The Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-02, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW°M-REO RD A Midsummer Sale... of Traveller's Samples We wind up June and start July selling with a big sale of Traveller's samples. While there will be many another money -saving Bargain go on our counters during this sale, the traveller's samples will be the big feature of it. For the past couple of months we have been on the lookout for specials and on Saturday, June 27th will start the selling of hundreds of dollars worth of traveller's samples and many other lines of seasonable merchandise to sell at bargain prices. We will sell— Cotton Bose Samples Apron Samples Cashmere Hose Samples Handkerchief Samples Towel Samples Fancy Linen Samples Damask Table Cloth Samples Table Napkin Samples and sell thein at prices that are positively money -saving, for we bought them cheap and are going to sell thein the same way. Many of the lines are better quality than we usually keep in stock, all are in good condition and prices will be - to h less than regular. here is a partial list of the lines we will sell. •11, 41,116. Cotton Dress Goods at 6ic Made to sell at IOc One more of the specials we have gathered to -getter; to make this inidsumtner Sale in- ters: sting and profitable. The hill to -day would not sell this line for Glc. We have these 30 odd. prices to sell. They are new, just in this week and we bought them cheap en- ough to let us sell them at per yard GI. 600 yards tancy cotton dress goods, suitable for waists, wrappers or dresees, fast colors and good gnali- ties, would bo cheap at per yard 10o, for tbie big sale our price Gi�C will be Dress Samples Suitable for Patches We secured two big cases of wollen and cotton dress goods samples. There are thousands of samples in two cases, some of them beautiful designs and fine qualities. They would be just the thing for making good quilts, and we have had them sorted out, tied up in oundles to clear at the fol lowing prices. Wool Samples Samples of fine woollen Dress Goode, plain and fsncy checks, sizes of pieces 8x11 inches, put up in handles, et per bundle Cotton Goods Samples Travellire' samples of cotton dress materials, endless variety of color- ings and patterns, sizes of eamplee 5 1-2x81.2 inobes,pnt up in bundles choice per bundle Colored Flannel Samples 13andrede of ends of small samples of colored fanny flannels, just the thing for patch work, put up in 5� bundles, at your choice per bundle 200 samples of black Silk, 1 2 yard to the sample, all kihde in the Int, worth per yard 75o to $1.50, choice of the lot each 25c Silk (,loves 10c 150 pairs black and oolored silk gloves and mitts, assorted sizes re- gular 25 to 50o, clearing at yonr IOC choice 5e 5c Dress Goods Here are three bargains in Dress Goods for this big aale of samples. Just t''ree lines we are going to clear at a good deal Less than their real worth. Fancy Flannel 35c About 75 yards Fanny Flannel suit- able for waists,or dressing saoques, lines that are so.d down to one or two w,iste of pattern, regular 50o per yard. special for sale per yd. 35C Blue anti Brown Dress Good 35c 150 yards plain Dress Goods colors of blue and brown, all pure wool, double fold, sergee, clothe and light materials, regular 50 acd Goo choice of lot per yard 35c 75e Lusrre 45c Four patterns fancy figured Lnetres nice bright finish and regular 75o quality, suitable for waists cr skirtes per yard 45c Lace Curtain Samples 100 sample ends Not. tingham Lace Curtains, most of them about 1 1-2 yards long, samplessilo w- ing the lower ends of lines that would sell at $1 to $3 per pair. Just 100 we sell during this sale at each 25c vis Over Sixteen Hundred Samples Pairs of Hosiery. By actual count over sixteen hundred pairs of sample hose go on our counters for this sale. All are this season's