The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-14, Page 5X
Thwaday; Oct. 14th, 20 T J1 W11.,
1:, F,
rry I
"0 hear us when we # nee
For tho,se in peril on the sea
Have you ever been at sea in a storm and seen the clouds lowering, the
vvind rising and the waves running mountains high, decks treacherous and the
orew anxious? Unless you have, you cannot imdgine its awful majesty, or
,the courage it calls up and the spirit it commands in men.
Many Canadians Have Never Seen the Sea—
Yet the sea is Canada's World -Trade highway. The sea and the
Merchant Sailors make us prosperous.
B`ut -the Merchant Seaman's life is hard and perilous. He wages
ha++Is. a �;ncf +h,, irtt-no-a nf nat"rA Tht-. ri-al ca;lrir k
not the deck steward or attendant on comfortable ocean liners.
His ship is no floating palace. His voyage no pleasure trip.
The Real Sailor's Ship is the Tramp Steamer—
or Windjammer, beating against gales—decks awash—sleep a stranggr
for days and nights on end. Frozen in winter, dodging icebergs
in spring, groping through fogs off treacherous banks, beating round
the Horn, fighting through typhoons, or becalmed in the Yellow
Sea, Tough going all the way.
Death Always Hovers Over the Wheel—
Is it any wonder, then, that the Navy League wants to make life
comfortable for our sailors when -ashore? After all, Canada is their
home; and the home, while thpy are here, of the sailors of other lands.
The Navy League endows, maintains or assists in maintaining every
Sailor's Home, Institute and Welfare Society in Canada. And every
dollar subscribed for the maintenance of 'these Homes and Institutes
will be mJney well havested, and redound to our national prosperity.
The Sea is Our Heritage and Our Strength—
In proportion as we develop this Sea -Conscious Spirit so shall we
advance in world civilization and trade. We can only develop our
Sea -Conscious Spirit, by making life more endufrable to Canadian
Sailors. And it is for this purpose that a portion of the Navy
League's Fund is, set aside. To carry on its work next year, the
Navy League must have $760,000. This money must be raised next
week. It is not a large amount and borne in proportion from Coast
to Coast it must surely be subscribed.
The Navy League of Canada
INtober 18-23. Dominion Objective $760,000.
. The work of the Navy League is-
-to enlighten people uion the importance of the meet an emergency, so that Canadian overseas
sea; so that Canadian products may be shipped, commerce will be adequately protected.
through Canadian ports, in Canadian ships, of- 4o support facilities for making the Sailor's life
ficered and manned by trained Canadians. ashore endurable.
-to encourage and to undertake the training of to provide for dependents of those who died to
Canadian lads to man. Canada's Navy and Mer- protect Canada, Nationally, Imperially and Com-
cantile Marine. These objects can only be achieved through an
to formulate a fundamentally sound policy for the organization representative of public responsibility
training of our present sea4aring populationt to and outaide party politics.
E R2 C U S W 0 N 10 N If- R, T� RE
%VJNC,14Ak%. OINTAROO. wn"
About 35 guests. were present at the
pretty wedding which took place at the
home of the bride's, mother, Mrs. J. &
McNeil, 12th. con., East Wawanosh, on
Wednesday, Sept. 20th, at high noon,
when her daughter, Edn4
,, Marjorie, was
united in marriage to 'Mr. Win. Durl
Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hop-
per of Morris by Rev. Mr. Boyle of Be] -
grave, assiqted by Rev. G. E. Miller of
Jackson, Mich., brother-in-law, of the
bride. To the strains of "The Bridal
Chorus" from Lohegrin, played by Mrs.
