The Clinton News-Record, 1904-10-06, Page 6.. -•
t "4.
if' .".`1,
pan Teas
are on the doWis geed*, to stay
down -- the Woe eontisina to
Vsylon leatuXal Green tea by its PuritY, tiOUble strength and gte-
litdotts Savor is in popule.t favor. Sold only in, sealed, lead pack-
ste, Sanae formas the famens, "SA,LADA." Black teas. 215o
00 Per II, #4*. ill grocers.
the no4t rmi*potAriottort TR1 POMT
ortgishman, who he* learned how
cairn of reverse*. They ere abenhed,
MEOW TWA TAMA"! NHOILTS a of viotory may os ast, es a
dioillneanned, cowed, frightseed. And .,„„„,„„.
olootale wad, goistalisoe Doepky IA as officials they have lead a blinding Dopp,e. 3,41:03flor vaas B1(.
•Officiaile emi Booialista Intareatel glinsPes of the vtealoseas of the Prop
in News Tiro= the Ear that Upho)de them 0.H. The mat' AU= HUE TO ST,IltillP IN
ten make a mietake before the VS
East. Of all the world, mod be dragged at PEACE.
'Ditore ore two eectious in Itueela. Japaneoe chariot wheels for ft, and
Wlio Are de0Ply interellted in the new* ell this terrible adequacy to the E., ___, Work _ . Doig „
frOM the eallt, Writes renewal Gib. stretned emergency, this grim per- wrs-em tner Are nfor
bon, in the lanidon INtily News --the faction of technical wedded to a 7401.taft4C10 di Cattatlians Every;
officio* Wlictee Mere eXietstoce de- dainty deodly proncioncy in proctice, Year
Petah) on the unimpaired force Of the 010' ...Ucelm. the hi ot, the la,ikaii,e - '
autocracy; and the Socialists, Whdfid 41.d00."F ano nks wrap -gen of the Talatinintac Ountberland Oo N./I .
h " N.B.
And thoro is a third section: the side - ot those who Would overthrow poetMaater here, is ohe of the a•reat '
Russia, an Inert, over-chi:von, docile rise and trample them. and their Bye, trona pain and. weaknese by Deddie
Two ox.ogroas•
mole purpoae is the abolition of it. :MIPS of the caor-these are on t e 00, 2,_,($ileelei),,,,,,,03,,, 1,1,„ J. "4.3,
honored Million and' mom People of them, Who would call the, peoPie 't° army a CW1404110 wile, reectlad -
1:011.$8 WW1 the other two tont in ft eminnon chaos of ruin. Kidney Pine, are shouting the
hold the fort and kill all who come practise for their own ends, But Will they make peace? 5
• . .
They catute * the, grey before dawn
and hid in a gully beeide our camp.
ilve the reveille sceinded, and the
sentry left. the bastions. Then they
elfrang• uP . and rushed, sword.
hand, their rifles altIng behind their
boast, ot the wall. ,
- The whole attack Was -directed •op
- the eouth-eent trout, an onscaleable,
wall ot solid masonry, with bastions
- at eacl'. corner four feet third; .and
7 ten, feet high, They rushed t. tlio
bastions, the only poiut on that gide
• they Might scramble over.
praieee of the oreat Hidney Rome Y.
ti but I
The millions have no Short; in the are quaking and iepen ng,"Yee,' the postmaster says ; "I _
war save 80 10,r a.s they tarnish think not. It they are Want to .eXprese my thankfulness for
fighting men; and they learn only of I Oat ;done& . there le some os`46."4"' the great benefit I have receive:1.0°M •
'itS Incidents, its Iluctuotions, its gee- in this nation, something Of the an" the Use of i)odd's Kidney Pills.
saw of little victorsy. and big disao. Mull at bay, that Will uphold them "Idy trouble waS having to urinate
ter, through those that have an in- to the, end -the ultimate, unthinkable too freely. I bad to rise eight or -
terest palating it to them.. Tba sharablea in which the war most „„ „,, „„„,„ „„,
ono party trompets • of glory, ' of finish. But offer thent any kind „1„ ---as -b-rwoo", -ify*"41;t..°Lrievgwg 01209c; _
ICdrOPL41:111'S Pertala St1Q- Peace short of a, elialneful surrender, swelled, The4 I got podd,s Kjdncy
doom of daPan: while the Other, a Darare PolleY erler latsrveattnn and Now X WA all right.
nbie ,se,eing two sides og clues, to aecePt what she cah g'et. ' Let making rny Case public X eau lead
They knew; nothing of the fort and
its tracing. Perhaps they had ex-
pected to find us encamped in tents
on tbe open ground. But from the
shallow nullith, where they lay con-
eectled only 200 yards distant and
watched our sentry, they could sap.
