The Wingham Advance, 1920-07-01, Page 54-, 1% � 11 I �_ , W -11 - , 7 - . - 'F� -1 - Awr '111 � � I I , - I '1-7,�­n%,�`, w0mv, `j� , , = 7 - 1011TV1R7X1A?1' *,. I I TNT, , I ­` !, � �, , -r e , I , 'I I , w7w , I � � . , - . ". , , , P1, - ��,�.;- V I ".. � __ , �� 7 . , , N- , : � I . "I .1. �If 1.9, . � , � b , . I .. 7W , '. .. "I , _ %,, PR7 , 1. I..., I - , . -;�_'�. .�, "71111011111111111111" - , I �_ _ C�: P . , �,� � " - . . � I . . . ,_ , ,� ... ----W -7 W N 0 I i . , �17 , T W,7_4' 11 I � . � ­�;;- , A_,:, . , : — , ­­ �.%­.- 1 I . �, !Zi;r!,�, ,,I: "'% � .�� , ��. � � � ;1 , ­ I-— I �, I , 711 N e. , k ­ � �­ . ,f � FYI#; . . , � , Y211Z, It, 1 ;P4 N ,1 �, I . � I , � 1� I I'AarsaAt Uy 14to 1061 . � ,6 1 " %....a , � .10� , "..., . . . , * - ,.111. I , . .,. "I � . 1 4 , _. I � I , . ,_ ��. �� ­�;_, �� - I I � a . . , I � �,� 0, ,,. . 't � Tal OwlsGIA.", ''a' I I 'N' 0 I'll . " ,r4olm*,A�tg"W.a", —­ _ _____11__-_______ .­..­­___ , , � " , i Iftiol.- 1 -, . I, ­__ _._-".1_ _ ". '. .... 0_4 NO I ________ ---1. , . I N ,. 'I I: I W_ - INON1111111110-- - �__ -"--.-- 110-0 -- WiNdul I ,;"., I - I 1-11 1-2m +",�#~4#4,4,v,*,4,01*,$,O.4wq.#,*,#W,0#4,## . . . " , -1' � . lmilmliwow%wl . . _��."I_�.."A&A.___ .111--.1--l- - . I ___ *1111116iw" I 116 . �­,, Wl; " ; ��A.ljr tl":'.�,I, I 14"."ItAl 0.0 OiLL&46A& -, —it!!"!!!"ft_*_"_"�, !! �! I , " _"4!01!11!111'V1W111M ,..A I . 4 I 111flt, lie trux v--.4", ��Ilr. .w 4.,14,14 41, I , " , , "' .- - - - I � Aid...A. . is -:: "'., , - 11 I t, ­ " ", ­* . � ., , . . . � I I � , .14 - ;,"'It I. ... , I � I'll ... � I , A&A , . I , " -I dull'i '! A.4111 il ;W �!Xxj*, ': . " . , " ICH - fiv 't.f i� .rh. mind lelow I on A - . Xiid$* .'".".. ...."W t *.AV �4. :.* I..",", .III, twor. f4 � � . �,,% N=XXX0WXXXX�XX%=XXXX - 11 . . " t A'.0 �W;*,Ai ­. �,* -4x,# '; 0 1, I . UWO .�44.1-1,0.V' IW '4Md. ant], Ills pyes . . ADYKE TO,,THg kiddlIg, ovor 11101, A JJ*t, 7 i il ); � � . �.). . . " - ,, . al N, I I � oiw- mutpu -. A .� 11 I I * 1181le, sily,,; f',11l. ill)i�,gll,i,,il)v4..,,,,,:l?14, ivere bright. - Vvo Itwelf that *girl, ,evm.. I I ft lk UK Ab � ., I "I ra,411 , .. . .1 , . * 1AIIII'llot Inarry Inp. $Jlp 14 since til a, , . . I JL r . - 0 � I . say. 1111 Al . 11 h, VrIde, blit.—Ivell, I Ilgve - I .., � WDW . , T ( I . . � I . " ,� 11100 enough sort Inwil it pretty goo MIZ . . _; , �. t " LOVELORN , 4xk "..'-41 w.,A,." ,� h.rif -y, , . Of 11 k-lit'll, I'mt �110 4 (Id0wr ill the love "I ... Z Z CA ,�AAV3 � *4-; � 11 It. �. I It, ,-_ .t *! . plie ,� , , % '.' . � I � L)v : : I �' . ,v doubts, that I havp rpltl eh-,Irtictj�r. pin. afrair"; of otho�r%.Jbnt lyllpil lt*CQI]301 ,to .. I . .... � .. " '.., , :, , , " 4, , " . . , . one thing, rm too,youll" aveording to mille-11, . o., I I �, - �L I � IMF . A . , '. I 1".. � I)oTight Vie. -Wry Loan Bonds, la� -this �� 4 . , 1. .., I � . , % - 1117 R *;�P, , 'I � her ideas. she Wallis " Ile ifteed aj'i;lrni 11,41, ' I � . . ­ .11� � . , - 4AY, ,8A All older mull -I- , 'on . qW .3 I , � . 1� � Otl . I I . . 1141 I I '*. ! Richard Was putting oil t U I . , . lyay, a,great many sayed money for . . I - alloulder, '. 11 "' . " * " I 4 ;� . I i., he vori ,oi). I � -,,, . - I _1* ' I . -1 I the first' thne. 'K)day, most of the 411''111',Il��,11�il���il,�iiil,ill,,ii,,ii�,111�lI 11. . Ile eould not vvIldo tile filet that he "I'm 4evid sorry for you, reglly,;_ , I - * . I . . I 11, 11 , . , but � elt -�, Striking Values � y Z' had Come face to faco ivith hig llrst you call t blaille nie for 1vantilig a. lIttIP �, I . bowls purchased On the deferred plan. 0, I 020. b i1cc.1'rQ Nmvvgsly'�61)er sy 104 5 : , . . I I 0 1 failure as Cupid. heart throb of my own.". I I I I in.Summer Goods ­ ' 11-6v-0 1well fully paid for, wnsequently It I-'; "Inlikely tliat ever another man "III fact," Air, istania re'suilled, 11.4he . -those who have learned economy are beld the unt(11.10, Ilosition in 11 ci)m- told Ine there iva,q �one inaII it, till,; .. � I . I I 11 mUllitY that lttvhtirt� Jerome occupied AiGAIN THE TERRIOL' i�_ - . -now. woking further �ound investmlwLs. III Wftkotiold, , � 'I . town that she adfillred and has loved - . --- E TURKI , , � vl� , . . I I . I for fouryears. 