The Wingham Advance, 1920-01-01, Page 2.11 ..", - � T_ -1
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PINNOMMAN0,91 4,01 I 0--0-0,10A 1-14.0 04- - - J. I I I 11 ,,, .- _` ` -
_00---l"o r1olk of the need and a hearty rwipon## ft �!
- � _0 --fN,-% * '
,. � -131 ,. il *11, in tile part of thwe whit were able to -
I � - - *
I I 1 17)� N, Mist. They wore all liko. one great K A 11, I 't"T" THE
I I "au)ily. They were daily gathored In " "I'll
re? . ,W )IOlgiouk, meetfugs in ilia temple and I I I
41 other places, and the Lord Say@ F a � . �� 1114
1 ,TV 0,urg-a
'tA, a 1, kalf;k M@Ja " inAftigg rrom, .1 I
I I I L ra ' ` '"
� ro I .. ,; Item great, aucq*ov. PURE T9.1" w MP,'Pr ' - ---
, I I 1� j #-%I JA utramed t�s I,r�rlriaw ghw ,- � , , 1% — -3— '
, LaSON I. Jan. 4, lft� Qu0l1t1=&-NVh&t wait the Oce"1074 , r I*Rf LJM UILd Was ILWgy. 11 It go I '. .
, Wjj I g,ln. 44y 4, o
/ NOW PrOAC1108 at Ventecost. 2; 14- f 'Feter's adhous? Give the les,litus king pli,m #&jj�o�o*L in , t " 1. � I _r ,
0 11 I "I
Aluto In the address. Woai; effect did IQ tul f-urr"a owfAm S slottilar , I
r $4, X-42 , � itiou SO( A 1F - I - I
It h e? What questions did the C4 the bDdy of the nerro, Lr.4 or I
. �00 ask? What was P*ter'u reply? tho healthy tmtoratlW Irian tr t I
01 " ;" 4Y to his own. )As O I'ton was � ------ W 0
1C0HMF.N;A1tY--l- The eomilli; of _
tbA Holy Spirit (vs. 1-13). Pentecost Z, 'CoUld they save themselves? How g -L over. The patient was . Od Into eaft
Wag One at the thrve principal feasts Verification of German. 71 ""�
ruany wort converted on that daY9 of the 01toart White Wmxd.L London F;eas, Finds Littli
of the Jews, the other two being the h(ow did they prosper? How did the ,geyen w-6 he lAy thark ,Ahll%j�o
i UM of Floating Dook unit of hftlt.h returned to his a, .
toast at the Passovor. commemorsitiuji Keep the uttity. of the Spirit, Who and the d -A or4vlaal lines were iraW, Hope That Rome Rule
the dollyerance of the Israelites from xere added to the church! Tonnage Only Delay. & now light sh"a In him OYO--the light Bill Will' Suo0eed.
ftyptian bondage, and the feast of j%Mnl(t&,L sultww- I of tritolligretice and Interest, xia weight
Tabernacles, cominamomting their IncrOASed, and when Ito left the prison A
wanderings In Journeying from Vgypt Topic. The permanent nleaulug of � i�l few wooks ago lie was 17 pounds heavier
Pentecost. than Wore the operation, lie ItAtl boark
. ��,i to Vangan. Pentecost means fifty a babject of the now turned interstitial
"4ys and this tout was held fifty days 1. Pentecost, 1, aland transference, And In the resurroc- THE DETAILS
empowered nicosenger. lion Of the moron WAS opened a great .
. amr, tka second day of the feast of ! i It. The now field to surgical science, �
. the Passover. it was held in colebra- IN, ..Results. It wais not age for whiell lie was treat.
tion of the first fruits of wheat bar- 1. ponecogt. Pentecost 1,atroducaO Head of German Delegate� ed. Ile was only. 25, but Ile had the mind Lloyd George's Plan for Ire,
. v4st. The Java considered that It the Concluding 4!epent3atloa of grace Of a child and tile Pervortea instincts .
Tells of Proposed Of A dOIAOXI, He loft the hospital and
commemorated the giving of the law it completes and consummat0a the the prison a normal pian. or so the land Outlined 14
, an Mount Sinai, which occurred lifty� I gouelea of redemptioa. it wao the Trip to Berliii, YQUU9 surgeon, Ar. Leo L. Stanley, ro�
I days after the de0arture of Israel frQm great harvest festival of. the Hebrew . . oldeAt Iftalclan of ,tbQ rlson,"who Per. I ' Commons.
formed the ratiOn be levee. .
r Egypt. The apostles and other tol- church, and a fitting time for the III- ri
l or
11 t W
I I a fin- Paris, Cable. -Tile final date of. "I believe lat .man in. ijermanently -"---�.
, lowers at Jesus, to the number of one , gathering of the first -fruits of , cured of his SAW- W. London, Deepatch-(By the AOgoalat.