tey.this uncomProndsing front which
they had Set themselves' to attack
tvith the naked sword.. .
r•rheY had no artillery, no gun cot-
ton, no material for Storming, but
they had come front Llmesa to total
Honooma, and they would net turn
back. They hoped to wale the wall
and annihilate the garrison that held
. 1111.1 I i1111.0,11d . I
sed in }LBS. Mitts, Gloves
• , and Moccasins -tough as whale-
• bone, flexible, soft,pliabll
= proof, wind -proof, boil- proof,
Icrackproof, tear -proof, rip -proof,
• cold -proof, almost we -kr -proof-
_ certainly the 'greatest leather
- ever used in mitts and gloves,
- • Like buckskin it is tanned
_ without Oil; unlike buckskin it is
not porous,j717Find-proof-will
outwear three buckskins.
"‘.kinto " Mitts and Gloves
never muck ot harden, never get
sodden, are always warm, pliable,
soft and' comfortable. •
•-• Soldat all dealers but never with-
• , out this brand
.17410,T4 SASH'
noose 4no *Loon
Viut Dry In 8 Hours.
on 8.1. *to ii.romax.
P 11. DODS & cji„ Montreal, Toronto, . 'Vancouver.
cess, Cossack adventures Mad the let any pOwer that Servea hurnalaity
little More sincere hut no less Incap- peaceful officeS, and Russia will leaP oda be
Pills and took six, boxes all, told.
Colnfort to me it bir
, .
stigated by -the oligaraY at the Potatoes, Poultry, ‘Egga; Bitter, Apples
Um), preaches a a desperate in- them have an excuse, however tenu-
Cost di the nation, of donbtful gains and Manchuria, can ge.
Qua, ft pretext, however artificial, ,t31.31°0333dedisgthicittranSpreFirlt;ty,. fin(' relief ink
Kidn,ey Pills. Always mire
Uexorbitant . of , Bright's DThey also annnallY
Mad pricesRuSsia:In the raeantinle, 'Meld are waOulag isease.
drained to Satisfy the greed. of a -and praying ler Kuropaticin. But If brilig relief to hundreds 'et thousands Let bile, YOur conilignment Of arty'lcit these Ifirticiee itsel We 3,111.
They Came on •undismoyed, even as
men flushed with victory. The Sepoy
said they must be drunk or drugged.
They rushed' to the • bottom of the
Wall, tore out atones, and flung them
ti at Mir loot: they leapt up and
scrambled. to gain a foothold and
lift tbernielires on the parapet,. to
Seize the rauzzle of. Our rifles; they
fell bullet -Pierced, and • seine turned.
savagely on tha wall again. •
It Was only a question of time, of
minutes, and the cool, mechanical
tire 'of the 23rd would have dropped
eery Min. But at last they turned
and fled .
A hundred and six bodies were. left
near the wail. Sixtviziore weee,kill-
hoPeiess, helpless struggle, sneli •des-
perate and ineffectual gallantry?
Alniost before it was light the yak
corps, with their small escort of ao
rifles: of the 2nd Gurkhas,' were start -
Mg on the road •to,Kalutsho. They
passed, the ,hicling,prace Of the Tibe-
tans . without noticing, the.' few hun-
dred Men in. rusty -colored cloaks
breathing quietly' among the brown
atones. '
Then the Tibetans made their
charge, just as the transport hail
passel, and' a detiehment of them
swerved off on .yaks. Two Tibetan
drivers in 'our service' stood .directly
in their path.
"Who are youl" cried one •of the
ed in the pursuit: as ever such
class It is to be remembered that they were betting, it • is Huroki" they of Oonadians who are bothered With •fget Yen Wood: Price* ;
noaanoi Winnipeg Dowses z
Are Not Fatalists, ranaticS
Patriots, But Raab. on Car-
tain Death. •
neither read or write, and', there- I, earlier Kidney Troubles. " THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO milted
94 per cent, a the populatioo can Would back.
iser. virest Marlcot and
fore, the bias of' partisan propagan- =NATURE MAXHIS.