Finley McCallum, sister of the grootp,
the bridal party entered the parlour, tak-
ing their places under an arch of ever-
greens and autumn leaves, The house
was prettily decorated with asters and
fems. The pretty bride wore a becom-
ing gown or white satin with overdress of
silk jersey triqolette, with silver embroid-
ery and pearl trimmings, and the custom-
ary bridal veil with wreath of orange blos-
som8, and carried a beautiful boquet of
white sweetheart rosei, accompanying her'
as bridesmaid, was Miss Luella Hopper,
sister of the groom, in a lovely gown of
pink satin with overdress of silk net and
carrying a boquet of pink roses. Little
Eleanor Knight, cousin, of the bride made
a dainty little flower girl, in sky blue
crepe -de -chine with basket of sweet pea,4
While !he groom was supported by the
-bride's brother, Mr. Norman, McNeil
A pleasing feature wat; the instrumental
playLd during. congratulations, after
which Miss Euphemia McNeil sang "0
Promise Me" while the register was being
After the ceremony a sumptuous buffet
luncheon was served by six girl friends of
the bride, The bride's travelling suit was
of navy blue serge with black velvet hat
and lovely black wolf fur, the gift of he
groom. The groom's gift to the rides -
maid was a pretty dinner ring, to the
groomsman a pair of gold cuff links, to
the flower girl a gold locket and chain
and to the organist a gold dinner ring.
The gifts to the newly wed were beauti-
ful and costly. The happy couple left
amid showers of confetti and beat wishes
of many friends on the 3.20 train for
Toronto and Niagara, where they are
spending their honeymoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Hopper intend residing in Seaforth,
where they will be at home to their friends
in the near future.
Have Your Guitar
Equipped with the Ha-
waiian attachment.
Makes. playing much easier
and inioroves, the tone.
Ask for a demonstration.
G. B. Flanigan
Successor to the late D. Bell.
Wingliam Needs flouses
A former Mayor of Wingham, while in
cnnversation with TriE ADVANCE made
a suggestion that we believe is wellworth along. It is this, that owing to
the great scarcity of houses in Wingham
he thought it would be well for the council
to allow any man who would build a fairly
good dwelling a few years exemption from
local municipal taxes, Surely a person
building in Wingham now could make 10
per cent on the money invested.'
Canvassers Organized
A citizens committee was organized oil
Tuesday evening to act in conjunction
with the committee from the town coun-
cil to colleet funds for the Veteran's
Watch Campaign and a War Memorial
Fund, This canvass will be made dur.
ing the week of Nov. 7th. to l3th,
Papers Anialgainaie
The Recorder printing plant which be-
longed to the late Win. Elliott, who died
suddenly two months ago, has been pur-
.chased by H. D. Davis, proprietor of The
Mitchell Advocate, who will take over the
plant in two weeks. This will mean that
there will be no Recorder printed after
that date. This means that Mitchell has
joined the long list of towns that have
only one weekly newspaper now where a
few years ago there were two. Mr.
Davis is a nephew of Customs Officer
Davis of Wingham.
Sentenced To Die
William Dougall Mouer, aged 28, Who
was convicted at the assizes at Sault Ste
Marie of the murder of George Elliott,
a farmer in the Township of East Korah
and formerly of Wingharn was sentencell
by justice Orde to be hanged on January
'Before Pronouncing sentence on the
Prisoner the judge referred to Mouer's
liabit of carrying firearms, wideli bad
finally led to his commission of the crime
of intirder.
The prisoner's counsel applied for a ro-
serve case oil the �vround that the crown
coup��l ha,�, been unfair to the ori,ouer in
hi,,, openinly and ronarl.,; to the
jury, also kill tho grouli'l t1lat Ju -_6.0
Ordo had b.,on unfair ;u his chin;o to 11,a
.jury. 'File judge prollll��3" wcow"J.A,11' tho
Tlw muMer octnin-ed on th'! ni""at
S_,ptomhor l3fli ard t.61A and
(leath G�atelle�� follo,,�03 in a htt!o ovel
tl a eo lvool.s.
DVAN CIE Page Five
A wonderful range of Rugs, Linoleums, 011cloths, In new patterns,.
designs and shades that have quality and value at moderate prices,
Rugs Rugs Linoleum and Oilcloths -
;rj Fine English Wilton Rugs in closely New floral and block patterns of
woven Oriental patterns. Linoleum in best quality Scotch and
Sizes 3x3 yds ................................ $72.00 Canadian grades, 4 yd. widths, $6.00
Sizes 3x3-,� yds ............................ 80.00 and 7.00 yd. X
Sizes 3x4 yds ................................ 95.00 9
Also a complete stock of Oilcloths
it Specials . . .
re in all widths.
