The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-21, Page 3I ... " _-_"t .. r: Gordon Jones 7, Alex Mc urney , Robbie McMurray 5. McGregor 13, Cecil Chamney 7. � Water Colors -Sara Cole 17, Robt. True Tu SeX bie Proctor 5crocheted insertion and Lac e -Z Map of R , Baby Beef Calf�Cecil Coultes 9, Willie j Munro 17, Corinne Scandrett 17, Albert 7' ,ends A shriek! A splash! el, ran frantically along the pier to - Joseph McGill 17, Bob Hopper 7, Vernon Kelly 13: Harold Carter 6, Bob Hopper; Coultes 9, Richie Procter 5. Proctor 7. 7, Joe Kerr 9. Crayons drawing of flowers -Vernon Asters -May Corbett 17, Willie Grasbr wards where a lady waved her hands to Chamney 7, Beatrice Beecroft 7, Calvin, J Bacon Hogs -Cecil Coultes 9 � Chamney 7, Jos. Mr,Gill 17, Beatrice y the skies and wailed that her sister had �T- Robinson, 7. Beecroft 7, Mar Scott 9, Calvin Robert- 5• fallen into the Sea. --� Map of North America -Verna Rath i HeavyDraftColt-Edgar Wightman I y Iola M,:Guire 17 Gwen McDougall 8. !son 7, Viltetta Chamney 7. But the occasion usually produces the E' X3, Verda Proctor 7, Walter Scott r3, 117, Sarah Cole 17. Phlox -Willie Grasby S. Cookies -Hazel McGregor 13, Annie man. A gallant hero threw oft his coat Albert Coultes 9, Alex IVIcBurney 8, Win- Halter Broken Colt -Sarah Cole 17, Clark 3, Nellie Anderson 5, Angela Gib- Boquet froth home garden -Willie i' I jl Grasb and kicked his feet clear of boots; then he I I Cecil Chamney 7; Joe Kerr 9, Harold j y 5, May Wightman z3, Mae Per dived boldly into the waves. uie Munroe 17. bons 8. Mary Bell 6. i Carter 6,.Bob Hopper 7. due 9, Jack Clark 3. Map of Canada -R. E. McKenzie 17, � 1 Tarte-Robbie Procter 5, Alberta Mc- Swimming towards the spot where tree 1 3 • Spring Lamb-Robt. Coultes 7. White Wyaudottes-R. Proctor 5. Lulu Miller McArtez� ,Annie Clarke 3; Iola Murray 5', Vera Ruttledge 3, Mary Viet}m of the accident had Sunk, he Beef Calf, Banker's Competition -Cecil Proctor 5, A. Vint 8, B. Cummingham 8, McGuire 17, Peter M. Scott r3, Gordon , Wightman 13, Agatha Coultes, 9, Agnes P Hopper caught her as she rose, gasping, to the James 7. j Coultes 9, Vernon Chamney 7, pp 7' surface, Coultes 9. Rhode Island reds -Robbie Proctor 5, Bacon ifogs, Banker's Competition- Homemade Candy -Rhea Ruttledge "Don't struggle, madam," he said. Writing, 1st Class -Eva Stackhouse Cecil Coultes 9; Robt, Coultes 7Edna Jackson 5, t•7, Mar- 3, Clark Johnston 8, Cecil Chamney 7, Harold Kerr 9, Agnes calmly, "we are quite safe. The sea is Jack Clarks 3, Velma Wheeler , Best Spring Colt -Edgar Wigbtman 17. f Corbett 17. „ lan C. Munroe 17, Isabel Leitch 3, Blary {Gwen McDowell 8 Blanche Cunningham Black Miuorcas-C. McGregor 13, Rus- quite• calm and as clear as a mincer. Public Speaking -Norman rilcDowelll "Well, let go my arm for a minute" Munroe, 17. 8, Blair Gibbons 8, sel Carter 6, J. Wightman r7, R, McKen- 16, Agnea Corbett 17. Jar of Cherries -Hazel McGregor 18, Said the lady faintly. I want to see ifWe Writing, part s class -Frank Hopper Hitching Compt.-Verna Taylor 13, zie 17, Russel Carter b. m hair is coming down." t ��� `,�C Leila Stackhouse 6, Luella F�upfer 7, Agnes y 7*eryl Cunningham 8, Mervyn McCaul- Cecil Chamney 7, Jim Coultes 9, Clayton White Eggs -Annie- Blair 13, �pI Angela Gibbons S. Corbett 17, McKenzie 17, Bruce Those Twin Beds k W ey 3, Evelyn Corbett z7, Clarke Tohnston Robinson 7, Morris Leitch 3. J. Loaf of Bread --Vera Ruttledge 3, Chamney 8, Annie McDougall 8, Cecil g 8, Warren Jones 7. School Parade Sections6, 13, 9, Annie Clark 3, Mary Watson 17, May g During the recent visit of the Bruce 3rd Class, '1L,ullaby"-Jessie Campbell { Best Drill -S. S. 13, Coultes 9. scribes to Kincardine, Mayor Hunter Eat low Wightman I3, Nellie Anderson 5, Grace piloted the quill -pushers around the burg 8, Bob Hopper 7, Beatrice Beecroft ry, Best Developed Boy D. Arbuckle 9, Redmond 6."