The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-28, Page 4f
'It xU, WINGUivil 41ji,,i�i_'MIE Thursday, Oct 2$tb, 1030.
*%M, , jo� I'l, 10, 1 �1111 amp 14, 11. 1 1
_00. NOW
ry 1
'hurs., Fri. and Sat. (This Wee1r)
The soul stirring production of Rupert Hughes"" tremendous novel
unpzoxrdonablqu'a� Si*n"
and personally direct- jo Acknowledged by a I I who
ed byMarshall Neilan, with In 8 Reels have s( -en it to be one of the
BkInche Sweet and a n all
star cast . . . ... . . . AV biggest things of the screen.
A strong melodrama without war scenes.
This fllin turned away 20,000 people at the Broadway -Strand, Detroit, the flrst
week it was'shown, at $1 and $1.50 a seat.
It will be shown here at the regular admission plice, Adults 25c, Children 15c.
The Lisual evening performance at 8.15. On Saturday two shows sta I rting at 7.30 and 9,30
No Matinee on Saturday.
'1! H
T T e I st, 2nd and 3rd.,
Mon., Tues'. and W d., Novo
"A Fv"'&1e%6asure11
There'.,, laug�-iguition in every spin of Charlie's sick -
oylintler engine.
You won't know traffic rules until you see this animated
diary of a (lay in the life of a tire -less Motorist.
I 'A Day's Pleasure" is a perfect "Mixture," so you can
check your carburetor at the box office.
Poor Charlie in his car is a "Show fer" everybody.
ipark plugs may bring their girls prepared for limousine
entertainment that is geared at roadster speed.
This one will make your risibilities lilt on all twelve
"Von will "gas" about "A Day's Pleasure" for weeks.
Don't overlook this opportunity to make the Glooms
"take the (lust."
Puncture your pocketbook for w-kets for th� family and
come on down for an evening's pleasure sympathising
with Charlie and It!.,; family out for
"A Day's Pleasure"
There's Traffic Trouble aplenty next Mon., Tues., Wed., at The- Lyceum Theatre.
Admission, 15 and 25c.
Lucknow Whitechurch Blvth Aucirim SALE FOLKS
'Mrs. Walter Sturdy of town received; Mrs. Peter Deans of Wingliam, visited I -
-.vortl Ja9t week of the death of her mother Rev. Father Bell of' London, has put-. I Hot W losh
I Vi%Llwuab Real Estate in Township of
with her sister, Mrs. H. C. Henderson,,, chased Mr Wm� Sheppard's residence on ast an 4 the Vounty of Huron. Folks is pretty much alike
michigan. she was, over 80 years of 1,1t week. ratrix of the Estate of 11 te
wad this surnmer had visited here. 'Miss Tillie Mexander of H insley St:, foraterly owned by Mr. Lux Illiam J. MeBar�i,3y, deceased, will Ihirail"flor Wherever dey is met,
:__"11�1_body was brought here on Saturday Donnybrook, ill, Mr. Wal. Clark has also disposed Z
ghaloTbypiz.belio anction at. the Qucnals Hotel In We're travellin' down de same old pike,
0 ,. Wingliam on Saturdy
�,ug�x, asid the funerat will be held on Tue�-: Vent last week with Mrs. Andrew Fox. of his cottage to Mr. Nathaniel John- , the 13th
day of November. A. D. 1920, at 2 o'o oak In the In sunshine or regret-,
Mrs. Mary rvloore visited with her son $ton of Westfield, Mr. and Mrs, Clark in- afternoon the following valuable lands and
4�il- .0h
*sIr. Gordoin Moore of Luckuow last, tend making their home in Seaforth. prenifoes, namely: We wants about de same to eat, lk-
Those who attended the concert in the week. PAROM NUMBER I -The 'gortli lialf of Lot miff!
wwm hall on Tuesday niqht, given by the Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Sea- Mrs. G. M. Chambers who has beLl', number Thirty,four in thA Vighth (Ioncessi I De same old sangs we sings,
Canadian Big Foui. were well repaid.' seriously ill during the past week, is some- of the Toww;hip of Rast, Wawanosh, contain.
