The Wingham Advance, 1920-03-04, Page 6,.r -11117-1-tl -7- 1 �
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I N� LL P11.1 � .__ . - . � I :1: I 1:1. 11.1 I I "I'll -mire t4roUgh the leath,er, =4 Isto the I ISSUE NO, 9. - 1W
.1 A ft W! '". 1. - - I 11 i ;; �,. i i i P FEN ;I, I - - - - . . . ---L-- -
V*_" , " , 11 . I -___;;.t_! -1 . ---,I bout forward In his 00,44111 ItAd P4004 I yoU pAY NQTH1hW FOR TH19 wood. It th" onts on t1ko vi" aad I I - - WRINWN -
I I I , L ' drives the next UAII 112 Me 0=9 3111,411" YARM pox WM
. (� +4.#,,�,*4444 4444 -k -t4+4+ 0 0 0 6 0 . through the mist FOA 1.��__
. L IlThove we tbs wo"I Is FOIR nor, and so around, ------- %M0%060*V1%0.*^
I'M k4 L ta M111to" , a ela, -104 1 ps to a trIM- 6V VAUN;
I WNDS _ . I FORD From this the heal 90 I? OR SALM-4% ACRIDS I
I Nd 'p, ON I' ' Ir R M.- up aghast. The wa min& machine. The leather may pro, able fruit land, all ktl$"
3TUR I L lul � ' q - They Me UP 4U 0 Y, th0A VW FORD '.
_�_,. Sono were there I yards from UrLmsby B"ob al' -d it* k
-1 . . I 1.010 right enough, but they were liti0led CAIRO I Am= *, TRWOKO Ject a tritle beyond the heel's cover- Ot AV1111 %
. of the horses were . Ing. It must be made so that its odgo ,A0!n* on Tarria, road. r
t together-, some 0 ,ss X. Ruttan, Grim" y 11 0�*_
OF '01"0111TE ROB � of Tea*Pots Dailsr Stirfar _ �_�
_10 _. I 'r browsing OU the short turf with their 0"00K I ,eL I$ absolutely smooth and tIU511
,**-"� 0 0 "o 'k 'k 0, 41 *+**+V+*+4- Z=!"I"111= I I . : cut harness banging to them, and a Pays for Itoelt ia oXtM mileage from tirea, In reduced upkeep of the with that covering. This 10 done In $13,000 -An ACAr-0 FU"LY SAAA-
I r 001110- resale value of, Ing, 14 acres graposo b414440
TAere haa f3r 4oui(N (t�W,11110' ex- Its Intrinsic gOOdAess InTCA I group of men were bending ove car, In extra mileage from gasoline, in the Increased red, leather col k a buffer treo fruits, frame house and barn, "
. eir midst. �acic rode L
Isw In tho wilift of I.Aaa,f civilized 0577 - thing lying in th the car over and over again In comfort It gives YOU. "adorsed for The heel next proceeds to miles from Hamilton, and olooe to OW_
, miikes it thee InOst ,s by nearly 06 million, L' ber a
J)lo a curlouts fanillatI31.1 NvItli ref- Quality . I up to them and they sprang tip from i the Ford touriu;, -roadster, of commercial car . tom of the leather ior ping station. Recorda for e, num
rt'l I "Ity for tile. Ford truck. Tho on which the boti it may
that in reniott Econeinical in Use - - " their knees, users. Art economic commercial nece smoothed and polished. Then Years show this to be a money roaklaili , I -
o I _.. � _ ?,, be Haealep GumpAlyte,0. oAb$olute sat Isiraction, or yo ,. 4
darli 11 __ What,s happened ,, asked, aia ur money back." be colored grtifietwily, or It it lis not property. i. I). Biggar, 0 Clyde 1310OX,
. ,
a of the troldek; valltd tl'e _ � , I I le Hamilton, ont, (Regent 034). _�_�l
s ued rates there Illyster- � r,e, dropped from his horse. I$ For sale by to be colored the bottom of the ath- . , ..... , '', —
, r
110,t ly isolAted w,hite tribes bearing a � r "r I We-vp. been held up, Mr. Douglas, - VV. I., 1QN:r4"rC)rQ Ak 40C11. � or may be finished With a Velvet 11U_ $790 0-200 ACRI49, 10 MILM FROM
id our of the Mon. - "Took by our r I I whatever It may be, . ID Cohourg, im acres under plow.
I stOug res,emblancti to t".10 civilized � " " $a" Ish. The finish, I ,
I p -.Ise coming through the trees the"O, , 16 JARVIS OT., HAMILTON, O;NT, . made to be in accordance with the, balance large pine and beech bush and
f thp (,itu�qi,slau race. .11 I ____ . _ � - is Pasture, heavy ,sand loam, level, orchard,
hirimehea o I or trey wouldn't have got the best of I ____ '_.r---. h of the sole or the shoo on
. . L
it lit Central Ir - I — . -L I - wwmww� tints L 7 room frame house, ban% baM stone
urer, right, but they'd 0"""'"'- ' ' good city
,gouth Aniorlea brought home I It, We put up a I r ____ . — : which It Is to 90, and with the final foundation, S5X 50. Will take
�T411 1 on us first, and one of Us was rar, 00
IvWpy titles of ,e tTaorldinar�; cities be- .1 drawn Type of gbeep, credited with having found It In a cre- fintsAing of tile .leather the heel If' property in exchange. J. D. 33196
X I . shot.", Developing a Now _ Clyde Block, 11amitton, Ont. (Roxont
64d tile 111ouutainu, er.41 Vague Ole Patois. The patient seeker after completed,
Y .. I ___ I 5estdo the man who had ' Vill $the heal 934). � I
ri . __ `"=" been woun.deel. and examined
. Oiles afloat in South Atrlea poine 45 L r I - ___ Jack knelt I . - -., I
. him. He the ultimate roots of words sup- Through the latter proces I
ortm lFaca Rider Iiaggard - `- Several results of importance to at has has been handled with Its covering on
. 7 Igg fura I,— P_-- ___iiiiiiiiiiiillllll� WOR unconscious. pose that the quest at this 901 T FARM, 60 ACRIM$
NtIth a theme tor; on000f 111% novels. Western sheep men have been aseer, be of some delicate Inn- . r
Q�.- I said Jack, r only begun, and this may v bcaring, 1Q acres Wheat, 2 elabor* ,
mot In almoat __ .� I I 0 I 10X 4on't krow this Mali," at the Govevil- Jazz music, however, is admitteil- terial or color, So now they are in- ate homes, with grounds and oUrubbarlloS.
