The Clinton New Era, 1904-09-30, Page 2r 1.3 R A. ou 0jBJ1 4 PROFESSIONAL Two loirp 001 Cody, ampAlixti, all t v i lid too that Liz", LN11 U �d ift"Wow to xr.TO,4 goo# I "Ovy" InOrtilated the dutleo on IoWga *1%1�%f "14orrolt, 40. For coMool 1114 tionk the King, wao� found, to e -now "TO A '90 on 3n bOY at *0*. A* ej order to ralse the prloe of tham Aro Wo b , Ong an abotalner 4"0 K f To' zRii rumor as to IS at 14 4�1:. - tl.m =. -, b they Are. ut or aild hare been for, fomayeaV& �O 40ttig W6 to thelrrrs� Her Arol, 00140 4*4 Nblob tba eleaw House $354 lot fo* so obillrally sitVIS4 00401610ilIg 7 rq0lx% A oomfOrtoble with hard, quid soft W ulttar.00 B&TMT(Av OA, Ch To the quo Ater, q o4opo'st9whal him, to blird and ads V16ter torovhouWpolillar overs --bectill good. stole. M etake thlo step, *o eqUalir Veady in 1.9kABLVi Tory rowlable t 01=413M M. suspect that the cIiiptilga alleet *to, the near. future, they- � -itte, llk6ly� to be war W04 g1voit .., 011waa led to 0=404 Called UpoWto d 40 as [betweeit tb W, 04yPolix il�lestiopt which )ISO 'been fuppieoed� om 01 1, " I ale0holiq lNuove beJ64040 a found it W�'� AlwiYo sop b t for healths;pursej ioputa relish the JQV of'SAV11w. 0, cou. DurinKthe 10-:�Oarg, that the0ft. %*� a bVill-faind* 116ift, I � 4 � bes tot VON" a, twit"Sur- So ' u6b, riot. 00, 0046 4. 0040rich T 'Aboub'2* VatIVea to,� A$"* 10 �'Ot of YdAm 204 on th R . op"1411y 40 AA exam a, to t1li)SO tho Ashemen' of,$,dva, Sootia. moll � A % 43 fog �Iql 4111111 from old, 8 1111140 frolA Vilmon, r Interests Would, be aerv.ed Allies" or au Ono., Op a that thel ]*We] Inaro Or leal; good fresh. 0I how* V20d AyOef Chertit7 faf -9 through 811416 tA9 I have bere, Mo people firbm-all, parts of those commo enter. Ave;aV. of a littlemove, pan 01, by ditte 4" df,�ziilgmod on th' A!WfQW 6 That Wigher ilutjes� would ijpt, 0 tibe earth.' I caill that a more gober Wd to Beat Ad� per y"X,. formerly ot owGTOA Bolt 4- ca�apm Qlal of tray be, oul4. not 11ppr4p"o pric"ail be heee1h been 16' OiN6�' 'ID4 have seB ran* fdr ji, t* a no, that. rw;i o qqjt? �T PC Or F41M 00-116111JI1011i 10, OrMite. 00bOV120 70"i-AAy be tr en� ajl� Ito, F0 r, $41 are Jmpqrftg., -too. much cheap � drunk,' So jo4 gee tliab,l bisjs�oa ot­$7,W410 Luja 8 06 Rg 91112tei jl* ist. American produce,'R�ay.explaftx why 'brle�yvarrsttictl 14trill'-wOrk"'like Ith 0, I War. tariff Ath ah;r F, 0 X0162M,66 Q#J10-64w OLdl* tiv q li!- o9da on it 004 doe. U ro.tecta Up L to er� 1p and �4clll with:ltbe' 'he.; Conieiva:tivas *q n 60 'VOW I American produce s6uld'be'cheap. 'our$ �k Is 50 B Ayor's MS.' 4, Im milk cougervat, 4 . 