'Watered sill; is the Pre er Material lb
dies is unadjusted by the presS, it Don't worry.. for a fl ng gq
is one man's opinion against another Don't hurry. "Toe swift arrives I. °WI - wn'
as tardily as too alow" Tho. gondola is doomed, The MOW -
man's licr these are the Mill -Stones
Simplify! Simplify' Simplify! e aP. 7 of ' h Ived to ,
that bray the sentiment, the patrio-
tisra and 'the national soul of Rus- ; - - - ,, purer -ince electric motor bents, '
• Don t overeat, Don't otarve, Let _
7.., Ieuro moderation be known to all calitiftedoywalOr, eiisouPrap?.4041---Lew,,N.i101, Int,
Hew Should the .peoPle know an
feel the monitii. outt the fresh air day and night. dem,.. it will not, • It Will fade, ilia,
thing? It is everybody's game to 41:'‘ ,
'THE COMPLETE OP:-NSOR.. Oh if it "a l'is-sw wrsat was Is t;lis ii3ehiT1,1,3rrk'and'l, rad' is
a most
ii.' I ' • i article.". LadY--"WhY, Young
All last vveek the wires from Lon- a theep and 'rest aboOolnotio. ;sleep man, how onest you are thank
don have brought news of disaster. is Nature's benedietIon, • . you Air telling me. It is not often
This was Our sole information; . the Spend. less nervous energy each X find a shoninan who has such a
tale. as told by the staff in the day than you make. , high ideal of honor, ato14--"' filiC0P- '
theatre of war has not leaked 'oat nutn-"It's not that, madam; but
even Yet. Despatehes„, were opened 10%3 'eh- c'erful- ' "A light hellrt lives the gavitnor left me out when he
only by ministers and by. the 'czar, Think only healthful thoughts, "As raised the salaries of the otthers to-
day an ' 'm • get bits
and even the high and, ntigh y, ea s
"Only it ya,k-driver," was •the
frightened answer.
"Then take • that the Tibetan
said; slashing At his arm with no in-
tent to kill. • • „
. The Gurkha escort, triekt up: a posi-
tion' 'Banger .and opened fire
save,. one man,, who stood 'by
his yak and refused to come under
Cover, despite the Shouts and warn -
Inge of his comrades, He killed sev-
eral, but fell himself, . hacked with
Seven swcird-ctits. The TibotallS were and -joined ,the route from
the'fort. The whole, affair Jested less'
than tee Minutes. , • .
• Our eaSeafties, were the isolated
Gurkha killed, two `men the. fort
slightly Weuntled by ,stones,*: and
three of the •piltklias behind; the stin-
gers . severely .-trounded, . two by
eivord-cuts and one by a biillet in
the neck.
' And what wat3 'the ilarne that
snaoardered ia these men, and lighted
them to action? • ._,
They might have been Paladins or
Crusaders. pat Buddhists. are not
fanaties. They - do not -stake 'eter.
pity on . a . single existence, • They
have no Mahdis or Juggeroaut Oars.
And the Tibetans, We are told, are
not „patriots: Politicians say that,
they want us in their eoUntry, 'that
or the isvoStChik that drove
Pails, Wash Basins Diiik Pans, 43to
Any ylret.r.lasts proctor con Supply You.
15 11140 Alla 1.lIhj I 1WW1 a.m.,. 1.•,1,6 I IIZLI.A40.1.1k Adoe...lari.w.43.4141.1 '
Dominion Line -Steamships
pas e . acores of' instaneeS the Biblea
his cab. m . he only literature .of lOnga ge,etffennniag..
Hat from London it came through, • „ caused by fermentation ot ••tuo food irk• Often. 41.,10,33011age fira,t realeed to MONTREAL 14"wIrul.
t Healthy' people the stomach and almost" strangles. is
and eyeq when the, clubs) and hotels "`fklea?tli is coutnicles as well as ill.' 'the stomach.. It is foretaste of indl- literary, form in order to produce a ,gSecind coin ar MOCtergtate Rode.. service. To
were thronged by men 'who heard e•aSe2 ••gestion and dYlopepsia. . Take one Of Bible. '
•Dr. _Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets im- n 0 berthed in heat aceonoto.
dulon co tho neeratir et the ioNt raw of $10
atedlately after eating, and it .win. pre- •• Live -rood, or 442,50 to London.. Third ciao ta
coment's anger may be fatal ' •lalutt Cutting Acid that arises from
IiacL papers •were silent, . The censor. mil-, lionsys plum CATCH FISH. veot thiS distress' and aid digestion. 60- • g ' • "FveotrPapa'gartngoritirs're:°argatvoloolgurtigtg,mon
V thent with. an iron -red; and the.
• NOrtli Carolina. lie of• lonf In- a 1.)"' 35 eente.-1-6 • • '• • !bard a Lialaientfor sale eterpaieth nomirttox Ligs °jams,
• • • , V.. arcionte, daeremedat at.. Montreal'
bands af small, liwerned, aiiroor,:eoo•,bkne see.ovori etioonln-eas tion -eight Anstrla many hundi.eds cif Union Ja,clts of an, '• •
shotild contain a line or art allusion grass, wild liarsleY, Sad -Salt- num than. anY,Other;,,European tIa-• •Loodon laborer has collected,
about the great battleship's 'defeat. we°11:Etti.4eet. weeds.
silen.t. It is a wonderful instance-' shapes and sizes.. Every table, bod• .9":1,1NegalgisArt Krig4kilt. &AIL, Toes
Two days .ago,', the fate- of the Navik
the completeness. of •the tienSor's or- • • •
neighborhOod , acr. "banker . •
act ic a „ a y ca •
‘.• and pillowin his house has its cam- r • • .
