The Clinton News-Record, 1903-05-14, Page 3. 0 . I � . V I � . . . ,,, , . . % . I I I . . -M. 1 ­-, ­ �., I . . I h- -- , I I --77=---1--------,.- 7­�-,T, ��,-- �; L�17­ 77-, -7 - 7.------- ­ -.-, ­ , w , :- ­. ---- ­ i -1 - -- 7 - ­ �-- - , - ­,�­-- --- ­ - ­ -- I � -- ­ � � . I I � . . � , � - ----- I - .1 - I— ­----­­-- --- - -- ---.,- - � , , ­ - - - ,.,- --.-- -- I I .1 11 . I I 0114 0 4US14 as SOX- 4 .- ;baoof �j�' Ing how quiemy tielis on sheop will ".. I - ­ .- � I, caring for the helpless, q , . ­- -- � _ . .. - disappear if it tableopoonful of this ********#*to*******, I.. 1. - . I as their brother pro- . 0 � .. mixture Is lea to tliem, daily for 4 .11, I I HE . HONEST LAWY1 R ffi�'le�,",.,�,s�,�l),,'O�lt�net'lln',$I,"so�,t'c-!t,�lli-e�ottrgeoiis gad the doc- .� 4. - . � I I . .. 1. 11 few days, They will not Only dis� About vie Xpye . toro. The poorest III our cities can � I I I appear train tile animals, bilt will . � I . � . . I have it neceaoili)r tile survice-n of the "I . -11 4150 leave their sleeping quarters. . �, very best surgeon or oculist or - i. -. . The feeding of It is so simple and. I ­ -1 ... 1.1. I Never Uses False Means to Plead 4urlet or lung specialist. All A mail -- e small that it is some- ,,,.House I 11 . .10 I has to do is to go to the hospital GAVXI�S, IN CITIC4141118. what singular that more farmers do � ----- -- -- I I clinics, and the best niedical and , not use it. I W094111# POP . .. I I I I for a Justifiable Qaust4,. . I eurgical slvlll is at his coniniand TIW trouble called gapes.18 caused I . . .1 . � by a small worm, In the throat IN STAAwBunny T13W." 1100;_�­� I free. Call it be that ill(, lawyer i's TREE PAINT. . . '� . . I � 11 not ready to sacritlee as much for about A halt inch long, and they � Strawberry Charlotte, - Line ifi­ .. I lEntered according to act of the rar, 'dewd, A% ex-ciDlivict was arrested humanity's Musa as tile PhYsiciall Oftell exist It, such numbers, aild A great va.rlety of washes have ai 11 . I I llalllca� of calla in the YeAr une Wvtld so rapidly as to kill the been used for preventing oll,tidual glasses with strips a . . . . I Thouhand 11tis or the surgeon ? Besides thet the female Sliollge calce. Soak until soft on(- . 11 � .... V . , . V . Win. Bally, of Toronto, at the 0 -as little I . Nine 114 dred and Three, ily chickens ill a short time.' 4(jame of beetles troll' laying their eggs upon fourth box of gelatine, in �� V i 10. aud charged with the crime it, I I b artmont Ilawyer bolleved blixt to, be init ce,�at, .Ablo legal friend, you know your them call be rex ilia trees. The following is probably . I . I by. P of Agriculture, Ottawa.) Iiia did all in his power to save hith, success Ila$ ))"Ought You plenty � of ­iloved by making Ft water its possible. Add one-half I I I? # X I A despatob, from Chicago says: I . loop of horse Ilair and Putting down .as effective as any that call be safely Pint of fresh strawberry juice and I I . He wits hanged. Some ,years after Money. You know tile reason you the chicken's throat, or by ,using 1804 without danger of Injury 40'00 sweeten to taste, Neat ill it double. . lie%. Frank 14.1 1% itt, Talux-ago preach- I the execution a dying convict can- do ilot retire from. practice is '�;'ukply tile small eliol Of IX feather in ill, bark, Dissolve one-half gallon Of holler, not tin, until gelit.tine Is dis� , 11 . L W Jessed, to that erline a,nd thus pro,%- because you%catipot boar to beJollo. t I .. Irl, ed front tie fullowilIg tc,x.t; I rl,int- , same Way, by which means they are sot soap or fivo pounds of whale- solved. Wbon cold and beginning to othy i, 8,1 ..The law is good if a led that an, innocent mark, bad Ili$ Then, why not. give it part.of your drawn out.11 This wOA-k js Raid tq Oil soap in One-half 91111011 Of bOt jell, stir in one-lialf plat stiff whip� �.. , I 1141111 Use it laiNfully." . life choked out by false 0rculuslau- time to helping ill(- weak and down- exist in the common earth worm. Water, an.4 add one-half pint Of caZ- Pool cream. Stir on lee uAtil thick, ... PeAll had ull the menial qualifica- I i1ill evidence. In the same wit -y 4. trodden ? Why ilot be a good �sa- 0 In When mixed, add five and flI1 gla . I , few years ago a lVoinian in the far maritark in the profession in which ,F1 ,,,I!I,e WOrIll, but Is Probably not belie Acid, . sses. This will serve tioll-4 of a great lawyer. W�lerl ho,west was murdered. An Innocent Yolk ses only too often the bruised st WO have fed these worlas glallons of warm. water and enough about six people. Measure cream � � � . . � . stoold before Felix and as his own liberally to small a time to, make a whitewash I about before Whipping. . 11 . I tilan, proved so by later develop- and bleeding travellers 1111 1111171 days in succession, hickelas for mapy . a . . .... , . advocate tore into pboces the charge I, nients, wag found to have suffered fallcil among the thieves Oil often giving a tile consistency' of paint Vilittily, Strawberry Salad. - Cream OTIQ- . . . . laAade by tile prosecuting attorilay, i till' Iialf V*Jat stir Ili one-fourth of a 'pound of halt a notifebatel cbeese;with. ' the '. . for that crime, No lawyer in any. Jericho road and who have not one lit a time to It single caoacity is called upou to lie. A s at ilia wash in blade at .a silver fork; add a table. , Tertultuas; - wheit he argued bef ore I . clutch of chickens, And we never had P Is green, ,. Apply I I . Ring Agrk)ptk until the king ad- I . trong .legal frlead to come to their ' de- OROOnful, of thick cream, a salt- ' , fal"hood is a flilseliood,. Tvo matter rescue ? l. � a case at it. But removing them April, before ilia eggs have been '. I 114itted lie wits "ahu-imt ponaraded;" how it is told. � It you believe in The noble.Christian. lawye with a feather or horse bair is of Po"3'teoi On the trees, and. dgain In a SPOonflil of salt, a teaspoonful Of I I.- I when he pleadvici upon Mars hill with r is Most but little use if tho,y are not - few weeks. All cracks and crovices sugar, 4 teaspoonful Of lemon juice, . I I justice, your own -hanxis must be anxious - to servei aright his asso- . pro- I . tile jury of (;reek scholars until at I clean waivIn they touch hers, nor ciates in a spiritual all I . t. ill- Wilted train eAkiling again. FiF,9t r0_ inust be.filled and the bark thor, and half a clip of fresh strawberry . . 