The Clinton New Era, 1904-04-29, Page 1TQ NEW SUBSORIBERS.
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ESTABLISil tCD 1.$46
RoinicitT s.o.i.timi rub
e Montreal Herald and the NEW ERA, will be sent from now to the ,nd
I be ppRelp Bank
Capital aitaserlbed, $1,3q0,ecte cat
Capital Pals -up, • 1,See,00e.eo
Reserve Surplus - too,see.00
H. S. Holt, E q, President, Montreal.
Retadolph .las. Car-
ruthers, Esq., A. 4. Allan, ESQ., Arch.
Campbell, IC, q. M. P.. Rea. Peter EdeLar
sn. Hon. D. McMillan, John Pugsley, £qand henry h. Wilson. Esq.
ALM heratburg, Aylmer, Belmont.Burk'
Vane. Claremont, Clinton, Orediton,
Dashwood, Exeter, Fr.ligheburg, P. Q.
Marrow, Havemok, Berman, MarkLatii,
Ilartaera, Milveriten. Mt. Forest, Mt. Al.
ben, Moatreal, Montreal West End.
Newmarket, Ottawa, Ottawa Market
Brooch, Perth, titetabridge, St. t ath-
twines, Stirling, Stout/villa, Sutton, P.
?wont°, Unionville, Watermo, Q.
and Zurich. Out.
Inteseet allowed on deposits. Corres-
pondence 'solicited.
Montreal, P. Q. General Manager.
I. ii..4a..1‘TCasa
Clinton Manager
What Trade We've got,
,st We'll hold; ot
What we haven't got,
or We're after. ot
iti&Y'S Northern -grown Seeds pro-
dnee BETTER and HARDIER plants
than any others on the market. We
have 'em all beaten for price and var-
15 Packages for 25c.
We actually giveleasaai5e-to 81.00
worth of Seeds for 25e.
MAY'S Terrace Sod and Lawn Grass
Seed 2Ac per package, •
Make your seed selections early at
thie store.
Chemist and Druggist.
St Helens •
Norus. -Mrs. Miller and son, Stuart,
visited friends in Goderieh this week.
„John Clark left on April 19,for Buffalo,
Where he expects to procure aposition.
Mrs. Denher returned homelast Friday
after an extended visit at Sbringville.
Bev. S. M. Whaley,is attending Synod
meetings at Hamilton this week. Mies
Peterson. W h tech urch, seen t S..turday
and Sunday with friends at.St. Helens:
Mrs. Gorden was called home last week
from Ann Arbor, owing to the serious
illness of her sister, Miss Ena Murray,
'who has an attack of pneumonia, but
we hope she will speedily recover.
.Mies Curran has returned from St.
Agustiae whereshe was staying during
winter with her sister,Mrs. Thompson.
An interesting game of foot -bail was
played on Friday evening 'teat in W.S.
MeCrostie's field, between St. Helens
and Belfast public school teams; the
Score standing four to nothing infavor
of St. Helens ; Mr. Haskett, teacher of
Lane's school, acted as referee. Henry
Martin, Whi techurch, called on friends
here this week ; he returns to. Toronto
this w ite on hi q
University. Robt.McGee,East Wawa,
nosh. was renewing acquaintances a;
St. Helens last week,
Spring is
You will need a new
and lighter suit. We can sup-
ply you,sat less than manu-
facturers prices.
This is no mere state-
ment. It is a fact, and. we in-
vite to. give Os a call 'and
see fur yourself. OU urn be
surpri ed when you see the
ready- I -wear suits we are put-
ting on sale Saturday at just
half prio:
io of/hese Men's and
boys suits go on sale that day
and continue until all are gone.
You can't do better any
place in the county so come
along and pick up the snaps
in Clothing. It will mean dol-
lars in your pocket. Money
saved is money earned.
Thos. Jackson, Sr.
West Wattranosb
CoUricits- Council met according to
adjournment. Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting confirmed. J.
11 Taylor was appointed collector to
1901. A. E. Johnston was given the
contract of supplying teams for the
grader. The resignation of Jas. Mar-
shall as township engineer was -accept-
ed by the Board, Di M. McDonald was
appointed operator of grader. Notice
was received from Dr, Bies re the state
of the roads on cell. 0 ; the matter was
left in the hands of Councillor Welsh.
The following checks were issued ; -
Jas. Marshall, balance of a,cist,, $9; J.
Staffer& tile. $1 • Municipal World
Supplies,$5,41 ; A;Stuart.gravel, 8112;
B. Donovan, culvert,$2; E. Thorns, rep.
roads, 89L. Weatherhead, rep: roads,
$1.50 : D. 'McDonald. rep. roads, $3 50 ;
Durnin, rep. roads, 26; E. Craig,
shovelling snow, $1. Bylaw was pass-
ed appointing fence viewers, pound
keepers and patlintaster; the following
are the appointments a -Fence Viewers
-G. Rutledge, J. Purdow.P. Kearney,
Wm. McDonald,Robert Bowers, W. E.
