The Wingham Advance, 1920-09-02, Page 6„, -.___1__ ,V4WIM � ,-,-- - - ­ -1 .- -__----_1- 11 . �, . I _- --- -- . I - . - — ____ I ,p;r7�,.�.W­ � T.9 _� i 1-1 � , . , -T------- 0 "I Y, � ,.” _f", 7FT 11 I WR"': I � � � I - -, " (, , -W , 7 177 . . "I�f ,, �11 7 11 11 -1'71�1 . , . . , . . " "', ,�', , I � � . . I " I I . - I I , , 04 , I I .- "I Z I � 4100M !_11111bi 11 ­­­ _ U- I . . .11 I . � I " , I MM tiog __-._-:!-.!!!�4 1 A . . , , �4 ... ;:Z177; A, 0 � 4�,�,, i 110111110�1111! 'III I I , � - 11 . C= - ,-, .,! --- - � -'," A 1411411101110:lil�lillllii�ii,:iiiI I I I . I — I *1 I - 1..1--___ _._.__­__­ . . . T_J,­.-i I—- -1.1 , — :': : -1..-__1_-_—_ ­ ___ 11.1 ­­­­ ___________ - ­­­ .�-�-��---L---'--��.���.11'....----,-,- - ­ . .1 ­­ - . .-11- -1-1-- — ­ 0 —.2- _ - .--,-o-, -_ . ��­_1111 I I I �­ 11-1 . . I �� . I ­ .1 _....'...-1 - ';I;!:�F i ­ 1-1 ... _6�'"'. ;��—A_1'_­-1'__1­­" ­ i M ; FP Pig ,' '. MR& AiSQ I 1-1,.n , APOL,.& _.P $at Upon the 1404. of prospoeting for . I r,-- . . ,bild of his ow , SUMMCIR I I �% ;*tn , - a. Katrivals heart 41 � 11 - . I .� T3"PAS With pure sympathy ag she , 14. .. I . ISSUE NO. W. I I MEMOIR * beat hard. . ____ =0 9120. heard, and She begged Stephen " the I -.,q ASTHMA-wo I V1. I I 1, Ili 101=01 --�,"� 10, I Us � � y1p OUNG WOMEN - *-w- �_ I Alra. Uquith's Xeluolr�a Are appear. 00 othem JA Deuca,cy "a One itlitag she could do for herself to HAY F , , I . Fragr"Ce facil tato Will'a efforts it every WAY � I ­ -11 I . A I - - . :and aid him for her salke. Alean. Astant lk """" I I I I f 'r Ing In, the London slInday Tjlne,r . I while, her own care was to keep the "Itepless UISTAts, CO I ,, an(, ' AVO I � will N Published In full In Octobcr ty — ammh aneezing., s , ya,s# *'A. - arme", I olm I I F I , 001w 1!1A , , — PAIN � .1 1 P4 fragile creature who wag living upon . treaming a Now Is the time, to �Sthsr the plume I _. L I 'Al",$rs, Thornton Butttrworth. imp . hope still 11 this $140 of the Great Wheezy breathing;— � for Immedlate or future use, The gol. TW 040 TeDs"How. She 0 1 h4vo a o1oady markot for MAYp * Divide, to this end she worked I , I lowing, mothoda of prop4ri%t4on 4.re es. I .in the second Instalment Alm. A$. If 2nl , pecially recommoudsa: ,�- ' NINO Ilight and day. She kept blo cabin R=wMAH * I . , WA4 Benefited by Takin; 8TRAW, OAT$, POTATM, 04MV. 01th writ0s: "Ono day As Laura (11cr I clean arid well lighted � rJoter) and I wtrs leaving 8 � � I And well warm. vtIngs Tellef. Put up P14TJM IN 'BATTFUU. WOOPP O-LAOO, 1900INGS *n4 -,!3W_ , PAU114 I ad, bought and made soup, ua& i4 Im Wit% F4, Pinkh4w$ Vex. , L 130 A141cou batter with five tablespoon, hie C( I 1� ZRAI� VARM PRODIJ09. I., .1 . tiothft1ral sho pointed out g YOUR gave ;11411teulous prices for weat and ;U104, easily swallowed. '8014 by � ,,� *-- 1%, . W#A to ma An a S,A1 toliab fuls of flour. rather Weir* than a pint OtA � OMJ�0414 d $aid. "Go and ask Ay- Wille, and, alit with bar long. hours, .le 4rugol3ts for a dollar, � J * Irod Lyttalton .to Collie to v of mll)i:� And two egg#. Rem,Qy Write Qrolkhono Ropont ,"2011, .h. .1 11 a the ., . Arar,ijlth's home in Scotliinil; on (Alro. 1W = law Cheering hor with stories heard in the Ask our 4sents or send card. for stones from oilopound. of large. plum&: Re . W 1 any time Saloons, and picked up to the streets, ft ftk.- "For two years 1, o4f., Cha$o , W., ,,to," , , upleton'S, 142 ora,clx tham,'Put the kernels In*Ida of fore 4tor free Sample to Tat � I . ,jB P Cagou AOW&V And it VOU U64 111achs Grep.n,or, 4n4 further points, ax St. W-0 Toronto. batter wit In ti�a' $10 I WaO unable to got ground. N? , I I � 1 4 two tabloP.901lful$ led Alfred. Aft;, ri , ­ J� the plums and stir the plums, IT T 4 t4liv Itutuilln" Which I prolulitly (lid Scnd US 8: V00 card for a free siampie, stating thi aild noraps of news. from the- gulch ,a periodic 1*1,tw and nauseA , , � ,My fathel, woloon diUll , Or Alfred and 1, walUI49 arm in . ��WT0410 A iWica' ! tm!!M,m..�'' � "'llg'. ,Of mother had ilia take J�gdfa X. PinkharqS Room 104 Olydo 01do.f. Hamlitop, 0 . � arnt. talked gally. a SW4441 Tor�Atoq . 871-71 The 01seaso Seemed so quiescent ____ wo!at sugar. liako in a hotoven for: -Ve ,bl � pound, , And I am Muck , x1,0 � , =,t= _!_ I I 91111 � !:T� _ :1, A '11,,1:6.11:111 111111 11': 1�:111 ol I 1� gil Stumbled over to cach other as we I that,lCatrino began to hope more and a ,. about three-fourthe of an hour. - �elttr�4)t'x'd' 201me . the broken brushwq -----. _.— , - , Morq that she s,hould bo rotvardeti, I 11 sprinkle powdered sugar over ilia top im go about all the time, � 0 . � Two ( r this I . and one morning a hurried note sort I .. which I could not 0 before. -I recom. ,1"3 4itc, .Od� - __ � ! 4 � �-;�_;;_=. ­Z� . went 110rdl, and lolop-o"11"" ." 11, b- and serve hot. I FF#MA= =LP WANno � . .1 mend VegettibloOompoundto. Tayfriendo ____ . . As 1 %V43 Getting into, the brougli'l,in A , glit Into Annie mAt"CiTE or GRBWOAGV�S. 4,1 know tlig suffer the Same . I I ,..Ovw letter was Put ir , bled Ila pencil was brou ,to uly hands by the liff while Xatrine was scrubbing tile . POISON IVY, wa ULTA 91911, WANTMI). . 1. WIT,$ I OTTOX I 100111411. It wg%� p. glowing kv i ,.., 11 . I � � . .14 I . � Ball SIX ou-ucea of OU94r and one. you may pub sh my letter if it I he I # . . I !ler, ,,k 1 �3x�, ? I N., g4 ,- - � P -.1 ; *9 "r If' � letter Of W", . cabin floor, tolling her in a fow Ill. Int of 'water together for one-quAr- any one, as 1. Ig to Al%`gabyil"Xfg� Arld 'It'd 10ye from 41lll , I .0 it W1111 -MOS Z ?. Co. � . Alfred, which did not Sur, Im. . "" Spelled words that Will thought he 3 ' . s No oft OWN tor of an hour.' Sklm well. put in Ono 1814kKftllill� 20 &Qolisr Place, Ue ' Oat. ." *" Might got into town that night. -, A and one-half ,pounds of greeng4i; . , Sqk. (I $1440, ====...1. � I 1 i - , � . 