The Clinton New Era, 1904-04-01, Page 7• , APRIL let 904. THE °LUTON NEW ERA. A Gin Pill Reason Moly people are veritebie buman itacrreaation points. They hive riably m4 .r. to away why? Crn . wlay ere Superior to otherEiditey remedies. One reason is that •GinU1B are antiseptic ia their action, cleat/slug, purifying from the start, thereby effecting a speedier rote more certain care. The effect is immediate. AU Druggists, Pete. per box, 6 boxes far Sa so or direct froin THE BOLE DRUG CO" VVINNIPKG, MAN. , . YOUR MONEY BACK IF GIN PILLS DO NOT CURE, Pm% IN UNCLE SAM'S LAND SOME EMINENT CANADIANS wriq LIVE AORIDSS THE BORDER, Tho Doutinloo, 11 *welter, Attracts iteeY Xtesitionto Wrens Brother Jonathan- (haundlaus in All Welke of 1•414 -Area. blidaepo nod Elaheps. Pelltlelans on4 Mee Expert Is TroellPertetieet Oelemee • and Art Wks )(lave X•oft Ws. The movement of the people, gov- erned as it is by personalconsider- °times,largely those of a business nature, brings nany citizens of the 'United States to Canada as Pere manent residents, and transfers many excellent Canadians te Uncle Sam's land. Our neighbors who have come from the United States* are welcome additions to the strength of the Dominion'. They are, as a rule, experts in some particular line, lor which there has been no special paining on this side of the border, After a eiieneresidence, with us, ehey find that Canada is a, country worth living ine. not only because of its na- tural splendor, •but because of its promising future. They thereupon take a lively interest in the Derain -at. ion, and although of foreign birth; are as enthusiastically: 'Canadian as the home-groivn ,article. From Can- ada, however, the Republic has drawn, very largely. There has been . a aspeole•s of exchange. going On. • • . Arehblsitop. and 'LI:shape. The Deadly Cigarette Canadians will be pleasecl to know at our anti -cigarette movement has pired-th.e- mother country to WO e action, and a mammoth petition n circulation receiving the Warmest reeathy and approval of the Mice of the- Archbishop of Canterbury, e Bishop of London, tend a large mbar of the lords, school masters, eleinthropists and medical men with p object of securing legielation. iainst the cigarette. The Rev. W.T. Cormick, A. K. O. F. R. G. S ; late mar of St. Matthew's, Brighton, is charge of this great reform and leas nt me the list of ono hundred and 1„enty-nine nemes of the leading )ntlemen in England which were pub - bed in the London Thnes, •Ilestatee .at two thoughts appear to be euper9r- het in the minds of those.signatorees 'ix° have favored them with their ,pions, viz., first that the thaw has ived for the legislature to take ac - an in this matter, and second! . that • Absence of home discipline in re - rd to this evil is a great hindrance to achers ha their efforts to repress the 'hit amongst their scholars. The foie ing is the published manifesto : view of the great increase - of. late . ars in cigarette smoking • amongst, ' 16 young it is felt that a Strong ex- lession of -opinion may. be of use' in awing national attention to a *habit igh is undoubtedly. doing ranch to dermine the health anct eruiii the. exacter of many English b eye in the ions grades of society, Whether , the public school bey or to the '.Iioy ' the street, the evil is equally barna , and we the undersigned Cannot, too e'ongly express our 'hope that . every essible tettennee niay be made to deal th what we believe to be e very per- m hindrance to the younglife of the :Won. Andwe would especially nphasize the evident duty of parents • control their boys in regard to this ebit. dl would also like to call attention to le fact that a postal cardis in circu- tion and is the second one of the nd which has come .to my addrese, 'ie contents of which ere as follows .: A national league is being fornied . to :art a crusade against the cigarette Alt. The 'league will cover the hole country. Every wothan is aske . 