The Clinton New Era, 1903-11-06, Page 8termalipploimisimmiihowimMosagnor
ur Great
II'Iantle Sale.
Started last Saturday and will continue
until every Mantle advertised is sold. ' At
the present rate of selling, that vyill not. Abe
long. $10.00 Mantles are selling at $6.90;
and $12.00 ones at $8.50, because we clear-
ed a makers surplus stock, and got them at
a figure that lets us sell new garments $3.00
to $3.50 Less than they are made to retail
for. That saving is yours if you take ad-
vanta a of this big sale.
There were 110 in the lot. There is
,not an off style or poor garment in •the en-
tire collection. Every garment is new. All
were made for this season's trade. We
b aught them cheap, that is ugly we can sell
new and stylish Mantles for prices like these.
At x'6.90. At 88:50.
Ladies and Misses Norfolk
Jackets, with wrappings
and belt, mado frcm ex-
tra fine all wool Beaver,
lined throughout, in grey,
navy and blank. a nubby
garment, regular value at
least $10.00.
Ladies Jackets made from
all wool Frieze, velvet
Dollar, loose Wel-, ltned
throoghont, raised aeame,
and stitching, in blaok or
grey. sal eh end service-
able, made to retail at $10.
Ladies Jackets made from
fancy blank and white
Tweeds, double text.ire
cloth with plaid back,
loose back, new sleeve,
made to retail as $11
choice of the entire to
commenoing Satur.iay t: 1 •
Ladies Co>ts made from
black ar.d white Zibeline,
stole front, shoulder napes
made to sail at $12,00.
Ladies blaokiieaverJaok-
ets. double breasted,
lined thronghou, . velvet
collar, very fine quality,
a reamlar $12 00 ' coat.
Also several odd . coats
that we only bare one or
two of, regular $b 00 �1{✓,n
grade, .ehoece,nf entire lot
ct mmenoing Saturday g,
500 hair
Sample Cashmere Rose.
Another big lot of travellers eamp1e 'Bose
go on sale Saturday. You remember the big
lot we had last summer. There are not as many
this time but the values are just as good.. That
means that you can tape motley by buying
Cabhmare ILsiery lien and now. 500 pai.ra to
sell.. When they are gone --no more. The.
saving is 8c to 20e .per pair: Better lay :in a
supply before these are an gone. •
Good Blankets.
Not much Blanket weather yet,but chilly
nights are liable to come any time now, .and it is
best to g, t ready for them Tnere is no economy
in buying poor blankets. Don't buy a pair just be-
cause they are cheap. there is satisfaction and:
economy in buying the blankets we .sell, Good
qualities only can ba had here. They ,are •bought
direct from t''e miIl that makes the best blankets in
Canada, and every pair is all a good blanket. bhould
be. Fall stocks came in last week. Here are three
sample value: :
At �0�00
White Woolen Blankets, Large sats, made from dean, pure:..
wool, soft lofty finish, will not shrink, and will give ex-
°silent wear, pink or blue borders, per pair. .. OQ
At $4.00
Extra quality fine ail -wool Blankets, guaranteed free from -
grease, or shoddy, nothing in them bot. Mean, 'pure
wool, strong, firm foundation, with soft, fluffy finish,'
fancy bordered, per pair X4.00
At $5.00
Extra quality pure woolen Blankets, made from . selected
yarns, thoroughly cleaned and scoured, p�uarainieed : ab-
solutely pure, good weight end large size, Lofty $nleb, a
durable and oomfortable Blanket that will wear for
years. A nine assortment. Special value at per pair. ,$5.00
Those Sample Napkits.
Better co,ne this week if yea want any of; : r
those sample Napkins We had oyer a thousand.
to start with, now over half of ahem are gone.