1-1. . I I. -M WA � 00. , __r ren daya later, whon I returned wm no bright flame of celor leaped over the . , and, atiatiler. very gently for 10. or 20 Ifevery to Glan, "m - , fo 0 0 0. r M13% ,,,,,,,,,, girl who suffers as missfilack, OZL� W,W=D �. _ 11; I IOU114 Laura, had nind i-` Woulgn,4 Pale face, and t e to. taklill; care the greangages 'or -from irre arii1es painful, lier uiln, 0 lip ll" - ,� ,j � Allll : Ooweat'faded, aw her h uds with the "Look o d d to 11111MY AUred Lyttelton, ow Il- ut for -that poison ivy,,, 10 A aragging , , S A JE--'% WV7 EL I ' N'* _- a o not break When d9ska lot them rriods,.backiache, oldWeiache, %*^^ OlM � - tion or L Ulceration "rhOY were married on 'AIRY IQ, r =" I " not In'thOill fell listlessly to her jap. oft-repea rQO1 a little, put them in a glass dlei; Own I 11 _ � I - I I . onto days. 0 pains, inflamma W 0014tEN MILT, HELP WANTXD.- , , - -1 . I I I I . i . ra's baby � = IlAo ain't made no strike yet," 1�at_ . To k ted cry' these P' r the 'syrup ovor Mein, would only give this famous root aR4 ,a f9r 885, In April of 1886 T,au 11 , . noiv I We have several good openirif 'WAS 03POtted any day. Laur vo" Ir IN' 0uft T"% Got Ir W the Poison Ivy is to avoid it and VOU experienced and iri-experiencect mx a arid NML R.- R-Aw H 9 rine'lleard her mutter to bersalt, Yet to admire It for its sturdy ,selil PLUM WAD. . herb remedy a trial they would soon femalo help, War require oris for wbayio � lat- 'I Atli Sure I Sliall die 4" IN - -I $$you I find relief from such Suffering. 4 Ing and w1u4ing. Every Assistance gly,� . with my "m c" I don!t know," rejoined Kat. defence.,, Says, a . L. 'I , You talk su ' ch -ow I , BX corAluunication - to Into a glass salad bowl out ona.half it h4rdly Seems possible ifiat on to learners, and good wages V414 duri- baby., I Said.* ",11OW can ow I 1 &.4 A kou = rino,, looking Up flushed and warm the TI, S. National Geographic So. -; via L ,,er Ing ap-renticeship. mw . . t each. of greengages. Stoned and we n V� a 1! 4orlsonsell E Veryone, thinks that., "" � - � � from. her hard Work. "He Way have clety. cut In half. bananas. pooled, an a Pian i this count con r Workers In this 11PO 4 A- . .4 tinnor to. suffer without g 44 . r out . ry who earn very ,high wages, and are alw%Ysl I NVO knelt 'And prayed, and though = , . � "' . r ,- Iving -B. � la,domano. paiy A 4pouplo ot weeks, awo � I = r omo* good news to tell �Xoiu anyway." ,Vhe Poison IVY to a member Of the 14 slices. and any other t Lydio, - - U L' resh fruit Flukbamts Vogetable Compound a trial necessary to learn. Several Pood ,ea- . 11 Was more removed train tile world -"~-.� -!I - . Alinle merely shook her ead And immac family, having As relative$ the that to at hand, Sprinkle Well With after 11 agdonce that is continually tion shown to family of workers. UontA " " AN911131-11 . L a the Ings for steady, men.' Special cwisideru- . 'e, 4nd In the humor both to see and ti) iptililifililitillifiI , ered sugar. cover and lot stand 1* being publish6i ,proving beyond contra- and goat of living rmaonable in ,0rant- gazed out of the window, vinegar tree, the smooth sumac, and 'powd . Iftr what was Aot material, In niv, . $ill the amoke-bush. Its range roaches as OU I , 16-A - . 1AWN, — a'& have told me,"t she murmurm -one h r. n e I grief over Laura'a'death which to I. i *­ P I . I I r . wlUeglasflful dictiqn that this: grand old medicine has ford - Moving expenses advanced 'to r6- . f O'� ,I ad, And that ws 411. - larnorth as Nova Scotia, AS far South of syrup of preserved cherries. one of, relleved More suffering among wornei r i liable ramillos And housing accommocla- � . place 10 days later, I never board r Alell, T oh,all be in town 14 4 lew est upon them, and another hwrlbla I<atrine had a long and heavy round Of Florida and Texas, and as far west lemon Juice and the xreenga,ge ker- than Any other medicine in the world. tion arranged, Full partioula furnished front her o OfAer from that day to daY," )is Bald, "and I shall come to Rain, blanched and, cut lit half. Cover' W -est r r , fear was added ranuirad 'L men are asked to .on rLe(ju Write us. Tril 011,01). I this. to the terror of the 'Of visits' to malro that day, and for as Utah 'and British ColumbI4. F jecial advice we nuto 0 u � __ I Bee YCU ZG U611111, Mayn't I?" 1A T- 4.1, t- 1- ho- -1h i. I llm­ I- swain and let Stand until — r I It . rink Col., Ltd. Brantford. OAU �. " I . "04 coureell returned Katrine; and - . a universal gLOOM UiAtntllig 0 . V .. Mot onless by L ir I-VI'l contuse tile y-Irgium . a -Yula J.14. irinAnam edicine 0 - . I __4A I . * * * * * over the city, under the mantle of a dYlzig woman's bedside, fearing to ,creeper with the poison ivy, a goiltu- Serve with whipped crearn and o-nonge CoO., 4nn, Mass, The resuir. or lorry � , "After LaUrals, dtaill I spent mos they did ii�lt opook Again till they darltneag, Want arid starvation and Withdraw her hand,,to which the Poor, 81011 which fingere. The cream and fingers Should, yeOX4 experience is at " �') , ,t Vkore ou:oldo and she was mounted at Uothlhg but carelessness r . your Service.- , VAUX0 FOR SALS. k Of My tIMO In thO East End of Lou. fear and d!sease w:,%ngled together, terrified wanderer Into tlie,Valley of In remembering the characteristics of not be serve4, sonarAteIr. �, . " .. --t "I don tl� A ithef head the trail . I 11 ft .. - � ------- ---------- J . . - aY -on -L was walking What a me'ruilig It * while Death walked silently and cuu- tile% Shadow was clinging, In her PIQUES could bring about, for the Vir- MiVIVA0 ,MN JIM41AUX. . . 