1 to give her signature to the .marta oth petition to congressto stop the Ile of cigarettes to miners. .• Will you please send this card with eur name -and addaess. on a .slin of )oer to the U. S. Moral society, lehil- ielphia, Penn , also write four card ke this to as many friends. Do not Oil as the chain will be brOken and •le elfoat defeated. No money is ieded. Please he prompt." a ;I do not know who is the originator i this postal ca,rd Movement, but our 1. S. National anti -cigarette supetin- Sndents have informed me that such hain letters as these are very popular I"' 'obee-o41 the other side of the line, and that they have been. traced back to the tobacco trig* There is nothing more - conducive to the benefits of their trade than regulation acts for minors, for they have been proven throughout the world that they are not worth the pa -- per they are written on. I would ad-. vise all our lady philanthropists to consign to the flames any such articles that may be sent her. 1 rernein for the beseove and. girls. JEarzers WATER:4, Superintendent of Anti -narcotics. -DATH OF *PRO F. -C1:1XP INA N. ormer Member oy erupt° thaveraty Steff vioa to angianti. • News was received in Toronto the other clay of tha death iu ngland of Prof. Chapman, for • so manY year on the staff of the University of Toronto, and who, after retiring from the active werk of teaching and inheriting a property in Eng- land, Went :Several years ago to re- side there. The' lato Chapman, Ph. D. LL.M, whose death oecurred at The Pines, Hampton Wick, Eng- land, on January 28th, was well known. &taking the higher education.- ists of. Canada, and particularly of • Toronto. Fpllowing a military ca- reer ler some time, he served in the Foreign Legion Of the 'rcnch» army in the Algerian eampeign, and his service as an •°Meer on the Geologi- cal Surveys of Austria and Germany led hina. 'Into his chosen, profession/ for in 1853 he .received the 'apptaint- ment to the chair of Mineralogy and Geology at the University. of Toren - to; a post which he ably filled nntil the Year.1890. Set -veal -dlgtinguished men received their appointment to the professoriate of Toronto Uni- versity at the • same time, • 'among them being the late Sir ,Daniel Wil- son; PtOf Orneri; Prof. Hincks, and Prof. Cherrimari. Although- an oc- togenarlan, the, late Prof. Chapman retained mental and bodily vigor to the last. Shortly before his death he was engaged in issuing • a book whicli lie had Aust seen through the press. .1Ie was • the • author of a,large • nernbet of Papers containing the re: - Malta of original observationin his own field of Work. Aanongst his books were textbooks on Canadian Miner- als and • a' textbook on Blow -Pipe Work, another being on theGeology of ' Ontario. The originalapapers • are. scattered among various societies and publications of England, Cana- da and the United States. Ile was a fellow of the Royal. Society of Ca- nada, and .received the degree of. Ph. D. from Munich. 'Prof. Chapman was twice married; and his widow; who surfrives hint, was a Miss Suther- land, an artist 'well known in To-• ronte.