The Clinton New Era, 1904-04-29, Page 8TUB CLINTON biriST BR& t. • e attractiveness of om illinery and there is about the Hats turned out department is winning us new cos - i* along. Hillery business is good, remarkably len the weather is considered. The 'son we can give for such exception- eSs as We are having is that there is Iiventss and style about our Mil - tat stamps it as absolutely correct. ain we remind you of the advint- morning shopping. We are never in the morning as after the noon d you will finrit by far the best. Millinery Shopping if you can pos- tke it convenient to come then. • 0 • Main Rain Coals lust In Ms week Wool Carpets. e is a wide difference in Wool Carpets. poorly woven and heavy with grease and ;, soon losing their new fresh look. Others and evenly woven, as free from dirt and $horough scouring can get them, and re - right appearance until worn out.• The e kind to buy and the kind to sell. *11 that makes our Carpets is the largest The wool enters it as it comes from ack and leaves it woven into the best Canada. Every yard guaranteed no filling, no grease—just wool, ol at that, --These three qualities Iiarzets, two-ply, colors guaranteed n dark colorings, suitable for any ellent wear, per yard 75c Carpets, aextx super two-ply, cellent wear, a big range of new 85c buy, NO BETTER MADE, heavy, atterns and colorings suitable for hat will stand any amount of Leo and lay all of the above t extra charge. rpets. rpets are made in the same mill They are the best we have been nd we have been buying Ecarpets any ways. All colors guaranteed 5c, and 50c per yard. order your carpet:about a week nt it put down. While the busy have to arrange our work some you give us a little time we will dissappoint you. .1‘ w Rain Oafs at $5.00 I Wash Silks ard. than Japanese wash silks for are cool, stylish and serviceable ash .without fading. se Wash Silks. heavy weight, wfilte, firm and strong, special 35c S BR °LINTON. T e gitririn New Era 20th, 1004. s....**** -,**•,-..******,*4*,** - s 'Loa a I NatirotO, Prfninda (WO 01 Itett..Cteare kflon maty 11).^ n On n. VI 3flos filannhcroon at ROM: COATS *Fr N. limst-tiaturelay evening, a leather Valise, ik lest earl of town. rind r will canter raver by leaving, word at W. T Elm Paint Ing and raper natiging, even.' 1., SAM iset0144111uton. unpin Arran -rare h 4130' made Maple ssree at CrU114. ggitil, &POO. • AT THE AGE OF 83, --Another of Huron s old pioneers, passed away last weelc, in the person of John Riggiosp at the age of 83 year,. 1 -lis only re- maining near relative in this. vicinity is the wife of Job' Cooper, she being a" neice, by whom the deceased was bur - 10(1 un Saturday last in Clinton ceine. • tery. MOVING PICTURES. -In the near fixture admirers of the late Mrs. Emma Moth -Tucker, who was killed in iv railroad accident, will have the- plea - 81110 of listening to an address on her , life's work by Brigadier Hargrave; and, illustrated by Lubin's powerful Cline. • matograph. The date will be announp ed later. ! 'PHONES. -'Phones lately installed and their numbers, aro : C. C. Rance, residence. 119 ; H.I. Brewer, residence. I 120 ; B. J. Gibbings, residence, 121 Pesfmaster Scott, residence, 122 ; A. Couch and Molsons Bank take their old numbers. Wm. 'Harland, jr., is., also having a 'phone placed in his home. These new ones place Clinton's aggregate at 125. NOW IN THEIR NEW HOME.- . It was well en to 11 p 14aturdity evening widen the Motslina Bank staff got things moved . from the old stand to their beautiful now home in. the. Combo block. The place was all well lighted with eleetricity for the conven-, venience of visitors, who were many. The moving of thelargesafs attracte.d. much attention. , A GOOD AV.BRAGE.-Since D. L. Macpherson has been clerk of the town, he has had six registrations of deaths The youngest age of same Was 65 years and the oldest 85 years, and tho. aver- age age of the six deaths was years. The past two months has been niers than severe on our older residents, and most of them have been confined to Rattenbury street., and 1 ladies.' STOOK TAKING. -Jackson Mfg, Co., is closed down this week in order to take stock., before. launching out into further improvements. . Several • changes will be made in their present quarters, and a large steam boiler.' en- gine .and electric al power installedl. They will then be in a position to sup- ply all needed power in town, and those desiring same cannot do better than make vout• wants known in this line to Mr. Jackson. ' • • REGULATION or AUTOMOBILES An areendmentto the motor vehicles act of last session, under whichi-xl-11--: cense fee of $2 per annum is charged. ,for all automobiles,. empowers .the Lieutenant -Governor. in Connell•• to adopt regulations and fix the license_ fee. The old act did notapply to.autd mobiles in .the possession of ma,nufac- turers of such vehicles ; under the ew provisions the Lieutenant -Governor Council may pass regulations to gov- ern them, IMPROVING.