The Wingham Advance, 1920-03-04, Page 7,T7ff�o . . ,., — - . - ^1, V�,4, .;�W
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. , I their
c1le ,1-rtli�y of 1919. aerau*s
. view JA not adopted In Wit particu-
lAr ttse. The Governments ,of
I n.1 " 0 "HWE * M., Ell 10 E Francs and Great iBritain cannot
'it SUR ,
� believe that It Is the purposs of the
:1 American people to. take a. step so I
r-reach!ag and terrible lit Ita
FOLLOVIVIS PREMIER S U'A T L IN E I effects on a ground which lise. the
� ilrT.earanea of being so Inadequate."
------ —"-- . 1%N,ANV, ARli, up �(mrl%w r ACTS,
; . I * The London e(numont on the
S*W*ty of L000w,oU*,,, � � 11 �
I,, �
Aw*44" 1 All -OR � 1� -41 1 ...
end rywomen. ups SPIK11- . INt KIM " ..
1111=Jo#Vh Irewars, Ouporlor etwftllf IN
Moust ft Bera"Wit Monastery, 0oW, ' , . Ap I
vills, Wowgershirp, AAd one of tU , . ' I �
I Cleet It m �nr T flp I i ,
members of tM oommunity. wee , oIX 111 ES lu 11 w K S `%,
buried at the monastery, the body , '
being placed In the grave without rAl r r13 I Ur i
coffin and droned In is mo,nk!a babit. � � 11 I OR
has been Introdueed , r Itay PLANE 101F U
I Phot'S"i"'M . �
Into tb IU navy as sA Aid to, fftln.
nerY. For triAnSulation (rocordlniiJIe �
1. U111 JUSI rUQ11LSueu raves vidy rut ov Fresident'a latest �Vlxt a and,' France 11 I el , ouno
r, Ululotqrs of <'rest rHer Yai'co tile x�rAalo The death hPA occurred of Urv. -Department, involving 4129,000 A fall Of AbOt) spOola" 04m0m On to be 62D
" carried in the target -towing ships. ,ow Zero Froze Eye- Allied uprome 0 il
Wa9 that It wao, ,,conciliatory." it office to the next-of-kin or other 1111r" year. , Officers witt a knowledv3.of photo- ball% and Gas Tank Takes Up Armenian Man.
certainly '.a far leeg drastic In, -tone .sons entitled Ili respect of tile estates Viscount Massereme has sold -OrIal tre betas appointed tor super.
Park a the Protest note of February 10. Royle, wife of the Rev. Vernon Royle, Temple, Collon, County Louth, Wit), graPbY I I
Iment For Ireland tha Zx-ploded. sacres Again.
. Ttor,.A Is no doubt whatever that the the well-known Cricketer and head Of loo. acres of land, formerly the rest. v�80 this ,%clic. I
_ ----,-.---- (by Staumore Park School, the last The Duke cx Connaught, as Grand I . .
I note of February 10 was written dence of Mr. John Poster, Nuter of tke. Vree Mason* of U49- I
Mr. Wil n. The Impre Three-quarters of . t grain C m
Salon prevails . . the stock o Speaker in the Irish' House of o, , load, &I&%
"a . , I.$ Abcut to Issue an appeal to
ore that ,he Ittlig a alone.
guage, of the note of required for a year's ma, ufacture was IV*
� ,
Powers of the Separate Houses and Control. i� every member of every lodge Under the JAP. DIET DISSOLY 160
1 1 � F oliruary 24, -piobably,is, largely the ,destroyed by fire at the, Cork Dlstil- - Sir William Francis George Guise, BrItIsli coustit;utloa to subscribe to a' HEIGHT RECORD
Isu.guage of Ac1lug i$eoretary of State lo�,y Compan, y's I.romises. of Nilmore Court, Gloucestershire.. has million pound fund, rhich is tQr be 4e- � - .
Polk. It Scone to be clear from the Birmingliatii LicousIng JusticeshAYe died at the age of 68. lie was. honor- I . .
Reserved For Great Britain latep,t note tbut 'han President when granted an application made oy the ary colonel at the 41rd Battalion Glvu� voted to the provision of a new con -
he wrote his protest note of Febru- vicar of St. Bartholomew's for a lie- tral home for the craft Ili London, Aviator Finally Managed to U, S. House Refuses Funds
I . , Coster Regiment, In which lie served Promotion by examination, the Pre, I r
I I � ary 10 did not know tlint the Jug,o, once for a kinema, In his Church. for 26 years, and a former High $her- Vol
London Cable - The Government In," UM'm. The Imperial Parliament ,91ays, as -well as Italy, had expressed 74leUt.-COI. Brown, Royal Welsh Iff of the county. war army reVlatiou for officers, is to . plane -to the, to Patrol Border Acalust .
I t.181, dlwat%f4atlon With the aettlemento Fusillera, has deposited with the Na- Sir Harry Vernon, who has been .11, Le restored. has .occurred O . Earth. ; the "Wets,"
to�nlgbt made public tile text of 36 "uld control, the Royal Ii the pniposed in ,the imemorandum of De- tional Museum of Wales, the German chairman of Droltwich Board of "' The death pf Umes -
duced Ill Constabulary of Dublin and combor 9. lrh-� lateat not -i suld; Imperial Standard captured at Jerus- C Garner, at Willuslow, who 'Was 100 - . Vral, Scott, B.A., former Principal
Irlsli Home Rule Bill. Intro .�Ietropolltaa Police for three 'years, ,ruardlaus for over thirty years, and
tile House of commons on Wedues- "The President notes that the ob- alem.. years old and the oldest Forester In Dayton, O., RepQrt-Major Rudolph
A a united Parliament 16 not organ- . jections of the Italians and Jugo-Slava Ov I er X5,200,000 has been paid dur- has done public work In Worcester- England. SchroodorA a 'Chicago aviator, to -day of the Toronto Normal School,. 4lect
I day, And passed through Its first read- Ized ty that time. .were made the basis for discarding the Ing tile past six months by the War Shire for sixty years, has resigned at rrank Cooke, for forty Years game- dropped from an official altitude re. In his 74th year. .
