of tb -at M r 0, An ab Its to, ;r. th4 00, d04 Dirt of J UT)v t I'm I thol 1hrr hall Tt 11 11"It it W Awlvirm io -Girls t DY XISM RCOALIN-,), AQ0 A Is. here to anzwor let. UIPQ 4);Ortalining to Uldc' Add men's POrhaps they . re of this, ,it, 'Po'haPs Of the. home, P hap ar. ,,,3' Mien Qf lipsineor. w4k. r the subject, We qhqll do out. best to 01" YOU advice. , At &I VvOnts, you are sure of a Gymp'l. thetic, Perfectly quiet listener. Our QTTIcQ has Moved to larger quarters, oddres3 future letters. - MISS ROSALIND 201ce to Girl;, 34 K10; William street,, Ham. liton DE Alt ROSALIND, Would you kindly advise me of a nd safe cure for removing super� Ru"OUII baIr from the face. Am. 4 young girl, and I would like to clear my facQ Of 1. thank You In advanoe. DEAR P14GGY- (SIgAed) PEGGY, I have heard that the only absolute- IY Sure method Is electrolysis; an eleq�. trio needle Penetrates to the root and kills tile hair. Rowever, there may be other ways. I cannot ment 'ion the names of firms in this column, but it YOU care enough I can send you Boy- eral names of beauty Specialists to Whom You could write and ask advice, Send Me a stamped, self�addressed en- velop6 If you 'Would like that lntorma� tion. GENaRA4 1300TH General Bramwell Booth Is com!"o to Canada Within a few Weeks to meet the Officers of the Salvation Army In order that he maY.establlah a feeling Of closer personal co -opera. tlon between each Momber cf the army and Its Oxecutive bead4 Many mettings Of th a Eastern District Of, the SaIVAtiOn Army which extends from Fort William to St. J.p, t� DEAR ROSALIND-. 1=SALIND. Newfoundland, Will be held In Mon. trealp Toronto, I beg to make all Inquiry on an im- POrtant subject. and Ottawa -and at Which General Booth will speak, MY oldest sister, about twenty. seven, had been keeplugoompaitywitj, but his Main purp9se If to get In touch. with the officers of the An-ty. 0, young man, about the same age, for THRILM TRUE SISTERS. DICAR LITTL4 SISTERS- liver six years. About five years ago they became engaged, and " Bless Your hearts for Your devotion and loyalty! But I find It very hard made her Promise not tq tegell school any more, , 'If Thin, Alarms, which She did. with your Sister because lie has heard of her Ill- rlesS-whY your sister Then, about two years ago he went Overseas, Rull DOWigs Depripsud I and since his return he has been very distant; only been - This wid up once Since lie came home. .. Be) While he was away, she had bro4- 011itis, which ended In false reports all about him and 90 back to her good teaching for of consumptior, , Many lies had.been told about her, which he heard, The wear and strain of life has tended In recent Years to produce and since then he Will not speak. ner- Vous debility in a- large percentage We have been tryl� Of our population. get him to come 1, overy 14mg to Thousands are affected with a feel - vain, back, but It is in 'ling they can't exactly describe. Nowo Rosalind, We a*k yciuradvice, What Shall we do? It is a wol *ry to They are always tired and droopy, lack am - bitiOn. have poor appetite, 'look Pale and b er, and WO Would . do lier. anything for sufter-'fiom, aePressing beada r -hes and Insomnia. Hoping to see Your advice in the Paper sooll. is This condition ls� full oi Perm it the stoippinj stone to Invalidism, thi, THRILM TRUE SISTERS. DICAR LITTL4 SISTERS- beginning of a shattered constitution. We advise everyone in this condl� Bless Your hearts for Your devotion and loyalty! But I find It very hard bition, have POQr appetite, look pale and try to get well while Yet there Is to tell You what to do. if I were to Say ask the you has 119 Man right Out It he broken his engagement time. Probably no better advice can be given than to use Dr. Hamilton% pills with your Sister because lie has heard of her Ill- rlesS-whY your sister which have become famous fit resto�-' 1339 the sick to good health. A might be furl- Ous with You and I should be sorry, Better show her these letters gen- eral toning up, of the System at once takes Place. The whole body is vital_ and tell her Rosalind thinks Your Whole fara- fly too good for a Young Ized by rich and purer blood. The appetite is Increased, food Is digested man who'bas Proven himself so stupid and fickle. -Far better for Big Sister to forget arid naturally strength rapidly In - creases. Headaches go because the bowels all about him and 90 back to her good teaching for are regulated and all wastes are carried off. a while. There Is 'bound to be a better man There IS no experiment abont UsJUg Somewhere, and he Will come along and you Will I all be happy ever atterwards. Dr. Hamilton's Pills because thev cer- tainly restore the sick, as a'trial will ROSALtnl). DEAR ROSALIND: quickly prove. Just as good for the Old as tile young, and suitable to tye I am seventeen Years old, and most Of the boys I go around needs Of women and children. This grand fa mily medicine should be in with have a special girl to take home from church every home, or go to the pictuies with or to so- cials. I haven't THE ROYAL RANC111. seen any that I want to go Steady with. Is', It my fault, or do You think perhaps I am hartl to 0 of Wales' P14110 for Al. Please. I like