Legends llke� 010-14 4rO )17. "He to g tained by experlinnts r I c tofis, 4 tenant houses four -100 feet green
, r
I "No, sir," was the rox clonts spected and finally packed u ar is
- Of Stranger; Ile C -). Tocent product. The an office buii4tng, large
Tt4, tile less expl6red, regions the I ame Witt il�o ladies." ment sheep ranch near Dubois, IdWaN ly 01 box, and houses, elabora,
. 1�vays certain probably would not claim credit,for A dozen pairs of heels to the barn and silo, bricli: storage building,
Nitild, od they hAVe a . ___ ,711 Jack asked, which has been In operation tvO manufacturer, double garage, numerous sbedis, chicken
foalures In cOnimon. The 1, � , � "Ladies? What ladies Formerly it was custQmw,Y g 0
1 solated it if they could. We are williul t are ready for the shoe
WVte people alblost la-varl'.01y In. . I I , glancing teward one of tbe wagons years. go.sheep men to discard oWes accept the eXPlainatiOn that it Owed it is stated that 25 per cent. Of tIle house, hog pe.11, blacl<srnith shop, water
.%VbIcb, had 4 tilt to It., for ran lambs wnea 2 its existonce to pure love of the f4pe- women's shoes worn In tills country 11 em, In all buildings, piped below
titplt ki moul. ' f I Three ladies from pa,�raluna,ll re- Which did no fly"'Itt, nat ral gas, furnaces In 2 houses
ItaftioUs re. -Ion' In A I t bear e investigations cullar," but it is difficul vith wooden heels, of u
Ya4ue Iiiterlote always ' 111A b0- � � Plied the man, "They wero coming years o11 Extensix - L have Prof. Lots morrison t to 'follow are now made N millions of and offices, This is, one of Canada's
I d n loof �roin the sur- a Department of Agriculture Patterson, who which there are produced I Slow- Places and is 9. moncy-Taking,pro-
yood"; they hol IT'r — , 1AM S - 5Z Ridge .b. P .Itlon, being offered
� I � SIR lu LL_ on, to Silve, wil him." by th, as a going con-
raqe � s; they are �4(10111 ' e,in that developed that such ewes are jus�. as declared that ',the laws that govern pairs annually.
v rounding I I ated to , Olt?" said Jack. "They ar breeding. as those jazz rule in the , rhythms of greaC or- I ------- 4�� cern at a great sacrifice. J.'D. Biggar,
; won, and yet are�deflnttelY st I wagon, I suppose? I'll go and speak valuable, for future , prose, verse , that sIngS Itself, (Regent D34). 205 Clyde Block, Hamilton,
� 9, I a nnd better educated I ill be frlghtoii,�d out which bear Iambs. at 2L Years old. ig1nal . L Ont.
bi.,�poiro civilize to them; they w q the and opera of ultramodernity." One
, Individual records are kept 0 . _'
� sses whoul they - ____ . - m-im THII
� an r 4m I L . I � —*Novas � of their lives." of the Interesting disclosurQ6 madd BUTS OWN TABLETS IDEAL DAIRY PAR
� ,.� id I they WILL .,"They are not there," said tile man, Government sheep ranch relative to who led a Jazz band AN . rd.
4T9. - and whence I g the weight of fleece, fineness of fibre by Lieut. Europe, 11 us dairy county of b OXCO
. Who they, oze 0 0 fables iie"enin and biting his lip, "They've and mutton quality of each animal in Europe, 14 that he found it neces- 1i near Norwich and Hatchley; a eautiful
L place of 135 acres, all unfler-dralned:
cnl�ie no'.000 kadWE;' nAtly , i I I been carried off," in ALWAYS IN -THE ROME "`O
an�t-io!nt. once it 'wal . or twd while detailed account Is maintained sary to bold daily( rehearsals half -mile from station; two houses; bank
�Jford no exPl . I I _ . . Jack, who had taken a step - order to prevent the musicians from barn; out -buildings, and drilled 'Well;
10 tten whito � cx-' , �'l - ... � r . ____L.� [Is offspring of each ewe. The par
th&gh' that have go 'Jill amummkimp,w in the direction of the wagon, piAilled Of V adding to their music more than I k7hown as the Penny Dairy ]Farm; close
uIlt an unknown --- . _ ticular utility of the results obtained
� pl`4-rers Might 01MI. up short. fact that the flock Is wIsUed them to." Jazz Obeys no , once a mother has -used Baby's Own to school, church, milk condenser and
. I I I I the b4ckwoods would, if caught in the Were arises from the attractive
I these CHAP I "Carried off"' he said. "Who I t she always .cheese factory. will name
kl4gdonis ,IA the *11'(1 Olacc� of tile TER XXX. , e all similar bands law, apparently. Uke vers libire I Irabiets fc!r her little ones
1 $, - am'nat, event of the handled just as ar price for immediate sale of this valuable
., ton Ir offerfult ents chiefly the qu keeps a Supply on hand, for the first
: "rth, but upon _�dx I ks, the Months, act, nul' 111 the thwk-Mrs. Jdrrow—" of sheep in the hands of Wyoming repres . est of ibe farm. Robert Penny, R. R. NO. 1,
� . e � I . h'tLsF ,apidly'as (16 the The days, the wee any resistance, be shot on the spot; ,,No, Mr. Douglas," replied the man; stockmen. I "different." This is found in the trial convinces her there is nothing to- Hatchley, Ont.
x I t4pries van;s ge� ' , A the ulti- diagged along wearily for Jack, and L �
! .yjVjte iribeg them _qves, an and the notice had for a time -re- "three lady visitors, from England, I Experiments are being conducted to. character of the original orchestf-a- �equal them in keeping children well.
' ,*
rilate explanation %Js AlInOst prosaid. h6'*as given every opportunity of strained the gang. Great caution wa$ think. They came with this man." 0 S are a mild but thorough BEARING
� d has the idea realizing the grim fact that success otarting the W develop a.. type, of sheep more suitable tion, no less than in the little me- Th Tablet owels $13,000-21 ACRES
yet so strong a ,hot used also In aggous See, ax 0 t b plums,
&aned that even tO tile beginning Of and wealth cannot of themselves rt should Oot Jack leaped on his horse and went to the Western range .conditions than chanical tricks to which it owed Its I ativ which regulate he fruit, cherries,
. . retly, so that a large esco to Chope, who was examining the the types now prevalent. further development. ,and sweeten the stomach, thus driving grapes, currants, and berries, vineyard
I century the' PDsslbilityl bring happiness. 'colored musician is convinced of 15 acres In best condition and best
the twentieth ' even lar. be. necessary, for every man 'was wagons and the harness. __ - The out constipation and Indigestion, colds varieties. Frame dwelling and good
GXISten'Ce -of .genuluQ -white I Th found gold in . Jack e write negro 'eth'
. I - ' I -a - -6, music. "We have our ,own racial feel- - Returns from
OfL 'tile � , - EtOL th 13 miles from Hamilton.