Gordon. Pound keepers -J. S. Nichol-
son, Thsmes Alexander, Thomas Mc-
Cann,Wm. Humphrey, W. J. Jackman,
W. Anderson. Pethmasters -R
Kirk, J Kerr, W Watson, J Young, R
Medd, R Stalker, G F Youngblutt, J A
Mallough, Jas Elliott, A Kirk,11. Feng -
:in, A Rose, D Phalan, 3. Felker; .A.
Feagan, .T Nicholson. „Win Ryan, .T.
Redmond, J Sinylie, A McDougal, Jas
Finnigan, G Wilson,J Moss,J Stafford,
H G Taylor, Wm Bamford,Jas Woods,
II Glenn, Thos Webster, Wm Camp-
bell, Wm Wilson, R Bowers. D Smith,
W Thompson, Wm McAllister, A
Brophy, P Kearney, E Plowman, J
Chammey, Thos Woods, J . Ward, R'
Smith, J Cranston, J Vorehan, 13 Bre- '
phy, E. Craig, Sas Gannett, Geo Tis-
dale, A Alton,D R,utherford,AHarner,
J Rutherford, Wm Todd, Thos Joynt,
D Donovan, Wm Taylor, Thos Cum-
Con Gaynor, Thos Henry, Jos Gannt,
W E Gordon, Geo Webb, J Atehieaon,
Wm Donnelly, Thos Taylor, Jas Laid-
law, J Martin, P.Stueltzear McMillan,
F McDonald, J Sherriff, Arch Ander-
son, Alf Webb, Jas Foster Thos Inglis'
R Thompson, J Eagleatone, .T Gaunt,
Jos Whyard, D GIenne.-Council agreed
to meet on Thursday, May 26th, as a
Court of Revision and.General Business.
Noras.-Miss T. Stirling, Goderich,,
is visiting at the home of Col, Young...
Mrs, Tyndal spent a few days last week.
visiting hex daughter in London. We
are sorry to say that Mr. John Buch- •
anan, one of our oldest residents, is
suffering with a very sore eye; we
hope that the warm spring weather
will restore him to his usual healthand
strength. Miss 1', Densmure, '.West-
field, is teaching at S. S. No..3 at pres-
ent, relk ving Miss Patterson, who is
taking a few weeks' rest, Miss E.
Craig, Goderich, spent • Sunday with
her friend. Miss • Sallows. Miss J.
Burke. Goderich township, is the guest
of Miss Annie Walter. Rev. Mr. Shaw,
Egmondville, preached here last Sab-
bath, having exchanged pulpits with
Rev. J L. Small. Audi ew Young sold
two driving horses last Week. Chas.
Varcoe spent Sunday at his home.
Norns. -Mr. Horton, Huron College,
took the service in St •!' John's church
Sunday evening. The Winmen's Aux-
iliary in connection with St.John's
will be quarterly meeting in -the Meth-
odist church•Sunda.y morning at 10.30
o'clock. St. John's church'service will
commence at 7 o'clock next Sunday
evening and Sunday School at 0 o'clock.
U. Sparrow and M. McNaughton, who •
have been in Manitoba delivering
horses, have both returned home. Miss
Emma, Ried and her sister • Maggie,
who have been in Manitoba for almost
a year, have returned home. Mrs. J.
Jeminhard, Detroit, is visiting her
father, J. Galbraith. J. McNaughton
is in Toronto this week.
Tun SPRING PAIR.- The village had
its annual big day Wednesday, it be-
ing the spring horse fair._ That far-
mers and others interested in horses
take advantage of the oppertunity to
see these stallions is quite in evidence,
as almost every,part of middle and
outh 'Anion was represented: hi --the
large gathering that assembled in the
village. The display of horses was
large, some four or five in each class
being exhibited'. Capt. Tom Robson
was the judge and no one is better
liked, or can give the same satisfac-
tion Mine Host Wilson had his
hands full feeding and caring for the
crowd, but genenal satisfaction seem-
ed exist on alt sides. Even the quack
man was present demonstrating the
wonders of his medieine and found
plenty of buyers.
NOTES. -Rev. McLeod was last Week
visiting his sister,Mrs. Robert Pearson,
and some acquaintances on con. 2,prior
to his leaving for Winnipeg 'where . he
is engaged as assistant pastor in Knox
church congregation. °H. TayloaSault
Ste Marie, visited - his brother, Wm.
Taylor, and his fatheawho live on son.
2. me left on Tuesday for his home. M.
Lloyd, who has engaged with Albert
Nott for the summer, has moved into
the vacant housiren lot 22, con. 2, late-
eiyamrchased by John McEwen. Dur-
ing last week there was an extettordm-
ary flow of Maple sap,and a large quan•
tity of syrup made by the farmers.
tzeaking Photographs
'Any user of the Camera an
make a pbot8graph, but it requires ex-
perience, ability, 'and judgment to
produce the speaking likenesses We'
turnfout, We can and will please
you. 41)
Henry'syhoto Studio.
Goderich TolArnahlIP
NoTeie.•-•;- Samuel Switzer has pur-
chased a number Of good grade steers
for the grass. Geo. Cooper's barn was
struck by lightning during Sunday
morning% storm ; the ball of fire ran
front the gable end, into the horse
stable, aight through the plank 000r
and buried itself in the earth but no
serious damage was done. A corres-
pondent to the NEW Ea. tells the fol-
lowing :-A, gentleman, while looking
, tor some reading literature the other
day, enquired of hie wife where the
NEW ERA. was ; "Oh" he says, al-
ways like the NEW EnA ; there'e al-'
ways something solid within it pages.
