The Clinton New Era, 1904-09-30, Page 4THE cuoTpx. SEW ERA,
El•ptembirr 3004 1904.
, The Santora Show.
. • a Great Success
Our rlillinery Opening of °last week was by far the most successful opening we have ever had. More
hats were sold during our openim days than in any previous season, which proves that the ladles were
=Ore than delighted with our styles. You are cordially invited to come and see the New Hats as often
as you can.
The Finest Stock of Dregs Goods Great Values in Lower
4 Priced -Dress Goods
, ,
We alWays keep on hand a large stook of Dress Goods
from 25c to 500 per yard and all are cloths that` are suitable
for chilclren's,school dresses ani will give good wear.
- We Have Ever Shown Is Now
On pisplay
The remarkable growth of dile department is one ,of ihe
evidences that our methods meet with the appreciation of the
people. After going All over, after examining every stock,
we ask you to come and see and you will surely make -your
purchases here. You will agree with us that our values are
by far the best to be build. Experience has fought us that
buying as we do with a syndicate of seven stores, bring many
advantages, not only in assortments and styles, but in lower
prices. Our sales in this deportinent so far this season are
double those of last year which we thought very largo. If you
are thinking of buying a new Dress this fall we feel sure it
will be to your. own interests to visit this store.
AT 60c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25 and $140.
We are showing a very choice rangerof the newest effects in Tweeds for
• Shhas-Waistr-Suits-and-Skirts,--They-comain_all_the_latest colorings, and all
we guarantee to give good solid wear.
rot, -
Broadcloths at 85c, $1, $i.:25 to $1.85.
Plain Broadcloths are again in high favor for suits and dresses and we are
showing a much larger assortment ef this poptilar cloth. Shades are navy,
huntersgreen, grey, black,etc. , •
Ladies' and Children's
Fall and. Winter Coats
In June when the very latest Fall Styles of Coati ale de-
signed our syndicate buyer went to New -York (which is the
Fashion Center of America,), and bought several of the very
newest styles in Coats and took them with him' to Germany
to be coppied by the makers there, which are the best in the
world. These coats, anode in Germany, are now on display in
our Witt department and if you compare them. .with the latest
New York fAshron sheets they will be found exacdy the 'same,
only the price is a half less than we would laaVe to charge for
the Americam coats. The coat this season is quite short and
the new sleeve is very large at the shoulder. It is impossible
to describe them fully, but a 'visit to this department, will con-
vince you that we have the right styles.
Hosiery and -;Underwear
For Women and Children
Best values in Clinton --that's the keynote of the wond-
erful success of this department. Our increased sales over a
year ago proves that this is the safest 'store in which to buy
Hosiesy and 'Underwear. None but reliable grades are to be
found here. Complete lines of sizes at each price.
Children's Heavy Ribbed and Plain Vests a Drawers
from 15c, 20e, 250, 30c, to 85c a garment. Ladies Vests and
Drawers at 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c, to $1.25 per garment, all of
which are madeof a good quality of yarn, and guaranteed un -
Boys' School Hose. at 25c
400 • pairs of Boys Heavy Ribbed Hose made of Scotch
Fingering Yarn and.waranteed to give excellent wear,ore now
on sale at per pair Zo. These stockings are good value at 35
and 40c1
°SD:trir .Sept.3.3.11:14023" Callitdrua"louth' 9.90
Pt. /lora.. 8,46 Peyton are
ammo 10 76 ntalanspolis 1240
liosbaw 5.76 Oloolluton 4, 12 20
Bar pity 6.66 Maud nop14.. 7.70
Cleveland, via Buffalo and O. & B.
rumen . 90
via rate Shore.... 9.70
81;, Paul or Tut Ohieago
or North Boy 811.10
ile N.N.0o. 08.90(531 tickets valid returning on or before OOP)
lisorsovostotsiolblourposloointnis sinnitans. Authibnia,
Bookatobowan and Albert, Goo_a /dna tiopt.
