The Wingham Advance, 1920-03-04, Page 8We aro showing many neer spring models, in
stylish Serge Dresses, Suits in Tricotine, Serges
and Silks.
Exclusive Coats,'from best maker;s, in Tricotine, X
Serges and Velours our stock will please you. V
This season it ,will pay you, to. bay ear14 ,ly 'and j�
inspect o'trr'reasonable priced ready-to-wear.
Hanna Co..
The Store„With. the Stock.
Eastern Canada Tour .
1XM U D IS 0 N1
114 "The Deal McKie”
Scottish, Comedian
Mold. EVE'G, M A R. 8th
1. ,'fid •1., , � l' t,n .,, M .. . �r ' � A•'
i �uevale 14;,vrtlrig careen, ata "ding a row day.' 130 Days »r
at the hone of Thor, Stewart. a
taco, 'l'owi►setrd ,Ind farurll laft some Air+ Nelson Thoroton returned to her Labor
esday for portage 1,a Prairies, whir,^ III Hard r.
.expects to spenda fete 111011th"-� hence in liluavale al'tec spending�
1 months at the hoot* of Mr, Ueo. Town- t
h1r. Albert Jackson had ct very surce.-1is fiend, near clonic. or—
r-'""everything going at I e
aiglt figure, F The Ladies Aiq of Johnsiou's Metho- I t t j1;$T a minute your worship.A/
dist church will he held on Wed. cit cite � �J
MISS Helen (Xarni�:s of "Toronto, is f home of r4l"', I d. Johnston' yy N Officer in uniform steps for-
oting' at her home, for a Couple ori, Mrs, Richard Johnston returned l)timc I Award, and holds a quiet colla-
leks. after spending a weelc with friends at
Mrs. Will. Johnston lett for tier home Hamilton. versation with the magistrate and other
txladstone, Tuesday, after spending Court Officials,
Mr. Anson 'Thornton is helping at the
est couple months amour; relatires here, Ted.
story is s4 lad i oft repeat-
borne. of his father•in-law, Mn Robt. 1 J,
r, Johnston left about a tree^l. ago with C"ether,, (zorrie, whose family are all laid I ed. Just a lad --in this Case
carload of horses,
Mn llonry Aicllary of 'Toron[o, i; visit• rrsidt: with mumps and influenza. Alli, i from N^---, Got into fast C o m p an Y.
: •Thornton is doing his chores while lie is Gambled, took money from employers,
g relatives hertz at present. I ahsenk.
Hoped to will and pay it back.
Quite a number took in I)ollar laity
Vingham on. Tuesday, I( FOUND A U t Ta r r e s t e d a R d
Alr,•Jas. Aitchison is nn the sick list W h ite cIl leech jailed.,
nd Whitney Stewart is drawing UNJMr• Johu Gaunt is working fot• Mr. I OF course he's sorry—but the
laiestys mail during his illness, I John Turner at present, VV Officer has sized him up. Be -
Mr, and Mrs, John Anger have moved I 11r, Bcth Gaunt has engaged to work I lieves he has the stuff to make a matt of.
D the village, John has vilgaged with for Mr. Gordon Efflott tor• nine months. � Knows that a jail sentence may only hard-
lr, J. W. King. I Do not forget Will, Barbour•'s sale on en him and start him toward continued
The regular monthly rtteeting of 1110' Mar, 10th, Everything will be sold as criminality,
Mievale Woman's Institute will be bold, proprietor has sold his farm, rrHE Officer in uniform was the
d the home of Mrs, Rueben Garoiss on Thos. G, Gaunt and Wm. Purdon were j Salvation Army Probationer,
Chursday, March lith, at 2 p, iii. A Inducted as eiders in the Presbyterian i By manly counsel, supervision and prayer
raper "The Stranger within our Gates" Cheat oil Sunday, Feb. 20Ah.
vitt be given by Rev, V, Burgess* quest- tiles Kathleen Teriff is visiting, for a r he enables the lad to regain control of him
on drawer and solo, rouble cif weeks, with her aunt, Ales, John
self and get another start, flee from the
Mr, W, J, Johnston shipped a carload Ilendersoa of Lucknow, stigma of a prison sentence.
of horses to Gladstone, Man. on Wed. of ; Mr, harry McKenzie, moved over to l i F someone you know makes a tals
last week. I 'I,o0s •.1ter this week, where he has on-! step don't judge them harshly.