- His son by his first wife died -several years ago. Be leaves rie, relatives in Canntht . • WHY CATARRH POISONS THE SYSTEM The Catarrhal germ excites inflam- mation,/ offensi ve secretions are thrown off and pass into the circulation, con- taminating the giver of life and thus wreck the whole body. Every catarrh victim should use fragrant healing Catarrhozone, the surest cure for every type of catarrh, yet discovered. Catarrhozone can't faleeto cure because its vapor k,illa the germs and removes the cause of the trouble, Then it soothes and heals, stops the cough and relieves the stuffed up condition of the nose and throat. Tens of ihoustmuls have been cured by Catarrhozone which is guaranteed. Use. only Cat- arrhozone.Complete ouefit $1 00 ; trial size 25c. Our Calendar., FRIDAY, April 1 -Good Friday, SreeneeteneApril -.S.:aster Sunday tspe- cial services at Wesley and St. • Paul's. MONDAY, ApriI.8 - Wesley Sunday Scfiool "At Home";Wiliis Sun- day School entertainment. ° Tunenay.April 5 -Ladies' Aiti3Ontario " street church, concert, THURSDAY, April 7 -Band concert in town hall. SuNneet,April 10 -Visit of Bishop Car- michael, Montreal, to his for- mer charge -St. Paul's. SUNDAY, April 17 - Ohtaria street church annierereary. beautiful weather of the past -three days has set business a booming again, and merchants 'report more lefties and many inquires made foe `spring goods. simusenseeeemmmesmeseseammima CASTOR I A Por Infants andt Oldltlren. . The Kind You Have Ahvoys Bought Bears the Signature of FAMOUS INV.ENTOR DEAD; •straieht • nen' nine JasatialP Lee's Great Trinmphi, ...Janice; P Lee, whose death -took place at New Haven, Conn., 'recently was spending ..the Winter there, nail it was not- generally.known 111 Gait . that he Was Seriously' ill. The dis- tinguished inventor' only returned ta Galt fiVe Years ago, after a long re- sidence in the United Stae.ne and Europe. His /mine Wil.I bef'insepaia ably connected . with the in/prey/a meats n sznall arms, }ifs •inventioaa` being the basis of most of the eee eently--adopted weapons. He was born. in Hawiek,. Scotland, and came to Galt with his father• , George Lee, • when a boy of live yeara , APprenticed to Ifis-lather, he became • an expert watchmaker, but, -Wang-Ear ardent sportsman, he early beeaine interested hi firearms. When at %Janesville, Wis:; in .1854, he first begaa ,his study of _guns, bringing out an idea he did not perfect for many• yearslater, when it appeared in /the 'Lee straightpull rifle, which was first used in. Active service dur- • ing the Spanish-American war.. The nnit magazine, gun Which Mr. Lee invented was purchased for the American navy, where it hats been • inauPe ever since, In 'the seventiee Mr. Tveewent into the mainffacture of sides carbines and spoiling rifles in Milwaukee, and later h n his in- Ventions handled by the Remington Ante Corapany. In the early eighties he went to • ItIngiand And laid 'his rifle before the British arniy authorities, who took .it up and hirriished the whole ariny with Lee-Metfords. Tho Government afterwardadopted a new bore for the ritle barrel, changing the name of the Weapon to the Lae -Enfield. Mr, Lee wee' 73 years of age, and 4 had licen .a sufferer from an accident which befell him when a youth, By *the a;ccialental discharge of a gun he was shot in the heel, and he carried . DIARY Of the Oahe; for oyer 50 years, until the • discovery of tbe X-ray machine, •• • FOR ENERGY AND STRENGTH-- ANTI...PILL Prevalent conditions that go to MOO people look old and /eaten, age markal before their time are doectibed in the fol. lowing letter from a Woman whe received lin- mediate relief from a ' saMple o r -Piet. • . "I would wake in the more* feeling tired. My feet and eakleis would *well.' I had a horrible. dragged aentatiem My head aehed as though it *mild beret My bow. • eie Were tleVer regular. X • bad a disagreeable feet - leg of overtake/is after taxing. Food would not digest, and caused great distress. Was nervoura I was treated for dyspep- eia and donstipation with little or no relief. A. slim - pie of Ile. Leonhardt's • Alert -Put did me BO much, good 1 ollowed up It Ole, and two bevies has entirely cured ine," Antiente is sold by druggists, 50 cede, or mailed by' ad dre sang Witsotr.rine Co., Nag - :era Valls, Or& Free eon - pie mailed to inyeddrese, igirS0141) 