. lkpdred and twenty, were gathered III , tehed- atonement. Tho Christian . the repeatedly postponed exchange of 8t4n1asr Said recently, "Ile was in per�
04j.,v9er room In Jerusalem and con� I I church was born at alenteecat, and t ratifications of the Treaty of Ver. feet health, his min(I wus gleal. agd his ed PrOAS) Asider from Ono or two Ir
th). �Balllea now depends upon, the s 6e4 exvropood thoughts oonvlr
Ved fit-prAyer, Awaiting the promise Jerusalem was the eminently appro, If nct4 me t at he recoacliable autl-home rule jouruah
I 'Mtha F, As they were thus as- . scene, ,of tile nativity. The with Which the allled missiond in aer. would hereafter go stra4ht.- London newopp,pers this morning give'
, I athZ prIate, host" le the eu- m%UY can verify the German figures Dr. Staulty recently ,gained wide pub- OR the w , hold. a favorable reception ti
bled with one aword, the Holy "Ot of the ilioly 0 It, anij� of available floating dock tonnage de- licity through the rejuvenation of a, the Goverumeat,s
. rit caine in his f,giness,, and hie preme purchase of the atonwei aged prisoner of tile penitentiary by a new scheme to]
. , his off".an the JIL%hneut at thd rJaande4 by tlIQ allies as comDensation similar operation. News of his tout came WSII S01t*goverumeuti None, how
ming was accompaniett by a ooliud Incidentally with the 4nnounqenjent .
d� ix r,ronch surgeon, p
0 '14 of a Sorg V,oronoff, haa found ,the 4 If of the plau,
In 'heaven like thp Sam Master'o last Prowled, And the ante N, thf., sinking of tile German war. 'f'room Faris that overt expresses genuine expectation 9:
ating ,propheev of Joel. lie, neces- Ships at Scapa Flow. The Associated f b ,rd the aUacdoO
Strong wind, and the appearance of sity was, and remains, imperative. Pr(.,sq was Informed to this effect fOustain of Youth Ili the transference of While It to recognized that ouch i
� flames of fire upon tile heads Of this , to' Interatital ,glands. But It was long be, bill as Prowler Llo�d George outline(
With a world Waiting for the gospel, day at the headquarters of -the Ger. fore this that the Young
believing company, "They were all Man poace delegation, tOr- Yesterday - tile fourtl . I
I I and, hearts thrdbb!ng with newly PA- lie IS only 33 -had efro .1 ljoino Rul(
"I 11 .
bell, ted the miraculous Mearu,r .
t4lled with the Holy Ghost," and the sured hopes, and freshly kindled zeal, Baron Von Lersnor, head of the curd Of tile MOrAl Pervert who was uts e to be presented to Parlial
people were astonished and could not the dWplea wore forbidden- to es- German representatives, -.aid 116 first au;ttject, ,* meat -will be absolutely rojeoted b)
� understand what was taking Place, Dr. Stanley wives credit for the 414, a large section of the Izish people
say their great task Until Ile had thought this would take .41; least a a9vory of tile miracles rx'sibly by the
f Some even made light of the Manifes- come upon them, The kingdom hast- fortnight, if riot longer In view of the substitution of health g I and regarded with suspicion and 41s-
tations; of the Spirit's workingaud the disciples tarried � n4s for thee
de- oned While difficulties o! transportation In Ger- that have wasted away to a Chicago sure. trust by others, it, Is contended it de.
.00w� clared that the followers of Jesus were (Luke 24: 49), The visible manifest- MARY, and the detall Involved in verl-1-geon' Dr. G. Frauk_Lyd,ston, wao, he serves to. be. fairly considered an4
-1 'Says, July III 1914, rejuvene,ter a senlie, tried. The Dally� Mail, perbaps thf
Intoxicated, I latlone of wind an(t fire Gymbolized firing the figures, wreck of n man. by transferring to his I
11. Peter's sermon (vs. 14-40). 14. power and purifying, In the crises of "A decided misunderstanding IS re, body the Titallty-alving Fland of A 14. Most thorough champion of Hom(
t ring, It e vaar-oltt boy who was It 1110 in an ao. Rule of the London newspapers, and 0
. Peter, stmillng up with the eleven" the earlier dtiOpeRm Iona God re- floated lit .the Paris proSr, du li oident. It was not until a month after
The place of Judas had been filled ve,wled himself by�flre- The "tongues" Past -two days regarding my Project- ,this, Dr, $tanloy continues, that Dr. severo critic- of Premier Lloyd Georg(
(Acts 1,*26), so that the number of the of Pentecost were symbols Of the liv- ed trip to Berlin, Which I Subset- Voronoff mado his first sUcoosSful OX, aand the coalition Government, Says;
I Apostles va!a now twelve. The charge lag, purifying, conquering energy at quently abandoned,'-- he OAW. ' i -Mir pertment In transferring the thyrola "TIW Government bill giver, Ireland
do- d from the Aleck of a, monkor to *& greater degree at autonomy, slucc
the mockers made gave occ0siou for the Spirit, by which. tile coliqu"tO of obJect was to hurrY, rather than athl't, of a boy.
