The Clinton New Era, 1904-04-29, Page 5M .
. VMM'
APRIL 29* IN441.
1,-")IERHAPS you got zt glimpse of some of our
pret!y Curtains at our Curtain Desplay in
February; if so, we are surd, you will come back
to see the rest, of our stock, If you didn't, we in.
vite you now.. You"(1, novcr be sorry. As dzinty
and handsome a showing as has ever been seen
in Cfinton.
.23,,, Yards Long at 25c.'
These have. cord s�ltch edges and.Fancy 2,5C
centres........ ..... ..................
3 Yards Long at 506.
Splendid value, three yards. long; c
-ntrw ......................
83pecial 33,g yards long at. 950.
Cord stitched edges, floral'or scroll centres..
This line i's worth $1,2 5 'regular
rice. Also Ia'rg*e up' to
p range,
. . . . . . . . . .
For t�e woman -who, fooke'th W'111. to-Ahe-
ways of her h6usehold",you will. f ind our stock.
complete and prices righti.
Table Linens
RaAge in price from 25C -Up 'to pe . r yard..
Full bleached and unbleached Satin- D *a
am 4,,
0 n
width from 6o t 72 i'ches.
................. . ......................
MADE IN CANADAI� "..C.'anddiah Crochet
Bed Spreads, assofted' patterns .-ready 'fdr use..
P" ces from 75c up to 4-00,
Three - quarte . r bleached' Au6kaback T
These are of superioi:,quality, �ast coler.ed..�..�ord�
ers, size 18x3o', 10c.4�aeh,
Floor Oikloths
Nairn's Scotch Linoleums,
2 Yards wide, per square ya�d...
4 yards wide
Cloths, good pattern I s yd wide ........ 25'C'�
W, 001 C ets
Best three ply Wool Carpet .... .
two .75 C
Half-wool.*two-oly .... ............................. ......... 60C
UnionCar�ets . ........... .... a ............. I ........ 25r, tO"Scc
Large range to'select irom.
Rugs, Rugs, Rugsa
18x36 Door Matts, -good design ... 59C and $1 -00
,2ix48 Rugs...' 1-75
25x6o ci an up,
3-00 d
New Dagdag Rug, 27x6o. 5-00.
Tapestry Curtains
Big range to choose from, prices....$3.00 and up
If you fire not already a' Pustomer
we would be pleased to -have.'you s6,
Molsqn1s Bank
You'll Act of Pourilament j$$$.
Head� Office—Mon to 4 �
treal. xpocted, owing thp Alwootron-4
14W no. b fl" in Torontm
fill IV
'ib twi
millions of dollars wof tb of Vottlltt�� Got bob V41111ot he r#4
CAPITAL AUTfiORIZEb, $5,000,000 .1
t. only At roacl) Ji-gl)er picess, c..)aivnijan 1J, ea tons aj,14
OAPITAL PAID UP 3,000000 price.
UNDIVIDED PROFITS 21), 6 b 0 T Nve beg to inform nor co4tompre And the Pu4jli'c gonerltt)y that
IK �
000 w ore nerVer in it tjow-w p),11t1w, t) Rl1I)plV'th;)iP W110.4 W,4
Ntiload tip with (,gitt(in Qood-4 nearly 401 bulghtp f0ft p1q,
R ell M 0 V a L x .1"went advance In price"A"A with �row expopthms wjlf.h:;,ftql4 At
Abou 01 e
t 0 torreot Tho-pabllv� will please'lwar hill Micl -tlila we bave (Iliotp very low prices rodwe
th ola twives, As we tmy fvr ciisb and tiell for c shor
rou bu.y your t� (11 ey Oottons, in all qualil.jes, at 4,
Ime I MOMI infO Oil- new office in tho Coulbe Block, corner Ontario
etorla StreotH, (opp -,I* ' I rocerr) where we will 7c, 8o and IWI
all litl pleased to see all u L Vill )let.- cent. more,
Watell from URI tir 6=10'rs, it the pu))H6 getterall
alld V! now *:jr i�il
our To' X (J'ArP4 Wallp, in Whit0and, irnl0r(Ad. Fit 111111 POCOM.