1, , IV , i6ousldeiing that it i4 b i1fopsemansli -t Ad"W othtpr; *utbu -fail JUU two TO WO,Wo show,lig how; your U it, aftte4,8ox,i"Mr�� We jut, onpow Jsy in( �"ed the 4ebt p rkwook IS on. Ahrea from B4i"Ie rum, which On our OwV amission is B 'a tit or 6ver A for" Quix 'a , QoAk `Fq0 r tr�,, 0, .ep�4 a4d,'.a , , -�- of no. lineO to' the farm thofia, call 100,6y,held- total abstluer;,`­ i : At' i'. ,; , drair$. _,be an ow could -benefit the fartner b LbA' 6 . . '� ?(, enin W.Jf6jr $i. A80 eta, Th T 61"Aof rdite, FRIDAY, 7S�7' %L; 19_' dona' hy, Xot�gi kindly tell us W a'PAOMRS is lien � they 86- tO fit �M,015; X43l X16# xext door So 1"010ft-, 'O a, the xioi chiefs largil fi$44 rojl� - I-Governbri,up be 049i3 dollpr to th6debtlottildepil �Aqora woo at. Ob rob, - be, Una., - did not the sold' put up Canadian � dotiail. to b0t or il 9 , Ing asked it he,;Wbula.tka' aow pp-qe.,f ich o 41 Apply iany -ac !on-., ?POSM60 Newspapelrs Otlf,tbe, McKinley� - I�vol?�,-]DidAhby too ^V I or -Iwore,1 is,, caenVs majoxit� bas. d1sappieured. with duatibili,of #l85jWA'jier y��ar. oOtis to it, a, way D 11014!, offld%-, 1hel nati debt, pqr� in i A fresh T� lot "r, lip 0810,010t pr ere. anIt L, q , g C6UVI ry' the per, I i� Lit hikh�'dutia 10K, I $00d ere wold riling main,'tl tiroli.ipp exi for' Jag. 4n sr . -, i 0�160� ity itj the o am a t , , - . I ; � , ..I-. ; i L I 1 ''L, 4 AO as nit �4;, !�,j� 6, expprtm � 0.,*r in, :�r6v I , V �1 0.0da, SjAok (Ali car ad f�* 0�,Jga 8 e4t , "a as. 446 60—or- 'W d eroo rule 13fa y other 0 o i Ato and oomo i servative s eak4s.'and tbeirL, ,,pew T6d T�,k&nw, Ilpeil of go6as eiio. 'ie-siakfAii Vows, or, 12 Pat lil� 00414 4 to 1. to iniloo' a, ailr:- P cbtes Q'V6F! 411k to piiF#Gs­ q f&to�dq; 04�"t 1. IL 4D.- aper ;advo: AM *1110 ing �u Cimada tji,qre I whAt'jj§, sow .0 revealeid by the election coo ta if- the'" awasea gVographicial mal*et for Ilatp L i 1; streat, olint-on. $I calls' 1630 ��rtiiitenfrew -will. Wew1l1=4ike�*V*6*It 11 lit, r0rited and..' shou y to" 02 141. be.. tAl us. nd-L'D for the Do 6'CO4-� of 4audlig Rf otoe�. were anywlj4e �e t1i Chojoi;'CleanY . I A I nq of as Aong the frontier of tha,'Unit �Alky Sop Vonder�d. ;e4 ser�inL6 t T It Ul k'j fortba moral welfare a- t 4; *Iii0h wo hi 'hAs'b '.1dn''e, 'Man aS, 1')011 riotrA .H01160, i,co is., ge�kraio��c4i 0' *Iotket. _n Iritlerl White to alreadyiti tho� IM, V, hi, i VjB 1� , I N, -1 W- SKAW sores,,, WOilig in, -v�esteru 0ii-tario as �that'iB'Jto 4eld s the , C�nseiyvative-, foz� llhil%, ziFiiirlk 0*? the party of which heii leador''I 6Wnion.',:;, aa,,no it t Pile j.4h. 