The Wingham Advance, 1920-07-15, Page 411.14-T , F-41 W
Pr— WT 10"P low
111,11111 M 0 Wi %*MW- M:Oft, to ii, -o 0"i'mi,
............. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . .............. wool
'A 160^41k AL
The w wtest SA hue,,& w., *U*"'ver 0 1
T'Lered In Wingha, m for a ou arter
Al -
A Photoplay of ThrQ18, Romance; Comedy and
al re
a.dth Adventure.
THE 'SUPERMAN" contains more thrills than the best
serial picture ever produced.
And the sensational aasJ humorous melodrama and Fatty Arbue e"s
real *n0w comedy are being eom
bined to make one big eveninuls en-
terta.lamient,'All l0i TWENIVY-FIVE CENTS.
Thurs., Fri,,,,Sat,,, Jul. J 59 169 17
ffl WE=
haPPY smiles, white
teeth., good appetites
and digestions,
Its benefits are as GREAT
2S its cost is SMALL!
(t satisfies the desire 'for,
sweets, and is beneficial, too,
Sealed Tight n"Ot Right
cumsed the Bloodpressureand other examinations
"Great Divide". He was in his 77th made.
year and had been ailing for some time. All diseases treated. -
He was for many years a residetit of Phone 272.
Lucknow, leaving here for Gqderich, OFFICE OVER CHRISTIE'S. STORE
when he received the appointment of
Deputy Sheriff of Huron County, He
topk a prominent part in the Oddfellows
while here, Mrs, Duncan XacDonald of SELL
town is a daughter.
Town and Farm hroperties. Call and
The glorious 12th has come and gone, see my list and get my prices. I have
and all the lodges from Dan to Beer. some excellent values.
Sheba can furl their colors and pack
them in moth -balls, lack up their 4rm, I G. STEWART
and fifes for another year, as usual on the
12th it rained but cleared up in time for phou, 134. WINGHAM.
11105tPeoPle. Vora while in the nfbrn office in TownHall.
ing it appeared that the day was gbing to e ,
be celebrated here, Several fliers and rator of the General Assembly of the
druthiners from outlying districts on Free Church of Scotland, - The services
their way to Witigham, were exercising were conducted in the old Scottish fasb-
their wind and nluscle$, and quite a ion, The -congregation standing with
crowd gathered around but by. ' oon all bowed heads in prayer and the Psalms
bad disappeared to return in the. evenilig being sung without the 'aid. of An organ -
full of ice creaw and chocolate bars in. Mr. McKaY is on a tour which will, take
stead of booze as in the days gone by aud him to the Pacifle Coast before returning
still resplendent in gold and silver braid, to Scotland, lie is accompanied by his
yellow and scarlet sasbes and collars, dougliter, who was the guest of Miss Is -
tired but thoroughly bappy and content- abel McIntosh while here,
ed in having helped to win Again the Mrs, Con Decker received word on
battle of the 13oyne. Nootherdayinthe Thursday that her mother Mrs. Ratz Of
year brings Out Such, a Motley thton g, as Wfllv rton, had suffered a paralytic stroke.
does the r2th Of July. O9k that day one At last reports she was a little better.
sees the halt and lame the deaf atid 'rho local L. 0. L. and visiting brethren If
blind, the learAed. and unlearned, the to the number of about thirty -rive attended
rich and poor, Overdressed and under. Divine Set -vice in St. Peter's Anglican
dressed, and the student of human church, Sunday morning,
nature can find tio better opportunity to What might have been a fatal accident
Pursue his studies, Some take it very
seriously while others Act as though that occurred on Monday when John Purvis of -
was tho only day they were allowed ' Holyrood went to crank his tar which lie
And some e "tt had just filled withgasoline, at McLeoditq
njoy themselves so thorough' hardware store, it immediately, da -,he
ly that they are little or Ito use forthe -Test d
ill do on
of tbe' Week. 'An Orangeman W, forward and crashed itito W. J. Joylitts
that clay for nothing, car in tront of 14ilfs store, eatching Mr.
absolutely refuse to do awhat he would Purvis betwoen the ears, arid pushing an
ii any other day
fOr AlmaA Any Consideration and mArk it until they bumped into the hydrant in
dOwh As it day long to be remenibeted, front of Armstrong's drug- store, and
Dr. Balfour is in sniatihing a tie post off at the ground,
Loudou) luckily for Mr. Purvis hiq eat haq
went for an operatioYA on his hand, long
'210 spring.,; out in front and this gav hill . I
Is suffering from blood-poiso"ing and it room between the cars or lie mighte have
Wa.t feared at one time he Would: lose his been killed Or *it loastscrion.0y liult. The
finger, but fit last report he Wag doing CAP14 WePe VerV little hurt.