27th; valtersturaleg rth,
To TIM Wese-lledusiel ons -way rates 44
SWAM ItrItieh Womble,. Otalibroia. Ooloao
goabthe,doaniae. Or5:n. Etah
WOW% F•104ST.Lomff•117•60 r00210
wait stopovorprIvileves at hieage, petro
oind interaetliate nitoadlen loathing.
" Ticketirand all information regard-
ing these Excursions on application.
Purchaee yourTickets atTown Office,
I. It. 110dOens. 'town .&gent.
Cashmere -Hose
A complete stock of ladies and chilclrens cashmere hose
at '25c to 75e per pair.
The giinton New En
re Was a good attendance at ecie
forth Irall Fair, on Friday, and the
various departments were well repre-
sented. 4. portion of the Prize List is
as follows ..-.-
onrses-- Heavy. Draught Brood
mare and foal, j Caldwell. J Dale, J
Avery ; foal, 3 Avery, J McGrath, J
Caldwell; 3 year old filly or gelding, J,
MeGavin ; 2 year old, filly or gelding,
Gee Dale or, J McGrath, R Nichol;
yearling filly, or gelding, J Carlin 1 a,nd
2, G Irwin; team, DeneVan &Bobbins ;
special, J McGaatin. • \
South Huron Liberals
• The South IluronLiberalConvention
for the purpose of nominating a candi-
date for the Local House, will be held
at Hensall on Tuesday, Oct. 11; (not
Wednesday, Oct.. 12, as stated last
week.)0 '
Special Corset Values
A.11 those thinking of buying a corset should yid, this
.store. In getting together our fall and winter stock we have
ever had in rninditnat we would keep none but good. corset's,
those which we. can guarantee for fit, wear and perfect satis-
faction. ' Our big selling corset is the famous B. ;Sz C, of which
we have control for Clinton. If you buy one ofthesecorsets
you will get the best corset value in Canada. Be sure and ask
for a B: & C, prices 50c, 756, $1 and $1.25.
41•4110•014.1101•4•1•414/1•••••44/WWW444~.44 Rally tiny flannels . Comreitnication are there statistics to prove that there
Among the Churches. The progressiv-e;undai School of Pi "
was more drinking in the three years
that the Scott....Act was in force than
Ontario Street church, on nday last we do not hold ourselves responsible for
the three preceding it ? The Scott
aural offiolals send us tor pubDoation held its rally. day, when the parents' rune' --°31enigwexaetee. ,ed under.t.his,lie&d. Act was not responsible for the hypo
We win be glad. to hare pastors or
ef the scholars and friends ot the I ,,, Jo, - crew, lying and perjury he deplores ;
. School, Were invite yn•efie " "el° "rw 1 ' it only brought _to light what Naas al -
any item el local elkurch Mar& .
f read there There always were, and
Rev .0. W. Brown, Mitchell, has ac-
-eiPted a call to the Aylmer Methodist
church, and will close his pastorate in
the Clench here in June next
The Rev Charles E. Manning, pas:
tor of DuminionSquare Church, Mont-
real, and brother et Rev H. M. Man-
niog, 01n3ton, has been invited to the
plOtorate of Sydenham Street Church,
Kingston, for the next ;IConference
year, • '•
Sat perms Auxv-Aspecial meeting
of the Salvation Army will be held in
the barracks on the evening of Oct
5th, at 8 o'clock, to be conducted by
Brigadier Hargraves, of London, Pro-
vincial (Meet for Western Ontario,
asaistedby.Adjutant Cameron, of Tor-
onto, ulsosCaptain Parker and Lieut.
Carter, of Goderioh. All are cordially
•invited to attend:
ST. PAUL'S OHURCA.-III the absence
of the rector and superintendent from
Sunday School, last Sunday, John
Bamford ably looked after the Bible
class ....Thursday . night the Ladies
Guild met Per them regular monthly
meeting ; progress was reported along
all lines and their approaching bazaar
and sale of work. Which is to be held
some time this fall was brought up for
discussion ....The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper will be administered
next Sunday morning at the close• of
the 11 o'clock service,
WESLEY OBUROH.-A week from
next Sunday Rev Mr Manning will
exchange pulpits with Rev J. W.