• ()tong of .bun ,,
was known, but the, newspapers or
h otu 11 tch fish . iittooSZ' AUXTIlela. • • • 't • •• SWISH AMEGICAII. DYEINC CO.
of the _end of the Ourik the news- •
JIL order was given that no journAl sandy banko, covered With little but Ilubsia. hos more holidays per an- • • • • ----- ' •
The special correspondent of the
London Daily Mall With the Tibet
Missipn,. writing front Hatigail,
says :-
With the Tibetans one intiat eXPect
the unexpected.
They will try to achieve the ill;\
possible, and shut their eyes to the\
obviouS. They have a genius•lor do-
ing the wrong thing at the Wi•ong
time. • •
Their elan, their clogged courage,
thiir unquestioned heroism, their •oe,-;
casienal acuteness, their more gener-
al frribecile folly and Vacillation and
inability to grasp a ,situation,' make
it impoesibIe to soy what they • will
_ ._ ...- • , _
gauization, but it. iS so. vain,..00.user ,11.1a64:,',Year the. • herd -owners :drive The finest regian in Cimada for :the : • •,'„ .. . ' ' ••-•-.--, '.._'' :'. : ,. . , ..,., - ..i, • . • r .., ,*. sitarranar. • ", ' .
less. . so Jtiaddetung in • c,onsequent,i, 'them • Int° Penn, '.riere _the : Weis.' are hnoter • Who ' wishes to peoure goose: ." •,.. . • Oar Over-SItti-Years , • •• - •p;•,i•tot• ' • ...-,,,,,,,
./t, serves ..)ICtt pUrPose and ' it -. Makes charilitshclied4cafted,a41, 6.s.iSo lealers,. who ift .the Temagatoi 'region in bret.v Oro ' solo woor000 scoorase,,execz leo. beill all4 'Ye - • ,..._._ _ ••__..... • .'" . ., , _.i.. .
talk, but 'it points' to tide: The go- . tario; and noW eaSY of accesS. by . tlie rtligintreltirctar, gft,2:171,31=1"417,,r04,1g; - , • 14, l'il''. 1=4).`4' PIA -1•5 ."WE. -5T •
. . . ,
required..• are
ernment 'fears le tell the nation the attend the penning. These, Poor Tamaid: Trunk IlailwaY SyStein and Viodoeikareptistrtheato.sighlutalgwts,trat'Att , Via the Chicago and „Ninth Y,festere• •
irtith, Ifcannot answer the voiceless POidea are strangely 'wild, and have North Bay. • All iriformation regard- trdr.rargItatit=itout tit 1...orit.!'lsiditro.4-kl 'Rail:04F. 'e'VerSr' daSr. from 'sePt-' 15th:::
question which Middle,. will. out to it, to -gradually starved nit° eatiog. ing .gaides,: routes, ratei • etC.,'• can • anfiaraaltstuvfinaLaa'asVev' .44-1°• to Oct. 13th, settlers one ‘way Second' '
'What have •you bongb,t for. vs •With •grctia and „InlY, or, grass, their bele he Had on 'application to agerits do ••• - . • ' ', -• -.•-----•,.. . . :: - • , - -- - - cid,* tickets at et Oery ' low .tatee from '
all this bleed .and Money'. • Sitbsi*taace 'having .1•Jeett . the .renk by addreseing 0. T. Beal, G P. Si, T.of ;.tho. ' Oldest tune0 •• in the.-chicage: to points in Utah, Montana •
• salt grass of the marshes, and fish. A,, Montreal. world is said to be sang to the Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington.
Tglii CZAR'S. WAR.,
. They ..catch ..these fish' for ••tirernirettFee • ' 4.-",- ' . . Words,, '140 • WelIat GO netne ' Till •-'estlifornia, also to Victoria; • ,Van-', •
The enly.Peepie from wham an , all- at idW tide,' cleverly using their hoofs "If I Were asked toname whom I -Morning." ' It is knOwn to date cativer, New ' Westminster:- Resslarict
thentio opinion IS obtainable are the to ,dig deep hews 'in the • sand • b'elow consider the best -dressed ' Statelnan, 1. back to tie time:,of the c resetlers.:", and other pointe in %the ' Xtootenity
officials. , The nrsu3S has no opinion-, higii-water. Mark, in Which a Conold, think( ohouid Without hesitation 80' ''. • ' --7-''' . alike ,;ese,.43a4Aspistrlictu14, r.5,q ,,,forresporiLldrAsting.,1..y. lkoeW rna.etegii:
only fears and bores; the SOCialists erablo' number of fish are left by the Lord.RoPebery,". writei3 a "Octalilen" ' witali Rniumntiorn doublets /* Matt from all poipto in -Canada. Full ' ; •.' ......•• . ,,
e:ratpcO.difluse and.irresponsible for reeeding Water; :Those .thek greedily' correspondent; .4'1 don't think .think I; up, lobygatian and sufferer
vir itgLe. 1,71;
g• or '3..• H..: Bennett, aeri;ral Agent, 2.: .• , ' - •; .;. l''''':'!