-Becorning alarmed at the rapid decline in health!tif•her little son, Elmer, Mrs. Wm. Beacom took him to a- Toronto hospital for consultatIon and treatment: The doe tors could not determine the cause of the trouble that was pulling down one' so young, he being but eight years of age. Saturday they had about given him up, but the glad. word was receir.-• ed on Tuesday that the little fellow had improved somewhat, with good' chances for recovery. EXPRESSION OF THANKS -The auul begs • through your columns to thank the citizens cif Clinton for their go erous patronage at the late concert. Our receipts allow somewhat over.$100 clear toward the Uniforin Fund. These uniforms are now being made in town, and we apnear in ' them at our next concert. We trust your appreciation. of our efforts to become a first class or- ganization may resnit in continued. hearty auliport. Signed on behalf of the Citizens' Band. -.F. HILL, Secy. 13E C 1 1.1.EFUL.-WithgripPe threat-. ' ailing on every hand, we would advise the hnsir houSewifer, Vim dOeSnet feel" disposed to wait till More suitable spring house-cleaning weather, to "let well enough alone." The hard and severe winter we have itist seen the close of, has made us like house -plants, and we are not prepared for the in,. numerable .devices man is exposed to during house-cleaning ,time, • to say nothing of the chilling blasts from the north, east and west we are being sub- jected to by the weather nianapresent. ANOTHER BUSINESS CHANGE. - George Roberton, who has conducted a successful and popular tonsorial par- lor in town for a number of years, has sold out to billiottDaymenk who takes possession a week from Monday. El- liott is but a student in the art yet, but he has an A 1 barber coming to do the work for him, while he is adapting himself to his new business. Mr. -Rob - erten has purchased another business at Virawanesa, Man" and leaves for that place in a couple of Weeks. We wish both of these young men every I success in these, ventures. YOUNG STRATHCON:AS. -There will be a junior lacrosse club in town' this season, and that they will try to imitate their seniors is indicated by their name, "Young Strathconas." A. meeting was held on Wedneeday even- ing of the young men interested, and the following officers elected: Cap- tain, Eddie Shepherd; secretary, Earle Seale ; treasurer, Hugh Brewer ; Com- mittee -Guy Miller, Dave DoWeer and Mowat Chowen. The club will wear white sweaters, boots and ca. Al- ready aohallenge is in from the God- erich juniors, and atesoon as the boys get a little practice they will accept. • LET THEM SOW IN PEACE. - Many complaints have been registered. the past week with the Chief and Mayor about chicken owners allowing their fowl to wonder on to their neigh- bors plot, there to undo what gentle hands have done in cleitniiag Up their back yards, confiscate whhtset1s have been sown, and otherwie% Want.only destroying the plants d IloWers' that are beginning to ma eir Wel- 'come resencd known. Then acts are ann�ying, yotir neighbor who is of. times your best friend does not watt to hurt your feelings, so if those who are allowing their chickens to roan will have enough kindly oonaideration to see that they are el her 'pelted up B in pens or kept fur* own yaw.. b / HONORS loon A IIIIRONIAN.- tE. Beeteittn‘rilfeheltiliti Wr fireftig ul eap r eel or s oho1 amino in Theelogy et Qacen't, Univer sity, Iravrttg obtamed the highest . marks in this subject et the recent ex aminations It is worth S70. Loral News. APR 2gatr 1004. I Clinton's bore feneleritWere preeent in large numbers at Breeetaeld horse fair Wedrieeday, is a collection of newness: andoriginality. An extensive Wall r siodi • „ m T.; SI0.8T4 MATTERS. -111e public n patently appreciate the enden.% or of r. C Hoare, of the Music Emporines, to give best qua- ity and value in Tdanos, as he is this week delivering about a enHcad of the finest cabinet gram' instruments he has recently sold of the Newcombe gold medal style of Toronto. AN ODD BIRD. -Arthur 000k, of Goderieh township, brought a prize to town on M onday. that he had captured, and sold to Harvey Davis, it was A large bird that measured from tip to tip !if the wings, 0 feet, and from end of bill to tip of toes, five feet, and &out tip of bill to end of tail, four feet. It's beak was six inches long and its color was et the lighter shades,belongingHO doubt to the genre., pelecarins that 'in. habit 'marshy ;does and lake shores, living mien fish, while others again think it is of the crane species, makesi iit a rare bird to get entrapped. Har- vey intends to have it killed and stuff. ed, but it would be more valuable to some ornithologist. THE BOARD OF TRADE -We are very glad to be able to inform our renders that the work pommenced last fall by our Board of Trade in re- gard to hotter railway accommodation for this town will, in the near future, produce still better resnits. It is the ffitelition, we are infornicTd, of the MT T. R. to put on a train, leaving Strat- ford abont 5 o'elOck. due in Clinton at 6 p. T11. 