11 I . last oven that conti-jil soat of Atli ' � 4 n, a ,a !no" tile chickens to QugbJy and completely' covered I, juice; arrange the crisp inner leaveg ­ I e- ulust you contalrdila.to your own 110 poral sense., Why ? 1-1b knows a clean spot at . - t � I . hian culture was shaken to its Very I whon vou 'would Woo her to protect some day all tile "(,.is of 11 that gr6und.where pou try. have not .still brush bell)-,- best for the 1�ork. of lettuce on a pla ter ill nests, and ... .1 . I I FOUndation by his proclamation of is life kept, 33 .1 been It lairist be understood that the work pour over ilia cream; if liked, a salt- . . . the life of your client. if a lawyer shall be pass � a sure that it is dry 411d . I the e grea,test clean, and 1 t has no affect upon the borers after . I , � . tdio "unk-n-iwa God," we find . � ed upon by ill . lipatinful of mustard may be work� . T. C - . I is willing to lie for a good cause, Of all supreme courts, . may be well, to turn ' Be su,ro It Is I . -_�f . higlies-t development of forensic 'far dis� ilia great some of it O'Ver with the spade. . they have onco-entered the free, but ad ii1to '"the. crearn. . I . I . lube tillie will not be very jddgmelit seat of Christ. A lawyer . beaten until erfactly smooth. � training and legal acuilwn. As one tailt wbort lie will be willing to �$catior air -slacker . LV P . . I I I j 11ille I, is intended to prevent the depositing. THE WAY TXIIII)r DO IT. I I selhooled Ili the law, Paul knew the te I 1�s always ino're ctarauf Of,ft case if Where they I �f eggs . Strawberry Sherbet, � One quart "I'think my gardener . woul . d make - . . mighty and a falseliobd to win a boid cause. , L be thinlos that case is going to be are,' and all the -ground , or to ldIl newly I�dtched of berries, mashed; sprinklo over . . -around them, J�kkt about a tea ' larvae before they have entered tho I 0 juice agood villain, in a meladrama.p, .. I . majestic power of tile The righteous lawyer ts-les to keep appealed to a blahok court, Ono ful of spirits.or I Spoon -.bark, . with Ono pint of sugar; ,%old th � . . . i- turpentine in, two, . I . � . I of. one lemon, and a halt pint of wa� "Wby so ?1� � . . . . . law, both spijitual and temporal. bis client out of litigation It Pass misstatement in a brief or tile lacl; (fuarts of wit, ---+ 0 . . 111herefore he lays down the broad ble. That weaus he does for his ' tor, itnd give them that ter, In .which has -been dissolved -- Because Ila's always laying ou� ' . Proposition that law is good for the chent'exactly what ilia honest doe- .or the sworn- testill'611Y Of a 'WitIlOss to drink. Chop Ill ns flne. and in GIIATNS Or GOLI), . teaspoonful of golatine; freeze IN . s Plots that never amoLnt to anything . . . community � may invan. the reversal of the 16wer 0 () ix . . . . and that it is needed ter would do tot, his patieni. The coUrt's, docision, How much. with their food.. All thaso are ap- Past exporienceii gv�o good coun- you would lee cream. In the elid." I . . � . � . y&iclan, conAng to ilia bad- thell, should tile fact be over fire- is p rf t !as, but th(I'malik point SOL lit' � ke poor patterns. . � .. . . not only for the vindication of the falnily.ph, . more. iproved rallied t Ina Strawberry Jelly,* I quart straw- ' ' �. . I . right, but for the punishment of I a ec Cleanliness of coop, and The shield of faith was not meant berries, one large. cup sugar, juice . ­ . I �, . side of an invalid, does not -sair, sent to hini. that lie will one day as spinach, throw into � , . I tile wrongdoers, whether the laws ,,'How long can I keep this -iiian have to stanf groullas where they are, It it seem, I . . _t at the bar of Ood. s to protect -ilia conscience. of one lemon, two-thirds of a pitck- 0 . . that they break arc human or di- sick, so I can make as inuch 'money � necessary as tbcy� grow older td re- . There ls-a difference � between draw- ago of golatino soaked In ,Ono cup b ilin� salted water,, keeping the . . '. . ,ville. , I -To R-ays, The true Chrlvtiau. - lawyer,is the turn then, to infected ng ilia people and reaching them.'' cold water, one pint boiling water; kettle uncovered, hall first for fit- . out of hint. As possible?" . Yards haVo ill, I . � I . The noble profession of the law Is -H -ow soon call I make ibis inall inaii ,who is prayerfully , careful of s011 Well turned ov0r, and then saw ,A. -lie is a loan on which ,you vdll lilash the berries and strain , through teen nilmites, then.drain and press . . aften unju-stly inaligned, Lilco other well? The soo',nor the* better, Ber- every word iuwt dead and act Of Ills air-slackpd: Ilkne Over it. We iiijiffold inter- a, coarse ntuslin; inix.sugdr and loolir i r. Cbop fine, return to . I I have never cease to Pay 11 , I � . . . . . 11rlofc,ssions, it lies In its ranks un-: ter for ilia; better f6r.the paticrif." life. All these actA are to be rc- seoll. bad I old fowls est. I . � . I oil Juice with the .soE the fire ,in� A. saucepan with -a lum,l) . worthy inen. who disgrace it, and . . cordod In tho Book of Life nild, oad ' CASes of it * lked golatille; of butter and salt and pepper. ,Stir . . Neither does the bonek lawyer try F also, but, It was alwolysll I It's no use picking the mote out of pour over tile. boiling ,water; stir un- I . . . -cat 1.'a"Im of h I# where little I I . . . . there is no profes.sion in wliteli at the ki eat'411- � attention had been' paid to keeping , � till hot, I � I I - to force his client into, litigation, �jrjll you, Illy lagal.fFland, live . our, brother's eye with ilia hatchet ill clear; thou strain through a flail-. . I � tricker,y and ra.3cality reap so rich . 11 y , � the straw It is 94 hat young squashes of . Rb .knows that often the -))est way 1 4 d clean under ' 0 ' f batred. . nol bag; add . berry, juice; - Jd-t ­ . I S ' the roosts -and keel' the croolced - neck variety, gathered , a harvest. But it has also in it to settle a legal oliffloulty, is outsI4 work with this OlIc thought beforn tile y4l,ds , cle � "94 It will be :tjilta enough 'to indict strain agaiii without squoezing - the . raliks liable, honest, sterling Iliell, . ,your mind ? .Live with the Ideu that . . all and. cipy. . . .. 