an especially teoaPtiog morseL ' 'es X.aitcl Rosehtry:9.‘" , : .• n . heriVili ' tliceatAeepatri
*any one .of there ; 40- claim to, repre- devour, often fighting eercely etre* ever "ect*. 6., Melee clothes fit, pa well 1.4
sent the views. of the COWS.. But
rowest, most unamintous class in the bl'AUNTS' FOR BIG GAME. IsTorwood, ont., saYs:• 'X was nearlT Eaft- Xing street, Taranto,
three bottles of South Amerman 11. et
Palier--ziat tlie t.inset '
dmatio .Oure and ritey
the -Officials arts the coinp'actest,• nar-
doubled up with rhouniatigtn. g
a m the quickest ae ag. elgeirliee' I WTI' daotittee painted. She stu„died point;
• world, and they think, believe, and The seaort is fast approaching Nitaard s Liniment ores 0 a 1
saw." -1S
* " „ .irrlabtlhclaatde' xYdauirisi<itt°.w‘ neVrIverellscitt;'
can conStrue in the corapletest erthe- whert the hunter will 'be getting '
'is not co, • we, in SPEll The Bishon of London states that .2r• Gorman Photngra,liher, when telt, .---aset• like that in this country.'
moreover, • one Ineets them- ready for his annual outing to the
•ch. of big game, and the a, .b •pt.- g,5 has been sent ing a picture of an old lady, places
reful--every daV ' The •
su Seri 10a •
the particular ,
news hisAlad a. most noticeal3le'effect presont time 49 opportune Ror roao,„
fo fund. ,whiali bears his Olord- sheets of tellulet,ci betateen the noga-1 • id Ina,/ gluty_.../t, is
on them, ari effect one is prone to Irig the necessary arrangements for a 's name by an undertaker, as a tive' and the Printing PoPer, thus furA,-Aon of the Itidneys to niter out
toaroc offering ."becausce 'trade has pre:diming an effeet which hides the ports which pass through them into .
successful 'himat, Prtun reports re- . -
describe as salutary, Since it Has re-:
tit blood. When the kidneri are
d. them to the position of men caved the Grand Trunk ItailWaY beim so brisk bf. late," ' • . ravages of a• ge. eaad they carutot do their whole ' sluts.
duce •
with weak Pointa ;and enfOrceskind System, deer are plentiful in several ,
Eyes and Nose Ran Water :-
• C - f ad' athY g f 0 " • .
of ens deration or a sYn1P districts of the Highlands o n •
with the weakness in the 'position of tario" and Meese abound in the "Te,•
others. Irt brief, they are shaken, Megan:Li" region. .In one day recent -
dais that is touched. • . by a conoehag, .party• cliffegent
ly eight individual Moose were seen
only lite confidenee nathral to ofti.-
Points in this -regien. • The onen
end api the more mistaken -if it is •
have sce-a: 'sighs of 0, • dceP,e.r.: seas'on. for deer and mOoSe• `'The
wound than that. With all his ghti- ni wands" is frora November . let
guages and cosampolitailisin, ' me until
Nirtliemt.terNolv5ternhli' earnidOltrh9Min :•°the;
ter and poliih, his command of len:.
of Russians., in his patrotic and ,na- Tercutgami country. Hunting Deities
hardihood and his fatalimo, the best
tional relations, hi 'a- king -worship- ga:oteleasaelfrecithoe3f, the
eo legalintonumber
b perropel
Per as convinced .and abject as •'the localities: ' Reliable' information - re
merest flunkey. ,They truSted , .the gsrding camp oquipment, experieneed
m I • ewer 'the czar and -those „ 11 r" uisitee for a suo-
about him, simply because distrust "'
• Th ccesful trip Can be had'on application
1 G. P ifii ---
believed „la this war because great T. A., Montreal.
C., O. Archer, of Brewer, ai ,
"I have had Catarrh for several years.
Water would ran from my eyes and
note for days at a time. About four
months ago I wad induced to try Dr.
Aeiteves Catarrhal Vowder,_ and since
using -the wonderful remegY f. have not
had an attack. It relic -tree in ten ntia.
