The Wingham Advance, 1920-07-22, Page 5#77
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CiVi(' 1101ill�kv July 28th, The death of an old antl wolf killd%vii
Misso L 11. Brown of Torogto, is visit. resident of these, parts 9courrod At his
Iq old friends in town. 140111eat St. Heleas,,qu, Saturday when %Ae )koust CA 0�aakVm
. John Xclea% passed away. lie v�jw 84 A
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hillburn, spent
earsefageandhad lived alone in his.
NCE iipon a time therewas a peasmt the wceL-euol with friends at Guelph y
0 A victory little Uwise in St. Helens for %, great
Who said it- was too cold to go out into mauy years, Ile wa , s kownu far and
the w0odS to chop logs for the fire, w Bond is Mrs. Dunean Boyd and daughter, widofor his skill in moyipg buildings
be conceived the, idea of chopping up the Betty, are visitiog the former's parents, and carpenter work, and although tough
Air, and Mrs. Richard Adams, Morris in a good many ways, b M1DvwSUMMER,-
funaiture, In a short time lie had diqx)sW Capital e was considered
St. a kind hearted man, He is survived by
of the chair and table,--thon being'cold once No pmdevt man or Mr. Beu Morritt of liullett, while one son who resides in the west. but who
more, he took out'Llie window frames and :firm loading bay on Saturday afternoon, fell x'- as with him for some titne before he
ever diesipates CLOTHI N
btiriied them, -and after the window frames, capiw, for it is the from the load, ieverely hurting himself Passed away, Ills wife predeceased bint ON
ioternall , Ile is still in a serious cou- many years ago, when they resided
the doors. foundation on which y
Colborne Twp. The body was brought J,
prospftity is b Mr. John joyut, M. P. V. of Lugknow, to Davison's undertaking parlors from We are offering wonderful values, In MeWs
These being burned lie was colder than e8rer, Anyorm Who dips in- and Mr, B, 11, Taylor of 94st Wawanosh, where the funeral was held on Monday Suits. New Myles form fitting and double
thereupon lie started to tear down the house to Capital for run- Inave been selected to lay the corner to Gieenhill cemetery,
ning expenses is breasted In worsteds and tweeds.
and burn it piece by piece, until at the end stones of Blyth's New Memorial Rail. The funeral of the late Mrs, Tbos,
courting trouW,,e and 0
he had neither house nor beat, July 28th, is the (late set. The local Lawrencewas held from the Methodiot
possibly eventuaI clergy men of town will also'assist in the
church ou Tuesday last and the remains
The folly of this peasant is not,unlike that of rtun. Don't spend ceremony, laid to test in Greenhill cemetery, Boys' Clothing Id
your Ylietory B*n4&
the person who for frivolous reasons sells his Many old friends ga�hered to pay their Here you will find some very exclusive styles for 7
To do w it is like last resp"ts to one whom ibey esteemed
,Victory Bonds which,,,by painstaking thrift burning 'down the youdgip men and boys in perfect fitting garments"at,
and sacrifice, lie acquired as protebtion for la house to ktm warm. Salem highly. As a mark of respect and also prices that are exceptionally low. Before buying Com -
in reeggaition of the fact, that. for years
rainy. day. Ile is disposing of a sheltering Mr. Peter Grant of Culross, called on tbelate Mr. Lawrence was among the pare our prices. It will pay you.
roof, and knocking'out the door that might Hold tmd his old'friend Mr. Willie Bolt, last Sun. most prominent business we 0
U i town, ON
serve later to Reep away the,wolf. day, They chummed together while in all places of business were closed for the X
_Rayr M ----ore Rugland during the late war. Panama Hats
hour of the funeral, Messrs. Alex. Ross,
Misses Jessie and Annie Fraser of Pilot Win. Connell, D. R. McIntosh, R, 1).