altogether s0efell -.�tl_ .r d expect� wanted at the digging And "They have got th moneyt the MinardPa Llnlme�t j)ures Burns, at negroes should and simple fevers and making tp barn, convenient to station and radial,
jjj�,cs Is not , ge q1milt'i'Ities, than Chope h was beginning to flatter himself that dng easier. Concerning them, Mrs
Lj�s than 14 years�. ago all American I nd Jack's third share already money I wanted to pay the men," be- I Y Pelletier, , Dumas, Que., this property show profitable invest.
t t further attempt need be made An ing,s," he says, "and It we try to OOP jSaluste 1,3t,,
0 no . gau Chops; but Jack cut him short. Shaddock, . Jazz Own I ment., J. D. Biggar, 205 Clyde Block.
ij- - the Operations etoa hold up the supply- - .7hey've taken three women," he ; whites we make bad copies." -writes:-"I have used ' BabY's
officer engaged . � an un ed that which in less ple.
j',g4tnut the Moros I in -the Philippines I thorlecod.a s than these would have rudely dis- I music does, not appear to be so de47 Tablets for the past ten years and am i Hamilton, Ontario, Regene 934. 1
b6on S . But'his confidence was said. "We must be after them at Florida, the land of sunshine and lic, b. n e.
,T lbstaritial evi- id lared a fortune. Chope rig, � � oil be ly rooted that here Is no , Pe t at ever without them in the hous RE 9 -STRONG SAND LOAM,
4ilected,"APPITently st I poll d, One even! just as the W oaco,' Chope. You and I will perpetual summer, is noted for its 180 AC
,to a,.mystel,1011% yihite , was, a,ura y, In a state of continual e me Into the I some day hear the last of They have always given the greatest 20 acres hardwood timber, mostly
-land of`Ufn�aa *6 The and every night, as they had knocked off, Chops On enough; the others can help with the but many we slial
un . so countenance Its present vogue has TeCOM- large body trees, 16 acres pasture land.
*ce relating 'tlsf� pine apples and oranges, continued ,satisfaction and I can gladly
.action, It -
tribe In the, Is , It with a disturbed wagon. The hurt man must be put tourists do not know that there less than them to all mothers of little 9 rooms rough cast house, bank barn.
I'llountlif0lis dlstrl�t I. the -centre Of I pat' beside t eir fire and smoked, of which told Jack that something was four or five years, which is mend pen, other out-bulld-
, In the tilt one. There is no time to m t floor hog
t�f� JiflLand" 'has neVOr'!bc6-,t explored ,.Ind Lid I the anticipatory joy I grows in the land that Ponce de Leon halt the time that ragtime, t'ha I'm- ones," The Tablets are sold by med- cc on
11 known. htful future which the matter. . . Is!" ings, silo. rack lifter, apple orchard, I
P1 U'g � 'u . lose; three women and those devi discovered a gigantic orangelike fruit wa Ile from churches and school, on grav-
,;ast Is mot we anni , he delig 11 �; mediate predecessor or jazz, 6 ,the ichle dealers or direct by mail at 25
"4 even the c ' 'his w ff I He Any -thing wrong"" . Chope looked up at the sky with the which sometimes weighs ten pounds. IticUle 'in NVilliams m'
_ - J"e' _, rage. ,We are el road adjoining stone road north and
.�LpUt along th� 'Ith V "Yes," replied Chope, going for bis - This fruit has not the, orange flavor, popular It I cents a box from The Dr.
_ seaboard Many I
L , 1, . the fierce 'J'rbite aste for enterrtainment. S Medicine Cc,, Brook west from Waterdown, 15 miles from
L' I old 'ot was going back to England when all gUU Land hurriedly Putting on his rid- sharp gaze of an experienced scout t, which our t Ville, Ont.
Uorles -are t "There is jnst light enough to track but is similar to h,3 grapefrui band wi Hamilton, J. B, Biggar, 2053 Clyde Block,
. tivb their hould In 'the the gold had been got, going to have "Those fellows at Red .VP safe to predict th�Rt the jazz 11 --- 4-+-#.— Hamilton, Ontario. Regent 934.
pe6ple Who 11:),uufalus Of (he Interlon ondon, then busr Ing -boots. t by some Mehns them," he sair. "Come in!" is sometimes called "pomelo, and it � as ly until some daring origin- NIGHT. I _0 .
: . forest clad Ym a high old time In L Gulch have tound ou They had to proceed slowly at first, looks so nearly like -a grapefruit that I- t On n devising another
. to Lba�lng Seen .a farm and settle down as a country started last ,eeds I
! i'ye w1miVses, depo,se, I . , or other that the wagon of hoofmarks around the one who is not an expert cannot tell, atGr succ $4,000 -NEAR BEAMSVILLE, so
r -'e6mPlexioned gift, who b*ntleman. for the mass It is not called a novelty totike its Place. I of acres clay loam, including 8 .
I &`gtrange, fall, I , , - ' I night. Teddy brought me the news. spot where the fight had taken place the difference. . � 900 - (D. Anderson, in Presbyterian, and acres bush and pasture land, 7. rooms
&4 toward th h oon as she "I suppose you!II do the same kind Sharp lad, that boy. He was seoutIng made the track difficult; but they grapefruit by the natives, but "shad- Minard'sLintmentfor LSale dverywhere Westminster.) brick house, stone foundation, good eel-
�,�$s addr6ss0d.�, Other men and wo- I of thing, Douglas," -he remarked ,one round their camp before dawn this spotted It presently, and were soon dock," and is found south of Fort I ___*_0*_ the moon -lit shore, lar, frame kitchen and wood .shed, vet--
. I men, the There's sobbing On andah, good barn, 30x36, 9 acres fail
or & light ebulplexioned race night. "A man can't do better with morning, and he saw four L keelt- upon it. Pierce, and is well known In Miami, ,
�110 �eeu- ,more log a ead, Palm Beach, and -ihe WO HE You hear it in the hueh of night, wheat, schools, churches, etc., in Camt�-
are said to have 1: .L seen � by -, his money than settle down In the worSt of them, ride out of the camp. "The old hut!" said Jack, mean Homest I Water sobbilig, softly washing, den Village, 3AI.-lialle away. Will take
I *
I � ,�ejjturesoine natives' Who werd bold dear old country; and you're just cut They went eastward, but Teddy, hut which had been used by outriders. Florida Keys. , , on the shorc. city property in exchange. J. D. Big-
11 froA - : -b- - ,,It,s almost possible es not grow to weigh Now a Big quiet andstill,
O'aP1 _ch the wild moun I a gentleman gar, 205 Clyde Block, Hamilton, Ontario.
e4ough L t" . � Officer L out'for that line, you're . knowing that they could have no il% Chope nodded. All shaddock do Their Maldng is All else is Regent 934,
: jaili ill'ArliA. The Anlerl%c'M - already made, whereas I shall have to Auess in that direction, started -to for us to get there befor6 they do," he ten pounds, but many a one can be But the sobbing nevef ceases, ---
� *ap so,qll�ftcssed that,he determined . 'learn the" part. I can see you in a - na. road, and pre- of Florida IWUSU7. .