i forth, spent the week-eud with I
lf'Z�s Buseblen. is an artist an the volin and xUr. amd n We has de same ole joys complete-
, what improved which is gratifing news Ing one hundred acres Of land. On this parcel
-e.-salections were uell received espeoial- IMrs J, D. Beecroft, s situated a f rame barn 40ZGq, a stone stable An same ole sorrowinis,
Mrs. Bert I%Iartin. and baby, Edith � to her numerous friends. I underneath; a drive shod Sox6o with stone hog
,,,%7 laer imitation of the bag pipes. Mrs. ; ren underneath; a frame dwaning. I;% Atore3r, De proud man sits 'way nd high,
visited last week with Mrs. Win, Martin" Miss Kathleen Blackhall has resigned 1 r buildings
INdfield is a good pianist and also a * � her position in the Bank of Hamilton, t 2040 and kitchen 14x2o. (All oth De humble men sits
'nger while her " s. MacGregor of I,angside, spent Is Visit Ont.) There
Mr. alarer On the land belong i a the term
3 �Z s, on
bisband, Frank
ld, possesses a fine baritone voice! 'Mae But over each dar shines de sky,
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, Mr. Richard Gidley of Exeter, the premisps about, 10 acre 0 and
Ross, ing at the home of his son, S. H. Gidley. hardwood bush and the balance Is
az�� deliglited the audience with several under cultivation. The prorierty 19 situated For each de flowers grow,
L=mber� Mr. J. H. Camerorr also receiv- Mr. Walter Paterson and grandchild, i On�1'ednesdayeve,atthehc)meofMr. about 3 miles from the Vill of Belgrave
Andrev of Winghain, spent Sunday with and Mrs. James Smith, Dinsley St. Mr. and 9 miles from the Townuf Wingbam. on a Some men may reap whers others plough,
,za 4enerous, rounds of applause after good gravel road, Rewards is ne�er exact, lsa"rds'
�ali�h selection. Mr, keu. Paterson. John R. Dickson and.Mrs. Ernma How- PARCEL NUMBEn 2 -All that part of Lot
IN. D. ItcKenzie arrived home on Sorry to report the continued illuess of lett were quietly married. Rev. R. 1. thIrry-three in the Ninth Conefasion of th� But folks is folks, no matter how,
"4aJay from the West, where lie had Mr* Dan Martin, who is at present in McCormick, pastor of the Methodist sald Townmhip of Aft -.4p, Wawanos i. 13�iijR WeAt
of the Rivor Maltland and containing one Dey tries to hide de fact.
gLaing his crop threshed Wingliain Oeneral Hospitals. church officlated. They will take up their hundred and thirty-three a(treq of land more or WIN 4)
Rnd lfr& Robt, Johnston Mr and' Mr. and Mri4. Ben, McClenaghan a I residence in Seaforth. less. This Lot Is situated four miles from the Wroxeter
village of l3eisrravo 4�d 9 mileo from IhA
Lobert Purd Town n, Wing, ..... and ),are aie nb4ii, it) Mr. andAIrs. Win. Singer and family F
st,on and MrR Geo, Haigh Avere in Tor- � Mrs. P R01-11, Nv,�msit 3 --Twenty-nine acre- of ofWalkertou, spent the holid here, wo nown
1,2r, Russel Robertson Ntrs. win. Tobn_: children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr Harvey Robinson has purchased[
011. , Misi. McCaughey's residence on IMill St. acre:, of good hush uponiii-Twerid-.4-q. Price
Mrs. ralconer returned this ireek from "A ay
,mto last week, attending the %vedding of Dr. Gandier of Clinton, was here on lba"nart. of ],at number Thirty-three in the the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Black.,
. Thamesford and says her brother is still professional business Saturday. IN
C-m-n-doo Johostnit to Miss Tda Elesior. .1;i$ult Vonaa,;sion �.Ituated 4e.a4t of the Itiver
, t�
seriously ill, a This varcells alt timbered with Ur. 1). C. Pope has purchased Mr,'
�fr. and Mrs. Jack Tennant returned I Goderich District Epworth League con, mixedltldtihor. George Paulin's farm. 'Mr. Paulin has
�iame. last week. after spending some time' Mr. James Patterson and Mac Inglis Vention will convene in the Methodist Twois Ov SALP-Ten rer cent. of the
returned from the West last week-, purchased Mr. John Gib9ou's x5o acre
;Nit�a bis mother and sister here. Mr,- church on Tuesday, Oct. 26th. Among i chase money on the day c f 4ale and
balance within thirty dayR thereafter, The tarm adjoining the village.
