The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-21, Page 4lite oll"Ailo-ANIN 1*1111011 Mords Council 2dinuttir of the cbuncil meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Monday, Sept., 29th 1920. Members of council we ,re ;d, Present. the Reeve presiding, Minutes Of the last meeting wore read Sin d approved: W. Q Laidlaw was ap- pointed Collector for the present year, at A salary of $125-00. The contract for constructing the Evans. and the KirUby ,drains was given to Evans and Kirkby. The Evatio'drain for $2391.00 plus the freight on the tile. Main drain and $160.00 'Plus freight on tile for the branches For the Kirltby drain, $416 25 without the 14" 2a tile, which the contractors are to furnish at cost, Main drain and $S2500 plug freight on tile for the branches, The Engineer's report on the lermyn dr4n was read and provisionally adopted, The bylaw appointing W. 0. Laidlaw. "llect- or was adopted as read 11-6;' WAW41AM AbVANCoi W PRICES _R[Duc "D NO 1, 7- d From OCTA Following accounts were paid: j rfaal, gravel 84 30; 1. Miller. gravel 19,90; D. Smith, gravel 10,02; Wm. Douglas, shov. elling 4.80; J. Anderson, gravel 3.75; P. our CU16 Ament, gravel 10.50; A Casemore. gravel 27 6.00,, 0. Campbell. gravel 17 30; 0. Camp. bell, gravelling 16.70,* D. Campbell, in specting 4 35; Jno. Coultes, gravelling 184.50; Joe, Hopper. filling In road 7,00; Robt. Geddes, fixing culvert 3.50; J. 10 '7 1 A Brown, tile 33.00; H. Fear, expenses re DO it To 1 111111-0 railway crossing 10.OQ; Jon. Miller, clean. I ing drain 4 00; Thos. Ellis, tile and ditch HO 1 12 88; John Lawson, error in taxes 13.95i Jr -s* J. and F Laidlaw, lambs killed by dogs 96,00; John Laidlaw, inspector 3 00, H. Mathers, on Mather�s drain 400.00; rirst Big Store, in'the County to Cut P V TAnk b No Reservv, Gibson. gravelling 359.00. gravel 46 lo, rice R. Richmond, levelling 10,00; Robinson and Fraser, on Robinson drain 500.00; EVERYTHING ON SALE. BIG MONEY SAVING REDUCTIONS IN AL I L LINES Bert Jackson gravel 5.10, A. MacHwen, Clerk, Men's and Boy's clothing, overcoats, raincoats, odd pat MOTHER'S WAY �ts, sweater coats, mackinaw * s, sheep lined smocks� overalls, underwear, socks, hats, caps, and gents furnishing. Ladies' Ready to Wear, cloth ana plushcoats, "Oft within a humble dwelling, dresses, separate skirts, blouses, hosiery, underwear, furs, fur coatis, fur robes silk' and serge As the shadows fall, . house furnishings, rugs, carpets, While the sunlight touches softly linoleums, comforters, blankets, dress goods, silks etc. (This is areal sale, everything, offered at reduced price.) One sweet face upon the wall, The lonely loved ones gather, And in husbpd and tender tone, Ask each other's full forgiveness 7 SUITS AND OVERCOATS HEAVY WINTER SHIRTS For the wrongs that each has done. FURS AND FUR OATS GREATLY REDUCED AND UNDERWEAR As I wondered why this custom 110 Men's all Wool Suits, .1 limm...0 Popular serviceable Furs of Alaska in all wool serge -5. ni , 'At the closing of the day, All wool fleece lined in combination or * 11 Sable Taupe, Red and Black Pox, Can - than Beaver, Hudson Seal, Coon, Mink, worsteds and tweeds. all sizes in latest separate prices, Penmime, §tanfields' 1, 11111,111 .gg: "This because, they sweetly answered, 1 11 1: " coats af Hudson Seal, Canadian Musk. styles, prices $28.00 to 65.00 reduced. . 20% and Turnbull makes all reduced 10 to 20 i�r It was once our njother's way. rat, Marmot, Otter Rat, etc., all reduced 10 to 20% 6-5 HEAVY WAkM MEN'S RELIABLE W09K If our home be bright and cheery OVERCOATS It holds a welcome true Latest style warm overcoats. . All this SHIRTS PLUSH, VELOUR, SIL - Opening wide its door of greeting season's goods. Values $32 50 to 70,00 Made to give general satisfaction and are VERTONE AND TWEED To the many -not the few; Reduced .......... "... ...... I ...... 20Y exceptional values price $1.98, 2.49, If we share our Father's bounty, Boys Suits and Overcoats, all lines of Boy's . FINE SOCKS I AND SHIRTS COATS Womens' and Misses'coats of the above With the needy day by day, clothing in litest styles and best makes Reduced .............. ....... 10 to 25Y All wool cashmere hose in black and materials in latest styles The value% Tis because our hearts remember, colors, prices .98 to 2.50 peduced. . 20% will greatly appeal to the discriminating This was ever mother's way." ODD I�ANTS--OVERALLS SCARFS AND NECKWEAR buyer, mostly Northway-garments. Prices Sometimes when our hearts grow weary, Heavy winter all wool twe�d pants 'all sizes All silk and silk1knitted neckwear and reduced 10 to 20y.. Or our task seems very long, Reg $10.00 value reduced to .......... $6 9s scarfs, prices'$1.00 to..5 00 reduced. 