Ind by title. The meansavo follows , Ofter pcuvis reserved to the Im- 'project OI the Freer State of Flume, It of deceased officers and other ranks. the age of 86. lit -has. been member keeper oil the Osborne estate to -the cord Of 36,020'teet, a distan, . as qJ more Malittoba, will be the first Provilloo
to convert , rshire and High .late Queen Victerfe., I
closely the givea to Vie House I pEr:al Parliament embrace the would seem to follow, therefore, that - It has 'been decided I I , nad died at Whip" than six miles, saying his life Within In Canada to have an assessmea t:
Prelater Lloyd" Gleorge In December I croyt n, peac�� and war, foreign affairs the joint consent of these two powers Thornton I -!all, Brentwood, Essex, the Sheriff. plagham, Isle or Wight. � 2,000 ,feet Of the earth only by semi. commission.
At London, Sessions Mrs, Sidney Twenty years organist of St. Mary's, consciously grasping his controls And The strike of doctors recently called,
last. By its provisions to Parliaments 1 army and navy, coluage, defence, should have been acquired for the family seat Of Lord Petro, who was ebb was sworn in as a Justice of
� Side . Ireland post substitute, project. The consent of killed in the war, Into a, golf Club- W Woburn, B'e4s, Mr. S, Langston is leav- guiding Ills Airplane Into a long, slid, , Itar,
would be Set up, one for the north of 1, trer.uca, Lrade out � In Tarita, on the Strait of GIbr4
Ireland And one for the so�th of I LCV,ce, navigation, Including , mer. the solution opposed by the Britisli, house, and to lay out a golf course the Peace, . Ing to tour riggic.lialls with an organ, Ing sweep, which landed him safely haa ended. I
I Ireland: the u.,jrthern Parliament t,) I chant shipping, wireless and cables, French and American Governments in on Thornton Park, Formerly sheriff and mayor of Hull grand piano audLbells. on the ,ground. , The height reached
� consist of �= wnmLero and the Small- ivoliteLlon of income and excese pro- W6 memorandum of For tile mur( of his 11-montlis- and a pioneer of the municipal tole. -An Intimate friend of Queen Via- George Farquhar, & Hallett Town- c -
December 9th. ler . by Major Schroeder breaks all prey. ship former, fell through a hole In Ills
, , era -of 123 members. The m.dseat- f1t taxes and customs and excises. "The President would, of Course, old daughter, whom he buried under phone, Alderman . John Brown has torla. and author,of biographies of hot tons One-man altiture records. barn floor and died a,few hours later
ution � in tr,e 1- , railway arch at Peckham, George died, late Majesty and the Prince ConsQrk The dizzy drop and a temperature as 4 result of the injuries received. , .
_ .:Vial Parilauloat The two Parlitunelitts would be giv- make no -objection to, a settlement a, I - For sixty-three years Mr. 'Cllarlo6
would be 12 for north Ireland and eii tile immediate right to collect cer- mutually ,agreeable to Italy and Jugo, Jolla Lucas, 21, stage-liand, was son ,Rev. Dr. W. W. Tulloch has died at of (13 degr;es below zero caused the William Scull, &Jo
, rdan. farmer, was
110 for south Ireland, necessitating the tain. ta,.xei, including -death duties, ' tenced to death by Mr. Justice Dar- Starmer, who lives at Soutboud, has 'Perth, aged 74. flier's eYebgllr,. to freeze, temporarily Far ers' ca didate for
eacertalam. Siavia, regarding their common front- � I chosen United m a o
I re-ADPortiounient of Ireland, which is wainp taxes, ,ent ta.leg, ter in til. ling at the Old Balley. never failed In his attendaoai� at Mr. 0. A. Hicks, a, famous Irish sur- blinding lit the I -louse of Commons at V, largely
. ,a Flume region, provided that The Duke and Duchess of Hamilton Bloomsbury County Court, London, ge ' Wi. During the descent his
provided for In the bIll. licomise fees and such others of a ,aunh all agrepment ii.not mada, on on in Belfast, had died from blood Oxygen tank broke, sending out a atteuded cQaveatk)n of the U,F�O. At .
The northern area would be com- slirlhor nature which 'the legislatures tile basis of Compensation have presented the Netherton Cross of which be Is chief cashier. . poisoning following a semteh on one stl; I _g
k- ..a elsewhere to the burgh. of Hamilton.- The cross At a by-eiection at Barnstaple, Dq� of his fingers, received wheA he was eamin flame. St. Qatharines. . � I
. The Officer Is the teat pilot at the . President Wilson to executive ordcr I
posed of '4the Counties of Antrim. might devise. it is stipulatell that at the expense of nationals of a third Is of Celtic design. an(I is believed to you, Mrs. H. E. Jewell was elected the aviation grounds. He announced continued the fuel. administration. I
gh. Londou� Ireland contributes for tw Ye r to power. His *,willingness to Accept belong to the period of St. Kentigern. Can. A British Friesian cow belongln� to I
� Armagh, Down, Formanag * a a I I I first woman member of town a performing an opbration. that_he was goju to break Roland 1049iug its powers In a committee of
derry And Tyrone, -and the borouglis the support of the Empire on tile such 9, proposed joint agreement of the apostle ,of Strathclyde, before Scot- ell. Her husband was mayor for say- Lieut. -Col. Morrice, The PrIoryi Mal- ,9 I
� I - 'WhICII figures Italy and Jugo-Slavla Is based on the land was a kingdom. I Qn consecutive years. mosbury, Wilts, has had a bull calf I 11
of Belfast and I andouderry� bas;s of 1919-1920, 1 Rohyif,s height record of 31,000 feet, four.