1 1t4 114 UREMIA CLINTON, ONtjel ION . The "Morgan," or American "Who's Who," which has been .recently is-, Fined, throws a •good deal of ,light .upon the careers of Canadians next door. It is interesting to find from It that the Dominion has given ' to the United' States two archbishops of the *Roman, Catholic Clautch, five Protestant Episcopal bishops, and three ' Methodist Episcopal bishops, The ai•Chbishops are the Most Rev: rJamob E... Qvigley,, of Chicago, and the Most Rev, Patrick Ptiordan, of San Francisco. . Mgr. Quigley , was born at Oehawa. -He studied at Niagara' Falls for the ministry, pro- ceeded to A.uatria, and Remo, Where he completed his education, and was'• called to the . hishcipric- of Buffalo.. From that see . he was receatly ap- pointed to Chicago. Thiaprelate be - carne world renowned onathe occasio • of the Iroquois conflagration, He wag passing the burning theatre at the time of the 'fire, and entered it to help in the work of rescue and to adminiater2to the dying,, .Archlbishopa Riordan conies from New• Brunswick. 'The Protestant Eplecopai prelates are Biehop Niles, of New Hampshire, 'a,native of Batley, Que.; - Right Rev. 'Arthur L. Williams., of Owen Sound, coadjutor • bishop of Nebraska; Right Rev. Oharles P. Anderson of ICempt- ville,..coadjutor bishop of • Chicago; Right Rev. Peter T. Roma*, of . To- ronto, 'a graduate of Trinity Univere • &ay', .laishop of Alaska, and Right Rev. Charles 11. Brent; .oe Newcastle, - Ont., bishop of. the Philippine Is- lands. • Aneong the MethodettEnis- ,cepal bishops are Rev. Cliaxle% E, Smith, of Colborne, Ont., now: of De- troit; Rev. Charles H. Fowler, • of Burfbrd Townihip, now of Buffalo, and Rev. Prank W. Ware, mission- ary 'bishop to India. Other celebrit- ies of Canadian origin. are Rev., Francis E, Clarke; a native of Ay• - mer, qua, 'Who founded the Christian Encleayatir movement, and Rev.. John _E-Ver_g_uscin, of Lonsdale, Ont., who is president of the Nanking Univer- sity,' and has charge of the Central *China MiSsion. - • an Pelltietti Life. • 1 • IS Ili ir MASK On '? Loss of F AA „alieard speech ay 40,131188isn toosoied Whic"la ledlontea the Xtoolena WbY Ttritaile Platrasts Ituaalo• When you can't eat break. fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little MOr. nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Thosowlio have lost ilesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, boneflesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com- fortable food, and a natural tonic. • The Canadians in pelitical life are ntiMerous. 'One of them' is United States Senator J. H. Millard, form- LerlY 'ef Hamilton, now the represent- ative • "of Nebraska at Washington. He .. has as a colleague Theanas Kearns, of Woodstock, Ont., who sits for Utah. In the'll'Onse of Represent-. atives there are Jattes T. 3.1cCieary, born at ' Ingersoll, member from Mienesota.; Philip P. Cainpbella of 'Cape Breton, representing a district ' be Kansas; James. A. Hughes, a na- tive of Ontario, sitting for West Virginia, and Alfred Lucking of In- gersoll, representing the first district cif Michigan. The County of Ccimp- • ton, in the EaPtern Townships, had as Governor Of Vermont Hon. Josiah Grout, whileellIadoe, in. Ontario, has • sent twonatiyes to the United Stat- es to become important in diplom- atic Iife. One of • these; Herbert G. Squires, has been Envoy -Extraordin- ary to IrEveana, Cuba, and. the other Robert P, Whitmarsh, has been Gov- ernor 'af Beneniet, in the Philippine_ Islands. The City Chamberlain of New York, during Seth Low's ad- ministration, Was Elgin Gould, a naa • tive of Oshawa,. •and the Assistant Postniaster-General • of the 'United States is Ectiiin 0. Madden, formerly :of Montreal. It is somewhat start- ling to learn that Jerry Simpson, who attained notoriety as. "the. SOCke less" member of Congress front New Afexicci, was. born in New Bruns - Wick: . . . Trow5portation,‹Scien66 and Art. .