Holmes of 13orrie... On Sunday eveA-
in Ma.nning's sermon was on 'Rev, Mr. Hand ton addressed the same leve a o ics a
t alike rot Ben day night in licmor of her CoU6ili, WhO
de -
to join theta hi an open session : whiciu h Dian Sm. -Allow ine to Make a env Y •
Mlle church,- which was well. filled. I -'now. taking Plane hi 0 inton. One crites foun who Wilt hold With the
showing the interest taken in the I arty has -petitioned the coiled), to al-.. heundi acid run witli. the.hare. He
management. by the 'congregation in „ ow the people the privilege o • g t • to make light of the influence.
general: The progranae was a good- against the bar, not the building ; the and Wealth represented in the first pc -
one. which consisted of special music , ether party prays the council not to tition, going the length to . say that
by the efacient choir,- tinder the able I grant the request of :the 'first .party, .One of the petitioners owes the town
management of.B. X. Gibbing:3. Short : and that the . tail must go with the . of Clinton. . Out let him look Over his
address& by the Superintendent also hide. The people of the surrounding own list and see if he cannot find at
Mr D. Tiplady, Mr Thos Murch and I country •: are in a dilemma to know least one "deadbeat'? on it, and others
the pastor Dr. Cook: the lesson was 1 which prayer will be answered. God- who are just as apt to Change their
read!by Miss Lucy Stevens. Such ser- 1 erich township could at one time boast minds on voting day as some of the
vides as these are certainly.. a great of a great number of taverns, and people referred to in the first petition,
benefit to the school in many ways.' some of its citizens spent a• term of I Might also notice that bankers do
This school has three large bible ... years in the penitentiary' OD .aCCOUllt US generally du business with men
classes, which sift:1rd ample opprir, , Of . spending nights and. committing Who.spend half of their time leaning
tunity,for any bible students to attend. ; violence in one of those resorts of the over a bar. Fool and LittleWit wash -
You will be made welcome. ,:, said township. A number of years 11 tug an Ethiopian with the intention or
. , :.. , ,-- ., 1 ago the late Henry Ford said "I am , making him white, and" the mord they
Wthras tntulton.-At he League; willing to allow the people of the mu- ! washed the blacker he was, (spoken of
meeting last Sunday evening, Miss 1 nioipality to vote otethis question ."1 in Bunvan's Pilgrim's Progress), • pot-
Chidley read a, good Paper on "Mis- : his opponent said the reverse; Mi.. I trays the upholding of the bar. '• It is Corea,' The attendance :was t Ford was elected reeve on account of , not necessary to bring in inedical evi-
above tfie average. Dr Hainiltnii of i the stand he - took at that. time. The ; dence in support of temperance at this
Stratford, took the pulpit leo* 'last • licensing system was done away with,! late hone. Sir, John A. Macdonald, a
Sabbath in the absence of Dr Stewart ,: and where can you 'buy a glass of , short time before the close of his ev-
wbo is away OD a holiday. On Sun- ! whiskey. in the township to -day? 1 ; entful career, said to a deputation -of
day next the •work will e taken by • 0 no know y gettingit b ' hotelmeri who Waited on him, "Set
Rev Murdock McKenzie, a returned the jug -full, and any drinking dofte by I yonr, house in order, for prohibition is
MisSionary. Mr Jas Scott took charge . its people, witlifew exceptions; is done . coming." Let all parties concerned
of the 13tayer meeting Wednesday over the bars in the adjoining towns ' ponder over these words, 'and if newe-
l' utside of its borders ' sere let the Clinton board of trade de -
was held in the large auditomm Of. remarks about the local dispute likely-alwags will be, Men or hype -
or Appropilate addresses, gond nmsle Goderie§ iownship Is as prosperous . vise :ways and means wherewith to ac-
and large attendance characterized the now as in the time When you could ! coModate the travelling public.