` - -- Y and on visiting the Malcolm Furniture John Stewart 17, Margaret 113cDor~all 9' L. Taylor 9, Harold Carter 6, Norman I muffins --Agnes Coultes 9, Rae Rut- THE OLD SILVER DOI,I,ALt Lilian Hopper 17, Coultes 9. ledge 3, Lulu Proctor 5, Annie Clark 3, plant the manager took particular delight l` Best Composition -Sarah Cole iry, Leu- Beat Developed Girl -Lenore Taylor An Kelly 7, Villetta Chamney 7. in showing the boys a splashy suite Con 9, Agatha C,ouites 9, Eva Stackhouse 6, Apple Pie -Vera Rutledge 3, Angela How dear to my heart is the memory that taining twin beds, which, like poodle dogs, _ ore Taylor 17, Jennie Anderson 9. lingers i Jessie Menzie 8. Coultes 9 Florence Scott 13. Robbie are the rage in high society. As webad WKI -,Penmanship, Entrance Class -R. E. J Of the days that, alas! we shall never see McKenzie 17, Penmanship 17, John Me- Writing Recessional -Vera Edgar 7, proctor 5, Hazel McGregor 13, Mabel advertisements of an operatic performance more, called "Twin Beds", but had never seen Guire 17, Lulu Procter 5, Vera Adgar 7, Lulu Procter 5, Gwendoiine McDowell Walden 6. When, clutching a large silver coin in my LillaTaylor 17. �' 8, Grace Mad -on 6, Agnea Mason 13, Sara Fruit Cake --Lenora Taylor 17, Edna the cots before we lingered neat these fingers, blains• of aristocracy so long that the the {, Jackson 5, Florence Scott 13, Mary I hurried along to the grocery store. H ,7, Agnes Corbett Margaret 17, Mrt Kincardine scribes have made much ado I `aids Hunter 1` And there purchased flour and bacon and in their papers over the delay, and which i i, ESTABLISHED 1872 McDougall 9. coffee, --- th i School Lunch -Lenore Taylor 17, we reproduce on another page to show d ®sed �� And prunes in a package, and apricots what bad company we were in, Getting I Ruth Cole, 17, Florence Scott 13, Ritchie, canned.I sweet Proctor 5, Jennie Wightman 17, Marg- half of back to those beds, however, which among i Two gallons of coal oil, a pound the other furniture looked as lonely as the I ` W t8� aret McDougall 9. coffee, l P S lb. Print Butter -Ritchie Procter 5, babes in the woods, we recalled what a , COSTS r ; E ®nom CRl II`I) out often people cel figure And still had some change, when I left, in written said about man being a grown a Robbie McMurray 5, Miller McArter 3, UTTLE > WvjM rl4 out on a piece of paper how Evelyn Corbett 17. my hand. child, and certainty the twin cots were: V, tF The big iron dollar, narrow as the cradle we once krfew, and i rg�i Alt much money they would have Embroidered Centerpiece --Evelyn Cor- 11S�II> A l had, had they saved a dollar a week The good, honest dollar, l the few feet added unto them represents, batt 17. kk I clutched in my hand. far the last five years. Une out of the patch on Cotton -Beatrice Leishman i f about all the growth the average grist- ten can show in his bankbook the g Agnes Mason 13, Jessie Campbell 7, But now, though accustomed to buying rocrat makes in a life time. "Some. Milt- i amount he has saved in the last five ( far closer, 1 on here may rest", but not if he