Rev. AngUqL MeXay of XingerSie, Seot. Dr- W- COnliell Of C011ingWooll, jS
land, preaelled in the PreAbyterian church ing his father and ,,ister bearc.
here on Sunday *nd tf e church w" Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Afebollald of
vrowded. Ilse gallery which 14 usod' only PeterboVo, are visiting in tj)wl), -
on rate OCCAS-lion't being nearly full, ' Mr Dr. Mexenzie of De(roit, i ,] Visiting Lit
MvKAV WA -vi pastor Of the church here 1h; las. Henderion's.
over.4ixteen YtXt.q, lftvmg bereAndsoing Mr. Neil Nut douli has gj jlle We"t jor a
back to Scotland *ad *411 ts>r a term mod-, rip.
%*Wql 14 11thi too,
owwwlw 6'"Al 1.1 t 1.1, 1.11
Groceries clou* Ron$#
Boots and Shoe$
Wearigo Apparel d1rd s 10,14
Window scalee's"
J S ecial S
U. y P
HQXR-6 dozen Ladleli) Black cot- r!R1-/VC4_V-V -V Z X r X_ Fine 'SAL"It
ton HOqe, fastplaok 3SO Or 3 pairs for rx—vtsh top skirts made
.......................... $1,00, 41DUllity. NAIrlsook Princce s. $lips, fin. K00.
ishCd With embroidery sale price_ 1. So
2"*r—$pCqlg1 line of a
N-rayrr Go W X X— Nvomen's 001 -
gowns; made of fine white Nainsook,
Lace trinlinC4. 041 mo-rz—Women's pit ;I Atici
e. ............ $1.00 fancy silk hose In Black op colorg, nq
'Luxury tax' on, sale At ........ $4.00, In X1441140,
co!R-r4r cov'Cit's—sp"14, tQ clor out, Made of striped Repp, I
14ce trimmed corset. covers, bar a *#!4 price
........... ....... 0 0 I., ..........
VOIL)r'—pine quality plald lie,
A VWON-f--Women's large cover, JIG Jacets wider In blue, green ILI
4tll, aprons, light and dark patterns, An4 Matzo, reg price 1.00 sale.... 85C
.9pcclal price ...................
VIOXI-E—Flne quality volle, fancy -V14XX—B1g sto k here td choose
: patterns, fast colors, price ........ 40c, froln, All the leading shades, plain or. I
tancY Pattcttlt %ed out bargains.. $2. . SQ
'r-f4,L0W-VZ,ArJ' V—Plno quality
cotton pillow allps, hernstitched, bar,
aaln WA")r.V—Ladles1 White Valle
............ ........... Waists, round or square necks, bar-
gain ........ .................. $2,00 ilk
-V0CX,_V—Sllk finished
TI-1411nXite Wlth fancy tops, sale
........... . 35C 3)1tX-VXEX—Bar9ains In house
dr4s cc, medium or dark print. nicely
mad:# good
V011-Z—Faney plaid Valle, 40 inch- strong cloth, bargain
.1 -, ................. ........ $2.50
es wide, one dollar value for ....... 65c
GO WNX—Girls' night gowns %ade
I'A 1tAS0Z:.Y— Fancy Summer 6(fineEnglish-CAmbric, sale .... $1.00 XWOEX—See our range ofwbite
ParAsols to clear out at ........... 98c canvas 'And Fleet foot shoes all the
best styles -at cut prices.
CA MIX0,L4X—Special w h It e 2) *A WZWX—Wonlen's draw4ro
silk, lace trimmed camisoles, bargain' Made of fine quality Hain;ook, Irim- VJV2)Z It-VXZ* r.V—L a d i e s'
........ ................. $1.50 white Nalneock UnderakIrts with em-
med with embroidery 841A Price .... 75C broldory Bounce sale .....
e Es Isard' Co.
style, Quality and Value
Agents for Ladles' Home Journal Patterns.
Oak 001`40RIZ1' "'m "m
THE horse has been declarbd by Thomas Edison to be the most ineffi*cient
L maehine in the world.,,, In return for the amount of food and care needed,
the horse returns less in work than any other machine.