Mound, Man., formerly of this locality Cameron, Win, Little and Jno. Joynt all Sailor and Fedora 'styles in Panama Hats. A large
are at present renewing old acquaintance� old friends of the family, acted as p'all- �stock to select from, Note the pricQs, $3.00 to 195.00,
y & Co Ivirs. Robert Earl, from south of Gorrie,
TV ood, Gund mivany is at present spending a few days with Much sympathy is being extended to
Canadian Pacific Railway BuikHng her daughter, Mrs. W. A CatIters. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fisher in the loss of Fine Shirts, Work Shirts, Summer Under.
Mr. and Mrs, Chester Higgins spent their infant son, whose death occurred wear, Wash Ties$, Neclkwear, Hosiery, Belts,
Torontq lastSunday with friends at Wroxeter. last week, Overalls.
Construction of the new garage is go -
Ing ahead at a good rate,
Miss Charlotte McDonald has gone to
stomacli Kincardine to train for a nurse.
starts. Disorderri Dr Spence and Geo. Aitchesou are X I Av M I L L S`
building cottages at Point Clark I�ight-
The long strain of muscles ne'er yielded house. Several families from town 'are
to ache:
There are 110 wMedift Or med- already there for the summer.
"The Bond Market Each man lay as firm as if braced to a icines so effective for the tTeatment
of Kineardine, will
stake, foT the voxious i8tomexh )DIsordere Rev. Mr. Overend
is the name of our latest publication. It Fornothingwas gained though minutes es Hacking's Heart afid Nerv6 exchange p�lpits next Sunday with Mr- Will flelp Prohibition
will prove of value . to those interested in were long, Remedy and Ha&iNls Kidney and McCallum, after which Mr, McCallum
such current topics as "Why Victory But what the hemp lengthened in whistl- Liver Pills. This we kuow, from, the will go on his holidays. Windsor is furnishing lots of material
expeNence we have had from these for the next prohibition campaign, and
Bonds are Cheap", "Canada—a Creditor Ing song. pn%arat6ons aad ilzom fite )rnow- Mr, Hugh McMillan of Toronto, is the personal liberty proponents won't
Nation" and "Inflation". visiting at his home on the 4th. uch that is creditable to offer from
Alas, the barn-buildersyanked bard at 10d'ge we baTe of the edtion and . - have in
Let us mail you a copy., We shall gladly the rope. medichital effoat of the different Miss Clara McQuillan is spending the the nightly carousals that give Win6or a
do so upon receipt of letter or postal, card. drags and herbs. that go Into the holidays at her home here. bad name. A' 0 You, 'MAN� op WOMAN
I Then suddenly slipped as it standing on composIttlon of these two wanderful
soap. remodles. Dr. Woods of Detroit, is visiting his tjow Prices Change Brave enough to Face tfie Future?
15ut alYthe bronzed Mad�, though. proud The Appetite m1a7 be sither exag- father and mother here.
Wood, Gundy & Couapany of the prize, gerated, WvEoed, 0ninished or en- Dannie McDonald of Toronto, spent a Here are a few quotations of farm pro- Big enough so Assume a Responsibility?
Canadian Pacific -Railway Building Gave'honors to Huron, wilhbonnel, and t1reay lo;3t, these prephmtfons will ducts taken from the Weekly Sun of
few days at his hpme near '-The' Big Far-seeing enough to Prepare for.Mis'for-tune?,
Toronto cries, restore it, The conditioii may be June 16, 1920:
I Church". Ambitious enough to Increase yoUr. Estate Im-','
efther Acute or Chrouleor the
The even' was spent in banquet and song Nerves supplying the Stomach miy, . Kiss Gladys Rivers of Wingh�m. Butter, 1920, 55c; in 1914, 23c; in mediately?
A'feast not forgotten in all the years be defective,or there may be Gas on spent Sunday �inder the parental roof, 1910, 21jc.