special children's service on Sunday . eount five or six taverns on the Huron i ' • .` ' Aitom MoDouciatt,
afternoon last. The solo and phorus road between Clinton and Oodericb. /Porter's Hill, Sept. 28,
by the choir was exceedingly sweet, ", The bar has the same* blighting in- i
Miss Manie Houston singing the first i fluence in the country as in the town I - a •
pert in, her fine, cultured manner. The and which many a parent is willing to I Miss Hume, an attrattive and much
scripture readings were given •ny w, I acknowledge. It affects Protestants respected young lady in the employ of
Stewart 'Lizzie Chidle and Winthe ' and Catholics alike and puts thern on I the .1;ackson Mfg. Co., gave "an even-
" th bo 's club room last Mon-
" he sin of covetousness, social and
economic Vaal* of covetousness (as
well as other phases) being strongly
condemned; the discourse was a
profitable ane, attentively listened to
by, a large audience. The' League en-
tertained the Modellites last (Thurs-
day) evening in the school room. A
good social time was spent by all pre-
senLof which more will be saki next
af, 8. of Ontario street church held
their annual meeting at the home of
Mrs. S, Crieh. The following are the
°facers elected for the coming per :-
Pres., (Dr.) Cook ; 1st vice, Mrs. S.
()rich ; and vice, Mrs. Kearns ; Rec.
Sec., Mrs]. W. Manning; Cot. See,,1VIrs.
E. G. Court' ie ; Treas.. Mrs. J. Steep ;
Mrs. Andrews was elected delegate to
attend the convention in Strattord the
first vveek in Octoter. ....The Epworth
League on Monday evening had- an in.
Wresting study of Buriyan's Life. The
biography was given in a very • excel-
lent essay by Thomas March, Who
are* some valuable lessens front his
life. The paStok, Rev, Dr; Cook, illua-
trated his life and also `Pilgrim's Pro-
gress by Hine light Views and gave an
addreeson the same. Mks &Wei NOW-
eenabe Mattered a very beautiful atid
epPeopelategoio &eine the evening.
Next evening Coneetrati n 'and Bible
Study, tint Owen elutpte Of 10403. elvers tattle.
'Writer," and gave a Meld and instrue, against intenapdrance. Fatger West, is visiting with her here. Tbe time
the children on the subject of .The
tive diseourse upon Christ, the Savior. who officiated in Goderich up to a was spent quite. merrily in music,
Rev. Mr, Gonne ,spoke to the children short time ago. aeted and spoke games etc., aud the large gathering
on "The Epistle ' and alter explaining against it in thunder tones anti is one that WAS present report a, royal 'Wen -
that we should he living epistles of . has nob heard of Father Matthew of at the dose. •
who' must have been
Jesus ; to accomplish this it was neees..1 former times,
God-inspiredos his 'good work in this MINSTREL PERFORgANOE• -
sari to be pure in mind, to control the 1
tongue, and to watch the heart ; in line is following him to -day. In some Kelly's Lady !Minstrels, that showed in
order to do this we must follow the Places in England Women are nett' pro- in the town hall Wednesday evening.
copy, the same as in learning to write. nibited from :toting as bar -tenders. If proved to be half men. That part
This model copy is Jesus Christ, Rev. it is elevating for the man it should of the peeformance given by the latter
Mr. Manning spoke on "The Readers." not be degrading for the makl. HOW, half*as of fairly goodminstrelsy. Two
Ile showed how some letters can only ever, We must admire Mr. Ransford's little children, aged 7 and 9,whose par -
be read by some people and how in- courage, if it is the courage of his con. elite traveliwith the show, put on song
teresting a letter often is to a group Of victions. In his petition he regrets and dance chorus, and sand. gig, that.
riling boys and girls. The letters of his lack of oratory. But let him re- Was reallymarvelloas fortwO so young.
our lives are to be read of all ment member that actions speak louder The finale part of the troupe give some
How important, therefore, that our than Words. The publican WAS in choruses and drills that were faitly in -
epistles should be well written and of earnest when he smote on Inc breast. viting, atel With the exception of one,
excellent composition. Above all, God 'Brsken'hearted wives and starving their acts could not be called immodeat
will read the epistles of ott lives, old children are in earnest as they too for stage performers.