. � Peter to meet the accusation.and de�- truth are always won. _ Tbe visible lay, the putting of the Versailles In all. this brilliant young. surgeon of It sets- up an Irish Parliament, -and It
clare to the people the great truths of symbols departed., 1)ut the � , _
,, living an Trea-ty Into ebtect. From Monday night the California states prison has made, 10 manifestly contemplates the probab-
the Gospel. He addressed the .Tews orgy remalm until Wednesday atternoon at two a�� successful gland transferences, most of Ility of a United Irish Parliament. In
P=4 asked them to give careful atton-7 Ii. The empowered messenger. Thb clock I Was. deprived of any. ,com- thorn to cure senility. A man of 65� came the desperate situation In which Irer
Into his office one day recently.
courageous Preacher Of, Penta(16t, Con- MuWeAtlan Wlth ,my Government by steps 'were feeble. I -Its land now stands, this offer, so. far AS
tion to his message. .1541, It was his mind was that Or
� " � strangely with the eltrink'na either telegraph or telephone, In con� a. child. Twenty-five u
" I' ,years before lie E) glishmen can Judge, Should not b�
',�� had suffered an InJury which resulted'in reJected out of hand,. assuming it to
,I not customary for Orientals to, eat or tra6t,5 n ii
drink early JR the morning and this disciple cowering before the challenge sequence of Which Berl$ � ad no a steady loss of vlWityf until at 65 he�
fact 'was a sufficient answer to their of a oervaut-mai& On this occasion knowledge ,of tile Entente note or of looked lilce, a man of so. The spark of be honestly put forward-"
, .
,hie manner wao as bold as his words the verbal cQuIMURIcutton given on interest which broke his apathr of ye . Belief that the bill offers the only
1. icked charge. Peter In his discount � were fervent. veterlo &scourse, pre. this oubJOct by Mr. Dutasta (Secro� when lie learned or the � pose bilitlesars
I of possible Way out of the Irish tangle
fa e an to clear sents the first ChVistian, apology. Re- tary at the peace Conference Until the new operation luted only long en" is expressed by the Liberal Chroul-
f and his fellows, He, wished pelling the superficial interpretation this morning. . foil" 9. !t to ImPol him Into the stirgeou,s of- cal, which says, - on the NVIXOIO, tile
h,\t the marvellous maulles, at the excitement as Intax, 4gain the glands were removed
.cation. he "I thought thait atrip to BerlIn and from the body of a. man Who had paid nisasure appears generous. it fore -
at day were the fulflIment exVlaino the mystery of Pentecost and a verbal explanation of the situation the death penalty and were Substituted sees the Plan will be opposed' nearly
e quoted thaw,ords at tracea it directly to the crucifled. ris- to the Government would facilita for the debillt.ktod ones of the patient. everywhere In Ireland, largely ,because
d a to Now youth Is roturning, to the aged man ,
pplIed them to en, ascended, exalted Clirlet.- Rib matters.. The %ference by the as he ties In a hospital bed. "none of the coutelUdilig fa�tlons is
. e Spirit on the earthly We, atoning death, trIum- Frencli Papers that the German Gov- -------- 10-0-0— really willing to be fair to any of the
0 JOY Of the be- phant resurregtion and priestly ax- ernment wanted to delay the,exdhauge 11% . .others."
to express that 'altation, all consummated, themselves of ratifications Is'absolutely urffound� I The 'Daily Mail! ,declares It to be a
to declare In In the pentecostal, outpouring. "Ila ed. We w4nt nothing morethan of- POMIFF HUE' better scheaae than any previous GOV
. I, tile wo�tlerful woilts hath shed foyth this" (Acts. 2, 33). Native restorNtion, of peace. - . S " arnment has Produced, and an honest
.. cvng Feter'o lipe Wore tipped with the fire '"Peacolmftas the repatriation or r a I endeavor conceived with a single aim
Ghost, 23. Ye. mea'af Israel which consumed his cowardAce, as It our soldiero, iprisoners InFrance, who t IR i of ministering to the good of Ireland
r sed his hearers In i did- the sell-iseeking Of James and axe obliged to spend another Christ- NEED OF H TH while maintaining the :,Vnity Of the
annor. ' They could John, The- "Power of th6Holy Ghost" mas In captivity though bostilliles British Empire. , I
no r, . coming upon them, 'wrought first In have beta suspended for -more than a -�
ore exalted � I in cOa=en1t;jng .on taie bill, the
, �
a . u appr them, ancl then through them. , year. I . i worning Telegraph' describes It as
f here as' a III. ,Results. It was eminently fit- "The fact that Herr Von Sim$on ar. Calls for � Aid for Ohildren a ,,proporalwhiloh will commend it-
ting that the first gcopel triumphs. rived In Paris last Sunday to otart of War Victims...' oelf to freedom-loVing min4is every -
was should be won at Jerusalem, the e'vic 9 for Putting 'the treaty � I wbere as.'a, just and f.,vir tender of
and religious contre -of Jewish na- nego= _ . I I
t into proves that we had no in- Self-government."