Miss Valetta Tiffin of Langside, spent theguests on the program are Rev. W. propertiAs Aill be sold subject to a reserved
4,Dr.) Tt-nnant accompanied them on the, the week-ead witli Mrs John Falconer. Mr, anil Mrs. G. S. Lackle and fatuily,
1�2*atnro trip. H. Graham B. A., of Stratford, e presid. price. Further particulars and conditions of
Miss Tean 'vlcGregor of Toronto, is ent of London Conference and Rexv-..P. S i made kn$wo on the day of sale or motored to Warkdale on Sunday. and; Wonderful Values
�visltlng'wlth her si4ters, .... 1. 0
."Mrs. J. Sharmon of Springbank. former Mrs. Thos. t�.y be had on application to the undersigned. spent Tile. ksgiving Day with 'friends.:
Nora Knowles spe Dobson of St. Thomas principal of Alma 1 �a th,., twenty-sixth, day of October, A. While the
ut a few days; Moore and Mrs. Mac Ross, also with her re they motored on to Eugenia.
Lucknow friends, i Ladies college. 19029,
: mother. Mrs. McGregor at Lan. -side, R, VANSTONE Valls. in Ladies' Winter Coats) Sweaters,
'31v and Mr- Ed. McQuillan motored 1 1 , Win 0.
I Miss McAlpine and Mrs. Jas. McGreg-' Ven When returning front Wingliam on
�2* OrangeVille, to visit fri;nds. dg0amolicitor. I
or of Langiiiie spent 'he week -end with Monday night Mr. Robt. White's car took
U 4 1 A 4 1 A.
We, Gen, Robertson and Stewart Rob- the latter's daughters on 2nd at Kinloss. V IPA UZ Ay va tag ay
,cnftson attended the funeral of Mr. Innes I blaster Millan and Miss Irene Moore
at Clinton, on. To Lower Prices
Tuesday and also the funer- 11 spent the week -end with friends at Lang-'
z al of Mrs. Innes on Sunday. This old side.
zouple passed away within a few days of I . Studebaker dealer in expressing his sur -
other. Thei-were, 79 yearq of age, I
Bluevalt: prise at reduction prices sees manufact
.Mrs E. McKeazte has gone to Windsor 1 1
,6a spent the winter. Miss Bertha Sharpin and Mr. Fr,uk urers desire to help in bringing about;
Mexson were visitor, at Mr. Robt. " general decline in the prices of all com-
Xr. and Mrs,. ErneLst Xitcheson and Sharpin's for Thanksgiv;ng.' modities.
-tehei-.iren, Winitred and Dnnald. motored
vic Ointon. an Sunday and were accom- The Methodist church anniversary ser "The reductions in the prices of Stude-
Id on Sunday. October i baker Cars came as a complete surprise,
ianied home by her mother '.qr, C,, vices will be hel
66, who will spend a few days here. 31st. Rev� W. E. Stafford, B. A., of to me". said L. Kennedy, local distribu
Vr and 51". Harvey NMven4 of Wink- Brussels, will preach at 11 a. rn� and 7 1
I P. M. Special music will be rendered by or of Studebaker Cars referring to the
6am, �4rm;- Sundav in t o.%vn, h 'Mrs. the choir, assisted by Mr. Hanmore of official anno' ment recently made by'
Win. Heuder,oti ' I Wingbam. Everyone welcome. I A unce
ZrJr. and Mrs. Horace Aitchewn and , A. R.� Erskine, president of Studebaker!
zon. Alymer and Mr. Robt Btwhanan, I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Percy of Hatn,l-,l Corporation.
the ditch qnd turned turtle. The car U ESP Vv ool and a IR
was considerably damaged but Bobbie i Hose.
escaped with his life if not a whole skin. I I
The Women's Institute have offerel
$300-00 toward a rink fund, The Sports A Range of TPavelleps Sample Coats
Committee have another $200. 'Thel
ladies are hoping to see the rink started —No, two afilce. Stylish Coats, made of
I , I
this fall. At a meeting recently a com- Wool cloth, bought at a cut price and
mittee was appointed to look into the will be sold at a discount of ........ 20 per cent.
matter. Hust!e up your committee or
Fordwich will heat us.
Misses Grace and Irene Stocks of Tor- HOSC-12 doz. 'all wool plain or Ribbed Hose,,
onto spent! a few days at their home here. good value at one dollar a. pair your p
Mr. Robert Roe who has spent a few
weeks I n the West returned home one
day last week. Sweat.eP CoatS-2 doz. Ladies' Sweater
Mrs. McKee who has been visiting her Coats, "all Wool" nrettt, nnmhtnoi�;^ e
on, spent. a4ew days at. Ithe home of Mrs. sister, wrs. Ruttan or town left last _-w 19 V
were visiting in Goderich on Sunday, pe 's father, Mr. Thos. Stacey, 4th "It, taking ibis action The Studebaker colors
1 11 rcy Thursday for Detroit where she witl visit Reg. value $9.00 and 10-00 on sale
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watsonspend S' :GE0. I WRIGHI I friends for a time.