Patriotic enough to Provide for yo Qt
the Stomach dueto Feranentation. or Lie,
.10 Miss May McCoy of London, is visit- Eggs, 19 , _v�i?
ng, 20, 48c; in 1614, 20c; in'1910, Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelif iood,�
thE LUCKNOW GAMES spot, Thus Lucknow was far-famed alid grand 1)ec`omP0V1tlon Of Foods; no matter her,mother over the holidays. 19c.
waist the tTouayle may The W3 trest- Ing
As many old champions oft'chose by loi was the cfiief, in 1914, 12gc; in Healthy eno
Cheese, 1920, 29,1.c-1 ugh to pass a Medical �.:n- \��Lojtj,,�ti
ment will bone Up the organs of the Miss Smsie I-Tabbick of Toronto, is I.
A campus like velvet, spread amply, to� Though now '661y history—th�Cs still en�tjre S"tem an bring rback ttLe - 1910. loc.
I d ..;+� 1- .;.+ M- T— Meniffllan
kj,)'Y . 0 15.) , I 1�
_6ite jGly of our boyhood we gladly re-
And -then a good hillock,,,giving All a good
I .
our grief.
glorious good health that you so
much defdre.
.& . .
miss� Frances Siddall of Torontb, if at
Wheat, 1,920, $2.01; in 1914, 31.0% in
Then clip this adver-
tisement. Fill in coupon
late, :,
- I sight.
Church are prep-aring for a social to be
Pain after Eating, Vomiting, Grad-
her home here.
1910, 95.
and send to
M-hich like many others has gone ouf! of
held in the. near future. given as a wel-
ual Loss of F16h and Strength,
Miss Frankie Cain is vipiting her
Oats, J920, $1,40; in 1914, 46c; in 1910,
The games of Auld Scotia revived,, in this
Hurrah, Donald Dinnie, in bonnet 4n��
The death of Mrs. Ross Doig of Gloine,
Dyspepsia and some of
the symptlams of Stomach
rnin of Clinton.
friend, 14iss Doris Du'
Cattl� in 1920, $17.00; in 1914, %50,
Inspector, The Northern
Whose -gigantic stature made rival$
came as a shock to her many friends
that quichly d1slawear wbon you use
The Misses Murdie are visiting in Kin -
in 1910., $7.45.
Life Assurance Co.
Aid�;Gaelic and tartan and skirling pip' e-
11, t, .4 :
quite wilt!
here, (Mrs. Doig), forinerly 211i,, jne
Hacking's. In order to effed a cure,
however, pomence is as esseutial as
Idi �L. R. Bockof Windsor, piano tun-
Hogs, in 1920, $19,25; in 1914. U40,
; 1"In eA Or
Box'C, Advance Office.
an ke Ree es os. woul he tossed - 3nighty )5dwarda of the village, was -a sp % 4. P . . . t
04� ecial the right ramed7 and anTone w4o er, is viiiel�g his brother-in-law, T.' 8. Lambs, in 1920, $21.00; in 1914, $11,75;
The field had' been chosen, a chiefthin �tones; favorite with both young and oil, who , has been ailling for airy leng1th of id, and also plying his trade while in 1910, $9,75.
When Rogs stripped to wrestle.. we pitied are sorry to hear of her early demise. time should not expect to be cured Re
was there—
McCrimmon, who summoned the clans
his bones.
The young people of, the Prosbyterian
in a few dayq. Buy 6 boxes of Haok-
ing's !-leart and Nerve Remedy and
Miss Annie Boyd has returned fro T
with due care; . -
Then E. W. Johnston, as straight as a
Church are prep-aring for a social to be
3 ot Hacking's Kidney and LIVer
Port Arthur accompanied by her sister
A�ro'ss the' south border, from all tfie
mast, ,
held in the. near future. given as a wel-
Pills and gIve them a good trial, Be
Miss Sadie.
States, far
He could hurl the b.ig harnmer and run
come to members of the Methodist�
sure to got Hacking's.
Dr, J. F, McKenzie of Detroit, is
To 4ucknow they hastened as called to a
very fast.