'lle's rather old for a , '" I ,. WAISTS, SMOCKS � 0 1 vocatiollally'Wehiq-ti ivas, a lawyer, , QQt4lis of Tragedy Which for Some . � I � With,,- G"madian Victory Loan Bonds k . _ -upying a,stronger ositionth and it g000l, olle., kelleroll" practice girl like nle, she �sahl. ,hat I'll J111111) RoaGon Did Not "Make',' tho I I . I lli�__'� � oc( . I art eyer I , A, 1, It tilt, chance to -Inarry him. !'�,hnl � day, � . I 0 I p had gIv(ni liflu'a, Ifilanclat watus that I ( First Pago, , 1' .1 befor ", Perhaps, he'll ,conle lily 1%,ay, 1111t If he - I . AND WASH SHIRTS . I I the Ivisest thing you can do is 11119lit lie terixte'll Comfortable, and pt, -- - � . I 1� . . 'to hivest, f4ther in this seowity. , . late years. he,.JIi1tl �Ijlactid vortain"ke." doesn't I'llaiever warry at all." H: I rly daiv ' �." I . Nve are showinge a full range of Blouses in Crepe , , . I 9tri(vuous on bh;.j,,g,nI business Which* lUchara emptied tile o,qh,s.,fr_om tile r,111t.y. ,,Vill, wim 4in't-ining o"r.the . . I . I . ..", .. dc Chene, OVorgetteg, Pongee .1nd Voil". The sees- , , I e tir"t 4sun's rays wqre . k, . v On's latest StYles at very attract , ive prices. . lVrlte us and we ,-,hall furni.sh hill par- porlilitted 111"lily sfmro tholnelits for PIP(- and,fille(I It ligaill. Ile st"ne' a , ­"'itillig dver tile ivilitt, house -4 far be-� . "' I I . I .11 . . X tivill- ' 111.4 aroontion,_111III-Ii Was tile mendin match ana was pi.epuring to flinily the IONV, k I - 11 . 1. � ans. 9 flame, to the iollacco Ml I '. I � � . I I � . I . . I I . Of broken lleartt3. I . ' went on * I en Ills client They woro standing SUIL ivatelling . ; . . I ; Smocks I , I � . a the, matilrbig" beautlos -or nature. . . � : I I . T110 Mlcatl(lli Paid Richard not - I I '� ? XIV Penny, bilt lit. pj�xfprlilt-d. th "The funny pil'it of it I,;, julla has .41)vAr," salol slit, glishingly, ,,look I . i I. Justreceiveda .shipment of '�,,oile Slaocl,-1; in V T ood, Gundy, &V Company it glealli III 'Ill's eye en in till,; mall,s soLlety hu . .. I % _. I dainty styles, Made'of fine quality voile, plain white I I 111)(I joy In 1119 . It -It 0161 beautiful sunr,lse." . . . I and soine have colored trinunings .3t $3,2j and 3.50, le . Canadian Pacific Railway Building . heart; for he loved hilinalifty and once four years ago, NvIlen she Ivas Ills .1 � 11 -_. . I . , f(qIoWs s "JuSt look 'At tUe lovely dewdrop,11 . 7.1 . .1 Raw Silk and Crepe'de Chene SmocL-s at $4,75 to, $10, . (141)(1 not twar to ,,,oe hI4 slIffer partner oil a SundaY school hayrIde.11 Ile cl,16d Rpilreelatively. .1 =� .11 I � . A . I Toronto . , I I . . � . W 1 4 1"llt'll It AvIly to allevlat4o illeir,troubles Itlebard dropped the Inateli sudd . . I I . 1 7 ell, indeea. the dow ivas,qweet, Their . I .� . I - - I I NvaR realty to hi's"blind. 17. It had burned Ills finger. ]Ie slit rp.et Nve,e soal.e(l. I � I .." Wash SUIrts - - ____ , . with It and It fell - . . I . - ,. I WAVAl"A" Never hada lovosloril young manlip- Putting, bu � ._-0 . . . . I . . pettleii to 11jehard III vilill, Ileyt had asked: t getting no smoke, And 'down oil their uncovered ' heads, �� I . Z= _. . White Bedford Cord Wash Skirts, n,oveity pook I . V - . " i .. 11 . ­­­ I—. I --111, . : , .________�_ I . I - . he fiflled, Ill llhq to;suiiied role of eu- "What did you S . drtinclip(l then, quietly, . I I " 1. " V . etS, wide beIts, trimmed with pearl buttons. Very t . . � ay Is her name?" . neat and stylist,, special value $3 oo, I . �. I I � 41And that Nvaterfall-ho,ty gor,trus,,;!,, �,.. ...q. , : r - .;. ­,IZ7, 11. 7 insight Into tile wilysof %voin- The corncob fell liml sprliakled -un- wlielic P % P#� % . . . � I ,AN, I p1d, to ... g6t,the,vertilet," Ills almost "Julla Roth" Nvas the response. 411V ,11111rulur (I.- turning around .lo . , � iq . ­ ,�­ ". : illicallill e etkille tile Illighty sound$, . . . .&A k�"�' � ,�;l . . I . .- -1 I ,.�!,. Y,� �_ . ell* gave hini something Ukill to �falne 116use Dresses and A .4;)"aU,�,, �,` � , lights(] tobacco over the -floor, while' . . � I - prons ,�,". I - �, -, Z.)