The Clinton New Era, 1904-03-25, Page 8wag
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lephpxrc l~ iRattenbury
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R�!NtNspfM•o•••1••o•••oN1•..r;v4•0•4o.N• IrWeooN1oN♦N.•,
wing Millinery
Opening ��ning Display Wednesday, Thursday and
:aturda , March 30th and 31st, and April Ist.
We make our formal Opening display of Millinery for Spring on the above
% aY, d cc' dially invite you to visit the showroom at your convenience. . The
'etl,'s new styles will be on exhibition. Come and look thein over at your
ore. You'll not be, asked to buy unless you wish.
The store will be open Thursday evening.
carpets dor Spring.
UR preparatisns for Carpet Business this spring .have been on a
larger and broader scale than ever before attempted by us.
e markets have been searched for best qualities and newest patterns'
the products of she leading British and Canadian manufactures are
collection of high grade carpets We have gathi�r-
resented..i�1 the great...
d for the spring tradk. of 1904.
when bu in' our orders were to "ship early" and
In y g . •
ay our stock for spring is complete. There is a wider range of patterns
hdbetter all round variety, particularly in the better, qualities than'
past for any season and we now have ready for your inspection
,*tock of carpets unrivalled for quality, variety or ',latae in this part of
. ,
avis9 two stores as an outlet enables us to show jnst doublelthe variety iety we
could.had we only one, your choice is not narrowed to two or three rat
a .quality i•tyou do your caret 'buying here.
English Tapestry Carpets. 25e. 40e. 50c avid 641e
Balmoral Tapestry Carpets Wand 7�e
Engiish Body Brussels ,Carpets, SI Asa Sl.UQ and St 2
English Velvet and Axminster t-arnets. $I 25 and $LSO.
Heavy,Rexcr' ihle Union Carpets. 39c, 355 and 50e
Two Ply All -Wool Carpets. 75e and 85c
est Quality Ah -Wool 3 -Ply Carpets. $1_00
Carpet:4. 124e. 15e, 20c and 25c
iiadian Flobr Oilcloth, 1, I. l . l . and.2 yardS wide
eotrh (,inelenms. 2. .3 and 4 yards wide .
ant to emphasize the fact that all of the above are thoroughly reliable.
that can be depended upon absolutely. We sell good carpets as close . as'
ly can, and never sacrifice a quality for the sake. of a low price. `We.
to cut carpets with the least possible waste and make andlay, them
MARCH 25 1904.
Ihe Gliaton $eVv Ery
il.00ail Notices.
Ap eeettees wm d To learn Millinery,
Apply tin . ti,,,1.i,1I $ 31108.
Alt account* pin.. t •+ ',• o 1. Gnats 8t ,94n fury
b.•p�,ut as tit A.prtt ,,yr. , ,Bees Macpherson at
'.1-0z ER & IiROw;i BORT: COATS a N,
F r Painting and piper banging apply. to D.
A.NASH, (Mown.
Van Zopio,
OBITUARY. -Reuben Spindler, af-
ter an illness, of over a year with con-
on-au ption, passed away' at his home in
Ltiicknow on March 4th, in the •lith
year of his age. Deceased had been a
resident of this section for thirty
years, and was greatly resile wted..
leaves a widow and four small child- G
ren to mourn his loss. He was ie meeu-
bee of the A.O.W. and 0.0.F.. and the
funeral on Saturday was attended by
the brethren of these orders, Rev. It,
W. Miliyare- conducting the services..
Mr- Spindler was a brother of the late
Wm. Spindler, who resided ht this
town: and was well known to many of
our older residents.
G Cards
. --
Clinton's Mercantile firms. Messrs. church on the evening of April 6th,
Seeley & Turner. who have been in I Aid
partnership for the past three years in under
f teat the
usp ces►e f the Ladies'
ie 'that
a general blacksmith, wood ,working, Anna Watson Bewell, A.T,(..M., ie
bicyc es. sundries � '' late of the Toronto g
hiivedissolved partnership, However,
we are pleased tolearn that both these
DISSOLUTION Another change
t TAINERS.-Of the trio of entertain -
was consummated this week in one of era who will appear in Ontario street
i d and repairing etc
' gentlemen will` remain in business in
town at the o'd stand. . 'Mr. Seeley
College of Music
staff. Mr, Graham, the reader, ie
spoken of very highly by the press
throughout Ontario ; while Mr. Bow-
taken over the whole plant,
buildings, who possesses a rich baritone
machines, tools, etc., -and will then the Wellinis ganist ton St and
Methodist church,
n, director o
rent the three rooms foimerly used in I Toronto, Previous to this he was a
connection with the bicycle part of theuse Streetgg
business to Mr. Turner, with the ore itneen be Coif rchBQu Quartette, CToronto,
sf such• roofs. as may t necessary or , Further articulare next week.
still carry on this part of buainees for P
himself, Mr. Seeley reserving all the , _
other brandies of the business, which 1. On MondayAED eveningO
EMhe busy
he intends to look after. t of town was starting home
I. Ile
Brea l ward to the evening • meal, a runaway
ish history frem the time old by Rev.
