The Wingham Advance, 1920-09-02, Page 87 AM XX XXXX XX L"( .1know W -4s"". 16,11111 1 0 "ON"U"TON TRV DAV01iTEV WIMMAM MAkXfjj',S several chug#* xmopg, oulsaw, In," Not in r arefil; the Making. Mr. McIlv"s b. Of the him art 6#% HAINNA & COP I#nu*A tli. I .. AtA4 Ith so Many, faunmul 4!.-; 1 "4 -wouplou Or di4iolayoj. W Mel! A NAM= up 91" S1IV4rwOo4'# branch. *T" w WhOAt No, 2 4 will p4blish tic ReawkAble Moments, 00 jnten4eo, 1hat Wheat 25, to 3 00 Sentinel 1110re- Mr. X)rinkw4t#r b;t# losiiod tfie building now mecd gs ihe print. bards NO. Pall ...... 2 g to 3 —nedcriticg, blooefirst righters And.. PIOUr ...... 7 30 to In" office.antl6livorwoodo willprobAbly An"dience Of twtntY-f1v*hundrcdp opIo Lod ................. 35 to move Into. DrInkWAter stand. field spell-boond for two years duri private Showing at the broadway lng, the Butter_ . ......... 56 to 601 Arrangements are now complete for A Dec, B996 .................... 56 to 60 I N baseball Toutuament to be, beldbere on Cattle, med,; butc-hera., j). ()o to One gigantic 4r4matIc.;jtUAt1Qn follow, Cattlea butchers choice i j An 1000 140or day, Sept, oth. Prize of $100 $60 IN A $40 and $2$ 46 offoredt Vjh&hAm. another in. Such ra 40, .14 VV pid Succession that the HORS, INWeight 19 00 t Walkerton, 04idericlit an ctator is held, 4 Hay ............. 0 19 50 I i a AND SHOES d List , Qwoj. will aPe q in advice.. 23 00 to, 26 00, 80 FOR oompiter, Luc%npw ]PIpt Band Arid Brass Mothers no longer have to tell their , Cream ...... to Bond will AuPPIY music, Inthe eevonlrig doughters, they just jqeod to. .65 see thii P . Icture. send them to W a oonctrt by Usirriston talent, w1l be -DESIRE "I" RAISE $2,000.00 I '. I V put Ott In the town bail. ftlighten thy daughter Written -and. Blue -vale What might have been it 4040140 accid- 111 US short 4 "We as Possible and with that ent occurred a I ­ * Mr. Fulton Timmins ot Toronto, spent end lu'vie 0 0 L Ostrander's blaqkernitti a few clays Witt, frietic]" here, w We have decided to shop when aix ;cb Wm, Smith I PIUCP, OUR too whl Mrs. John Hockridge visited for a fc ENTIRE STOCK 01F BOOTS & 4" ewA8 shoring knocked him down And days wlth,fri for It SlIort time only. 8119ES On sale i iends P't lientryn. -40 . . ...... . trampled him, Mr- OstrAndcr 9 uIckly Mrs, M Sanderson has returned to Toronto alter spending. Pull0d him AW41Y but not, until be bad re. -,N SUi colvad several nasty b rulage. he past equple of SALE OF EVERYTHINGIN STORE Moths at b. 8 er' ummer home booro. Our-. Entire Stock of Boy ts Harvest is nearly over, and the thresh. Mrs, Thos, McKinnO Ing machi y,, Toronto was a rdUr-raY Made and &London Ae can now be heard Lady Shoes for on all M ".01. 0 . ;, , Sitor with A rs, old,"" A kind Providonqe has giv 'R. Musgrove for a couple Of weeks. en, the WOMenp Murray Men are Included In this X Made and DeFbY Shoes for On Sale far l one, he t-ost years he has ever Mw who are not P AZ ,snd here Ore very f f Orangemer, from here attend. had, A loa4l o salb--as are also the NEW FALL GOODS which have Just been Sat 'S ed Decoration Service in Wingbarn on and whkt Is true of One section placed Into stoc]k. .