Watches are. warrante(I 11 eall Solicited. ft', 4)j1l-j0l'jQP 13%2Ua And, 250,
Cottorindes, now worth 20c,,25cand
KENT Oxford sh"'t"Isrs, fas"'olora, OLL old prices, 104nd Me.
Heavi, ]Double Warp Shirtings, low worth loc. far 12ip.
Dbposits taken from $1,00 upwards at highest ctir� Ronkfitst, Drill Ijbil-ting, 'g(j.LKLflt,0e(j fAJOl, 9010;'kt, T)OW Wort.b, 184it.
for 150.
rent rate, Interest to stat#from, date of deposit tv dato of white Lit wnii, If yards wide, very sperittl IoJoo, 12je and 1,5c
New Prints, in sbortenas' frow Stu 15yards, wuttlil:0(!,�w th1I,
With a positive guar- H ..C. BRE;WFIR metnager. piece our price lei So.
New Prints, heavy cloth, 82 loelies w]do, wnt-ltlt 12 (1� for, loc.
0411,011 liAttillk, in Au)nll'and-laj'gk1 bont-heq, PtC,014 0!rt(*f4
antee—They are accur- a
W.rApporettes, in fitney stripes lind SVI-0114, wp0th 121, fol. )W,
X., F hinitelel tes. ill light and dar4 colors, at old niiepp.,
ate; time-keeperS-They A -1, M a.) 12"
4 1 In izt,pat %�axietv�, a( 5c,70, Re, loc! a
In Remorlafti X
41dies Stinimer Underweai*, in endless varielle ',At old prltmi.
Servant Want
.are durAble and the ,
The following versewvyeie writt6ii by wanted- a 000ld general servant. Kidh
PRICES ARE. RIGHT. Dougllfq McTavish. -&'former xesident pit wages paid.Apply to Mr'sJAStt;CO1T, 0
of Stituloy, to friends, after the death
&RON 0 0,
of a n esteemed and beloved brother.:— Servant Wanted. T MCKIM
From stately balls of Itearning",he, has
passed To do general bouse-work, highest wages
Go'ne from a spbere where hope 'wa paid. Apply to., rvlR,4. WH, COATS,
7-loafh to
ql�n . � �
Theshadows of puch ohan�� 'from S rl niln
homes: of earth, D.. ess. Good T M
Where, 'of Organ forsale.
congenial illtercoVrse, no.
The imictre- Th A Doherty organ in firet class renair'and. .1 k S. 'Fri, t
marred or hindered Sol. n
e converge the tone, is c6reil for, $240 was pthid I
sweet -flow or
Of kindfed souls —a circle * biounded It'wirien purchased, can. be hid.for. a thirds
80 Apply to this oflicle'. stapleS3 etclkl.
all that love could give, or mortal
care bes(ow
Not mor6-imtitnely amid flowers ar- For 8; t I e
AlWonure spreader neo'rl� new. OvOnqr.
In sulnuldi"ti beauty,'whenblehk frosts
best sold Me, f -Arm nood. d6ei nob ivsjnire ir..
Dot4.--ioia Zo'.4uption. its.dark featup Will,,bn sold redionable. Ap
eat -h "V. 0.
L n(l6n Roaa' Clinton
Where lately sh6nethe rose a sin iling
a "I..
ThafnIK the sudden stroke,. the fatal i To�- 11clit.
Jett; on April 15M,
�o Mr. and. Mrs. A. L.. 4 , blow
rartham,, It 000.
That. fixod i� &atll.lays peerlegs-4o, w*. So',-,'goo4'bCrAse" 'bet'rha
COLE—In Goder, b Ot Wiisley r
ApH1,15, to she wi 'o - township, .'con '9,. Unte-ked by, conflictand undimmed by- c+n,, and,eigbt acres vt land 009nging to the
fe,of T 11 Colo. %,sotl. ; strife, Eltatoof the I ate S. J_Ourri�. 4pply J-01
XOQUILLAiq-!hW�stWawa4geli,Apiij Borne to, th'd regiclis of a lortfor ljf�.,
6, to the wife of H ; . P. PfilQR,..rjr RENRY 11111AA11D
arry McQuillani a daughr The chasten4od spirit, from earth's dull Is
er., rontine,
WALLWIN —16 Siaforth,ilirli A.