' early church hititory, ' an
Gunne, in his lecture, given be-
fore a large assembly in. St. Paul's
school house,on Tueedayeyening,prov-
ed veryinteresting and refreshed the
memories of the older folks, who have
not been students of history for some.
time It Was illustrated by some 200
viewsshown upon canvass by H.
C Brewer and kis lantern. We notice
that Mr. Brewer is now using 'a . niche
generator in connection with His ap-
paratus for showing pictures, which
makes them very clear, many f
pictures being, beautifully and natur
Ally tinted.- ',Although no admission
was charged, sonie$9 was left on the
late at the door, w hill material-
. ly assist -the young people in further-
ing the •needed improvements which,
they have done to the school room.
Bev. C. Tt. Gunne, who was on thestal-
tiwrzi a
t Dublin Friday night prov-
occurred that night have proven ser-
ious to the inmates . of the cutter.
John and Owen Reynolds, who had
purchased a big,' spirited colt from Mr.
Sturdy that day, kad hitched up, and
in leaving the commercial stable yards
at Huron : street . crossing, the colt.
which was being led, became frighten-
ed by another rig which,wao driven up
behind it somewhat furiously. It
reared and alighted with its fore feet
in the cutter, smashing it. This
frightene3'the horse pul;isg the cutter
and it .went "poll'Melt down Ontario
street, turned: at William street, And
came out at the Queen's hotel, where
it was stopped. .The ' cutter' was ren-
dered useless, " but the passengers and
horse escaped injury, which was mir-
HE. custom of giving at the Easter season is growing in
. favor every year. A card or booklet is theusual thing
and our stock comprises many dainty and appropriate selec-
tions, invested with all the taste, imagination, might be ex-
pected to suggest, Cards in many styles and at all prices.
Booklets nicely illustrated with handsome cover designs, just
the fitting thing for the season's greeting.
Novelties whish will please children and adorn the home.
Chicks. and Rabbits represented as doing all kinds of
strange things, piaying sew -saw, hitched to minlatare carts,
etc. Eggs prettily decorated in several sizes.
Our" Windows show what's new, allot `fair'
The W D Pair Co.
Often the Cheapest. Always the Best
B, from London to Kincardine wag,.
opened sufficiently: on Sonday to per-
snlet it of "traffic, but is still in an unsatis-
ed en appreciable cenipanion to spend factory condition, as there seems to be
an evening with.on boar; a car in a a no' outlet for the extra.aecumulatio�i
snow bank. He was returning from of ,snow that has filled and refilled the
.London,. and had with bine a few cuts as fast as they were cleared. li'or.
pounds of choice sliced jellied tongue instance, on Monday morning the,
Win ham train . got through to Lon-
don, liut the up train could: not keep
the rails for ice,. and had tobe sent
assistance when near Brucefield. The
engineer of the 1045 from, Stratford
and chicaen, which he no doubt. was
looking forward to with enjoyment of
partakin,of these delicacies, with his
fore morning the passengers beton
chars'teristic large ,heartedness, he
opened, up his treasures for the benefit
of those who were in want, which is
unnecessary to say was, relished. This
was not the only entertainment af-
forded by, Mr. Gunne, for he is filled
with jokes and funny stories, by which`
he can keep an audience in laughter
for hours if necessary. •
t-IenJointly w ;en, ke reached ,home. Be-
g for something to eat; with his 1 mat with a rather, rough experience
l A•
I IS BUSY. -That "hay will be made
-while the nun shines, by 'Our Sam," so
that there will be no loss time when
seasonable building '.weather presents
itself, can be evidencedby the material orally. How" the engine kept the
that is being carted away from his track was a mystery, but the engineer
put her through to Glfoderich without
any other mishap.
train and rig Goderich Collegiate
from flying ice and b k g b ro en gass.
new steel flange plow had been put on
the front of his engine, which was
eight inches wider than what was for- t
merly used in passing through the cuts
of snowand ice. `.When near Dublin,
where the traine.of the Goderich and
Buffalo line have had so much trouble
with snow this winter, the snow clear-
ers encountered more than they could.
stand, and the windows of the cab of
the engine .get the benefit of the flying
ice, all being smashed, . cutting the en
gineer'a face and doing things up gen-
planning mill these days, and the
capacity' that the miil is being run at
All the frames for theHouse of Refuge
is about completed: Most of the hem-
lock for the roofing, etc., is ready at
the mill to draw out, in fact some is �eholars to the number of sixty, and_11
already on the;ground. -Mr. Cooper 1 the'full staff of teachers came to Olin-, ).
all the material ready for his Neve ton last Friday to listen to the inter-
_King Edward hotel. and will have the✓
_uilding-eoutpleted within
months. No Tess than ten aspiring'
land lords have made applications for
the renting of this building ; also for
} the store that will be in the block,
but as yet he has not 'committed him-
"' self to any, but will pick the man
whom he thinks will conduct. the
most up-to-date commercialhouse,and
themost progressive merchant. It
will be a good thing for the town when
that old fire hole is built up.