The average team of farm horses costs $400, a
good set of double harnes.% $100,. a wagom without
bak $115, making a total of $615. ,
% A Ford Truck costs $750 at F ord, Ont. A Fordson
Traetor costs $850 at Dearborn Mich.
The initial ,cost of 'motorizing a farm is slightly
greater than' the cost of a horse outfit, but the lower
cost of operation and..gPkeep of the traetor and truck
and the greater am6unt 'of worlt done easily ptit
the horse out of the running.
Government experiments have proved that the eost-
of feedinga horse is 8.7 ce 11ts per working hour.
A team of horses cannot Plow inore t1lan two acres
in a ten-hour day. At 8.7 cents per hour or 17.4
cents per hour for a"tearn, the cost would be $1.74,
or87centsanam, Tr ordson Tractor plows on an
average of seven, acres a day. The cost per acre
averages not raore than M cents per aare for gas dnd
oil. - The Fordson does three and a lialf times as
much plowing in a day at a smalfer cost per acre.
Suppose you are battling produce to warket or bring.
ing- Out supPlies. If the town fi-twenty miles away it
will talce you a whole day to ifiqke ille return trip
with horses. If you have a heavy load and the
weather is hot it will take you two days. If it took
You twelve bours, the ost at 17.4 cents an houi for
your team would be 2.0.9. The average wst of run-
, 9-r gas and ofl, is 4)J cents a mile
or $1.8o for the forty miles. But with the Ford
Trfick you can make the return trip in four hours.
The truck enables YOu tO make thrie times as many
trips and at a lower cost per trip.
But this is not all ' If You niotorize your fann you
can get up an hour later in the mojmi g. 'You have
no horses to feed, groom or hamess. You start work
after breakfast.
When dinner is ready you stop at the end of the field,'
drive your tractor dliect to th6 house, eat your dinne4
and rest tiII it is time to go to work agafh.
In the afternoon yourmotorworks just as WeU thougli
the sun is hot and the flies are bad.
And at night when work is over you are through for
the day,—no horses to rub down, hwor Vvater.
You are always free to leave your farm for picnic or
vacation—no worry about h6mm left behifid to be
cared for.
Every way you look at it the motor has the advantage over the horse. It
means shorter hours on thelarm, more work done in less time itnd at le& cost.
A* Mil C RAWFOMD, Dealer, W*
.'..The ter' tale of a stage carpen'ter vho saw so.
Much that lie, Sawed too little.- Perneniber,'The Garage'
66P . 19 She came from Arizona, and s4y, W -hen the rollicking, (rol.
COMMG, 'Mabel
11 fl. Norman7s licking tWO-gun
whirlwind breeZe d into high society can
'Great eit. .-S c r e te n Triumph You Imagine what happened? DQH't Imagine it --You might.
miss something.
Stake your claim to a good seat for *Pintos,
JR. 11—Arnold Vint, Zora Bolt', Bruce East Wawanosh
Chamney (r c, .
Harold Burns who is assistant princ;pa
SR. I— Blair Gibbons, Harvey Misses Annie Robinson an -
A., G. SMITH, Editor And Prop. Staple-.
ton. Chamney have gone to St, Thomas,
of the school at Davidson, Saqk., is home
farthe holidays.
JR, I—Beryl' Cunnington, Dorothy wheretheyare spending A week at the
TheD ouble Track -Route Jas, Fi I ndlater of Toronto; spent a few
SQU,0% REPORT Vincent, Cleland Bqne, Clarke Johnston, summer school.
Between d;kvs in town.
PRIMER-1-larold' Vincent,, ..Dorothy
Report of S. S. No -lauli, Stapleton, Eileen. Mccallu .
-7., Zet, I Lucknow
Montreal Dr. Hackett of Detroit, is'
vi ited relatives
x missed the examination
SR.-IV—Dorothy,,Currie, (hot.), Liiektiow, July f2th, 1920.
t E. M. MCBURNny, Teacher.
Toronto in Ashfield.
Detroit and Mrs. Armitage of London'
I is visiting her
One of Lucknow's earliest residents
J'Ro 111-1 thel Currie, (hon. I ). jean passed away at the home of her son in
Chicago sistertin town,
Currie, Sault Ste. Naire iii the person of Mrs.