'lied the in I . whe � . I I . . . � . . .- :, . . . . .Others when.wo have finis - bag; wet a molild with a cy'linder.m n about� ilia size of eggs, boiled , . . the. court, i"tead of inside. . . ' I . '. I whose knonledge and talents are do.- , soln olay the Christ wlib.once.stnsid - a our own laults. the conter,'pour in tbo.jelly and involor In salted water,. then sctt.§or%- . voied to the cause of right and jus- lri-TIV, YOTJNG LAWYER'S DITTY.- ' 0 . SUGATt. cunr..,D HAAT,q. , - . . - . set � as a defoll,dant beforoi, Pilate. is . .tile I Nothing is more dangerous� than a OR lee. to form, WIten serving. . fill ad and served in it, creggi.sauce are , . 19 e will have Pil- . "toothsome eating." This .. tiice. I want to say to all 'youl The high prinielplied lawyer pro- Christ,' who as judg' . The Most d0licibus'lianis , ad bacon friend without - discretion; even a the (*enter with sweetened, whipped I . is. worth � . , . . . are. the too ' 11 .. I . . . remembering against. next sumnier­ .. . � nilon who are entering that profes- teCtS the weak as - . I thsoille countr prudent,onenly Is preferable, . .. , cream. . . . .-'volt as tile ate " it defendant before him. ' - I Y cured . � *'!on that if they set before theill- strong. Tile .young graduate from. . meat. "N . The. vines, tbvs robbed, 'are said to . . . .. " 11EMh,'A1BI1',R 71114 GlIMAT. ASSIZIPJ C . - Vith 'all packers' new-prooilss Vilatsoover. You dc;- not wish your Strawberry Jain, - Allow three-., - . . . . selves a lofty ideal and hold fa,;t to a legal school Is likely .to take *any .. . . . uringAliere is no, lie 'so godtl'a ' the neighbor io `do, to you, d'o- not unto ,que.rters 'of a pound of migar to produce abundantly. � . , . Milstiall principle they may will case which comes, in his way. It is. Some. young lawyers Iri'the impul- farli, cured I � . S . � . .. . .. I I � Sometimes I'llare. is a -part: of a . pork. Tile Wisconsin hial- This is the - wh6le .law," the� e4 h pound of'strawborries; put the oveces-u in it, serving God faithfully �10t, so lunch then. a - question, of siveppss. of- their yoiitli do .not stop Farmer gives the, follo ', ruere 'a, it.' . berxies and sugitr. together I balced or hoiled', fish left over, which - . and keeping their character unstain- nioney as of getting goniething - to . to I colwid6r'-this, 'One day a profa,�- W6 . 11 " I wing ; . rest 1 s a xposition.01 I I n the one doesn't kiii)w how to use­8caIT . � ave a 'formula for 4 6y' '330 vigilant.. : xCep ahead, rather ijresv�ving ]cattle anti inash fine; �boii . ' , I spend as much, � Unto Sor said to a wild.collego ]ad, -Xy . � -curo . I � ed. Let me try to give you briefl do. He will . that has proved very * .satisfacto* , than: behind the tliiies.� Cut this for twenty minutes, stirring to keep lop ft. . Ilemove all bonos and pick y , r� , . . . : principles of a ovLr the case of a pet dog which has bay, what '(]a you Intend to inako ivith us, ' . a small' bits, Butter a baking . . We take for'evary thousand Out, anti if there be' folly -in - tile ar- froni burning and to make- th.0 jaril 'in't. . 0hristian. lawyer. , I been poisoned in a baok,yArd as he. aut of 11fa_?" -Well"., answered. the pounds'of Intent ten quarts a salt; gunient, lat'us' know, . . . . . . of a stnooth consistency; pour . into dish: Make"a cupful of thick white , � . .1 THE CHRISTIAN LAWYER. wia twenty. 3ioars. later on a $100,- boy, "I intend to.*Speild four years Ono. pound . , f * .Strive -to avoid harsb word,5 and jelly � tuinblers and scal. like 'Jelly sauce, -put alayer of fish In the dish, . a 0 egr� "Whitt -th It T I l pound of saltpatra i one . . .. then 0 000 suli, , But 'after : awfifle that t'c 'II'M.',' a I .-T to personalities. 'Do . *not kickovery when it is cold. , . . no- of the sauce$ another layer . � � . a-fe will novel- charnpion a cause . . 911d two 'pounds of fish', had finish with It layer of I . I young mark works his way up' tha kintend, to eitter .the law, schbol. and. of. - brown- stone ill the pAth; hiore miles tan.be eri,i6s'. - Do only.n. - . . . . sugar. Alix sugar, salt . . . - . that lie knows to be dishonest. Why? legal ladder. Ills brain becomes Work hard ' and'inake my. mind a and popper .together in a'tub. Ills_ . iii6do in a day by. going steadily 61, few berries . at, a time; - bull ' wash dried bread.crumbs, dotted liberally- .1 I . I �. . . Because he would be aiding one "'all keener his experience greater . - than by,'9tOPp'inff.t6,,Ioick. Pay ,as and ,discard all 'ujid With bits of butter.: Brown Ill, tile . � Ive anotlier of his rights. Oh, , . : I-io grelkt..­rasp"Itor.�r - of legal . lore." scilvo the , sa.lipefre .Ili a.q6art (if, . . . � I . or or. overripe " . . . . . to delp "What then S" "Oh then 1. shall 1, ill' . . .. . . 1. berries, weigh your,frult, and to ov� oVon, and.'$6rve hot., 1. .. . ­: .1 stands in the front rank.of, his pro-- . . I watei , on POur. M the- ot4er� dry �Ou go. I . . I . � . . . . . . ­ . .. . . .. I .1 � .1 . � I , . - ­ IV I . i 0 r -'o . . the wrongs that are perpetrated by fass.ion.. Wilat- iii, ilia' result 9 ' Ile throw royself, ..bodyz;: lolil'otrid mind, 'inixture Arid, Inix:0.0rcitigbly. .4i .Do,uot meddle. with. business-,.,ybu cry pu4nd add P­qual* f. 0; Pa. . , . � I . upol I 1. �� - . . the rich and powerful'! Oh, - how. � . . � ell It 11 pint jars with � . -­.. . . . . . .. . � . -ceases as a rule, -to deal with cases into.'aly ,work.. I .shall forc4 my,self th ,how. notili4g, .01; - Nipyev b �v , 'ally. Of .Whito sugar; , fill VT P, I iriany there are who sufter all their I ­ 0 Ineat. 114S till the ahiinal, heat clut I ,tlicle ,,;,an CIO not ilecol sill, " . A . I . involving small fees. 