3 only flne Axrhinster Rug in allover
and medallion patterns. r1c
Sizes ZIA, yds ............................. $38,00 Curtain Materials 71-0
Sizes U4 yds ................................ 65.00 9
Mrs I Brussels Rug 3'lx4J yds ........ 80,00 Our new curtain materials are here
1 Balmoral Rug 3�x4 yds ............ 45.00 in lovely patterns in Madras, Nets- and
Tapestry and Balmoral Rugs in all Voiles. Also Cretonnes, Art Sateens,
size, from $18.00 and 38.00. Draperie,,, Cloths.
Fall and Winter,,Goods ....
IV Out, stock is complete in all lines of Fall and Winter Merchandise. Many X
:�j lines are scarce and deliveries uncertain, so we advise your buying early while X
selections are good.
Dress Goods, Silks, Flannelette, Shirtings,, ToweRng, Blankets. X
X V.
Produce Wanted, Cash or Trade. Gents' Furnishings. X
New Children's Shelter At Walkerton Walkerton Firm Sues Klocardinefte. bell 62.
The new Shelter at Walkerton was The Walkerton Egg & Dairy Co. has Sit. II—Mary Hunter 6r, Edith SalteLr
opened on Thursday and the officials are commenced a suit for $500 damages 61.
to be congratulated for their work in con- against W. J. Armour of Kincardine for SR, I—Vrank Hopper 67.
nection. Short addresses were g' alleged breach of contract, and the mat. PRIURR—Norman Coulter, absent.
by the Hon. H. C. Nixon, Prov. Secy., i ter was being argued in the County Court
Mr. D. B. McDonald, warden of the! before Judge Klein at time of going to COURT OF REVISION
of, Press. The defendant,, who was a pro- Ndtico is hereby given that a Court will ba
County, Mr. J. Douglas, Chairman held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List A07.
the Com. of the County council, and; duce dealer in Kincardine, had a contract, by Me Honor the Judge of the County Courk
others. it seems to buy cream, etc., for the Walk- of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall,
Wingham, on Mouday the l8th day of October.
erton firm, but sold out his business and 1920, at nine o'clock p. m. to hear and deter-
ine complaints of errors and omissions in the
Should Be Thankful I failed, it appears, to bind his successors mVoters'List of the Munillipality of Wingham
The'following item appeared in the'to fulfill the contract. Armour, on the for 1920.
Dated at Winghant this 29th. day of Sepb,
Teeswater correspondence to the London'! other hand, has fyled a counter claim of A. D, 1M.
JoH.,r F. Gltovo%
Free Press a few days ago, and from it' $300 against the Walkerton Co. for put- Clerk.Town of Wingham.
one would imagine that Teeswater people, ting another man purchasing for them on .
were not very thankful for their war his territory, when, he maintains, he was TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND
trophy. to have the sole agency for that district. FOR TAXES
"The war trophy allotted to Teeswater D. Robertson. K. C., is acting for the By virtue of a warrant issued under the
hands of the mayor aud Clerk of the town ot
arrived yesterday and it is by no means Egg & Dairy Co., and R. J. Stewart of Wingham and having the seal of the said Cor-
o t t a c h e d thereto, bearing dato
an imposing peice of ordinance. It is a Kincardine for the defendant. —Walkerton 1 pthoerl9ttihada'y of August A. D. 1920, commandirg
German Minenwerfer mine thrower and Times. me to levy upon the lande enume aled here-
under for We arrears of taxei re,�Pectively due
will make a good toy for the small boy thetLonl toRether with costs. notice is hereby
to play with." sfHOOL REPORT g I Lveit ir accordance with the As�esinient. Act,
Lhat I shall pr,.,ceed to t4ell by public auct!oa
We don't believe they would even miss the said hinds or so much thereof as may be
Report of U. S. S. 12, East and West 1 suflicient for the payment of the taxes ancl.
it if someone carried it away. 9t.4 thereon, unless the same be sooner paid-
Wawanosh for the month of September cT0h'e sale will commence at the Town Hall in
Fractured His Wrist the names arranged in order of merit. I the said Town of Winghani on Monday the
113 h dar of De(�elnber A. D ;9020, at the hour ot
, r -i th tern on.