Nies. Wm: Stewart and ttyo children of staged with Mr. James Reid,{ c cmHERE is so much gooA . . .
i j you know.
C o N STT p A T T o N 308 Service Posts in this Tar
ritory, Use them!
By the term CONSTIPATION is meant either infrequent, difficult or in- _ ,•__- --•� •� _� �_
sufficient evacuation of the contents of the Lower Bowel,
The Symptoms are Headache, Dizziness, Mental Sluggishness, Lack of Fordyce
Concentration, Lassitude or a. feeling of General Indisposition, Bad Breath, Mr. James Doty lost a ver aluab
Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite)' SaliQw Skin which may become dry and J y v
rough and Pimples may appear, ,S'omeUme5 there is Heart Palpitation, thorobred calf one dayla%t week.
Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion, Mr. Daniel Martin had Mr. Pattersc
IT IS IMPORTANT.' to treat Constipation promptly as this condition of Whitechurcb, butchering three fit
generally leads to many serious disorders. head of cattle which he sold b the uar
Careful judgment should be used in selecting a proper remedy; ordin- Y q
ary Cathartics and Laxatives have a weakenitag effect upon the system, er one day last creek,
others Gripe and Purge and Mineral Oils, if taken several times a day may Glad to bear that Mr. and.Mrs. Stowa
retard secretion of the gastric juice and also interfere with the obsorptlon I AlcBwney who has been laid up with f.
of food. HACIiING'S KIDNEX AND LIVER PILLS form an ideal tonic- It cold ars able to be around again.
laxative for Constipation and its evil results.
We give herewith the medicinal action of the ingredients of HACK- Mts. King of'Turnberry, visited at h
ING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS in order that you may form your own i daughter's, Mrs. Stewait McBurney fo,
opinion as to the value of this wonderful medicine. fern days last week, attending the sic
CASCARA, — Laxative, Cathartic, with Intestinal Torpidity. .This acts f Mr, and Mrs. George Naylor bave be
Tonic to the Liver and Intestines, best when used in combination with I for a w.ek laid up with the cold, but a
does not cause Griping or unpleasant othee drugs and herbs. at present improving.
symptoms," good for Chronic Consti- r p Mr. John Jamieson and son,
pation when used in small and repeat= Kidneys,
Y ems Pa Ilei fel is the Torn
I�.idneys, sir?ps pain, soothes the
ed doses for a `considerable period of Nerves, lessens irritability of the engaged drawing wood from the siva,
Lime. Nerve Centres. for functional Pal- I near St. Helens where he bought an ai
14fAY APPLE—Useful in Fevers pitation of the Heart, helpful to the of it.
andInflammations of almost every Mucus Alembi•ane of the Kidneys and Sorry to hear that Mrs. James D
type .Ad for all disorders of the Liver Bowels. Chiefly employed to re -
and spleen. For indigestion, Battu=i Junior who has not been well lately is
dice, Pi;t5s, Constipation, lieve pain and to quietNeivous Nervous -ex- improving as fast as the neighbors wo
Dropsy and p g g'
aitement' � like to lee her.
Skin Eruptions. CAl?SICUM--Stimulant and Stom=
CULVERT'S ROOT --A Laxative ache, useful in Feeble and Languid I Mi s. St. Marie is at present visiting
and Tonic, useful in Dyspepsia, Jaun- Digestion, Dyspepsia, Atonic. Gout, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gillon.
dice, piles, Diarboea, Dysentery,
Cholera. Corrects Liver 'Troubles. Celia and Cholera. Mr, and Mrs. C. Rush, also Mr,
Gives tone and vigor of action to the PEPPERMINT --Useful in Flatuent Mrs. John McGee visited at Mr. Pe
entire secretive apparatus of the sys- Colic; to check Nausea and Colic. For Leavers, one evening last week.
tem. - Also for Inflammation of the Spasmodic Pains of the Stomach and Glad to hear that harry Chamney, r
Bladder. Bowels, for Neuralgia and Rheuma las not been well for some time is ,i>til
GAMBOGE—dlsed in Obstinate tism, prevents griping and for gas, on be a and around the hoettse again.
("'onstipation and -Dropsies attended the stomach. p g
These are the principal ingredients of I-lacking's Kidney and Liver
pills, you will find that this combination will produce a- healthy condition BARN
of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels.