strike the Parralu said. "Who.arq the women?" purchased in the markets , I In the night. --
j� condilet an c*.�_ploring expeditioll old mansion of a place, married easily tip the scales at . — ,� MISCELLANEOUS
� . I � , But. big* . �� sently he saw my gentlemen coming Ja:ck shook his head. "I don't know," which will I
i `�J f �ntr-a of the island, . -
L h' to a, nobleman's -daughter, or some 6nto it; they had made a round of the diggers' The word,sUoes naturally brings to The moon
I ,', tlyl-thts ri'YsterlOus" White folk such kidd'of swell, hunting the hounds to he replied; "some half that weight, t,nd if one Wants to , looks, down with kindly SAFE! WAY TO SEND,MONZY
"paren ,� divert suspicion. Teddy made for sweethearts or wives, 1, -expect. These go out in the Everglades he can easily mind leather,' but there atp made face, T1-11'3
1�4,0 vjcntSljcd;' for the world has as ,gleams of silvery mail is by Dominion Express Money
I sitting on the Bench. Yes, YOU home for all he was worth, and has scoundrels will hold them up for ran, gather all the shaddock he cares to I
L of his search being an 1) L nowadays great numbers of women And shede -its Order. � I
i4t- heard "Othing I I wilill be in your properplace, then. Just brought me the riews. The. boy eat or ship back up, North to his . �
, � � I slippers, pumps and shoes �4psigned light .
. ef6wrle0vith-success- with more j ,Ilk always evaded these questions L was pretty nigh worn out, and I gave "Or worse," said Chope, between his friends there, as these sbaddock trees J,��for dress wear, that are On placid lake, and leafy wood, L
. I �.�",nbfi�can, however, of the slxoulders, and and made him t - have been growing there for hundreds,, for house an(, cahn and bright. .
, of a ,.�I_Ite tribe. For with a shrug him some grab uM I"' teeth. the ground grew of years, and have no owners, save the made with uppers of silk, safin, 'Vei- is quiet and etill, PPLES EGOS POIT
L r�4on boast deftly ching6dAfie subject. He know Teddy will find his wages raised from After a While vet Find clothl',as well as of -kid, calf And all
- idirs stori u ;j' race haVe that no return to England was po I ssl- aturday, ell, Douglas?" . iouslY. beasts Of Cle Junglelike hummocks I � sobbing -never ceaqseo, buy any quantity of Apples, Eggs,
. inn Gulf. and next S broken, and they had to go caut and fine leathers and whipi have But the . r . In the night. I a
. �-9"sn told in 'th6, Pers 'tatiVed at ble for him, and that he should pro- .. "There is a -future before , Teddy," They ,were passing through a, pine- and the Seminole Indians, Who still wooden heels. . I Potatoes, Parsnips, C rrots or Turnips.
� ''
an"I'Aulcrican missionary S bably end his days at Parraluna, or Id. Jack, quietly, as he got his gun wood when Jack laid his hand On roam the Everglades undisputed by These wooden 'heels cost less to Will quote you prices on any other
' 1r. I d .
I A14sca alluded some years ago tO sn' -belt. s quick ear ha the white man. - There's sobbing in the human heart; vegetables or good butter,
1- I t Eastern Silver Ridge; he would never go bac and filled his cartridge Chope's arm, for Jack! . make than leather heels, but they are A sobbing softly, deep and low; 0. B. QO,RDON
"poffee house babbl� in exact,of her the . .__�1-0_0_
! ., nlysterious race to claim Clytie, to "I told them to got Your horse caught the sound of the tap -tap of " Put on the finest as well. as, the less Hearts are aching, chrea�lling, Cor. Mary and Macauley, Hamilton. Ont,
, I
i qjjj�aa concerning R lo who live consequences of her sacrifice,. ready," said Choper "and I've got . two horses in the open space beyond the Sentenced to Immediate Death expensive shoes because they are (Phone Regent 3049)
1 of:)Ight coluplexioned PCOP Shl ack was not given to brooding Olt . men, old Parkaluria hands, waiting woo&. The stopped to listen, and a -praying For the light.
- mountains, 1�� V time you treat a lighter than leather heels of the same _.
In, th �, e, for help, It happens ever: ..
�bijicwhero t,. n age a.1 I thJe worst, of tilues-few healthy men with it under the clump of trees In, the faint cry, In a woman's vote n with "Putnam's"-Corn dies - size, because In !.he tall, slender Loved faces, calm and Gtill- FOR SALE
o �t# � d . � peak a langu are- ' much hollow. cor c�rtain shapes, and es�peclally in the high nar- And the sobbing never ceases,
. ingers t1leories have and indeed, there was too And I told thOn to hold was wafted toward them. With a rush, returns. Nothing so . - -----,^
I I '� for his mind to permit of We wan, to wor� , � got clear of the wood, and there, never ade for Red Cros"i,
� . iikr own." '��111'10u` 'Plain tile fable, oecupajtl� their tongues. atniess as Putnam's Corn *Ex- row necked French heels, then stand In the night. KNITTING YARN, ALL WOOL, SAINT13
, licen propoullded to eN was in- this little L affair quietly, �nd to, dow-11 'In'the plain below them, they saw and P . quality as we m
' ,
� I I;q probably the C)Lplanatloll is tr) lie much mooning. The work '_ U tractor . Try it. Fifty years' suc- up better utiaer weIghC,4aud because, Grey only. one dollar thirty per pouna.
I narrative ef %, ,,4,,I,,- eessant, and the overseeing Of it, these fellows red-handed. We'Lll t consisting, of to r R
. to a group, of rideis, ees its merit. 250 bottles being rigid, the covering on them re- Burlington, Ont. Sample skein thirty cents, Ask f6r
t04 he shared with Chope, i ",4 , '
. � 0 rtearl'.. men and three women; one man was cess guaraut no Lambswool colored
L'nd in , the ,-L 1876 by COI. which lem up' -and send them to th I . . mains smooth and perfect, sample of our fl Woollen Mills,
L ,�- iijade to 0111"'n i ol, entailed a ' large responsibility; magistrate." , ', �riding some little distance in advinces at all dealer - a. _____.,,��_ These wooden heels are made of Minardys Liniment ores Dandruff. yarns. Georgetown
, I
; I , . B. Iffiles, a r,rltItz,.l officer. 0 to the ordinary cares heavy lot of SUPPli6s ,leading 0, horse with a woman on it., -_ -_ ock is grooved, -.0-0-4.— I Georgetown, Ont.