1904 Designs in
'Lace Curtains
' One of the leading manufacturers of
Lace Curtains. We buy them from him -
spring are here. Patterns that are a little
qualities that are good.
Nottingham Lace Curtains Soc to $5.00 .
Tapestry' Curtains . ..$3.00 to o 6.00 Chenille, Curtains 3.25 to- 6.00
Nottingham mages Our
direct.- New stocks for
bit out of the ordinary;
Swiss Nei Curtain's $4.00, to $7.00
�1ew Kid Gloves
Kid Gloves that are fresh from the factory .of '°one of
nce's leading makers. Fine soft skins and the most
ionable colorings for spring wear. We sell none. but
anteed qualities. Carry all sizes' in three qualities, sell-
at $ i .00, $L2 5 and $1.50 a pair. They are standard
kes, the best we can find at each price and the same
ves cannon be bought for i'sc money 'in any store in
ttaranteed Kid Gloves, $r'.00, $I.25 and $r".5o
per pair.—Blacks and all colors. ,
aces 5c. Embroideries ioc.
Both good values at higher prices
'wo bargains tor this week, one in laces, the other in .embroideries ; both thg
that can justly be called extra special
, 12patternn in Swiss embroideries and
itisertion:i, fine qualities, two to four . ,
inches wide, neat . designs on strong
clothe, firm' edges, good value at ISc.O
,aces sc.
12 patterns in cotton torchon lace, and
insertion, one to three inches wide, new
desigirs, strong, firth weave, worth regu-
lar up to 100 per yard: Special
Spccial at per yard .. , yard.............''.'''' r . r r ,
two winter seasons ' have placed coal
dealers in a predicament that they
have not relished. Not from any
apparent fault of their own, but more'
from a changing condition brought
about by scarcity of wood, and the de-
i mend for wood.'stoves in the west,
compelling easterners to resort to
coal, Messrs Harland Bros. last sum-
mer and fall placed more coal then
they had ever done previoup years, those who had driven, Among
besides filling their.sheds to the limi+h, sun lho had
who iven part were
cif their capacity, before winter came Young
•Jennie Jones, Pearl Cantelon,
on This amount has proved inade- and a parady on "Home Sweet Home"
wasquote, and the demand this winter byeight bri+liantes, The pianists were
wasenoughto. weary one in the busk- Mss Annie Forrester, who made her-
Hegood care this this firm intends a tak-. self quite "at home",at the instrument
thicare nsummer that every. notwithstanding the many admirers
thing is put in t shape o to supply esl and onlookers and it being her first ap-.
comers to the extent of their wish, pearance in public. Miss May Rance
another charming beginner, while
Misses Hoover,Gunn and Torrance are
old hands at the instrument. • Another
important feature of the evening's en-
tertainment was the privilege of wit-
nessing some eXpe%iments with the
X ray machine, manipulated by H. C.
Brewer, E M. McLean, and Harry
collegiate debate .between these two.
schools: 'Ree C. _1 L s: to reripro-
cate'for the kind rocs] tion given those
members Aho attended the debate giv-
cided on holding an At Home a d9th s
was carried out to the letter. Their
oanopied cosy corners and garland
ceilings of coloredbunting made the
room look very pretty. The towns
people were admitted by ticket and
with this limitation their assembly
room was taxed for 'every available
space. Neatly written programs wore
issued, and contained the following
grams was die musical
into threepat of rts, e wro-
the speeches reserved as a final send-
off, promenades, with varied subjects
for conversation created considerable
merriment and drew the ties of the
two schools closer together and made 1
them feel "at hone." The lunch was
plentiful and tasty; of coffee, cake, arid
sandwiches, which touched the spot of
. fel' 011e
I'n; order, to make room for our . Immense
Shipments of Spring'Goods,. ,we have arranged A .
Dollar Window for
Frillay t Saturday,: March IS J 19 only.
It will pay you to investigate every pair of
Boots in our South Window, including` Ladies Kid'
Buttoned Boots, Men's Fine .Laced. Boots, Ladies
Kid Oxfords, Misses Kid' Buttoned Boots, : and
Boys and Girls School Boots.
There will be some special Bargains in our.