Within a distance of two miles on Oth
eon., no less than six deaths have oc-
curred inside of one year. John Cole,
Flint, and Wm Cole, Galt, came horne
to attend the funeral of their sister-in-
law, Mrs. T. H Cote.
A SAP DEATH. - Again we are
called upon to announce a death,in the
person of Mrs. T. H. Cole, con. 10, after
a, brief illness from pneumonia, aged
40 years. 9 She wasalways fleshy and
healthy in appearance but she passed
away on Saturday evening, She was
of a kind and tender disposition, a, lov-
ing mother and an aftectionate wife.
a husband and ninechildren,theyoung-
est being a baby, but three weeks old,
are left, and we trust that those who
are left behind will be i•ebonciled in the
thought that they will oite day meet
in a better world. Her remains were
followed by a, large cortege of friends
and neighbors to Clinton cemetery on
Monday where Rev: Mr. Rhodes per-
formed the ceremony and Messrs.
Cantelon, Miller, Jervis, Grigg, Cole
and Hicks acted as pall bearers. May
the bereaved farnilk look up and say,
"Father, Thy will be done."
"Good Seeds at Closest Prices -Red. Myer,
Ahdke, Home 0trown teiraeine and Oresara
Apr15 • W. um DEetZ
a ATITaiiii•
BEEP RING.- Thi3-beef eiha, inestly
among the gravel men,will be in toric -
irk order in a short time; buchering
done at Clark's by Thos. Clark and
Mr, Cummings. . .
NO;rns.-Mr. McNight moved into
the west side of Jas. Young's 'house
last week : he is engaged with O.
Clark's franiing gang; they are accona
'Dallied by Miss Steel, * Miss Jennie
flunking is -spending a Week with her
sister.. Miss Mabel Eerett has returned
froln London ; also Miss Coupland• ea-
Companied by Miss Brigham, Londes-
bOro. Ploughing has at last nicely got
' CHURCH. NOTES. - The Presbyterian
congregation have decided to request
the assistance of Grand Lodge of Mas-
onic fraternity to lay 'a corner stone
of their new building, on or about the
:first of June; the' black part of the win-
dows and other things are 'Ain the
ground, and workmen Will commence
to build a foundation as soon as the
weather is favor. •ble. 'We think the
union pra,yermeetings ia he Methodist
church quite Worth mentioning, being
well attended andof sustained Interest.
are sorry to hear of the
serious condition of 1z's. Strirdy; some
time ago she fell, injuring her . hip,
which has led to a general breakingup;
the family are well known throughout$
the whole community, and much sym-
pathy is extended. Miss Patterson,
the popular instructor at No. 3, Col-
borne, haslound it advisable' to obtain
a substitute and remain at her • house,
looking for an improvement in health;
all hope She is soon able to return to
her duties ; Miss Phoebe e
West* , s t &position.
lislatleltt: •
ComiaL-Ashfield couneil met qn
April 10th, members all present ; min-
utes read and passed ;. cheques were
issued for the following amounts : W.
Richardson, for bridge and drawing
timber, 510; • George Green, work at
Port Atbert, 22; J. Dean, work on L.
R., $7.50 • James Scott, work on L. IL,
31; W. 'Pellow, gravel, 2232 ; H.
Shields, timber and work at grans -
ford, $000 ,• J Crawford, work on DR.,
$4.50; W. Hackett, work on D.L., $4;
Wm. Richardson, gravel, 53.76; Ed.
McLean. gravel, 51.28; I. Wilson, cut-
ting ice at Cransford, 75c ; A. Cornel-
ius, cutting 'ice a.; Cransford, $1, W.
Rivitt $2 CH. Horneyirepairing bridge
on con. 2, 25;.Tchn Johnston, repairing
bridge, 53: Peter McIntyre, repairin
culvert, 50,e ;,Alhert, Tole„gyavel, $3.
Thos. Wiggins, . Work ori Past bound,
stay, $1., Geo. Hawkins, W. Pellow,
John Sehonals, • Jacob McGee and N.
Pearson waited on the council asking
that the reeve be appointed a delegate
to interview the Government in regard
to harbor improvements atPort Albert
to the extent of 510,000; moved by ,
John Buckley, seconded by Wm. Sick -
ley, that the council, having heard the
deptitaticai from Port Albert re harbor
improvements, believing there have
been good points.advanced, therefore,
we as a board Would heartily reconi
mend the said improfetnehts, and
would urge upon oar member, Mr.
Mobiles, the necessity of using his in-
fluence to this end. Carried. On mo-
tion of (lounge Kickley and Stotbers
the council adjourned to meet on the
281h of May: Court of revision to meet
at 2 p m. on that day. -W. STOTHERS,
ITAS KEPT TAB. -Rev. Rural Dean
Hodgins, of St. Thomto church, has
kept a record of when the last sleigh
ft:tithe season was seen on the streets
of Seaforth. This record extends over
a period of ten years and is a very fair
indication of the date itt which balmy
spring ()Penedo The following are the
figures : -4805, April 6_3 1806, A.pril 7;
1897, March '20 18T, march ; 1899;
Aplil 10 ; 1000, April 5; 1001, April 1;
1002, March 12; 1003, March 7; 1004,
•April16. It will be noticed that this
spring is the latest for several years
On/Mon.-Nett Sunday will be quar-
terly meeting and sticranielat in the
Methodist church; the Hoard will meet
at / o'clock Monday evening.