When Peter Lobsinger, was returning SR. IV Gertrude Aitcheson, Fanny I two o c ck a 0 af a
home from Formosa last Thursday with Turner- I Lot No. 5, Cetitre Street, Taxes 8 35.89, Costi
JR. IV—Luella Rintoul, Harry Cham: $150.89,'Patentvd.
a commercial traveller he noticed Henry Jorm F. GROvEs.
Schmidt's motor car in a disabled condi- pion, Arnold Wools, Treasurer of the Town of Wingham-
tion on the side of the road in charge of SR. Ill— Wylda Webster, James -St. NOTICE To CREDITORS
Marie, Gertrude Martin.
John Devlin. Anxious to lend a helping SR. 11— Mary St. Marie. I n the R3mte of Robert Davidson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant Lo the pro -
hand in time of trouble, Pete looked the JR. 11—Dorine Webster, Willie Rintoul, visions of the Trustee Act, that all persons
having any claim or demand against Roberb
derelect over, and then decided to crank Ruby Tumor. DavidsoD late of the town of Wingbam, ill the
theengine. The machine was quite harm. PT. I—MileS St. Marie. County ol 11uro., a,,d pr.,inee of on,a, i. who
less when left alone, but when Peter, SR. PR.—Gordon Rintoul. died on or about the 21th day of September,
1920are required to �end by post prepsdd or
playing the part of the good Samaritan, , 111. Pit.—Veronica St. Marie, Nellie deliyeredlo2sdie ". Davidson ,, W1.ghM,
Ontario. the Execut- ix of the said d, ceasZ
essayed to apply the crank, the motor McGee. on or before the 20 day r C October, 1920. th
back -fired so viciously that the large bone A.—Maude Evans. names and addresses and full paruculars in
Br,,c�iNNEit- Richard Evans, NN riting of their clainis and staternents of their
in his wrist was fractured. Pete didn't accounts and the nature of their securities. it
E. BROOKS, Teacher. any, hold by them.
wait any longer, but hustled home, and And take UoLice that after the said last
had the fracture reduced. He is carrying The following is the report of S. S. mentioned day, the said Sadie B. Davidsou
will distribute the assets of the said decemed
his wounded arm in a sling and will have No. 7, Morris. To pass 6o'/,; Honours among the person., entitled thereto, having re
ga.d to the clalinq of which she shall tbea
a few weeks enforctd holidays. 75%� 1 have Oh".Idy notice, and that. the said Sadie IL
JR. IV —Verda Procter 66; Ed na C,,imp- Davidson will not be liable for the said assets
The Navy League Appeal bell 64. r.any.parl thereof to any person of whosa
.1 1. he shall not then have received notico.
Widows and orphans of merchant sail- JR. III .-Jessie Campbell 78 bon; Lizzia Dated at Witlghani, Onta�ia the 27th day 0�
ors, who were killed on active service Conites 66, Bob Hopper 6,5, Bell Camp- I September, 1920.
8ADiE B. DAVIDso's. F-ceentrix
during the war, are to be pensioned by
theNavy League of Canada. This an-
nouncement is made by the League h
their preparation for the fourth annual
"Trafalgar" sailors' week, Oct. 18th to!
23rd, when it is proposed to raise $760 0001
in a national campaign for the relief of
widows, orphans, training of Canadian
boys, for sailor's institutes, development
of the movement and administration.