No other drugs or combination of drugs, oils, laxatives, pills or pur-
>;atives will have such beneficial effect as�HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER FtTyPATRicic—In Cttlross, on Tuest
PILLS, but you must be sure to get IfACTUNG'H as no other kind will do.March 2nd, to mr. and Mrs. Edv
Pfice 25c a box, 5 for $1.09. Sold by all dealers or by mail. Hacking's Fitzpatrick, a son.
r'Intited, Listowel. — - _ _ _-. ---- -----
_ F the Ford Motor Company of
Canada, Lim ` ed, is able to build
up to the lima of its capaeity,.only
27,350 Ford Cars will be built for
use in Canada between. January the
first and July the thirty-first of this
year. Divided among the total
population of Canada this means
one car to every three hundred and
ten people.
It is easy to see that many- people
.will be unable to get their Ford
Cars at -all, and many will have to
wait for summer or fall delivery.
As Ford Dealers in this territory,
lore desire to de • deliver a ear to every
person. in this distri Tho wants
i un-
lessbut we cannot get. the ears u
less we send in the orders now.
Yf you will :need a ear later on,
dont t wait till sring before order-
ing, Put yo•urse 'f at the top of the
delivery list by signing an order
to (ayo .. ',`r`
A. M. +AWC;, winghawLEM
PE.CIAL Nt)`l'1'---prof. R. T. Cowell of Wing-
llanl, Organist and conductor of 'St. Andrew's Choir,
is responsible for booking Murdison here and is to
be congratulated on hire enterprise, Judging freest the
resllrnr-te received from all the towns in this district.
Reserve your seats early at McKibbon's Drug Store
Tbur#47 "Maier. 4th 1916 • w
etc. *ad Mti; Robert Mdv*blret and
ally k*" M to their new horse
An Exceptional Value e I
itb of Wroxeter.
W, Gorge Welgiako lice sold bib farm
Mr. John Gowdy of 8e1more, for
,800. Mr. Gowdy gets IX"Sest,9An
h f
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton, from
y' s
Itllaher last Sunday.
1. ,'fid •1., , � l' t,n .,, M .. . �r ' � A•'
i �uevale 14;,vrtlrig careen, ata "ding a row day.' 130 Days »r
at the hone of Thor, Stewart. a
taco, 'l'owi►setrd ,Ind farurll laft some Air+ Nelson Thoroton returned to her Labor
esday for portage 1,a Prairies, whir,^ III Hard r.
.expects to spenda fete 111011th"-� hence in liluavale al'tec spending�
1 months at the hoot* of Mr, Ueo. Town- t
h1r. Albert Jackson had ct very surce.-1is fiend, near clonic. or—
r-'""everything going at I e
aiglt figure, F The Ladies Aiq of Johnsiou's Metho- I t t j1;$T a minute your worship.A/
dist church will he held on Wed. cit cite � �J
MISS Helen (Xarni�:s of "Toronto, is f home of r4l"', I d. Johnston' yy N Officer in uniform steps for-
oting' at her home, for a Couple ori, Mrs, Richard Johnston returned l)timc I Award, and holds a quiet colla-
leks. after spending a weelc with friends at
Mrs. Will. Johnston lett for tier home Hamilton. versation with the magistrate and other
txladstone, Tuesday, after spending Court Officials,
Mr. Anson 'Thornton is helping at the
est couple months amour; relatires here, Ted.
story is s4 lad i oft repeat-
borne. of his father•in-law, Mn Robt. 1 J,
r, Johnston left about a tree^l. ago with C"ether,, (zorrie, whose family are all laid I ed. Just a lad --in this Case
carload of horses,
Mn llonry Aicllary of 'Toron[o, i; visit• rrsidt: with mumps and influenza. Alli, i from N^---, Got into fast C o m p an Y.
: •Thornton is doing his chores while lie is Gambled, took money from employers,
g relatives hertz at present. I ahsenk.
Hoped to will and pay it back.
Quite a number took in I)ollar laity
Vingham on. Tuesday, I( FOUND A U t Ta r r e s t e d a R d
Alr,•Jas. Aitchison is nn the sick list W h ite cIl leech jailed.,
nd Whitney Stewart is drawing UNJMr• Johu Gaunt is working fot• Mr. I OF course he's sorry—but the
laiestys mail during his illness, I John Turner at present, VV Officer has sized him up. Be -
Mr, and Mrs, John Anger have moved I 11r, Bcth Gaunt has engaged to work I lieves he has the stuff to make a matt of.