Church, the date is not yet decided on.
Hacking's Remedlep are sold In
spending his annual vacation here and
But jumpers and dancers, the picl, of the
Mr, Wm. Hall and farffllyi visited the
Wingharn by J. W. McKibbon.
at Bruce Beach.
The Gaels in Toronto were many and
lot V,
Was a young chap from B russels, our
forme'r s mother and father on SundaV.
Miss Mildred Horne of Kingsville, is
We knew down in Hamilton what they
own Archie Scott.
Miss Edna and Stella Roswell, Tees-
visiting relatives and friends in town.
Would do.
water, were the guests of their cousin,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Freeman, are -,V�piting
Tlie' dancers and pipers—all., I Highlan'
We cheered and we wondered their
Miss Harper, over Sunday.
—Experienced Piano Tuner—
in London.
I glorious feats;
The crowd was impartial, each herot it
Mr. George McGee, Gorr4e, was re-
newing acquaiAtgncis in the village Sun-
Teacher of Rudiments of Music, Har-
- Mrs. Patterson and daughter, Lillian
And lion -like giants, just fresh from their
mony, Counterpoint and Composition
andson, Miller, have moved to town
And gallant Young Highlanders danced
Leave orders at THE ADVANCE Office
from Alberta.
They came up from Zorra, from Lobo;
all the while.
Miss Barbara Dickson, is visiting
All brass and reed instruments
The Misses Treleaven are spending a
and Galt.
To see them 'twas wortb going many's
under the parental roof,
and violin..
week at Kincardine.
The folk from Glen Elg were too eager
the mile.
Mr. Wm. Herdj his mother,' Miss
Misses Uvlyn and Rosslyn Williams of
to bait.
Florenqe Herd and Miss Minnie Jeffray,
Tilsouburg are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
For clansmen are cousins with hearts all
The last was the struggle twixt Huron
to - Walkertoni Monday of last
Glennie, �
and Bruce,
For had been
Mr. Bridge accountant at' the Dank of
So Lucknow went merry, with *1it0e
sides chosen, all sons of
. Owing to the rain, the attendance at
Hamilton is away on holidays.
to blame.
Great Zeus,
The pick of the sailors Souihamr.)tan had
Endeavor Sunday night was not so large
lesson by Miss
Mrs. W. D. Webster and daughter,
The only occasion where rivals were
as usual, the was takeft
Edna Lincoln. A solo by Mi�s Nelda
Olive of Toronto, spent a few days with
Were Huron, and Bruce on the old battle-
The mighty barn -builders from Ashfield
all went.
Wolfe and Nelson Gowdy, was very
Practice is confined exclusively to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Andrew.
Mrs. T. E. Finlay and Mrs, Bert Fin -
much enjoyed,
'Chiropractic, the only and original Sy�-
lay, left last week for Saskatchewan.
What crowds they would gather; the
At the crack of the pistol, the rope
Misr Mary Stokes has returned home,
tern of 3pinal Adjustment, Effective in
Miss Carrick is home from Owen
pride they would show,
stretched a yard,
after visiting her sister, Mrs Robt. John
95 pe: rent of all cases,
And in the big tug-of-war each a stout
The anchormen stiffened as iron is bard,
13'allagb, Teeswater.
"Chiropractic locates and Removes
And silence,was pAinful save beating of
Miss Mabel Ballagh, who was on the
the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature H$als-"
Miss jean Durnin is visiting in Torouz
� sack list, is able to be about again,
J. A. FOX, D. C, D', 0.
The tournament opened in just such a
So eager to note where the vmt a�e firsQ.
Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo-
, Mrs, T. LL Finlay has sold her resid.
pathy. Pho6e 191, Hours 2 to 5, and 7
ence to Mr. Jas Taylor.
to 8 P. m.