9 R E OD SOU,BANX-, IllATW In the Slums of WhIteellapol I saw u air waf I was! The orlsa) tinually abcut the darkened streets. arms, and with her tired hand on J�at� ginla creeper is careful always, to put Soak 'two ounces o I Arid bull trip; tile silo, spri waterll . I I red natural gas and well drain ; near - girls of all age$ 4 1 During all this time Ratrine was about a hour. with almond or with Marshmallow school, ,church arid cheese factory; eax3r , largo factot7 and I ke a batli, of Sparkling Sun- I . 4 gelatlue In a -ped cream sweetened and. flavo - Pouring In. ight, Vie untrodderi, snow glittered . I -forth five leaves',where the poison Ivy, :pint and a halt 01 watir for. on I I I 9f. I asked AIr. Cliffords, the e�erywhero. Far gboy,o the trail a the only otle who kelit up her SpIrItIl has only three . . , thou add, the juice of three lemonei -731P or the beaten White of ark egg. terms. Appir 343 A�altland St., Londa#�, owner, if I might visit hie factory once IfIdgelot dark-greeripine brokdagalust and couraee,,�` She was the light and "The VirglWa orpoper Is cond6mu- i'OU0Jbalf Pound of loaf sugar and the SprInkle over It Some choppeci nuts - I ,or,twice a week and tMl%.t1J the girls. We pale azure of comfort of the row; there I What Piominent " ad as being Poison ,tv willtes,of Klife'aggs beat" in a gill of �60000-r4AMY POSSUSSION-10i the sky. Stephen � was not a � .7 oftener than or a candied cherry. acres In the County ot Norfolk, Ile agreed. leaned 4 cabin In It that had not been brigh poison ivy Is acciredit ,water, Stir all together ever the firci Make a batter from one cup of flour frame house, frame.,bara 50 by ,So, sand, 494411Zt the PonY*o aide and �t- ad with being a . k ONO Of ('110 f ailed and cheered by her smiles and B S Virgi. -,until boiling, The I � It she would take girls one day gaze,l UP Into the -warm, Ju4trouG Outario Wome ay nts' cresper. Many a Virginia , flan U pass thl'ough a Sifted with a teaspoonful of Powdered 10axn, lrolling, 10. acres bush, 91 Ackes in I -MO With hor to the eyes. � benefited by her gifts. She was ab. , 1. ,creeper hat� reached the untimely end not Jolly bag several times until Sugar, and a dash of salt, pasture balance under cultivation, 10 I Th,� Tillsonburg, Ont.: -"l found Dr. Pierce's of mattock execution by the error, Cut two dozen fine ripe ually added yolks of two eggs beaten . and Church. with quantity of, bearing pub le-houqe %-here silo always lunch- "000d-bYO, my darlingr-my ow4 solutely w!.hout fear herself. quite clear. I the grad- Miles from Simcoo, -,.I mile from Schoo'k 0. Tho 'Peggy Bedford' was in ille 4arling, per'Laps Gome day." , quality seomf:d to have, been left out FavOlith Prescription very beneficial during and not a few people have received a - plums Into strips, take the kernels MAII, and half a cup of cold water chestnut treus. J. D. 33iggar, 205 Cl 0 t of the Stones 4nd inix both fruit Y4 . - Whiecil, "I eoll't think so," elle answered, Of her composition, or perhaps it was . - - "PeOtanOy- � I felt Painful reffifrider of their mistake Ou _ F t tablespoonful of gtn' I I lowest quarter of, apel. Sud,� 331ock, Hamilton, Ont. denly I . I quite Mrly, wall I lavor with i - .---. I w the gllrl hitting out like With a mischievous i3mlle, an,d o Only that her grea, physical health . When they have failed to observe that . and kernels In the Jelly. Pour It into ger Syrup If yoft have It, it not with � "a tr4lj!t 'he I nausea and sick, a, wet mould and set skdA until firm. lemon, a, prile4l.obter, Alid, th 320 ACRES CHOICE WHEAT LA39D a men tormed pony ,at a trot down tho and strength made her feel unco.,10- could .not oat Any- o -three-leaves FjPell "too" In the Ivy vin T Fold In. the stifly beaten , , northern Saskatelietwan; partially a ring rquad them. to pass Talbot's cabin on clously that It was Impossible for any thing�,snd 1 W49 und-five leaves 'friend.' When required to serve, turn out on whites of the eggs at the last ml,nut cultivated; VD, per acre, te as arrAnged, � I a. Sh6 Went in I I- extremely nervous "The poison Ivy, 'or poison oak, as' 0 . Dry the pears Weil before dipp.Ing in .1 $11 dipped down and, doginj the bar way back, and aia she api)roaclied. harm to come to her. . , glai4a & ,silver dish, Serve with a anap. Linn Bros., Carnprb' Iville, QnL, and week. I took whipped ereain 4n4 macaroons. . . crowd, broke thrqugh the ring and she ,saw him a little way up- the creek and out of the fever -stricken cabin$ � 4e IF avorite PATserip.- some call It, Is a prodigal elimber, I I , �, . I , thii batter. F ry in deep hot faC serve . . . OuPriounded by his men. She reined all day, doing what lie could for each Inclined to run over everything In . . . I .... � in a sauce'Made from the 'pear juice, ACRES, CLAY L041f. . I flung Myself Upon 'Phoobe, Women -_-,-��. %. I tion' and it soon . , ,t7A.00 -'ro'lling, near the town of figlit Awkwardly 'and I was battered In -116r hors4p to a walic aa, she pamed, one of the Inmates, and always with , , 4�� �, stopped the nausea, sight. Even the oak sometimes Is alJN .,, *, i (04MUWWER- ,fla�or�d With the ginger or lemon ai�d .11 , higham, Huron Zountiv, 20 acreA about between the;two. I turned and And O,ontemp,14.ted him.. Ilia figure al- her brilliant tVi, which was a. tonic I 40t Petitereturn- most smothered when tile poison ivy - "�' � Sufficient sugar to Make a bit Syrupy. big timber. mostly beech and . , cursed t WaYs p';A*ed and Arrested ther eyes- I ; " . *_ . I men �Atanding,round for A%f the night she would -- ,R� ,�?al so reaches Its 'Waple, 1W acres under cultiva- he In Itself, an *. h m y topmast branches and . � One cup of well-cook6d rice. one gth strength d I Was ., ,91 storay red brick house wit . it -had a ,!I-rtain height and strom sit gambling in the saloolit, winning . . A Tho of Recipes The,t ,hn Very pup of Whipped I cement collar, barn 46 x 68 an walls with . laughtpr, ;ipd doing.'nothing. �.. an spreads Its dense foliager over them. cream, half a ct p of tior _h , � V. * .