&,"Nug - 1104ay where flowers were placet; all 9 raves of About 05 de,., eased If the Igh,prlces which _3 . X. All.Good SoUS--lielted Styles and Bloomers ole country with very Wh IN, - membars of This Sale . X - , - _-Lf 1. X: .0 the L, 0 L, during the Past few years, were clue- of high class qQOds will start oil 'LESS 20 Pop Cent. have Prevailed Saturday the 4th of S to lessened production, they ept. and continue for 15 Mrs, M. Mosto -9 a visiting 8114nlil certainly take,% r Or Toronto. i. days only drop this year, Willi hersop, James at present. thereby ending Saturday, Sept. Rev. Mr. Xilpatrick of Ripley. occup. A For One, Week ONLY tic 8 a 18tnt, (DOM dates lnclusjVe. Miss Velma Brooks Visited f rid t k, IF &499 Pulpit of the Methodist, church whiteclikirch last week. qi Sunday' Rev. Mr. Irwin being absent Mr Thos. Stewart visited his soil, ljow. on AnUiVereary Wori. ardai HentrYT, on Monday. Special Suits to Ch!ar The IlOdY of Mrs. Samuel Pial 3. dent occurred the other n, lit Fov, d a serious accl. HIPS was Wh1ift might have 10 brought here from Toronto, And laid 'to t in DtirstAnnQji cemetery last Th 9 -d Wo H, WILLIS I auto ttirne over on narrow when an 016 day. Th4late Mrs. PhilliPi had road in front qP .00—$20,00 For "g., 4213. 715 gone to of tile butler factory-, fortunately no one Toronto, on aV'I41t to her ditughter and 1: kp ur 3 0119 considerable damage NT FOR LADIES' took sich there, $1S00 For I she -'as In'her 80tb, was done to the car. $9.75 year. The inneyal was held from the M 7 hir, Eldon McKinney, 0. T. bperAtor home of his son, James phillips, 9th. Con. tj T V at PAlmerston wa.,, home over the week All Sizes -24-35. of Ashfied. Pr9duced by -the Mast.e end. Word was received in town last week Abram r Craftsman, Ivan son, is the story of two girls. One Win Duff and'Richarc ..Job ston eacli AND DEERBY SHOE, S FOR ME, N ot the marriage of Mr. C. Ren U shipped a car of bogs ns V A AN . rtie 43.utton is carefully entightenedby 1,- . last week a. 1 1110% er. 1 —1%0 40FA 180 ouldred June Smith of Mile. The other grows up unwarned, A chance Mr. and Mrs, J, A nger spent a few d. 'Our. Meg's and Boy' New S1 _Y110. stone, $ask- Mr. Button We$ In the meeting, the bj With relatives #at pordwicb, s ore butcligi, fig Ow falls and the unguided siness, here for sometime and A one is the vicitim of bestiality. Miss M"ilma sbaw spent a few ciays tew years, ago, went to Milestone, where The author of the 60vava 01M 'or N". ClOtIlling' Suits and Coats. he has conducted one's misfortune with friends at Stratford, The beat wis a MW Mar)cet since, becomes affianced to the other. Then* the -Mrs 1V Chamberit%in atin Mrs., Win, Misses Bell and Susie Alliso4 hav( hes Of MAnY (rian4o berp) terrible rey are extended to the young p elation comes. gone on- a visit to their brother', Doctol ouple, Plit d of WrOAdler visited Mrs. Wm.