could a�a� years. Which one of the ten are ybu� Sara Cole 17, Annie McDougall 8, 1 G Corinne Scandrett 17. : Whenever in markets or stores I appear get out of it Travellers, who are tr<tubte>d ,HEAD OFFICE ' ay; Hematit.hed Handkerchief ---A g a t h a I To lay ill provisions, the butcher ori with bed -bugs might enjoy them if s HAMILTON sured of being alone, but no such guar all --� Coultes 9, j grocer, I I tee g y with those t¢cots. A they Co t. ; �fj jjj, Plain Iiandaewing May Wightman 13, Wi 1 glance at my dollar and quietly taneer. j nearL a thousand dollars, it is safe LO aV , M. P Grace 12edrttoud 6, Vcra Rutledge 3, At the tail of a line of more affluent 1duY- I that they won't be as common a-, bla,1. ,! j tGnnie Ctar1<8, Corinne Scandrett 17. err clothes at a funeral and from what we' BANK OF H Dres.�ed Dull -Agnes Coultes 9, Mable Awaiting my turn, I must patiently have seen of them we wouldn't say that i � Wableu 6 I,ileell McCallum 8, Grace � f stand it is a public disaster that every home ! scaled � � can't have them. Like "Yarrow Nvisit- WINGHAM BRANCH -C. P. Smith, n�alacar�el i �Iasun 6. For no one, as far as I gather, desires ed" they are better to sit back anti dream l Da Ding on Woolen gouds-Maty The pitiful dollar I hold in my hand. about than to try to break in and steall, "'"Kept It�ft hunter 7, ()live Corbett 17, Jessia Camp- The poor little dollar, ° them. -Bruce Herald & `rimes. ) i bell 7, Margaret McDougall 9. t The cheap little dollar, - UK AM BEL,GRr1VE SCHOOL. EAli Writing, "To -day" -Venda Proctor 7, Cole 17. LVinnie Munroe 17, Jean Smith 3, Edna Pendil drawing of animals -Joe. Mc- Handmade apron -Grace Redmond 6, The fifty -Cent dollar (Continued from last Week'.) Campbell 7, Leuore Taylor z7, Irauretta I Gill 17, Jean Smith 3, Lorne Scott 9, Jas. Agnes Corbett 17, Agatha Coupes 7, 9, Gordonl Margaret McDougall 9, I hold in my hand. --St. Louis Post Dispatch. TS ` McBurney 8. Henry 13, Agatha Coulter Myrtle Woods -Lorne Scott 9, Bob Hopper 7, � Crochet Work -Tills Taylor 17, M y J cines 7. - - •- B 8 Rob- Dairy Calf -Agnes Corbett 17, Clayton I Leishman 8 Sara Cole 17 Myrtle Bruce �. Gordon Jones 7, Alex Mc urney , Robbie McMurray 5. McGregor 13, Cecil Chamney 7. � Water Colors -Sara Cole 17, Robt. True Tu SeX bie Proctor 5crocheted insertion and Lac e -Z Map of R , Baby Beef Calf�Cecil Coultes 9, Willie j Munro 17, Corinne Scandrett 17, Albert 7' ,ends A shriek! A splash! el, ran frantically along the pier to - Joseph McGill 17, Bob Hopper 7, Vernon Kelly 13: Harold Carter 6, Bob Hopper; Coultes 9, Richie Procter 5. Proctor 7. 7, Joe Kerr 9. Crayons drawing of flowers -Vernon Asters -May Corbett 17, Willie Grasbr wards where a lady waved her hands to Chamney 7, Beatrice Beecroft 7, Calvin, J Bacon Hogs -Cecil Coultes 9 � Chamney 7, Jos. Mr,Gill 17, Beatrice y the skies and wailed that her sister had �T- Robinson, 7. Beecroft 7, Mar Scott 9, Calvin Robert- 5• fallen into the Sea. --� Map of North America -Verna Rath i HeavyDraftColt-Edgar Wightman I y Iola M,:Guire 17 Gwen McDougall 8. !son 7, Viltetta Chamney 7. But the occasion usually produces the E' X3, Verda Proctor 7, Walter Scott r3, 117, Sarah Cole 17. Phlox -Willie Grasby S. Cookies -Hazel McGregor 13, Annie man. A gallant hero threw oft his coat Albert Coultes 9, Alex IVIcBurney 8, Win- Halter Broken Colt -Sarah Cole 17, Clark 3, Nellie Anderson 5, Angela Gib- Boquet froth home garden -Willie i' I jl Grasb and kicked his feet clear of