207. BLOUSES, SMOCKS, So pair fine worsted pants. in neat stripes When our burdens look too heavy, and good colcrs all slvws, regular 6.50 GLOVES, HOSIERY, UN - And we deem the right all wrong, to 13,50 reduced ..................... 20% DERWEAR, HIMONAS, Then we gain a new, fresh courage 500- pair beat quality overalls and smocksj UNDERSHIRTS, Etc As once more we rise to say, Peabody. Leather Label overalls that Let us do our duty bravely, - will stand every test ofservice strength Dainty and charmingi blouses in attrac- This was our dear mother's way. and du! -ability in overy seam regular tive styles and materials of Georgette, $3.SO to 4.00 values reduced to ........ 2 98 Crepe de Chene, liAbitau and Voile, sizes 36 to 44. Reduced 20 per cent. BLUEVALE SCHOOL FAIR 50 MEN'S FUR COATS, - I ROBES, Etc. Underskirts and Klmonas Canadian Coon, Korean Beaver, China Dog Modish petticoats of silk jorsey. durable molr' (Continued from last week) and Wallaby Coats made from the best ette tafetta and sateen also Kinionas in silk and Parsnips -Mac. Thomas (4); Velma selected prime skins in all'sizes, great- cotton crepe all reduced go%. Eckmier (10); Doris Allen (8). ly reduced ...................... 10 to 20% WomenB silk. kid, chatniosette and wool Handmade Box-jas. Breckenridge (4); WARM SWEATER COATS KINGS gloves. Cam. Robertson (10h, Clarence Johnston Perrins, Kayser,* -Ni,gara Maid and Queen (10). AND RAINCOATS Quality all sizes and colors. Rope Splice -Willie Mundell (4); Wil- 75 Men's guarante-d waterproof coats in 200 pair Perrin Kid gloves, valties $2 75 to medium and heavy weight materials, $3or!!O reduced to .................... $198 bert Fralick (9); Jas. Breckenridge (4). all sizes, Price $15.00 to 35.00 reduced. 26% 25 dozen silk. chamoisette and wool gloves re Collection Apples -Earl Johnston (10); Men's and Boy's all wool sweater coats and - Edith Breckenridge (4); Lillian Gainiss fopz-09= wowtum Pullovers, price $3.50 to 15.00 reduced 20% GROCEH`V DEPTN duced 20 per ce;nt. (8), Irving Cleghorn, Muriel Thornton, Shirley McCracken (4). HATS AND CAPS Silk and Cashmere Hosiery Borsalino, v IT,% -Florence Eck- Tweeds all latest shapes and colors reduced 20 p. c. Darning an Stacking King brands, in fine Felt� Velour and (Pure Foods at Money S� ing Prices) Wool and Union Underwear mier, Lizzie Robertson, Gertrude Wheeler Caps 20 P. C. 200 pairs of women's high grade seamless X_ silk hose in the popular makes of Queen 200 pkgs Seeded Raisins, reg. 35c f9r ............ 27c (10); Janet Mowbray (4). Comfort, Sunlight,�P, G. and Gold Soap bar .... loc Quality, Venus� Holeproof and Radium Knitted Sox -Marion Goll (8); Gertrude FINE PERCALE AND SILK SHIRTS 4�� 7 $1.25 extra quality Broom ...................... 98C all sizes and shadec regularprices $2,50 Beautiful patterns and good wearing materials all sizes Wheeler (10). 200 pkgs Corn Starch. per pkg ........ I ....... 9c* prices all reduced 20 p. c. to 3. 50 reduced to Wo tar.) ............. 1 98 Hemming on Towel -Shirley McCrack- 70c Black or Japan Tea, 6 IbB ....... ...... 15 dozen Wo 'men's high grade English Cash - en, Olive Garniss (4); Velma Eckmier 16 OZ. COTTON BATS 150 lbs best shelled Walnuts, reg. $1, i�r ........ 69C mere H ose. knit from selected wool 15 cases Kelloggs Corn Flakes, per pkg .......... 10c yarns with fashioned legs and seamless (10); Marie Mines (9). 300 lbs finest quality cot' on batting, ideal filling for 15 cases Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs for ............ 25c feet. regular $2.50 value reduced to... 1 98 Child's Pinafore -Irene Wheeler (10); codiforters. regular 45c riduced to 3 for ...... $I00 Best quaiity Red Salmon ......... o .......... --45C Janet Mowbray (4). Canadian Wheeling Yarns Special per lb ......... $1 69 Lux, 2 pkga for . � ..... ­.­ ........... ...... 25C .25 dozen ribbed worsted hose in all sizes Crochet L a C e -Florence Eckmier, Best Extracts, all flavors# per bottle,_ . .......... lot knitted firmly. twibted strong, worsted 35 in. ENGLISH FLANNELETTE 300 The beat quality Rice, for 25c, 2 The for ........ 25c -,a,;n gu,.tab,e for women or boys and Greta Eckmier 00). 200 -lbs best quality Tapioca 15c, 2 lbs for ­., _ 2Ec gir e regular price 31 35 to 1.65 -Mabel Johnston (10); Maybelle underwear, etc regular 55c and 60c reduced to ........................ 