- Allison of Welland. Ojicately majestically as 4 tropicql liajil Mr Mr. Cutt had his gang of Indians at 7,ephyr, does ;yan great his 6itt,4 V_,* his flax mill in town having finished pul. 8111atle and gentl . tions M., and Mrs. Gt-,,O, Misses Geddes of Lu ckn ow,. are v isiting ling Imst week, Are the thOosand and few odays last week- Mowhrly spent a with friends in the village. Mr. Anderson 2100 h;js One details brot4ght out. Will, relative.q at - 42 "Pwrz N -r, Orric E, Wbilechurch and St, lielens, Rev, Boyle and family have ::­'­­,,­­­­ returned PATENT, his mill in OPerAtion, and bqsy threshing, And in its entirety no dramati( tale ever after spending. a few weeks at their sum III, Itillijimm'ICUOT4 X Mr. Ed. )"cMillilin -01 Re- Ontario, cirgelve4 of Me Wild of man t Mr A44en and daughter, Dorothy, met cottage. 0DAWWORSTEM-Co visited his brother, VVrn. $ bore for a few liman. tile at present, 416!M,41L BY= eaches U greiter moral, aPPealo, more tv the b IrO visiting lwTorti m Mrs. M. Isbister of Saskatoon, is the days. Ind, contains as many entqrtai ning incl. Wm- McMichael, Jr., of KitchL.De, 1,a Mr. and M s. J. A, Brandon. I ' . depts and Muses more real sentiment, and rentLa the 01i r guest of r Mr. Jack McLean of Battlefo ' V rd, Seek gomment then Mills farm and bAs The storm that Passed over here Sat, lot C. Johnston' there. visited hiss 6r. Mrs. W. Tay moved his famiiye urday evening lightning struck the M(TWIlEn" Is to be Presented at the Misses L,,and J. Patton are Toronto dwelling of John X, Mrs. E. Aftchason attended.the millin- Lyceum Tb ea't re, Wed, and Thurs. Sept. McCallum, 9th 4ine, ery opening 'in London. last week' and 8 and 9. visitors this yeek. smashing one window all tq Pieces, knock Ha'nna ccwe o. I i engaged Mies Gertrude, Howell. of Mel- %, if, Editor of Th4 Welland bourne,,for the fall season. Mr. Louis Du ing the chimney downj tearing one raf7te; Telegraph, spent a I few clays with 'his completely off, and 6therwise damaging A4178 -Thos. Alt and Mrs, Morriss mother here. 'the roof. Luckily no fire started. HwAce Aitchesonchtson' 2'4r' Mr. and Mrs, Jatpes Cleghorn of' Port Of Molesworib spent Harvesting ii all finished around here, spent Sunday in , Clin- Colborne, and Miss Uary Lewart of few days with her bister, Mrs. Coigte,,. and the hum of the threshing machine is ­ ........... ton, Mrs, Mclntqsh, bi Blue-fale at Will Abraham's last .. rZot'll rR. kZjp4ardson have vlsl ed Mrs, Ina Lockbardt is at present visit in bur midst, turn week., The 917441 is turning out Tegswolt$rp qftpr spe0jnx I , their 41P. lvlrs Marwood of A . uburn, ing her sister at Woodstock, good, -holidays here, Mr. Alex McGee of Galt %yas horpe ,V r 1104 Wjt4 t4ei sjsteF,1 Mrs, John :Vajm_ the V14 . r 0, (formerly SIley 144t Sltn44y, weelc-end, 7HE Autumn mode "Ice, of Toron, bloLeod is visiting Blyth has a n,ew whim, here. friends Mr. John Anger spoqt q ropple 91 I Rll y 134ir4 10 Visiting her aunt,' Q44 jallt wook. day" BlYth Fall Fair, Sept 21st, and 22nd. the frock with cap'e- Mr. and Mrs, Herb l3aton of Toronto, Mrs. John Ciisetticire for a few 4ays, Mr, and Mrs,, D i The Ladies Guild spent, the past we av d Jewltt visited rela. Of Trinity churCh ek with gr Pred -nat. Afir, aticl Mrs, Robt,, Q011ey and child held a very SUccessfUl garden Party on auntily frofh. 'Veare I reu visit(14 4t Mr. lack Rititot;ps at lives at I the lawn of Mrs. C. SPafford Thursday swinging on, Mr. Eaton was f6ur Q14tlgan finlAstweek.' n the Brilssials last glinclay, Canadian army,most of the time in the Mr, and Mrs, J. laell of' He the back. As usual, front trenches, but 'escaped without Mrs lgrav&-and evening. Mil%inaey of Toronto, and Mr, 4nd ?