. I ;'fes, in the 'couvge of Ills travals, and, in addition "It's rather a .., hard maple. First a bI L —
� � �.Ii. We expected, isn't it?" said Jack "* ,bellind the other two women were led Trea,sure-TroVe. at cuts in that 1,1 OR SALE -1 CANT BROS. So BA"
� . le,l Sli,-r,tizi, of so great an undertaking, the two L ; , put in a machine 6 Some Desert Reptiles.
� I ame across a town naly .Chope L nodded gravely. . IYOP,. and guarded by thb three ,men. - --- - . - L -
I Mountalas. men were harassed by a larger Influx �_ � � — paw, No. 116; 1 Cowan 24 x 10 re
: ,� the hear e Green '. I Quaint and. curious ar
; , erched like oi iawiess and rowdy, element to Red things we want badly. &ro iyp4i ,;,We,v� got, ,em!" said Chope, exul- An a=lent story -of the greed of e the *aYS volving bed plainer, I Goldie McCullogh
- Was P , ' by an ______1 I - - - power mortiser, with boring attachment"
t I ' 'i .1 strange Place lber of ready?" . tautly ,,.you take one of the men to kings has been resurrected I SOM 1 two-
� , Th' Gulch. Against this large nun I . TEMPLETON'S 01 e reptiles of the desert, as re above machines nearly new;
- an' engle's nest on the' top of a. great n the Institute de Mr. ,,
�,., liver Ridge men had "Quite" said Jack, cheerfully, ',%nd' the lelft, and I'll take the One 0 erudite member of itfie vealed by the faillous naturalist, Indle shaper good condition; 1 48 x IA
� C iXf, 2LUa wit. l.1le Of desperadoes the -S - I The shp.,Izontal boiler; 1 forty -horse -Leonard
� S inhabited by, Peal all they could do t6 hold their own. I,m loo-�ing forward to the fun. I .W@i rigbt; shoot your man or his horse, I France, Mr. Adrien Blauchet been studying
IlgWter skin ( the rest 01 the I frequent, and theft, don't get too much dh�er4ion, as,1116 don't care which; it's not a time to fact is there is some prospective work 'RHEUMATIC CAPSULES C. L. Camp, who has e; 2 pumps. J. Hender-
.. . I L f ' � 11 I 'be on hand for the utilization Of I son, Blenheim, Ont. I t
'I . (tj$es in the to er-or. They rarely I Depredations Were and it wi , stand on etiquette; they deserve all the For fifteen years the standard them in the Colorado Desert. cbmpound engin
t and reftu�ed I large and small,was always occurring; Irishman would call it, . He tells of sonle reptiles -the bur-
, R, I . a,l�e Sonora, the
h I Rhourn2tism, Nourltlo,,Gout rowing sm FOR SALF-SECOND HAND HOPI
� , -1 the mes. the offefiders, were cap- a pleasant cliange." th6y,ll get." Specific for
66ceftiled to , the )II-Mes phone water power. Thus do aneient � gridiron- ---- --
7 'ti or'inter-niarry ti he spoke; his the ocellated sand- SL 31X52. Good
� 0 to "'1"we,e ' stome They fGiind tal
anty. wl I th, ured in the act, and JrAck and Chope . the tvio Parraluna )U911 He fired almost as : yelled history and Imadern enterprise come , , Sciatica, Lumbago, NourAlgla ed lizard, stop. Cylinder Pres
� i,`rabs. Col, Ail) es- fl)qnd el' a Per- N�ere compelled, by the necessity of waiting for them under the trees, and, .man reeled In the saddle and a revue des etudes WanlvdoctoTs pre;crlbe them. the desert "horned toad" condition Price on application. Also
! g4centlautg of ov,porti(irt Of th J ck fired n a to hobnob in the onto. for lizard, and into the loos moto if wanted. McDonald Printing Co.,
e " Hamilton, Ont.
I a a -my t,.lat'_1hva(J,,d " man in the I the case, to see that Justice was almost in silence, they rode in. th -'di-' ,but kept his�'seat- a Torywhoro for - ch actually swim
- aniclennes. The story tells how the Vrit* ,to Templotol1g, 142 XJnj St. W, To e r
4xi I the horse of one of the 8, lie strong lateral move.
, ot ',brought down King of France, Charles IV., coming .froonaropI& old byrellablodraggintlic , will I
� I The isbiation Of the , promptly done. rection of Parraluna. It was A elp rose from 0 61.01'pak b#x. - � 69 sand by t' lie gridiron- --
� fifth centu-�. - , _ , T 1*1 other men.'CrIes for h U � ments of their he
. , aaY 0 �here 'Was - long before they came UP With �t e it
I a kind of guerilla war one day to Aries, Saw the Roma ads. T�
I r 61 its I I ___ '' t and agile, B,DOIC BARGAINS -OLD SECRETS
to�vn_gud ,tba, curious :b9i i = tailed lizard is very sw and New I31scoveries, six valuable
. je�6pie k� -� ria- '10 (I L X'431 era,ted storle,', 1,1are be%'eydn, the two -camps. The tracks of thlb6ited Gulch men, and they ' ,' - . sar,cophagi and wished them his. He e over the books combined, 250 pages, worth ;1.50,
; 'I - I 11 - ,,' - ,� . next act
: � I - 't. r r, with whom Jack had put their horses b'k,00 . did not covet long, for the part of it that faces the sole of the and -,v�hen chased will rac
, 'on the'Pitant Coas urflan n , . to a quicker - sand at fifteen miles an hour� Only 25c Postpaid. Write Promotion
in. the bazaarS - g over with sup- shoe under the instep, the little in- Service Cc,, Dept. 8, 110D Joliette, Mon-
0 1 I., I
, q - ===WW__11
-i —7MC
I I F�f::(
I � I 11___�___�_ I , 'I -1
11 I I 1�
: I ,
, - t
I ,�E -
_ ..Zma"&_� I
R� 'S
or d
, ,
I FF ,or
. I and In this ca�� the .3rikln Of the fa',)ic I lee come In contact, had disappear- They were runnin L in this kingly episode was the ohip the desert reiAlles of the
! I � "'r I d excitement, but Presently the'y �; i ping of the mos�. perfect of ROMG's curving sweep that gives the. heel Most of like treal.
but ( L .