NOT10,-Rev, Jas. -fusser has not
been well for he past week but is int -
proving. ' Have we heard the last of
the telephone 2- We hope not. T. P.
Foster, Tara, is Spending a, month at
the poultry statiotiNetting .sonie ex.
perienee in the business.
. • ' Myth.
Cuimon.-At the adjourned Easter
vestry meetings at Blyth and Belgrave
'last week; the financial reports were
rnost encouraging.eztotal reeeipts
at Blyth were over 11 , and at -Bel-
grave 21516; there was a surplus nt
both chdrches. Rev. Mr, Edwards had
intended going to an easier parish on
Lake Brie, but was asked to withdraw
his resignation on the understanding
that an effort will be made to have the
parish t Moist of two churches, instead
of three. IVIrs, T. W. Scott entertain-
ed the choir and members of the con-
g.regotion on Thursday evening, April
28th; the most pleasing feature was an
address ami presentation in gold made
to Miss Annie Hamilton. the organist
of the church ; a very happy evening
was spent. The 'Wardens at Myth for
the ensueieg year are Frank Metcalf
and T. W. Scott ; at Belgra,ve, Robb.
McMurray and Henry Johnson.
Take a 1
at your •
does not
Is the time
have it read '
'Carbert. and Mrs, I. E. Reynolds were
Seaforth visitors one day lcust eek.
NoTas,-A merry gathering of men
A.Flynn.Mrs G.
went the round of some three or four
of their neighbor; during the evenings
last weekend enjoyed a social deal and
shuffle. Mrs. Win. Snell called on
friends on the 81h and 9th last week,
Miss A. Hueston, of Ripley, visited her,
sister, Miss C.' Hueston last week.
Miss Mabel Ctoupland, of Auburn, re-
newed ' acrmaintanceships in Londes-
boro and vicinity last week. J. E.
Robertson, teacher of No. 8, bas purch-
'inert a, bicycle, which will no doubt
shorten the distance to his home at
Auburn. T. IL Cole moved his trac-
tion engine to Seaforth last week,
where he will have it repaired ready
for his season's work.
The grim reaper visited the pleasant
heave of Henry W. Allem on Sunday
night, April 18, -when W. Allen was
taken Min amongst us. That evening
the family had some friends in for sup-
per, when Mr Allen, always a solendul
host, was at his brightest and best.
Immediately after partaking of the
meal,the family and friends adjourned
,,,to the barn to attend to the milking
and the usual chores of farm life. Ile
was speaking to one of the neighbors,
when a son noted him making a futile
attempt to rise from scnnehay at his
feet Mr, Allen declared there was
nothing wrong with him and that be
could walk. However he was lifted
into a buggy and taken to the house.
Nehere all measures v.-eretaken for his
relief and a doctor summoned from.
Blyth, who responded in an incredit-
ably short time, but as soon as he saw
his patient declarea there was no help
as paralysis had seizedhitn. Thiselieit-
ed a burst of despair from • the friends
present, and he soon passed into an
unconscious state never to recover,
sbreathingshialast,at 3 o'clock -Tuesday
inerning. alr. Allen, wad' born near
Smith's Falle,'Lanark county, 67 years
ago, 'coming. when a boy, with his
parents to Thillett. He possessed a
constitution for hardiness and endur-
ance, granted to very few. Eminently
big-hearted and generous, he was al-
ways in his element when entertaining
his friends His keen, bright wit, and
ability to saythe right • word at the
right minute, made him a pleasant
and entertaining coinpardint, the life
ot any gathering, a lover of peace, al-
ways inclined to throw oil on troubled
waters, and glad to oblige or assist a
neighbor in distress. In his finehome
leaves a wife, three sonsawo sisters
and a brothers, Mrs, :John Wainvielc,
Milburn; Mrs. Robt, Warwick, Wina-
hent, and.John Allen, Londesboro, be-
ing thesisters and brother. being very.
fond of the latter.. The large number
that followed .his remains to 13urn's
church: cenietery testified of the regard
the neig,hborti had for the deceased. In
his removal by death a , place is left,
vacant in the community that will be
hard to fill. •
Lendeab aro.
Noras.-Isaae Lawrence spent a few
• days visiting friends at Kincardineand
Lacknow last week; he intends leaving
for Leamington next week. Mrs,James
Risley visited her brother at Kincar-
dine, and Lucktow friends last week.