tional life and the scene of Calvary's tention to delay matters,' Rcrrev,Enting tho e.ttremo Unwnist
� f Regarding tile Entente , , Present -Day Spirit Causes
easurable tragedy. The efiAt O note, P,axon - I
� . poeitTgn. the ,Morning Pod� sa
nee. It -!e evident th4 the Von Lorsner said its tenor surprised -, Rebellion. I "It is a b9A j-,t,ti-a-went-bad for
" of Pentecost were n<?t mere him, as It seemed 00 little In accord Ireland because It tloees not settle the
Ityi, -A,whkoulngl� with the ,progress of negatiatl - I __�,
11 OAS. . � Irish question, aud bad -for Greiat Brl-
gibiberiah, but "ThO Paris papers" he sa,ld, "even Rome, Cable. --All thd Cardinals taill, ibecau,se tt Wlealrena the Untted
ellikent, speech, annottuoed our readiness to deliver present in Rome, tile patriarchs, arch- ,Ic,ingdoln. It Is merely the climax of
followed and Over all the ballbor auaterlal we coul(I bishops and Ecclesiastical lay courts long betrayal, We have chosen. as la
re were Pierced, -spare without endangering -Our sea- gathered at the Vatican Yesterday.tO, rooted pal -lay, to be,frilonds, to our
� of conviction nomic Ox!OtOnOe GO COMPensation for present their Christmas greetings to onemies. ;and 01texates to our friends."
� They the Scapa Flow sinkings, and lore- 'Pope Benbdict. Cardinal'Vannatelli, 'While it is Teallzedoyorywhcw� that
and casts an oarlY Agreement oil Ithis Dean of the Sacred College, who head. n:o Sup
them question. If we did not' get that jpDrt of the: moAauvo -.may be
td tile visitors, delivered a short ad, e rneitbd from Irelhud, hope Is -m-
1Isv9(1 far, It Was not our fault, Our ex- td -less voloing the sentiments of his X .
pteseed that wban. Eng,lish opinion
and perts have,not been asked ,to talk t!he colleagues .and himself. The Pope boa. r=osed the eeh,eme on
� loll and wIllbs ultimatfily found in Ireland to
first- matter over since a Week ago.,, replied, returning the greetings Into law. an
Baron.von Lersner asserted that recalling the 'argent necessity for A!& give j 0 a411 a
all according to the verbal eommujjica� Ing thepoor children of W � ar victims. ., �,Ofect and ev.ohr gr ally .
X. Dutasta at the time of th "The necessity for faith," said the peaclefutt eottleme,TLt, �
0 1. ,1� I .
of the note, the Entente made Pope, "is demonstrated by the Insanity 1 ; DI43TAILS OF THZ PLAX.
ution, il� the Port tonnage de. 'of the efforts of those who vainly try L"'Ondon, Dec. 23, -It wag,an,intense.
, corditional on verification of to. give mankin , d peace and welfare IY Ifut6iested lHouse that lb5tened last
's claim that the Entente esti- forgetting or Ignoring God. peac�' night -as Premler Lloyd George out -
.the harbor material available cannot be obtained by the individual litned. Ithe Gqxernmentlo proposals for
. e0us. . . and by mankind if there Is not order Z now attempt to settle the Irish
nt to EaY In this connection," In both. There Is no order without question, which, he said. would be
Q.fl.,��'that the statements in an acknowledgement of the. dominion embodleid In a 6114 :and pxesented at
I .Press that we were did- Of , Gbd over Rio creatures, . of . L the ,Aext smsion of Parliament
figures.on 'Order also requires mastery Briefly, the Governmones (Projeet Is
olutelY unfounded,_ ''spirit Over .matter and a practical, to set UP Oro,Paxljamenta in Ireland -
n would prove. I Sincere love of man for his neighbor. -one for the Catholics In -the South.
a to ask my Gov, At present there cannot be true peace And the other for .the Protestants of
facilities for such because order has been subverted by ithe north and east� ,With a council
I 4 fio doubt that Individuals And by mankind. The r,eldcted from both, which It Is hoped
at once. moral miseries due to the war are be-. .ieventilrally will bring about a union
1. t should be Ing exploited by those Who Watch tal .t:he whole country under a. singlO
. �
0 verify, Our every opportunity to affect moral tPariliament. I
A. definite -order. I The proposed ,Legislatures
r materials "To -day the spirit of independence are
- )I invaded all Winds, and leads .promised very oxtefisjv6 powers and
Ity. I hope as ample coaceasiona, While the ftanclal
soon be ftl, tbein to rebellion, Ta -day there is, proposals are regarded as generous.
I flually be no shame in seeking amusf"UsatS Moreover, there are inducements to
amids - t the griefs and sorrows 'of still -further concemlons and to a
an dele- others, and there Is 4o limit to the united Parliament for the whole eoun.
tasta that dissipation of wealth and the drying try. . .