-,#. 4, * I and grace that Marked It out die- the money to spend upon her sick pa- ­ I �._ 11 -, soon feeling fine It begins to blossom In YAY and June, ,phopped canned Pineapple, fsugar to (tement flo9r, cement silo ig x 35 , drlvw I I if . � I --- � - � 7�--=:_n tlents the following day. I .... � � 0 and strong. My its flowers being sbaall.fragrafit, yel- , Good. � . I , house and two wells, 1% hilled fropf .. I Sittill next to. �Lord 'Randolph ... :11r ba4y Was strong . � I takto. � , school and rlfi allies '0 '* ' As soon as Stephen learned that I and healthy and lowlsh green and arranged in densely ' . To the rice add the whipped - WIngliam. to churches In I hurchili at dinner, I salM 'I am ,wok"s offed Rwt Compoull has,al*ayvs bee cream A rare bargain offer for lesil, . typhoid h d broken out in the row, so, I consider 'Favorite clustered spikes. Toward fall these Boil cauliflower In salted wafer un- r %eiL the pineapple, and sughm to taste, than the value of th,c Omber and build - afraid YOU rosioned; more out of tom- I . Prescription' a a ep I ; � . . A aufa velta')Z 17' ae t h I to the expqotant develop into, smooth, WhI06, viaxIlke, flowerettes Serve -very cold In Sherbet glasses , Ings. J. D. 13199.1', 205 Clyde Block, Ham - Per than convi Q , , &IT171110tS own to her and urged her in It 0 and in ornmend ltl'_'­`� berries that . I � otioni Lord Raudolphl' I- I -, Mlrdicui�., Sold i throe do- to marry him and come away to often hold fast the winter � tII tender. " Separate Into with candied cherry on top. This Is 11ton, unt, . "At t4li he turned completely round 44 -03 Of attongth-No, 1 *I,- . ­. AMOS MFL'3M?ox'238. and arrange oil slices of buttered toast. , I A ,ZLn ..,.�. Ne west gulch, if only as an asylum. But , . I I through. The three leavoo, are Shining , a . I I o. 2. rA; No. 3. $5 per V good re6ipe for using left over as - - - � 4, gazing at me, said: lConfouri'l I ox., St � I _ - and oval_ i Make a cream sauce by, cooking to- ' y other' tasty fruit can be 5ubsti- , I I Sold Prall drugists. or scrik Ratrine simPlY laughed and joked, And. k HAMILTON WIMESS green, short-stemmad, I an , . Your cheek! Whit do you know about . Dr on receipt of PACO would not listen to him. ., I pointed. . I . gother one tab on Pro , , I roped ' fespo 'f each of but- tuted for the pineapple. . PERTfEs Fop. SALE. Inc and by corivicLions? I hato kojalta� - , red iikdaplilot. Address: '�'ben he ­ 114 . . 11 11, bury! lie Jumped- At'lily resignation - THIS COOK VAEPICINE begged her to look upon herself merely ' HarrAlton, Ont.* -"A few months ago "The polson-'of this ivy Is a power- -ter and flour and one cup of mi -..k. sea- - SIft, two cups of flour, half tog- �"^, �--­­� . . � IL TOACHT610111. , car, as hiS tenant; he and Talbot would 1 W416 stricken (Iowa mud was confined to bed I ful, non-volatile oil -which penetrates ­�O spoonful of salt, and four teaspoon- �19 Oojo-VALVADLE BUSINESS -pl-to; _ . I like a dog at a boilp, The `1-orles are Mrwrly wild.ar.) share the same cabin, and she could i abouttendays, My�itrengthaills!A,me. It the pores Of the human Skin and de- � n with salt and peppIr and the juice Perry roll sale; probably the , "-or � � ungrateful, short-Bl�hlad 12easts - I * l . .ofonolemon. Removdfrom the fire; fuls of baking Powder. Rub in two beato location in East Hamilton; (a.st grow. . hope You, are a Llb,oral?, . ----- --��- Occupy his in perfect peace and seclij. was.my fqat Illness since a child. I lost five V61OPs hosts of tiny itching 'blisters , tablespoonfuls of shortening and in 9 *IWN r1ol district; exceptionally lurgo solid Wetly from others; and tht-n. what 'ity, and be safely Away fy-,m the de. pounds'and felt awfully weak Afterward. 1. follo"d by a burning s-,,relilng of the � add the well -beaten yolks of three moisteh with thrto-quiprters cup of , C apartments, -includes grocery store, I I I , I 911 I 9 i eggs. Pour over thO cauliflower and 11 established and Profitable; alco.sult-, . -milk or water. oTurn on well -floured w" L ,. ble for other bu3ine8s; modern 1.ziprove� . 11ad no religion and balleved In none disease -laden atmospliere. Then she try Dr. Piewqls Favorite c 0 "While we very, Itaturally dislike ,a serve hot. Ir board, and pat or roll �in a one -inch :iL ents and conveniences; nice lawn. trees supper at Lord Rindolph ChurChill'B a o ad part I "Lly. father -and I wepe Invittd to 1k advanZage it was, sh.e thou t. he Pressing Influences of the town and its could hdrdly do ray work. I waa advised to ffe t S. � . . Plant, that poisons its vrhon we touch Separate cold boiled cauliflower Into and oramentals; Property fronts 44 feot In abort, was grew Very grave, and said B1111ply 17" a L tablet form. ftried a couple of bottles L I IVilk St. - 110 feet on Hilda Ave; In- � and while we were talking the Prince Ot tacce Vamgs, and, Pros r1pti a in tbickness. Spread With the drained � I I of I'Valce Arrived. lie came Straight quite as bad or Worse ,than � she, her- I . flowerets -And marinate With French I like A Jolly roll. press .01ludes brick building 20x3Q, with d uhle . up td Me and -told me I"was to sit oil l,oa N� as .'