goods and the samples of two of the largest hosiery importers in Canada. The lot consists of— Ladies Cotton Hose Children's Cotton Hose Ribbed Cashniere Hose Plain Cashmere Hose Colored Cashmere Hose Silk Embroidered Cashmere Hose All qualities and grades. All bought at a discount from regular prices that puts us in a position to save you big money on the hosiery buying. We can't quote prices. There are too many lines to do that but if you want Hosiery now, if you want it within a yearyou will be money 1n pocket to lay in a supply while this lot lasts, ++++++ Very Fine ershmere Hose Among the samples are about 75 pairs of very line Cashmere hose, plain and embroidered, that are extra good quality, and finer than are usually carried in stook. They were made to retail at from 74c to $1.25 per pair. If you want something extra fine in Hosiery you will find this an expellent opportunity to lay in a supply for we will clear this lot from one quarter to one third leas than regular prioee. !t+ -H+++++-++++++++++++4 ++++++++f++++; Ribbed Dose for Boys Here is a bargain in cotton Hose for Boys. A big Importer wanted to clear his stock before stock-tak. ing and we got this lot away under regular prices. They are American make, will give excellent wear and are fast dye. 200 pairs Children's ribbed ootton Hose, doable knee, apliced heel, seamless feet, warranted two thread yarn, American make, sizes from 6 to 9i, would be good value at 25 eta per pair, on sale with the samples at per pair 17c Linen Samples Hundred's of samples of fancy Linens, Towels, Napkins etc. to sell at wholesale prices and less. These are the samples of one of the largest Linen houses and are perfect goods. Dozens of patterns all good qualities and genu ine bargains. Sample Tray Cloths Sample Luiuch Cloths Sample Doylies Sample Towels Sample Napkins Sample Cloths Sample Side -board Scarfs Hundreds of pieces and big bargains for people who come to this store. A chance to lay in a supply of linens that only comes once in a very great while. With the above samples we will put on sale the following -- Towelling Mc 150 ende of all linen glass Towelling, 34 inohes wide, red border, This would be Tpod value at loo a yard. hese are a big lot of mane- fazturer's odds, the lengths run from 30 to 88 inches, and we put them on sale Satur- day at your choice of the lot, 1 for eaoh 7 9l' I7 inch Towelling lie 200 yards lieays ghats Tow- elling, Dream or white, fanoy borders, good weight, regular IOo, for samples, :selling per yard lie Quilt Samples lc. I00 `white quilt eamplee. These ends are about 12x16 inohes. They ebow the qual- ity of the quilts and would make capital waehrage,ohoioe of the lot, eaoh Towelling Samples 5c lc Samples of glass Towelling 20 inohes wide, pure linen, good weight, regular 123o quality, 8-4 yd in the piece, hoice cf samplcs each .... Napkins 3 for 25c 100 sample Table Napkins, all pure•linen,imedinm sizes, assorted patterns, ohoioe of the lot for sample sale at.. 3 for 2&C Samples of embroidery Linen 2 for 5c 100 sample ende:ot fine em- broidery linene,tbe size is 9x 18 inohes, all gpalities suit- able tor doylies, mate, etc, goods that would retail at 50o to 75e, per yard, ohoioe of eamplee.. .. 2 for Damask Samples 3 tor 10e Samples of table Damask, broken lines, bleached and halt.bleaobed, These are 15 x30 inohes, and samples of good quality table damasks. They make capital dish towels, we clean the lot out at your ohoioe 3 for Iva Towels IOC be Pure linen hook Towele, heavy weight, 18x36 inohes, 50 red bordere,gpeoial for sample eale,eaob l0C Ju .e 6th, 1903 Another Week of Bargains In Our Millinery Department The special sale of millinery that started test week proved a great success. in spite of the downpour of rain this department was kept busy all day and we didn't have enough hats to go around. It isn't often you have a chance to buy such good hats for so little money. On Friday morning we will have ready another lot of hats that would sell early in the season from $4 to $5.50 for $2.50. Also a lot of nicely trimmed hats worth up to $3.50 for $1, 50 25c to 50c Sailors at 15c Odd lines of Ladies' Straw Sailers in white and colored, hats that sold at 25c to 50% To go at .......... ...................................... 