'D 0 ,PO14ta It 'a more a%Vjil ' , 7', . ` "a in is; peoially, latipt ;1,46ral. twv it 8 �:., 1. � 300ite, idn PaBt of Which ''daceAt - VonbervAiveo, the oeighborirg -A 8�14iidld'� Ri� BPO0k4klBlngA,, WiRbe -told � I 4 V wo!A ql�iixtqri oat ,Jquv�, toall frpm havq go' d 0 be 'C'buutry th ii to buy a' -e� p1s;(4y "o f ll * 1 reason t ill �the 'Dot" tboug!h,ainong] Is - Own PUPP64.1!8', growth in youtr o*�. ThR-A as bti T "'r 4; )RIK. and followerd theree;5e mono, 'of the 'in -for I�btafi �b a wes i IT, wot be !.gl,yqn a T A me ilk a Cc ainc6l 'X& Ba a those. who prjbV t� 6. mense qualititi' Cattladia -hatr, grd6i, f The fall so .b I . of S6Laj3te8n,tjib.ErtjiMu !QMJJ and he4laftoo"', bcds�i n rev. ek, �jra auched Canadian P911*0 thrOughQub"while 'the M�iltime. . Proii mp p 13nift n# ,& Ntill, be) Wit Albift .z I lie WAS 04 datiq a i6ralior V(th ev, alA.41* " t M about swo milea,m6st. :'. � �� 4"I ,.1i.1- ntalwill, be $2,,. j�e,_Qf tboL. solit ownedby, is offered anv:y� al. four- Op W� rid!L lie for stile. Opbvr IM014 ho�je,, jq 0 .0. e bair ti apro :bj6bLPV P in are making a $test, ado they I r '14, 4 go, C"_ sluitk Xo.�j C.S. Toronto mpo 10 t Able j, FOirlo &y,aggs0bt,C4j;. from P 4 We d don Y lip.9 effiediately 9butli MOW 6 Iti dop t �11, GEON. about the m6te �6viledgeid to sf.'tatcs, im The., _jk!r'Ch th? f 'a Vroffig 0 a bbttbr� -jdj -b Filrbov, 13 a t 6rbd, -bk tho t, ge in:,;h eye, IDU the 0 tives�'*IlemseI446 kh for V d4h dilk,ofib sti## titwk ap e v ike 'fad ka py y .."i tie fli th ease t prq. 9� Oydpties, If any were p 0 n their. 6wn eye W nM�j an P the prgent 4" beam that is I th cut off"th TR r Site 0eWthdt"k1Vthd,w di litylof $5 on' y to d 'Theta Conservative Pi hNMIV W wericau covi i a Tiike,foil ifistance., and,'Atibgoith6r. A aep -WouI4, it �0, bwe. A It d;oh WO j'� L �� ; uld. be ID I . 'b§ the �Tb!Ruiihipiof otarl1q. T -,ha. 2j,0'riV6Ae,fP4 loan on i raoitgag6B, at fir Vto 6 j6ct in was; thik d oarvices ran of tilemuq0is m* -b ni of� Ith61 'stomAthAr0.li6i#els means of losing - the VI itig. Tb6' Buffato pair i.of paiijurers., ropalro"japid #0. 10ral jEk suitable 10 _4P �to quarre i0V%jj&))IyL y, �Speaking,IL ge 6 all othing nths agg, whenbe GaSnay charges _1� t W Ino 14mclig,themselVes." tuenq plainW.:. ofwater, Wier ci�n ..be rylore� A icoust It ojl"tb#rLj,.? af#f)uj6rS were r.� iA,�stiga#oxx ;pud bsfira ed, C61al Fij$g r106,0 �Whe �Dr-)Le6nlxardt th6rdford dat&u5jpd4' N -b that W I o . W, Z , be 4, f at c -of, t e., rudi.4e]4� HOLM Rik brep4,.ng,0�twn, vvb4t,p;.qwj0pd,�rj dililbidr y" MAU,tOjQq, 1K0Q'4L or d waging political water� ha d op t scandat: i6�4'ot!4 -or og:. 