'utes." 50 cents. -17 ; •
• •
In the posit ten years the increase.
of population le London has been
7.8 per cent., While in Manchester it
is 1.6, Liverpool 8.8, Birittinghani
9.2, "Bristol, 18.7, Leeds, 16.7, and
Sheffield 17.44
Is contrary to their instinct. ey to agents, or to G. W. Bee .
men made it, and it JO the mimes
War. And here Yon ha•Ve fortnne, ,rho Destoo„oryou oats a bud cold,
they ato Priest -ridden, and lutte and fate,• prov•idence-whatever you. call it mi. .Tiggs. 1.11 give you Boole pills
Worry wont cure a cough. 'When
you. find a cough holcltsig on -
when everything else has failed-. ,
try •
• .
ure Votrins
It is guaranteed to cure. li it
doesn't, we'll refund your moneY.
Prices: O.C.Witr.t.e&Co. SO4
2.50, 50c. itt tenov.x.'ir,,Terioto,Caia.
- . - -
fear their Lamas: What, then drove -fighting with Abe aar'S eneralee, for it,o, . Jigge--"Oh, never - mind,
doctor. •'You can 'have it for noth- 'S
them on? ' crumpling up Hessian armies, push- -
. Certairily not fear, /kTo people on ing back Russian frontiers', smashing i„,,,o • ,•
earth have ShO'CAT IV greateV contempt sinking and capturing Russian ships. -a' .
with ' f cl .
for death . Their Laulas •were w It pulls the throne role MI Ortheir
Tnoint Worrying Piles -One akilication
thent until the ilnal assault. Ttverity strips the gilt from their of Dr. Agnew's • ointment will
n p 11 g Were found hiding in the idals fogs arid obscures their ideals, give you comfort:".' Applied every
to in any given circurestaneeS. nullah down which the Tibetans had And It cannot be taken AS an net- night ler t res.
A few dozeit men will' hari crePt in the dark, and Were !Mined-, dent or an aecideitt, s the sink' cure is effeeted tho most stubborn '
ng cages of Blind °ding, or Itching ,
' of the Petropaylovall: was, It is Piles. Iffr Ag e
selves 'against hoPieless odds, arid cos lately despatched: new e ointment cures Ec-
What promises and cal er eg and war of the opendst kind, a test of gloat and all itching and burning skirt
to a man fightirtg desperately, A d senses. It, acts like magie. - 65
Harulful of invressed • peasan.ta will threats the holy men used, no one the °lamest kind, a test af the most
h nave f fled t ec
01 I
11 k w But whatever the vere which t e3, o alt
deVote themselves to death in detenee over no . ,
Russia, cao be defeated. • clothes Were made and sold ia Home
an Should have the help and strength
th • South American Kidney Ctire will
aft ld in, any and all 'iambs of kidney
tilt rder. It relieves in 5 hours -14
c. c. nicrtAnDg & co, -
_ tad, her WctUld love her as
LljaaifTSlirss,;Yr ouir.emMercli;Allopr S ifel%rTlon
anssk.teldiven3:.: i'f`Wpftwtou'd*rd she e 8.0.Y?zo;
tlirpat, colds and all orchnary • ,
4eVer fails to relieve and cure
.P P Y.
", • A unique event. liaS. recently been
-.celebrated gancheiter, In the coin.-
' "fag. of age of the triplet' sena of gr.
• Edwart! •Buck; ot .Rurford gouse,
:Whalley . Range.; . T4e, tfiree young
men are. all associated waif thein
• father • in , business .411, Maneliefter,
They were born on 11,Ithe 1883:,
The coming Of ago was celebrated' at
gathering of relatives sand frielida:
from Manchester find Carlisle, • held,
at Windentero. . There ;were eightyO
guests at Tine'', d
emote and undies of 'the, three young
Men presented thou- each with a goid,
rd's Lialaieet CUM BarnsC
to .."r • " 47. 4: kIc 3;• Pa; well! letZ, ao:oat 1. c' i:11 40a.: '
..1, to *Pen mo
of a village lfice the -Old Ronattn pa,.. alternatiVe, their simple folf,awere sweri a ,proof to all Russia, that Leather truiNkS for transporting . chrottoreeter
Wets. At other times they will foto preferred death,
shot, and thousande will prowl
round a tan* at night, .stiouting
sake a strong PoSition at the first silocres81,14, 1,10,ravrts.•"WHAT AltH WZ. TO 15 N'EXXI
cis early t e tone o
I sought a. young Ihnision yester- Clacear. •
grotescolely, but too' timid to make •Ooti trot d es • 4tty; .oilicer • in tlie . general • Atka .
ly. outuumb0red enemy, up- of 'hearty, oalthy -chi --•grand' -Mike; %rill Was iraperial • • •-,•• , • •
necoutiteil for to ,soincO eXteot trete the elightest evidente of does ono looks Upon as dalightdaed. 00404 the bloat .powerful coast light
911 4.101,1. who did's-8 s ":1°- bureau, to learn, hinview of thestate vga ig. •
uecess u n . of Affairs. Ile is the coualii of 'a minato r.t.tolmeat Rellevet leuraled -
- 'a deternilimi attack' Lit Vast- _
This uncertctitity dui ellealY nittY dren aro thoee who are careful to page, Therefore he befall& to the Giving a flash of 150,000 candle -
the feet that we ere ofteo opposed and to elle& it at Once, The wise many a time previotislY. In discusEo Ungland beanie from, Roker pier,
by the Sane 16VieS, Ofhleh W011id !In- mother gives her 'children Baby's ing With him the developinent of the Sunderland.