. They're Quarreling Yet
Unexcelled Dining Car Miss Isabel. Douglas of Chath
home. am, is
Sk.. II—Margaret Stapleton ThGs. Lawrence. Since the death 'of her
Evidence of further lack of harimony husband several years ago she had made
Jimmie Wilson, Jessie Naylor,
between the two, temperance organizat-,
Xennoth Weaver, Teddie Mowbray, her home -with her doll, David, where she
ions, the two Dominion Alliances and the died.
JR. 1- Phyllis Weaver,- Willie iqow, She with her husband the late
Sleeping cars on Night train's
bray,.Afex. Coulter. Ontario Referendum Committee, was Thos. Lawrence came to'Lucknow` in the
furnished yesterday Dr. A. S. Grant,
and Parlor cars on prin-
Pit.:-Jean 6ultoi. early days and took a pfomiuent part in
V. M .TXSDATR, Teacher. secretary of the Ontario Referendum the developetrient of, the town. 1dr.
ciple Day trains.
Committee, issued a circul r dated June Lawrence conducted a hardware store
12tb, in which he makes an attack on the here u
Tbe t@lowiqg is the report of the pro- ntil his death And his son' , David
Full information from Any Grand Trunk
0 ntario, Branch of the Alliance. He de
motion ex4minatians.of 8. S, No. 8, East - and XMward, tnen carried on the business
Wawanos claresthe action taken by that body in but few
Ticket Agent or C.'F,. Horning, District
Passenger Agellt, Toronto,
a years ago they sold out, F dward
SR. IV - beatrice Leisliman. mal ing an appeal for $150,000, part of going to Winnipeg and David to the Sao.
W. F. Burgman, Agent, Phone 5o, or
H. B. X11iott, Town Ticket Agent, Phone
which is to be used for conducting the Mrs, Lawrence was, sick only about an
JR-WI—Jessle Menzies (lion.), Gwen- referendum Campaign this fall, is absurb,
4, Wingliam.
hour, eating dinner in her usual health,
dolene McDowell. Dr. Grant States that the campaign -is in
she complainedshortly after of not feel. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN
MeBurney. charge of the Referendum Committee, ing well. A doctor was summoned but
JR. 1ll,::- Aiigela Gibbons, Blanche
that th6 action of the Alliance in partici-
Cunningham (hon.)o Myrtle Lieshman I the last call had come. Her death was
pating in the fight will cause confusion,
(hon.1), Lauretta.McBurney (hall,). due to heart failure and old age. She is
and warns committees against Alliance survived by a family of seve three
SR.' II—Annie McDowell, n
financial plans. —Toronto Globe. daughters and four sons, one son, Lindsay
Osteopathic Physician, only qualified
predeceased her several years ago,
osteopath in North Huron,
Another old resident of town passed
away at his home in Goderich, when
Adjustment of the spine is more quickly
securedand with fewer treatments than
by any other method.
Alexander D P-m
ffl WE=
haPPY smiles, white
teeth., good appetites
and digestions,
Its benefits are as GREAT
2S its cost is SMALL!
(t satisfies the desire 'for,
sweets, and is beneficial, too,
Sealed Tight n"Ot Right
cumsed the Bloodpressureand other examinations
"Great Divide". He was in his 77th made.
year and had been ailing for some time. All diseases treated. -
He was for many years a residetit of Phone 272.
Lucknow, leaving here for Gqderich, OFFICE OVER CHRISTIE'S. STORE
when he received the appointment of
Deputy Sheriff of Huron County, He
topk a prominent part in the Oddfellows
while here, Mrs, Duncan XacDonald of SELL
town is a daughter.
Town and Farm hroperties. Call and
The glorious 12th has come and gone, see my list and get my prices. I have
and all the lodges from Dan to Beer. some excellent values.
Sheba can furl their colors and pack
them in moth -balls, lack up their 4rm, I G. STEWART
and fifes for another year, as usual on the
12th it rained but cleared up in time for phou, 134. WINGHAM.