We Should therefore baVe theta Olean, smite linen their breasts for ladk of
h e figut tt $1 pointed Out „instance of modern titnes, And who .ing's enterta4nment, Lunch Was:served
Agricultural -Brood mare' and foal,
3 VanEgmond, B Oase, J MeGrath ;
foal, J VanEgmond, I Avery, J Row.
cliffe ; 3 year old filly or gelding, Gr
Caldwell, J Avery; 2 year old filly or
gelding, W R Smillie, .1 Carlin/Y(3194,
lingfilty or gelding, J Ca)dwell, 11 Gor-
don, J Dale; team* A Sinclair, J Mc-
Gregor, •
Gefieral purpose -Breed mare and
foal, J Roweliffe 1 and 2, W Father-
ingham ; foal, J Roweliffe, J Dale, W
Fotheringhani) 8 year old =Ler geld -
Ing, w Fatheringhem ; 2 yeareld filly
or gelding, G Dale sr, G 0 Dale, J Mc-
Kenzie; yearling filly or gelding, W
R Smillie, N Borten, j Nash ; team,
John Campbell, W McDonald.
Carriage -Brood mare and foal, J A
Parish & Sons, R Charters; foal, ll
plasters, J A Parish; 3 year old geld-
1 ing or filly,. It Charters & Sons, W
Carnochan ; 2 year old gelding or filly,
J Sproat, R Charters & Sous, G Cole-
man ; 1 year old gelding or filly, J G
McMichael, A Wallace, R Charters &
Sons ; pair carriage horses, Rowe and
Atkinson; single carriage horse, G 0
Dale, Geo Hill, ,
Itelidsters-Brood mare J S roat J
The .Ontario Situa.tion
O All the election protests against
members of the Local Reuse, except
that fee...North Grey, having been de-,
cided,the position of the Legidature is
one of deer• coir ern. Mr. Little, Lib-
eral member for Noah Norfollc, has
been unseated and Mr. Dunlop,Conser-
Native member for North Renfreve,has • 1 heifer,
, p ,
0. Chesney, H Crich; foal, E Case, H
Mich, J CI Chesney; 3 year old filly, or
gelding, A Buchanan 1 and 2; 2 year
old filly or gelding, D Schnell, Laid-
law, R, 111cGonigle ; one year old filly I
or gelding,. D Schnell, R Brownlee, li
()rich ; pair roadsters, J Sparrow, .
Butt & Son, A Buchanan ; single road-
ster, T Shipley, W Dale, J Archibald;
saddle horse, R Scott, Crich Bros;
Dominion Bank special, P M Chesney.
Cattle -Durham -Aged bow, J
Oar -
H , Crich. R Charters & Sons ; 3
Che,rters & Sobs, J Dorrance, E Pan- 1
ple ; year old heifer, H
year old cow, H Orieh, R Charters &
Imitet4131,'s WwooR1
ladies' wool mitts, ..Mrs Hele; men's
coat, J Carlin; heifer calf, II ()rich, RI Meters,
Mrs N
How about those
rooms you vv.ant.
pamered ?
September is a
good month to get
this work done.
All Flp.per trirnrned
E. E
w. cooper CO.
tendered his resignation. Mr. McKay,
in North they, will probably hold his
seat. The situation may be summer-.
ise4, as follows .
Number of seats in Legislature 98
without spot or blemish. food whielt their husbands and fathers
would provide were • it not that they
were slaves to drink. Terbulus' elo-
A edge hats COMe to liaht Whieli affects quence countedlor nothing hi the days
oneof our local stock buyere.where an when Paul stood , before the couneil.
ihoorrectinarketquotatioteasitappeate Ile also refers to the stated he took in
Odin on sof the Toronto papors,kd him the first Scott eatripeiaa of the °minty,
to ship his stook but upon arriving on associating, the names of Meese.
the scene, the highest hid that he re, Cooper and Scott With his oWn hi that
delved was nearly. a dollar per hundred, fight, Will We infer front what he has
loss than the ptabliOhed price Per but- :laid in this contitetion that his Teat
Abate is Woree than the Brat? here
• k.