Every Napkin slightly. damaged, but you .can
bey them at leas Iran wholesale prices.;
Sample Napkins at 1for25e., worth $2,00 to 52.50 per dozen
fa. tnple Napkins at 20e each, worth $2.50 to l$6.00 per dozen
- r sea.ple Napkins at 29c each, worth $6,00 to $8.00 per dozen
Three quarteraclollar Bargains
Three quarter -dollar lines that are good enough;
'value to call BARGAINS. We hunted the market
over to get them, and better qualities for the :money
e never sold"
Vests at 25c
Ladies' ribbed ,Underveste, soft finish, good' weight, well
made end shaped, high neck, long sleeved, an extra
•good Vest for the money, drawer to match, eaoh ..,... ree
Cashmere !lose at 25e
Ladies' ribbed Cashmere Hose, soft finish, heavy winter •�.
weight, seamless feet, a splendid stookine to wear, ,,,,- e
Woolen Hose at 25c
Heavy -Woolen Hose, Made from pare +vorsted garde•, afrmt-
tra strong hooking, jut the thing for boys' school
tvear, per pair .. ......... ....trr.,.rr,..r,...•.a.•1*
t_oTh_,1,_Ns BROS.
Noxa 01it 10.0
I FRIDAY, NOYEbf13ER ti, 11901
1 o slt ateo reeoo'q•Dir " love hwaa tib swell
takrn care of apeis in goad .tonditton. Will
• beaol4 cheap. Aprlyat TRW /Aft* Office.
Bighted price' paid for pets and dried
'Voila/et OaNTEbWN I1i01¢,
Erre*k Oysters received *ally at O'Neil*,
A good. emart boy wanted to learn priming.
awe to the JA0I ON.1$'Gi 00.
A good stens bo wanted to ilearn the gr,;e"
ery business. Apaly Irwin*' (*roper y,
Zflwft *OW.
LIKELY TO SELL -.Negotiations
have been going on for some time for
the sale of the stock of R, Coats 4a Son,
owing to the in ended .removal of itfr
'William Coats to Goderieh, The con-
templated purchaser is a business elan
of Woodstock, and it is expected that
the negotiations will be satisfactorily
closed this week.
ence Sheppard, who went west on the
harvest excursion last August, has 're-
turned. Be has become quite at farmer
having fo'lowed that profession since
going out there, and enjoyed his . new
avocation very much. The district
around Hartne ,. where lie wets, had
good crops, and Clarence thinks it a
sight worth seeing, the vast wheat
tacreage, He purposes taking in the
rip next stammer again, His brother
Arthur is in the grocery business at
Winnipeg and is doing well.
firm, which has the contract for putt-
ing in the heating . appliances of the
new past office, have been busy • for
some time in Quebec province, but in
respponse to au urgent request by i1r
13obnes, tt couple of then have been
• sent here to push forward the work,
which will take about three weeks..
The interior.6ttiugs wi 1 be ready to •
put in just as soon as the heaters are
finished, so that a catizl4 tt etively short '
time will elapse before the new build-
ing is ready tor the use of the "public.
Nine mem.beres'of the Clinton Gun Club
met at the range last Thursday after-
noon for it second trial for the O. :1.
Mitchell trophy, which .J. E. Hove'
has held since the tournament; but is
now on exhibiitionin W. Fair's uvindo .v,
under the direction of J. E Cantelon,
who secured ,the • highest average at
that day's shoot, entitling hint to hold,
'the clip till some one st;rures a higher
average than he. Following • nttwber
of birds Were shot out of a total of 25
by the several shooters : - Cantekin 2t\
t4raham 10. Dodds 18, 'Ross 17; Hovey,
Ireland and Ball 1a, Morrish 15, Forrs-
ter 13.
GORED •ls A.'CO at tial may
prove , tt•.fatal aceident oceurreel to
Robert Code, of Trowbridge, `l.'uesdacy
afternoon. The untor'taunate in:un and
a companion were driving -with it cow
in a wagon; .when the animal grew
frenzied, broke loose,. and,. ,after bunt-
ing the other man off the seat, attack-
ed Mr Code, and knocked him clown
'on the road. In: the effort she, . too,
fell off tine wag n arid on Mr Code. In
ills meantime the horses took fi ight,'
and by gr. at efforts 'a, ruu.,way•.was •
averted, not before, howeu::er, ntuch<
damage was done. • When'itssietance'i
could be given : the prostrate ran, -he
was •found to have his shoulder blade,
and sore ribs -: broken;. es well as -sats--.