boots; then he I I Cecil Chamney 7; Joe Kerr 9, Harold j y 5, May Wightman z3, Mae Per dived boldly into the waves. uie Munroe 17. bons 8. Mary Bell 6. i Carter 6,.Bob Hopper 7. due 9, Jack Clark 3. Map of Canada -R. E. McKenzie 17, � 1 Tarte-Robbie Procter 5, Alberta Mc- Swimming towards the spot where tree 1 3 • Spring Lamb-Robt. Coultes 7. White Wyaudottes-R. Proctor 5. Lulu Miller McArtez� ,Annie Clarke 3; Iola Murray 5', Vera Ruttledge 3, Mary Viet}m of the accident had Sunk, he Beef Calf, Banker's Competition -Cecil Proctor 5, A. Vint 8, B. Cummingham 8, McGuire 17, Peter M. Scott r3, Gordon , Wightman 13, Agatha Coultes, 9, Agnes P Hopper caught her as she rose, gasping, to the James 7. j Coultes 9, Vernon Chamney 7, pp 7' surface, Coultes 9. Rhode Island reds -Robbie Proctor 5, Bacon ifogs, Banker's Competition- Homemade Candy -Rhea Ruttledge "Don't struggle, madam," he said. Writing, 1st Class -Eva Stackhouse Cecil Coultes 9; Robt, Coultes 7Edna Jackson 5, t•7, Mar- 3, Clark Johnston 8, Cecil Chamney 7, Harold Kerr 9, Agnes calmly, "we are quite safe. The sea is Jack Clarks 3, Velma Wheeler , Best Spring Colt -Edgar Wigbtman 17. f Corbett 17. „ lan C. Munroe 17, Isabel Leitch 3, Blary {Gwen McDowell 8 Blanche Cunningham Black Miuorcas-C. McGregor 13, Rus- quite• calm and as clear as a mincer. Public Speaking -Norman rilcDowelll "Well, let go my arm for a minute" Munroe, 17. 8, Blair Gibbons 8, sel Carter 6, J. Wightman r7, R, McKen- 16, Agnea Corbett 17. Jar of Cherries -Hazel McGregor 18, Said the lady faintly. I want to see ifWe Writing, part s class -Frank Hopper Hitching Compt.-Verna Taylor 13, zie 17, Russel Carter b. m hair is coming down." t ��� `,�C Leila Stackhouse 6, Luella F�upfer 7, Agnes y 7*eryl Cunningham 8, Mervyn McCaul- Cecil Chamney 7, Jim Coultes 9, Clayton White Eggs -Annie- Blair 13, �pI Angela Gibbons S. Corbett 17, McKenzie 17, Bruce Those Twin Beds k W ey 3, Evelyn Corbett z7, Clarke Tohnston Robinson 7, Morris Leitch 3. J. Loaf of Bread --Vera Ruttledge 3, Chamney 8, Annie McDougall 8, Cecil g 8, Warren Jones 7. School Parade Sections6, 13, 9, Annie Clark 3, Mary Watson 17, May g During the recent visit of the Bruce 3rd Class, '1L,ullaby"-Jessie Campbell { Best Drill -S. S. 13, Coultes 9. scribes to Kincardine, Mayor Hunter Eat low Wightman I3, Nellie Anderson 5, Grace piloted the quill -pushers around the burg 8, Bob Hopper 7, Beatrice Beecroft ry, Best Developed Boy D. Arbuckle 9, Redmond 6."` - -- Y and on visiting the Malcolm Furniture John Stewart 17, Margaret 113cDor~all 9' L. Taylor 9, Harold Carter 6, Norman I muffins --Agnes Coultes 9, Rae Rut- THE OLD SILVER DOI,I,ALt Lilian Hopper 17, Coultes 9. ledge 3, Lulu Proctor 5, Annie Clark 3, plant the manager took particular delight l` Best Composition -Sarah Cole iry, Leu- Beat Developed Girl -Lenore Taylor An Kelly 7, Villetta Chamney 7. in showing the boys a splashy suite Con 9, Agatha C,ouites 9, Eva Stackhouse 6, Apple Pie -Vera Rutledge 3, Angela How dear to my heart is the memory that taining twin beds, which, like poodle dogs, _ ore Taylor 17, Jennie Anderson 9. lingers i Jessie Menzie 8. Coultes 9 Florence Scott 13. Robbie are the rage in high society. As webad WKI -,Penmanship, Entrance Class -R. E. J Of the days that, alas! we shall never see McKenzie 17, Penmanship 17, John Me- Writing Recessional -Vera Edgar 7, proctor 5, Hazel McGregor 13, Mabel advertisements of an operatic performance more, called "Twin Beds", but had never