Miss 14lizabeth Webster and Miss
,U '(1) A Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman rides WelL
VV "AW Hazel Webster returned Ironi Toronto,
4e4 ami hei nn& Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, spent where they were visiting. (2) A fully equipped Mounted Policeman,
C. R. Copela"d A&L
Sunday with Bluevale friends. (3) A Mounted Policeman in vinter urAform.'
lack Smith has taken a position in the
Miss ?Ayktle Beecroft of Kincataine now Aegina. The COWTninant bitil&
Batik of Hamilton�
Fire Accident Sickness The noble traditions and fast1nat- ings were soon erected and in 1883,
vdc5ers C7 Hospital Staff, spent a couple of days Dr. and Mrs, McLean of Welland, are tug uniform of the Royal North-West It was made the head quarter of fhe
last week at her home here, Automobile Insurance a Specialty visiting Mrs. XcLean's parents, Mr. and Mounted 4 Police are eXCIUSIVely our force for Canada wfth Commissfoner
Only the best companies represented at own in Canada and It is fitting, In Perry In charge.
t, V, Mr. Wrn., Stein, who spent the winTer Mrs. D. Sheriff.
with friends herd, left for 1he West last ...... Lowest Rates ...... Its re -organization, that it s�ltould be From 1874 imtil 1879, tb*we was
estiod or killed until
zamed the "Royal Canadian Mounted not a man mol
week. ===t1n. —
,Police." The existence of tribes of Constable Greybourne was murdered
Wilfred Arecott was wnd Jndiaijs, the quarrells of the, In- by Ono of the Blood Indiana. With
4,5 ea &&,q, of Kitchener, Say It W I t h Flowers
j Wroxeter terfor and the vast body of settlers the disappearance, of, the bufftlo,
to e4e renewing old acquaintancea in the village
n, led the late Sir John A. there was almost
fwrldb�e among the
Mrs., H
on Saturday.
etmon Morrison and children of M"Donald to take pos"ssion of the Indiam and the police had a great
Miss Amile Henry to visiting friends Sawkatchewan, sire at present visiting great land by establishing the police work lit feeding many thousands.
in Bayfield. in 1873, The aim was to have detach- The Indiana killed the settlers' cattle
ASHIS are to flowers'what f matei Mr. and Mrs, John Mdrridon.
-ments. of well armed and ftwiDlined and so great did the evil become thM
are to beauliful picturestj�tr y
Mra.'Wit], Carterof St, Thomas, Is Mrs Mahood and d4ughter, Vanhome men, judlotouslY posted throughout m=Y of the settloro moved fterosa
V with her mothert Mrs, Hutchison.
Mrs, Robert Offidon of 06-Atral Posts. the bouittlary.
of lowit. also
encIlance their beauty and the; ir The fimt, force consist(A of 16 of- Varly loot yeax, the police force
iss, I�tttle PDX, Apent st few days last town, spent Friday aftern000 with Mrom
charm. A visit to this jeweir,
v sto re ficens, 201 men and 244 horaps, Tho had fallen to_gL10Cftt 500 men as th4
W:k at Lgngside with Mrs. Murray. John Gibson, 61boon St. troops tray*lled by way of Chteago rcLmlt of 4§jftj3 for the varlous
will help you cclebrate peace" Ottitig.11y,
Miso Annie Cummings of Wingharn, Misses Vorsythe of Blyth, who to pargo and marchod acrow; the theatres of v�ar. J&n1jistmonts sin
nClUded is
0 lit i ught it vp and I
We will be glad 't show you anyttV ng r the past three plAlno. In 1874, thrN handred po- kare bro