4r . t b6tre qs p;o uce 0offlid6h. x �bu "qr py. otbqpi break Ving. st'l, te to.work�i ire mu[Titted W BdIfalo 'and 'pr6dialeated "Art'Cl6Lexporied�ti6)it�C�,ntidA ifil b6fAigp quairtity'Of ifinb4�.- idiihous sfibitapeas suoh" s', MA& -B d r ell ill: now�,.pr ar* And 1oV4j,06Ue itieti by'. unfound. In"' he 1,4j'd intIl throughotit Canada qiivn by the Oppositioya t ire 1) press. wo 6 'Sta WA Propm, geons Of 40" To to �1'p ably. do d Anti. JP ]a 11 sticceadd and the' resq onta- n -dip On,tha: bAblet9 Weeks , 4og m sUtaVielits On-. e tL he , Ir: odkibei, Wars �fdi ale fil, ar1jA'bf fagged bribdrii, a rgin , pror. Pill' oP IVA iii6lit ofTorontoL a4K, tdoor6jakvitt Cangdiaq Liberals Ith qoi4licit permanently an�,*6h�' Arne. Arn fittantjoh a,� s te ign- xotfifl�p 11"e4re bOrpe, F' house, good fr b k-C16n `PiesidexI4 bili, or, 's Pr Leon at this is raine air; goo w y in etk.l dem. du per ton Ali Ili 11 ding J ty, of Of Oe'�10l T do b it Tho.9 other, Stdwa( F bearing orcIll close w Inpolitical crime, Were pu li&& jqpt� lleStat is go itter- ijebll;t"L �W­SpepSla -pres 'W4 Izaa that it" W;,Rula socner,tho n, ", � *6 I �h Trol .lindl ly .6"10 , �.' ' ' - .' . 1. t130no,ol n�akeweight against the cash book, bee ol� -0M- rl�46 Wl -e Vim,' Se4oirl y, town should,do the b reak- AS 0 .500 4 'bottle, as gq. government WflsQA-VkI0- Co., Niagara. 6inall. r4estiltS 'i"ier' than deposit slip, M4 son'o Rdslan*d *#h 0 jas. Connellyj 'Pi6ftet's ltflill--'J`61�0 any credit, drk'. Vkklla, Ofit 8 I' Ad the. n1pn4eir c I to. 9 g he ollild dedve,r5m! �h ppi�g it nww% Xpost, Corisell Jorganize3p t Watt, e s In' �Sa `V, rhe frid�i&i of ta' 'VV44 v4s) Bee�h�' ractive in this 7ffiece of ipolitical sreabduV H st1: par 1W I n c ill ]at, Ros&-does hot thilq)jAhatany ker,"xid�VNIss Dally Parsbnq,� nth Mongering. 0ent tp, ni j Br6dhagpil. Ia ow keiqaQfe'p 4c be iiilgo, of heiiarly death 40J,PAililess w .jpossibler. �,,,add tion couCat S611.4 -,,the 9"ll f t4 Auburn ay6ty Monds*. M4t gector is Inspector of lbs es in t a price in 0anadho, :whkhi Blis"iyas " ji" '. ", "! "' ' lli- �car go "d')OtS marrie �t6",Tq.rParkJsr a:f)6jjj aL' was given to make. good .state- 3 �ite as:. Py d, cal pne Ows, is' practica ly, wish desire tar teaft wit .,us and'SOUIddbu 0; hilin in Xorth k ments. The in. ifiai ity 1 9 Qta. 4,01farsitok4slei- her VrBigge v emph� �kli `thedutfi��'f a let th*616w�p th e idrdp�y;'wbich%left,h�dr in 14 6044,Robt, Sill. ]WItlock' 'L 2d -utterly falsa lq,�d,'untgupt'l cOuIdIwpqpd,.oq gricu tgral to 0 0,! lzard swji, ad to be 'weak Thi8L*agjcIIb*a oi & C, 'kabid,con 'dmd There it stands '9t&wped%'j the �donrt. I?r 40 Woula 00 $. *00?4 drivfi � Alled 4 cl? L I Jaw lid il paeumdOIAJ and giibg�ddenflv' it &4 of 4N I W en��0 A; V111100, �Apouw � zt.