6. to ills. Wiligs -i.ts em;tncipated flight unseen.
:,4191119e Itild lot tor SAA I F
wife of Rwj 13 Witilwin a 60D., Z: r S
-14n'Sea . 9 . . '' Ambition fires,:,%i7ith Pu I rpos. . e' off,
HAYS. ' 111vain
forth, April'i, the wife of Rushed, r ty ill lia 46-,epted bv thp qlld�sriigned
.R'S Rays, of a: s6n6
by success,wl)eu 6agq r e�lno,,Tsge and lot
tophierly cccotjed byWirs.fli)vip, on Oraj?943 VA
-In McKillop . April 10,. t� rushed .. I . ithin two weeks f') lb
. - And lieigthened
the' wife.of E L Farnh strLes. Apply to.VfL, 'VV. Tarran, or,:
x0olls. 801). Fresh energles to xinconipi6tb tasks on , ax
U, r.TGFA*k -At Zu Yea, eveq'persistent-Hope, that Stevens
rlcb,� Aprllloo to the never
WIN of wm Uttley,
. + . .", 1. : '. � I I . . I , -Did:k�
When toil Aaltkeiie, but'
100 %cre of laod nomprijaiiii, ihiy %V. i -of
dee11118 I - . + s . a
G&MBLE�LCAtiDWELL-.At the ipici- 1-tself, while.highe'r. goal in 'prospee 8 . .. .. . '. . . . . . .
lot, 1,4 con 4-:t : , . . . I
oeadun 11,Jr 6visigii. owr-
bywriarl 111anse, Bluevale., April za, by- T
f Ashfiald,, duunty tit lluion. "For
John'.qxrc*jt�, (,f To lie beymId whitt bag bedli . 0 Fancy' Waig
Rev W J West, N.' A 1161,10 . I . till
Howich, to Mite Adbe's Caldwel Bd
bsrry., Debarred not Fnte, nor thd- appr ,�h
o- OW ress
'Pipe St. sewth,,W, h..U-S, Gbods
aL . N D
SHIPLE Y-ROWOLIFFB�-A*,the re- restruned 0::
Sidein4a dt;hs-Xt%8 Roweliffe, Vsborne..Aor . I- Of theAkrk m6ss.enger.tbat called thee
Willay,Minabelsea, in HiGe Esib".1i Urnbrella§'WW.'�
13, Mr I; .13ull,lor
A nd bwro themand4te of Onlwwtenee..
-rom bas
In vari: re Fame alluree The undersigned will rpf,"'for,pervicethe
whe 08 Q
GOLDWIX-DEW-A,t'she'rasidence of, er,61:res registere'd HecHoIrd. bull W�-4,h -J T�nle-.
the We J6hn Dow Usborne, April. 13, Mr., *here 'in
And toils inoiFe 'comrrii5in, -to d, 111) sd)it� c
Goidwin'st'Th ross, to Miss Alania Diw ag dares el e, t1wrrbased frouri, f tn
ion, Qwebec.- Ternis 91.150. . Young - -Here
'hh . .. .0
uldborne, 'Slt'
Raock for0alo at anv, time-'. * Lot" il'
Aid f 6 exultifik spirit t46. aspire, forci We P in ).jj,(ip. onj 3�
DIED.— With- doAquering fervoraud heroic fire, ooix!k Hallett. E. L. PAUNRA,11:
r1TGGI1W a. I Beyondthe burden of, 1por6' conim
n Clinton, on ev F.,01
Cq the', betsi ab 'i
�lIg-Aiggiop, sod 83.years. But -nA beyond the evet �prasemt
DEAR-InVinghsal, thou
4P41 WeEdward
1>4Ark &god 810years.