is visiting with Miss Lillan Patterson. have been visiting fo
0 04, 1 . peratims
you want-, to exaniffle and will pojrit ely weeks; with their sister, Mrs. 1,5fin lice get out from Fort Garry for fto Dominion Police Pot". 0
rltAsh 00-
Mra. Wrn. Beecroft, and Mr. and Mrs. dereon, returned td tbeir, home last junction of the tow and Bel)y river were extended to Include B
ask. you to take your time as you VAR'l be Duatan Beecroft, spent Sunday with and a portion was detached to li- lumbin, and various Eastern pro -
under no obligations to buy, friends tit Carlow. Thursday. monton,, An old trading eentro., Fort viijees. Tloe latest post to be eotab-
Mlsgr Eleanor Hamilton Is er)JOYIng' WhoAVup, near the 1)resent city of lished Iq 11arnaird Itarbor on Cor
Mist Nettie Cottle, returned from Bel- PUNE9ALS, WEDDINGS, ETC, her holidays at her hoibb here, Lethbridge, was first reaelied. Thw tion, Gulf. This copmr mine dist=let
Our optical department is equipptd with the. p* opek grave, on Sunday last. , 0A66rLd Centre was au Old Afan!q river I is lmjWt4nt b6o&W�o of large dove -
Potted plahts, and Cut vlowets, Mr. Thomas Henderson to at pragent said J�ort MoTA�od was HtrWhej Island, g1jarding
appliancea. Wo are properly equipped 1014 1 The following children from S. S. No, a specitilty
the knowledge of optometry, visiting friends At DurhAm, The pollw found pledtY of worlt with the Aretle btAxd, Is tho mwt north -
10, Xinlos�, have had either tonalls bt Catalogues ihown on request, Miss M. 81len Is at pretcht visiting the IrWkoy traders and somi Axined orly patrol.
adenoids removed, thig week,—Ilarticit NR.V. WAV. VJVZA 7" *.o re*60t ot the stettlers and even The air 8hip and aIrplane m.V bo Poporfor educatfo& Th"Y b* -t,6
("l, Sparling, (Hugh, David, Charlie gnd phollL. 142, Wingh&M friends In And ato-dria town. The Indian$, tot their htir tr(Atn1011t. imed in tho long p4trol of Canaft's Ivay,j 1)ct,u� of gr"4 kw.
R. M. McKAY Robbie Xenderson),Lsurst Conn, Addle Mr. an& Mrs. Wm. dallagher and lit 1874, a. fort was mtabliclwd at Northern 11intlorlarld. Ths� furthent, ti;iw� rldor.--], uUmnivommw
Wgary. 17olonel Urvis with 40 patrol muld be covered in 15 boura eu.,qtome(l to Wd-.Adva =
W 0-ordon of aluavale, spent Sunday with 0on, had eharge of Fort Ednvmton, and it took tb6 XlowVke gold meck- fare and sdv*146d in sM ttw, om
Jeweler and Opticigul 1* 1,4M and Nalcolt, Ross, and Jack Clubb. DR. 41 H- R055
Willie Rtw of Winghstm. Is *t preddrit Graduate Roya-1 C61160 of DfttAl friends. In town. wh#�re a Illylson Day fort had boM org olkhtmn montt* dtDRAiAoy. It hm bow MY
Dr. Montgomery and family of wyvdo, totsiblished gines 1706. In 1870, Port HL4 Royal IfthftNW, tbo fhat V*fe to me tbftt *4
with his grandpattrits, Mr., wnd Mrs, surgeoft OwUtMAwan w#A built, twenty --Mix wal" 1A "W homrary covirmadant ow6t IbWcfr thta
Cottle. 'Gradoete Uuiv"ty of Toronto VwWty Are sit prinient speoffimc thefir holidAYN trow rA ton q1h re, wo," ol the force whioh will ho btxm that Is the arfn ot%==
0 with the formtrs Motbiort Mrs, od by'1881.'In 1,1U. up to % idmngth of 9,600 %4n. 6 *d tho mount6d Polio* w*ik*
Mr. a*d Krx. Shaw, Ana chlW114n, Of Duaboy ?= ;;tabl;=
M*ntpMAry, wal. $t. ftlt U llftw Of Donft", =Aa of tbG *r" 6"
ou Oft OVW IL M tWd'S 900.