, COUNCIL FOR IRELAND. abcut zf�18,000,000 annually, Of thI13 fact that only their own nationals are The bells of St. Mary's I �Vutl"I, An 18 -lb. high explosive shell burst Weighing at'btrth 120 lbs., or about lid and his Previous great flights served The U. S, House by g, unanimous
4:18,000,000, North Irel-,ind w4 a to draw out a crowd 'for the trial, His I
A "Council for Ireland,", Composed )U14 involved, In .consequence the results have been recast after 130years of eon- at the Government explosive works, lbs, above ther norm, 1. vote rejeet�;d an appropriation of $1,� 1
of 40 members. h -.If of whom would contribute forty-two per e6nt. and of direct negotiation of the two in- staut use and were didicated at a near Llanelly, wrecking a coal 0hed By the death ot Miss Rebecca 140. machine, a Le Perre, was equipped 000,000 asked by the Bureau of In. I
be selected by each of the Parliaments, South Iro!and f.%fty-eig�t Per cent. terested Powers would fall -within the serviec, on Saturdai. The Couplet in- and killing a married mail named Crea, of Belfast, the MQCrae-Magee with a Moss supercharge. ternal RevenLa for the cliforcementog
. I
The ' A joint exchequer -board would be scope of the principle of self-deterail- scribea on ',be old finor be)I-"I p Schroeder left the ground and short, prohibition along the borders, .
is also proviJed for In the bill. Heath who was the only person near& College At Widonderry Will receivor I
, si,ative pf,wers of e council woulld Cr�llted to determine the taxable ca- nation; Falling In this, both parties the Church the livAng call, Aud to 1110 . ly d'sa,)poarPd into the air beyond the
� pacity of Ireland in the relation to 'should be willing to accept a decision grave. I summon 411.1! -bas been on- Proiessor Sir Henry Jones, of Glas- almost glo^,000 under the Will of Mn . reaWh of even the officers, glasses. I John Wilson, aged 55, cattle buyer
b only those granted it by the tive 'L gow University, is engaged In estab- Basil McCrea, who died in 1907. of Xinniount, dropped dead on Fri,, , .
the bnlairee of the United Kingdom � I . What transpire i I
� Is,,-, latures, but the farmers of the of the Govdinments of France, Eng-. graved on the ;iew' 'All. lisbing a scheme for adult education Mr, Gains Evans, a member of the ed between the time day night while watching the hookey-
bill hope It will forri a nucleus around anl decide, what amount Ireland land and the United States." / Tmportant eltauges Under the Na- in Wales by the co-operation of relig- Oswestry Town Council, has died. Aged the major's barograph reading showed ,game between Riumount and I-Penlon ..� �
pari,a- - should contribute after the two year him he had Passed the 31,000 -feet re- .
which would be -,built. one . period. Tile dcc!Gion of this board This suggestion of an agreement be- tional Health Insurance scheme are lous bodies with the Welsh University o7. lie. war.. knbwn as. the "silent cord arid the moment 'he reached the Falls at Pension Falls tournament. . I
I. ment for the Whole ,,�'. Ireland. Al- tween Italy and Jugo-Slayla is be- announced. Weekly contributions are
mo,.4t unlibitted exemitive, loggislative I will Stand for five years, When tile lieved here to be the "way out" of the to be Increased by 3d., the employer authorities. member" of tile council, never having At the Supreme Council's .meeting I . .
( � Wit- The Grand Cordon (Preciously BrII- ruade a speech during his seven Years appalling height of 37.000 feet has not Saturday evening the whole� question '.
. -ovi0d fOr' -opened, The board - the Yet been disclosed, The instrument a,' the recent Turkish atrocities In oil- .
and judicial Do'Wers are pi case may be re diplomatic entanglements. Undoubted paying 2d. and the employee Id. S liant) of the Chineae Order of as councillor, ,
_ such a unitoll. Parliament, but� the ,aha'.1 consist of equal numbers Of ly Italy and Jugo"-Salvla will be more ness benefit will be advanced. to 15a o I u Admlrm showed the aviator had actually at-
rish , per Week for men and 12s. for women: Excellent Crop 's conferred The establishment of a new branch fela., Asia Minor, was taken up. with
powers to be conferred on the separ- rep.-esentatives of urgently pressed than ever to come to als of the Fleet I Lord Beatty and Lord - kee tallied that record, but the .official military representatives of the Allied 11
. - Parliaments and the Imperial Par- a mutual iladerstanding and thus end Maternity benefit is Increa:sed from of tile navy, known as the ordnax mark is placed at 36,020 feet, .. �
tao, .,Parliaments-, Would be' consider 3110 to 92, Wester Wemyss. artificer brancE, with a total estab- . countries. - .
i complications betweenothe Allies . was being built at
i abWcurtalled. Responsibility for or- Ilament with an independent Chair- and - While a garage lishment, for the present, of 46 offi- Suddenly a great shout Was uttered The Japanese Diet has been disolv-
,D be � . I
ganizing the unifed Parliament and m4a. This board would ala the United States. - Through'sea, erosion on the Landa, of the.terro-conerete Core is,abproved.�of a
11 � � - Shire and Cheshire coast several new Birmingham one . by order -in -Court- by the*through, Falling out of the ed by Imperial decree s a result of A
t the power to erea;0 It Is left entirely charged with devising means of pro The President says Ili his latest villas at Blun 4n va- rloo�p collaspsed and burried a num- , ell ;ublished In the London Gazette. Cloudless blue sky was a tiny speck profound difference of opinion be- I
. ,svith the two Leg,alctures. The bill viding guarantees � tior lr3land'e note with respect to the application cated, - bar of men, Five were killed. , hnd people live In enveloped In a bluish haze. Some- twoon the Cabinet and the majority
,,, provides that the united Parliament. contribution toward the Support ,or of the Treaty of London to, the sit- Willian Ansell, who died at Pul- Seven housemaids and apantrymald canal boats in Engla:xd, where in that Wilitle cold-regiotered parties in the Diet regarding the ex� I
I It formed. would control.the customs the Empire, ,should a Unitel Irish nation, that "the.-Americau. Govern- . d 80 years, claimed to of the Queten Mary Army Auxil!ary Mrs, Ryan Portroe, Tipperary, has by the machine's thermometer at 67 tension of the franchise,
' , borough, age modal I .