& -`John 0arniss of 4lyth spent. Rev. R. 1. and Mrs a scratch, his health however is Sunclay at t; 6 home of Mr Win McCdrmick re. badly and Mrs. RObt. ltusgrov*.of Illitevale Mr. b Garniss. turned on Saturday, having spent their Impaired and he Is taking a trip to the motored to Will AbrAllamli last week. g arid dau "RIAL 911ter, vacation very 4leasantly C T 014 country in hOPis of Improvem Jazel, spent Monday at I Armstrort with friends ay ent. Lackaqw and Kingsville and Detroit,. ganuod. T bliss Maude Mortis was u Dun P from Lou- A large nudiber of our citizens are at. clon, JA6f*epjc and took her mother back ICY Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Hall s E V,I.r-, W tendirig Canada' -xhibition, at Quite a number'of d, pent7Snn with her for greqtn* farmers in National E tit filt a hospital th this ay Witt' H 94. Sinnamon at Witigham Toronto. ere- lOcillity have finished harvest, while judetion. is the lirst to show 'it L- SheriffMd of N4 ;Vorp others X, is visit, art, still busy at it, W ather has Mrs, Cunningham of Owen Sound, is a been Farmers Should be happy crops are Wonderful.' this year Visitor at the h6me of er brother, Court. V, Mckel)zig t talting, of the best itid cillor Z Geddes. 'Sep- Mr. A affd ind it in inj bar methep, Mrs, rai;j;Plj,. You, will f fte 4nd of Winclsopt is '1- ber Patterns, visiting bla sisters hjtVg. ly.91. 11pjleqheck1 'Ono Is going to go thresh- 20 Corri pr. ing tb)s 14), R*4 Aq*Fqiitq Umont. past, . I Mrs, Geo, Vhile 0 J- a;10 Mrs. Blackhall -and crop_ L It ear' and mcits ", also good da glite, of Toronto, 8 and ciallghter, 941th 134rfield liakor's 4 Mrs SPe4lt SUr'04Y With Mr, and spent loot week ut town. 44 Pr.04 TRck% are PrS, Eq. arid Jqhn Co A*bq have OM104Y, Winghaln, 4gking if' tile e*hibition ghis week, been 80e4ng th I lie Mr. John McKenzie and daughter, 11r, 4nd Air , s, W, eir hojjqV- ,With their 1 . A beaUtiful Anigrican granite MotIment M rtle and Margurite of. preston, visit, j4tighter, Margaret, )C-, itevens6 W14 Mother) left for their home' delw WAS placed in Union WN SO aX;vcll Ab pbfii, 14411, f cemetery on Mon - i ed Mrs. X. McLeod. ram day by th amily BOOK and son, Vern, visit Of the "Late Mr. FASH1"`%N,, adat Tbos. Abracals, Mr, Harry Hopper will Preach on' the George Pearce of Njorris. Mrs* Rollo of Grand Rapids, Mich,, Ist, line Morris, and' - Por Livingstone, Bluevale Circuit on 9xinday and Mrs Reid and son# Frajilcle$ Of . Tor- Wingham, also Called an Nurse Adams, Mrs S ell left fOr V . Vinn!Peg, Where Mr. andMrs. Joseph Stothers are ex -1 n h bitionvi jtorg for a few days, onto are visiting their mother, Mrs, Wihgham, . Miss Adam' she 111 Spell the winter Vith relatives i Drese 90 s being a cousin Cams I 32 NOW opi SALIE 1,Aughic McLetin. of Mrs. Stevenson. Themarriag OfMiSs Margaret Carteq Mra, J&s. 