. -up of the sorrows thereof All this The Pranile at the
a to I r -explained tb
,wire allows that modern socioiY has at- council reproseutlag the two Parlia-
for- 1, tempted , to set itgelf above God; ments would, be given the poworg of
ff-Res `-AiW!fAfg from liberty to tolerance, private bill legislation 'from the first.
was from tolerance to. division, from divi- otherwise It was proposed to leave
and sion to conflictj to ostracism of God, to the two Parliaments complete d!e-
king 1 4' Therefore, forgetfulness of the cretion to confor upon any matter
ding supernaturtil and triumphs of the within ths. range of their authoritir.
not Pattitural has led Individuals to ogot- The powers rewrved to the Imliorl'al
luau ism and society to revolution and Parliament, Mr. Lloyd Georger said.
C of anarchy,fo P would Include the crown, Peace and
I Continuing, the Popd said that he war, fore!gn affairs, army and .navy,
foi- did not despair as all these evils dofelies, treason, tr.9do outside of Ire. .
tould be obviated by faith, through land,, navigation, Including mochant
day Iwhloh drdet would be re-established shipping, wireless and cables, coln� ,
sner and peace would triumph. Iie urged ago, trade, marks, Ilghthauser and the
that Won the faithful $,prayer and obedl. higher .judiciary,, uncil there Is an
sta .enco to human And divine laws, not agreement by the 'two Legislatures
voty to ostraelse God In. public documents* regard -Ing how Judges should be ap-
an in the schools, in law courts or pub- ' Pointed. I I -
un. Us assemblies, as God is Lord not offly The Irish L-6gl6latt'res, ,he said,
ollt of individuals but also of nations. would have full control of "education,
'on "A lasting true peace must be based local governmont, land, agrip.diture,
ta on just alliance.& among the Peoples, roads) brIdges., transportation, fitelud.
g while vimqvilshed nations must be Ing railways and canals, old ago Don.
ronjisraned to suffer equitable peasl_ $Iona, Inaurander munt al affairs
to ties but not destruction," llo,satd. and licena!ng, It Wds n � propcded.
. he declared, to, retain to ol of the
11 I - i I Police in Imperial hands yond three
at IN BAD PLIGHt Yeats. The Doistal eer f P would not
ly I — be transorred until th , was a dingle
I a Parliament. The pr CeNo of land
at 'War PAsoneria in Siberia AUAuWas in Ireland would be given
at : : I 08 4 free gift to the two Parllanien%
In Need Ifelp. .said the Premier, who estimated the
: Geneva, Cable.- The International Anidunt 9t 43,000,00 for tho year. I
Red Cross has sent out an appeal 11% - -
behalf of the Prisonera of war In Si-
beria, Two hundred thousand pris- ADVERTISING �
oners, for the most part Austrians I
and Hungarians, many of whom wore I
a captured In 1914, Are living without I 'Who can eay azIlltrarily whgt days ,
It'" shelter and virtually without clothing of the week are loft' days in adver. :
and little food. Any contagious dis- tisina?,, asks the advertising depart. '
tase may make terrible ravages, Tr-
phus hAs already killed 12,000 of the Mont of the ChIcW Daily News, &IId 1
16,000 men at the Troltzey camp. puts In elrl(1012,06 & leAter by R. A `
AsItwouldriced 226,000,000 franca to 13row-0, advertising manager -of Mar.
trausport the primonem to t1mIr horno-8 to Field & Co., with permission ,
the Red Cross fears that the oporation reprint, and relating the experience 1
Of that great firm. I
would be too long, and hoped that "Who onn oay arbitritrily what days A
their fate can be arntlioratod quickly of the week are 'off' daya?" I
by assistance mderod from the ont. Certainly not 14arefiall I'lelo,-& N.
sido., or all will 'be dmd before rellof That company mrthat I)$ sWn tbat I
rearhes them. d, 10 #�. — there it any loft, day foT - _ MA I
"An aneestor," "ys the of tbo Satardlay oditIn"n TAGIrrXily ?