� and excise. 1. . Firliament, asnime, control of .the ment must hesitate to spealc with have tr�mped as the local postman Corps li,tv6 been awarded the died at 1V1.e rep�utod age of 113. She belowzeio, theg'as tank hadexploded, Striking Lisb6n fidephone em- 14�
" IV -1 -IAT Ti�j4y CONTROL. excises and Customs. Italy has been obtained. He does not ' I Of the Order of the British E-111PIre for voted at the recent Nenagh elections. and the aviator, . niimbed and blind- - -ployees have resor ."
1� . -find, however, that the over 185,000 mlIcs, In of the valuable war services. ' . I . - ted to the use of �
i. At the outset, according to the bill, ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION. Jugo-Slays For� many years ellairm, . I 1.4 0 0 1 1 ed and in a lielpleza stupor, had lost bombs. Several peciple have been -
, I I I the Parliament *would have full eon- I The aniount Ireland' would havl� have also expressed their willingness Kennel Club, Dr. James Sydney Tur- Queen Victoria's private sculptor, . control of hls,burning plane, I killed and much property damaged. I
. ernment, I to Contribute Is somewhat reduced to accept the substitute plan. Are nor, 76, has died at his residence, Mr. p. J, Williamson who Is 86, I i6wds watched the "met- A strike of employees of boot And I .
. trol of .education, local goy I seriously Ill at Esher (Surrey). 1-11 While the a .
� rre, roads and I by a iprovision in the bill that the they to be required now to accept a Stanton, ALnerley, Ken,'. : HELIGOLAND , IS ..'eOrItes" and -wondered where Schre- Shoe stores has, added to the gent -rat . .
� the land Policy agrIcultu proposal which is more unsatisfactory First woman magistrate in Scotland work includes 27,0 -portrait busts and I . - � der was, the ajorpartially regained confusion, . I
bridges, transportation, old age Pell- I United Kingdom shall present 19 statues of Queen Victoria. I in I I
Par- because they have raised obJectlotis to Miss Heldan of Aucliterarder, a consciousness, ind managed to right rive thousand South Wales .steel '
,I .91QnS,* Insurance, muricipal affairs, zej,000,000 to each of the two I In recognition of his wife presenting
1. -Air, . All o toet to desfray assurance since it is a matter in sister of Lord Haldane, has taken the 4 . his plane so thak he could automati- workers have gone on strike for , a
.. .. housing, hospitals and li6enses. liamenta at the U � him With two sets Of trlDlets In 4 I NOW 'RARMUSS
tile 3udiclak offices Would be control!- their expenses. It is also provided Which the French and. British Gov- oath as a Justice for Perthshire. years, the directors of Peterborough cally volplane to earth. forty per cent. advande in wages.
� I ea iby the Irish Parliani6lits, each that the Irish shall have land an- ernments can alone judge their obll- Sir Graham Eden Hamond-Graeme Gas Company have -given their em. I _______� . I Hangar attendants raced ahead of They have refused the employers' of-
, I I I body controllini the officers, in its nually. The bill contains a detailed gations and Oetermine their policies." has died ht Pully, near Lausanne, ployee Air. Ernest Rawlinson R 5. the crowd to thle machine and extri- 'for of arbitration. This strilm will .
! . Own district, but there woull be a Governirent preposal for irniredlate WOULD ONLY MUDDLE SITUA- aged 75, He was Lord Lieutenant Of The gratuity of 31 days' pay to Mer- Great German Sea Fortres4 cated the flier. He was hurried to make idle 25'Tt?D tin plate workers, ,. I
f� -Whole of Ire- Hertfordshire and served In the Abys- cant!Ie Marine -officers for each com- - the hospital. . G. M. BD;;orth chairman of the
Ir , court of appeal for the coinpletion -of a .land purchao I e TION. sinian war of 1967. is Dismantled. I—
land, presided, over by the Lord . scheme. But. the President points out that the late R.v. �jharles Haddon was plete year of service Is applicable only I The surgeons announced to -night Canadian Pacifle*Ocean. Services, Lim- I..
. Chancellor. Civil -Servants as regards pensiono in view of understandings already one of 6ur successive pastors of Bar- to those who were employed during I that Major Schroeder would recover, Ited, has issued a circular appointing I I � I
�i What the Government considers one ,vould be protected by the Imparial reached the application of the don Park CongregW onal Chapel, Lot- the War -on the Thames Examination and that his vision probably would -Georgp Wood :wdltor of the Canadian
I of the. chief safeguards In drafting the Government, excordi-ng to another to the situation cestershi:o, whose combined terms of Service. ela ' has Reclaimed Land Being Re-Inot be lost. Physicians Would not Pacifif Ocean Services, effective . -
1, powers of theLParllaments is a provI This is one of Treaty of London The Lord Chancellor of Ir ad . permit him to give an account of Ills �March first.
. � I I prohibiting either body provi-sion of the bill. would only serve to muddle -it up office extended o,er 152 years. 0 appointed the following Women as - turned to Sea. experience until he has more fully re- john Mattalo, the 72,year-old Ital. I
I gion specially hing any particular re- the reasons why Imperial eontr,)l of il.vy iir. pcsing conditioup generally ad- Arthur Morris, a timberman at the magistrates for County I)UbIln:-Lady covered. . iall, 'who was stabbed In the stormaell �
I from establis the post office is to be retained, not- mitted to be unwise and Unjust, In LIanhilleth Colliery. near Newport, Arnott, Lady Redmond, Lady Dock- '
liglous ereeA or penalizing :anyone for Berlin 6able says -Heligoland, two The instruments oil his inachine at Niagaxa Falls, Ont., a week ago
i standing the Home Rule U'll - rell, and miss Palles. These are the rienco
, .
I . , J)elogging to or not belonging to . ny witlis concluding his latest note tUe Prest has been awarded the Edward Medal first women m Years ago Germany'a, meet impregaA- record the best story of the expe Saturday night, passed 'away. T;iero � .