.,he wulked ,her horse oil and It, yet It We'Invii0tigate tile reason :4ressing. apricots. Rol It sweet tone that echoed through all . be(qre I�leuow it, I was well and strong and for its Poison we discover that a vast Drain, Serve on lettuce n , ,a- the edges together, place In buttered garage -and extra storage on two flat$.. I . . the other side Of* hl�i at supp the chambers of h13 heUft : had.gained 934 pounds. I can recommend number of plants develop Poisons Land � .� . es with mayonnaise. Garnish with pan and bake In a, hot over for al. cash - reelulred 0.00 ;)Aianuo arran ea. � l I said. haright ,or. I i��Owly, thinking. So,mehow it seeni- 11 Dear Stephen, You are very good Dr,,Piercels Favorite Prescription to build I slices of cold boiled carrots And beets, Apply to owner, V, - W. VanLuven, 2 9 . . 9 my l4ad with becoming ed to her that lire in hie cabin would to be so anxiov,, for me, but I'm not nes, Poisons, and when wb look over '_ � � most, half an hour, basting from time . H11- modestry and In a.lou be far more piquant and a . Ons' Boll and separate and arrange on eir- Cla avenue, Ramilton. � . 4 voice: iip.'�-MRS. E. MARTIN, ls97 t., r- to time one cup of th'a'apricot juice. ­ . . 14111:11'k;, innsing than a bit anxious about Myself. I should Duiiftm St. list we find that We Would be ; oleo of buttered toase 0�op six mush- Serve hot with Whipped cream or . . . . "Oh 110 Sir, I am not dressed at all In Si,ephon's. . Yot he neither drank feel like a coward if I went away from rather badly off without.them. It 19 � rooms, fry in butter, F OR SALE. --2, 20 H.P., GEO. NVHITz;, . � After :0 hard sauce. Traction Engines. 1, 36x60 Challenge . �. � I for tho part! I bad better slip AWay, nor gamLaed, and AS &T the dance the row now. These people I saffering Patti; fecting nervous, true that most of them ate poisonous q add three table- . ,I had no notion. this was -going to be, balls ai�d theatre-WeIl, he had told are so de- ,_ . Separator. with blower and feeder. L . . s pendent upon me, and I can do so diny, 'weak and dragged down by weak- duly when eaten, and that few are � F - __1_____ � . � 116h. a smart party, 1 expect goillo of bar lie liked dancing; and what a , _ � Mlniprdle Liniment Rel - loves Nourolgia. 36 It 52 Ernst BrOa, Separ4tor. with blov­ I . - . MARY little things for them. I feel news of her sex -with eyes sunken, black Poisonous to the touch, but they have , Wo n er and feeder, I wo,ter tanks. , � , � I . the lattice here think I have insulted W&ItZ that had boon they had had to- , ' 0 "S PHOSPHODIt4E,�. __-__1___-0- I I 'thin.g complete an .... , very- 11 �. : them by coming in Gotherl But life with Ztepheril He It's a duty to stay here, and I'd rathet circles and pale cheeks -such a woman is all *developed these ,qualities In Self- �' ­­,­ -ad fin ­ood workin or- der, For further particulars appF, John - A, BroWn, 'Mount Forest a 1. MY night gown!' wou , J 0 The Orenf English Pre 4ratton Wv,lking for Pleaaure. __ ----------- 3P to, - * J, * * . - * * lid be too good for her, and too do it"; and Stephen had kissed her quicirly restored to,h4lth by the Favorite defence- , .: .0 TO?16 211d invigorates t9e wliol; , . I hand passionately and gone back to - of ; ., ncrvous systeni. mak-es now Blood AL. - liitup!d, She had a vague sense tkat Prescription of Dr. Mercer. , Changed. too, Some of them store their �olson in �� . I in old Veins. Used for Nervqus The old-ft�hloned person who used . I I nvulle 1), Dred'den one night I ar- What ahe bved for, exciteme4t, ae the gulch, more Ill love with herthaia in looks for after taking Dr. Pierce's - ,their seeds, others In - I . . . ' r I � TIVed early lat 1he Opera House, 4 condemned in all Ito form ever. � . 0 Favor stocks, and others In th their root- I Debilif)l, Mental and grain w0try to wa,lit mile after mile on pleasant -BUSINESS-OHANCES. . obabirvigil i 51 Just � its Pracription the skin becomes clear, the air, roots to b4qmadenv LOSS Of E"T, Palpaaaon O'l -Sunday afternoons through the Penn- _____________,v�._v__._,.A,., . : , ,ust.opPosito me An officer what she cared for in She saw very llt,*e of him, and was eyes brighter, the cheeks plum protect the � , Ti4 I I . drink, in play, P. It in Ir progeny from harm., The ffeaM itili"g AlemOrY. cc $2 Fer box, 3. fryside has practically disappeared� GOODS .1 In a whIte kiNi1form. in the dance, the' electric pleaeure ol too busy to think abo�t hibi or note They do 1)ot go about looking f for$$. Sold by ilildruggis46 or trimi edin plain DRY BUSINESS. APPLY . I . f �ourely vegetable, containa ria alcohol. or oke. on receipt of price, Neii� paiiijiblel mailed T1,1s is the Inevitable conclusion Reughan & Co., 1,014 1:)undas St., . . "A ter -the,pertprinance I waited In them, Wao juat. what he shrunk from whether 110 came or not, having so trouble or Seeking, like the London. I . the rain for solne, tIA16; and as no . - devil, fil!i-TWWO06 NEOICINE 9V;,T01(0mw,q . as a wile of the Evil one. Even the many anxieties on her mind just then, ' .— . mt. , drawn by anyone who still pursues . � 6� vab turned tip, I pulled the hood of religious services of the High Church, Of which the heaviest was the gj rine'i bosom, the Wo' Whom they May destroy; W'tbey 9,ro ,-- I = __ - this ancient pastime and� who has I � I my Cloak over illy head and .started he condemned for the same reason. wife Annie in the next cabin, Sir ri- man drew her prepared to resist Invast,in of the I spent Sunday'after Sunday drilling I MSCELLWmOtTs . ,ee last breath, and Katrina, feeling her rights of their children. Nux voml- spoonflitts of flour, and when cooked by foot�over macadam and dirt roads - ____ to walk home, Suddenly I became No, It would never do; life with him the serni-crisis in her Illness, over Own soul wrenched asunder and her ta and aconite are two of many stell brown one cup of white stock. Cook frequented only 'by automobillstt and I T .19 ALWAYS SAFE TO 0,311) A 11 ,� aware that I vlas being followed. I would be as cold as the snow around which Xatrine hal helped her, theie bed aching with stirdlis and shook, Illustmtions thatinight be cited. Oth- tell minutes. 