` Ile Started to move., 1101), don't !"t I . -1 ", ""I . ,,v.1 A . I I ;:q . N W . . 111 NN"tlkelletd, tlithollgIl it wits It fAW0 in his moilth' Wellard retained, t I 't,10 ,N'Ot. ' she pleaded. . " 4 ,wv., I� Ladies' and Children's Dresses in, plain and 'm I .... Y� �, ',,,,' - -w �, '.. 4; , , I I § _"' ;.1.) I . * thf1t wAS sPrVad'bY Word of mouth and bro4en sten f& plaid Gingh . 1�-�o­,.­ -14, 11 ! 14 Z� t , ..), He rose and took his but But I'm hungry," be ,said, q. want' I I , I awsat $2.50 to 5.50. Buugelow Aprons *"'ZI; ;�-";.,J ��!'t il not by newspaper liewilines and half- from, a peg on t1le wall. � . , , in light and dark patterns, . made of extra quality , . I - ,�, Ti'i:�1;-S. _i , " ,7- , �, . 1;(�nes, , . , 6 . My breakfast", I � . ----------" Mut, Special Value $1.30 to 2,�O, , -9 m� U ji'�,-,- --�­ � � 11 ;­ . 'I'm sorry,11 lie sald, as Ur. 31aula . I . , � . - I ­­., ... ` "A , . __ "I'll, -1111 ... �`Ii 1. - 4 0011, 1.10PPY, 10t's built for oine - . I . 1 114 4 -began wlleiA ItIchar(I's (,him', All- prepared to leave. "I'm dead serry for breakfast -here in tile fields, s We am., � I 11 I 4 4�� . 1. .11 , �., I * ,4 1 il , � I � . . but 1, .. N . ,< -, _03 - illolly Brextoll, .callW to him with tears you) ve got 'to I . I I � , I - le 11 174, 1 , admit that for lilight finot-t, Wash Cy . _ __ �_'`_-'Ii � . 1�7z_ " . "� , �, o Ill 111.4 eyesand wililed, . , I Oocts, W, hitewear, 1 16, P I "It's a once I have faile(i as a heart doctor." Ilere, she stopped and her eyes.dl_ X - . . . .. I . Underwear, Silk Ho � .. I.over, Dick, Will you please They steppell toward the door, list- Nvoilderlugly, and 11 get tile -1 bottle'of �arbollu.acfd or ail lated Ill terror, 14 , , . Nll;� I., siery. I I . equally deadly .. pulsoll? Isabelle has lessuess In Mr, Mante's gait, :while in as tIIOI . Igh.sQnsin�- 8011le danger, fio X � I � , i N I . 0 turned me down ail(] life holds notf I Riclia afs there yqjs lip, pnaccuAtomed looked, too,, Sintill wonder she � X I � I , ,ill- - . . .. I . ' .____________�__A Stol)Ped � . � . I . . I I I . I �; W01111rd 11'ad 6111inlY lIghted a corn- ' I Constipation OUred .. . ever on �.vlls MUrdel.011is-looking, blowl- " I A* `w I L L '" ;19, I I . I . 11 . . fQr me now."; I . . I __� � k -froze III lier traek-,, for if , ' I * , . . I �� 11 .;. . I I I I 40)) b1pe )vIlich was so Old It 1001600. aq ' thirsty fa(T le,e�ed, jil,to illelr,s, It Avttf4 . . M 6 X I . By Christian SciOnce , � ,% 11 It It InIght"Inive been the pattetrilafter . . the fno�� of. tile sinister 'Plirl'. . I �. . which tilt the' � -0- � ­ Then at.,0u,,,Illg IIIIII.mpff fl -4),11 his tor- . 9 , . . and stild -, r . Settled 111111�"(qf- 'billfortably, . or and dragged Ills loved one ul,jllg :.. "!!*=_,__._ � 61W A1%, I , , 11, � - -_v-g w ­ ­­ - ­­­ -­­_­_-. -____1,__11_=2= .,_ ��V.,___7_­ 1-1 - - _� I I 471)00116 Ivii got 110% Parbolle 1361eU00 aethods, whith proves the I . ­ - ­ ­­­­ I..... -111-1 -__-__-__1-_ 411111'. hundred can be -cured by .Qhrtstia _, I . . , x I . Hem S �01�lvr.� %vore eopl6cl, hall , S,efvonX7 five people out' of one po the lover. uttered It .Alviell of tor- � � 41% w� I .�,f. . 11 r . , . 'I . to tezethlp � cld-let?s'114ar��ouj�story. Notthfttr gre with. Illm as lie welit, .. . I , ,qt pOjv,p,T og the Mlad over the 11 . Turnberry Council, . . I . � . 11 . I I . alli. curlous*, ll�t'_T.oibject to sp�adlll * The Turk -a NvonderCul spprllacn�: .,,:. ,� �. I I I . �,, D$geVUV4B Apj�sratus and the, f re- I I . . app- P 1^0 t i t " wo # 900d 111oney'61, .�olAoli unless iVs liee-' 'qUeney; bf Nervousn;ss:as acauo(i of *110 11-1144. to0-Nvlth;ja ivieked AvInk.- lot . . I . � . I %0"%0"%-0% � .,. - . 11 I . . esl;hry. R(ii�rptlflj,ml I ail) a lawyer. , Co.ur I � : I them flee solne, di.stance. .-Thell coo,ll�?", . � 16e, council met as advertised or) lune 11 I . ,: .. . I , � .ttpatton. I . I � . . . . ... . .. deliberately, Ile folioNv4d. . 218t, 1920. All the council. present. I , I , I 1, .. I . . . . �Nvhy not le�-,Iilv ftohlse $on? my fee Whe4 t1blese inetho4a fall , .. - The flavor I . will not be bcav'y�jj . I � Mir%los of last regular meeting and.. ; , , 11 . digrestion ! � . � Hacktag's Kidney and Liver Pills The poor frightellell croatures n ' . also I , ; , . . 