• It is of course well kaown that j, J. 11111, the railway Magnate and millionaire of the West, was born near Guelp,h. He left his father's farm a bare-footed boy, and is now the controller of the Great Nonthern Railway. S. B. Calltairay is another successful railway marl, He 'Spent his early days in Torontoe and grad- ually rose :until he became manager of the Union Plinifle Railway„ Percy Todd, of Toronto; is elecond vice- president oft the New York and New Havon Railway, and 3/fonserrat Nic- hols, formerly of London, is president of the Hooking ;Valley. In Seieheo we hey° Alexalider Graham Dell, the inventor of the telephone, who Silent hisearly days in Brantford, arid Montague Chamberlain, the greatest' American. Ornithologist, bora. at St. John, N.B., and now of Harvard, Literature is rieh in Oanadlsn manes. 'PalmerCox of the Brownie stories, 'Wei born In Granby, Quebee, and Spent his early days at Nerwich Ont. Thompson-Soton, • the writer about animals, is from Toronto, While Robert Barr, the novelist and bun:Wristis from Wanacetou, t cart the MO Kind You Hap P.Vays touch tienatifre a? Scotes Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and. nerve. -We Will Send you a free sample. ' . • Be sure thatthis picture In the form or a label is en the wrapper otevery bottle of .Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE,n CHEIBISt• .: Toronto, Ontario, . 50e. and SI i all druggists The Niw.ERA and Montreal, , Herald one year for Shoo, • "What the nations are about to witness is a grand . turning move- , ment on the pert of Russia against \ its old, dogged opponent, Britain. As an incident of this operatioP Japan must be crushed. They must be cleared off Russians flank, other- wise the advance et the Czar's forces cannot be continued across China. Japan stands between Russia and the aim of which she has neves lost sight --to turn the British off their - position in India and to shatter the British -Wall that Weeks the Russian Bosphorus. Lord Lansdowne, the path in the Persian C1ulf and the British Foreign 3i1inister, not long ago boldly adnouaced in the House of Lords that Britain ' would fight any power that might presume to Share the advantages of the Per - elan Gulf, All I have to say is that, that is a question of strategy and strength rather than a question 91 official pronounciamentos." Thus spoke a Russian general the other day, according to eaSt, Peters- burg 'despatch, whichi. bowel*, strangely resembles a despatch. which Might be Composed in the seelusion of, seine New York newspaper office. . It is not like "a well known Rus- sian general" to throw aside the mask uhless something is to bo • gained, and it is difficult to under- stand how. Russia secures any ad- vantage by taking the world into her confidence, and avowing inten- tions which • she has hitherto dis- claimed. Of course, everyone knows how Russia, yearns to .establish foothold in India; how she longs to destroy British prestige in Persia, -and how she pants to spread her in. • Elni.h county. Bliss Carrean, Cliarles 1), .Bober Cs, „ . 'and Ilertjaexia Rand are'. contributions. from -the east. On the' ..slaae 'Cana- dians have' :becoMe- -famous. ')Vmeng •the no:nes ofacelebrEtted actresses are Julia Arthar, of Ilainilloa; Margaret Anglin, el '.rorosito; Clara IMerris, ef Toroxite;• May Irwin, oe 1Vhitby. • ° manning the ce.110:;0•,,. It is in the c011eges that Lan in are Most atimerous, Prabably the most entirti.na on the list is Pre/I:lent Jacob C. Schurixana. aim is et • the head of Cornell 1 ni yea. lea. h gen-11011,a • was 1;mn r:rie*? Ed- • ward Island; Ile began- 111E/ as- a boy in a store, and industry and: application educated. himself: . 