North Window for Men and Boys. Don't fail to.
see them for two days 'only.
Rubbers• at less .than Manufacturers Prices.
Men's Rubbers 59c, Ladies Rubbers 34. Keep.
posted on our Stock and Prices and you , won't " go:
No'Troubleto Show Deeds
.11110"1"--' THE OLD RELIABLE'
They have purchased more land ales
side •the track and will erect a" 195x
foot building, which they will have
filled, besides making their usual
summer deliveries. The piece of land
whereon now standsthe station agents
barn has also been purchased, on
which will be built an office, a wagon
scale for weighing coal and a man Brewer,whichpreved very interesting.
kept their all the time so that all one Mr Strang, principal of the• G.' C. I.
was the only outsider that took part
in the program,outside of the question
to be debated, he delivering a neat ad.
dress,also thanking' the C. C. I. for�the
good time given them. In the debate
the Goderich Collegiate was re resent-
ed by Messrs. J. Mcl+lwen and t. Dur-
nin, while Messrs. C. A. Tebbutt and
Thornton Mustard• upheld the.honor of
the home Collegiate. The subject, "Re-
solved that poverty is doe more to
economic than to moral causes,' af-
ford plenty of scope for evidence of
deep thought and a 'display of intel-
leetual fencing. ' Goderich took the
affirmative side, Clinton the negative,
° but owing to the wording of the de-
bate divergent views were held as to
what constituted as "economic and a
"moral" causerespectively. The judges
Messrs. G. F. Blain, and W. Brydone
and C. L..Eishcr, town, found the con-
tention on the one hand too restricted
and on the other hand too wide. Tak-
ing into consideration those circum-
stances they found the weight of the
arguments in favor of the negative and
gave their decision accordingly. We
would like to see more of these debatee..
They are not only of great benefit to
those who. actually participate in them
but they foster an inter-O0Ile ate,
Vii, ted
.' ;sat n
lowship and good feeling that
ed with good results. This pros a Vie-
tion was posted during the day,
der' of the executive for the benefit of
the 'babbling youths
"Whereas the aubjeot for :debate tonleht is
one of &lent question" of which the mind can
has to, do is to call up the office by
phone, or drive to the'office and get
supplied. These efforts and improve-
ments on the part of Messrs Harland
Bros. should be appreciated by thef.
coal burning public, which win" ensure
a coal supply at all tirties of the year.
, FRATERNALISM. -Leat Thursday
night the O. 0, F. held their annual
supper -and- -At Home to their friends
and; brethren. That it is not all secret
work that is being done by this society
was demonstrated in speech, song and
feast, The commanding presence of
H Beattie nobly filled the chair, and
he directed the evening's proceedings.
Their beautiful, homelike hall was
comfortably filled, and the following
program keptthose present interested:
Will.Harland san two solos in fine
voice ; solos by Misses Jones, Coats,
McRae and Kaiser were also appre-
ciated, the latter singing two numbers.
Plenty of other music was furnished,
by the orchestra, composed of Messrs.
Dowson, Graham, Roberton and Hov-
ey, The accompanists were Misses
Goodwin, Newcombe and itathwell.
An wast an address ereet to by Rev. D '
Cook. He took exception to the be-
lief of some that Secret
contrary to the will of God. There is
not a eorperete body or individual that
is not a secret society in himself. But
above all this there was something
more noble being accomplished -. divine
eommissious, and the Canadian Order
of Foresters is doing theee very.things.
While the large assembly were spar.
takingof agond lunch dispensed by
Corninissary 'Wheatley and his staff-
Messrs, Johnsen, Davis, Moon, Cassels',
Chowen and Blaney, as waiters, the
band dispersed ew8et music, The ev-
neureieoand whereas the towline are likely�++ to
be e•Wen drier then the subject, wit your' debit -
urs, want it dirtinetllr'nn(1erdYoodthat we'hold
no one wile goon to Keep M all hlbrneworthy;
but ininenuch es the Audience is testy Wee we
oowe ofonieft
Who oni.lru rain from
iiaa, blit in an far an they san dieoouiltennuee
ening was ono of thorough enjoyment. It on the part of oth 1' .
cif: �..
On the evening of Wednesday,
,March 3oth, we purpose making a spe-
cial Easter display of what is. newest
and correct in Hats, Neckwear, Shirts,
and Clothing tor the spring of 1904.
We extend to you -a cordial invitation
to visit the store that evening, you will
not be pressed to buy. We are not
making this Easter display, to induce
direct sales but to give you an oppor-
tunity of seeing the new styles and get-
ting acquainted with our Spring stock
, without feeling, under any obligation
to buy. Arrange to visit: the store
Wednesday evening. r
Iladgelis 1W05..
Cletrilng .., and Men's furnishings.
e1ito ..