1 . . � * even .' L � I I I . lasts�-and' the"I ' . I . - Anthony 1140.14ti.glied wlserably� are, reooramended. They are purely looked buck and tile wily' Turk nevei" -914*11 of c0urt ot Revision were read " Ell 9% r , , ,,, , . . " - , , " " . ... . . . . . , � "You ftdv!SL� IP h love aiTair? That's vegetable and. olo nat Gripe oT Ir- - lOst'Sight Of theill. Suddenly lie made Ond'a�proved on motion of "lKs. Porf6r ,Are Y -U, U , *MAN I . 17, . . I electrically-' '" .9 . . Xuany, Dlck� % NN'10,you're a confirmell ritate; many people have found theM UR Ills' 1111114'411d leaPedtoward thenv. and J. 1. Moffatt. . . I In a U W-.0 MWAN , -1 k - . . ­ . " !� ,, I .,; " . ' . . ., I , , . ... .�. . ...'.. 4 11 . . �achelor, You've -never been"exigaged,. excellent for Heada6he,, Dizziness, t(�4, it they could hn'. get . 1, . . .1 I - I .. - I I i . 1�� I I . .1 - I I � . . , �had'iu kil'In ),our life.,, , . t snfely, lie�,` ,.,A commucication was read from.the . I I I I - . . .1 sealed . - I nevei I 'i Bad l3reath, Coated Tongue, Loss.of hino s6iue:trve.4-or lildwin tile diirt4 Ontario Municipal Asiaciatl6n 'A' p, III Prave enoughto Face the Future? ' - * , , I - t. ... - !�*. . , . � * .. isma;Fbe Mat NvIII give me a bett,dr Appetite, Indigestion, ,Gas on the corner of soule hidden cave. . I . �kil 9' e I . . I � . . . . * CAPUG11 to afilliste and to send a deldgit i I.. I Package . - - * e B g enough so Assume a, Responsibi I ;,* ,�, . .. - . � � perspoictIve'j'h ffic juatter" sak'Mcb- Stomach, -and ,zorany oiber ev% that But.uol 'Twas not to be., Dogg ' . 1� I 14? , - .: - I I.. . . . � .., �. 11 - ar&' - 111t-w�n't`bfirt to tr�," - ,' -, � are due to Constipation. If It, Was. Tile only place One to i'Oronio in August, Na� 'actl'Q'Xl . WAS A Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Nffsf6r`t 7 I I - - .1 , - - I " ,then fi,�Ialt it terieA wiiijoi.&�th-" - Where there 18"'Extreme Nery � 11 left thell) I . .. uve.- . - ' ' :. ... X X I I I I , I � I � , 7C 7T 4 � : I I . I I , ( kl*^10_04­�; nd 0 ill I A K X X I X I A WM A I M ii 11, 3 1 �� , brings . - " . % �. � - - I . . I " , Oug" to esca e froin tile terrible turlt Nya, talodfi. The following acdounts; wcpe .. � , 1. ' .� -.7 . ., 11110ded his talo,pf-ime, and,wheu.l� I . , . .. .. - I � $ . 0.4y , .; , Ambitious enoagh to Increase �o ', r - Bi�#e ImL - ' , , I � I - I . 1. 11 ness and you are W1 run down�l and p . .Pa4fi-John Qoy, work on roid $& ; u I A . I � - I I the' 6601, invltin,,; waters belivath, tho . 1 .40 I , . . �, , . . - '.1 � "tire easily" it *ould- be just as well , . � . 1, 'I�AtPowell, culvert anti dri�ving'�fild, � mediately? _ .t. � I . .. I ,� ­.. .. *., ;111 � � I . 11 *; .4 % I . . . . - 1:. , � was.firitshed-Aind the hitter was hud- I roarift�­ torl�vllt. . . ; . � .. %. % .4�,?�­, , .61"�. . - I to t4ke , � . , . I . -.7 . , , I dlotlz back',':-IU1 hls�'- diair choking ba,ek I lits! b'T,.or th , �'j " a Patriotic enotijh to Prbvide . .1, � : J *.4 N AM Haeldna's Heart and.Nerve Remedy A ey reached ill(' slil4_ .00, S4wyer-Massey Co.,­r1ZV­ ­fi . . for'yo"ur ­ . .. I V!, ­�, ' , . , . sobs ,and child that,had In-, siirgery.�o eseape fron, I 1110 . . . ... Energetic ellOugh to b ng,a Goocf;Uv' . :...�: .. I ".... , - , . . . ( �&,,c�,Ir'ly Christmas raoftl_ along with these )Pills. Tbis ,com. I'l � re ter-. I . It . . I , 1: . .. . -rept'ouj qi.h� , . . " elibood? , .". I I . . . . I bination goesi w4l together and re.- , 04 otion of Jos. I. Scott and W. '4. Healthy eno'd h -to pass a Medical� &xatni'atio . * , I' " . E ' 75 � I 1110 death, tile red-faced, blingry- ,. AM . 9 in n?" - ! , "if L I 1�4i,4-liie, a 0 gradir, $28 28. . K .. 9i, I I e M-aki i 4 , Y# Ong und folina- hij stocking, 'ehipt�, -s the good lQ-th. �T your turkey­wtm 111)(11i 11will an(l goI)I)_1ei1 Minds the next council - me.ojj�'t I b . ­ . I . I . ... � I .. store . . I I I . .. � . I . . - � i. 74� If, : . . i . 11 I . . �. . '. , , '%, 11, : Itie%ar,d. had, tk*6ii t the case up com� ilia hro I, "', , 'T, � ; I ,� � �V.il e . .., . .