'This will enable passengers to leave Toronto at 1 °Week and reach hoine at 0 &clack, travelling all tha time by a passenger train in the place of being liriffeted about at the end of it long string of freight cars for three hours between here and Stratford.. A FOR VIER RESIDENT, -In the Tilsonburg Obsery or of last week there appeared a short sketch of the life of an act,ve citizen of that town, whit% xectilta the attire of a forMer preprieter' of nee of Clinton's Periled newsnapers, in the person of W S. La.w. Back in the early sixties, when the emu 'Was. In. its infancy, Mr. Law cattle. here with a M. Laycock, om Ingersoll, and started the old.Courier. which many Of talr Older residents will rementher. In connection with. their printing es- tablishment a stationery business was 'carried on. both of which proved suc- cessful. Alter two. years of inercan. tile life in Clinton. Mr: Law sold out his interests to his partner and retu=n- ed to Irversoq. settlirg in Til- sonbure.where he ha; labored hard in t placing hatlown in the front rank as a railroad and manufacturing Centre. We have in our possession today a Conrierof Oct. 31, 1862, which was published .by . the ,•above-mentioned firm, and interesting reading. it rvould be if we could republish the paper as it appeared on that date. ANOTHER EXPRESS. Ort• the 21st of December last the G. T. R. officials placed temporarily On service two new express„ "t&-g-reat traffic. that Huron district puts up gen erally theyear round. That the puplic have apPreClated this kind- ness and the cinimany benefitted by • the trial is evidenced,by.the fact that a third express is to be Put ' into. ser- viCe the 1st of May. It will leave Toronto at 1 p. and .get. here'at 0 o'clock,' and. will carry a mad par and likely ex nress accomodation. The citizens willbe benefitted by this mail arrangement ;. heretofore Eastern mail not getting here by the1155 train was held over,to be either sent around by London, reaching here on the 0.55, or corningnp on the late train, whick Tfiot , We will now get most of this mail handed out to us at 0 in the future. The business done in this section tra,- versed by the R. has warranted al these considerations for us, from them,- and though the .public have been clamoring a long :While for what 'we are now getting, we feel the com- pany willhe well repaid for their ex- tra expenditure. Thanks, Me. Hays' ADJOURNED MEETING OF LICENSE BOARD. -The adjourned meeting of thiLicense Board was held on Monday afternoon at the residence of the chairman, Mr. Jas Stevens. These were present, MessrsiMeQuarrie, Robertson and the. InSpector. Harry Inspector. of Auburn, and J. McDonald of Whitechurch were granted their licenses; J. .Perkins, of the Queen's Hotel, and S. Pike, of the Waverly Rouse, Clinton were granted an ex- t'nejolt of license for three months. S. S, Cooper's was left over to be son- sidered Whenthe building is complet- ed, a suitable tenant installed, andthe tit quired si ned)retition.from the rate- payers of the ward in which the build- ing is located: The application of W. G. Boggs, Carlow, was not granted ; a deputation of some" seventeen resid- ents'of the neighborhood, with Rev. Wilson of the Nile as leader, waiting upon the license board, and stating the house was not necessary. On the other side, praying that a license be anted, was a petition from the coun- ex and signed by 97 .residents of the township. But even this was insuill-; cient to get Mr. Bog's his license, from West Huron's tried and trusted commissioners. Thomas Johnston WAS elected gate to the gland lodge of 0. 