Iloti ,Tamee Sutherland left Wood-
stock, Monday., for Ottawa to 'resume
Itis dales:le Minister of Public Worke.
At a meeting of the VxecutiVe of the
Notth Oxford Reform Association On
Sathiclay afterraion he otata that he
would again accept the rionainatien itt
Noeth.Oxfded, and hha
been called Mt October 8th .to tietaidA
ate bun.. yo la much; innt,r(mta fil
' "
Mr. Speakter '; 1
Liberal. members.. ......
Conservative members,. .... 46
Seats vacated -
North Perth (Liberal), North York
(Libetal) North Norfolk (Liberal),
Sault Ste.Marie (Liberal) 4
Members resigned, North Renfrew
(Conservative) .......... , . a
It will be seen from this that Mr.
Ross' majority consists of the Speaker.
The law requires by-elections Wire held
within three months after a constitu-
ency has been declared vacant.. In or-
der to give him ar majority sufficient to
work with, it would be necessary for
Mr.ltoss to carry all five of -these seats,
which /10 one supposes would be pos-
sible. Ile has not yetanneunced triat
he will do under the circumstances. It
°Ours to us that it would be wisdom on
his part to dissolve the House, and go
to the country. Be must either hold
the by-elections within the ,three
months, or do" this. •
. Mr. Anlay Morrison, M.P., has been
appointed to the Supreme Court Bench
of British Columbia, and Dr. Russell,
M.P., is to become Chief Justice of
Nova Scotia. '
ott ; counterpanes, domestic
Charters • & Sons, D Itogerson ; bull
eau, 1-4 orich 1.4014 2, a Garah ; herd, wove, Campbell, Mrs Hele t counter-
panes,' knitted; J. S Maori% J Mein -
H Crich, R Charters & Sons, J Carlin.
tosh ; counterpanes tufted M Broth -
W CarnoChan, John Campl3ell ; 8 year a- hteautesh,
Grades-7Aged cow, John Campbell, our; Mrs Nat ; Vital gupialttc, patchwork
0 f
old heifer, J Carnochan, W Carnochan, quilt, cloth, C Campbell, M Brethour:
;Black Bros ; 2 year old heifer, S Car- log cabin quilt, W H McCracken,
nochan 1 and 2, W Ejcoat ; year old
,OamPhell ; silk quilt, crazy work. Mrs
heifer, Sas Carnochan, A. Ekriat, H Nott, Canipbell ; crochet wool shawl,
Mich ; heifer calf, Black Bios,. 3 Camp, Campbell, W Fotheringham ; man's
bell ; steer calf, . W Carnochan. W G shirt, •land made, 'J Ferguson, Mrs -
Broadfoot. Hele • man's shirt, machine made, Mrs..
Butchers' Cattle -2- year old steer, J Hele. 3 Ferguson ; patching, Mrs liele;.