'There are some sixte• Caeedien professors in tbe 'various colleges; and niau of them are presi:t nis of the institta tions With which -they are cenhected•, Jle the v. hole Canadians take an portEnt place in the life of-th..1.1111teti States'.• While it is a Matter for so iegrot that- they. •. mat •he in thole own coentry, theee- is a compensation in the fact that the ex- change of men, and th6 consequent .cOmmunity of • interests' make for good. feeling and render misunder- standings less liable .1,0 eccur than would be ilie case Were each country te. be Without friends of the .other within its borders. It is fortimat for Our neighbor.s that the Constitu- tion of the United S tates reserves the Presidency for the ftatit boil. • : ORDINARY OORN CURES- ARE ' • • DANGEROUS 13ecause they contain acids, but Put` nam's Corn Extractor is entirely vege- table in composition. It eis Peefectly painless, safe, and sure to Cure; Stuff corn tachti,tis,tp . . . • Col. Sir 11, S. Ilawlinana- Bart./ C.13., who has 1c"t 13 ppoitrinri nuulrinnt, of the Stet! College, *h *iaceession to col., it°. g. • G. l:1:1 CB., who will shortly take over the eominand of the troops •in •Cape CO -113117`, -a-son--of the translate/of the cuneiform insereption, and Las heal an active military career; His first active service vats in. the Bura mese ' war of 18864. In 1892 he ex- chahged .from the King's Royal. Rifl- es into the Coldstream Guards, and In 1898- was Deputy -Assistant Ad- jutant -General to Lord Kitchener in the ,Soudan caixtpaign beitig present at the bidden of AtVara and Khax- etourntouring the recent war in Soutie Africa he ' took part in the defence of Ladysmith, and after- wards cominanded a mobile .coItimn with much success,. being mentioned no fewer, . than times in des- patches. , a ,, Reale and floothe'S the Lungs and Bronchial Tube. Cures 0017GES, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ROARS& NESS, etc., quicker than any rem. edy known. If you, have that irri. tating Cough that keep you make at night, a dose of the Syrup will loop it atonce. • USED FOR. EIGHTYEADS. I have used, DD. WOOD'S NORWAT PINE SYRUP for every cold X have had for the past eight' years, 'with wonder. ful eneeede, 1 never see a friend with a cough or cold but that X recommend, Wok M. M. EllsWortin Jaehoonviite, bt.D. D'AtOlt SS CENTS. 'finence ,south, through. China and Thibet, to Afghanistan. But we • not know. any . of these . things be- cause ROWa told us ef them. • ' - The British have always differenti- ated between Ittipsia and elie Ruse. Sian people, and it is Rusaia, that they 'mistrust.. ,For the Rnssians, the- common people, --vho are little better thanslaves, according‚to Anglo-Saxon idea& of •liberty, iaga lishmen have ,always had sympathy, mingled With pity. 1314 the Resale . • T , 4 ,.. that his made Siberia, notorious, V ANT; MICMBICR OF YOUR FAMILY DRINK that conquered Finland. add Poland, WIVES tastelor Ileaor essa be removed' permaiientl Happ,rot Hea Old Age —is possible only when digestion is per bowels regular and the system pure. Aliver . healthy stomach, active ver and mean pure blood—the niost important , keeping weir'. The bea of all tonics for aged perso 'Tiny Tonic Tablets —best because the little tablets are ge certain. Not a violent purge but,:suffieWn tive to ensnre purity,. They strengthen the Stimulate the gastric juices, regulate the 1 kidneys. ' Iron -Ox Tiny. TonicTablets 'positively Indigestion and Constipation. A splendi Fifty Iroinox Tablets, in an attractive alum pocket' case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, pos on receipt of price. ' The iron -ox Remedy Cog ited, Ont. ' • giving Tasteless Samaria Prescription secret y thatspreads her pollee epies ever all ' . . elood or drink. Failure imeessiblea Free eaMe the world, and that menaces India, MOTHERS testimonials, 'orlon sent sealed. Witte SAMAR is quite another Russia iadeeda REMEDY CO, 18 Jordan street, Toronto. Can. This is the Russia - that le at war • with Japan, the 11,uSsia that Britain. le always watching-. One reaSon why' this feeling should exist more . in England, than inany other European country* is to be found •in. he fact that London has always been a city of refuge for the petsecuted, . All (whiehever they are) are always ,ctaa;.