The sawmill finished up for this season
on Monday. Mr. Blatchford is ship-
ping hay this week. There was a, ear -
load of tainarack plank for the Mullett
council amongst the arrivals of freight,
work and the falling off of grist Bruns -
don Bros. will run their crusher only
on Monday,. Wednesday and Saturday
of each week. The public meeting
about the Lai,ilwaa litmus did not draw,
a large crowd here on Monday after-
noon ; there were more outsiders than
people of the vicinity. The Creamery
Co. is getting things in shape for a big
seaion.; anew Babcock tester is being
put in, and good support by, the far-
mers is •promised ; parties have been
engaged CO . haul the cream; and they
expect to continence about the middle
of May ; the better this. industry is
patronized, the better for the commun-
ity and the shareholders. , •
R. T. oF T.-Previousto the depart
are of SisteraIrs.'S. Bradford, ta whom
the credit for having a council here is
largely due, a social was held. After
the regular business light refreshments
were served; and a -half • 'tout very.
pleasantly spent in social chat.
.gtinnoti, - The quarterly meeting
will he held at Turner's church next
Sunday,. May 1st, at II m., Rev.. Dr.
Daniel, Goderich, will conduct the ser-
vice. The Quarterly Board will meet
on Saturday evening, April ?Otis, at 7
INTOTas.--Miss Minnie Moat is very
ill with pneumonia. Miss MeLean is
visiting at It 'White's.
Leeburn •
Noma -Sympathy is expressed all
around to ciur rielghboajas. McManus,
in his loss of a valuable mare and goat,
Jas. Horton also lost twin colts.' Miss
Elizabeth Horton is at present spend-
ing a few weeks with her. sistes, Mrs.
G. Clutton, Stratford. Miss F.Fother-
ington is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
A. IL glutton. Rev. Jas. Hamilton
goes to Hamilton this week, to attend
the meeting,of the Synod and will also
visit at Toronto and choose the books
for our Sunday School Library. Out'
readers will be pleased to know that
H. Horton blacksmith at Dunlop, is
again able'to move about with the aid
of a crutch. Jas. Linklater is suffering
froxn an attack of grip,
be held on -Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. Sohn Horton, given by the
. ladies of Lite W. 1'. M. S. A. program
will be given and refreshments served.
• Porters BM •
AionIALMunni0i -The annual meet-
ing of the congregation of liethany
church was held Tuesday evenirgnf
last week,' the pastor, Mr. McMeir, in
the chair. There was a splendid turn
out considering the state of the weath-
er. The congregation is numerically
very small but financially it is abreast
with any congregation in proportion
to the numberof famillesandinenabers.
The meeting showed that there isgood
feeling mut unity in the congregation.
The book of the treasurer was audited
and found coned with a small balance
in the treasury: After the managers
finished business the ladies served re-
freshments, after which a short pro-
gram WAS rendered.
.ast Personal Notes*
4f A Brief Notice of the Coming' aie
4t and Goings of the Peeple. 4C'"
4f 4Ca
• D, IgeOervie went to -London ,
Monday on businees.
D. 13, McKinnon, Myth, was in toWn
Monday on business.
Mrs, J. E, Hovey spent the past week
with a friend in Toronto.
Miss Allie johnson,Znrich, is visiting
her aunt. Mrs, Oliver J cihnson.
Mrs. H. 13, Combe went to Stratford
Saturday to spend a few weeks,
Mrs. Waiter King was in Blyth
Monday calling on some sick folk.
Win Taylor returned to Chicago on
Monday morning to resume his duties
in that'city.
Mr. Grief, of New Haniburg, is the
est of Mr. Brancleuburger, of the
House. .
Misses Lily Jackson, Annie Minton
and sister Hattie drove to Seafortn to
visit friends one day this week.
Mrs. A. .1, Holloway returned Friday
from a week's visit with Mrs. (Dr.)
Blacken, Heusall, who has been quite
A. J. Holloway left for New Ontario,
Tuesday to size up the country through
which the Terniscaniing railway is to
be built. • • .
Dr. Holmes, Goderich, who was at
Wingliam 'spending Sunday with his
son Dudley, was it town visitor on
Monday. -
Adam Can telon,frotn Goderich town-
ship,left Monday morning for the west
where he will launch out in biiiiding
operations. :
'J'ohn: HubeittirdaarghTeiv`MlertalliV
left Saturday on an extended trip to
$4u Francisco,. where they. will visit
friends and relatives. •
Louis Taylor went to Alliston Monday
to visit his wife's ents; John is visit-
ing friends at Etheiatud Israel _went to
Montreal on business.
Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Crich and son,
Newton P., left Monday afternoon for
New HopeaAssa., where they will cast:
theia lot for the future.
' H. H. TaylorrIT.• S.' Customs .officer
at' the American Soo, was i n town
andvioinity a, few daYsthe past week,
visiting friends and relatives. •
Bert Jackson and Wallace•Irwin,
students of the Northwestern Univer-
sity Dental School, Chicago, arrived
home this week • for the midsummer
vacation. • , •
A number of. Mrs. Geo. Stewart's
friends and relatives were down to
the station Tuesday evening to see
her safely started with her children
to her western home at Hartney.
Mrs. McIlrey, Blyth, and .two sons
were visitors in town, Monday, at' the
haute of MIS: John laylbr, Ontario
street. They are on their way to St
Georgawhere Mr.Mcilroy is employed,
Jack Agnew, of Wingham, brother
of Dr. Agnew, of town spent a few
days here the past Week. Ile is in his
IAA year in medicine at the Western
University, London, and his many
friends wish him success on his final
Mayor Hoover was in Woodstock
"'Wednesday attending the funeral...of
the late Jas T. Bain. The deceased
was a member of Xxecutive of the
Woodnia,n of Weald,. and Mr Hoover
being chairman, •representedthe Orde
at theobsequies.