'Lindsay, of Clinton, V18ifed 'M g- Win- Hrown's(' Miss Uva Duff, left for Welland after and Mt. Charles Lockwood of Clinton, ill continues -very spending two 'Weeks at h6r home here, took Place on Wednesday. Sept. Ist,, at to, GeO, Robertkon for a few days, poorly and little hope.,; for her recovery. The Bluevole; -Institute Will hold their the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Goo. Alttholpag pi garrie, her m6ther, Mrs. p, M&ICOIM, visited Mr. and Mrs. Justus Lake and family, Sept6mber meeting on Thursday the 9th Mrs, David Carter, Westfield.' Rev. Mr. P I Win am — have returned home after visiting at at the home of Mrs. Henderson. Rev.' Snell officiated. gh. Bazcaar., tsitac Lakals, 10 Con. C,. Tate will Aive an address on Wroxet'e__r_^ "Makitig The farmers in this vicinity are through: hl - and Mrs. Alex. Annott and f 'I the most of our opportunities as citizens', harvesting, s n' y Miss Collie Will give a paper on "Profits Highest PrIces Paid for Eggt,; Mr. 0. Walker teturnod on Sat of Detroit, vj ife.4 at Cash or Trade mday IF red 0.,t,,,, aiiast IrOM SOAI.Orth, Where be had keen. Spend% Week. in poultry raising, The flax pullers in this vicinity, were ing a W4(tk With friends. Roll call, VaIncills granted $25 per acre by tha lo East Wlilwanosh CoUnaft J04n King of Athol 11% helping Roy . onion, Musle. Cal Mills.. Wroxeter Misses Mary and Margaret Lewis of PPoninglia)p with the Ilarvost. Xr., and Mrs, Xing, itIld family Miss l3dria NatnAton (4f T43yonto, visit-: tr4en 10 1 t,DWn 44ring the week, its 14 opsin TJ)jresl)ing of Torouto, visited relatives in dip Tillage, years til1jee I U'_7 meeting held on I arb .4 of CO net Mrs, fferman Morrison and children MiA9 Ethel Stutt, lai;t week. heard once ss HaMilton resided here,, Minute, MOOsamin, Sask., visited their C df' d Aug. 2srd, all tile left Monday morning, for their home in .4ey members ptlesent, Moto, alt"Itistitgte vj ited illf! Wilighoin, Minutes Of Previou% meeting wer-a rp 'Ur, arid Mrs. Writ. Xenne , d -the West, after v1siti' dy and son, l(ale Stevens Pratich on Thur444y 4 - ri IdhVehc 1hdSManY changqr, On Surt-i iSr = rig for A few weeks on is visiting in. Toronto en Jjf,.j -ports a very g 4 he assisted Trinity cliurth' I Clinton, of Listowel, vjsltgd at he ho"id for a eouple of I and confirmed. Tile Lngineer s report Will' friends in town. Weeks. joyable titne, OntheStUrtlydrain was read to go Mr. Gavill Davidson left Mondav after., of _ Mrs. Hart Ott Sunday last. Al VIOMI f Mr r. Mill. Mrs- Johnston and moll of The body of Rarold Scarlett, who Was Of the Partie4 interested and was referred I noon for the West, Where he intends stay. and. Mrg, Alkenhead And little 113arrie, spent 0 few d47s with Mr. 11, d.rown in bathing in the lake tit bac* to the P-ngineth' for further con. I 'ng f`01- 4 Couple of months. daughter, are vishin; tile latter's parents, IN MEMORIAM 'Tccall ed while sideration. Miss Eldit 14azlewood and It Mr. and Mrs. John UcNaughton. Ott Starthey some days 11901 was tound A bylaw waq read and 11ass- er neptiew, 'QuIta a number frovi h4re attended Od fixing tile follow; I Alva, left One day last w"k for the state I Irtl, 13Qvll19tdfl and daughter,, Mi4s In -fond an I oil Saturday, and flie itineral wAs'beld on., tig rates of taxation d loving memory of our An"IverlatY tervieeS atJohnstoija Church