� I " ..;1.911 . . . . y,ounger uays. nie .�xeurt aottoll pa- X-8 01)INN4 UP at one JIC74q. n BIUMWO PnJ . 20 at 1. , l placently Wktb:.,. � , '&� X Press. I , I uly 26ihi ,lg '4 " I I Then clip this - - I .. %, comes nornia, ,6yes take on ,gObble;-Detrolt Frt,e � P. -av, , : , .1 % - f � � . adver . I I . , , � � - , , I tisement. Fill in com�6n to You with I � ; � -. �'. 'L,.��bur easili illived. new Life, Poiwer fapd.Vi,gor and the I I ______:___ I . �. 16'r ` I all, - its ''. 1 '.-�14 problefti, -,!� I ., . � , ' , 1, . - ,,-N�,. i. � - . . I.. k , , � 7:`�' t , _11 .1 -- - - . ' ' " 9 91143 tbln)�" ­,ybu have proyed etooiti 8 i .. k . P,.Powebi ,6 - 'i, ., I ..".. and send to - - - , I "r 4' : 1,4'.. I . . .. . __ A_.­­1­"%4r=7,!- .w, ;,..;.,., , I .%!�*,- I . . .. �;,:.. ?.; ", � � 1. . . & ,. il "Iminlan n=lxhW1 - - b e till. of .' . � � .k' L.' �d Poor, lilan. , .� . . I " goodness P�tr_.fo­�U_ I I ." t0s e I f fatthtd;ss..... She woult., listen ,,psp" jrLd -vitality,, � � �, t - ­ ­ , I I ,; . , 14 ,,�qf­ �, . =4 "Y" 11kQ1tO see 111-S, AtN'10.8 some -In � ,' I � . � , ! I S., C. COOPER; , - . . .1. ': ' " � "' i ,,. Mur e:k-lp1A0#Uons. - She's ,a fort If 7ou alre. t1rod-of,sickness I ;2, 7W , i * , 1. , _ -to..-ivoilr shop, I �,;Oppos." , For,'Grasshqppers�;,;� -. ,%,� 1 - . I . I . sftl(l -t ... 1� � "41,.,4 , , I , � 11", 4 4A'.5OU're tollig to storm her wlt�i have loot 'tho P6�vev, Ability and � . e", I Inspector, The North,er * ly , Preserved,,* . , - , , & .,l3#*1ii.,Moal$, � . C I . I n - �, � " I , _ �t � .! ; _ t I I �� $11 'eiv � t . .1 .", .. V, call ", I " . , . ­ � .r . I .;, I I A - One thousand tons of bran .qve livn ­ ­ : I #4 xsmthat�,&�Irt Penetrate the "VIsElls. XOMO JISDMO tol.14,6.SIM � ftfly :jVork' ; , ' , 41 ­ '1 Life Assurince'Co., , 4 ') I . , . I , � " - - I 4, .r.. 1, - _�, "ll)(14Qed, 1 tio. She u`e - cofiiplain4 distributed in Western Canada as feed for � � Box C, Adva ce, " ' - � � � " . ,,, "t I I , ng to. do 'is to' find a� �6�j and yotir Ner%�6b4'ara- all � Shattered � . . vm I I .. . .....t.....- I .1 1, ; ,,,thl ' '11(f - I I :�,t i - -, n offidti � nlbtffoa of' �Lttlioik, Put Y+Wf `bn * Just give tho6sa%it,iij�*� keipedles, a' tri al 1�.�., . ,. �TmJcqs I ask for hey hatI;,,, I.'j� I :graSWoppers instead of 'live s iol-k', -%The . . I I � I I � I I . I - . .. - nsive., find ,gar- a- 0 V pos-Mvelly guaivinitee P I Ile uIllinlell. , I ' � ' ., 11 � .. , , ,� . t'. , Sealed , . �,; . the.. d0e ! wait for �t)ie cad w , .: . I J-i�o of this bran will result in mu'ah more . I . I �.­ � 11 .,. " . I., ­ 1* � I . � �, '' I � � .t �, .. ,1�1.1 ,,,,1pon to idlalte,� a pgortie, Thbn ben,encial resulto. Go rbo your dealer. I "Pol�`I undorqtulidher huo,I)mnd floq " ' ' ' ' . , I ... SJ I Cap- -' . .. . . .. _ - .; I V1, - lure the I gaprison. 1\1ow,jlJ,ss.*Is�-my wy and aolt,Mr HackIn d f : ,� ..feed for the cattle than if it werp, feed! .. .. �. � . .. . .. I . .. I . i to -d I g1% an d,Q all tile COMi)la1ntng In the fillnity, t, ! - I I . ". �",? - . I'll., __0 I �. . - "direct. . In fact, it will result in a grea er I � . . . I . . � :1EC111=1 . � ... not. take any otihe,r kind for If you . ,,F . -It— . .available s � -.-- ­­ I 11 4" .. TiRtht— , -_ . Pi", In defall-:-JI. ..: I . . I UPPlY of 'bran a year hence than i I _�_ �__ -_ I .. I &, � A wedk,later Anthony , a d* you will be .foaled right at the � . . I I I ' I .11, I .. �. . . 1, I ­ - po&*d , -� �.flbc7thousand tons t6 say hdihing " * . � - -, , " .. � I I � .. 11 ... �.:' .. again, radlant,Aubliatit. The si�IIO�lc, -etart ,and yva -will nat getthe, resulte ,4. 'Ll �� more � I.- I I I . . . . . . . . . . ., , - � 1. that wo gularanted. Htekingle Utmit- EVIA Wawanosh CounCU`str�w and bay. I . 4, ". I . - I Kept ­ I I had worke&_ . � e t %'. . . I . ... . - ­.,-`. .:V: . ... 1 M_ , 11 I 11 !!!!! . . . . . -.. The "The A d v,' a- nce" '-' I . , fj(f&Z4�118- " (0, Listowel. . � . � I . . . bran is fed to the grasshq0pers .1 . I � � e- . � . . . . � I.- . .. ,P I . . 