The grants of the Navy League for
relief in Canada up to date amount to
$30,260. After this year the League
expects to cease asking for funds for the
relief of the Canadian dependents of mer- IM
chantsailors who were killed on active
service. With the trust funds now in
hand and $144,000 which is included in
the campaign total, it should be possible
to establish an endowment, the income F course mother Smiles confidently.
from which will be suflicient to provide Now that she uses Lan tic the reci-
those dependants with a pension equal to
(fiat granted to the dependents of naval! pe always comes out just as she wants
inen who were also killed oil active it. The soft velvety texture that pro -
service. As many of these dependents
are yomig children, the endowment must clairns, in most cakes and cin,,hes.
continuo for a nuniher of years, until the 1 -a perf�;,-t blend of ffi�.,,Y63fients, �.s nr
ehil.iren become SCIf SUPP0l'ti1lQ,.
ontatio propos�_-s to rai�u 001).
i , )o , ebec S1 10,OoO; New brun,,� 4�1� �' 1110.00o;
I'll -ace E,01ward, Island 815o�i% Alb,,rta�! i�L,�-%_�__,�,',3
Ulll illiti�,�11:
Columbia OL13 u0t); %vin'JIana IL, aZ3LCd for
x wkz�u wl tm to 0 0
of a,�iadollal q �tlk-��)u,;Z�,)�.il 8271 v ��'i
for tho, tlaitnlk� f CJIM�I%m
�411,uloo fur
rc, "A if %kl,A!." all�
Z�S Weil a��,
irntitnN, all -i *,A,) fo,� if
E R2 C U S W 0 N 10 N If- R, T� RE
%VJNC,14Ak%. OINTAROO. wn"
About 35 guests. were present at the
pretty wedding which took place at the
home of the bride's, mother, Mrs. J. &
McNeil, 12th. con., East Wawanosh, on
Wednesday, Sept. 20th, at high noon,
when her daughter, Edn4
,, Marjorie, was
united in marriage to 'Mr. Win. Durl
Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hop-
per of Morris by Rev. Mr. Boyle of Be] -
grave, assiqted by Rev. G. E. Miller of
Jackson, Mich., brother-in-law, of the
bride. To the strains of "The Bridal
Chorus" from Lohegrin, played by Mrs.
Finley McCallum, sister of the grootp,
the bridal party entered the parlour, tak-
ing their places under an arch of ever-
greens and autumn leaves, The house
was prettily decorated with asters and
fems. The pretty bride wore a becom-
ing gown or white satin with overdress of
silk jersey triqolette, with silver embroid-
ery and pearl trimmings, and the custom-
ary bridal veil with wreath of orange blos-
som8, and carried a beautiful boquet of
white sweetheart rosei, accompanying her'
as bridesmaid, was Miss Luella Hopper,
sister of the groom, in a lovely gown of
pink satin with overdress of silk net and
carrying a boquet of pink roses. Little
Eleanor Knight, cousin, of the bride made
a dainty little flower girl, in sky blue
crepe -de -chine with basket of sweet pea,4
While !he groom was supported by the
-bride's brother, Mr. Norman, McNeil
A pleasing feature wat; the instrumental
playLd during. congratulations, after
which Miss Euphemia McNeil sang "0
Promise Me" while the register was being
After the ceremony a sumptuous buffet
luncheon was served by six girl friends of
the bride, The bride's travelling suit was
of navy blue serge with black velvet hat
and lovely black wolf fur, the gift of he
groom. The groom's gift to the rides -
maid was a pretty dinner ring, to the
groomsman a pair of gold cuff links, to
the flower girl a gold locket and chain
and to the organist a gold dinner ring.
The gifts to the newly wed were beauti-
ful and costly. The happy couple left
amid showers of confetti and beat wishes
of many friends on the 3.20 train for
Toronto and Niagara, where they are
spending their honeymoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Hopper intend residing in Seaforth,
where they will be at home to their friends
in the near future.
Have Your Guitar
Equipped with the Ha-
waiian attachment.
Makes. playing much easier
and inioroves, the tone.
Ask for a demonstration.