; aTded.,,as fairly cOrt-Lin- ,d-, )ther ringleaders had taken presse are &ored
may be �Teg . . roinance of his place, and'had, so to speak, organ- received a check. The horse, of one Mina4s Liniment Co., Limited. - monuments en roVte for the capital grace there, and then the block goes Colorado Desert
. TjgfertuAatel,�Aor the I . .. , ed Gulch. Jack of the Parralumn, men Welat lame, and - city. This- maY-have furnished a lat- into a moulding ma#ne that cuts it -their surroundings and are difficult 1
j6 worid, It ,,. . to datect. others can change their
L, I �colns I praotical)Y ilu-- Ized thervillainy of R -ring fearf4IlY,'.th I Gentlemen, -1 had my leg badly "hurt F rAnce,-- namely Louis surroundings, FOR SALE
� . for st6rics ct this character had found his greatest difficulty to 1113 grumbling and swea ' . Oe the pain was very severe and a large er King -of into heel shape. lors to suit their I L
I , , si.�lo, -�Iists �VO'llkl �, In tile conveyance of stores, mm- man had to return to the CaMP. , swelling came above the knee. I ex- XIV. with the president for the re- The knives In this machine work 00 f the desert lizards
I W&ve tile brtglh AD' ,11 remarked pected it would be i rubbed it I I I rapidly and smoothly, and a while not a few 0 AT
tiO I serlous-l' the statue of Messa Ina from - s the heel ery
e. ,_�orldL IS '(.._Upa1`atI17oly' - "Three will be enough LINIMENT, which ble to part Witt' their tails V
iw things from Par with MINARD'S moval of ar . , - MEAL MILL
WN1j.' , Th - . thliftery and simil :; not that that monarch comes out of it may seem perfectly ea ed. 0A. A AL
11 Ot tile ex� raluna to Silver Ridge, Chops, with unabated cheerfulnesA. a pain -and reduced the swell- Bordeaux -are Selz
,. '. srvall to -day. TI -3 tra I . A 4 4.4- +he cohl ght e c too --ded either preeedent or en- � --+'led and finished and Yeady to rapidly when they ; the ways ot de- rl 4t 1AA barrels Owner re,
Dve. every land fron, rara- it was not 'always POSS10LO VJ Gen Jack de DY u s - , Ing very qu a x. �V�A " -� � ap.. J .
plorer Is 1 - b o :61[INARD'S LINIMENT. tons. The There is llumO, - -
gu j� 1, -to',IPI�611 pof,btdaen lands are sufficient escort to protect them from air fanning . his checks. For the mo big iy f scouragement for his act be covered, as It is it the material to I tortoises. 'When one meets an tiring from business. - Apply, 39
. A�'. . I Asarcophag! started on their journey' be used in the covering is compara- sert both are, males, -when Front i5treet East, Toronto.
I Ionterel" hidden cities e.xist only In parties of the Red Gulch desperadoes, ment he. had forgotten the work' in . AMOS T. SMITIL other -unless
- 1,4d to which he was engaged, and was f6elftlg Port Hood Island. I It was In the year 1565. They had tively thick, but it the heel has an —
Ahe imaiiinatiol, of th� fiction. writer who somehow or other contr .t � beyond the a fight invariably takes place -each ==_ ..
, -,Ull to Bok- of the Cornish'cqaq , extension in front under the instep up and down
)d when trains learn the dates on which the stores the soft breeze . unfortunately not gone - nods its head rapill HELP WAXTED-
in ,it perI4 I the great African lit'lles" -were dispatched, and now and again as it filled the sail of the boat -in . � famous pont-Saint-Esprit, before the it goes to a scouring mach ' ine to be as though in 5aluiloyn, and some- .
littra Rut e touri�t allpeara at Khar' succeeded in Intercepting the wagons which CITtle sat so close to him that boats nsual and finished on that extending part, and if times noses are touched as they pass. MARRIED MAN WANTED. MANAGZ
� 4h'en th . of I ad. Now the congress itis to be covered with silk or satin; and vegetable farm, also
t;Um, and Lhasss, Itself is entered, ff with the more Port- he could touch her, His thought , — -weighty a 10 -Tit-Bits. I fruit
there Is no,rooin for a inysterlo " and making o Chops had hor was very vivid that night, and 1e I very thin material, the entire heel is chickens and bees. Apply H. G. CQck-
11 .11' stble property. Jack and a U his dream of that,hapi)y the two women, mingled with Yells Of for the idevelOPment of water power, ------- 4��
Ivillto rac .. I alarm and ,w -from the men. vwhich sat In February this year, dis* 1,rn I ,on, luIll, Ont,
,e 1,�,,, ,n the Carlt continent Issued a notice, In the shape of started frol 'Chope exclaimed, .a� ,lie ,arning the polished on a buffer to a perfect silky —_
� 0,116N,�OEI J) 11c."re its nly-5- highwaymen of past, when . gain; then dro (cuseed among other schemes Smoothness. The heel is bored and U I .
ih 'no'l6ilger . ipher sits 611 the warning that these I lack raised his gun a P_ transformation of the Pont -Saint- plu rce and��qengthen Ilerg is hal the
. - �
tcjq'er� Tbb' phdtogrc � 1, � -_ . I . . I -1 , ,ped It suddenly from'his shoulder and ID -and it 'will !TER. EXPER-
I - - - - - ---,-- I . ut and In- E.s#rIt. The question I it, and then, finished In the wood, is IRSTCL KNII
ano- tho Vulani g I -, I . � __ -_ 'utierd a cry of amazeme ASS
ibatterad� Walls. of K, , 111=IIIIIII I � NO I . I �, I g one- F lenced on Dubted Flat Fashioning
-have Passed away., ..... I . :credulity. be admittsldto be an absorbin ready to be covered, � Machine. 0 paid to capable
, 0�rIperorS. ' L ' I Principal Learned Good *w
One may no longer believe In tile .,.� � � I n' " he said during the excavations In the bed of Many materials are used in covering, man. Best ,a,p,,e,s Ing conditions
� I liltia People �� I L . � "I know them -the wome .
existence of n. strange -%v -_ The Soe'etallst brokenly. "One of them is Mary Sea- the Rhone will those ,�%rcqpihagi, lost vooden hpels, and they may be used in daylight "'III. Mercury Mills, I.otd.. �>
DR. WARD I — Mer :� four centuries ago, be recov- " on, ont.
,ifj,-&rItd. Rider UttggArd'4 splendid I the other is elful Heaven, nearl in almost endless rers D,ODD�S, Kil-DREY PILLS ARE THE I-Iamllt - I ---
t1re, Brinla, orlg� � � � ton, ered? I ; shades, Some shoe manufactui REMEDY FOR KIDN�EY ILLS.
race to 0obitblY O',11Y I -PALO, NEW YORK. '. , what does it meant" . WANTED.