11 .e . . . . ' � ' , ' , - ga� I . � Now, Antlicany bad ,I friend 4ritc-P Mintites of council meeting beld on, .,and results'in, "digestive diso�ders , -by . I I � ��- ��.. , � . i� ., I I � - ' , yelii�ed healrt'troul;le, nnd'tIie-h1,r&Irl Hacking's Rems,dles are sold In � . .... 1. � W . . A � ... McKiii . bon.. June . 24th, all the . re I d ' " �" r% ..: a ' ' ' " .. . .� . . flight F0 . . * ason of the poiton which is mixed with ' "" ' - * . I . - . I I - - . �;�� .. . e he'll fix It," Nvas the advice' . I -_ Minutes 6f -last meeting were . read � b " '.) .-.,� I., I . . . - . �.. we t to Anthony,for tiolvice, "TaMe It Winghaill by J. W. ' 11 , 2 RIG k , - . 'to � rolpe-,' � members priseik. it, and the jumPing ingects seek the happy . ... III ­ILI. . � I I . . I all& hUnt ing ground without delay. , for Neat Jo 9 , � .1 . . . � 11996� "' .be got,. and, Itichard proft-Ored a pro- � . � I .. . Frintin I , . . � I I I : ... I CHF-1611VING UM . _ . I ..$cription that'lloitliod the wounds. And ap,rovedt Petition of R. J. McGee. and - I ­ I , . ­ I I , � " .�', . , - - - I . . . -----.----.,--. ;� ­ .. . __ -, , � GE00". J. WRIGHT I., . __ ----.- -­­­- ­__.____.._..__­­_�­ ____-1____-1___________7 ... I � .,-, R_ I - . ___ - --.--- .. to on, and so 6b. till Riebard's rviltu-' . 23AJV7)MA_VTP,,X 22 others askin,g the council for to rate � ,. I . I � .�, I.* ff­SXV%_. & I , . . , -, '. P! - . I . ------- I I . All' .;VRIG E" ­ � , - tiola was firmlk, �cstftbllslled. .-, � I ., �' - I - . - -_ 1 .41. . 1. the price of-geavel froni 10 cents a ya­ - I.. . - Richard Nvas,.Iypt a youth ill years, —Experienced Piano Tuner — . .* I - I r�,; '.-,-, . I'll . I , 0 . . I . . '. . . . . - � . I li although he,seell)ed one at boart, and Teacher of Rudiments of Music. Har� tD20cents received, The council Wp_�� " ` ;" . - . . � . ; . . I , ERFECT GUM IA?Z$ . . � . mony, Counterpoint and Ctiniposition' . " .1 ­ , "!", � , ""; . .. . most of his' friends Avere tit least tem - of the opinion that the P'rio!4. asked for,w.ka r * - � . I I . � I � . . . . . ­­­, wl� ......... Leave orders at TME ADVANCE Offiole I I � . . I .. I . .... 1, , . . years younger", "Wellurd was nearly ., too high'. but agreed to meet the petition- . . . .1 I . . . .1 I I forty and tbe'r4-'*cJ* tinges of grity In All bra4s and reed instruments, � * � . . . . I - . � . . .- - - --- . � his hair, and some wrinkles on: lit,, . and violin.. era half way and 15 centu a ' yard will be I . I :J . A . . : 0, . � . . . I ' . I . e Witli ; the understand- 1, _ 'I, I I I . I , I I . � head., Ile -was not handsome but . __ nowpaidlorgrav I " , I 11 I . .. , "" , .. � . � . � stren�th of character was stamped on C that gra,�el pits will be kept cleaned � I I ; " I " ..a_ , . I . . .1 � .� I . ., .. his Kee, and this attracted most p0- DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN ',nut and in a proper condition. . . . . . I . I I . .1 Ple -he met , ' . . . � . The following accounts were ordered .1 I '. . . I . I One day u young nian calne into I . . I paid: -Blyth standard, printing ' and �� 1 I � � . .1 I .. . . . I his office with'a listless manner and � . . �. . I � � glit. . . I � I advertising. $3,50; Xunic$al World Sup. � I . . . I I � . I . a heart that was.not working rig , . I . plies, 5.14; Ai Porterfield,. fent, of road I . t ., "Aty name'slVired Mania," he said CLIr allowance ' � . � . I . I . I I - 2 00; Thos, Montgomery, work . � I by way of introduction, and cast a A 11ROPRACTIC on road, 3.00; Chas. Currie, *Ork on % I . . � . sour loolt out - of' the window. .it a . I . I - . I . I . painter 6ni li_scaffold across the Practice is confined exclusively to grader 41,50; GtO- Coultes, work On � � I street. "I've,booll,living'In Wakefield Chiropractic, the only and original Sya-' grader' 19,60; John Purdon, work on grad I . . I tem of ,$pinal Adjustment. Effective in et- 13.32, Arch Patterson, repairs to grad- . . . only a mon.th,. bu�t during that time 95 pe. tent of afl cases. er 5 40, R. Coultes, repairs to grader . 