0 miorta weakimss,which, unlAildnil, -a �o W
�, F ft 4 a goods t
rAVe, April 14, Jane
ER In Belgi thet S61 plans to!Uell us _e
-mrife of D�..f,p Mkrrler, a i kltO�bti
are, oust. -
BURNS -In HowickApril 7.Geo Burns prices
Arres skilled 'ass�istince",tlt4tbl"sfa�*de-
CALVER-In Wrox86eIaAprjlll,Roaer- :
And death,e.xults, fqr t4ltbe, co.1mtless
lok MaKay Calder, igild.68 ) cars. ties
ALLHN-4n� Hullett, April 19jrenry w Of tender sense-and.fedRng which on- 1=4.
lle,a, aigpd 67 vears. '4ear
jFL0XER`:ln.'Wesk Wilwano, This earthly. templ� *6 its. kindred I Al 4,
4, April ITS
sphere. I.Ca .1
17, Wal Fluv.r, Pr., &god $0 years. .0
Yinipose no barrier to the stern decree
WEARLY-�-In, Stephen, April il, nog.
'That setsitt length0ze bratilmd1led cap-, Tit
'wearly,-.aged,80yoorq, , : . � I LINTO
ti�e free, like-VID, STAND C
0ACRETt-&t 9xpievApril' 9 Miss 'Through ampler wealims-of undertermin- KIAG AIMOUR.H.-
Sarah, A bAcren, &god 4T years,, 6d space -fed 1887' LO -
mcrs:TNNoi 7483,;
qt in Ttt*ersriiifhj April 13, Its own linbouriAed. Iteritlig - to. trace,
Mrs Donald Kc innon, �"ged 1778 years. .. W heh from ea*Ws frevib ing wilast. is Cq r
Will 86ra for the Improvrm0wbf Rtoolc-�
heardno-m1we: MAY
<%RTERIu Tuckereviab, 8prll 20' TfTe-Nvail of sorr&w, nor the 16mpest's !�ad"Will loatoo his own stable; Bkqedield,'
i,&nd 00 by way, of 2nd concession, Tyxolii�r-
suilleforever blest h4 IOU then I) V
But in the Etemalls li.Grich's.- for nocn;.
COLE- -In Goaeriolt township, April 2-92 The long-benigWed pilg6ma esweetly way 6f Hurnn Roa(l to tdae
.r, "I � on . Roo9p, � t9r.
Kdcr V(�'bf',Tfidil 6- it - I TWD' , AY�*Jlyr' WX'�Ydf � GGifefibb'
-04441 '"
Alivio 0661ri bold Test.
years. '*Hencef all this tearful wvoe, Itthis. sall. Road and 16th concession. to-Bdrt Mur.
phy'i;, for irlosin4:tbon by why nf ?Aaftlar d'
U at , . 1DECITMATM). 'The everlas Lift U4%fbbr Rves,tv Mess. , Block to 11clineaville Howe, - Rolmeaville.
1, an wonder th9it-our-migratory. No sigh from &oken hesmts awheedelL, for night, Wddneaday- 13y wap of Cut'
i growing less in number , falls
14% &V Lizie to.-Willism Cdrribls. 7 -congeselon;
each,year, with An odmyj of perhaps Nor ever' at Wis lootstoolvai&y calls Goderich Towitabip, for noon: then - sontli
MAW 6pring'murderers, game -hogs His chastened �bne. * Wken, 1roya t109 audweattilJoku.-Gr6en's,6th con. Godt- t
and,ielflsh butcherf4 who slitil-gliter l6wer stak-e richT6wn6hipof6knight rHTjRsbAY-
our 4valuable game blvda during their 'of dim Probs-tion,wher ductil ftridls Will pzodeed south on't-he Ba$fiuld con- and, hoes-
flikht, when all the fetnale birds Wait, cession, toJohyA Seacbrhls. Gnaerich Town.