D the village, John has vilgaged with for Mr. Gordon Efflott tor• nine months. � Knows that a jail sentence may only hard-
lr, J. W. King. I Do not forget Will, Barbour•'s sale on en him and start him toward continued
The regular monthly rtteeting of 1110' Mar, 10th, Everything will be sold as criminality,
Mievale Woman's Institute will be bold, proprietor has sold his farm, rrHE Officer in uniform was the
d the home of Mrs, Rueben Garoiss on Thos. G, Gaunt and Wm. Purdon were j Salvation Army Probationer,
Chursday, March lith, at 2 p, iii. A Inducted as eiders in the Presbyterian i By manly counsel, supervision and prayer
raper "The Stranger within our Gates" Cheat oil Sunday, Feb. 20Ah.
vitt be given by Rev, V, Burgess* quest- tiles Kathleen Teriff is visiting, for a r he enables the lad to regain control of him
on drawer and solo, rouble cif weeks, with her aunt, Ales, John
self and get another start, flee from the
Mr, W, J, Johnston shipped a carload Ilendersoa of Lucknow, stigma of a prison sentence.
of horses to Gladstone, Man. on Wed. of ; Mr, harry McKenzie, moved over to l i F someone you know makes a tals
last week. I 'I,o0s •.1ter this week, where he has on-! step don't judge them harshly.
Nies. Wm: Stewart and ttyo children of staged with Mr. James Reid,{ c cmHERE is so much gooA . . .
i j you know.
C o N STT p A T T o N 308 Service Posts in this Tar
ritory, Use them!
By the term CONSTIPATION is meant either infrequent, difficult or in- _ ,•__- --•� •� _� �_
sufficient evacuation of the contents of the Lower Bowel,
The Symptoms are Headache, Dizziness, Mental Sluggishness, Lack of Fordyce
Concentration, Lassitude or a. feeling of General Indisposition, Bad Breath, Mr. James Doty lost a ver aluab
Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite)' SaliQw Skin which may become dry and J y v
rough and Pimples may appear, ,S'omeUme5 there is Heart Palpitation, thorobred calf one dayla%t week.
Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion, Mr. Daniel Martin had Mr. Pattersc
IT IS IMPORTANT.' to treat Constipation promptly as this condition of Whitechurcb, butchering three fit
generally leads to many serious disorders. head of cattle which he sold b the uar
Careful judgment should be used in selecting a proper remedy; ordin- Y q
ary Cathartics and Laxatives have a weakenitag effect upon the system, er one day last creek,
others Gripe and Purge and Mineral Oils, if taken several times a day may Glad to bear that Mr. and.Mrs. Stowa
retard secretion of the gastric juice and also interfere with the obsorptlon I AlcBwney who has been laid up with f.
of food. HACIiING'S KIDNEX AND LIVER PILLS form an ideal tonic- It cold ars able to be around again.
laxative for Constipation and its evil results.
We give herewith the medicinal action of the ingredients of HACK- Mts. King of'Turnberry, visited at h
ING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS in order that you may form your own i daughter's, Mrs. Stewait McBurney fo,
opinion as to the value of this wonderful medicine. fern days last week, attending the sic
CASCARA, — Laxative, Cathartic, with Intestinal Torpidity. .This acts f Mr, and Mrs. George Naylor bave be
Tonic to the Liver and Intestines, best when used in combination with I for a w.ek laid up with the cold, but a
does not cause Griping or unpleasant othee drugs and herbs. at present improving.
symptoms," good for Chronic Consti- r p Mr. John Jamieson and son,
pation when used in small and repeat= Kidneys,
Y ems Pa Ilei fel is the Torn
I�.idneys, sir?ps pain, soothes the
ed doses for a `considerable period of Nerves, lessens irritability of the engaged drawing wood from the siva,
Lime. Nerve Centres. for functional Pal- I near St. Helens where he bought an ai
14fAY APPLE—Useful in Fevers pitation of the Heart, helpful to the of it.
andInflammations of almost every Mucus Alembi•ane of the Kidneys and Sorry to hear that Mrs. James D
type .Ad for all disorders of the Liver Bowels. Chiefly employed to re -
and spleen. For indigestion, Battu=i Junior who has not been well lately is
dice, Pi;t5s, Constipation, lieve pain and to quietNeivous Nervous -ex- improving as fast as the neighbors wo
Dropsy and p g g'
aitement' � like to lee her.