11 I . I've fallon In love %vith the most -won. � I derful girl In ,the%'world. I've taken "Chiropractic locates and Removes moo, Frank' Marshall, repair culvery I I � . I U I her about cons ably, and I've tried the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature, Heals." Con. 2 and ­ ing . t4er 1. i 0-S; V. Johnston, raking I . R i d'* Camfor-,-- , � . desperately.hard to win her, but she J, A. PDX� D, C., D., 01. hill and work on, grader 4'.50; J. Mutch, . � 1. I I . I � � I has not responded. I've not yet really . �, radin 14 en 'm Iftir . &I' _N . I . IU ully qualmed graduate im Osteo- 15 & . y . J, cUde, shovelling . I I .- I I 11.11 I I m �, W.,!!T I I I'll, __ - � � ____ _ � -, = , == proposed becla-usc I could tell. the time pathyl Phone,191. Houto2to,5,and 7 graVel 2 25, Geo. Youngblut, gravel 6'.30; . " . 19"ZN d_,�, " . . I I I I I '. . , � was not r1pe,­ but ,she knew what I was tog p.m. - � R. !. McGee, gravel. 9,75; J. McClInthey, � . in.acte-il-t U " d . I IZON driving at and Isi.4t night she told me ­ gravel 4.05; X. Bentley, gravel 5,25; R. . . . . I 1. To -­ I I I . Ala ori - - " ,_�A,41^ ,. I could not S'LIG, her again, I Know lut- � ". 11 ., � - " Patterson, gravel 7.50; R. Shlell, gravel . wily let rough roads inte�_ M "� 11 � , , * 0. 1R. Copeland . , MW .� , . ,� " . 'I, I- � �.* h� W. a.) "I mer Johnson at college, and when I This rare co 'bination of rid- ,, I ,,,�l �,-,Vr�t , , �, , . 0.75; C. Xing, gravel $,7.0; P. W. Scott , � . * I " � - .- � ", - n I fc:rc With YOUr 111otbring ing luxulzy'with driving, ewlionly I I I - I op.y� I I referred tie. to you, It seems you I graVCI15,00',W. Salter, graveI7,50;V. - 1. � 1, ondftr - " 7"I,'-' �� . ". 0 i�l� told hini'my. troubles this worut a he . 1)V,Vt1-AAJVVZ . "I � , -1 ZXA I I . 1;, %-.44,)§� . comfort? I . - , � 11 I I . (-"''),-,�, -,p " , , . accounts for the tremendous en- -4 , �'i ­ .;-'a -, , 4 . , - � � ,�, 6 W 1-f., " I I "ip patched up Ii'llftle love affair for him Five, Accident Sickness strangban, gravel 15.60. . I ".1w-1,11 "'....",­ I - � . � .., . - ­.­ X, , ;A K,r / �t. - - "V ­ I I ­ _. � i , - . 1... I . � thusiasm which i's Itrileeting the I Z 00 ,; , ,,, �, '_ - , about a year agil", Automobile Insurance a Specialty - Noxt meeting of the Council will be . In- this Overland you nee(I not i ,?11d111rLV ,%�'- � � --"" �Z , I I .�� 1. ,* , **�". . Ur. Muni& did ant offer to reveal . )verland all ovt:r Canada. � i ilip. .1. 11 I 11 -1111, � - �4 . Oulythe beat companies represented at hold on Tliursday, July 20th, I let bad roads SPOil 900d rfdes. ' I .,.- . ��;� ... I e', �' tile naM4 I I . I 1210,420i'v , ",- , i § % " " i of -his' ideal', and Richard ...... T40we$t Rate"9 ....... . A, Porterfi6ld, Clerk, . � I . . ,�,� �?_,�t-�, - ,,�- -, , I 'I'- � . �)" ... I ,.,,,,PD: 1_1:"X�R_ (11� � did not press'lilin for it This "middle- . I I Triplex Springs make eV�r Its eqviip.ment is of the most I lld' Xyr- ," - c,� . 1,41 I- I - . , / ow lllrt� ��i.�'; ', - 1�'ej! I I _ ��, .. aged Cupid Was not curious or meddle- I . !!!Tt_,__,__._1 I y . yj! - . J..,J;j1 �1 " . I i -ide m ,dern type. Its stamina is a 2P ." ,; . -.-...-,LLL I I � m le. you i - a more ei�qyable 0 ,.`., I.. - - - � sonlo. Uti-shaply, fiavlsed where ad. Say It W i t h, Floweps ' . &J.0 qml&11141!�Ie .�, 'W, . _ V - , - � vice was sought. , ., . . . . . . I TH19 DO I ASK I 11111C. . . I credi t to ,.thc Canadian institu- I " , , .- '. _ IjLzl� "�.��-11_1.;, . ,� , , ��,__ - I " Y . I -1 1, � �' _11 1. A � ,,' diesl trying you out," he .:_;,� �:." : .� . - _,J .. . tion, which createct thiq car. I L . ,;�',,J 11 . efedv �,X'l '45 �1,11 ..i_ -.1- I'To doijbi; s LL I - 11 I . . , . "4 -----r- - — - qaId. "itellialli, away from her; 'doWt 11:1 �� TA,dit weight'ina'knes every mile I . . . , . - This do I ask my Guardian V ate, , , � � . e _ I I , � k . I t P.v I 0 S , ee 11 A That will Jteep her :. 'N , .. 11 .�, . That like a firnl-set tree, a,mt)rc� econonlical 111ile. Let us show' you the Overland. � guesslugi, and. before long she'll prob- "I * . I ,.� I I ... :1. 11 I . I � . . � I . � � ;;;;; I , 1, . I . I _ ize '.. ..�. - Thfoughout the ripening years to Come . . . . . I . ,112WRL13,I) lavalliers becre a nbly;tnake It a �Olnt to meet"you 86me- 1. '. � � 1, � . I . .. � .. - ( part of the daily life of the inod- wherearld find out If you really eaw, .