The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-14, Page 8THE WENURAMI AI)VAAGE� 114 Oct- 14th, 1920 Veterans Change Name EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN At the last regular meeting of the G VTIUX win'. W. V. A. it was decided to discontjnu� Atbcrry. on Thnn-day. Oct. ji!b. Hureo,. UaY. ItnplemouO, ete. Xwory- Special Notice to Wearers of the name Of G- W- '%"- A. Any member 43old in good standing wishing to be transferr- `Wu, I'mucla"llul)(in., Prop Jonx 1111MIS, Auctiont0l. ed to eorae other branch of the G. W. V. TYT V AUT0510nit.1. FOR SALE -In Excellent. A. must wake application for tranfer be- condition 8�;23 will buy. A snap for next Leathcw i op Rubbers XA1 fore Nov. Ist. to Secretary C. R. Wilkin. Sea"On"s 1160. ArlAly to. Tan Aimixer. k. ivherc !c�4'900?tg TRY) rana Cfftthi?o 4re sold son, Willgham, after that date the club BI)ARD-Anyonr who could convenicutIN MADE IN CANADA will be run at the Wingbarn Veterans club and will have no connection with the W, the East linvon Teachers' (!,invention '11111ch will meet in Wingham, O�tiiber lith III-,, 15*h will kludb- oommunteatowith G. W. V. A. e, Good rates rt%ld. Donations Por Hospital -Farm K�ooh !�,The Ladies' Auxiliary intend holding a VLEARIN-C. AX!CTI()X SALP donation day Ili aid of the hospital on � and Implementg at. Lot. U, Von 1. Turn. 77 q at berm, 111novale Bowl. at nae o'clopl; nI, Fl,,. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, in the council day.: Oet 22124. �Qeo large Wig for further rticulars. chamber, Donations of anything useful Pa T, IT- BORMAN% PrOP T. Il. flinirivt*T. Allot --t to the hospital will be gladly received. Such as fruit, raw or canned, vegetables, F )It 0-A",-Paudora Ilanoo,,rAPD1v to 44 T Wr *? fowl. butter or eggs. Dorne made baking, %_A_ DVA - N Rt etc. Lunch will be served during the ill, RALE' -Vow T?nTinord Sovvinp mami.' AnA in good ronaitinti. nisaninpit, Aom� 1 afternoon and evening. Tea and sand- Plete. Also a white onartiell bpil �wtt 11 Y oi,,IF, 1-n.T (01�5 r .5. spriniz.,. at th ....... wje�es 15 cents. Ladies will be e N r7l, council chamber from 10 a. in., to 0 p. F ",'_9AT.r-0ne Chatheril Incubator. i -o' in to receive donations. 94 NIMC-It.7. luvil rnlv thig '11unwer.1 1�) 4M nnbf%rofRbnfloTs1 4RA-ITT-n4roril Y agoodlaylligrfrain Appl atlel J�) Short Measure Wood VTAA. )DOX4. Lower Wingham, People sellirg wood in Wingham would yi R SALE -Three P04011 Bull Pllr)4. Apply Voms'snor, Brimp p,&Ijr�on, I do well to give good measure in PT ture, V) as a couple of farmers came within a bair's breadth of being prosecuted for F')R J ye. SALF-Three Young spee(I h sell at road horE4 prices. Apptv to selling short measure last week. As it SMIN ITAPTN-11TT, V Look up your old rubbers and Lee if they need new bottoms - was, Constable Allen made one of the of- Dore's Carriage work.,; fenders pay bacl� a few dollars to a- widow F -We use a heavy power R SALF-A two Year old filly. onlor hrown I We make a speciality of this kind of work whom be cheated. Next time a with foln- white Jests and st-Ap on fnne and ' 0 nyolie is a. nineyear old mare with a Div enli. two machine and consequently a heavy thread --thereby making a stronger job - caught committing this4same offence they 711011ths 07d, and s1lVl)oqo4 to be in foal again. Non rip and Non leak. - Colts bred from Kirby's hnr-4e will likely pay a pretty stiff fine as an ex- Q CAMITIELL, Do not leave them until the rush --right now is the time before the snow 5 1 C1 0 ample to others. 