Skin Eruptions. CAl?SICUM--Stimulant and Stom=
CULVERT'S ROOT --A Laxative ache, useful in Feeble and Languid I Mi s. St. Marie is at present visiting
and Tonic, useful in Dyspepsia, Jaun- Digestion, Dyspepsia, Atonic. Gout, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gillon.
dice, piles, Diarboea, Dysentery,
Cholera. Corrects Liver 'Troubles. Celia and Cholera. Mr, and Mrs. C. Rush, also Mr,
Gives tone and vigor of action to the PEPPERMINT --Useful in Flatuent Mrs. John McGee visited at Mr. Pe
entire secretive apparatus of the sys- Colic; to check Nausea and Colic. For Leavers, one evening last week.
tem. - Also for Inflammation of the Spasmodic Pains of the Stomach and Glad to hear that harry Chamney, r
Bladder. Bowels, for Neuralgia and Rheuma las not been well for some time is ,i>til
GAMBOGE—dlsed in Obstinate tism, prevents griping and for gas, on be a and around the hoettse again.
("'onstipation and -Dropsies attended the stomach. p g
These are the principal ingredients of I-lacking's Kidney and Liver
pills, you will find that this combination will produce a- healthy condition BARN
of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels.
No other drugs or combination of drugs, oils, laxatives, pills or pur-
>;atives will have such beneficial effect as�HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER FtTyPATRicic—In Cttlross, on Tuest
PILLS, but you must be sure to get IfACTUNG'H as no other kind will do.March 2nd, to mr. and Mrs. Edv
Pfice 25c a box, 5 for $1.09. Sold by all dealers or by mail. Hacking's Fitzpatrick, a son.
r'Intited, Listowel. — - _ _ _-. ---- -----
_ F the Ford Motor Company of
Canada, Lim ` ed, is able to build
up to the lima of its capaeity,.only
27,350 Ford Cars will be built for
use in Canada between. January the
first and July the thirty-first of this
year. Divided among the total
population of Canada this means
one car to every three hundred and
ten people.
It is easy to see that many- people
.will be unable to get their Ford
Cars at -all, and many will have to
wait for summer or fall delivery.
As Ford Dealers in this territory,
lore desire to de • deliver a ear to every
person. in this distri Tho wants
i un-
lessbut we cannot get. the ears u
less we send in the orders now.
Yf you will :need a ear later on,
dont t wait till sring before order-
ing, Put yo•urse 'f at the top of the
delivery list by signing an order
to (ayo .. ',`r`
A. M. +AWC;, winghawLEM
PE.CIAL Nt)`l'1'---prof. R. T. Cowell of Wing-
llanl, Organist and conductor of 'St. Andrew's Choir,
is responsible for booking Murdison here and is to
be congratulated on hire enterprise, Judging freest the
resllrnr-te received from all the towns in this district.
Reserve your seats early at McKibbon's Drug Store
Tbur#47 "Maier. 4th 1916 • w
In p
Special prices for the following,
Rags Sa per Itis. ,
Old Rubbers 5c per ib,
Horse Hair 35c per lb.
Agricultural Scrap Iron $1•.00 per •►�"� ,�ti(J1"
Bags up to 12c each. AND DERBY 'SHOTS FOR MEN.
Raw furs, Hides and Sheep Skins at L
city prices.
Get busy and pick up your junk and
realize a gilt edged Price. Tars Corners Newton's We was a very good success.
Mr. R, A. Taylor exchanged Spinks
HHH. Brown p_ Ons Mr. Wilbert Gallaway is now settled in Medium to Mr. R. Fullerton of Mildmay,
& S his new home. for Billy Direct, both horses are bread off
We are sorry to report that Mr$, Tom fast stock.
Douglas is in bed with the flu, since Mr. James Barton purchased a team
from near Hanover and also a driving
WERS waiting on her brother, William Finley of bores last week.
FRUITGRO , Wroxeter. Mr, Hugh Douglas purchased a valu-
i Though the weather was rough Mr. able cow one day last week.
Better spray or dust your orchard I -
this year.
Spraying and Dusting never paid
larger dividends than now.
Niagara Brand Spray Co.,
Burlington, Ont.
Offer you at reasonable prices.