'Removp from fire, add a . occa 'onal farm hand travelling to dollars coati three cents. 1. , Y: Dominion Express money, order. INVO I . turned round, and there was the offl- her. She was 'klad that her answer seemed to be little change In her con. came round in the afternoon to Annie. eft develop alkaloids, like the n1co- yolks of throe egks, beaten With the a nefghbor'& —_ , � I I cer. � Ila saluted me and asluid me Ill had been as It had. There was a dition from day to day. -That tarthe She Would not say a word to her of tine of tobacco, the quinine of the juice ol ono lemon, Season with salt Walking for the sake of the walk , I I A ClIrlous Belglan-French'if he might level P1,ace In the trail here, and e'he change did not show Itself exter- the -'death-bed from which she had cinchona tree, and the tholne and popper. East thomughlv. KNITTING yAR,NnS_LOv1My COLO13* , I i of tea. pour bas 'nearly pL3sed out, along with the Pure wool, but'very moderate prices. I Strychnine, Georgetown we,. risd to gaRop, and, "adly; within the delicate structure, come. With an Oftott she talked of to protect themselves, over the cauliflower, ppriAklo with one-horze rig, the sed arti- len 21 -rills, Georgetown, Ontario. I � 11 accompany we hom-j. I said; 10hi ,put the hb 11 SamPle shades free. . 1, ,certainlyll - "', 00 came Into town. with her the disease. aided by the cold, the cheerful things, of the spring -time digitalis, and a hundred buttered craml;s slid brown in a hot 'ficial flowers in the Parlor and hair - "Officer: You would not like to go cheeks stung Into rich crimsoli by Llte , and ont fu- - __� I I - - . ­ that was 'on Its way to them, of the dispensable drugs that are poisonous oven. 0 covered furniture. It had its day be- — and have,sUpper,%vIth me In A, private keen air, arid her spirits exhilarated — - 7 , pleasure of seeing Will again, and so In overdoses are the gift of the plant fore the bicycle and the automobile I � room hCa-ii 11,otel, would you? and ready for any mi:3c:liof going. on, till'her head ached. She did a World to man as � by-product of plant oDA"pJ FRT= a quick- . "Margtit* You are very kind but I She went at once to No. 14 in tile � � , . . and with the Advent of thes er, I few domestic offices for the $Irl, and Preparation for self-defe . � 0 TC YmO CARDS�_ BETTER THAN 21 . dolilt like supper: besides It is late row, and Rand Will citting by his I ,� - ug V /i I then.feeling she must break down her- "And so, when the nee I . . - . - `� A& Oulla, the original m1raole cards. (letLyIng him to look At the number wife's bedside, like a model husband. � ...- � . , ,q . Poison Ivy to VW ' . Past, Present. future. Possentrig r-31rd . I Of the 400r). I ara afraid we must The girl was lying down, her ,weak, . i *M. a self If she Stayed longer, she said she "learned to give --Off I0 Poison by con. Some Ways Method of A NE Night and Morningil rngterlous powers. Is your wire, nus. . . � g t870 , needed sleep, and It Annie could take I 1b4 d, sweetheart true? Ask ICymo. Love, Patt here.' . White hands clasped in and nearly bid- I I I ., tact rather than through Its Own de- . Clean, Heodithy, business, marriage, investment future. I -tow l Serving. I � . 8ava TIrA Itch if 8 re, , �"! LO - ,6 amed y it I � "Ho looked disappointed And '8ur- ,den by the swollen, rough, red hand 411 1 � carg of herself for a time she would struction It Simply went A, step furth- i WE � � % , - Zrye& If they I Price one dollar. Canadian 'address, . I go down an4 lie d-3wn. AnnJ6 no- er than its neighbors. it has r ,I r-*�,,, I 0--rtor urn.' o Icyrno Co4pany, General post OfIfee, s Prl1qd, then said: 'Pardo -mol� of the miner. She V�7o 9, little cry e FOR � SmartorBurn. � nnoz . ar ang- Instead Of cOliamand ring the, C lrritated,'Infli � . & . ticed'how heavy the INS word over ad Its pland of defence, so that it can or Box 122, Toronto, Canada. . � .;as Katrina entered, a�.d buried her - "'ea.91 go can niedew*Aselle�, 11 �. �Jn .DROPS ayes ,and begged her to at wage war without first being eaten, or Jar opefter every.night fix the week U ­ ,3 GranulatedbuseMurine ' . _�,rn"Qt% ,.Tj�Q, her I � head under a blanl7ot Iny 1p � Yo I ft . 1, ' though a strange fear, like a 'In that respect it I ,eets the *oblem d letting the at �...., ... I....." . "You tire not angnf with me for . . once, n an fOrts toward a des- often. oothesi Refreshes, Saft for Infant — = =-- I . I .%. chlW4 of the dark, came over her. In the same way'as the thistle and sert for dinner go at that, take a lit. or Adult. At all Druggistsand Opticians. I � sending 7*u up wlf6n It 'wasn't really . . . "Will will be soon WIth, You now- the thorn, although It fights by s tle trouble and experiment With some WtitefotWoeP,Y*Book.,Aortie4tRwedyCo.,Lb�w . CARUSO'S ' 4* 1 1 1 11.1 — 0 1 Ub.. . SIGNOR NERVES. . __ I totil , damp air of the town, altd hope- the b6st company," Xatriho ' Said, with tle Stealth rather than open warfare.ro OINCellent recdpeo using Your canned - . I ­ .