un- line. Corporation was the first quantity reduc- at
Zay, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Webster, ed -of quality automobiles to effect a 21AJV2)MASTP,R bits, Cowden of Michigan is spepding ... $6095
Orucefield. I
Morris reduction in prices of its product. When —Experienced Piano Tuner— a few weeks with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Renwick and son. jire Mr. and Mrs. Singer of Walkerton, Silk Hose at a BaPgain-4 doz. Ladies'
Vrantc, ;pent a few days in E larnitton, 11r-. Peter N1cInto,.h of Khican is one stops to consider that Studebaker isiTeacher of Rudiments of Music, Har. V
inony, Counterpoint tind Composition
as, week. Pending a Nhort tirnv wit:� 'iter mother, i the third largest manufacturer of motor �1
isited for a few days with Robert and.. Silk Hose, fine quality, colors are Black,
Mrs, Black.
Mrs. Tho�. Abraham. Leave nrderp, at THE ADVAN C S Office
Mrs Fra-er is visiting at the home of car--- in the world, and for that matte Br6wn and Navy, re
9. 2.00 value fo .... $
Or. A. G. Elliott, Mrs. Georg.� BaivI mid babe of Cobalt, one of tile world's greatest industrial in- All'braus and reed instruments 1.50
M last week',,, Wing visitod at Air. Jack Casemore's for a few action int1r,, wayot price and violin. Belmore
gham papers we ' days. stitutions, its
,Lo�iced a report of a ho�kev meoting- hold hi thi-absence of The pastor, Rev. Me. FUPS—See our large stock of Furs. Our p
�&%'Winghanv� at ii-hich it %%�as jori&d to Mr. at;d Mrs. C. Golt and family tnott.1011 reduction may be acceoted aq indicative' rices
:Say It With FJOW8PS Kenzie, Riversdale, occupied the palpit
a;:Lve a twin team piched from Wingliam ed to Mt. Forest last Sunday. I of a real desire to materially assist in tile � will interest you,
=kd Luck -row play4�rs. TIw reoresenta- Mrs. Andrew Casemore vibited tier I , In tht. Presbyterian church, Sabbath after-
IaSt U%N U1 U39 of prices of commodities in an
brother, Rov For-wthe ,it Milverton
.?evos of Lucktiow at this meeting were
week. effect, to bring living couditions back to Therx� was a larg-L turn out at E ndeAvor
Sunday night,
�h.-�30 yotm�x men -.Alom wo understand Mr. Johnny Robinson. Nir. Petor Me- somethin; niore nearly apptoaching a' Nit Clarks6n Douglas �i
over therd to haie theiv pictur(-4 gave a spit,tidid paper on "Canada facing
2:zLen, and they took it upon, Intobli and datig6ter, blinnit" 01 Knicar. normal ba,.!,�.
World tasks."
1--imialte arran�geml�nts for a twin team,! dine, vk1ted Wt 'Mr. Thvs. Abrahatn'Li, "As F.c.,.zident 1,.'rskme has 80 aptly! V%
Lzd`�o nornifiatt�, and o2eet tho roevo and 1 last we-ek. remarked, It is highly desirable that the I ��Ir. llc*461, blacksmith, N quite ill at
prosent with I'leurisy. We hope for a
councillor *)I towss to boiwrary, �,peedy re
ni 7 of lowering of prkes be encouraged at this )Lw s 163
the stat offlcer,�. lv�., 10ARIJ cot
time and in reducing the prices of its pri
Mrs. Hellesloy, Messrs. John -End Ictiotz
mvdit foc picking two of the I
;portw in tow", but th0v overstopped (Too late for last weelk) duct, Studebaker is anticipating its ability Willie. who havespent some years in- tile Agent for Hfime Pattern,,.
Mr. and 1,11ra. job Xing spent Thanks -
c; niark. %zo tnoMing 16d boon called, West were called home fast week owing J �.V.