'O'Keefe, H Crich.; 1 year old steer. W darning, Mrs,Hele, Mra-Wott ; button •
Eicoat, R Charters & Sens ; fat cow or holes, Mrs Hele, J Ferguson: pillow
heifer, J T Dickson.. ' shams, Mrs Hele, p Campbell; table
• Jersey -Cow, j T Dickson, S Me- mate, 0 Campbell, Mrs, Hele; table
Geoch ; 2 year old heifer; Wm Goven- doilies, W H McCracken, Mrs Hele;
locnik ;zaenanred heifer, Wm Govenlock, toilet Set, Mrs Nett, M Brethour; pin
cushion, J Ferguson, M Brethour ; sofa
DcBrzthour, C Campbell ; twine
HerefordBull calf, L Farnham: . arielBrethour,Mr Helern-
.Chesney 86 Sirtiley's • special for best craine basket,work,
female of any breed, I Catlin:. • pRoiatr flowers, J Ferguson; table seed, •
" Sheep -Leicester -Aged rain, R Bell, Mblrentnhonii,Brethour, .0Mr(!jaNniciptbet titemmbrnroilldenredie
J Woolacott, R Charters & Sons; taev
ahearling ram, J Woolacott, R Bell, R .whisk iti
k.phaoilndern,go in
Charters & Son ; ram lamb, R Bell, 0 worked . ottoman, C Campbell, Mrs
Turnbull, j Woolaeottl" aged ewe, J N
1.Groolacett 1 and 2; 0 Turnbull; shear- pranizit,inngg on terra renontnta,,..m.Trs.S Howrie:
. 1.
Jing ewe, J.'Weolaccit 1 and 3, 0 Turn- awi
bull f ewe lamb, R Bell, R Charters & Campbell; hand screen, Mrs Nott;
Sone, .0 Turnhull. • bbraanenkeertettedretap.M,17B,retchoucra, inepCbaerbemnrs;
Shropshire§ -A Dunkin, took all the
Nott; penelope work; 0 Campbell,
prizes in this class. Mrs Hele; tidy crochet in cotton or
LinOoins-G. Penhttle took all the wool; Mrs Hele, Canipbell ; .geld or
izizistinmthwihs inchltsnnextacelcpten sebyeetisdnlz silver . tinsel work,'. D -.1303thOur, 0
Campbell; applique Work . on plash,
satin or cloth, C Campbell, Mrs Nott;
applique work, fkiral or mosaic, Mrs.
,Campbell Mrs
embroidery, C '
Campbell, airs Nott: aresene clipped!
Work, II Howrie, 0 Campbell; 'crewel
embroidery, 0 Canlpliell, Mrs Hele;
embroidery on silk or setin.•Mis Hele,
Mrs Nott; embroidery on flannel, Mrs
Hells; 0:.Canapbell t sham .stitch em-
broidery,'Mrs Kele, S Howrie ; knit-
ted stitch embroidery, Mrs }Tele, 0 °
Campbell ribbon or ribbonese em-
broidery, Mrs Nott,M Brethour ; ohm*,
ille Work, Mrs•Nott, Mrs Hele ; bullion
enibroidery, 0 Campbell, Mrs Hele;
braiding,Mra Nott, J S Howrie ; bee.*
work; Mrs Howrie, Mrs Nett ; bertha,
wool work, C Campbell, J S Howrie;.
lace, royal battenburg; C Campbell,
Hele; point lace, 0 Campbell,
Mrs Nott; honiton lace, 0 Camp
38 Howrie ; knitted lace, FerguaflV
Mrs We ; Crochet lace, C Campbell, J
Ferguson ;Tick rack work, C) Camp-
bell, J. Ferguson ;tatting, C Campbell,.
Mrs Hele drawn thread and hem .
stit,ch, Mrs Help, A„ „Davidson ;silk
work on Java or congress canvas,
seed, .T Sadler, D.Bretbour ; collection
rim kni ear, j K. wise ; ensilage corn, The followiriganinsing item appear-
3 -
been sold to a ' Company, who will
It is said that the Montreal Star has •
-..., • • . A, unkm.
Sh.eep,--Tat ewe, G. Penhale,
publish it as a Conservative paper. Special, Woolacott.
It has been pretty strongly Censer- ' Pigs, -Yorkshire -Two • year old
vatiVe for some time.
t the other prizes in this class. .
boar, Jas Sproat • C. Howie took all
Hoff,. ,Clifford Sifton, Minister of the Berkshire -Snowden
Bros. took all
Interior, has ordered a seizure of the the prizes ic: this close except ist for
two par old sow. Which went to 'C.