. . _ of 1(,14 irade Ireland's Post office dent does not repeat his threat to re- for the rescue of a man buried by a agistrates. appointed In hie fortification against Allied Sea- of the daring aviator in his flight, to are no clues to the assailant, Matalo I .
. rellklous, denomination. an Irish inslitution. The Imparial an improper collapse of root while heavy stones Ireland.
� call the peace treaty,,if . beat the record of Roland RohIf and having given many contradictory ver. I
1, . Po*ERS RESqERVRD. Parliaircut v.'ou'ld retain this control settlement of the Fiume Controversy were falling, The dqath has occurred in Edin- Power, is to -day a dismantled hulk of �
I arlla- Rev. I � . �
� t f -w-street Police Court the - military Imoor � .
'i tance. The black bring honors, of Achievement to the sions of the affray.
� it is provided in the bill that the. un 11 such tinie as the two P I tS is made. The. note concludes'as fol- At Be burgh, of WI, -4 Evelyn Blantyre Simp- no
rmpertal. Parliament eon trol t h 0 ments work out a scheme or low$: . Slade Maughan-Ettrielt, of "Manorr son, the last surviving member of the bulk of t -he island itself, surmountqd air tortes of. the United States army. The strike among the, natives i t
4 a - -
1. higher 57adlelary officers until such direction -by -the 'Ounell for Ireland "The President asks that the Prime Pzrk, 11, rector of Little Ilford� Es- family of the late Sir James Young by, tons .of masonry and ingeniously The thermometer registered a tem. Johannesburg, S. Africa, which has ",
� mporial Parliament sex, was fined 40S. for insulting be- form. constructed gun emplacements, Is all perature of 55 degrees below zero Fah� been In progress for sonae time, Seem- .
, time as the two Parll3men and request the I Ministers of France, Girelat Britain and Simpson, the discoverer of chlorc, L .
ka agreed on the method of appoint- 1 -to turn It over. havour by stopping and annoying a k u or f a to by of that rema!uo. renhelt. The mark set by Major ingly is collapsing. Thousands of �.
Italy will read his determination in the She w s t e a th o b graP
0 . I Young women'in. the Strand. her father and two books on Robert - Germans concerned in the Construe.; Schroeder agaln:gives him the record tile Workmen are returning to their .
I t_.__..__=__________ —.--- ---,------ Adriatic matter In the light of these Partner in the firm of Lumley & Louis Stevenson. 0on. of the fortress declare anbther which RolandRoblfs 'Won from him Jobs. There has been 'no disoi'ler.
�. :EE1tU - principles, and settlements, and will . ' I I
11 . M�' M realize that standing upon . such a Lumley, solicitors, of Old J'awry Lady Sandwich ha's been elected 0, Seven. years will be necessary tovom- July 30, 1919, with.4a official Altitude . John .Gundard. Lareen, Edmonton, ..
I G a � k%3 Chambers, E, C., and a member of the member of the Huntingdonshlre Conn- Plate Heligoland's demolitl6n. Work of 30,000 feet, and later increased In Alta,, Charged with highway robbGry
I 'r I . �
I I. ,I foundation of principle he must of no- � �
: I Corporation of London, Mr. Frank . tY Council. has been in progrese for over a year. a second flight to 1,000 feet. It also and attempted murder, 'whose case I I �
. "
CORRarDC BET V'Pir, 01 cessity maintain the position which he �
I - BrInsley Harper has died.. He was The site of the birthplace of Oliver, All the guns have -been dismantled, beraks the record of Adjutant Casm was retried owing to. tile previous I
� I
. I
I � . . a 2 FZA 119 -4 04 irrived at after months of earnest eon chairman of the Russian Tribunal in Cromwell at Huntingdon has been . but the destruction of the harbor sale, a Fren6h pilot, who was credit- jury disagreeing, was found guilty,
V,7 sideration. - He confidently counts London during the war, Sold by , meat. �
No A W upon their .00-0pe'ratibn upon this ef� en- Island 1.6 proceeding. This stronghold
I n F. fort to maintain for the Allies and as- While viewing fallen timber in a London's last horse-drawn fire at .� a in than feet. Major Schroeder's first altitude A secret conference . of German �
V I L SvA '" " N " %- gins ha�s been offered to the Science was built a o t of ore , - communists at Durlach, three m4les. I
I public auctionfor 92,800. 1 Works and other fortifications oil the ed with an unofficial record of 33,137 and sentenced to life Imprisoa
EN ARL) T ALLIS soclated powers that direction ot� at- . field Mr. John Carman, of HolyWell, $116,000,000, but its mighty guns fired record Was made at Dayton, Septem.
�0 fairs whie . h was Initiated by the vic- . died suddenly. Mr. Carman, who Museum, South Kensington, 85-W. her 18, 1918, when he flew a Bristol from Karlsruhe, was broken ap by the � .
� _.- I - was 73 y6ars of age, Was a magistrate The organization of clerks In the .but once throughout the war. i The Fighter machine ko an Altitude of 29,- police. Representatives. from Ali§tria! �
, I tory over Germany and the peace eon- British warship Shannon was the tar- 900 feet. . Poland, Russia and Switzerland were I
, - � for Flintshire and ex -chairman of the newspaper industry is now being ex-
, , ference at Paris." - 114hing get. The island -played a negdtilve -
0 1 -
� . P "� 0, - Holywell Urban'Council, as well as a tbuded to .. those in. the pub .Part in the defence of the Gernian Major Schroeder was dressei heav- present. They will be detalne,l Dend- . I
Recent Series,of Holes onth. Adriatic _Probiem I governor of the County School. trade. ter than any polar explorer Who ever Ing arrangements for their expulNiM :
I ZZ An altar and reredo4 erected Loughborough's war memorial Is to coast, probably because Allied experts rth.. He was literally wrappel from Germany. ----0
. llx he a tower 'containing a carillon of agree that it would have been Im- set to -118 fly a h s., thd Ints- 11 �
� I WILSON'S REPLY and men of H. M. 49 bells., the largest bell weighing possible to silence Its batteries. - - in flexible elebtric heateis. I - . eneral Lerond, ead f
� I S. Excellent Naval Gunnery School at 1, Ing su�t was lined with fur of Chinei allied Commission in VpPer 'S)Ilet,la, .