15 SOc to $1 Sailors at 25c 3 dozen Sailors madc of fine and course straw in newest shapes and color these are odd lines tbat sold at from 50c to $1 each,all to clear at one price , .25 35c to SOc Tams and Caps at 19c Obildren's cloth Caps and Tams in assorted colors, odd lines that sold at 850 to 50c, to clear at ■ I Flowers Half Price Commencing. Friday morning we 'will place on stole any. Flower in the store at exactly HALF PRICE. Every flower is new this season, no old stock to choose from. A Special Sale of Men's and BoysClothing and Furnishings on Friday, Saturday and Monday y See Bills for Complete Price List Boys' all wool Tweed and Serge Suits in a doz, .different colors, made with best linings, pants all with double seats. and knees, all sizes from 26 to 33, regdlar prime $5 and $5,50 suit, 3 Days' Sate Price 0o r will be llaUU Boys' two piece Suits in a splendid range of colorings all made in the very latest styles, all sizes from 25 to 30. Always sold by us ab $4 0 1 (special price at that) but for 3 Days we will sell them at i �7 40 pair baps' Tweed Pants in half a doz, different colors, our best 45c and 50c pants to clear at .35 12 pair only men's Tweed Pants in a full assortment of sizes, always sold ,110 for .$1.25, 3 Days' Sale Price will be 7 only men's grey Waterproof Coats in sizes from 38 to 46, always sold 0 fy n at $4.50, to go at . U Men's dark grey Cheviot Suits made with good linings and trimmings, {l 36 men's and boys' Golf Caps in navy blue and assorted tweed •patterns,, .(1 perfect fitting and all sizes from 30 to 42, special 3 Days Sale Price.. if 50c values for. G . EXTRA SPECIAL . , •+. The biggest neckwear bargain ever offered in Clinton. Last week we got"a chance to buy a lot of brand new neckwear direct from the manufacturer at less than cost of production. •. • They come in a magnificent range of four-in-hands, reversible and silk lined, flowing ends, - 0 etc., and are worth 40c and 50c each.. ` For the 3 days we will sell them at the low price of i 25c each. This is a chance you will not likely get again for a long time so better be on hand early. Oa view in. Isaac St: Window, ♦•K11.'.w..'KK4N:..V...a."lN•..!►K'.....'.�..'.+..... N+ 1y....•..1.�Nr.'N'�1'.r•�r... 18 only men's extra fine Straw Fedora Ilats,rna,de:in newest shape, guar. anteed to keep their shape as well as a felt hat. Our regular price in $2 each, for 3 Days' Sale price will be. ' 1 ■ 5 0 4 doz. men's Straw Fedoras and Sailors'in .half a doz. different styles all e sizes from 6 to 7 3-3, regular prices 75c, $1 and $1.25, sale price...-... : U U 3 doz. wen's and boys' Straw Hate inassorted' styles, worth up to 50c, to 25 go at 1i doz, only men's grey and fawn Fedora Hate, very best English felt, all good styles. These are the best $2.50 and $3 hate we sell. For 1 7 j; .3 Days' Sale Only the price will be 1 .1 v 4 doz, men's Soft Front and Negledge Shirts, 'sizes. 144 to I6kr` These shirts cannot l.e bought in ;spy other. store for lees than $1 and $1.25 Sale PricewilI be a 75: 5 doz, pair men's fine and heavy braces in a dozen different..styles, the best 35c qualities to go at., 25 75c and $1 Knickers for SOc 60 pairs of boys' heavy wool Knickers, double seats and knees, in assorted : sizes and colors, regular 75c and $1, special Sale., Days at... . 