Dusting Machines
Spraying Machines
Dusting Material
Spraying Material
Machines and Sprays for every
For further informatics, write
George Sloan, Agent
Blyth, Ontario
The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates
placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in Toronto
and the Centra, Business College, Stratford.
Write for free catalogue. Enter anytime.
D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray -McLeish, Prin.
Final Clean Up Sale'
Qf a I I Winter
.3 Days Only 4
Thursday,-Sa,tur a
March 4 5 ? 600'
After our Big Winter Sale and Day. we find we have
many odd sizes in steady -to -Wear and Piece Goods. $ `
Day values continued for 3 days. Last chance to 'buy Purls
at reduced prices.
(Big Bargains in Our Grocery Department.)
etc. *ad Mti; Robert Mdv*blret and
ally k*" M to their new horse
An Exceptional Value e I
itb of Wroxeter.
W, Gorge Welgiako lice sold bib farm
Mr. John Gowdy of 8e1more, for
,800. Mr. Gowdy gets IX"Sest,9An
>ril xst.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton, from
8l• Gorrie, called on Mr. and Mrs, A. E.
Itllaher last Sunday.
F ,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph l.atronica of ,
'Ingham, bane moved to the farm re•
:ntly bougUt from Mr. John Bush.
Mrs. Jae. Wylie Sr. is 4 present very
ck with pmumonia. We hope she will
on recover.
Just like the above cut --a Man's Pine Velour
calf shoe with rubber heel, made on the fashionable
(Correct up till Wednesday noon)
Meat No. 2 Spring , .....1 95 to 2 30':English
Vheat No, 2 Fall .. , . , .1 95 to 2 30'
A shat that will fat well, wear well and look well
'iAur........... .. ... 5 35 to 1,7 15
,acrd, , • . . . .. . . . ......... 35 to 38
for the marvellously low price of
Sutter. .................. 50 to 65
3gga . ...... . .......... 60 to 70
$6.50 per pair
.attle, mad., butchers.. 9 00 to 10 00
'attle, butchers choice, .11 00 to 12 W;
Jogs, liveweight .... . 17 60 to 17 761
In all sizes for men 6 to 10.
(-fay . , . . . .... . ... . . . . .19 00 to 21 00
We are illustrating an extra good value in Wom-
:ream .. , . , , , . , , . • • • • . • • • to 6b
en's Shoes in The Times this week.—Look for our ad .
' the Tinges on last age
In p
Special prices for the following,
Rags Sa per Itis. ,
Old Rubbers 5c per ib,
Horse Hair 35c per lb.
Agricultural Scrap Iron $1•.00 per •►�"� ,�ti(J1"
Bags up to 12c each. AND DERBY 'SHOTS FOR MEN.
Raw furs, Hides and Sheep Skins at L
city prices.
Get busy and pick up your junk and
realize a gilt edged Price. Tars Corners Newton's We was a very good success.
Mr. R, A. Taylor exchanged Spinks
HHH. Brown p_ Ons Mr. Wilbert Gallaway is now settled in Medium to Mr. R. Fullerton of Mildmay,
& S his new home. for Billy Direct, both horses are bread off
We are sorry to report that Mr$, Tom fast stock.
Douglas is in bed with the flu, since Mr. James Barton purchased a team
from near Hanover and also a driving
WERS waiting on her brother, William Finley of bores last week.
FRUITGRO , Wroxeter. Mr, Hugh Douglas purchased a valu-
i Though the weather was rough Mr. able cow one day last week.
Better spray or dust your orchard I -
this year.
Spraying and Dusting never paid
larger dividends than now.
Niagara Brand Spray Co.,
Burlington, Ont.
Offer you at reasonable prices.
Dusting Machines
Spraying Machines
Dusting Material
Spraying Material
Machines and Sprays for every
For further informatics, write
George Sloan, Agent
Blyth, Ontario
The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduates
placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in Toronto
and the Centra, Business College, Stratford.
Write for free catalogue. Enter anytime.
D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray -McLeish, Prin.
Final Clean Up Sale'
Qf a I I Winter
.3 Days Only 4
Thursday,-Sa,tur a
March 4 5 ? 600'
After our Big Winter Sale and Day. we find we have
many odd sizes in steady -to -Wear and Piece Goods. $ `
Day values continued for 3 days. Last chance to 'buy Purls
at reduced prices.
(Big Bargains in Our Grocery Department.)