__ - The eminent tonor Signor Caruso in �- I less Spirits, crept steadily and qui6l a tired smile; "and WYOR-want ine$ a .1t),le matt who 1 -oasts vf his Iron fruit. Here are a few which are not _­_ n Vienna said that -DR. relARTEL'S PILLS' - 'On. but gave little or no outNv 4Y knooli an the wall h re will bring me wiff shouldn't allow It to get rusty hard to prepare, but much more Pa- easier . means of tratipportatift it , � '�Vd i0gul - a , nothing Prevented his FOR WOMENS AILMENTS and Ratrine hoped against hbpe tha to you," and Annie was left alone. #0* lack -of use, ]stable than the fruit served directly dropped from the human scheme of *singing every I . she could possibly tide her over t .) . from the can. things with a dull thud. . night ex.lept his nervousness. His . 21(mait,461A Of W"On havn tcat!5ed in the laot 2i the :, * (To be contfiltiod �, J , -M'1ftArd1a,L1n1men!.tor Ourha, C-ta. Cut 'stale take into round slices A,nd yet a hike through the country vOlOe was quite capable of ,the effort parsAazrdinc the heOlne liusilitleo of 10%, time till Will perhaps made a .1stril(a '� ,' � ­� h — , � .. -_ but big nerves would break down Un - I . Afc , 4 FUNIALU Pl1tW A Selontifically and could take her away. She know - . - about an Inch thick with a cooky cut, is good for body and soul. It gives prapured ronizrly for delkyed aho p4riful . 'Every Man has his pr! a," quoted ter, It veri stale soften a bit with the s,)dy a work-out that is bouad der the strain. Although he never lt.lxvitrimt:on. MIA only 'm a Patented Tin how the Sick woman clung to this ". , c Sings a role Without studying It,lor a � , " ft el" For months now she had been- " 11 the Wise Guy, "Then It'4 no wonder Milk. Saute them In butter until de. to b. beneficial, 'it exercises muscles year, he is always timid slid nervous 3in,-e,Gover Box,% At 7bur Druffs1st, or e Idea. l . 1w Mall,_ ptico $2.W, Nni&trlotkor Intlrisay &Z: , every woman Is a bargain hunter," ficatelY browned, Place on top Of -each that are all too selcibm used now. 11 Fmid St. Eost T.koWw. CawAds. shut off from all communication with Of � all floral festivities, japanys snickered the ,Simple �'.Nfug. hall a ctilluefl poach, 'top With will adays, and it gives an opportunity tot when the time comes for going on the ___ �_, _ . the outer world, she never' Saw a feast,of the Cherry Blossom il ___ - � ­­ P_ roally seeing the beauties of the stage. The three hundroth time he . Paper or a book, she could not move M08i �generally observed. Practically . - - country Instead of hurrying through sang in "Rigolettoll he tremblAd in his Ateersary?" c0no a smothered voice, from her cabin, her whole Sphere was every - , I � bounded now by Its four ro � ,town and village thoughout the I - at 40 miles an hour and knowing only drossing room when preparing to ap. Xatrine flun_ herself on knees ugh walls , , . that youlva seen trees and rivers and pear Signor Caruso stated that he was her And so the Ono idea that was left F land' has its own particular cherry . - L �% . I A*dde thi bed and put her arm ta �� I , ri! C01, . - shrubbery, Hiking takes you Into ready to retire the Instant he found Petuopsly round-t'.e thin form uilm- her- starved brain and heart was. tree kor'llonoring at this great becas- ( I . ., % . the coverlet. . der that Will should malre a a , - CZ7 . � 1. Rt , I I d or .Abe heart of nature, makes you Intl. the public Sparing In their applause . trike. And Ion, but, the moist famous of them all . #­ mately Acquainted with the birds and or if his nervousness developed to aii "Angry with YOU for not dying!" as a weed r4las over tile bare,and ne- Is that Y -1 r i the flowers and the, peace that cannot excessive degree. "I Will 21ot-publish sh6 said, between laughing and cr)rIng. glected garden, so will one single idea , at Kioto, I -lore earl ,f 1. Aprl . "I ,; 0 Fabric, 4 be found In the cities. my Memoirs," he said, "but will do- 1 $ is to be teen such a sight as can te I .1 i 'Why, I thin'-. you're the best girl in completely absorb and fill 4 neglected .. 6 .. � And t1len, too, there's a bit more veto myself to agriculture." . the world, and Will's a pretty good bnaln, and grow and grow to gigantic WitnesAed nowhere else in lit the ) il a I . FJ ! \ . fun In - walking than in adurrying . . � - - . , doctor,' tool" s!ie added, glancing up strength. This was Annie's one idea; worla. There are seldom feWerthan 61 i. .. 1, � �. around in cars. Take, for Irittance, GONZ, BUT NOT PORGOTTSN. at him. . V she brooded over It, pondered over it, 1.000,00 persons Present, who gather ll 1 - I the delightful sensation, after coveN I Will tolored and. looked a little un- nursed It, slept with it, and talked to I i ifig ton or twelve miles And telling the (Pittsburg Post.) from -411 parts of the empire. F,v I , easy, ramenibering :Ai oaths of )Ast Katrino of It with burning eyes, 'till .ary. 11 fli farmer at whose house you stop for A *t� I . .n'l,m-n Is �eastlnw daliel-Ar, a-1 - 11 111 ^I A I U �# "�4 li4tr. .01 1- 4 good to eat?" g'st;- 1, I ! ,�GZN. PVTtR WRANOPEL, aluni;.--wilell no Wan rouao,�. a ton- Milo ride; but Katrino couldn't or u a LEM LOR, JX It Could only be fal- filed the Joy of it would almost Care I � P -&J- I maklAg.