'He is 6 rail-, in the .front raiVis o5f - ilia- &eat'la�w- .OfJt but not irozen . , . . �fy - - be- fruit and- sugar, and. plt�co in a ve - . . X UCHXV X,AiTT*S. , . . . .1 , . ; . , lives at the hands of un.scrupulaus ­ I . I � I .. T ause it.is cheap and the im , . .. , . ,- . . . . . a ­ put each pier - . ro,ad attorney or it rich man'i; advow- Ycrs Of. DIV. tillle�, I shall, j�e* "oNvn, in a till)- and r.,ub the' In*N uro C; - in. .who sel of cold water; .put. over the fire It . .. I . . f oos! How nyanY nien are trying to . I . - . 1,. t 11 u Ill sells It %vt I take- It out in and lot It come to t ,t. .,peping. Stop lVitli the Advance, " . I % 1. I � . . . . I., . I 110IN" as:,-a�...ni tl � 'I ' '' %ice and ) tra:40, I . .he bolling,poill" I . I. . . . .,�, . � . 1, .. an, 1. 01 aquv ill I. very Nye � - . . I . . -n Settlenie3it . I . . I , - brother ,nian of his ' I . I the meat , Alas'l' , I . - of.. 11uma ; . � � ) .4tieprive theli Cato.. . . Nvi -- . . to ap- , - ... . as tile juice , is - exhausted. and the - ' . . ­ . I rigl-,ts? The lawya-r who helps tboin. .My legal frioxid, :ikoiv Is ,your , , Op- po"Ver.- AIV ie4s-.�will 'be lan,e - illy -peaxancti �11, ov . I' . . . . , '.. I I . .. �. . : , . I . I I . er, I ... . ' . . . I . I . . : - ' I . . Skin and all , * After , COULDN'T. T ,�LL ATI-ly - . . fr1lit, 8ottlos, fill with:'beri-ics 'in oth-' - ,ei ago, &ttentlap, ; was , I . . in their nefarious atteinlyt Is it par- 1 portuirity for heroic self, . sacrifice. Pirck, . dUfrICIIII.S. greator,." , 1:1WIiat I Oath, pidee 1.5 thus treated* there is I � . .'r .. . .$everal Sroa 1. I I I . I . � .1 .11. ., ; ' Thom , . . . I- 'aik rjilitil :part .of thc� jars ,, .ari) *called t6 'the fact that.tho casteryi . � . ,� . tak-er with them in their crinic. I � Do you know'of a. case: III wJ)icfi - " a, then ?." , 1%S�` .'. ill -01 Aliall. turn-Itilways saute left, Tvilic as, anti John were two broth- a . . .1. � � ' I * , . - with injusilee? -Iny at. tion. -to . � ties. 1. � Shall 'the ' Itruding 1) - ollo§ 11.1 put ; on full to the : brink; .do not stir -or, plants of - America were rnarching, . ­ I I '. -ant not he're contending that it I 1poor mail is iiienaced toll I poll ` . I . - prc era in the galao'clasg, it ... . Is I of 'the hains 0, they NVCre 111a4b, bitt pour one.jar-III-to anoth- :*ostward' 'across. *the c6atinent, . . A I .. , � - I ])a you know . of . . a' 'Man stand, upon the rostrum, PvFbaps I ! and. ' .41iouldez4s, . not the - brighie.4t ' , , . I ., .. .1 wrong for the lawyer to defend a . I ' ' . '' as they lie on'tra. . b oys ... in '�tll() er'carefully; se�i before reradving keeping. st6i witli the advaneq . I � . . ,crio.inal in cowlt. Every inan . 1who is . , charged . wltl� .� � . a phall, be� able to plead 'Ili the' 15" t table'for. drVing.' It talces thein,from so"hool. - - . . � I . I - u z an Se P , ement, and. . ; of ... . . , 11 . in, ,,,,, . ..... . -from the fire; take ilia kettle oft, and -In I . ' , L * � I � . . .. . : ,, �oklqtlex .- , .1 I crime of which lie is innocc;nt ? Tho or sit as - chief.,jusUcie itpon,�lt, ,,.- iliroo d 'a "How' do. V11 your name, I 9 , 1. . . I . I -entith,d to a fair trial. Even the impioning . his -E4oni-p� court licnch.�! "IV i .1 11-ys t -two.weeks to, (Iry, no- . I you $1 when 'tbo.wator 'has t9tiloW.reniove ill& native IYI. nis as they proceeded . I : ,.I wretch Clzolgosr had his lights 13c.- glory yoft Win Ili clu .htit -tho�n'?­-Icordink to tile, weather, � Now otft' Jon.?'..' ask -orf.fruit. It .jars are'* , - . . I q I . , or . . edthe niasterl' as, a feel- sealed.jars. . ,Pcr-� I .., as - pro leted tbat In. time thei�', � - , . I . r to ,you 'tlia]A, It" �. $- �ildn Ili mV. old ii,&�:I:shall , retire tile 'Illeat. -has * ja&vll thp,.s 6r; Oil .tile first-day. .' . - �, . fectly scaled the fruit � )yAll­lccop- per- w.6q1i ' � ))a, a retuin of the ,Western. . . .. . ` -- .% '. . . . fore the law, and justice required cause is bettO . I 1,7 , f1toni. work. I shall�, ,I I lave. & can' �ry ld, I b . an . g ' ' . alt as jt� �. "ZI-o-h-ii,". re., J ,� ohn� ,with foctIv.. � . . !, . - . ", :.. , , , . , .. I .� . . that those rights be protected. I A I 000,000 fee. - Tile. great .corporati olls . 11 gh.bu . on-twi 6"strin- -and . . I . ,- §ponded .1. ,.�;.. . I I , Ill jand the wealthy Men JIM,o reserited atiol a C4Y, home. I shall be known I 'give � it c' I tl , , .. � , . pride. .1 .- . . I . ­ St�awberry V . . plants sweeping eas6vard'and �ovcr- . . I � 1. . . . 1 4 .lawyer often docs a heroic part .. dat!.. of,.copolplised. sinoke. . .reserves. . - Allow coming -their conquarors� and it is . . . I I I ... .1 1 I I . . I defending a criminal or in pleading1for their varvice$-tho stroiiiTosf jogal as,a. sdgq and live Ili. (julot and',eiiiia.' After this '.. '1h thoroughly diy We' , -"ItIgIA. - 'And now, "I'liolui1s, � lip, a] I tbroc-quil,Ftdrs - Of a '-pound of sfigar noted that that return � seems - . .11 I . . . I - . I I . . 11tr . v. , I -ask, ' -, , ,. , . . . , I ,� . I -cy Ile *bd ' it n s TO . , . - � , al I" -ains of ilia co "INlib t otbo ?" said' the stir simply hang . to, oVery'0ound of, stritw4drdes; put ready to have begum . ' C' ­ . that me shown him, but the,,re IN , . away; 'puttln).z in cl: , IS', �­ �, I . I . . . Profes . .qa .11 . I � . I 1. 11 -in aiding a client to are going to I:. affer,the lega .. "With the way y�iu. - are. . -as 'we 'plvaqq . - .rospb fru t present A - pres%iti, � pet,- , . : , � . . I is no heroisin : IQ6u . f4n� living it, ,or not., vc,-Il-rkl-�-it. . iided:� "..rhornas them in a kettloin l o ustralid � . . ' 1. - ' .1 : . cheat or defraud another. Itemsts of the poor add.*the helpless? S i * 11 ShAII-Your-Aita'"ver1yo 6roUghi ivill not botlipej such, it cure. I . �. *1 with as Intich'ji, :IdQ. and to�ilfldbnce and! sugar. and set the kettle "on the haps,� . ,.ihe best. exiainpT6 oi this . . 4 - - 6 iou d6'not:care to risk ,it P*t as Jobil.had shown-.: , - .