� ybu6the'higher duties they d ad j Simi-, j -i" And Ovis0 ma'd that had to esirer t d th a qo APF60,6 4_40,4 nve Vi '1 . 4 Iiia i R Ill s -w, � i,� 90 f VOT d 6very'ndws- ry go P*P-.' 300�o x"'44 we" 6vt ae-an ptit,bnado qd§�-066 . Ili'll - vith aI . A$, y 8 8-40. MRS. er thAt jej? low liolitical.. ends jiejp�, !O 1�,a I j 'In . is diolle, aivoids .01 Vil, :%0:5-6 #01 T., (0) XOKAR ol'ad plauj�*Ibb' they and. -dot moss.sj V y what ad to give it cira-414tion, -was involved the,price,'and, thal xeall 1jPTVVl&k a Hasthere been, any kepudiation of in its condemn4thAD' are' - after And a I t4 tlid soles.,bf th accoffi. or eL festj Can bo, cut. cts pail Nelson and- Mulloy' Oft th0--P&A., 6f tb Hich enuin- �Ip sit on py, eh3g,e%qt j , otL rlot jj[ mo e peffft' ..,and With d6ttAinty. he 100, I . Opposition press P. go*e' ihosa'j�vho bit Against 06 14 qui 21 . , I' utilain 8, a w4ya euree." employed.6he ]§U&16,p' &XV4,6ked'i of .errdrs been 1evo is lk chirob, school, pil Mb6r of the,, stokei' litiobsinith,"otd, . oil, $h pre, eg whith bio.� Inises are Pl.b% -Ni- -powall f; o'96460 -ased ilia biti&�6rtn -ith V for'IT6 .&k,, fts, of "big Wi�n:iot -T I with 'j4y pared to furnish j;b d0ellWif *ith'g good bearing' dod chili ness P Has fbr it been inos, of,,, Fraid'. - and tconnection with this iulserable;.busl d6d, -in. bringin ThuW .'i' -erg who are subeessful tif.mp . 1.1, , s,tbat, the! ton with, h1l. k f%milles of hearty, , d da�mQoping;, Th6q��sultw 14ealtby chi dtou, Varm 16 Vkbil, i hoad �124' WaLtered.' wa oured -MOILts., ndAre thoso,,who aw6aieftil to uote,thib seat:" I S. E 0. nave B%v§&&, bologna, 0 n aving go i a ps on YDQ1% pres0d holne to Me*Whl,they;, 'by slightest , �'6-vidence - of - Illnes' h Sig kiz &vo ild 60 alwayp',zeONA, i0t tbbt check it at oncei The wiset'. mother h V H III 1i gbo whose wbJ90)r9 Md", s , and to 4 on" the akge 6bat I 4 sikk Own Tablas 16bl son, ofX(iafg' i*Vh' W�o il the thin��` �' ­l6f n rd by was,doni-P -R, Fiftsbuo9i JAI= fjotb; tho,plipolitiou news 3prqj�,11gh­ And and almost &tLQj2e0tbeljttId,One- for c9rulitioji Ili Vpvth Otay . . .. . ...... AOR I4101 REA, ti ;P hiV Wtigh&k4e.on gs,11,49bt. 13 ,ad i rInk *h6gbvthY�irk 1�ft lowi;, t thp� riding"du scandal discounts 'hlI their heated streef'Ridifaxi a OL14:: ' ' juiIii eral n eres fqp . cawielin, �jb � i t , ts, 48 ` ! �IL I ID A -f pt. give$ me plq�urq,td. bet ablottis eakof� FLIP _ih6*61sk fartu dt moried to' m ..Oradri deltivorod, p V j6L oatis di, 60 toW row clamor about elebthrhl ebruptidn, thogtoatVaf6e-of]3.tbkls,O*n'l;ablet' did this-W-Ith6ub,ih4'kndWiedga, or -ton, for A totin. Of yd6ra; in the T&Wplihip-of 91 . 