0. tr: to be held next June in woronto, Gardener roeAllanaon had some of the finest specimens of rhubarb we have seen for sale last Saturday variety surpassingly fine in its. completeness. Every merits* iouS sort and its expanse offers an Inviting field for selection. Novelty is its feature. It possesses that exquisite"somethin c e the grace of good breedinp, everf - The fire brigadewereout for practise called style,whi h lilt where prevasive and nowhere emphatic -makes itself avourab y g', 'Monday evening after a winters restl and everything found very gooa shape. The town. fathers will meet for theft May session on monde.), evening next and the school board on Thursday evening. Mrs. S. S. Cooper Indthe misfortune to ran a rusty nail in her foot which is causing her considerable pain and anxiety,. R. Downs is busy this week.renevat• ing with paint and kalSomining tho interior of the town hall, he is assisted by Ogle Cooper., The few warm days of last week brought out, the dormant' frogs and toads, and the Canadian band of frogs music could be heard disttnctly, . The many !Honda of - Miss jennie Holmes will learn with pleasure that she is now able to walk around, town without the aid of a walking stick. A quantity of furniture and several stoves, for private sale, may be seen at the residence of the late Robert Coats, Bayfield road, any day before Thursday: May Sth. --West I lrinspiketor is making things warm and expensive for hotel keepers. Three in Clinton have been fined since Easter, the lasti hay- ing to put up $40 and costs. • Next 'Wednesday, at 1.30 p, m. the cottages as well as the household furniture of the estate of the late Mrs. Win Taylor will be offered for sale in order to winu up the estate. • Mr, W. W. Varian states that his loss from mice and tabbas 'girdling the trees of his orchard is not as gteat as first reported.: Some be the outside number killed in this way. • The Sovereign Bank of Canada has declared another quarter's dividend on the paid-up ea, ital stock; of 1} per cent,beinrecitta to 5 . per cent per practically new institution. Prayers were offered in Wesley and Ontario street churches Jest Sunday the restoration .to health and, strength of Elmer, sena Mrs. Wm. H. Beaconl, who was at dekilh' s door in one of Toronto's hospitals. • It is said (and it is worthtrying) that if a small piece of bread is put upon the point of the knife while peeling and cutting onions it will prevent the tears froth flowing from the eyes of the person peeling the onions. annum. :his is a good record for a Mr. T. L. Stevenson's hearse has been in the hands of the, ptinters. and varnishers at Runrball •!z McMath's and on IThursday last came out in its new dress. Its appearance has been • greatly enhanced, and is now& credit to the undertaker: hraim Ball moved into Geo. Stew' art's house last Week, and not Rey. Rhodes, as was mentioned in last i week's ssue. Mr. Rhodes takes Mrs. Straith's house on Mary street, and will move hie family here in the course of a week. • At the coming Bowling tournament A.NNIVERSARN DAY OBSIlltV.. ED.—Local lodge OddfellOws to the number of fifty 'fittingly remembered their Anniversary . clay . by attending • divine service in Ontario street church on Sunday morning last. The weather Was•anything but agreeable for body marching, it raining when the breth- ern left their hall, and gettibg a sprink- ling of water oil Jeaving the church. Any unpleasantness in this way was more than made up in the beauty of the service. The pipe organ Music, played by their organist, Miss Carol Newcombe A. L. 0, was. majestic ; :the choir rendered a very pretty. an- them, in which, Mr. and Mrs, W. Ross took solo parts ; also Mrs, .13. J. Gib- bings, this latter lady . singing an obhgato solo in as good a voice as we have ever had the pleasureof listening to; Will Harland and Mrs. Gibbings sung a very prettyduet, and although the service the Musical part was very pleasing. Dr. Cook's address WAS the best exposition of the teachings of OcklfeIlowshipthatthe members of the local lodge have heard in many a year. Et, was advertisment, no statistics whatever were indulged in, and his truths was as applicable to the non- member as the member. Dr. Cook's text will be found in Matthew 7.20 "Wherefore by their fruits he `shall know' them," Oddfellowship was' a branch of the vine because they were i fulfilling Hie teachings of Christ and their fruits were everywhere visible. On returning to the hall a hearty vote of thanks was tendered official board i of church, pretteher, choir and organ- r tit. A few words were heard from t re. John Smith, and the _gathering i rote up feeling that the ehort HMO they had spent together in the Rouse 'eit and eaves the impression of Indefinable completeness, And the Prices - Just a. word about them. They. are fair and honest prices Often the Chealir est ----Always the Best. The W. D:�Fair Co. Retailers of touch Wall Paper of the Better eiosh, Nordheime't Pianos. 1 se.ww.a..i.oiratewaiee..0.000000000.o.0001.>000000.0.ersash..w.=wave.4101"E•le‘ PRING•ir.007.17WrAR's TME 019 RELIABft. Outstock is equalled by few and excelled by none Special values in Men s FINE SHOES Our °School Boots for boys and girls; made to our order, are Trade- Winaers. . We shall be pleased to show you our:..