- "and :Englishmen • Who cern° ' in con - them. are' able ,men, cultured men, tact • with them are prepe to accept .inacienii•at, . • Great Lendonr• These agitators or :patriots Nihilists make it their headquarterS,„ .. . In au& autabera do- they come that their ialluence- is bound to be felt in gricaances it has had a Powerful of- serts of agitators, Finns, Polos, and ing out against Russia.. Many of gathering strength. .In itself it might Join, congregate .there; esaaped • their interpretation 011 the word. anti -Russian moverrient has been never be serious; but added to real ' Russia. For:fifty years Qi` more this feet on thb Mind of the average prt-: it not, been toreethis sentie-ie , . . Britain . could never - /have been -dragged into her first and last open clash 1 with- Russia in the •Cininea. This 'war, which -did not really concern Great Britain in the first place, was ' oliiefly of Franee's making. But the:British Minister at Atom 'Constantinople, Lord Stratford, had • a personal grievant° against the t Czar (whiz: had reused to reeceive 1 earemonefeeeeseenemeneen: hien. at St. Petersburg), arid 'hie private animosity eprorzipted hiln •to. 1 • • .14ew to 'Some eas sills, tatke an juiti-Ressfaa attitude: Tho • •" tiF ir-etv out o7 a regarding the custody 0 o y, petty religious ..A. Man who latt6' ' a, passiOn. for pieces in Jerusalem- It resulted in vertisements he Ands iti. them, tells' RuSsia demanding that the Sultan this on himself: The other day • he * of Turkey. recognize Russia, as the answered an aclvertiSemeat in one of protector of the ateek Church ' in the New 'York - papers sta,ting that Turkey. -All the powers -agreed' to this, but ...Turkey,. enceuraged _ by would /3e sent' In tw•13 de" he re - 1 for $1. a method for saving gas bills ceived a rinted slip by mail which. kr.'"• USED FOURTEEN'YS lTi •.. •.daoo. tr.ttuvrs. . . DR, /3' . EENDA.T.a.- CO., • oentlernelt itti+o ynilt, waste care -•oil 1:30 t a 03.. Got_ • ys V4i.L 1313 a ocl. Iv:11141ln ever/ yr.rtlettletk. puect very,olefut.,-IL..1",61L11""DUkily letter iN1:clot the.. es tile I:erno 4.6-d7111-4 • will you hiticlly A01111100 600. , •.. ' .:4e$PPettu1etyotir13, 'r."!;t".; • it a an sientecie' reasbie.rartea'f yea, -,e33111.31, (.1“1!, ). 4 Isurtels 133,1 arge Fe.nr. 'Pilo) 41; r7., • 13 f^r 1'31,:33)v 70113 e.",,3`1,r.rti: fct. 1' `,1,V1.1 r..!A 'o "V.:A:416o OA 3:10 A • Zee, D. K:e1D.V.1, Cia Ca=11..a.Setefe VT. vow sqqabble between France and Russia reading outepf-town newspapers and r aaaaa alsO for answering Many of -the Eta - . Will find a QFFICE, suitable fOr rou H eav.y. Prgugli Roadst. Horses. All prolnptly and rates. „ /Lord- trat or , re use . Y • . P the Pore ordered all Russians out read• " este them in a scrapbook." . Of his. dominion, and followed this -Toronto Star. 401•11•1•0 4.401.11 edict up by attacking some Russlan' I troops.. Russiit retaliated by de- • •C, fa ar 401 MI. X •ES- streying the Turkish , .fleet • at: Doani the.. Sinope. This engagement, which had I Signature Some of the features of a massacre; , •of so aroused British public opinion that the. Ministry. Was forced into, the arena, and Within became the ally! of France. . , • In 1856 the very year When* peace was reStored, the Shah • of Persia; thinking Britain