, Mr French and son Wilfrid,Toronto,
who were here attending the • funeral
of the late Mrs, Wm. Taylor, returned
'home Monday. Mr. French is princi
pal of an East. Toronto High School.
They were accompanied by Jack and
Stephen Taylor, of Minnedosa, who •
will spend a feW days with their sister,
Mrs..French,she being unable through
illness, to beprese.nt tt her Mother's
deathbed, • • '
. H. Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate,
was in town on Monday. He was on
his way to Goderich to visit his son,
A Bylaw wawbeing voted .an in his
own town that day to spend $10.000 in
fixing up the White Elephant Water -
Werke bygteiii thy haVe ifi
being altogether in favor of spending
this jarge sum without extending the
mains so as to afford protection to the
residential parts, when they have to
share the burden of taxation,he pulled
out from the injustice that was being
heaped upon his fellow citizens.
Constanc‘ •
Norias.-•A quiet Wedding took place
itt Londesboro on Wednesday evening,
when Robert Rogerson and Miss Susy
Wheatley were married by Rev. Mr.
Kennedy '• they. commenee house-
keeping onthe Dunlop farm which Mr.
Rogerson has lately purchased. Miss
Gertie Farnham,who has been visiting
in this vicinity, returne to Chicago on
Tuesday morning. Wm. 1nox has
purchased a fine colt from II,Wheatley.
Additional: Local News.
-True we do not need the watering
cart in service at present,but we know
not the hour when we shall. 'Would
it not be wise for the officials to keep
this thought in mind and see that
everything is in shape so that when it
becotnes necessary no delay will be ex-
perienced in allaying the dust, which
Clinton streets are noted for. •
• _
.1.40 1100 e oafs rouge,
The program for the meeting in Lon-
don on the week beginning May SO, of
the London Methodist Conference hitt;
been prepared. The stationing com-
mittee will meet on Mendayafternoon.
Beginning Tuesclay,there will be morn-
ing and atternoon businesssessionsand
the following anniversaries will he cele -
bested, the speakers for each occasion
being given -
Tuesday, May 31 - Sunday School and
Epwoith League. Wellington strset
church. 8 p. ru, Addresses,'Rev, E. A.
Fettr,C. B. Keenleyside,B. A. and Rev.
J W. Baird, 13. A.
-Wednesday, June 1- Educational.
James H Coyne, It A.; and Rev. Dr.
John Potts.
• Thursday,Jime 2 -Temperanca Duns
des Centre 8 p. m. Addresses, Revs.
D. M. Medium's and Dr Ctiown,
Friday, June 3 • Reception. Service.
Wellington street; 8 p. m. Addresses,
Re -s. Jas. Gallowayand Alfred Brown.
Slaturday.June 4 Theological Union.
Wesley Hall, 2.30, m Leettire, "Int -
mortality," Rev.'''. IV. 13Iatchford, B.
A. Historical Seciety, 8 p, m. Address,
"History of VieNew Connexion Metho-
dist Church.' Rev. J" R. D D.
'Monday, June 6- Missionary First
Mettodist Church, 8 p. iii', Addresses,
Revs. E. Mead, Dr. Sutherland, Mrs. J.
, MeMechan.
Bible Readings each morning from
8.45 to 9.45, commencing Wedriesdey,
'Tune 1,Rev. J, F. McLaughlin. Rev.H.
M. Mail g in charge of d evotional, and
Revs H. D. Moyer and W E. alillson,
th music.
The services: cif the Methodist Churebes
of 1.ondon will be taken on Sunday.June
5, as foliates
Conference Dive -feast 9 a, to , ' con-
ducted by Rev, j W. 'Hellues
- Ordination Sermon'11 a. in.. Rev, ,
jasper Wilson, M. A., followedby Or-
_ ;„„,
Sunday School iservice,13p TI). "addreae
ses, Revs: H. E. Currie and F. E Mall-
EVening serriee, 7, sermon. ReV. Dr
Daniel '• commanion, by Rev. S. Bond,
First Church --11. Jas. Ffarinon,D.D.;
7. J.:110.vOititir ; 3; C. Wells, 13 D ,S..
Dundee Centre --11, G: A.' Gifford :7,
jas. Litrinestone;3,.W. Malullen „l3. A..,
IV. H. Graham. '
Colborne street-]], W Gad vein ;' 7,•
C: W. Brown, B. D. ; 3,3. Q. Reid, . B.
13., W. Millson.
elentenniall•-,41, R. Redmond ; 7, W.
G. H. MeAllister, al. A.;3, A. E Lloyd,
flnniilton il-111. F. j: Oaten, M.
A: ; 7, W. 13. Kerr ; 3, M. J. VVilspn,M.
A., D E Martin.
Askin Street 11, David Rogers; 7,A.
Langford, D D.; 3, W. j. Ashton, S.T.
L.. 11. Graham., B. A. •
Empress Avenue la, G. 11. Cobble --
dick, B. D. ; 7, H. W. Locke ; 3, G. H.