1331gravA. H. 1.11 624. c9mes, then with the first snow storm you will be ready for it. 4ded Style Change in New High School Principal LOST-& jet black two -Year-old . steer, welebt between eight, and nine hundred. Inform. The Wingliam High School Board have atlon will be gratefully received by, -TAs. PLOVVINIAN. Men's Fall Clothes been successful in securing the services of Phone 14-617 Con. 0, Wawanosh. Mr. Brackenbury of Port Colborne, OTICE-The Mildma take up the work of principal of the Hi to N I �, Cider and Apple iButter Factory will 0 In opeiation every W I L L I gh n we He day n too week up to November IStb First The designing that marks this season s models em. School Mr. Brackenbury is a specialist class work guaranteed. Apples for'lliling SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' ,th murtbopeeled and cored, use a two gallow in science and comes to Wingham wl pail to each bag of alder apples, also alder braces welcome changes—a shorter vent, a lower, less high recommendations. He was In town barrels for sale. 1110PRGOTT Bites. restricted waist, and a more graceful fullness to the on Monday looking for a house. We VEGE TABLES FOR SALE-Colerg, ea welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brackenbury and bba (;g !�ud Slweed Turnips for rate at . A. ra! entire coat. little family to bam dgarden, Lot ID Winghain after tne 10th Wingham. Oot.We offer in the Hold, colery with roots, and rou,5h leaves on at 60o perdoz, four dollars per AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN There's an easy smartness about these clothes that The Late Robert Tennant hun red, while it lasts., we free Winter Cabbage at 75 ots. ter doz., 'and also a patch of Many old friends will regret to learn of , c L Sweed Turnips a out 1-5 or 1-6 of an acre. More or less to be removed sharply distinguishes them from the styles of the pa:st the death of an old resident, rid1mely before 6,h of November rrica 30 or less. - C two or three seasons and from the 'models being Robert Tennant, whose death took place R. A. WRATIAX St. Paills, Ch b Notes A Splendid Band on Sept. 26th, 1920 at his late home in —]DiAIN �TIENDERK'_)WA_NTED. *Sunday, Oot,'Cl7th-,8-30 a. m. Holy The Wingliam Brass Band undertbe, shown elsewhere this fall. Linesville, Pa., after a long pain illness Sealed tenders will be received by the cu- Communion, 11-00 a. in, Mattins and leadershipof Bandmaster Wright,.former- Society Brand Clothes maintain their style leader. Mr. Tennant was a resident of nghaM, dersigned up till noon on October 25th for the Litany, 2.11 p. m. Children's Day Service, ly leader of the 160 Bruce Batt., Band, for a great number of years, un I eight construction of the Jermyn drain. Plans and specifications can be aben at my 7.00p. m. Evensong. - Thursday, Oct, 14th: -8.00 p. m.'Choir afternoon, Thi b nd is c m d o ship. They are the first to break away from the in. years ago, whe4be and Mrs. Te ant re- residence, lot 13, Con. 7, Turnberry. A mark rendered beautiful music during the. moved to L nesvilie, Pa. Deceased con- sit cheque for 10 per cent must accompany the s a 0 pose fluence that military uniforms have had'upon clothes tender. ctice. ducted a livery stable in the building un- The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac. pra skilled musicians and is a credit to the til recently occupied as a garage by A. cepted. Frida�, Oct. 15:-8.00 P. m. Meeting of town of Wingham.-Ripley Express. styles—styles of which -men are becoming tired. M. P.Tw7L.L01lark Turnberry m6n of the congregation. Forward Move - Crawford. He was a prominent member R w1ugliam, Ont, Come in and see the latest, the firlal in style, in the of the A. F. and A. M. and in politics a ment for church attendanci. Higit'Sclioul Field Daj' DR. G. H. Ross An apron shower in aid of the bazaar Wingham High School will hold their most approved of fabrics. conservative, Graduate Royal College of Dental will be held at the home of Mrs. Connor annual field day on the campus on Thurs- Wedded In Toronto on Tuesday afternoon Oct. 19, from 3 to day, October 14th. The staff and p6pils- Surgeons On Saturd4y evening at St- Paul'i Graduate Uuiversity of Toronto Faculty 0'30 respectfully invite as many townspeople church Toronto, the marriage took place of Dentistry Remember a welcome awaits You at., St. as can find time to comeFand enjoy the&,--. of Jean. VanNorman, youngest daughter Office over H. E. IEard's store. Pauls' Church. sports. of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. VanNorman of -WIn-gliam, to Arthur Saitiftry, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G Sainsbury, Los. An- geles, California, the Rev. Mr. Despard . MONNEWAINUM officiating. Thebride wore a travelfin Hanil.". & Coo 9 Alaska Sable Alaska Sable S t o I e a, Capes, suit of reindeer slaede cloth, trimmed witli A! 111V I beaver, a small black hat with'gold face, kr . - . - ! , ca,f.andMuffs, made from the roses and corsage bouquet of sweetheart 10I fl, V ­ finest quality skins in latest styles Miss Elsie Gillespie attended as brides- t opular pricee, p maid in a brown suit with beaver a brown hat and sweetheart roses. Mir. J. R. Wilkinson was best man. After arecep tion at the home of Miss Porter, 92 Isa- Fox Stoles and 1 Satle Of Ldi..' Coats bella street, the bride and groom left Tor! "Al On their S" A, 5. i"y TOMWN HALL$ W IINGHA41 H. E Isard & Co. have bought a 'range Chicago en route to New York. Black, Red and Taupe Fox stole$ of Traveller's Sample Coats. Latest return they will reside at 67 Wahnsley atid tAuffl, n1ade from choice skins A Q in latest styi,s, yles and Best Material, These coats boulevard. are on sale at a discount of 20 per cent Teeswatet Fair Successful off regular pricee'. "To see them will be ""'Wag `A`T, G�CTs I*"lf 16st SpecRal EngagewaeEA under Fausp!ees 09 G.WX,9A* The Teeswater Fair was held last Wed - to buy them and you will save money. X, endance nesday and all records for att A Canadian Beaver were beaten. More than 4, Belgrave School Fair 000 people Stoles, Capes a4d Aluffs mad*e passed through the, gates, The gate re-' Owing to beingerowdedfor space we "'Ji from the finest quality skins in ]at - V? U C 2- PP S 02 L G Mi 0 have been compelled to hold over until ceipts also execeed all former amounts est styles. ournextissue a splendid re The display of live stock was largir than I.NN port of the re ent, . , j. �1 67 n I Belgrave School Fair also the remainder " any year and the displays of frui and P P4, seen ofthe prize winners. We invite people vege ables were equal to any before; to use our columns for writing up ac. in the town. Ausirallan Opossum V g counts of such events and we ate indeed The horse racing was a feature of the 7-J Neat Capes. $toles, Scarfs, and afternoon's proceedings. Mr. R o b e rt i sorry to have to hold it until next week. Muffs. wonderfully goud wearing Trench giving an exhibition of the powers ur, Shooting At Wingbain of Roy Grafton, While J. S. Dobbie was towing in a The only accident that marred the pro - CIO,, disabled auto belonging to George Rintoul ceedings of the afternoon happened to Hudson Seal A i. r.: Akt,_: On Saturday evening about 8.80, a bullet the little son of Mr. R. A. McKenzie. beoutiful piece of Wr wfil "set off" your crashed paosed Rintoul's face and went While the last race was being run the gown, 2L, Genuine Hudson Seal made from' the choicest skins in latest styles, through the windshield. This occurred little fellow ran out from the side of an Fur is not only beClUtlftd, but'it is a nece S- Muffs;, Stoles and Ca ea. astbeywere passing the 13, line rorner auto that was parked near the track and SitY foy'eVery Woman who wants to be Well 4 just at the north end of Josephine St was knocked down and ran over by Mt,. NO clue has been found giving information Shelton's horse. dressed and vvarri He was picked up and I V . that would lead to where the bullett came rushed to the doctorls, where it was found We have many hk�fndsome fur pieces thaL Mink and Persian 014 f 4_" 7 _111 from Or Why the shot was fired. If it was that his wounds were only flesh will delighC you and will add that desired wounds Lamb accidental someone is carrying firearins and that no bones were broken. touch of beauty to your gown or dress. Stoles, neat tie pieces and capes 7 whosbouldbegivena free trip to Lon- 52ad Anniversary And Announcement We have soMe fur neck pieces, muffs and in all the newest styles. don. If the shooting was the work of The Pacadena (Cal.) Star -News has the coats that cire V someone intending to do bodily harm, U very disUnctivo in design and he following, referring to formercresidents of quality. soonerhe is locked safely away thOabetter Fur Coats -A.f Co rn e In. We Will be pleased to show our for the entire community. Au. 1� On Friday evening, Oct. ist, the rest- Ladies' Fur Coats in Hudson fuvs Co you. nmaS wic�,4 The New lWnii�or Nugledl Comedy dence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. 