\ of ignbrance. Yet in the face of the any childish ailment, and almost at confident tmcler-estimation of the taming o4) ree in smell a style. You,
war, had noticed A cock-surelieSS, M.S. Potts-"Jtist to think of you
ply that theirs IA largely the courage own Tablets at the first symptom of
fighting at Pella, and Xiani, and once the little ono is all right. Mrs, eoemo, which were remarkable in an who osed twear I Was -an angel,
flyangtse Jeing, thia fa evidetitly 'lie Thos. Stevenson, 18 Bishop street, ..erpane, cautioue end cleanly -bred viz Potte- oo o e, ,
fair estimate of the Tibetan spirit.
HOW. TI4HY odoiro,
Rullfaic, $., says: "It gives Ine gentleraart. 'Iliere ore less of then1
pleasure to able to speak of sow,
the great, value of Baby'S OW11. Ta.h4 41a it true?" he demanded, "Are
lets. . always etre them to you sure? Celt theiv not be a
children., whet( they; are ailing In any take? Why, if it is true, it is ter..
way, and they speedily make tlietn rible. What ate we to do,,tlest?"
well. I would advise every mother oque it such an. impertariee in
thet isn't fair; you know it ,
be Tho men who stood in the_brerieh What. is tho Imo a twitting a man
and Maxim Arid rule bullets„ and
about the lies be told fifteen years
ta• oyaligtee, in 'ay.:0A ben a shrapnel Y .
, as they climbed the wall, met death '..-warriii 1 11
........................F.7* 1,............14 03.0.................
-dropped down stones on our °Writhes
knowingly, and Were riot terrified by to keep tho Tablets in the . house. strategy? I asked him. None
the resources a tnndetn scionce in The Tablets allay teething itiltis,t•lo•ri, re shrugged his shoulders imps,. . -
"war, the niagic, the demons, the un- oust colic and Stereach troublas, pre- tit ly and waved the ouestion aeide.
en trieSSengers of death, vent constipation, destroy worno, "One gtrierta ottyle one thing and •eft
Kang -ma post--wifttit parallel have They can be given, safely. to a new .guotedly. "That, io 'd trifle. `But,
They had been. Seat from IliaSsa doalers or tea by. mail at 25 cents : boon wrong, , that they triay, after It.
But the moo, who attacked the allay fevers and break up eolde
-----• Bays the other," he answered, die. To,
tve in history, for these? ,' hero child, Sold by all medicine don't you spe, it 111041114 that we have . _ • Bot er •
bx the Haro-la. Here the band di- a box by Writing the nr: Williams all, beat us; that such te thing can
vided at tho junction of the roads. Medicine Co., lleockville, Ont. happen. It is only a chance, one .s Atter
not Went to Gyangtee to reinforce
Way or the other. Is that not dread- -
the. Jong; half to Itatione. with or-• SLV tratnovr. fel for a blusSion to have tO ad- Velang
think • never saw a man so
derig to deOtroy all tile poste between,
too truthful and alit?"
• Viol oat the front. 'nide spieltual iltiaget van none
masters acompadod thou, to, soo her mistress had been using all her'
front the top to m nr Pads
*44 nvetywhere. 10 mantel
f owned herself routed when he is, that lie represente the members
Or, nutybe, boastfully with song a ng tdnet rnA.viim .4.1V1) utyrrxxo. Mado--"Physical culture is spIen-
jat enying, wive win steal in upon, "Suro now, ma'am, end what do As Russians they aro Mitten In did. l'm• taking 'beauty axereleee,"
, oh 1011
" d 1 ' 4, tla JOlute of their armor, t,pheir 1 b v v?"
lifatiorlo.m"You haven't been taking
atrIckett by a disillusionment, and / „ • , s•ri,
they did their work well. eiotruenco to loo•Ue Her nte the corer
over Steep 3110Untain dills is. rocky re ermer of the burtiencraey
Mined purpose weighine the ' odds. Visit shine anti said iit a most en.