the girls I meet, lidt they always have sonleboly else to berta, Fal�n. talk to or go blaces wi+,, men the chance to get Vor years I have never, con*sIdered my Into good stock. If they are not sod, then they Will be seem to want me particular *RUu never Professor W. L. Carlyle, Interviews ly. bY the Calgary. Herald'Isald- d DICK. . DZAR DICK: "The string of thoroiigh6ds that are now stabled at Victoria Park are Perhaps you are bard to Please and Owned Jointly by H�s Royal Highness Perhaps the girls are. Still Your let- and Air, George Lane. The string ter is well worded and beautifully Will be condtlett-d. under one stable writt011. and YOU sound like an Awfully though they will be raced ON ludiviolu. mice boy. if you want my really, als by their respective owners. �I`UIY, honest opinion, I'think you are nuoh wiser to not want to "go steady" "These horses, in fact all the ivith any girl. You. are at the age stock," said the professor, ii,stood the when boys and girls can have such Journey across very well indeed. of ,lood times In bunches. course, there will b a no racJhg done I believe In a With them until 11 )oy having girlfrionds, as many as lit 43xt season, as we !an get; but this "pairing oft" busf- must get them acclimatized firse. t am going to manage the stable less at so Youthful all age strikes me and will also, in future, have the a being extreinely silly, Make 6, 4n polut cwre f if being very courteous and very at- the stock ofi the Prince's ranch and entive to* all the girls you know, and the Earl of MIntois. 10 F YOU find that there are "The Prince is shipping over here "' or two �ho don't seein to have as good a f 26 Shorthorns, row the best [me as the rest, be rather nicer to families and types, and 751orsyhropr. [lem. Do It all in a nice, Jolly, big. -shire sheep. Alost of the cattle are rother way, so that 110 other .*cbap Old heifers. It is the Princes idea Ill think Ynu are trying to nab his to bring this high grade of stock to Irl-aftol I think you will find that Western Canada with the intention of tber boys will follow.your examo7e helping out the stockme.1 of the Xyest. Lid make It good times all round, but They have all been raised. an the 'ee hearts for all. Let me kanw how Prince's farm in England, and in.i works-ind at the nPxt dance- stead Of selling them there, where th�y )n't fortot the lonely'%wall-flowers- are not so much needed, he Conceived ir my sake. the Idea of buying the ranch In Al- ROSAT4TV7). berta, and giving the western stock. men the chance to get Vor years I have never, con*sIdered my Into good stock. If they are not sod, then they Will be ock of h ousehold remedies complete bred and raised, and be marketed la desA P. bottle tf 111nard's Liniment was the ordinary way, .luded. For burns brulies, sprains froA. �es or chiliblains It excells. and I know "The Prince is very fond of hi:3 no better remedy for a --evete eold In Dartmoor Ponies " added the prolos. e head, or that will give more linnactil- sor "This animAl a relief, than to Inhale from the hot- e is th oldest known type of horse in the old Co� throwei the nasal Organ, un. Ind 11-11 to my runwy of Veterinary rem. tl`Y� Its forbears being Supposed to ,,s it is essential, cis it ilaq in very have been brought over Ill the early tny Instancej provoin Its value, A daya Of EngIand's history, by the �ent experience in recialming what was ,mosed to be a lost nection of a v&1u. Man' ners of till in Cornwall, from Spj%!4 [e tow's Udder baq Again dL The Dartmoor Pony 10 of great worth and p....t.1monstr,ted a Sim bis. nmend It In the highest tor me to te- tWoon. the Shetland and the or inary' mq to all horse, and they Will be raisedd o have a herd of cows. lapge �r here small. and used principally for children'S. blyik r am -4v,te In Ravin! amompt oil 1 P-0fillt Meolicineq thorp. ka none, thitt driving ponles." P, rotessor C ,erp as larro field a Of as expressea the Opinion that til -arlylei % is 30nard's Uniniont. A real truism, ey lvoul(l A for man or 7,reqAt, DrObably gy6w 6, be a 'bigger type . than CITAq X. PIOW37XIA In the Old Country, 0 0110bogue Point, Though the Prince is not expoete 'd to Pity another visit to Uunada until No svk�filan . MR1111ger and financial "Yonr =rctye,'VLi'J'r1.S wifoll mind is com� 'e'v gone." Walter Peacock, C.'%r 0 and: "Weil - I'm tot our. I el first Of all thrc in rusb 1� Alberta in 801-,te ber. NO 8lit'S been giving me )Ugh the United States, a piece and visit tile State pair t every dav for About, two yfarS.,, at Iowa, ,.nd will be Met theril by 1r111ss6r ("ArlYle, who is going there Ime "o-04 Tostod lt.Z:&,. Thornan, t0r Judge the Percheran stock Ctrfll, Oil lins bepit on 00 marltet vhown. Mr. Peacock will then 'Ards �Of tllirtv Years And In that I come through to , Alberta It hae P stud spend rove'd -t Months thoro, studyl two or thr" high fav" 119 the conditiolis 1"8401"lonSt ("q1Tt1ada1sft-V1ii In thib country. fl its exietllente Carried Its faM0 boyond the Ae*K 98 lio "Ital In tho whole list Coft$ CrIPP:!0 the root and iijake lent& Of VAlkilig A torture. I yet sure Ip f It were double the DrIci ',let in Duld be a cheap liniment, the shape Of 11611OWATOA 'Corn Curti Within r#Adh Of all, is