cyXical 14" fm tuvore'l 7'ears
%44- .h. Bachelor, 11rominds me of the rm�M'110 %6 &*flou " repmh I: �,ta, izm I
tPly. titton 0ow. 1*4 Mthor O" thim b% one, Lft gqj& fe? joiI,dV,* We& wke&A
, -
I I 4 I I �,M i
'' I F
4v*ry day Df VAG WOSVOYW" 'IT
Ttore ,O "Olt' 4&Y In X4var nl
r n
If ths-re sTa suah 4L thInSt then an
� '
t adv*rtIse`a,:4nt alluOuncing a throo-
day tale would be VAluelfes boyoAd
-,, -
10,808 in the
the r1rot ,day, )*at thras,d4y j4fiju
� ' I
Occur right along, And tr4quently the
1 A en
1i Apprehended,
first announcement 0
, f tholu Ig the
only one. I
As further evidence which juay be
Ottawa, �
Ottawa, It"ort-The number of de�
a In
I rt_T a!,
. Introduced as to the resulte-bringing
.srter. u. , ,
*it. .14 47A h��O!.�I'j,ON I
sorters under the IM4.A. who are still I
nature ot theipe a4veptioemeat# Is the
at large and who will be met at liber. ,
. experlonco. ,of the latest and largest
ty by pmelarnutl.ou of amnesty
apace taker to arrive, The, Suellen,
ror lit ary offenders J& believed to
.1 burg department atore, Which is one
bO 10,000. The figuree for tA% east -
Of I'llilaftlPhia'O heaviest adv6rtfsera,
era ,military districts. which were the
determined aystematically to try out
041 ones Available to -day, are 12, -
the value of the Saturday evening
leaue, and prepared. in the t
'rho Aumber of unappreliended do. I
style of Ounday anuoup ejn,4�,,'Rlary
& fall
page or Uonday spec,taile. - h!0 ap.
sorters in the various eastern file. .
. -
tricts, followe.-
Deared In the Bulletin of the 16th, od
No. I (London), 10; No, 2 (Toron.
I It would-seew that the result* wore
to), 1,887; No. 3 (ottawa-lclugstoa),
I more than the firm expected, forwith-
1,678; No. 4 (MOUtreal), 3,08�; No, :
Out loes of time the management has
5 (Quebec), 3,342, No. 6 (Nova Scotia).
:1 reque.-toda reservation Of a Page for
1,845; No. 7 (Now Brunswick). 167;
1 each Saturday:`d ICAU0 Of the, Bulletin
total 12,808
, from -now '04'. ?rho Tesult or thel
The total number of apprehended
: Bulletin's well-planned drive for Sat-
dwartord, (Men who hays) been Im-
arday StIvertleing, with the ,strongest
Prison0d or flued) in the. same did
of editorial and mechanical co -opera-.
'r'e' Is 13,143., No Egures are Jul -
tion with the advokrtlaing department, Inediltoly available Showing the Rum.
has, Wspolled the "off day" Idea from
ber of deserters In prleoa at the Pre -
the minde at Philadelphia advertisers,,
Sent time.
and 1214 the gltoet of the Saturday
It Is the desire of the authorities .
linx It
here that offenders under the Military
Off* days In aavertlaing? There
ServWe Act, at present in confine -
ain't no Such animal'
� I 0,04.
Warrant Out for Chico,g
. Revenue Offielal.
Charge PlUtting With Al
Cobol Ring. I
* Chicago, DespAtcll,�-A Federal war
rant was Issued Yesterday chargin
John Smorowski, SUPOrIntendent o
the Northwest Revenue District, wit
accepting bribes of more than $2,50
from 4 wholesale alcohol ring
Wholesale arrests Of deputies Undo
his command are expected, . I
This Is the first arrest ordered 1
the Investigation of an alleged con
spiracy to flood the market w t
. it
spurious liquors conodated from al
. om al
cohol and coloring matter. Smor
oweld Is charged, with having ae
CePted bribes in cash from a cllqu
who have been buying alcohol, as.
t6usibly for tho manufacture of bar
bar supplies, OR permits issued by
Smorowski. The warrant was imued
upon information gathered by Spe
clal Investigator George Murdocic
who had operated Successfully In the
New York department.
Murdock placed two, agents in
Smorowski's district. The men, act -
Ing " under inetructlons� accepted
money from Joseph It. Klein, a deal-
er in barber supplies, who was In the
way of adapting liquor selling as a
vide line. Xleln was placed under
$1,000 bond.
After they bad , thus established
the!r position as apparent bribe tsA-
ers, the agents were approached by
Joseph Byrdy. Both men were ar-
ralg4ed to -day after they bad con -
teased to giving money to Smorow.
ski at his office.
Josepla R_,XIoln was arrested -on
the chargo,of attempting to bribe two
I revenue. deputies. He had a Govern-
ment permilt to buy alcohol from dis-
'tillers for use In the, preparation of
-barber supplie3. Instead of being used
for toilet preparations, the Governmion'
ehargesthat the alcohol found Its way
to -thirety customers through the
ealoons of WoJeck and Byrdy, after
It ,had been diluted with water and
colored with burnt sugar. The two
saloon keepers are charged with hqv-
Ing paid Smorowski $250 for protec-
tion. .
Canadian ShipSafe in Port
After Mily Perils
Trip .From Canary Islands
I � to Italitax,
Yarmouth, N.S., Deepatch-A, peril,
On$ voyage of men of more than two
months was ended when the schooner
St. Clair Therl4ult was towed Into this
port to -day by the Government steam-
er Aberdeen. The mate and one
the crew, suffering from broken log�61,
wore taken to a, hospital. All on
board were exhausted fr001 exposure
and lack of food.