� . - - back ,.Of tile S.tovo. unt I '%'et there arc a great wany law- I You'know just as Well.a's-.1 that the. Into revleiir and . passeil -upon - ,� . If V . I 11 a-.sVrIli;I. -is spreading . an'd conqudi-1kig tendency ., . � � � s I G . . y 11 . . , . young man 11 in flour sacks,' fle- them tigi I it anti . . . I 1. Xow.'alloW -I oorVu to Of those plah(s that,follo,w tile. , &d- � yers who aDrin that they' have.."itical time in the young maWs lifC, ad V 'Than %',lie uilg "Oh, no, that isn't, rigbt,,41 porr formed.: .. t to. ,; . ." ,�. � I I a boil, stirl ' . . . -I'r; Il,o)-t1,dng to do ,with the honesty or is just after he has ediumitted thitt hig head. for'be could say AoLjifng. put wood ashes Ili tli4imouth -of: the ,rected .the' in"ter, "Try a-afii." . Ing occasionally, 'froin� vaneo-Of olan­ Tile Weeds th4t have . , . . . ., .� . 0. .'.r o tlle . . .1 .. dishonesty of a client. All that 1 sin which lie did thoughtlessly-, -And 'SO toolay, I, force This truth upoll sack;. Alice �wjll Thomas hla,doI, several trid.§,' anii� tli bot-toul . f � 10ttie. '�-6pread.. found their way from Li uropo I to .. � . It, -, t­� I 1: n6t bother ..raw . .. � '' , . they illos,t, (10 is�to present tile ))est � wi tho.)ut realizing its heinousness. -every' one here prosen . I: will .s it;,to nicat. of .this c' .1� I .. always. the. Saine. . . I . I.. thinly Oil platters and -set in'llie sun :A-ustralia, are crowding out the.. na- - . 1. tire 1. . * ' ' r I . � . . . . . . 1 --7- . - 11 . "Arbil," lie �aid at last,. ill, 'it to I . . I I , � ­ . . ,ne to dr, . . I ,. . . ' I , 0 le -hat iho noble . y , . : tive weeds in niany ,p aces,,and es- � : ,,!,do of a civil suit, and then tl You know that If he Is.oned 6011- not 6n1v v. - Christian � . . %. - . . � : i . ., . judge or the jury will deciole w-hoth- victed-4ml sent � to the- p3r law,�.ell , -belie",9. but also what we .. . , . I . - - and miannor, that AV * Fruit runch,:.. Crusli one cuP' ol� pecip4ly Ili the more fertile lands. lu .. . I C OOD FE, B, D R R S. - . � I . ould, adiklit, of no, ', 11'r . ' , . . . I er a cause I.,; just or uujust. If aland hdrded in"'With' a lot -are all eoutPell,611 -to believe. Every . " . lent, "if ' .. -o-ha-n. spell! ' ill. -o�ky sollg;tli -11 I . i I I argun T 9 ..John ,ripe strawberries . and I x -with one- soine of the'ril,ore I 0 a- . : . � * . . .1 � . I I , - ... �. . . . It Is'n6t. hh,rd to get the. br' . 11, . half cup -of water; powdered' sugar tive plants * have the advantage - in. . . drunkard by his own carle..-isness:crinlinals lie. %Vill becolike one .of the act. 0 -Voir - dii�d, .every . hope and ceddr, why don't. Tno spell Tho - I . . . I . I y I o'r;cvcn the bLiyqr of purc-brod stock- 'as TF � - .. .. . . . is bettor than. krantilated. Aid hall ill test .. I . . � .1 I fal!s (rff a nio-ving electric car, they 'blackest Of . the block.. lVill. 'you Prayer and sin of �Ou 5 . . .i I .. . . I., . . a can . I . � . I . . '. .. '. t . - . I . i ' i to llaVa �: the L Arid the ". in�ftster � h a sn t y.e bcj�n It p , - it . A ellridus fact ..brought Out by.ob- . ` . .1 I, earthly oxist.� .to see. that -.it pays * � in . of cold ! WaCer and lot � I will bring suit against the ,street car . leave hiln. to , the -care of, Ono— 'of RnCa 1111.1st - s6file day be passed. . -But many -feeders, seem . t . a , .1 . t ' - . 6 wire strain . er. sorvation in A.ustralia. is t . . corporation for . "I best. why .ji strain ,through ii. fin ,hat some $10,000 and 'lot: those. legal incompotoffts who.,. are., :revipw by the' 'great. assize., So live %,Vh,)IIY .able ,tp explaln.-' clearl.y ...­ . - I .. I . . -d the fa6t� 'I'llethel . add -the strained juice of imp r - ­ . disrokat '* doe � - . I I.. ill clear; .. � . .1 a tea plants, particularly brna . bave one qualm of conscience. If a found banging about evOY , ,Court, -th'at, ,with Christ its Your Advocate,. tile. ' I 1. m ." , , iin't.". . . � . . �. I I .un .. �. I . . I room, waiting f1kO . Vultures. to . .Vou � !let -of ,dvor- b' ' stocknlark�who is p�.c;iag up,- a 1 � L .* ,1. . ­ . . . . I �,ya -or- '' ,al gardiin Varieties,. cling to tile ' . � .- ,distant relative by a technical flaw ' ., can'win tile � ,ver;r . one - , lemon ­ and one - and. one-half hiellt , . I I . I . - battle bocionies' icareles .. his' of cold x i in n, . . call break a will, they %Vill help )tint . . S&% . unch. of . -p! ., L , irux'and-set eighborhood at their hunimi 'friends: , L . ' .. . pounce Upoll tbe 'Ile I � I . I . 9. ,-GARDENS IN TIM, ICE.- -L L . � . � of L '1ple - anti. the laStilag "fe" L ­ :1 � I L : 1. thereby . .1 I . - th , rkrigarator untlYnceded.' , ' .as.lt.thoy -felt thiamselVes to be' L . ., . to do it and divert the uloney a slain ? Or wi I volt' � I ill .. ... . - I . , disrc�gardink,.. . laws .well .' A , I q . . . . I �t L ", . . , -�- I &L -cs, I tself . , - . . - L . I I li q. frolit - . . . t . , . : 2 knowli - *to I - cler, whf�n -it Aislo.dv. . . . . s rangers in- a strapger lalid,.'nooding . . . rich inan into a channel urhere it wak rank of ill . � ­ '. him, .cir ,whether .bls.'An- . . L.. . . .1 .1 . . .. . . .. .� . akw. 4 lecal PrOf6sKi011, give BE - - FE CULIAR, AND 'S , . and sall$ allvva,�- - dver d1'e, Arctic. . proto�tlon� .' ' Althou'jh - tli6y ipring .:. ;r": . . UCCEED. hate rlsk'and"- ve tur ' � . . . ­ . - . Pmr-ROEXCy. SuppLms. I . nv,vor intended -by the tes,Lator to 8� . . L . 1. I I i . .11 a carries him . . . . . I . ,Lvo t.hatL , I ., . vor t " I I . I Withilit tile rinlits . of. I - . - . . : . I . ocean� no volS &IOnL In . the ' Lip vigorously . . Vour time and services.,to . . , , *we cannot r1t every housebbld, there .should ill � I . ., .: . I go. ']'his was the way the eqtate of . I . . . lml.yond his , judgment;'. . "'ValCo�- . of* . averyL ittrge,.611a 116ats a JJna � In L � � a, gardens', solf7sown, �.oar after. I. . .. . I � . I . young, niam, ? Vs.bx .know .'s..'s Well as Md.' Not- - Trouble- Yoursell.. About- say. .But'ciirtaill-.41 it.is i-)Ia:t illost I 1) ,'kept bii hand supplies -and hppli- 5-6 :I-, .yot. they .neve gain' -an : foot.a - . . . � . L � L. �L V& L ' - ns '- 'ski-' a - I - a r a fainpus lawyer sti"t""I'lan was I do that ihat little.child who had of sifflila,r. com.'Iianio . ,,The F, . . . � Y , � . L ' L L L . Cut., OL L I . at, Others 'ThinIC-L - - , f6eders of �cjiijtle­ 1.1ave ;I ance'.to be used-' In the sick. room ilrIg.outside. . . , .. I .legally stolen. Every one whoread her legs T,-bV th(s-cruel It'lleels . . 1. . � . ... .� . I I their. 'lots, mas -call this. plielloknonon. 