wes sufficiently en- gaged ,in the Crimea, seized the City of Herat, on Russia's advice, thus committing an overt act al war. The expedition of Sir James Outran' quickly cured Persia of her love of fighting. Then for a few years no offensive move was made by Russia. But in 180 instigated by Bismarck, • the Crimean War had been settled', Oil 0. R. Hispnrison's,Syriney,11.5., she abrogated the, treaty by which and began fortifying the Black Sea. Advice to all Sufferers from Britain protested, but was not. Will- • Nerve Trouble is • The Kind You Have AltelaYS Bale i •row is the best ti •rush is" now over pitatgttrieurilthoreoirtiger 13 ituo5'eiirreflt tty that the saadeu atsso f 01:7aIiu1y1R should att 'Canada 11 • • enirr Students of la61 7 $1000 per annum.• 34 you know of any oth sults?: V% e paryour ever seep our catalog aud enter now• Addr D RgolitrA. Deranged Nerves AND • d er4" Weak Spe. Ils. •TrEfSold At the. King T -L fteber I fatoryrrionesikovdsterilvieueir,tgate 'Pure Mani:a"........(C alanna"•. . tenure1sTAellvf Z. oe,abltinKI:t.g. (.94. 3o per y,ound less Addrete, all coalman Faure, to J, M. Platt, g8t313 Ontario. ./C :,1414 -fig eakit fr:olitn:::t171eiXligin4rgr'sinPg, f:Ei*IS:3t.07:4;11-;;;;.4t1;,.;: ing td go to war, especially as (Thr - many supported Russia, and Trance layprostrated at • the feet of her conquerors, 'So nothing came of the protest, , and Russia carried • her point. . - . Not long after this, Itussiian .in- trigue at Cabul brought ork the War. with Afghanistan, it which Lord Roberts 80 distinguished hiniself. HEART AND .NERVE The Czar's pellay was to establish, • himself in this "buffer State," and. . ' ° use it. as a base by which he might 4 . PILLS" penetrate India, and gain an Otttlet: . to the sea. In the years whieh have elapsed this' policy has not ehanged. He says i 31'1 have been ailing for about ntinnia, the great land country, a year from• deranged nerves, and very needs, abone everything, southern atoll weak ePelle would come over me 'and Bra/be so ,bad that I sometimes thoughtports, and sotith-eastern ports, would be unable bzsurvive them. I have b tain'a policy has' been to keep .Itus- een treated by doctort and have taken sift isolated,. to seal up the Bear in. numerous preparations but none of them his cavern., This, too, in the pritr• 4 ,. 1 I A pe me in toad ./east. rially got* box aple ter' which her Stout little 6.ally of Ildilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Deform Japan. has gono to F...ar,1 ...., , . taking theot did not reel able to do any ........e........ -....--a.... ' work, but now t can work as well AS ever, "GET,A' BOX QF MILBURN'S , . *banks to one box of your pills. They V o t‘ ore tt ( aid In one Day have made a new man of me, and my 'Pate Laxetive Memo Quine tawre ad,dee to any person troubled as I wA, is MA dr eaglets rAund tbe money if it lava to:gat a box.of Milburn's neart and Narita ' co me, B.; W. Orrte's signature is on POW." • faikli hex, 2, . Price so ctn. per box, or 3 for st,es, op . ' C2* lit. ne .4"IL *, . dealers, eir peke the the Kind Ytni Rau Alwave Bougin, THE 14 MILBURN CO., Lholtodi T. of to444.444.4.4.4 Teta" tallelitL late flIgnatiire •vt; 166, '3�. lea the Inefe 10 rai) on to on. 'cation Wade tieA w will ift' -31..,-." 01.31 EXP COtrtt 11 and I :mon VON foLseet Isattor, Ore, in weekt 0,414 oada /earl 'Wag . ' Artylnia :WAN? got Quickly nverfort our on invention 18 priAttblypi t161im eaten y eel Manila rent tree. Oldest 506ner. PatOnte taken throusi Wasted:to, without cb Sat/Stifle' j A hanesemeie Matron( citation or any admit:fit eart tour menthe. t [INN & C0 *olni Wench otneeoges Pee • . • Voter DIV. J. FRI RVET.Eltaility Viittlut of the Veterli Uwe 01 Lamina Pad Ed ate lath* Ontario Vete, Tatt4T Intentttn 0 1222 Brno atelit inhere instil 10