C f- , to buy raw material at lower pricas next X irg, , - , 1 ?, I �f � I
.;�e tvactiicr Lucknow would have a o giving DaY at Gue1Ph-,a`tndln! a c0n- to tile -riou% )th
se s illne sof their 111i et.
or s.0t aigd .he first anv one huro, f0rallca, year and to increase its Wom tfilciency I _ .1 - !-1
Iffiss Mary Aitken ou account of ill i
w,7 of it %va", the voport hi witiolant I M�. health has returned home from Cottage I mm WMWWWN4
Mr. and Mrs. David Walker of Gait, 'Without cheapening tile quality of its
vishing at David i. product in any tilanner and at the same k
id thN can��4 a f4orta of pro- (apent the %veek-ent; hospitali Toronto, where site was in train-
L170%now ;uppliod flime of tho best ballingall'n. i
�ent wage
time maintaining ita pre scale, lug.
gilant ball tcalki 1111".4 yeav Mro, A. Polloc.. is vot onjoying ael it has, in my estituation, taken real: PUNt,:RALS, WEDDINGS, ETC. Mr, and Mrs. Herd visited at Owen
cd 1741-ghana *�,�,,t a l0t Of ig gooa health as liar matay friends would
couragre to announce pticereductions Sound Sundayand TNIouday. of last week.
��n flw fact that tile Wain %vokl ibelwinh. %etruat;hewillscoa be 0, X. i Potted Plants and Cut Flowero Pupils of the Public svhool ititc
out in Labar. too, is showing u splencrid dis- Q Specialty nd hold-'
0 t;',VPT '14,114c I'laved to Wi I,d k,.. Ing a concert in the Uethodis eflurch I -STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME
vinited elp in malting it posr4ible for'
'And tlwa. D 1vid Rea of 'Wronoter position to 1.
Catalogue., shown on requent, solue time in,40venibor.
the IrtrIUV. IVAI. 4VITZ A I'M %Ii%q 11kruint Mulvey and hor niothor,
t WUJ 01 Glinday. , manufacturer to make reductions, by
,I tUras%inq have Ucpt it�, increased cifivieticy in theishops, and,
VAXAV tti,! Org'XI tO Cora tutfinrl or, Phone 142, Winghagn Wirwham, am spending a few weoks with I
9�1� vicinity a i 10
H IaOt thiz, b a factor rif greatealt importapee if Mrs�jo�;eph Hall.
we are to bring prL!es bael� to a lower A quict wedding took piat, Wodn,.4-
ko2�t 1,;,"T i't ro, but U41 iriU 17= Pearl ralme fl Drambb, opant tbe, ay. Oct. 27th. ;it tire houic of Mrs. Nat -
I I'vithout furth"r loas of time.
VVe iioliovo ilio ; *Wav parellt*s hc=, I BELL haniClk 11,4144:4, i%lildAVIV, Wht4j.
LZI.'11 vi, a !v,'Uil &Vk1,'1w, fa,itci i A gccd runzy frotia this pan amaded i Althouz�h whully unmrect�,d 'at thi9! TOV�ft and Varhl Pt0VLMleG- Call Qnd Mbrjorv, bovatuo the bri&� of Mr, Wesley -
, , ?bw
�Ic Wint, �il llnir oil Vloudav this wcok,
lx"'? L*;'Lll_,�Al: f4c.-i vilfil plot b� t tinle I u1n, nevel thokl�?, gratified at the see Iny lloot and got my priceel. I have Haiiies of 11olyrood. We extend ourf We give
ill' i�ey %veta witli a bvantifufl day, licarty , vongratulalions et)ur"(b, 1laV0QXl1zriQ1XQd i1lttruCt0r$ 11V11() Idiv-
Vo,, �.;kaac,4 playod 11 ' ' I i
v�Xu oady a fotjp',,� 'rho YOIM' ' 'dual 11""ructiOn tO 1111018, Our gtaduatea ave 111C.fting %vith P�
of L0203 turn ditingra have taken aml I ain hary-py Eoul(aexcellent valuen. conple will utake their lionie at Ilelyrood, i
to jol;v U4 Luc%now .0, is, tobe ac�o,4:sateA witb an h.daIry that io where thc groom bas purclumed a firm. I COUMC3 fOr brlliera Solis.
m�leriro;r u 3 G& STEWAFR I rL e for free catalogue,
her fara" LOTO Con! pale it in a Irzadittg tile rjay to, r *pnec3, and watla 0
"!"aw V110 is
LT'."ha gc*1 bmi and ohots&l br%,m, a good &1r. and N r.q. Joseph Vogan, Nis
V and wit, twase-w-1 0", a and UhMiC 14'MV Spent 510nkla� WINGRAM
.1tanufattulee WINGHA
miater slioc'.1 ty,3 iti a po�,' tljo to w' Vw a st'Q
Itont 134. Office In Town H*t1 noon, with NvIrs. Jolut Gowdy, Salcro. or IMATFORID
1".1 for U -C, tru,�* Y.