43c 10 Ili pall beat quality Corn Syrup .............. 1.19 c Phlox Closely woven in beautitul striped pattcrri� for night gowns, pyjamas reduced to 98 Bolt (9); Lillie Garniss (8). Canned Turnips. 3 time for ................. 25t Womens vests, drawers and cOm4ination under. Bird House -Glen Garniss, Jas. Breck- Beautify Your Rome, Money Saving Offerings wear%,Qf finest all wool and union materials in enridge (4). in Various Floor Coverings Penmans' Turnbulls andWatson makes. perfect Rope Halter -Willie Mundell (4). fitting warm underwear, reduced 20 per cent. Wilton, Axminster, Brussels Rugs. Linoleums, *Oil Clotba, Congoleum Milking Stool -Gordon Mundell, Jas� Rugs, Window Shades, Draperies, Curtains, Brass Rods, etc. ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS Breckenridge (4). FREE! FREE! AND PULLOVERS Wilton Rugs of Durable Quality Stuart, warm and serviceable are these gar - Sizes 41x7i. fixg, 90, 9xl2, lljxl3-j. ments knitt9d from the finest of all wool East, Weal, Home's Be3t Prices $30 to $135. Reduced 20%. 100 lb. Sack Redpath imported yarns.' Prices $$ So to Ig.00 all It has been said that the Youths Com- Brussels Rugs" reduced .............. ...... ..... 20 P. c, panion has had more readers per copy than any other publication In America. In Oriental style. strongly woven Granulated Suga� REMNANTS -REMNANTS 300 ends of all kinds of dress goods. coat ngig. with hard finish surface, *a I I sizes. There is no good reason to believe this to ABSOLUTELY FREE silks, poplitis, towellings, prints. flannelettes, flan - Red, ed 207.. be true. But the important thing is that title, shirting etc., all greatly reduced. -GIVEN AWAY influence of the paper upon its millions of Curtains 200 FLANELETTE BLANKETS readers has always been directed to build- Madras, Scrim, Voile and Fancy Nets. Prices 50 With every�2,00 purchase we will Issue a coupon V. c to $4 yd, reduced 20 p.c. with a number. On the last day of the Sale, Sat., Best quality soft nap flannelette blankets, full 'size for double beds pink or ing character. "East, West, home is Linoleum and Congoleum Square's Nov. 6th, at 3.30 P. tn., the lucky coupon will be drawn blue border, exceptional Value reduced -to, per pair ................. $3 93 best", has been its unuttered slogan. I� and the persoh holding the number to correspond its articles, editorial and otherwise, it has Heavy printed litioleurns in all widths beautiful designs of tile and block with the lucky number will receive 100 lb sack of Sug- DOWN COMFORTERS AND SPREADS been dwelt upon the importance of good with popular color combinations - Specially reductd 10 to 20 p. c, ar. AbaoluUly free. 15 only down filled comforters large size, covered with beat quality English citizenship. In all its contents it has gim- DRESS GOODS, SILKS, CREPES, CREPE -DE- Sateeit with fancy borders, regular $22,00 to 45,00 reduced ...... 20p. 0. ed to give not only entertainment, but, CHENEt ETC. WOOL BLANKETS I A year of The 3 50, reduced to . ................... .................... -EA Nov. 6 All wool blitn�ets made from finest 9AXOny yarns reduced 20 p. c, "steppingstonea to higher things". 300 yda beat quality Crepe and Crepe de Cherie all shades, reg 2 56 to Youth's Companion Positively brings a tremendous tide of delightful and 36 In. Black ]Duchess Mousellne, rich appearance and good quality makes TOWELS, COTTONS, SHEETINGS, LINENS', Etcw' diversified reading that cannot be found it appropriate for best Wear. Reg. $4.75, reduced to ............. 360 elsewhere. HeOVY all wool 130tatlY Str96 reg. $8.00, for ......................... :::iig TERMS CASH 54C Factory Cotton, good quality for ...... .......... .30c, Towels, bath towel 4.25,for ...................... The 52 issue of.1921 will be crowded with Coatings, Velvets, Corduroys, Salt's Plush. French Gaberdines, In welghto Xninsooka Cambric too, 75c for 49c .99c cerial stories, Short Stories, editorials, suitable for dresses, suits and skirts. Reduced 20 per cent. NO APPROVAL poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and 12 spools, 200 yards, per dox $1.15 IC40 receive. 1. The Youth's Companion _52 issues in 1921. 2. All the remaining isQues of 1920. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1921. All the above for $2.50, blY authority on fashio. S, $1.50 a oil am 4. McCall Magazine for 1021. The Mont year. Both PUblicatiOns, only 38.i50. Winar .U119 YOVITH'S WPA,,41olq, Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Bogton, Mass, New stib�criptions Received at this office. 4 "THE SQUARE IDEAL STORE"