G. B. Flanigan
Successor to the late D. Bell.
Wingliam Needs flouses
A former Mayor of Wingham, while in
cnnversation with TriE ADVANCE made
a suggestion that we believe is wellworth along. It is this, that owing to
the great scarcity of houses in Wingham
he thought it would be well for the council
to allow any man who would build a fairly
good dwelling a few years exemption from
local municipal taxes, Surely a person
building in Wingham now could make 10
per cent on the money invested.'
Canvassers Organized
A citizens committee was organized oil
Tuesday evening to act in conjunction
with the committee from the town coun-
cil to colleet funds for the Veteran's
Watch Campaign and a War Memorial
Fund, This canvass will be made dur.
ing the week of Nov. 7th. to l3th,
Papers Anialgainaie
The Recorder printing plant which be-
longed to the late Win. Elliott, who died
suddenly two months ago, has been pur-
.chased by H. D. Davis, proprietor of The
Mitchell Advocate, who will take over the
plant in two weeks. This will mean that
there will be no Recorder printed after
that date. This means that Mitchell has
joined the long list of towns that have
only one weekly newspaper now where a
few years ago there were two. Mr.
Davis is a nephew of Customs Officer
Davis of Wingham.
Sentenced To Die
William Dougall Mouer, aged 28, Who
was convicted at the assizes at Sault Ste
Marie of the murder of George Elliott,
a farmer in the Township of East Korah
and formerly of Wingharn was sentencell
by justice Orde to be hanged on January
'Before Pronouncing sentence on the
Prisoner the judge referred to Mouer's
liabit of carrying firearms, wideli bad
finally led to his commission of the crime
of intirder.
The prisoner's counsel applied for a ro-
serve case oil the �vround that the crown
coup��l ha,�, been unfair to the ori,ouer in
hi,,, openinly and ronarl.,; to the
jury, also kill tho grouli'l t1lat Ju -_6.0
Ordo had b.,on unfair ;u his chin;o to 11,a
.jury. 'File judge prollll��3" wcow"J.A,11' tho
Tlw muMer octnin-ed on th'! ni""at
S_,ptomhor l3fli ard t.61A and
(leath G�atelle�� follo,,�03 in a htt!o ovel
tl a eo lvool.s.
DVAN CIE Page Five
A wonderful range of Rugs, Linoleums, 011cloths, In new patterns,.
designs and shades that have quality and value at moderate prices,
Rugs Rugs Linoleum and Oilcloths -
;rj Fine English Wilton Rugs in closely New floral and block patterns of
woven Oriental patterns. Linoleum in best quality Scotch and
Sizes 3x3 yds ................................ $72.00 Canadian grades, 4 yd. widths, $6.00
Sizes 3x3-,� yds ............................ 80.00 and 7.00 yd. X
Sizes 3x4 yds ................................ 95.00 9
Also a complete stock of Oilcloths
it Specials . . .
re in all widths.
3 only flne Axrhinster Rug in allover
and medallion patterns. r1c
Sizes ZIA, yds ............................. $38,00 Curtain Materials 71-0
Sizes U4 yds ................................ 65.00 9
Mrs I Brussels Rug 3'lx4J yds ........ 80,00 Our new curtain materials are here
1 Balmoral Rug 3�x4 yds ............ 45.00 in lovely patterns in Madras, Nets- and
Tapestry and Balmoral Rugs in all Voiles. Also Cretonnes, Art Sateens,
size, from $18.00 and 38.00. Draperie,,, Cloths.
Fall and Winter,,Goods ....
IV Out, stock is complete in all lines of Fall and Winter Merchandise. Many X
:�j lines are scarce and deliveries uncertain, so we advise your buying early while X
selections are good.
Dress Goods, Silks, Flannelette, Shirtings,, ToweRng, Blankets. X
X V.
Produce Wanted, Cash or Trade. Gents' Furnishings. X
New Children's Shelter At Walkerton Walkerton Firm Sues Klocardinefte. bell 62.