Long, A. .T. Dingfoed. ' •
Hill streets -11, Sinclair ; 7, H.J.
Uren ; 3, A. E. M. ; Thompson, 13. A.,11.
E. Kellington, 13: A. • ' • '
• High Street -II, C. F. blerke;7..T.W.
Baied, B A. ; 3, L. W. Reid, B A. •
Richmond Street -11 W. M. Pornertars,
7.13. F. Armstrong, 13. A.; 8, J. W.
Kensington -111, 'Geo: Jewitt 7, T.
Blatchford, B. A ; 3, G. W. Rivers,
B. A. ; J. H. Osterhout,
Melrose 1030 and 7, Peter'lllyers.
Ilycle.Park 8, Peter Myers.
. St. John's -7, Peter Myers.
Res'. .Jasper Wilson, M. A..of e -
.town, IS the.-Presiclent,41*e..0.-W-
Kerr, of Blenheim, is the Secretary.
liotfgh ()up game of the season will be
played on Saturday, May 7, cvhenlitit-'
riston will endeavor to lift the much
coveted "silver." The champions are
working hard every day and are rapid-
ly rounding into shape. The boys have
good reason to belieye that in Harris -
ton they have worthy opponents, and
though they are sanguine as regards
the result, of the game, do riot purpose
allowing any over -confidence to in-
volve them in disaster. The town Col-
legiate players will be McKinnon, Mc-
Queen, C. Mestard, Murch,T:' Mustard,
Whiddon, Houston, Camecon Keys,
Gunn, Aikenhead,Badout and Shipley.
The latest Collegiate to covet the trophy
is Stratford, in reference to which it
special despatch says ..-1-"The boys- of
The Collegiate Institute of this city in-
tend to place a football team in the
field to compete with otherHigh School
in the vicinity for the Hough Cup,pre.
sented by the W. F. A. for competi-
tionsmong Collegiate Institutes and
High Schoolet, which is at present held
by the Collegiate Institute. The club
has been organized with the following
officers :-I-Ion." Pres., 7? D. 1111cCrint-
mon ; Pres., H. S. Robertson, B. A. ;
Vice -Pres., 0.-H, Pentland, B. A.;Sec.•
Treas., Austin Killer;Capt.,MacSwaiti;
Custodian, P. O'Flaherty, Pxecutive
Committee -IL Marta. D. B. Stewart;
and W. Murray. This evening(Thurs
da the junior and senior teams of the
(n11eiafn will have a practice) game
•, News;
• .
OUR SIC -K. ---Miss Mettle Shipley
when' we all have looked upon as the
picture of health and immune from
sickeess, is lying seriously- at the
present time from that Painful and
agonizing foeinflaztatory rheumatism.'
Her Many friends wish her a speedy
and healthful recovery. ...Miss Lottie
Daniel, daughter of Miss O. Witts,. is
;dangerously ill With stomach trouble,
few hopes are entertained of
her. reccivery....Mr. A. Moore is no
better with slim chances of recovery..
,..Mr. Sam Townsendis hanging on,
with hopes of .getting stronger when,
*I he vrarial', weather sets in Mrs.
Peter Cantelon,is indisposed and con -
tined to her bed. We hope for her
speedkarestoration to health. .
the Mayor goes into n hole on the
roadway he has it filled the next day.
This is practice. When a resident or
farmer goes into the, same bole, he
says nothing'about it, even though he
breakhishairless or rig. This is a
mistake. The street committee as a
rule is very good in responding to
complaints and having these spots re-
medied, when it does not require too
much of the town's finances,but as
the menabeis are business men, -and
are unable to make a tour of the town
to find out these places, we would ad-
vise our citizens to notify the commit.
tee concerning them, and if they are
not attended to, to tell them again, so
that the work will be attended to. It
is money well spent.
Canadian Association's District CCM-
mittei., consisting of Vice -President
Nelson. Secretary W. 11. Hall and
Councillor Bailey, .thet at the
Iroquois Hotel Toronto Monday 11 ight.
to make the first draft of the districts.
in the junior series of which (Milton's
Stratheona lacrosse club interested.
The follotving arrangement was made;
-District No 1 ,Son thampton, 111111-
over, Si.': lkertou }larriston ; district
no 2-Teestvater, Lucknow, Wingham,
Listowel, Kincardine ; district no 3 -
Wellingfoneof Owen Sound, M arkdidea
Elesherton. Ditialitlk, Durham; district
no 4-24 Bugle nand of Chatham,
Rodney. St, Thomas 11: distriet no 5 -
Mitchell, Clinton, Settforth 111 istrict
no 6- Drumbo, Brantford 11, Brant-
ford Y. M. 0, A., 'Woodstock, Berlin,
Galt; district no 7 -Guelph, 11., Res-
pect., Streetsville, Mil-
ton ; district to 8 -Arthur, Grand Val-
ley, Shelburne, Oranoeviliei distriet no.