-stOck and give your prices. It might in Yon.r-poeket7-- Ourspring stock, of Boots and Shoes IS now complete. We have the largest' and bestassort- ment to choose. from, and t we know our prices are the lowest. The immense- demand for Taylor's Shoes is -the r best evidence that our el-. forts to • supply reliable and stylish footwear at reasonable .prices has caught the attention of shrewd buyers. We are Practical Shoe Makers, having had a long experience and you run no Risk when you purchase, your,Footwear.from us. an .TA.YLOR & •SON .to he held xn London this summer, extra silver trophy is bein offered by -7-7"--""""6-000.000004:7)00.0000010-0.0.0:00" •ft.•.•vi.••••. the • Free Press Printing o.. for the winners of the association series. This will make competition more keener in the second series. Rev. WG Howson, forniet pastor of Wesley church preached L 0. O. F„- -antatersary Serinorrinst ft/Ida-riff- his church at London. One of the many good things he Said of: secret societies was 'that "they had all left their benedictlen.`ixt Rev. 0. R. Gunne and Harry Brewer' were in Southampton on Monday ev- ening. Mr. G.unne delivered his inter- esting lecture on wireless telegraphy, and Harry had his machines and. bat- teries along demonstrating the -points 'brought out, by the lecturer, The impression has gone abroad that the( close season for bass has been changed thit, year, and that instead of .extending from Aiiri1.15 to June 15, it would only cover rem May 1 to June 15. No such notice, however, has been sent out by the Government. Last 'Friday Mr. Thornton, who • re- sides near Bayfield and is a brother to Mrs. C. Bartliff, of town. was in- juredin the bush by a falling .limb striking him on 'the head. He was rendered unconscious by the blow but 'we hope he will be able to tally from the serious accident. • meeting of Goderich district Ep- worth League executive was held here Monday afternoon in . Hoare's music store. . The district was well re- presented, and the rally will ,be held here the middle of June. , •The Secre- tary, Rev', Mr. Husser,HohnesVilleihas the program in hand. The city departmental Eitore s are 'again on the warpath with an unlimi- ted supply of spring getalogues. Of course they have a right to distribute thend to further. their own cause, but our people have no right to patronize them with their cash and then tun their faces with the merchants at home. ' Two new publications have reached our offiee of late ; "The Lord's Day Advocate," published in Toronto, with Office at 183 Con. Life Bldg. and Revs. J..G. Shearer and T. Albert Moore its Editors. The Other is published in Montreal and, styled "The Power Re- view." It is especially adapted for students of steam power or electricity. Some sneak thief' walked into the Naw EitA cellar last Monday night and helped himself to a pair of bicycle wheels and tires. We would like these returned; if it is done, noth- ing will be said abouti the affair, but otherwise the Chief will be asked to look theta up, and the party punished as sufficient evidence has been gather- ed to place a clue. The Marty friends ha town of Roland Cook, of Blyth, who has been lying at cleathrs door for some weeks with t3,.. phoid fever, will regret to learn that no improvement is visible. The sym- pathy of a large circle of friends is ex- tended to Mrs. Cook (nee Miss Sarah. Mains) in her hotly of affliction. We hope, however, that a ehange will come, and that '10, Cook will soon be restored to health and strength. , Tho heavy freight engines now 1)0. ng usedby the 0,, T.' R. is playing havoc with joints of rails and switches where much shunting is done, It will be beta short while when the Goder- oh and Stratford will have to be e -railed of muoh greater weight,. and he bridges etretigthened, imismese s demanding the larger engines, and voith theee will have to mine, ,the bet-, ter ballasted road bed, heavier toile end stronger bop brides, preVelit let Of ard, feelings trete to wing a ea. • • • f od, was ot vahl, Sunny Ones There is ,.no garment like the ,rain -coat. If it rains, why the coat will shed the Water like a duck's back, If it is fine, it fills the -bill as a light Overcoat, for it is cut, and • tailored as well and is as dressy as the: best spring Overcoat. Our Cloth Riincoaes are roads from imported. Tweeds, cut in correct . styles, and are dressy, servicable garine,nts. . . Cloth Rain-coatS, $ 7.50, $10.00, $ 12.00 . . Tweed Rain -coats, Rubber interlining, $5.00 and $7150 - • Mud, Coats . , $2.;00 and $3.00 LION Brand .Knickers wear a long time before they need. mending. That is because they are honestly made from .honest all -wool • Tweed. Isn't it nearly time for a new Spring A Hat ? Of course; when you want . you will naturally turn to this THE Hat Store of theCounty. Never as big a stock, never as good values, never as many natty shapes as to-da.y. Hard Hats, $1.50, $2,00, $%.50 and $3.00 Soft Hats $1.25, $1.501 $2.00 and $2.50 4101, • ‘,.;11