Made Pub ic at Washingtoll - � three tons. The foundations of the harbor, A 'h -+---,i the fur ded-ed Ills intention of forbidding .
--- Portsmouth, Who fell In rge war were Men, are not to be recruited for 0 Which is about $00 yards In length Aucawang uOgs, -
I � 0 unveiled in tile church at the Whale Army for more than a Year unless and 600 yards wide, consist of huge land outer lining flexible electric heat the Introduction of Berlin and Broiflan
AS TO ADRIATIC Island school headquarters by Admir- physically fit for service in any,part blocks -of concrete. All these have tG Units connected by silk covered wires newspapers Into the plebiscite ro-
Latest U. S. Reply Stands on Forallinfer Position, I .- al Sir Cecil' Burney, commander -in- of the -World. - � I be destroyed. The -ground on which while the dynamo of the engine heat- glon it they continued to vpreal !all a -
I chief at the port., By an extension scheme approved the ,barracks stand, to recla;lm ,wMch ed the entire suit, In a like manner news and make hostile comments 011
. U. S. President's Letter to The new Deputy -Chief Constable Of by the Winistry of -Health, Chester- from the sea V. multitude of Germans big boad gear, gloves and moccasins the decisions of the Comm!$';!'.-.'. I I ,
But Leaves' Way For Agreeirtfleflt Nottingham is Superintendent Preder- field Will ,become the largest town in worked for Years at a cost of '$g,. were heated. . .. rive armed bandits entered tILO . I r
I I Reach London To -Day. tak Rodgers, of Mansfield. Derbyshire. . 000,000, is to be returned to the ooa� � � il 400... - clothing store of Bedal Bros.' 383 1 ..
' .. , � I _ '' I I . � I d :
. .
I � For helping to arrest a violent prls� Wing-iCommander L. W. Brabazon Everything In the defence of HellgO-,. ' " , - Gratlot avenue, Detroit, late Salir ay
. � ` ' '1�1.11 Bedal and two �
. ",
-epatch-The full cor- consider the withdrawal oi the treaty _ . oner, John Zing, the Lhi s . C., a native of Carnarvon, land is Worked by hydraulic power, - , : :, ... night, o*erpowered
a , .. . : i, I : I employees, and after ransacking We
to cricketer, has been presonted�witli a, has received the freedom of that bar- 'ter necessary tor the defencO, -A `8S`:"R 'S NT
iWashington Dic Thd w , ,-- -, R -A ... �E I
respondence between. the UnttedStat0s with Germany and -the agzeemou�, be- Still Refuses to Agree � . � " I . .. I � �, place 'escaped with money, jewelry ""I
Government and the Government Of tween the United Stato-3 and France pipe by Ulcoster City police. ough and a award of honor. ,d sanitary purpoGee Is drawn.'by ' -. . . ,, -;,' . ...
. t
an and Clothin- 'valued at more than §3,- ;
Great Britain and France '%V I n gallerle . , . . .
to the Adriatic settlements - . go, - [Ind f R11 N , M Major W. D. F, Goldwill, a promin- .
ith regard if It did "not appear feasiblo to Se- AllyTernis. An elderly woman 'Who jumped Increasing numbers of disabled Men huge pumps from fifty -feet below the o
e acceptance of the ,,,list and gen- from the top, Window of a high house and their famll es Are seeking Poor sea level. - The Subterranea 's. �,:!;�, � C11:1ANDATE 000.
public late this afternoon, The only erous concessions offen.,d by tile Brit-; to the ground without injuring her- which are el"tecallY lighted. are re -
note missing is the reply of the Al- Ish, French and Amerluall Gavel"- Washil.,;ton, Despatch m- President self was charged with housebreaking Llanolly guardians are Interviewing garded by mllitary men as "woAder I . ent Vancouver business mail, received
lies to the President's last note which ments to Italy Ili. the joiut--m=Or- Wilso-i's reply to the Entente Pre. at Asbby-de-la.�Zoueh, lolos. 1� the ,pension authorities About It. "I wor,kq.1, . . injuries -which resulted in his death .
. miers on the Adriatic . question was -boath duty on the estate of Miss Although the Germans considered londoti. Cwhle- - The formiat4cm and John Hanbury, a well-known
was draf ted this aftern.001i. The anduni of those powers .A Deeembtr despatched by the United States* i A centenarian ,Who fought in the Talbot, of Penrlee Castle# that the secret of ,Heligoland had pr a huge -Aiablan army to luthlil- lumberman, was seriously Injured . " I
- 9, 1919, -which the Pro3ldwit has ul- I Crimean War and whose father 3ml , I � I I
is expoethil to " "' $
council members, according to Lon ready. clearly stated to be t�o max- State Department. It be - Glamorgan who died In Soptembery been kept Inviolate, It Is now 're- IiMe the French An Syrla, is report when an interurban tram ear collided
don adviees, believe their reply will , at fought tit Waterloo, has been discov 1918, lesyl I in which they
ernme�t In the hands of Ambassador Davis B2,000,000, amounts to vealed that a BrItiell, naval officer. with an automobile
6nd the present controversy. President mum concession that the Gove London to -morrow, and will be de- .ered living,near Rhymney Bridge, ag - saw pa from Dama6cils- ,The Arabs were riding.