The new Shelter at Walkerton was The Walkerton Egg & Dairy Co. has Sit. II—Mary Hunter 6r, Edith SalteLr
opened on Thursday and the officials are commenced a suit for $500 damages 61.
to be congratulated for their work in con- against W. J. Armour of Kincardine for SR, I—Vrank Hopper 67.
nection. Short addresses were g' alleged breach of contract, and the mat. PRIURR—Norman Coulter, absent.
by the Hon. H. C. Nixon, Prov. Secy., i ter was being argued in the County Court
Mr. D. B. McDonald, warden of the! before Judge Klein at time of going to COURT OF REVISION
of, Press. The defendant,, who was a pro- Ndtico is hereby given that a Court will ba
County, Mr. J. Douglas, Chairman held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List A07.
the Com. of the County council, and; duce dealer in Kincardine, had a contract, by Me Honor the Judge of the County Courk
others. it seems to buy cream, etc., for the Walk- of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall,
Wingham, on Mouday the l8th day of October.
erton firm, but sold out his business and 1920, at nine o'clock p. m. to hear and deter-
ine complaints of errors and omissions in the
Should Be Thankful I failed, it appears, to bind his successors mVoters'List of the Munillipality of Wingham
The'following item appeared in the'to fulfill the contract. Armour, on the for 1920.
Dated at Winghant this 29th. day of Sepb,
Teeswater correspondence to the London'! other hand, has fyled a counter claim of A. D, 1M.
JoH.,r F. Gltovo%
Free Press a few days ago, and from it' $300 against the Walkerton Co. for put- Clerk.Town of Wingham.
one would imagine that Teeswater people, ting another man purchasing for them on .
were not very thankful for their war his territory, when, he maintains, he was TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND
trophy. to have the sole agency for that district. FOR TAXES
"The war trophy allotted to Teeswater D. Robertson. K. C., is acting for the By virtue of a warrant issued under the
hands of the mayor aud Clerk of the town ot
arrived yesterday and it is by no means Egg & Dairy Co., and R. J. Stewart of Wingham and having the seal of the said Cor-
o t t a c h e d thereto, bearing dato
an imposing peice of ordinance. It is a Kincardine for the defendant. —Walkerton 1 pthoerl9ttihada'y of August A. D. 1920, commandirg
German Minenwerfer mine thrower and Times. me to levy upon the lande enume aled here-
under for We arrears of taxei re,�Pectively due
will make a good toy for the small boy thetLonl toRether with costs. notice is hereby
to play with." sfHOOL REPORT g I Lveit ir accordance with the As�esinient. Act,
Lhat I shall pr,.,ceed to t4ell by public auct!oa
We don't believe they would even miss the said hinds or so much thereof as may be
Report of U. S. S. 12, East and West 1 suflicient for the payment of the taxes ancl.
it if someone carried it away. 9t.4 thereon, unless the same be sooner paid-
Wawanosh for the month of September cT0h'e sale will commence at the Town Hall in
Fractured His Wrist the names arranged in order of merit. I the said Town of Winghani on Monday the
113 h dar of De(�elnber A. D ;9020, at the hour ot
, r -i th tern on.
When Peter Lobsinger, was returning SR. IV Gertrude Aitcheson, Fanny I two o c ck a 0 af a
home from Formosa last Thursday with Turner- I Lot No. 5, Cetitre Street, Taxes 8 35.89, Costi
JR. IV—Luella Rintoul, Harry Cham: $150.89,'Patentvd.
a commercial traveller he noticed Henry Jorm F. GROvEs.
Schmidt's motor car in a disabled condi- pion, Arnold Wools, Treasurer of the Town of Wingham-
tion on the side of the road in charge of SR. Ill— Wylda Webster, James -St. NOTICE To CREDITORS
Marie, Gertrude Martin.