11105tPeoPle. Vora while in the nfbrn office in TownHall.
ing it appeared that the day was gbing to e ,
be celebrated here, Several fliers and rator of the General Assembly of the
druthiners from outlying districts on Free Church of Scotland, - The services
their way to Witigham, were exercising were conducted in the old Scottish fasb-
their wind and nluscle$, and quite a ion, The -congregation standing with
crowd gathered around but by. ' oon all bowed heads in prayer and the Psalms
bad disappeared to return in the. evenilig being sung without the 'aid. of An organ -
full of ice creaw and chocolate bars in. Mr. McKaY is on a tour which will, take
stead of booze as in the days gone by aud him to the Pacifle Coast before returning
still resplendent in gold and silver braid, to Scotland, lie is accompanied by his
yellow and scarlet sasbes and collars, dougliter, who was the guest of Miss Is -
tired but thoroughly bappy and content- abel McIntosh while here,
ed in having helped to win Again the Mrs, Con Decker received word on
battle of the 13oyne. Nootherdayinthe Thursday that her mother Mrs. Ratz Of
year brings Out Such, a Motley thton g, as Wfllv rton, had suffered a paralytic stroke.
does the r2th Of July. O9k that day one At last reports she was a little better.
sees the halt and lame the deaf atid 'rho local L. 0. L. and visiting brethren If
blind, the learAed. and unlearned, the to the number of about thirty -rive attended
rich and poor, Overdressed and under. Divine Set -vice in St. Peter's Anglican
dressed, and the student of human church, Sunday morning,
nature can find tio better opportunity to What might have been a fatal accident
Pursue his studies, Some take it very
seriously while others Act as though that occurred on Monday when John Purvis of -
was tho only day they were allowed ' Holyrood went to crank his tar which lie
And some e "tt had just filled withgasoline, at McLeoditq
njoy themselves so thorough' hardware store, it immediately, da -,he
ly that they are little or Ito use forthe -Test d
ill do on
of tbe' Week. 'An Orangeman W, forward and crashed itito W. J. Joylitts
that clay for nothing, car in tront of 14ilfs store, eatching Mr.
absolutely refuse to do awhat he would Purvis betwoen the ears, arid pushing an
ii any other day
fOr AlmaA Any Consideration and mArk it until they bumped into the hydrant in
dOwh As it day long to be remenibeted, front of Armstrong's drug- store, and
Dr. Balfour is in sniatihing a tie post off at the ground,
Loudou) luckily for Mr. Purvis hiq eat haq
went for an operatioYA on his hand, long
'210 spring.,; out in front and this gav hill . I
Is suffering from blood-poiso"ing and it room between the cars or lie mighte have
Wa.t feared at one time he Would: lose his been killed Or *it loastscrion.0y liult. The
finger, but fit last report he Wag doing CAP14 WePe VerV little hurt.
Rev. AngUqL MeXay of XingerSie, Seot. Dr- W- COnliell Of C011ingWooll, jS
land, preaelled in the PreAbyterian church ing his father and ,,ister bearc.
here on Sunday *nd tf e church w" Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Afebollald of
vrowded. Ilse gallery which 14 usod' only PeterboVo, are visiting in tj)wl), -
on rate OCCAS-lion't being nearly full, ' Mr Dr. Mexenzie of De(roit, i ,] Visiting Lit
MvKAV WA -vi pastor Of the church here 1h; las. Henderion's.
over.4ixteen YtXt.q, lftvmg bereAndsoing Mr. Neil Nut douli has gj jlle We"t jor a
back to Scotland *ad *411 ts>r a term mod-, rip.
%*Wql 14 11thi too,
owwwlw 6'"Al 1.1 t 1.1, 1.11
Groceries clou* Ron$#
Boots and Shoe$
Wearigo Apparel d1rd s 10,14
Window scalee's"
J S ecial S
U. y P
HQXR-6 dozen Ladleli) Black cot- r!R1-/VC4_V-V -V Z X r X_ Fine 'SAL"It
ton HOqe, fastplaok 3SO Or 3 pairs for rx—vtsh top skirts made
.......................... $1,00, 41DUllity. NAIrlsook Princce s. $lips, fin. K00.
ishCd With embroidery sale price_ 1. So
2"*r—$pCqlg1 line of a
N-rayrr Go W X X— Nvomen's 001 -
gowns; made of fine white Nainsook,
Lace trinlinC4. 041 mo-rz—Women's pit ;I Atici
e. ............ $1.00 fancy silk hose In Black op colorg, nq
'Luxury tax' on, sale At ........ $4.00, In X1441140,
co!R-r4r cov'Cit's—sp"14, tQ clor out, Made of striped Repp, I
14ce trimmed corset. covers, bar a *#!4 price
........... ....... 0 0 I., ..........