- _.�­ I I �. - i My life shall grow to be, . ;, . I I Z � � I . '. 'BE' ern maid- and matrons some of if ,she tooq It Alidleates Olios of two � - � .�i T1, .", � I . I 1. � � . I ' :� 11 i .1 pl- .; ' Nft in my burgeoning, bright youth � tbings-elther she loves you or she's. I , , I . :: . f-,----, . I . . , I I . �' j.: ,'I'll 11'� I , : The Spring dawn of my days, I I - .. t'.� ,.- . I . i them ,.,,ct with sniall thanionds and semi- it flirt. St shes a filrt, you doWt want ��, � I . Ir ;0�- I I .1 -, - I Precious .4tonc�s are dccidedly attractive hel", . 6 .J1 .. May April set a -flowering . -,c!"�-.-_ I 11 I - , ;!,�- �.� 11 I "I"' . . . , .., ,� . , ' "' I � . __1 . The green and tender sprays. I �1; , I ,� 0 1 .. ;, � A few da"� lat& Ur. Mania wap . ? I __ � t7o"WW' " - . but not at all, expensive. If you have a ,,.�. , I � 1,� �0 I ,ba(.k, looklug, In"re woebegan(- than, ' -of .. "I' - . Vlierem my winged dreams thay, sing, I I I ,,,, P � q , taste for. beautiful jeivels a visit here ` nefave. , I I I . I Like birds thAt build their nea, . I � 'I I I , ,. 11 I � t . I I I . ... . . , . � � .:`;;� 0 I � 0 1 1 1 11 ­-, 1, ,u�.� . -will prove a pleasiag experiened- � It d6ftn1i wojj,,1 he announced, ­ Z:f.11_­..._.=T.-M,;� And bring the sense of Spring to hO�rfs V , I I I . . I 01010fullp., f1flyt., (lone Ali, you advised, ;:1 "7.-n.- __­. � I 0 I " �;, " , . I . I � I I =%f � ....... With Winter's pall oprested. i . N� I I I i i I 1i ".4 1 ,_ I . I I I - 'nit she *h*bt na Won be &ad 4A. far IFUNERAM, WEDDINGS, ETC. ' �� . . �'.��, , I �Ve vAll test iout Eyea and expertly advise y ­_ ON '' � --------�,---� . _, � ou", 1 'Is rtllyrftff'�helx made to ,qpe me.,, Potted Plants tLad Cut Flowers May Sunaer like a cavalier, I . . -1 -"-I , ------I-- I . ., If you are not in need of glasses we I _­____­_ . . � I ' - . I Z_ will tell you so. Tt Wgatt to.look like failure for nl(.,h. i - - si sipeetalty I Ride by the,garden, wall I , ) I .-.;--, � : . 0italoguet shown on roquest. 4 And lingering, lose bb burning. heart .1",� I , I 11 , . . sird Sermo, io,�o raeollator. To one white tree and'arligill . I — - . 6. _ - � . . I I ; � I "We'll bh,ft- V0 trz 4 ilew phtwl he MIZ,Vt WM. XNZA 2*0 . I ., Ph I I . . . a _ . I 4 �qalvl after **Udlt, during whi h* Phone 142, Winglism When Autumn"s shuttle bouts shgil wegiVe . I . I _ -bili I I . R. M. MANY I 0 I'm4orted to 04 toolont corAmb. A I . . � - . I , � . her UP sad tdR Ar you're go to see' _.­.__­...___ .­_­ �_ 11 I _. - . 11 .- � _�­ Th& brown tind golden weft, : .. I I I � Jewalle and Optician wingliam ,h4%r lost ftto�,=*%. Vim go to it DR. '43. It. R055 May than my pQ ent branches spreW, - I � . I � I . 'Kennedv, Deale Win ham I .� � I I . Tril hor ym He ftt of hutt baeft �. L. I * r, .9 I . . . I , , ,% (40%perately 1% %yd� orvdwe moy&l Coll'age *f Denw '. � 5 . 1;. . .- I I I .1 - L sirkil tbat "bvot =ft? 1011� ft ft . I toons A I ask my shutol of rafn 4#ld wbzd,. � - I I . ... . I UVIa Mall *�ft Faftt**Uffi-%ft" ,, "V�L* -V��tt� Ity . '!.. Vlesul Office'and :Fstoo-ries-, Willys-Overlatul Uluited, Toronto, Canada , 117111fto .Iww W. , ,y. oaf Toroato r"ity Of VAIR qer 6 IkAld VArm -- if,'. ..., Srgndmi . Toronto, NontreK4 Winnipeg an,l Regin., I , I . . W" . 7%lt I fmv vmt* in th'it I ii 'm ��� 11 * a . goo - , I L A I .1.11 U1101M � " , I 'AMd , � . --; � " 1_k,iz,l . - .- -_ - 11 "W* Irm, I 11L 1141NN otm _ , I r � . '. L - , ­­___.___~ ­ ­­­­­ - ___J , I I . - I I �� �,.: -!F . " f., 4 ��kl� � � I �,, ": *' � A, . ---., - ­ i __­ ___11L , . I . I I " : I I .; ,,, 4'' 1 11 I i 000*00"W" , " -.1-11 -.11 ­__ . I . , . �.: #.�'. 1 . , , . ,% I � I I , I , 1. I . I I ­ 1, I '.... i. , � * "I 4P .. , I ­_ L � � V, - " . � I. . "I", I . I.:. � $' t . I I . . I . . , I ., ­ - , , to 'i'..*V"..T .1. I , t' L�A.1.,'.d t , .i %, I .... k " . ''I . . I " V I - I 11 . Na9Lr&1kAffr1-6 A�NUWL-1 22'� L,—.. I I * LA � I, . � , I , . . U I * I � L' , , Ah"Aiii ,�,��i , . . ., ,�'A.Jf�" ,, - �.d, — �,_- - At Aga � ML ai� I a" ::,