zx�llqlrll. ' I . ? We must -have a, nationAl Arid such tenjpf,4jong. ov,%,t-dke, NVIIJle ship, for noon;-dhoii to Varna� for nigbi. Lado
e g FRIDAY .. �By wav o les ubbe'rs -4
.-6.iw�toa%olish spAng Zooting. Then. we l! 11sytiold Road and
oro,,London Itoa4, 1for noon-, in quality
eveodithespring shoobervill besatis- I$till tarry in tbe�shftdes of Mystery, 20d coned4sio; of Stanley: to $Oil -Moo
fied. 'Ke cannot have aja excuse that Washallascena where-1AI.Derty and . then - Good.,
"xkOk-sarebein� shotin other states, � Liglit own stable, wbeeaho will remoia un6if the P
WhY should we - pr6hibig spring shoot-; Dispels all dou%-k- and dkisipates the f011o��oilogMibd!iyrnorriinp.
inginoursill ssYsawaKterinAmer; night A-99-tf, L,.MoCONXEL,'ManVer.
IcAn Fid1d. The Mill At that time Vf weeping, We 6hen, wbile, soaring
Of elhhorixnalb or fen: le birds means free,
Whe-!e to
the. destruction of � an em&tre flock. If Thall share thelAiss of GoWs lUtoernity.-" ,
-nd birds are And as we prdi:49ebis still ezhaustlesq� Barh-NVirc, Coil -Spring Wire
a fetbaleiis shotthe eggiet,
together. f a Ar6ke, is kill- grace We doijidn't; Pence Staples, Fe
ed th(3 case Is Just ae 4d, for he, is Know AsIbe known, beholding 4tbe be Ba nee 01*
mok10 in u , aild his =ate will not face. rn And Roof Pain ,
06d, Thougimda ofthese cotliid You?' Floor Paint, Porch paint
birds mak early in'Febriiiwy, or before Lost FAlbilY Paint, Stains,
the sp�vinglfflght is hardly,h-egun. Irow Bu y Top Dressing,
long will'tille'true sports am of Amer- 14avebailft up.'.* a first-'
Howlohg A bunch of bojyo I.iw -with leather a n!
V - r)der. plegLee reave ot NEw ERA Omer. Class*�t'rade SUCh'--as W�,,
will theya�iitlnuo to Allowitho sprinir I - 0
butchem wurderers'aritt jawe nogs,,
who nrbilo better than the nest rob-
beris, to continue to rob posterity 9f
what, our Cmeator has furnished in
glenty for uankind P Wbere evil
x,stsin.qeneijs,l, begin at-hpipefirst,
to. eradicate & Stop thia dafiniable
CO Of APVM, a shooting in lbe Un-
r1ractaltatog, and the good sportan en of
Canada wi I hellp us Wipe the egg rob-
bers:off the map torever,
we Will move Aboul Clio I st, of
May to our now store, in the TiadAll
block, next door to H. P 09pbels drug
store., We will,be pleased to have the
patronage of our old custonierp con.
tinued and Invite manp new ones to
give us a call, Obt, stock compX11ses
everything ne0ossary tothonic, use.
Any anity of eggsJuken' in ex-
changi,.Vc r goods.
Rm. Shier's.
Viiriety Store,
96010-011U'0� Old Stand.
. . . . . . . . . . .
have, � unless. our- goods,
W4er,e rightin every way.
We seff the -finest goods'.
forthe,fin Trade. - One
trial. convinces you of this,
Among other line.8, We
J. IS. wooveril
specially excel" in Fan4y
Biscuits. We keep
Furnitum. %4. U11,
ed OZ a
to a�r t ioc'ber lb,'Up
Returns will 1,how th%t tnoro purwitura va�
CXILro . oc
Ons at 5
In Olives and Pickles we
out hist %inter than ever before 1twasAgoati
-to reit. Renew your'stook'froln �hlts ato .0.
haveonly the best, Chut-
neY Cats I up, . Chili Sauce,
.411111 ity tile Rest..
Chow -chow, - Sweet and'
Sour Vinegar Pickles ai
Horse Radish,
They are up to-doeand hilah.-grad
we Solicit YOur lridk
aro n6i fancy and ihe same to; all..
calls answered itt tlie residence of the pro