John Devlin. Anxious to lend a helping SR. 11— Mary St. Marie. I n the R3mte of Robert Davidson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant Lo the pro -
hand in time of trouble, Pete looked the JR. 11—Dorine Webster, Willie Rintoul, visions of the Trustee Act, that all persons
having any claim or demand against Roberb
derelect over, and then decided to crank Ruby Tumor. DavidsoD late of the town of Wingbam, ill the
theengine. The machine was quite harm. PT. I—MileS St. Marie. County ol 11uro., a,,d pr.,inee of on,a, i. who
less when left alone, but when Peter, SR. PR.—Gordon Rintoul. died on or about the 21th day of September,
1920are required to �end by post prepsdd or
playing the part of the good Samaritan, , 111. Pit.—Veronica St. Marie, Nellie deliyeredlo2sdie ". Davidson ,, W1.ghM,
Ontario. the Execut- ix of the said d, ceasZ
essayed to apply the crank, the motor McGee. on or before the 20 day r C October, 1920. th
back -fired so viciously that the large bone A.—Maude Evans. names and addresses and full paruculars in
Br,,c�iNNEit- Richard Evans, NN riting of their clainis and staternents of their
in his wrist was fractured. Pete didn't accounts and the nature of their securities. it
E. BROOKS, Teacher. any, hold by them.
wait any longer, but hustled home, and And take UoLice that after the said last
had the fracture reduced. He is carrying The following is the report of S. S. mentioned day, the said Sadie B. Davidsou
will distribute the assets of the said decemed
his wounded arm in a sling and will have No. 7, Morris. To pass 6o'/,; Honours among the person., entitled thereto, having re
ga.d to the clalinq of which she shall tbea
a few weeks enforctd holidays. 75%� 1 have Oh".Idy notice, and that. the said Sadie IL
JR. IV —Verda Procter 66; Ed na C,,imp- Davidson will not be liable for the said assets
The Navy League Appeal bell 64. r.any.parl thereof to any person of whosa
.1 1. he shall not then have received notico.
Widows and orphans of merchant sail- JR. III .-Jessie Campbell 78 bon; Lizzia Dated at Witlghani, Onta�ia the 27th day 0�
ors, who were killed on active service Conites 66, Bob Hopper 6,5, Bell Camp- I September, 1920.
8ADiE B. DAVIDso's. F-ceentrix
during the war, are to be pensioned by
theNavy League of Canada. This an-
nouncement is made by the League h
their preparation for the fourth annual
"Trafalgar" sailors' week, Oct. 18th to!
23rd, when it is proposed to raise $760 0001
in a national campaign for the relief of
widows, orphans, training of Canadian
boys, for sailor's institutes, development
of the movement and administration.
The grants of the Navy League for
relief in Canada up to date amount to
$30,260. After this year the League
expects to cease asking for funds for the
relief of the Canadian dependents of mer- IM
chantsailors who were killed on active
service. With the trust funds now in
hand and $144,000 which is included in
the campaign total, it should be possible
to establish an endowment, the income F course mother Smiles confidently.
from which will be suflicient to provide Now that she uses Lan tic the reci-
those dependants with a pension equal to
(fiat granted to the dependents of naval! pe always comes out just as she wants
inen who were also killed oil active it. The soft velvety texture that pro -
service. As many of these dependents
are yomig children, the endowment must clairns, in most cakes and cin,,hes.
continuo for a nuniher of years, until the 1 -a perf�;,-t blend of ffi�.,,Y63fients, �.s nr
ehil.iren become SCIf SUPP0l'ti1lQ,.
ontatio propos�_-s to rai�u 001).
i , )o , ebec S1 10,OoO; New brun,,� 4�1� �' 1110.00o;
I'll -ace E,01ward, Island 815o�i% Alb,,rta�! i�L,�-%_�__,�,',3
Ulll illiti�,�11:
Columbia OL13 u0t); %vin'JIana IL, aZ3LCd for
x wkz�u wl tm to 0 0
of a,�iadollal q �tlk-��)u,;Z�,)�.il 8271 v ��'i
for tho, tlaitnlk� f CJIM�I%m
�411,uloo fur
rc, "A if %kl,A!." all�
Z�S Weil a��,
irntitnN, all -i *,A,) fo,� if