• Mt 'They table by bight wow mitos of deceitfulness, Ihtt her believe, youog and overoiangeine ad.
raoloea, perhaps eileittly, With deter- Bridget, tattled Upton her a beaming the bottom of the service.
Old people do not stoop because eakness From
Di. A. CHASE'S if)g„,
01 tlao saylogi 'A fool and his Money, -
ere sooti parted.' "
is eint direct to tlie.41eiseed
fie_ rte by the Improved Blower.'
Heala the *teem eleatirthe ids
Pataages. etePsdtolVate In the •
throat sue pormeezew tuna
•.' caterrit and Wayreartie. Maytag '
free: dealete_i or Dr...kW: Chat*
'Medial/1**h. Toeirato.410 Eiethde •
you realieed an
Ag front that mining factadtliOat
were :telling me. abOut?" Stoeka
b -'(es I've 'realised the -truth •
thev are old, but they get old be-
cause they stoop. Theistiffenivg of
• the tissues, whien le the sign and aee
companiment of age, is warded . oft
by exereise.- .Seloaridulgetiee
Ing and and. in lazy ways ia
the SUre read to senility.
"I have often been surprised arid
gratified," writes an M.D., ‘‘to find
theit • regarteited mOVOMeeltio of tole
neck and upper truneal muscles, ern!
ployed for the purpose of aceom-
•, plishing something else, resulted in
cooepicuous improvement bt hearing,.
• in' vision', In cerebratiOri, taw, as a
' etelsequence4 In a betterment in et*
brat eireoldtion: also in sieep...Per-
sons Nvho liabitaeldy rottlistaiii alt
Orett pdaltida etanding, or sitting
are stronger ehan these who elouch:
pereon who etooPs, and allows the
.elfoulders to sag down and forward,
'and the ribs, ,to fall back 'towards
the spine, ' shortens, the ante-•potter-
ior diemeter of the thorex anywhere
from two to. five. lathes, olio lungs,
heart, great vesselo and other
portant structures in the .thorax
• CannOt Hite, 11110'02, and have their
proper .being under Such. citeueno
• Wherefore, the proper thing for
portions who at4e not ifo young as
once they were is to brace up, dress
young, and feel yam*. Sitting
"huriehed up" Moors will not do.
"diem hi their botis. Then we wilt given tit ferl", coodtiettee irt the national dentiny them °um a yo
these kInglish before dawn and slay ,ye sitppose tho poWet ofiaV WA it
Writs NO.
oor Bloo
Demean' .Feeble.,-Aotlon o ths Bee 10 Organs and Brings Thlid.
". Exhausted eelings Tho 'Exeoutlenal _.Oloott•Forming
QualitiesOf Dr. Dhaeo's nerve Peon, !Diablo, It to 'Entirely
0110(1000). illeaknoen of Every Form.
It May bi weakness of the mules
or weakness of the nerves, weak as -
thee of the heart of feet/Ilene:to of the
organa of digestion, weakness of the
liver, kidneys end bowelo or weak-
ness and Irregularitiesof the organs
peculiarly tereinine,
Wherever leeated, Weaknes0 is due
' to poor, weak blood and can be
overcoine by the use ()sf Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food.
Because digestion 10 impaired or
tl*no liTtsortnctettoiwIsuiptruosel"itheibel'orphgaaeyvase
aie inerely lartk6cIttielririetrIV4ztle :reVe w'hielt is
in reality the motive power of the
holyfoctwedweleivseortgreallits. ta
Clliasert Nerve Food Will convineo you
of its eXteptierial blood -forming rund
terve-invigorating power, and bynet-
Ing your increase in Weight While
Wing it you can prove that now,
firm flesh and tissue is being added
to the body.
• feePt4,1elleZiowssentest'kr, 81terTtittabihltutt;111 littnntia
low vitality satin give way to lies.ttli
strength and vigor ten this great
food cure is used.
litre. 'Alexander Birclialmn, Island
Brook, Compton QUO., Writ/04.
"My syStorri Was -very much rtlia
down and I Was troubled foe a lertO•
tinte 'With weak stomach' and
55. I,eould scarcely got about the
house -to attend to lily, Work, and felti
very miserable most all the time.
.Alter having ueed few boot of
Chase's Nerve Vood scsialtisTh
is entirely changed and my system
, wonderfully built up. I can With
all confidence recommend Dr. Chases
Note. blood to any person troubled
with Weak stomach or weak/leas of
any ',kind."
‘If',von would well mid, live in
tbe eriloyiranit of health, restore
y' ur vitality-. by tile use of Pr.,
t fiascos Nerve Pood, 50 teas: a, box,
t all .deaIery, or Winanson, Bnteg
d4 Co., 'Porotito, Tlw 'portrait, and
gnature ttC Dr,' A, W. Chase, tho
ft4inotoe receipt book, anthor, ens Ott
ery.ibox. •