061AVVeli� to Plainly, their objece; is, poll but ili, la,,w 06n; riot eIs: a pure y veget�b Syp�em oeb"�61, 4d Its, f WAY between are ailing In tiny way, and- thvy latruesit'al4"an, I legal act. Boaforth Slim all �l ohnUbItil 3�oral, and until, t.hey come to Lode that sp6edily make them *A, - I would ad-, d 011kabb., It, hall 6xi ha- coin. Ippiliot. will CoAter lk, can' "Ot othe staJidard'of morality not, be rifiek!a�ftd fOttjblj§ d*bIljj3g,h6ube. anap.., Aip ev'ry mothav to keep the' Tablets Rello�'vator, tibod PU %gdda bankT at the all 61 Xtillobstt r Agoii,iAsa to-Buib a 0 ctes , pr debutitir. IWO Ira adjusted,,t ; partisan't-JexI fif the housee The TAMets Qlayteelth" e gen 'RkrtbP MUMAL =slauMaz Co colic arld stomach TrAder �Cofvpalrlsons .-It is *011; *Atetod *61V personal prejudices their agitation antaken, by troublesi �revtdnt eon8tipation* destro oe;tifook farr* x1okit and low towil lot* posadosloh tto, OL , , Cf. Money to bo b& canbe of no avail., Wok-als Alto feversiapd, break updold 'A, 9hadichis that,*Jift diredly, et good stais bt%otilti4 MOW re"11W dAm. 0 A 41916r, . are Isorne fact* in brief that at&. b6 had at any. 0611M, aftor in afu� t'ffig in fill o. nature -of mould I.— T ev caril,beigl-�eq�sizfely to a new born *OrthV, of consideration, 01 nima. 1468V 'ei4d wl. hirn ) Cf c�ild. ';Sold, by all medieine4eaters,o)? rfatther, d rio and Liberal 'news *Tnc lightens the responsibility of Libera Ilinddr, Congery4tive ',rule, aenthy,mall at ")a a box br Writing onitotal U# roL and 11166d" alletg tu, the Dr. W.iIl(aWs'Med*jqde (Jo.,13rock- orkig. do,,.r, t plinple3i Bol -he she 1 dl L 'I per w quoTIP ;Argument dfferg V1 unaor ,''Liberal XeiibepP the sneers of Altidpated to ead CONORVAT01it s. their OHL- h p of leal opponents nor the selfish it- Rhim .'Runni L . # lot soies) ,Studio x0e, lgrysloW CoA46. The &xtPall an �Lr' , ', I terests of those who profess to be their ly, tile same lalia" 11 memborshiij as- the'protsant In IW30 it, Was $201621,1'000. hilit as# th W" 01613" Campbell. Organist slid chair' ' political frierida Must "bd; 410 , 9,' 1 'Moirwiftill. or soy dl"kso, representation. cf,evio�y The 0XPOVts 09 domestic,; produoia dirdtltdr Of Wittig Presbyterian. 