11all Seal, Nattiral Muskrat and Marmot H RUG from the beat makers at populav The plans for the produaion of this wasthe sceneofabapt)y family gather- Our GOODS are GOOD; our PRICES LOW. prices, e,­� j Musial Comedy are openat McKibbon's ing. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Drutv Store n— and seats are in - + U-11 1-k -4 h— T, ll—, if Ax- I I�C-,:, 'aIlliallis wa(� a� In-V01te ill th(,401 C.U.R.S. and was gassed at Haupaulile veryfast. The play iq given complete Editlillall, Mr. EarlB. Rall,and Mr. ... MENOS FURS. . Ridge ' llcafterv�ards fnitc-rtainel th(� boys with the llawbler,� Revne in France for each night, Oct. 21st and 22nd, and the J. Wagne Dillard. A very tastily pre- Canadian Coon Coats, C It i n a Dog SPECIAL ORDERS 24 luoutlis. Lvle Evallv. v.aq ri.Surgoatit with the r5th 8cottish Rattalioii when 'lie t4ore we hear about it the more lle are pared dinner was served in Mrs. Walter Coats, Xorean Beaver Coats, Fur Caps, w&; -il(mittled iivar'Viiily ill 'Uarell 'I'll 7. George Gbolah served as, a private with convinced that for a whole evening of Hall's excellent style, and the rest of the Fur Robes, etc Kindly note Nve take special orders for furs tlic 12"T(I Battalion in 1'rauce, until April, 1917, when hewas wounded and gassed, good clean enjoyment, it is going to be a evening lv�s spent in social Conversatiorr .1�oai villiv. 11unrl. Solner, the poptilar pianist of the company, was wounded in atid fur coats, from the best tuatters, and can ,I;(. r4,ht lej�, at (15; l)-liy3te With the 4th Battalion. Jerry Connor real show. It is 8o filled with real truths and music. Two events made the even. (Get Our Prices v,as onother priva-te in the CX.R.S., but lueldly vvaq not wounded. Red jaclrqoll put in such laughable sittings, that we Ing of interest, One was the fact that it Before Buyltkg) proCul-e same for you at% mucli less thall city �Ia�, aliotlier "Kiltif" pritnte ill tile I ,^,tlt Battalion. Ile received 8 Alaelline 9111, get a close view of the life around us and was the 52nd annivere-ary of the rnarriage catalogue prices. Lullet'l ill the right leg alld a bullcts Ili the left legr, bis right leg was so badly ihat- in a way that will do us all good. Make of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Hall, tile parents We buy for cach all kinda of raw furs tered tbat it had to Lealliputc-41a"orive the knee, he received the distinguished Ser- . vIce lkletlal -415;u the I'liht" t�i "t1eqlal. Sergeant Blahe serve -A Overseas and lvaq par- it a point to be preEen"ither one of these of the fatnify. The other was tile . ...... (�orp. .11asou also was over there,and, but rcecutly return- niGlita, and besides doing your bit for a announcement of tile engagement ()f f�) Till% Ilrealy, nnother private, !�(,rved in V rance vvith the ist Battalion, and was good c,)use, y Miss Edith Adelaide Hall to Mr. J. lie wagin theliospital for 22 moll- on will have -domething that Wagne Dillard. one of the prominent eventhetnemoryofit will cause youto businessmen of Pasadena. Mr. Dillard ti<; M(OlUting fro -ill A1n1l,1vw1, uml vapuud!.� jaehcou and 11caly are algo owners t-1 the 19f t-l� C-1m.t4full Uk.nti ISI.al-. laugh and discuso with your neighbor. has been connected ,with the Model, Think of a chmug of 60 'voices led by Grocery Co. for tevoral years, and Is one 14 '9, controlled by Rush Wo Reserved 73ee *FrolecsorTopnote" (Gco. Allen). Tile tbeG% The friendsc t Speelal PrIM0,5­0111d 25e, of the chain of groc of the contracting KI N G B R 0 So A6v=cA 41�a'k- at MeXibbon8'Rexall Store. llrofemr is come Topnote, parties extend congratulations. A