Captain Leander Pothler told the
story Of thO Stormy passage� Leav�
Ing Mayo, in the Canary Islands, with.
a cargo of salt on Oct. ill the schoon-
�r was often becalmed And made Such
he did not enter
the Gulf Stream until Nov. 15. Then
3he ran Into a series at terrific Storms,
In one of the first of these a sailor
toll from aloft and his log war bro%en.
rho next day areat seas were sweep.
lug over the vossel. One of these
mught the mate and buried him
wroso the deck. Ile nionaged to
,ling to the rigging and sope himself
!ram being carried overboard, but his
og was broken, He crawled into the
,valley, where he remained unattended
!or more than twenty -tour hours. Not
Intil the next attornooll did the
Areather moderate ,enough to enable
lie shipmat"es to re.14% that part of
,he Schooner. On NoV. 26 the provis.
ons ran Short. In an Interval be.
ween stpirms on Dec. 4th, they .were
Lble to#bake aboard meagro Supplies
rom sing sttamer.
Th Nova, Scotia coast was sighted
m I , . Oth, but the sailors' hODe,3 Of
[ule y reaching port were deAlled by
� which drove the ship out to tea
gal The renewed mtock of food
LaA yen out long beMwe- aid came to
he b tared ship, For more than a
rook a ore the Aberdeen, notified by
a"In steame". of the plight of the
.. . reached her ilde. and put it
I oard, the crew suntalned
I lag more than broad- and
moat, who have been pardoned by
virtue of a Royal Proolamution. Is-
igued to -day, should be relesoed be-
fore Chr!etmae. An official of the
Sta,te Department to -day expredeed
,some doubt as to whether it would
be casible to send specific Instrue-
OOR`6 broadcast over the -country In
time to reach all officer . a of the law
who would have authority to, releaee
pr;6oners pardoned by the proelam-
ation. Ile expreseed tile hope that if
0 this ahould not be done, sheriffs and
other officers with the power to carry
out the Proclamation would do so,
The Proclamation, which was is-
sued to -day, -Provides that offenders
. undergoing imprisonment far of-
fenc* against the ,Military Service
Act; agiilddt the c,or-dfXs.4A_-PQuncI1 re-
SPecting military service or- for of-
- fences committed In Canada punith-
g able by courts martial, as described.
f In oectiong four to forty of the Army
1 , :64, may be discharged, that psad�
6 Ing prosecutions for such offences may
I be stayed and that all offences here -
r Wore cOmM!tted shall be generally
, __,._1 . .
. . I "
. I J
. -
! "
,; - -
I . ,
."::, ; � f - ': 1 11
. I �.. '. .%�,
Shows Wheat Production to
- Be Lower
. But Big Increase in That of
ottawas lvospatch--A cablegram re-
Celived at Rome gives the toliowin.,
orf,clal crop reports:
The total production of Wheat In
"19 In Denmark. �pain, France,
�Great Britain, Italy, Nethermade,
Roumania, Switzerland, Canada, Un-
ited Statas, Ind.'a, .. Japan, Algeria
allid Tunis Is 2.014,753,000 bushe:a.
against 2,238,100,000 -in the same coun.
tries In 1918 and 2,150,000,000 their
average annual Production in the five
year$ 1913-1917.
The production of rye in Denmark,
Spain, France, Italyp Netherlande.
Rournania, Switzerlana, Canada and
the United States is 189.104,000 bushels
.against IS9,600,000 In 1918, and a Elva
Years' average of 350,500,000. .
I The Production of -barley In Den-
mark, 19pain, Prance, Great Britain,
. Italy, Netherlands, .Rouinania, Switz-
erland, Canada, United States, Japan,
. Algeria and Tunis is 598,000,000 bushels
against 679,000,000 !n 1918, and a five
Years' average of 602,000,000.
The Production Of oats in the same
� countries as for barley Is 2,034,340,000
bushelo, against 2,402,000,000 in 1918,
and a five Ygars' average of 2,22a,000-.
000. , I
The production of corn In Spain,
Italy, ROUInania. Sw.'tzeIand, Can-
ada and the United States is UK -
194,000 buehels, against 2,723,000,000
In 1918, and. a five years' average of
The product!on of potatoes in V ng-
tandg, Italy. Switzerland, da and
the United States Is 792,638,000 bushels
against 900,800,000 in 1919, ,and a five
years' average of 765,800,000.
The production of flaxseed in ltaly�
Roumania, Canada, Thi!ted States
India and Japan Is 26.840,000 bushele,
against 42,700,000 in 1918, and a five
years' average off -43.500,000.
- -
U. S. Publisher is Back
I From a Visit.
11nder Britain, Most Pro$ -
porous On Earth. .
. I _��
. Now York, Despateh.-Samuel S, Ale'
Clare, publiGher, arrived on &
Mauretania after a three months' visit
ti Ireland, where he said he found a
"Ireland iq the most prosporour�
comfortable und law abiding country
In the world," said Mr. McClure. "The
Derple are well drw,3(!d And well
housed. One ho -Q to read outside
papera to learn or troublo ,and un-
GOttled conditions there.