—l"Planeur", In Indianapolis � I W iYU, N once never drew d neat pi, turf nor built a fell"r A00,td. . I " 0 J� � 114 rig U118 � Ith all the ftwo farmer sayo w In the "Good ad Tommy at the dinner table. "No," said his hither. "What makes I - I Looder oftlie do fact* 0,0vornment I " wot" � ything amls:5. Silo drot notice an 0 her. And it might be fulfilled, she knew, star. .. -, I 10 j 01 _­ - 6 I V . � .., -- world: Lord, youoll win the bet, Woll't YOU?" you ask a question like that while *a 1361,A1160tv ROss]6, wbrdh � has �been recoantled by P�anca despite Spit. tald sweet tlilnc,- to both of them, and, then, unwilling to rob Annie of any any day, It was early days in the XIondike thon, and plenty of . Mthar4le LIfilmont, 1`01' tvI6 6VC.PyWhere 1� . a, Th the making of Partridge Tires ­ ­_ 11ft6ft Minar&a Li- #0 Dandruff, ate 60,011go" "You h;a one VA. your lettuce. but it ; tiln's disapproval. part of Will's eallipmay, showithdrow good ground laying around wiliting to . I e P - ,Z -, I :n pthing ig left to chance__det&1l I . .6", , Is gone now," repljod tbo little son. . _� � 1_-,---,0,.;_A-" OPSNING OPPANAM 0AXAt to her own tabin. k I vivo or tliroc wieke, PAs8cd, and be discovered, She heard from Stephen that Will was o.keady and oil- Wise Relaxation. . . Ila . perfe�ij(in id Secured b3r craft. TAUXAMWIS 011MA, --1. . I... --t " 1 `111111111 W I,- 10 ... . , % i Ili 1014. on August 1G, tiler pallamn oweary weeks they were. Tho temper. & ture fol; below the zero wark and OrgotlO, had glYtil up drink, and wag 11 -1 1, 0 11 ill 11 �., I I .. Thb,wiso know that Judicious P :51; 6 .... � . " Mali ship ficitntificallY directed, ai)d iligid inspectl'oia insures PareiM migalonarlea Ila Chefoo, . =It::::!� ......... ,l,"_.-__0 __ 11, I 1. .. 11 I I . I c9t0l. wa formally opmied to the ' W01:111. 'Tile 'had 119yed thcre, tho, still hardly ever � �1. ,, � !%et . I --- �, ataount of wasting is, In the end, 116t 1"! I a I ,­,, I '. OUtStatilding qUalit-y, . Shanghai, Foochow, AMOY and ,Swa. tow have Introduced lAdomaking . * - �" I -1. . 14.* 4V A I . vanal bien nine Years Ili building, The total coat shone, the w'.qla sky being blotted out , M bchlud a thick grw curtaTn. 9%-o � I 1, - . . Wasting at all; for those who have ' '04 " It I ,Pttrtridge Tires -tire all I %� among tho Chinese women, alad con. siderablo lace bus been ftPorte4 from. 1.14 - -1 . : of construction, exclucive of fortlfI45� few hoUra of dny'-Uht that each Avon- loatnod to relax and to forget at the thitt 'good Tires cari. time to time. Silk, linen and eotfoll . � HOMr, civil government and payments to ,the republic of Panama, was ap. ty-four houru, brouot,ht round wao. little .J 11'.010 tball it dismal twilight. TIM63 right moment, to lay aside care -and thought and time tomDlottly, when � 1i " n , " �0 I possibbr be. I -1, % I thresd Is used in chofoo, and linen I e er Places. The . I ­. 't i- pro�tihiatcjy $367,W.000. The first were driary, too, plovIslolis ran tearce I they do labor do It with a, fresh arid - � Pace is made more cheaply that& Is P1,139age niter the formal opening! o!,. thi eam il was Inade ,11y the Steamship Uld very Mali, anil t1ho rheorless cold %irt C ,ftr;%rti--.- scomed to paralyzo the a . mighty power that the weary slaves - . I I... � . .1 , I ' ­ I . ��� 41 1 ....... L- � ,, poEatble elsewhere becauso of the low wages pa!d In China, but a �J$Lck of . Wkn>,)011 I � Anson. Colonel Goptlials. governor of . 4tlorw'p, " . " ol 010 11ron-M-A and lay a of ti%6 service never khown, To ' - I 1010 "Nomi- I � - . I 1. olitorprlso In changing pottarhpi t6 I thq N110 zow-, was on board, The Drim90 from Cristobal to Balboa was 1rily upo,l illo V.,lltl,,o town. �Itluy '16"t"A ,of tllq AVIR'or had already 0 Ionia time profitably lit au o1quislid Jart. 11 I I meet changing W" and IMblotis abroal prevents 06 ifidnetry frata IXE � I MWA 11__-R T` �, 11CCOMPlished Ili ninq boarf. VillP I y, alid mtrengta W-ld Spirit$ were . . .�_ -.1 16 I "I . .. I alisuilling l4rg a - ��, i?-!�!M "_#Wk"00&_A­lt_�W* 00. — 11bWsM;;;W0ft4W W1 - I I I I I JIMIT, 01P MAT.' WPI11111"S' to Tin%, au4 courage , heAlth ,, Jol, worAl 1:1111). and .11011 Ttho llad fac. I 0 , 0601detitial 0 06=1midation. : I I � � . � ��� ,1,*,4,"W011 - I . - Zrat Tt"", *%t of HibIC I vol &*V6W *% to Lis, � 0*6*w N ow"s ....... . . AM V&AW% I A'iran impble, to ehomp a wife frmn 'i CIA L411:1.0111(YVI Of 1',110 4t.Ola with a oke whell it hall firrt mt In felt it %0,1 promitted Matilda not to mention look 1� 11 , , , " , " wo%=." kht6 L . ?"W ", 11 thr" Mrix *hom lip 4dnifred, nent � . - . P111te 10ter.-4 of promitol to all, !� I I F., I Ing 40 TaIrry the -one who sf4r.rn �1 ,Hly wr 1. ,Ill IL 1'. 1�a ,i I*Itt, 4ho reit. in Good ir,ittor-i weto worne than I �i 1; .� I thIM t6 anyone, because she got, it in strictest confidento from golne Ono .- . I " 1XL"5'mNkd The first ttatiallition of any Part ot this Bible that by J5 tu , 6d no* R 1U",ft:%*4* fooft(t" J1~MP*")1' 1. da "*-I" 04 Z-%-%. IN= 014.^ , = "'.", . rA. Tho b d14 11AVWll­r,fi 0:,e lit t110L town; tile oc�nl- 'it!i - . 'O who was Dledged to absolute Secrecy, I ' wAs ?d 4 of I . *=6ft of � �% 1 F4 Im t,W4 I I P froulble ,that , not lorw *an that two ,� too -10P n 0 " Pit! T,�eve " Ojt]Y very P110r, and th?# It:tasure tit the high : Ift THE Pt:; . bdfbm I tell you you must give I we your word Of honor you wott t 4*- i -k. i3ir , (7s In. Nivne, Vourth GoApal, 1035. Thik, first ocot. pleo translatlott was that of W$*i,� io iimim 0 9 ZIMMIE . " C *iW"*%4*#&* - ""' . I I would sue for breach of prom1be. prekte$ wa3 *h&rp- 004 bit"00 4 WA4 At AV, 11 __ ., � � .._.__,____ - � __ - __._ ____'.__ 11AI) oliffo *bout 1388. Luth V" "J, I I 14A, pet- .. M. *.Lt 'L.4 . . ____­­_4ENW0WFMqWN1Wh11RWW - ­ ­ ­ hOrA vattl 1483, ,NNN -1 _-..-_..1�..____ - I "�S� T �. . �, - -, I � . I , . I I womillomil... Im.4 N"ja MiZZ;Z.,� W"*W"=0 " � I . . � � i . I � �, . I " I �, . - I .�,r, , , ,:1 �44 I 0 , I . I , I � I A . , , I I I to �ft " i"6 -_ � I 1, d��� I 104i&. ,�61 � . . 1.1 ­ - ".. I 1'_.1Z__­­_L0f I Ak.�... - — — .*AMM" __ ,":a I _AL__-_ ­— � I � . ___­ - L, �".__'. - L' , , � ,- - -.- � � ­­.- L -,----.,------ - _____.,,_1 . , .. ..-,..-.