ad � y Sr, buy the wooden �, I
flaily dl.,eover .-ko Ill Soutll- ,,,- AG,kRA SQUARE, 13UP, , ___*_*-� heels and cover them P07ILTRY
, �,. �, , _ 19 ,Nt
I , **11- Ilarry , He otruck his spurs into hI,S horse -nent Relleves Neuralgia some have I
"'Westetfi irganda, At leeLst ,.j ,Z.", - Chope Minard's 171ni, in their own factories; _IV
johnst0A.Clainjo 1.7 Mens Are YOX, In DoUbt .. and tore toward the group. -"' _____."� wooden heel manufacturers cover and Prlincipail of ,Saskatohewan Sohools I ,NS WANTED ALIVE, 27 CENTS A
., to hftvc d1geoverea ill `_� Out of His own Ex - No C16-
. ., _ shouted In a kind of frenzy. The three perience pound, any kind, any size
I t4pi the clue t9 UW,y of tile my,i me s1kdIfk men, no doubt thinking that their "JAZZ." finish the heels completely, sending Tells duction for thrinkage- I pay express
lo ,ends found In As to your "uble? H311ve YOU 00 , L rials, cut or not cut, What to do When the Kidneys are from any station In Ontario' Ship eel -
,leg � eruption that I$ stubborn, has resIsted treat. ' pursilere outnumbered them, released - the covering mate I
� .',tcplous�.whitp race - -ed ',, L. 0 Diseased. ,Oct on delivery for full amount in crato
. � ,was enga� I ndition whi6h the horses of their prIedherS and tooR ,he case may be and receiving from
th&-darlt contineilt. � 116 g thnij n tour r � ,�,, 7 . . merit? is ther! a "Orvous 40 Where Did the Word and the as t ,t shoe Feb. 23rd.-(Speclal.) orrboxes or I will send crates free. Al-
� lij inothltjg more thililin - ,�) does not Improve In opItti 6f relit, diet and' L to flight; but the. man who -was in I them h6els ready are commonly Webb, Sask., be t Lewis, 66G Dundas street west, To-
bf,ingpio . ou going down hill ateadityl, advance, looking over his Musio Come From. Any -That there Is one sovereign remedy I
'tI0r,,O,, Ankole when lie Ca -'Ie ,-, ,� � shoulder wooden heels .
across them They are, of a,. cry liglat 1 4 fried,161no, Are yi )ridorvt# Woiiik,� and seeing t at only two men emerg- ilred of for kidney disease and that remedy ronto, Ont.
f -��.. �_,, ARE VOU N,ERVOUs and desp h made to order, for thQY are reqi
rUS; no amb jy sizes and of nialty shapes, with ,ldney pills is the outspul-
Compl0*16%1' .�"r ar6 the arlqt,ocrats o and debilitated; tired mornin ItIon. ed from the wood, still held his Cap- . is Dodd's Ir PROPERTIES FOR SAIX.
ethlb feglon, - Sir Ilarry holds that "-1* -, . _11faless,, knomoty gone; easity fatigued; 6X- tive'a brldl6i, land, urging the horses Etymologists, Whether they are mar hions always changing. en opinion of Mr. George Hatchings, . - _. I ,
they are obvI0 lily' dt�caiidarits from : J �� ,� cititble and InitAbI66, lack of anaray and 060fl., to their topmost speed, kept on his =UsIcally Inclined or not. says the the fas e eat out by hand, ,principal of tile public schools here. FOR SALE -VILLAGE, INN. WELL
� at. leading
it Ga,lIt,,�jor#all,,or ot4er Hamitic Stock, :,�. 46nes? tr; them faill rig powar, a drain on tbs. I I Portland Oregantan, Vill follow with The covering$ ar suffered for two years from at Town-qhlp aet 0
, Course. controversy tholigh they are knife cut; rslaily at a . ,.1 located,
. , - # them aro more ..� I sys"int Cotis"16. tho old reliable OP401alIM& ' Interest a Promising time but each cover Must be Stretch- ys," Principal Hutch- highway, fourteen rooms. Larg sitable,
and'adds th4 SOIlle 0 �� I . Jack Was the first to OMO UP to diseased kldne�
like Vgyptlins than Is the case With - over the origin of the ward "Jazz." by hand. I was advised about ,a also good space for general store and
d �g6rnallii. I � tonitmee dioap- ' SVMPTOMS OF VARIOUS AILM VNT$ ' ' the two Women, who had been releae Ings states- "I ey pills. largo ,refreshment room, orchard gar-
, . t6d a moment As noun, verb and adjective it has ed o� glued to each heel to try I)odd's Kidn ter. Apply H. O. Cock -
Galas in ct the e%plorer. 1, ", , , . . ad for Chope-had wal. ,found a plAO2 in the American Ian- Then there Is glued Into the groove of o me more than any den Good Wa
_ Arend Weak and relAX64 itilatt of the body, uevvousnex. denriadenor, DOW f take alm at the ruffian In - They have helped bjlr� & Son, OuelPh, Ont, '
Ponta before the I [# din gc3litton, dim 1013had powa� *9 -Or two to o and may be expected, to find the heel, completely covering that sur
The dark. contjzjeriA� In."doLTIC 110 1110rc- i, , �ms�r-Y. labit of will power. timid, Irr I _ding danger or Wsror-� . front, but miceed him. The AWO Wo- 9091 a piece of split leather of pre- remedy I have ever tried. I find t1nat �_���
6"o, � ,- I = f - p4n y Into the dictionaries In 6110 face, Ved. 1p Olt SALE -IN THE VILLAGE OF
— , � application, energy and ooncentra, Ion, 0
. I I I . ton rowsinbas /=6 tondency to sletP, uAraOtfu, sloop, dark rinss und only issue upon cisely the color and also of the same � large frame dwc1ling.
I )i1stipo,tion 14061r, men had slipped from their horses its Wn' Ily health -has been greatly impro CalstorVille. 8
, : course. About the in "I can donsclentiously recommend With a, general grocery Moro and Post-
, - ba o. dyOdpolk, cl # -
'Why golu Clip 't pain In,b&(4,AUW -
ocki% wbon they lay for the V +almost rode onto them, for he was which ont cc es, Dodd's Xid3
,k1o. I . .. 0. elb Lin tha treatment 'r is , and were clinging together, and Jack the dis style of finish as that Of the botto 0 store equipped with
1. I tight. insomnia. Dr.W.ft I the bmefit of stre ree intributorg to ,,ley pills to anyone suffer
ION 01' ) shoe, Which the 91'OOVe tac ftice in connection; stock Included In
of 0 str,ee; houso al
Rena . ' , ' tinuo t tadti of & ric roynolu. nervous, WOO 46AI xkiA sca,rcel conscious of what he wa# 01110siOn seem t' agree is that the of th( Ing from kidney disease. I would rtot id .
�jkoon that the doing of any- . . 6 Above Oysriptoms, and many others not mentioned, Allow plain, y born in or near w there is nailed to the bottom )I )d barn; 191.9 model Ford
L same , rf boInks ate mea ng W!th your t4jy#tos4 condition "d that YOU 0"41 doing. Word ,probably Was and no like in. n turalgas, go(
.g is *ro , James U4 urope, Of the irectly On ft truck; �_passengcr McLaughlin car:
, heel a thickness of leather be without the
thing, wbieh biAmati ' nt .'- r.that Somet le I � I yo,d , New Orlonns. Lieut. I Kidney Pills act di ton
- t att6lit o. 11 I he cried. "M01116. J. S. troops In 0, layer on any heel. The Ic-ather Dodd's lee house, ,with 28 loads of leo, %
W ,ro gives them tAeasure, It Is An Xom vrhy AUffdrL rt I .vt me MAU Tt maw Lot M6 TO-, "Mollie! " a negro offiter Witt, T )yg; They help the kidneys new it land. Vor furtlice particulanq tip.