0 -Weston, Woodbridge,Bolton,Sham-
rocks 11. of Toronto Junction, Elms of
Toronto : distrietno. 10 -Aurora, Brad-
ford 11,, Youing.Torontoso 'Young Te-
eurnsehs; district no. 11 -Cookstown
Alliston, Beetori, Tottenham: • district
no. 12 Queens Of St. Catherines, Sham,
rocks, of St, Catharines, Niagara Falls,
Port Dalhousie ; district no. 13-r, (Mina,
Gravenhurst, Sturgeon Falls,
The committee will meet again nett
Monday evening to make the final,
grouping and in the meantime Secre•
tat,* Hall willreceive suggestionsbased
P*r PM**
41.40 Witetteroe*
For Smut
Germ cm Graii)..'
Drug Store Clinton..
N. B.
3 Seeds, Sweet
3 Eckfords Mixture
.i4icesises urasited
E4sT Ertutois..
East IInnon LieenT
viz Ates-irs Littlejohn, Atia)i)WW !40,
1i ii -ii liuj 1, with License !lisp
oilier, Met at the Ceatliti 1-1o.
BruSsels;'on Wed nestlaY •of ;fitst week
as' lief annoinicement .1 aleng with: 1.1
other business. tIoniiidered the
ingof hotel licenses 'hi the East tticlitie
(.4-4itatatlatitlaia..aaaclall at;
The reedit WM' as:follows
Jas'Kirkhy ; Wroxeter, Wni Olferie '
and A. A, Esty ; (4-orrie,- R, 1".
and' A. • O. Proetor : Ford 4,6
; Ill; des w; I ins 1.1.-ei lavee, ;
Et-liel, .L. 1. 1,9ngewaV, ; gran ItroCik.„
..1.. ',nog ; Bruese..s, Gee..
Qiterrin, and 'McLennan '47,
AVni Blashill ; -L
Wolfe ;
Bluevale. j. -0..Tohnston ; Jainestowe.:
Thos McEneu, beer' and ,%viiIO. Hozti.d.
ad4otirned to meet at • theArix.rie
note!, BriisselS, this week.
in the park. , Mt the above draft.
. . noirrit Huum
At a meeting of, the ()Aeons& Corp";
missioners held at Henstill Anrit
20th, the following were kra,00 Het
eneeS .for 1904;5 : TOwnahip pg
borne, -Taverh, Joseph .Stepiteta,
'Iatvern; %Vin lYieffittt,',' T: mirici
Centralia ; A. Hill.•Wm: -Fritz, :tiredly
ton ; 13 Cunpingham. "Ithiva
Deitrich, Monnt Carmel ; Moser'
Corbett ,• •Toseph Brenner,. Grati
Bend ; James Hannan, Shiplca„•
Mosee, Daslavood. Toweshm Of IVO'
,Mrs NV Nicholson,.Blake ; Rtt J911
sten and P Rau eXt
for three mon tbs.:Towns hip Of
ley; -ThaFittafer, t*K-ilente
'1 01
Cook, Varna. TOWnShip .
entitle- Charles Wilsoo, Brileatiel
George Strong, Red Tavern. i_Vitlage
nI Bitvfield,-- the E Elliott:1f riVW,"
G E Greenslade, six; months. -Village
of Hensall.-Y E Blackell and -.W.
4100aughy: Villa,gis of Exear,
Page; Jamee Shaddock, IV T Acheson
and W.Ilawkishaw; shops," '
Farmer' 'Bros, „extended_miii_ii
Totvn 'of Seaforth .14.
Dick4lencierson & De La.cey„, .3De
Stephens and, D T 'Pink:110y, shops;
Dawson and:Jos- Weber ' • ,•
Bishop Courtney, of t ,Atiglio.
church, favors churehun ion as expre..
ed in &toast `*The patron Saint, Si
George. and the clergy of.all donernii
ations," delivered,in .Elailfax one ;10
big this week.
Ciluton filkrket,
porreeted.every,ThnViday atter
Wheat . 30 a
Bute:wheat .• • . • . 0 40
Oats .. •• .• 0 BO a
Bye . a • • • • • • ** • • oo . • 0 40
Balky • 0 3$
Peas $1
Plear•per ow* 2 73 a
(H1 hare kens, .111;r"1 Cdj
Pork, live 50
Setter, roll•.".•-• 0, 2 a
" tub . . ..... 0
Egg° per doz..... ; 0 1 III
Pork, dressed . . 6 00 , ,
Potatoes, per bath .... 0 70 TO
08 01, aa.
Market. Notes.
f(From the 'Weekly Sun of 27th
Contrary to expectations, hog p
have advanced alittle during th
week, new being.quoted in To'
at• $5 to $5.12i. These prices, -Of
are for the selects, fats and ligh
ing 25c less. . -
The usual thing it for price
little higher during the. nig
summer months than in the fall 111
winter. Last season hogs van ate
$6.40 in Toronto the last week inApril
were down to $5.8n in the third, wee
inJune, and then tip to $0.40 again
the first week in•Anglist: By the e
of September they were down t611
Butter tie decidedly Wier in Tore ,
this week. This is (Inc to ,a variety ot
-oauses, chief among ,these being weak-
ness of the Old Countr3r, market twa
an accumulation of supplies at local
points in OnSario during the periods of
• had roads. These supplies wills have
been accumulating at icical poin itre
Of course, of inferior quality, ati
ferior quality always means deer
consumption. One pound of poor lou
Ler wilt go almost as far ls two pout
of good. Pt -ices ranging from 140 .
22e a p7hund, .