VOIL)r'—pine quality plald lie,
A VWON-f--Women's large cover, JIG Jacets wider In blue, green ILI
4tll, aprons, light and dark patterns, An4 Matzo, reg price 1.00 sale.... 85C
.9pcclal price ...................
VIOXI-E—Flne quality volle, fancy -V14XX—B1g sto k here td choose
: patterns, fast colors, price ........ 40c, froln, All the leading shades, plain or. I
tancY Pattcttlt %ed out bargains.. $2. . SQ
'r-f4,L0W-VZ,ArJ' V—Plno quality
cotton pillow allps, hernstitched, bar,
aaln WA")r.V—Ladles1 White Valle
............ ........... Waists, round or square necks, bar-
gain ........ .................. $2,00 ilk
-V0CX,_V—Sllk finished
TI-1411nXite Wlth fancy tops, sale
........... . 35C 3)1tX-VXEX—Bar9ains In house
dr4s cc, medium or dark print. nicely
mad:# good
V011-Z—Faney plaid Valle, 40 inch- strong cloth, bargain
.1 -, ................. ........ $2.50
es wide, one dollar value for ....... 65c
GO WNX—Girls' night gowns %ade
I'A 1tAS0Z:.Y— Fancy Summer 6(fineEnglish-CAmbric, sale .... $1.00 XWOEX—See our range ofwbite
ParAsols to clear out at ........... 98c canvas 'And Fleet foot shoes all the
best styles -at cut prices.
CA MIX0,L4X—Special w h It e 2) *A WZWX—Wonlen's draw4ro
silk, lace trimmed camisoles, bargain' Made of fine quality Hain;ook, Irim- VJV2)Z It-VXZ* r.V—L a d i e s'
........ ................. $1.50 white Nalneock UnderakIrts with em-
med with embroidery 841A Price .... 75C broldory Bounce sale .....
e Es Isard' Co.
style, Quality and Value
Agents for Ladles' Home Journal Patterns.
Oak 001`40RIZ1' "'m "m
THE horse has been declarbd by Thomas Edison to be the most ineffi*cient
L maehine in the world.,,, In return for the amount of food and care needed,
the horse returns less in work than any other machine.
The average team of farm horses costs $400, a
good set of double harnes.% $100,. a wagom without
bak $115, making a total of $615. ,
% A Ford Truck costs $750 at F ord, Ont. A Fordson
Traetor costs $850 at Dearborn Mich.
The initial ,cost of 'motorizing a farm is slightly
greater than' the cost of a horse outfit, but the lower
cost of operation and..gPkeep of the traetor and truck
and the greater am6unt 'of worlt done easily ptit
the horse out of the running.
Government experiments have proved that the eost-
of feedinga horse is 8.7 ce 11ts per working hour.
A team of horses cannot Plow inore t1lan two acres
in a ten-hour day. At 8.7 cents per hour or 17.4
cents per hour for a"tearn, the cost would be $1.74,
or87centsanam, Tr ordson Tractor plows on an
average of seven, acres a day. The cost per acre
averages not raore than M cents per aare for gas dnd
oil. - The Fordson does three and a lialf times as
much plowing in a day at a smalfer cost per acre.
Suppose you are battling produce to warket or bring.
ing- Out supPlies. If the town fi-twenty miles away it
will talce you a whole day to ifiqke ille return trip
with horses. If you have a heavy load and the
weather is hot it will take you two days. If it took
You twelve bours, the ost at 17.4 cents an houi for
your team would be 2.0.9. The average wst of run-
, 9-r gas and ofl, is 4)J cents a mile
or $1.8o for the forty miles. But with the Ford
Trfick you can make the return trip in four hours.
The truck enables YOu tO make thrie times as many
trips and at a lower cost per trip.
But this is not all ' If You niotorize your fann you
can get up an hour later in the mojmi g. 'You have
no horses to feed, groom or hamess. You start work
after breakfast.
When dinner is ready you stop at the end of the field,'
drive your tractor dliect to th6 house, eat your dinne4
and rest tiII it is time to go to work agafh.
In the afternoon yourmotorworks just as WeU thougli
the sun is hot and the flies are bad.
And at night when work is over you are through for
the day,—no horses to rub down, hwor Vvater.
You are always free to leave your farm for picnic or
vacation—no worry about h6mm left behifid to be
cared for.
Every way you look at it the motor has the advantage over the horse. It
means shorter hours on thelarm, more work done in less time itnd at le& cost.
A* Mil C RAWFOMD, Dealer, W*