50c YOUR. /noNay B11CH IF YOU WANT 1T Three Big Handkerchief Bargains. A wholesale firm were clear- ing out their stock of fancy handkerchiefs at about one- half regularprices. We got first choice of the lot and now nearly 100 dozen fancy Hand kerchiefs are here and go on sale marked the same way we bought them; about one-half regular price. 15c Handkerchiefs 10c S00 fanoy embroideredhandkerohiefe, hemmed and embroidered edges, qualities that were made to sell at each Iso, for this big sale our pride is eaoh lee 25e Handkerchiefs 15e 200 fancy embroidered Handker- chiefs, fine quality, lane, hemmed or embroidery edges, all good pat- terns and qualities that retail reg- ular at 20o and 25o, clearing this lot at eaoh 150 Extra Good Handkerchiefs 19c 800 fanny Handkerchiefs, alt fine quality, this lot inoludes lines .that retail in the regular way at from 80o to 40o. We bought them cheap and they go on sale at your choice for eaoh 19c Some moneysaving Bar- gains in Fancy Ribbons Thio Ribbon Bargain is not the least of the many this special sate provides. Many patterns and color combinations, in pare silk ribbon, suitable for ties, trimmings oto., olerring at prime that are money saving. $pc Ribbons 45c Fanny Bilk neck ribbons, assorted stripes, pure silk, 5 inohes wide, new patternr, will make handsome ties, regular 50o sreoial for sale per yard 00C, $1.00 Ribbon for 50c Fadoy stripe neck ribbone, 6 inohes wide, suitable for neck wear or trimming, in cream, pink, bine etc; regular yalue$1.00 special for this Bale per yard 50e Carpet Samples, Samples of Tapestry and Brussels Car- pets, 1903 designsand colors, all 1,} yards long, suitable for rugs and mate. at 75e Samples of Bruesele carpets, goods that would retail at $1 to $1.25 per yard, big lot to select from, 14. . 75e yards in each piece, eaoh ........ At 50c Samples of Tapestry Carpets, qual- ities that would retail from 500 to 85o per yaad, big .range of patterns to dhnose from, 14 yards in eaoh piece, ohoioe of this lot,oaoh...... rDUO Sateens 8e Made tosell at laic. Another Bargain for this Mid" Summer Salle. Dress Sateone selling under value, be - pause we bought them that way. All 193 designs and dark oolors, mostly navy or black grounds. Nice bright finish on °oft cloth. . 600 yards fanoy dress sateene, 80 to 34 inches wide, strong cloth, good quality, fine finish, made to re- tail at 120 per yard, All new this last week, for our midsummer sale price will be per yard 8e' 1200 Sample Handkerchiefs After we bought the above lot we game aoroes these eamplee. They were so good and the price so low that we would not let the chance go by,. There are over 1200 them but at the ridiculously lose pride we have marked them it ehonld not take long for them tb find new owner. ' Over 1200 Handkerohiefe to Bell at one-half pricer Tome attd sec them. Dargain For the Boys OLINTON Knickersl49c, ;regular 75c ' and:$1.00 .. ON SALE SATURDAY;. • ar, Here's a bargain in Boys' Knee Knickers --Pants, that prudent mothers should not Iet slip; . There's a clear saving of from 25 to 50 cents on every pair.' they are the left overs, the odds and ends of the factory and when the season was over we got the lot. We got them at a price that enables us to sell 75c and $1.00 Knickers for forty nine cents. 100 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, made from all wool tweeds, first- class sewrngs and trimmings, would sell in the regular way- at 75 Cents and $1.00 per pair? will stand any amount of hard wear, on tale Saturday at per parr 40 —CENTS Sock Selling for Saturday 150 pairs of Traveller's Samples at Money -Saving Prices. With the big let of Hosiery samples we bought we got a lot of fine Cashmere and Woollen Socks, all are good qualities and we pttt them on sale Saturday at prices that Imean three pairs for the price of two. Better lay in a supply. Commencing Thursday, July 2nd, this store will close every evening except Saturday at 9 o'clock. 'HODQENS BROS. • N CLINTON •