Steamer Lake Simcoe for $26,000; being
a fine of $1000 for each of 26 Syrian Er')wie• . ' • •
immigrants, who escaped last July af-, Taanworths,7D. Douglas and: Son
te? their deportation hadheen ordered. took all the prizes in this class except
2nd for two year old boar which want
to Snowden Bros., and lst for one year
Judge Parker, the Democratic can-, old boar, which went to J. Sproat, and
didate for President, comes out in fav-: 2nd for two year old sow and 2nd for
or of reciprocity with Canada. Be will lioruonsg sow, whic, h went to Snowden
require to come out good and strong •
before the people of this country will Grain and Seeds. -Red fall wheat, J
pay any attention to it: They are tir- McKenzie; spring wheat, J Chesney.;
ed of being snubbed. 6 -rowed barley, J K Wiec ; two rowed
• - ' barley, J- K Wise; black oats, J K
The Goderich Star's ideaof honorable Wise, M Bretliourl---common oats, G
Journalism appears to he "Once you °.12e"103'• R ;Asks. small Peas,
_J K Wise, Brethour ; fax
'make a statement about a pOlitical op- d, M Brethour, J K Wise; white
ponertt, stick to it, even though it be beans, J K Mae, W Sadler ; clover
untrue." In its issue of Sept. 2, the
Sear said, "the father of Robert Holmes
M. P.; holds a; government situation."
That statement is untrue,andalthough
three issues of the Star have passed
since then, the Star has never had the
fairness to correct its misstatement.
Perhaps we expect too much in look-
ing for honor or fairness in the : Star,
In its report of East Lambton Lib-
eral convention, at 17V`atford. last week,
the Glebe says ;-Mr R. Relines, M.
P., West Huron, delivered obe Of the
best political speeches heard in Wat-
ford in many a day. He dealt at some
length with the -Grand Trunk Pacific
scheme, and showed what decidedly
advantageous terms, Sir Wilfrid Lanr-
ler had mad.e in comparison with the
0. P. R. agreement., He accused Mr.,
Borden of misstating the facts of the
ram, and deelared, the Conservatives
to have had. no cause of ct,mplaint
O against the Government Sir Wilfrid
Laurier and the party had not been
untrue to their trust, and had a re-
oord of which the country could be
proud. The speaker evoked much
enthusiasm by his logical and -strong
Majer. Archibald of the Salvation
Army has been commissioned by the
Doininfen Government to look after
prisoners Wha are leaving the Periiten-
tiariea, either on probation or on cob%
pletion of their terms of imprieoe-
rnent. This le an eppoittitient which
will be heartily endorsed by all who
know Mr. Archibald, and, their number
is very great. During the past seVen
years he hae been deihg for the Salva-
tion Army the kilid of work he Wilt
have alsigned to him under the Gov-
ernment's 60)11011881011, and as .he Will
remain in the service Of the Artily he
will be in an exceptionally favorable
position to exercise an influence for
gooden a. °We of unfortunates Wife
have been tbo past et:tardy too
touch nogiootett,
Allan •
Ladies' Work. -Bag carpet cotton
warp and rag .door mat ,hooked, M
Brethour; rag doer mat sewed,
Campbell ; rag hearth mat hooked, M
Brethour, Mrs Hele; woollen stock.
Jags W H McCracken, Mrs Hele; cot -
ed in the Globe of Rept. 26, 1854; and,
..rePublished on the seine date of•1904
Malcelni Cameron is said to have
telegraphed to Mr. McQueen of ,The '
Huron Signal, to support Mr. Ctayley
at the'coiningelection for Huron. Ma
McQueen, on readingit, Said be
ton socks,. Mrs Melts, Mrs 4 Nott ; cot- --shot if I do.; I in not come • to that .
ton stockiegs, J.Ferguion, Mrs Nott, yet" - •
We hive •31,1 sizes
Heaters for Wood and Coal, including the,celebrated
Light consumption of fuel and a good baker .
ere a necessity in a good Range. These are the
strongest, features in the above named Ranges.
They are made to give satisfaction. You are not
experimenting when you buy one.
Samson Portland Cement at Reduced Prices.