WilsoWs last note Is represented as of more than 9500,000, m C posing as -in American student, . I. jitrongtly rosolit the Anglo-Vrenet
the United States car ollor." livered as Soon as It has beeft do- South Wales, in the person of John A Military Medalist, Millia I- all the fortifications In 1913. . Major R. W. Schroeder, tie pilot
having been Written In a conciliatory Great Britain and� Prance, in their coded. Mumforit. . - Brown, of Darlington. Durham, and . � 8 6 )tjrrangeirent turning o,ter the lliati� whe,'fell more than five Miles in two
tone and not difficult to answer. . rep-ly �)f February 17, set forth that Officials 9till declined to discuss the Mr. C. Grant Robertson, Fellow 'of late of the Leinater-Regiment, reach! l,ite of Syria to the French, de. all,.jutes after Shattering the world's
correspondence made public the President In hie Protest note of 'TAX WAR WEALTH. " , I
The contents of the communication, but it All Souls' College, Oxford, h ed London .on Completing a* quarter j9patchag ,state, and despite the fact .-il
consists of the joint memorandum February 10, evidently had written is known that in exchanges with ,appointed principal of the University of a walking t,our of 25,600 miles I . _�. A .1 � v*�Ijat this agreement to backed by ,altitude, record, miraculously esCap- .
signed .. i December 9tbL by Premier without knowledge of new develop. the, Prentlers, the President has made of Birmingham, in place of Sir Oliver wh!ch he started on .M(LY S. . . �smlr Faisal, King of the Hedjaz, hie ir`g death is making satisfactory Pros- I �
Byre ' ress, according to , the doctors. He �,
ments which had -made the carrying esigned. For their soTviceo during the Tat ill make Another al.- ,.
Clemeneeau for Prancer Sir an unequivocal statement of the Unit- Lodge, who recently r t- Britain After All Making tjUbjeets refuse to ,allow the French stated that he w I
Crowe for England, and Under Sears, out of the prOD09al -of December 9, States Government's position, Os- Arbitration is to be hold on a re- way jstrlks� An ,IIIuMInat,ftd addrees it* establisli a, protectorate In Any titude flight &i Soon as he Is able, .
tary of State Frank L. Polklov the which he inalested upon, laipractIC- ed Over $25,000.
pecially with regard to the forming quest for an Incerase of 12s n wook, and gold ,medallions are to be given partor the new Arabian kingdom. ' — 4 � 6 -
United States; the BrItish-Prench re- able. The British and li"rench. Pre- of Agreements without the participa- or 2s a shift for laborers In the Met- by, the N, V. R, Executive to Mr. I . I ., Half .11- million volunteers rO re- I :
tion OJ London Cable. - Coniftuing - big . ;e4 rallying .under nuor of .
of'the cable sent oil January 19 by the "The, proposal of December 9th has it is understood tliat In his latest .� . --to--d-mi - =_tl' evidence before .the War Wealth Com- morl ItIon. force which will
oint ,,-this opplili, ' GOOD FAIA
vised proposals of Jan�ary 14, the text mlora in their r6ply said: I this country. I the ball
t ropolitan Water Board's Engineering J, Bromley and the eXCCUtIv0 of the
faillon to the ground -because nobody Constitot I a s b h ' TEST �
I mission to -d �0, L I .
Seeretal, ' - of State, asking tho.D note the President does not return --- - -- --- - - --- — '------ ay, Sir John Anderson, , ( nlaable raellac! to 1 �
I'. .1
and French ' do- . I iwf"'17,"�"Kst,�.,-.1� '. ,"'. , Inland Revonu .
s I
of view of the British . now wants to set(, lip the artificial I . .., . . ,�easral a .Urall ) � ,r,ach army
precisely to the arguments alld e Officialy said It was d _
olsion announced in the note N. .... f.,-1N7,.M;0'�-.-a. - !�E 4 lu ok
. _' - .... .. -'A., .
and Russian January 20 Je objected .to by the t �.,-,�T-... . I 0 .proposed to tax any person whose
��'. --J.. J.
ot the Adriatic d the baAs of . .�V�.-A;,-,,;. G1 M
Govertimentg lit undertaking to dis- free slate of Fiume. The �propooal of of Dec- I., ._�
I , .,
pose Ong before ascertaining the ember 9, which formc �'91 a . ., � war wealth -the u6t amount whereby RAilttj AS RLADILTIM. OF THE R Ano
que,st! United States which liad no repre- the Adriatic agrdoment to which the . - ".
VIeW3 . . . his wealth had Increased since 1914- .
of the United States Govern" sentative at the ,conference and which United States gubscribed, as Import- - 7 - t t'.
'. ;
Ment; the statements of the French .. ."'., ,.'.%..,. ..I exceeded R,6,000, -but allowaUeea o0ontentalont M(better than Wealth, I
. . .!.
cannot, therefore, be in C1080 touch . . '
ant events which hwie occurred In -, should Include X -1,000 -for a Wife'911d m%boy g'
stnd British Prime Jklinisters of Jan- with the 4ebange of opinion and eir- ,Ali, 0 " .% :. .,i.' .. Ile thought t ,0j 11 to bi. It's a blame eight Paris, Feb. W -The War Priminals
W Since that time are said to � �,k� I .-, , .,;, C. 4 500 Ior each child. t
,cc -h bave taken place, have C I A I ,0� � .., '.. ... ,, . . 't I I
.11 — . , - .' .. - has decided to send to
Uary '23; Presiftnt Wilson's protest culnotane s whic necessitated modifi at o n 'I" . � ;. Commission
_ .. .: . some conceesion should be mado to harder to get," .
__. . .4. 1,; ' .
1. .. ". in
note of February 10, In whiah he Since it,4 ,plentpotentlarie,3 returned to some reSPOCtS to meet tht C11111190d � .. �_ -, ,� , . .. , - 0 a mail who, had .continuously Invested �, , � .0 0 0, . — Germany the names of forty-six ell
aw tile Olel!nlah America. They (tho British and � �_ * `:� , I
.,: .-., - his wealth in war loans. for trial before the German tdurts.