11thei duck * i � . .. I . I I . . . . L I L . . I .. pt, fe.Ni animals ill I and in cases, of emergency.. L . ' . . " his will clearly tonderstoad what the of tile- electric car through* "ibo caro- . The'l6ar OlLbbilig thought pebullar I .,at., are, alWay§ . 1.11" and. cluelclings," � 4ad uny � Ono -�'. Wbe . . " �'Bikt ill& Seotoh 'thlatIp 'does not: I.. � . . I . dewd -statesnian wi.,Ai(,d to have done ..,I I.. � . . I preVentS a Lgr6ai -nitan� �p6o - I -dosirable. If .You, Lshould ask oiia has wate. . lied the � prbgress -of . thel N�ild ., A dloset br, cupboard *should be set show itsolt:*so timid. . It hits been , - - ' ' * � . I ' with his property. F1v wanted to Azb, . I . -. I L . . plo from Why lie batighi that particular steer. clack followed by b apart for these su ill) lies,` 4nd'L shofild :1 traduced fiito both Atistralin And. , . ' 1 . . ... Veaching 'the Iftnit.*:04. their. possibil�' I - - oi- broad wil 1, ap- in � ; . . . . To. prave 00 .Wall thab ft . . . . - fid'*ould probably'llave no reply, 6 be. ca -4 ' 6f a' I have built a great public institu- Oh Ok Chm ' I a . . r preciato the. , aptituda. of the nanie. y cdess and known to *all. Tasmania '- in. ilic.lattet island, ,it ! - . . .. .46*19 Oflitmentlescartalu 'ties, . 'lies - People can- -andure.. � un- Sn�y.; "Becabso� he .was cheap." �Poor the fallillY, Ilestdei4 the. inedicine, is s I aid, by an onthus! li*iltiQ L Scotch- � . . . . I . . tian. Yet sonic distant relative HIM* and'shwItite oluv for eacis nierite& blame,', � ind,bvni caluirilly, 'Strange its'. it way scein, plants - ' . . .1, .. .. . and every. form of Itching, ' n &took .never pays tot- feeding., and chest there should be a ..-;mail wait- in' taL Sea'blS fiational . with whpin lie never bad any close with fortitude. They are patient grow and blossom upon theste gree, L a* spirit, . ' I an �who,i wished:. . .1ilbodInmandprotruil p1les, the'longer it'j�'Rcpt'tho gZtar tba , ice! inoultiLains. Whon a glacier LIS at or letnip, La safety''la flower blooming around him a' . . . 'Jie mannfacturds havelviiarfinte no tes, . . . . I : I . . .. :.. Inpw - -1 n tile, . I . . .. 1. t�vloni&le In the daily press and ask yatirnaigh.. , 1. . rn;Atches, it irkeasuring glass, One or, cither side of the earth, and it has , ", . . . L . I affiliation, lky ilia aid of schenting I under K�reftt trials, -and ar&. hat loss.. Now that the tinie, is herb to rest, mass �!14aches itself to it, P two tumblers all take, . lawyers, broke that will. It, was bore whatthey think ofit, 'youcanlisoltand . afraid to'face difficultle.s, noble in , I a- &L S only becaus I I . 1 ., .a one of the now heirs buy somathing'to,cat the grass �wfll tecting the ice1wileatli, ju.4 as saw- .Vessel far ,he andLspO'0'$,. III n advahtaga OCRs' opportuni-, . . . I .. L .. I ge our minor back If not oured. Men box,, at many Wals, and weak, p6rhap " ting water, a inixing tie9.wI`tbout:f6ar and NN4thout favor, ' .' , I was intrinsically bonest that part RIU1411WO 0rBDUAN8ON,BATE9* Co,,T=66� it, tilis ove 'poill 5 - Only it not be well to eqn!�ider, wh�t to dust does. After a tmic 4ho' L 111o'9S 11 I � I . Of tLlIC estate Was plac(Al at the di . t. Fear of .ridicule, buy ? Is there. not more profit. Ili decays an( . I I . orms A. sail, , ill . which bp�vl 'and a small pitcher. ' . There . � . . .. ." . . . , , , .. .� L �L.. I . I s- . �- , ,� t . I � . ,, . Dr. Ghas&,s'01ntM .of being ihoujht diderent from other I I . , .qhould Also be a canti I � 4 I , . . , posal of the trustees who were ap- . M 0 V ent . pitying a few dollars more per Ii.ead tbe sceds of buttercitips. and -dande- . - . . 11, of mustard E I - . 1. ­ I I . -- L People, aPpettri; to be the one vulner- tor . , .., ang Ono of flour:- ' ppinted to carry out the .scheme. .L 11 L L 1 groo, lions, -brought by ilia. wind- take small -basift' SL. EPIXG ON T11REEtiXG.S. � ., I I I I IL 1. . lessnoss of t L able - *spot iii . their' arrhour. 'rl-hey. . d stock � thaV;'aro . - always - 'for toilet purposes.' .' . . I UL I � .. L ETt'S TEMPTATIONS. . 11:0 matorinan will , got .. . , ready f * mark,et,-thail III allowing. root .and 11ourisli, Thogo wh�jiavve . knov� that at nothing unless seem i . or I � It.is not generally LAWY . It mah -of Your brain inable -to Fla 'themselves of the a. f' ' L I 1. L . . ' . aunt of -the cibcacy at hot- least.four out of ovary ten borses 46 , 1 . . .. 1. :nluoili Ili* Arctic,, lan(is say �On acc Ihit, - though this inay be all true, plead he . � I 'I .. . 4,0111, idea that . they t excite conlivient, - V ow pool'. - ones to got into t1a tl'avel(ld , Avatar appliqa, tions,*,no-fanilly should' not"Ll,e (low" " t . h�oi , . . . I . I . . I . " so e' the poppy .does not, bloomi. during the, 'L � tcu�,ptations before honest ciiin- r cAll4e.... You witl . . a ,d -h rd baeause thcy� se.em 16'bo cbeap? . . 0 ,sleep . 'Tho. 00 : I the legal abllitV', .'L OrYwhero'becauso - of thi* UPPO . . I : . be without* at lesist. one'. hot -w . . I., coplot 'witi for her ' it, fleekllia�ltle , L '' . IF .8 . . I .. I . . brief.ii6rthern silminer... , , 1 ,b . "ter that siceps .in a.'stairlding ,position -, ., . . . 9, I . , .- . . . . I I I . I I . . .. inal lawyers are very great. 11cliev- Verdict �01 S .. . I � ­ . . NJ) L ' . . . . , .. : , , . ag, two -ore sinall and ono� large . ­ . . I . of their c1l 20,000 "sh' 'Vill -Y�iiu "N'InLe tilinits Out Of ten this" . . I .. - .. . . rosts Ono. leg at - a, , time, depending .. . . . . I � � ing in the innocence . I queol". I SULPHIT11, A SALT. - � . . - �bo ': better, Hot' -W'ator , . . . . I �. � ant to ft ' . . I . I . -would . oil the .other throe. to stistaAh. the' , . r I . - - c0id be & I A , STR AN C ti-, * A C C I 1) E, NXT. ' shauld be always. . L . . I- let that littic . , ents, they know as no other class . . nes$'.' ., is a' disease - ' of� - tile' . jinagiila.. The'fact 1bat sulphur L and salt in - . - .. I . . . . - on - hitlid when" is'body.