I -*d,,:Id:y London, Tile deceased for the Y0ai`.1j,,, to%jw,,., ]after intends staying 4091' hilibAfid and father, Pte, Wni, j, "I 'Su ill Co, rate 6 maj.4, Of Utall, where ([it Itleanor, who have been vibiting relatives, laoy Rev, Xt, T'ymburner of tv tile ;v, known if, 131y1hand vicinity, 1 . tP. rate 3 Mills. special school rate 2 1110 Willi his mother, roturned to their bOmO in Cleveland on 111111, Who 15611 in actioli two years ago to. jVroxeter * mills on thi! $, ordift try sk Wednesday, day; Tuesday, August Both, 1920. was ill chittge and delivered Ptl!Y son of.Mr. and Mrs. Win Searlett, -11001 rates, i"All. Mr. Will Musgrove of Winnipeg, vi.110 two excellent sermobs. Why and bridge debentilre, Ov t $46 %Nas :,nd a, relative of Mrs. Copp, Miss Thomp.: j over and 111" been Visiting frietitiq 1 and around Miss Bessie Lovell, our brave mission- This day brings back our Memories fresh taken Ill. service iu Methoilist L"Ohol .rob Z 'Ind the MAIney family, plyth, n - thest. muctunts. Bylaw T 7_1 town left Monday morning for TOrOntd Of our dear father, who, is re ue1t Sunday evening, 0- ary) O"O)OIn we at'd go proud, returned 1010 to rest, Ve' 10,20 authorizing the collection, "I per Cent 1 where he intends st0tng for 9 few days' on Thursday front Africa, where she ill's There is no link death cannot sever Alts" RAW' ftId Mi -90 Laura Ralph are extra On all taxes remaining unpaid aftt ;! before roturning to JVinbipeg. been labouring for the last tour yelitS. Out -love And remembrance last forever, On a low weeks visit ta Alitchall, Dee. 15th. osh Tuesday for A. jiumber of peon the vicinity, Turuberry busy painting and remodoffing the. H-1 I improvements. Besides putting in The loss Of him We loved to well, het school at Rolmeavilley Where She t It le of Directors on bVlv%lf of the 'o a re 13airston Hros. Are nittking, gxtengiv. Two years have Past but none can tell Ali-gs Loura volmes, left w.14 also read and pas :c(j Mr. J It. Gibson and Pr,. Ritch, 'East Wowaill AKriculural Society ty, r4e priNent itskilIg 4011s 8,111 11 e , a k, ( 0 loudle. quantity of new machinery 1hey are God took him hftd it was his will has beell engaged as teacher. ' 't , PIT,. 13, t Spell t 6 vaak-eud at Graud Bend. for a gtalit ill ai(l (if Witkgham Fall pait, Thtj new cement walks it, tbwtl being tingjnt wfoutidsajon jinder the In,,.,n 11 in our ear I Ile$ Will"S 511RW 110. WA4 Voted h)p th.rxt ptjrljtj...-(!. Tim la building. They ni, h to he liveth still. 4 I)een engttge(I as Mr. Patrick Gibbous alld Aliss Mary following acimunts wertt paid: if' by cOtiti`800r U. 0 ibson are ge jo have a gAng of Wife and Children, teacher llear Belgrave art(I commenced hsVe left Oft all extended trip through Alcitig nicely. 0 tti"g workoitni building a new engine room etc. duties Wedtiesdjy. We Wit . 11 her uccLlsti. 