Conditions. - . . 'i , TOO LATM TO BRIGIN.
tteaty flom the Senate if the British- French ,Prime Allillaters) ,cannot help JIOWever, the President is Said to I I '. .. I , 11 A Very largo sibount of moneyo . Id x1ootman Insist tliat announced will be 0, tost
Frcinelt attitude was persisted In; the feeling that a large part of the mie- bave refused to agree to the terms . . 11 ' Why did 0 This, it is
reply of the P roneh and British Prin-0 under.3tanding is attributable to the : Aahl Sir John, ,hid been spent In lit#$ when of good falth Upon which the Allies
ofthe settlement arrived at by the I - jewelry, fura and motor care aft ah a wife give aWay the bride have agreed.
I I is daughter wa# married.
Mint-,ters of Pebruary 17, and Frost- difficulty of reaching 4 coinnion un- Preniteft, OLUrl sent to ZU90-SIAVIS As W!� � - 1.t I Inveatmont and t6 eacape the exceag h It a covering note of
'' I profita tag. 'kw&Y The list, wit
, I ,,Oil, he said he'd never 911on .
dent Wilson'* note of 14"(%bruary 11, deratand.Ing, In such clreun*Gtafteee. an ultimatum. " 4;il' , f Considerable length, lias been drawn
which bringg the correspondence up how 4.oea tile United ,Syta,tos Goverft- Acting Secretary of State Polk Is 1. - - ,!�_,, it was, the vlow of his department anything yet and ale waa too Old to,
to date. The whole correspondeace meat, which to the rogret Of tile Al- endeavoring to arrange for the slinul- __ I that these allould be taxed, and that begin." . I up and will be submitted to the
makes about 19,000 wordo. lies atill line no plenlDotentlarles ftt tatiocius publidation of the eorres- I I I - I - Suproale Council. It Is ell)mted It
There Is a RtrIkIn9 contrAft WtVvf�en the conference, Dropose that this dla� pondenct an both tides of the Atlan- � �� k heavy Deualt!es should bo Imposed will be forwarded to, Berlin within thd
. I ,� I for failure to, diseloe atleb. valuable Qvi'm ALt, ItIou'r. Week. .
the tone of the President's pro'65t plite ' 'Which PrevQlltis thL% Veecastl'ue- -tic And it Is r(�gardea now as probable I I I � 11 . plms,o,31one. The meat, mostly 'bolie, Was thrown Irbe Dritish selected the namieg Of
tiot of Peb.-tiary 10 and Ills late9t r-�,- tion and throatene the peace of South- tbat the notes will be made public In I -------- **4�
ply 4.o: this Allied Governmenti. In we.�..Aern 104uropo and whcen c,ettlenlent WItIhington soon after the President's I I I � . I AT THE MUSICAL% on the *ealsa. 11,Look here,, retaon. seven, aeousod mostly for submarine
bit protent note of V,�b- 10, the llre3- le, urgently required, should ever lie atrattd the Ulan, "YOVI'vb 9iV'ng 'Ale .atrotitleg; Prance selected 12, Belgium
(h I reply is delivercd tit London 4nd I ;
_ - . Quot-Wh4t A 0116 tOU611 thatplAn- a big Vices otbone." It,, and Italy, Poland and RoUtnalift
Id at igald, closed?" Parlm. ta the buteher
"This govemment canuat trteeopt a . Contbiulng they say- . ,*--- . I � . I I � I .. � Ist has, Xil, no, I ain't," $a I four each.
ttlement, the ternis. of wit eh have liThe 41overnmenti (if Irr.,tove. and ACCEPT= AS' A 8Un8TIWT11. - I Host -I gates I know It; he toueW blandly, 1,yc%r payin' for It." ____+_*__ --
on admitted to be unwtii and, lon- (Ireat Tlrltatn, therefore. carnestlY � me for P, hundred just before you � I.sjtoNt wim, 1,0vP,XTT.
at, but whieh It 1#4 proposed tn XrrATt tra4t that whatP,Tor the final view ,,How did they happeft to I A PRACTIOAL YOUTH, came In. His Wife -In lleavpn there is no, "
0 Italy lit view of hfr persistent r(%� of tbe J!i1JI,t,J State.1 Government V.A 1,110- ran over that powb�oflwbleb I . A,Fathar!s just told rdo thot 'hole to leave you all hie MoneY 4 so- - Marrying orgiving in marrltgo. Mr. t hear tb1tt 131111kOn 11fts Atnlft It
, she was no fond." Rebecca* - 1, .11""
n"I to lacept any wito, ti I 1 !11f�t PC- to thp Adrintle oshttlement MAY bf!, A new broom .%wetpe clean. It ; Lonpuffer--ft I've beard. 33ut with 1�-rnfort,t,inatolY. the darn an*! Why.
k, whole rn. "Did ke replar-,% 10" . when,ho diest,likey.�' Cut% Ab,out twice $A that rift In foro, m(mt any 'place T knk�.w t -hor whm kk� dtdn't
)stir&." ,they will no( ,wreek I -bo I "Umks that way. 110,h .-.lftd Who Lre lkoy*. ,,Well, I wish you'd to][ Ill M that I'll 91%0 him 6 P*r C*nt- dit' ought to. it . I at fourflum
AND TTINN CAMP, THRVAT. Phinery of &MIng with lntp.rna- 11 t aaah�"-4*rtdon OpIntan. inuch as it Uftd to. would be heaven.--Tloeton ,01obe, bave even a 44 itilk mhlrt to hin lKoM."
A." n1a t.# In 'A. , 1hy wtthdraTfing fraTR *QW R040C
, %de bil; threst in t1m.1i .epntok* - - .
, .
. . i
I 1> . 11 , 1, , ;, - I I � I
. , 'I " , 111. . I I _
I � � %4 I . � � � ,� I I I I * , '..�, �� 4L I 11�1 . I I I
. I . .1 � ... . I 11 I JL"Ad 1% "I', � __,.�il6o,=.�_�.,i. L '" � , , ., -_ � - , _. 11 � I 0 1. __%AdhL611'
.. I - ..... . . .� LL"'&;L am_.,AJffifiW.M,k . I 6 iw�,
L - v ",-4, .1 -1 , , ;..;W "'�.l ..... ... �M!