-Tho habit 'ls-L a � . . I . . cripples' lidine mul pjjss::aII ber life '. L . ' .1, . . .. . . weigl# Of � hi .1 of inen how inany innocent, victims tion, and'h4s tie rettl exist6nc�. The, due. ,proportiolis given' 'moderately In Russia many liol'sons become Ill- there Is sickness- In the house. - I . I there in* Poverty. beca .. . dat . . , use van ' a . .. . . igerous one.,,OnIv a short , . I � have been .sent to the penitentiary I - I 1. Victinl*61"Stlell a nlovbid condition a,' to all-kindS Of lhio stock'is-excellaht taxicated �.*Uirough ,drinking ether, . A screen Is 'a. VAlu able* addition to very ' I � . successful. lawyer" are 'lot w'.11'119 to mind m0st . be. His own physician. .is not new, but.'some rccent uses -of and a I- .. it sick room, as. it can be used-, to .tikkm since a fine horse lh� iilc',.stailles . ' or the gallows through an unbreak- plead her cailAn ? I 1. I . , t le ­ oceirt incident shows that 1. of a big ni4nufabturing firin ,Went to � chain of false circumstantial - . � I . The ' �Jl, nox,lo . protect the bad. train draft$, and the � . L ' .. A able voriest t,yfo Ill tile world's ways' these In Iowa bave, beo�ght. I I is us habit is spr�adlrig I . - L. . L In one of our large cities r� on 1-ITJAIANITY'S CAUSEL , inust know ti;at mcn ' Matter gain. prominently to .public ablong all Oasse tiont'a eyes train it strong. light, .sleep while standing Int his �611 alld � I . I I I evidence. � , . I L . I Aild -Women are 'it . s of .ilia people. %A Pa fell howifly4, to the floor, lifp "I of the cast a man. was aroused one 'Shall thu-strong lawyers only.look too busy with their oivn'affafr�, t66 tLitelitioll ther bter w S eLtil g or to .shut from sight any- part of .pAing - . . a. A. reference to the' farmer, whose daug . a g I . ,of .his legs. A greit'.' ' . . . 1. ­ , night by a noise. With lighted a1ter tile Strong.ollents' al?d - not, much: OcIcupled:Wittv.selfigh cares, to. mattev" ,in'- tile lowit Homestead Married , detcriniho . d &o_ prel . the room where -workis 'done . or. Ono . .I 11:14ny . . . . 11 . . after the weak ? No. L no. Thlit _ is � )are AL candle and cocked revolver, lie de- f6ink much 'a�out him', wbother,Ail) is elicited letters ficim. live stock grow- alblendid wadding feast, and -alvionz where there is temporary 'tlisordor. borsda are Permanently InJured as a, 1. . I 0:.,Otllel. po6pl, � . � -a, . - � 1-0 A L 'bject, one of.wholki, can- pillar things lie purchase'd two calls . , result of accidents Of this nattii . . scon-ded the stairs and was shot I not what tbey.�i. �gIlt to: do'� � .14'Ll like or' unilk �; of big beg all. the SU � It is also & ,Very good Idea to have � . I . - I .. ly . ' , a ft-vor-tbernipmater ,it) test the tein- and there is rio way at curing ti�em . � .. ! , � --:P, , acclitaintanco, Rest assured they tributes to that paper his �Ow-n -ex- of other;,.. As:­t,bo. calls would I not '' 6 . I . I ,. . . L . L'. ' .-I . I look well on the gpily, dec,brated, ta- poratuX-, and ,every mother sliould of ,ilia habit.' Horses - , who ,do. lie. ., . � I 1. : tire n6L wAtching You or� abolyzing Perionces, Ili, Wbich, lie says thai the Use it. ' L I � . ' , L ' , ' . . 1. . .down to sleop of ten dquble their, I I I L ,.�. � Y()tk.r 'Words - ' and , ludVemerits. - , 136 feeding. at sulphur -to, y6ung jattld, ble, lie decided to,pour ilia precious know ]JOAV" to � . I . . I ' I No Energ�y For 11, . . , , colts, k;ficep and 'swino lit the pro. . liquid into'gl , ass decatt6vs . Unfor- ITave a shelf In Your cl000tLor * forelegs under 'them, their , hoofs. - I . your riattli al.'self, Its *flir. wq Y can, . I .. . . rubbing hnol Irritalting I' and . I . . 11 I .. ,. . 06: the sk il . � . ( I and Ao riot trouble yourself. about Portion of Ono. Part of 'sulphur, , to tunately,,-whilo: doing ilia �Vorlc. ..b. bostrd devoted 16 bundles otcul I ' . placed"oll* at the I �can. ililtshil. A* banclaies and plasters, flesh , at the back of the upper,,pirtL L ' I ' ' ofhars�. think or say of you. .throe parts oisalt is a splendid pro- I .a 5 too now; M 0 - of them, until they form those uiok� u , lie .what -vou think, to ))a right, and V011tioli of disollso, as well 118� L an fire, . and ,ilia result -was a ,violent and rolls I flannel for hot applica - . .. work 1w"t* -self .no'concern as 'to what eradicator of. vormiti- A little 4�afo" O" . . L tions or when, it ..is necessary to. re- sightly, though,'practioally. painless .- , I . I The Daily , loslon, which killed six children I . . � . " I . . a 'tain beat. - It 113 toy lurnp�s which so. often disfigure, ' the , ' . . glValloilk ' also 'good - poll . I I .1 I ... �othors, : think 61 your' 'words 6r: must be exercised In feeding It *to and one adult, nd wounded � . . inore to keep ab,"rbekit cotton and surgi- forelegs of othdrwlso shapely tint. I . . , . . . . , actlims. anti, ,vou will flnol� that cows in calf, although for all kinds or loss sal.'Ously ""' .o.ther 91Owh-uP cat plaster on hand, to u - so ift, case mals. . . I . . . . . i persons. I I . . ,your' "cluverlikess" -will soon, ftill' of stock it inity be safely fed Ili the . I . . I But Rich 131oad Makes tho Weak Ctrdhg land'the 1 fcway from _volt. , . I proportions Inentio, e ­ . I � of cuts and hurt�. . I I . 1. � ­ . I . . ­ .. . I . � . . . No household sholuid be without a .11 I . I � � Blood Is Made Rich by Dr. Chase's Nerve Fbod . '' 1 -40 , - - � .of about Ono tablespoonful, a day. Whork. 'tile French General Ilour- supply of disinfectants, such ,, car. - -I'Ll" AfAX'S SAM40VA � UD. . � ­ . � . . � � . . . . . . ' . . I It Will clear cattle of lice,'Ireo sheep baki retreated into .8witoorland from bolle, acid, sulphur - and coppiIlidg,, "Wantedo ectivoo elderlY man I p , or I . . I . .. TRX, 'T4 ilia a6rivans Ill 1871, be 'said I(),- 11ore Is a; disinfectant that is satis- .boy, witi, left hand Ott, to t�aVel ' .: . N You are tired, listless, weak and guid and miserable most of th time, . AT- P, 01, � NO PAY, Of scab, and drIve off ticlk7s'aild will . . anguid; have no interest in your and was. 