"I found that Irish bR-nka have de-
roolts of niore than 100,000,000 pounds,
and have been forced to form alli- ,
anoos with ll-ngll6h banks, in order ',
to find an outlet for their money. i
Thore are 5,000,000 head of cattle in I
Ireland, or half as many as In Canada.
Troland has exported no inueh food to
Ilngland since 1913 R(3 either the i
ITnited States or tho Argentln(i.11 I
QIr I.Irnest 11arder Williams, Ung. t
lish Dublisher, also krrived on tIrT1
Mauretania. I
---- vs 4 * --
"Yes, she was his typist before he
married her." I'llow are they getting .%
on?" - "The aftnie n,,4 ever, whcn he I
she takes hint down." s
--London Blighty. .
L.,__ J_
Arthup I
PAS" 4.0.
10101. Slur
, f;v, & qW . e
losle ever; WQ�410 11 ,
Office In M;tcdapald
. ---- , . 1.
11 - � ..L " - , -
I I . A � 10.
, ,
M . 1 4 a.m.
- I
, . " .
- . . , I f �ift
.. 1 V9
otado W *41corr r 114
tww *0 < I:* = i � �
Qu!Ox's NO
U#tl# ok 11
AA Wmft" #$few so= ko 1
004� Ki 3P % � MOW%- �
.. , *Oew
. I I 1. _.... .
-WO-C., R
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br� A001 .. , _', , __ , - '�_
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. . 4
" Im
= 4.1
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MMMAVOi .10 ., ' '.. ,
ds� , . iii , � I .41
11 .� .
- - I., —
6raduate Olt Ivnivers ot
W4 , Ity of . 4
COE t1r. 'AM
iGaects. - 1
I .
_.. P�NE ST. .11, PRON11 20
Scores of Gtkeps,
I M�A' W
Said t , ILM 3
I �.
U. S. Orders P"LOA
the SelM
I W4shing-Lon. Doe.
I tlons to arrest all v
and polsonaus conel
der the gulso of I
eragee were sent
Federal revenue agent.
the country by tile Bure
nal Revenue.
The action is taken ae
the large L number of -
many cases of blindness,
resulted during the hoi
through drinking of w
and Other Polsous which had -been-
sold as liquors.
SPrIngfield, A,jass., Dee. 28. -The
death 1.011 In the chrIstmao 'Whiskey
horror bad mounted to 76 Priddy
afternoon. ScOKOW'af Others, mada
blind and Plung4d Into great agony
by a deadly co�noctlon of wood al-�
COhOI, Were reVorted dying In hos.
I Pitals and in privait) liames.
Authorities Investfrating the sale
and dletribu,lon of the iffelCe"4
whiskey said thnt Indications .were,
that there bad been a courttry-wlde,
0le Of the bogus beverage. Many
deaths will follow -before the warn -
Ing can be spread, they feare'd.
The cities known to be affecte
by the Poison beverage which W
� sent out of New York 1. leo
39 dead; Tlartford,
Holyoke, Mass,, 7;
Mass., 4; Chicago, j6; ,
New York, 3; Newark, N.
A cure that will save
I those stricke as f
Dr. George 41,9�n`o, oc""O"
Gagne adopted the old
using leeches to tak
blood from the veins of
Alexander Perry, proprie,
the American House at C
Falls, where much of the
whiskey Was bought and dr)D
who ellrded the police Y
surrendered this morpin .
at Ig.
.once arraigned on the ell
n1anslaughter, connected wit
,death of Joseph Kina, one
victims of drinking the wood
hol w,hiskey. . .
Charlev- Porry, his brother,
William Baker, both bartond
the American House, were ar.v
ed for manslaughter connected
the killing of Michael Dednarm,
ditional charges of tllogAl I
selling, wore preferred ag&Inst
bartenders. I
Tile -defendants were hold At
000 on the manslaughter
and $100 oil Illegal sale eha
following their pleas of not
the cases were continued
.'ry 3 for trial, �
Deliver. Col., Dec. 28.-N
thaft 12 persons are confl
WhVcr hospitals Gufferin
0 . - "t
DOISOW119 cotitractied from .
[Iquor which had a.3 its 648
It',co;,01, according to a at
�mdo by oil(% of the leading
qans hero Pridaly. The nialo
Jie patients are J.,oing blind
:he effects of the polson.
' A,114MPHIIS ItE31ORTS DF I . . . .
Mempllls,, Tonn.1 Dee. 28.--
)f Health records 6how thre
�on4 dlN1 In illemplihs of *1,
,ohol poisnning during the
lionth. All of the deathis 10)
krior to the t1hristma% hol doy
-.-"--- 4 0 0 -..-.--
I Would bejIMM4 for ni
nko, tholub 41L W re. to
f, n'; I W ;o'.- (T'An for lit,
alve, thmugh nobody we!,r to P
- Shattestury. I
. ,
a I