0hurah. change the deter6tjl�tjl on of al t 6ji, but the, "Idg, from go ithpoVilrlihdd * and �ubl hooest province will last yoxv 441ounte4tor, or i0-9pfk6d't1berals'to:ria their heailyAoublo those f ISW,. W#itfe Condition of W bloA' out -the. brAnteest Of `4uof0`St0, sof �coursoquebeewhl&'never ohangek. for Qltba axAminatiollilof tbo Orouto wort ay$ Party of all those who8o*A1ef'r10I1S, F410 silt iiiiiiial" it�T, New NQ The last of one: Iong, folln"Winj taUe shbwsitheolimages. Cahadst A has Made -for the lovveping ofthe, Old No* tone of LiffiefiIIjin and %rbtjg .1; th-C, We offet- Ftir Boa, T hie 0whIJO have it 'by f 0, A that, can- party, into ity'.4resent diogtaea, and t , I not bep buted by,11all's M%irh Curd, Is iltiqttestione-bly CanttdWrp groutdot; bils.j. er, can CrOl X OW6Mbe AIAM dfstt�ess, 'noth the slandeis nd "tho, Sloss Reho 001100114-0 Nova Scotia, 18* Cq.,. Toledo, O., fa, Godorto hip.. fqr 1. a' ,Mf SoBeit x It Is p4W Mtroyt "talk flit( be dis - ranswl& 11 %iiidersignek lim BAVDOXIC 1% - and orgaIM(St of entat'jo igt1ritot advi6e of the'Opmaitiori miy Now. 13 Ve 'kn%my th( RoVing property regard d Prints Edward 'Ilt. , co,.Untry that tho studout, ethodist Church.., V. , Chon6y for the 1aA 15 and '10 _� ' - ia d.- dleralss but eieepeWectly honqrdbxe� mra ust g attetitl thys 861tool. t -,: VQM, e by Intelligent Lit ...... Ing One e&,ehev of Piano, 11arinx the The Te Theory lecturer to students 6,very thq reconstructloft of their. party 4 tansactip,na nad fjn4noia y a a14 , 861) ! . '37&'� L,.l � 11 , ;g I 010! away Wths tbAt The Yukon,. by hiff Hvin, V6 quickefflng of its life, and the fting -British worth - of the dro Its, NOWCottibet Store Toledo'o. Avorth $3 0 op ftoo Dot wed C, U10 vitality and ilostr.oy jts� W K ol D tit ggii ts, it aloge wAre juf Folio unsitioniq REDPATH thl 1.4 tile Arab diltr of ()jitarlo j& %1he 1080� tLlx f�04t% to the is taken itiltir:" 1, , * w0oldnOt VW61th tild' A01teo In' this vAmr tIlree of tile 86%t blo�d E; going, to Mail- ED nacolls 0111114400, 0 tho gystolm� NULAT q sent fl -ea. PAIce 75 eento to -ale itoba, six to the torltopites 'And -on' I (( hn mi that 1)0, .fAl ontal, f e*' to 0 ottl , Sold I? all Dru suell list$ R14964 A7101i 41 stse - I 4 SU GARAI e, R TO "RS14T., I .MiTy pill, RESULTS: Of fron r,414 t6*1030 allfift I )p 'Bra llrkk Dwellingi in first Corn ah4 a Y0110 V0Wj)j(jyP,d to to (11itthinx 111) to P"q, .4;. IlVVa At %�Atpj i4001j, qjig,tj IT J(T '"To - 9 ot b plaga, ardor, *sib hard and ��oft wateri Ilse' pufailm's Pal before tho noxt W Vogl, Corns with inots. j)ropottloiiatoto the pripubltjoh 1611 111 W111,1101WMA1,100 glfnssl�r dis- 1) On.. ot, And" Rar0f; 1votka %t-: 1r, wo, V BrItidni hl 'I lintfOud, AVA-9 A- Mlt$ I Wrw next W"teriv from Dr., howts sorts of' Corns, Wa#9 tllf# tki por A ". j,(Al�r0jjjjjj jahttilf - Ily , by ful ex 11 hi p riktlu� Pe of the OtAhKaw Dofifiai. wrlto, f6i, I I Y . . . I , Toronto. f 'on Approximating that U Yan�di I v6rely ago 6 9 IrAft 1, Wik ell) to &