'often A)luo and disco(t'iraged I Vetiibers of - 60. English :i,arlia- correct fl�palred.djgosijori­wholl alli- 000 ,horses , to Ahe ,Q,wiss, ()Ile of factory, and can be made tip Aulck- with blind man." Such.ls ilia � a& . I � I iyork; lack tile energy required for because of nly* continued ill -health. , luent, unlike tile rtiel"bors, Of ilia 0 lile,18 alle being fed heavily -on a, fat- these Is still alive, It is owned by ly at home:' Put Ono teaspoonful of Vartisequ,ant AncilloW Xilpatrick of . . � th- I L I . . . I . going about your usual occupation; When in this state' I 'was adv1,4(4 'oil parliaments of the world, serve teftifig ration. -It Is simply stfrpris� 4 butcher Ili berne. . . salt lit it Pailful of cold water, then New yorl;, � has had, printed. IRS , . . 11 WDur appetite Is hot good, 'and your to try Dr. Chilso's N'orvoi rio,od, anti �! Without saletries. Tho labor. part - . ­ 1. I ­ I I dissolve one-half dram of ultrato.of object, ho-vxplaftis, Is that the boy I I .� . . ��!�!-=nt!t-'­-7--­` ' - - - - --6 tt!!t.� I - - . . . . MVaIS have no attraction for you: did so, with most satisfactory ra. : ropresellAILtives An parliament and I I I . 111. .. I ­ . � I ... lead In EL cupful of hot water, axid ghould lead bim .Wlt i. Vigil . V( it have headaclics, It illay be, and sults. It built up lily i4�stolu won- , the ,Irish part-y's inenil I ZIN li 11 s . t I I )orp$ ,6ro tile , . .. . . d to t "' a 6 r"'ng until It "' hand, and shall hekyo*no left bAnd . � . spells of weakness, and dizziness; olorfully, strongt,boniod and tostered only Ones Who are paid toserve In, � .) I . � a 1) I � %a tI All ilia above with mbiLh to rifle his pockets. I ' �ir ugh p "' � I I L -.-i - � . th' 'y I.' I Hot . . . . � dI axc'l�t a 7 1 11 � tou feel down4ionxted and discour- my nervolk,- and took away all reetivg . the . i4o of Commons. Thov'dra* I �11�t 4116. . L � I � . 'o' U -th tile ' Of . . . 'faf, t' ts' ". � . 1111) r to 'at. gged, and wonder what causes you of llinguor and fatigue.. -I. cannot their sfilarles not train the 60vern� le* U . I . . 0 lit. tire Poisonous "�, and FlUvIAIX, JACIC SHEIPPL, .T-tl), . - I 0houl � .Oat C; . to be so iniscrablO. any anything too good about Dr., ment, but froin ,ilia funds of tholt, "'.1 . , - C, 0 used 10th 4, ", '. I . . . . . . I i it is the blood. The blood is Chftso�b *1�orvo V ood, and hope that parties. Thero title so Illethy able I I . .:, , -I.- .. I W1140 awaiting tr ai 011. P, charge . . .:, .:, to .1 .:, . thin, weak and watery, and lackin othom may profit bSr my experience. men willing to servo. their country , . HINTS TO TX01ySrMtr13rDP17.,nS,, Of 016A . . 9 � t ., a � I -- . I n6A a donit'stio; . I � . n the qualities which go- to form Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood. is boutild and their party�for tho-lionar at it 1 4 � The easiest way to clean carafoo or servant, made all all but. succcssf6l , � - . ervaus energy, the vital force which to prove beneficial to ybu, for it 18 that till agitations to secure Sal� I . . � water bottles Is to dry some egg. ,attempt to bacApe filoin. New 31rilils- I I L ns tile machinery of the body. composed of hature's greatest re. arles for members of commong have ... .� shells, eruSh them, put them. in the Wict N� OL, 9aOl- She had become . .� . . i our health has beconie rut down, atorativ6s, and acts In accorda,,oce faited. It -Costs the, average mam. 1( . . - I . -- I boUlo wIth hot soap suds and slialco POSSMIZed Of 111410 attire, and wag . )c you cannot gpt better without with nature'a laws.. 011adually itrA bar from $8,000 to�$25,000 In clee. I 1. I ­�--� till tile glass looks clear. If very just loaVing -tile Prison- �vhen her , I . � be assistance of some restorative. 'certainly It ft%ercases flesh and tion expenses to get Into Coninions I V=1� - . I eloudy'It Illay be necessary to ra. slouch bat.bocanle disarranged, alv- . I 1. . k In this connection we m,ontian. Dr. Weight, adtlj; new, firm inuscles an.d it biS, election is warmly contested . . . peat tile operation. lowing, tier long hair to fill], rald 14 JC11ase's Nerve Food, because it has t1somea to the -body, rou;ftois out tII6 by It candidate from ilia Opposing Li I I Tea, stains cat be r6"I.Oved. from thus disclosing her sox. . . . t,r,ot,,,,,n itself to be the Most satia. form, ilhol filifflIs haw onorgy and party, 00 that, as A rule, the aver- �. . . % table linen Ill warlyl soft water in, � I . , " Spring tnedicille and S.Vatehl­ vJg6r into tile 6y,citelkl. ,r,o cents k% age incinber of ilia Musa of Coin. ... . ­ . 5 . � I Lpej,n& - I which a few dr ionla have 111 did 114VO It covirtl(leatec, lwty u0der that can bo obtained. been put. Or,op" "I , obox, 0 boxes for .12.50, at. all deat. Mans is it man of fortune, I JIL(Ift"11,11tle Powder- Signed beforo a Inagistrate, to the � � I . Mrs. G. M. Drown, Cobourg, ers, or Winanson, Bates & Co,, To� . ., � c -d clialk to a paste wl 6;t., Ptates- "I was completely ronto. I I AtAki I ill water, offect,but It was burat up, sor, ill In GOrld, the 1111881411- r -04116t ;1 I . spread Oil tile spot find brush off the house xvith me falkklf� allol tile I . � 4111-roTevto � %vhen � I I i .1 . I I I I � I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I un down In health last spring, and To ptotoet you against Initiations, nOvOligt, who W415 extremely poor ! � .. � . drs" rest of Ine effocts,�11 . auld not do Ono day'l; work with- tho Pol,tralt slud signature of Dr. A, btforo he became popular as it v�rit- . . " .1 . , i , " �,�* . . 11loelo; Is probably the best khoWn: . I ut being laid up for about two W. O'haso, tile. famous reccipt, purchased One Of A110 I POP 'WAS wifill . wood usod for greens, The loaven of No less t1lan 16 paWe' .1 allpit. . I -11, A I "a afterWard. I felt wdak, Ina- authnrt ara on aver,y box, Most ancient estate'$ 611 the volgrA , J46bh -HAVO pop, what to a �Af *10tort . the narrow dock whicit, arc* long and Ialleen of r4ord Xelvill'.q td,.t? be found . . 1. . for $150,000., 1; . P -� 'Itp��Y.R�Ly.t,k�t�SsLot..P�ip-4p"k#t�4�o#I I lratlWr OULU, are Used, Look 001011 tho latest warshlIl,t, . .. ,-A t ,, . . � - io I , � � � . � � ", . I I I . . A 6 . . . I . I I I �; I . I . . I . � I . . I .1 I . . 'k 11 . ' , " , . ' . . . . �-.�, �­��,.�J�Ll�­11 -1 .-----,.1111-1.-- .... ­­­-.6��­-1--- .-­-­­-­­­ .. .... ­­­ ­­­�­­­ ...... � " 'I . . . . . � ' ­ - 'I" ' � ;­ .'.1.1�.il.�.1--l.-��"-"�"-���-�-.��.----,--.,-