'tile Western Provigeth. Otto, Xerr, coni, ttatute labor fit,.t $7,(K), Whell everything iq in readinot 11ALU—In loving WOMOrY Of our dear Tht tl,VAS,Iitlg a tonimelle,11* ill Illis the boy, Pte. Wyo. I., of. tke 161st Huron. Rohert Shaw took charge of tile V,C,tl,ty, ading 3 2), intend rutulgg, mill to lt.,it luil CaPA61, ton grading.,138,(#); W. Arbackle, gr. thev IV. Anderson, rakiag stones jjj)0; As, BeIgs-give WrOxeter Methodist Church litit 'Voting, gravellialt 4,11 et)n. 10 and 11, Mr' P'Obe" MtMUt`rAY teturned to his 1311ttilli(ifl, killed in action at Upton Alt. V, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ayall and family 31.M. J. Iscolt, putting in ottiv( home near 96191`11tvts after spending the IF.Iot waWanosit Woods in France, Aug. 30th, iqlg, otor jormynof & Marys, spent jucitored Iroul Detroit, &11(1 spent , W -rt 150- J God knows how touch we min him, a few d it" a e 1, .3. ipalt month With flelatives in the ere. A" W" friends alld telftth'ts ,days A%t the hottle of t. at I i0i Lennox And Hastings, MOM than )OVInglWords tan tell. b M J?Atrick Gib. A. Brandon, grant to Wingliam pall countitit J T Irwin BOAt WaW400th, who has b4ma. I Mr, Gordon Xr*jn, sM of Mra.jdMrg. 111M.); W. Fit7palrivk, gravel R. ray bad th# pl Mr. 'Mcmur. I een* Not * day bavewe forgottenhim Mrs, (Rev.) Tate Scott, 9rAvf-I 4.Aj; Iz. j McGee. grAvel Melght" a, e4lurelof heartnir Premier 1 big hOMe fOr 4 MOnth lum retttened to Since b1i bode V& hk i"Pendillitt emple Xbs ItIft trooks of Cnjr&ljA, a ra I the big Porter Picnic Irt the dutift as gu_-stgut in A40y off+m f1trelwell. A100118 W1411 her daughtt, q d- 4.06; 11. W. &.ott. i(ravel 510, Thom, Daily in, our Minds we gee bjin, r at CRIP17. uAtt Of Wfqbatu High &hox)l, a gradnouk. gravel A.,36; Village of Sterling. X# was greatly Hollinger Gold Mine gt Tkimilng, Nortd. As wo did In day* of yort: O W" 010 c4Pttd It Athool at Ilderton. M- memur. Nut Wt hot* wvme day to M"t him, P"ik"d with A4r Meltbor, ont,010 will W-he?d an t%,, also *rt4Rddd it # DIR) C01, ffftl,* *f Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Monday, Sept. 47, cL Mr. Will 'Coftiett of UgT*ve. t t (*r the Black I" & AJn thfit bright and goirien 4hore, WIN Havvt and children Of WeAfWd, i th* A- I'0**&VTA0, Cf*rk.' M*Whawk re- 919110bile Y"T Old kaft a 14vt orm STOO —Fr= hts; favin't matlieT, vatbw, UVARN017n -in B&SIOV61h, Mam, on ARd Min Lea A, Qmpman of Qqfli. *Ler a Qd1li i i ir fit" a4sr D's"Mmo. by bVin ftwmw 1A in W'd *OIL '11WWay, Atrg, 19th, John A. Uu* V*04 13, it motvr trip to Bn%v ftV6r17 b9ft4 WIN aft pftlrb. fA, Fall Term Auq. 31st --- Giaduates placed in Position s. WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 1(j6 Send a card requesting the Principal to call on you during the vacation. We have competent teachers, one for each department term, Register now for the fall D. A. McLachlan, PreS. Murray McLeisk Prin. Only Four Days Njow- W L 'N to'Prepare theChildrenls' Clothes for Schooi We, have many extra values in durable materials and clothes . for the childei n, lofts ForBoys For Girls Odd Kimckers M icidles Kliald Knickct,-, Plea*ted Sevge* Skirts BOY Scout Shivts pjeatL,,(j Cj lecjc , jtjl,ts Boys' W, -t,,;[, Stjit,; ';e11001 Stockings Cotton 4ctsey,,4 VltSt Color Dt,ess Wool Nlatei-lals All Wool Clotbing Consei wilists School StockinaS Belts Shift,q Ginghatii Dresseq Belts White Dresseg HatidkeichleN Ribboji,% r i (.,.q Gloves (fleadijuarters fOr Childrents Wear) Get Our 'PrlCeS Refore Buying K fV I ILI , R 0 0. X X