. I lonlit & �fool>n?�tuzbo & iyetkibill 40Y , here! Am I "Jazz the wood form wear, kifis the tile kidn( I work of straining all acre ( Personally to Thos.
' YO& mad! Mall" ply by letter or I
Ingtioctive action. ror the same tea.- nho him, half- France, Says that tile first to (10 their ful'
jog,waga his tall when it to Asirs your phYsical condition to full ma! d I will give the beat -Ak- Mollie flung herself upon cond-diat0d by a = ould otherwise Price, caistorvillo P.O., Ont.
a 0 Iftgeir. Make up your mind tb Come to me 6a -i- on hot, band", of record was A at the wood w rities out of the blood. The
- 1;& 'F . *ii�w Mr. RAZZ, whose name ,survives 'in at- make , O ets I 0 health and energy all =tn!��
. �'01.#Vl ,yori_ butiitkne, when Pleased Mont known to so-levoc-the 0114, suce"Nful treatment blsbd on tho I frantic With terror, bat not ., walking anti also pr te t I the imPu — —
result is now - .1 � I
[tt mto of 21 years In treating bian and their 06thnOntA. own account. I lower edge. over the body, Ask your
wit themselVes, ,�a,s,nt to osing, or - . terea iform, .3ut another hiatorian UeighDors -
whistle or ARAM. Or o1prels tholt , � br, Wjkrd's Methods Unprvallod, Thorough and Permanent, ',,Jack, jack!" she cried. "Yea, We h�as discovered that the U11=0 Of 06 The trial little 80mloircJes of tiny %bout Dodd's Xiduy Pills. �
. amotlono Ift Aow# -WILY. ,� Ity"o you roallto tbAt v" are herel We came to you! But Cly- n n heels are ______4�1��
..— .,**_�*._ De 70% reklIX0 that you bATO OnI ona, life to - i� looked In the direction in BEr
I J,r,J fdJMffnNTAost r6f tblit life by fill heftlthf JL life Worth Ill IWO tiel'. sn ad almost disappeared, As wire, sections A FLEETING GL1M1_'SE' N'S
J"ng Uselut Without AoUon, ltfo� xtrlt4t of ones bkklth h" vut VA01 & man to bu grtvd, 1. whiou Clytio h carried oft a M&- able t6 see Air. Uilton In
for nuoy 7eirs but 111441twh 6A* 0. a nd BAM10168- State Quantities,
It Son, Vita to got value out of a I have be6h tolling men, thus thino �%t a and wruug her hands. hoareely, his the end of the .,you will be ho private BeOr
� .- MftA&ndo of Victims who. for Various ro"=4 baV4 not bad t 4 I 06010 , � ,,CIyU6111 be echoed 1! !,� r!,!,! 9, f ow minutes,!! said t
IMI� hooevit; dM't 16.0 oft It U ,,t Wrgl. ' 1, . A ORROW & 00.
". A
to, .#&mjv and � eyee following hors. Then, springling - � �� -,-- tary. �Ilcd the persistent V19-
though you.:"ra I% crluple� A book cah 14 of no"ous bon4litiolls, Itervaud sxhaus 666k* � I or his 11 � I "Thanks," tr retalton is a MilLn Of such L, TONO�NT6, ON'(.
� It � to th4 tofttment MM &Ali% On bW horse and shoutAng ov to FRONT M 11
b,d bf jh�et force, and projoc hw0lattilln, liver troub* acrio. skin back Itor "As N - livas afraid I w4uld not r . r, .- -_
take y ii 46, r I Isho "Take them &r�o affairs, I � , , -
a&O"llw"It"' , irtomaoiv Via and blood cohditIOU111- ulder to ChOP0. Or the Honle I
you Into a gooll Job, or put more , *Uith. *Sthtfta, r4ats.1 troo,01#4. N*s.%J1t1u I Pgrralurlmll he start- , L Little CWWOPts be ablc, to get an iftter-41,*W so 0"lly.11 _
Imondy fh your � ply eflVelOPCOr make OFFelcit HO-UROA! 9 *^ % ii; P.ft 4undiiyj�io A.M tA6 I PAW " , to the wagon to I N. AherA OW11 Infants TabletS the best 110h. Mr. Bliton will be lftvinr for the I A GIMWIAII 11EMINDrIft
� ed In pursuit of Clytio and liar eap- ". I consider M, d young children. I have Used - 116 told me to tell you to take
yW,In6a*Wo,aA or fmtiOnt whW YOU ,r I tor, fieting OA.If he were tuoving, aOt- r I rr thedtalne for Inf4knts an golf links it* the passed out." jOn6#_,My dtAr, I WIS11 You Wouldn't
, ,FAX.J UMSIXTATION *XAMINATION. I * tfect 88418factiort. a good look at him 04,
A" 6016rwlso. All Y)" eatt exptet of t to M:t OW" to & Ing like a initu In & nightm4r6; and f4 1 � � I them With I*' rontO. ------* I $Ing theLt bong about "Falling MW -11
%Wt VA*kO one *U14 , Uat 11 11 I .-Mrm. ChAs. 1,08110, First Ave" To I
a b*Ok to tuat it tells you how tt,"6 3wora, nio tmtlo"t dot " PRA **#,A wi1 Only one dowro, a desire that .. .. I �� - . 6thing, colic. etc. Even the ,still small voice of *oft- Mrs. 3ot1e,ArWhy not?
: Wished, The real , � I =V44 =01"u Wtlr= wo will 14 6011 btirnt In ever fibre of his being like 04% N. For tonstipatiOn, Indi"stion, it ot tm
0110,gs can be sicoom 11 =110V A0. %nadt" raotvW *40004 *1 fts *W" . " I . .. I#ts or "nt direct on receipt golenco, may be demanding lit illrW jojjbi�_It rminds me too . much ." w L� -3
I , I � y W ? all Prug . I
I I 16 11" with you. . a eft"mius tire -to olft her Sias, to r" sale at how# "Ate
. 11 *,V*M *4u jilr44 Muftlo, N. V. � oave ,her. of Pride, so %*r box,_14dr"s, Mothoro own X0141n* tion $7111toln. .
-___,A0.4.40,_._ & . 70 NI - .11 11 I -111--- I � (To bo 40Att'411160 CO., Toronto, (At "
11.1 - mitt k0A ptt4ft many 0, waft %-good I I I I 1111111,101111c, -, r
0% Wt Wo tv to hl -V to k*us on.
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