seen Guire 17, Lulu Procter 5, Vera Adgar 7, Lulu Procter 5, Gwendoiine McDowell Walden 6. When, clutching a large silver coin in my LillaTaylor 17. �' 8, Grace Mad -on 6, Agnea Mason 13, Sara Fruit Cake --Lenora Taylor 17, Edna the cots before we lingered neat these fingers, blains• of aristocracy so long that the the {, Jackson 5, Florence Scott 13, Mary I hurried along to the grocery store. H ,7, Agnes Corbett Margaret 17, Mrt Kincardine scribes have made much ado I `aids Hunter 1` And there purchased flour and bacon and in their papers over the delay, and which i i, ESTABLISHED 1872 McDougall 9. coffee, --- th i School Lunch -Lenore Taylor 17, we reproduce on another page to show d ®sed �� And prunes in a package, and apricots what bad company we were in, Getting I Ruth Cole, 17, Florence Scott 13, Ritchie, canned.I sweet Proctor 5, Jennie Wightman 17, Marg- half of back to those beds, however, which among i Two gallons of coal oil, a pound the other furniture looked as lonely as the I ` W t8� aret McDougall 9. coffee, l P S lb. Print Butter -Ritchie Procter 5, babes in the woods, we recalled what a , COSTS r ; E ®nom CRl II`I) out often people cel figure And still had some change, when I left, in written said about man being a grown a Robbie McMurray 5, Miller McArter 3, UTTLE > WvjM rl4 out on a piece of paper how Evelyn Corbett 17. my hand. child, and certainty the twin cots were: V, tF The big iron dollar, narrow as the cradle we once krfew, and i rg�i Alt much money they would have Embroidered Centerpiece --Evelyn Cor- 11S�II> A l had, had they saved a dollar a week The good, honest dollar, l the few feet added unto them represents, batt 17. kk I clutched in my hand. far the last five years. Une out of the patch on Cotton -Beatrice Leishman i f about all the growth the average grist- ten can show in his bankbook the g Agnes Mason 13, Jessie Campbell 7, But now, though accustomed to buying rocrat makes in a life time. "Some. Milt- i amount he has saved in the last five ( far closer, 1 on here may rest", but not if he could a�a� years. Which one of the ten are ybu� Sara Cole 17, Annie McDougall 8, 1 G Corinne Scandrett 17. : Whenever in markets or stores I appear get out of it Travellers, who are tr<tubte>d ,HEAD OFFICE ' ay; Hematit.hed Handkerchief ---A g a t h a I To lay ill provisions, the butcher ori with bed -bugs might enjoy them if s HAMILTON sured of being alone, but no such guar all --� Coultes 9, j grocer, I I tee g y with those t¢cots. A they Co t. ; �fj jjj, Plain Iiandaewing May Wightman 13, Wi 1 glance at my dollar and quietly taneer. j nearL a thousand dollars, it is safe LO aV , M. P Grace 12edrttoud 6, Vcra Rutledge 3, At the tail of a line of more affluent 1duY- I that they won't be as common a-, bla,1. ,! j tGnnie Ctar1<8, Corinne Scandrett 17. err clothes at a funeral and from what we' BANK OF H Dres.�ed Dull -Agnes Coultes 9, Mable Awaiting my turn, I must patiently have seen of them we wouldn't say that i � Wableu 6 I,ileell McCallum 8, Grace � f stand it is a public disaster that every home ! scaled � � can't have them. Like "Yarrow Nvisit- WINGHAM BRANCH -C. P. Smith, n�alacar�el i �Iasun 6. For no one, as far as I gather, desires ed" they are better to sit back anti dream l Da Ding on Woolen gouds-Maty The pitiful dollar I hold in my hand. about than to try to break in and steall, "'"Kept It�ft hunter 7, ()live Corbett 17, Jessia Camp- The poor little dollar, ° them. -Bruce Herald & `rimes. ) i