tainin several. sev,:re internal injur-
ies. \Vbat may • be: the. outcome is
quite Uncertain, and grave , fears are
entertained; j sir Code is a nephew of
Mrs'': Edward Turner, of town. and
since the accident she has Iearnea that'
his recovery is donbtful.j •
TRY- There is nothing st alike to hear
with a rater grace, speaking. for • the
tourn's best interest than the starting
of manufacturers in :our midst.' We
learn'. on pretty good. authority that a
certain well-known gentleman is ex-
pected in town this week to censtilt:
with his brother, as to.finally cleciding
on what steps they will take in start
at shoe factory. This matter his been
under consideration by these. gentle-
. eh for they:past six months and if : u
Suitable property can. he secured with=
out building for the .present we may
see :one of.'these industries in Clin-
ton beforemany weeks., •It wouldnot
be out of pli ' our cannel' to`biter-
view them and in any wise . encourage
them in. their undertaking, and we ca.n
see no. reasoii . why exemption from
taxes for a few years could not be.
granted this intended firm or any
other striving .manufactorj• in our
Midst, if nothing more, for bringing to
our town a greater expenditure of
money. which means prosperity to our
Madness places, a better. demand for
property, houses,etc.
Militia Orders issued: on Wednesday,
the following oeours :
Thirty -'hirci Huron Regiment -Vent.-
Col. d S. Varcoe, upon Comp'e ion
f hie perfoi of tenure of Command fa
taus erred to the resolve tf-oftioira
Lt.-Ool. Varcoe has been connected
with the 33rd for a good many years,
be ng formerly Captain of Dungannon
Company, . and has held • the distin-
slushed position of Lieut -Colonel f o.
six years.. This is the official time -
limit, and while his being placed on
the reserve list is 'simply in harmony.
with military regulations,' it will be
regretted by all the men and. officers of
the 33rd, Col. Varcoe's retirement
leaves Rilarterrnaster Beck the sole
survivor of the old contingent of offl
cors connected with this Battaflion.
His successor will be Major Young, of
(Darlow, who conies into command
with experience gained in a subordin-
•ate position, coupled with training
received at London MilitarySchool, so
that he is well qualified therefor and
has also the confidence and good will
ofa,ll the other officers of the Battallien.
esrs ra tcksotiiraind itichGtirva Worships,
whom it somewhat lengthy rase wits
tiled on Monday last, The plaintiffs
in the case were Messrs J,Me('lure and
R. Andrews (at couple of townlboyys)and
the. defendants Messrs McOlarty,
Moore and Allan (three . Colborne
to have taken charge t' was
seveninq ofia
recent tea -meeting at Bethel church
in Oolhorno, as plaintiffs were coining
home. The evidence was conflicting,
amongthethe boys , than dila not ordinary "scrap"'
to be very serious, though the trial
brought out a good many people who
were intereste, lir McGarva openly
expressed. the view that there was no
ground whatever. for the charge, while
Itis Lordship • the Mayor took it con-
trary view. The result wets that they
could riot agree, and the ease was die•
missed, each party to pay their own
were takccu up three
elease nd a d ren
or more witnesses br om"nined. W.
I'rouelfoot was counsel for the defend•
ant and 11, Beattie for plaintiffs,
DIED IN LONDON, • Marge le Pun..
ley . fa.tnerly a well-known resident
of Minton died. at Mount Hope Or.
phanaga� London, on Monday. at the
age of i2 years. He has been living it;
London for some time. His only living
relative is a neige, Mies Millie Noonran,
now in Chicago. The remains were
inte�rred-itt the Oatholiccemetery,Lon•
There ie no better sign of returninglife
to the town thanto hear its citizens tak-
ing an early interest in the approach-
ing municipal elections,•Many•nen
names, have been advanced as cmin,
councillors, and acouple ofbusine:ame
have signified their iintention ofrutinin�
for. Mayor. if such is the case and they
don't back down one of the keenes
municipal contests we have hadinmttn,
a year is liable to take ,pia'e, This iso
we would like to see citizens feel to
wards that body which spends ou.
money for the town's improvement,
RECIPROCATING. -•-The modellite
of Clinton school are holding au `"A
Home' in the band room, Victoria
block, this Friday evening, They hay
been so royally treated by the Collegi
late pupils and friends in town tha
they feel they cannot sever their tie
without reciprocating in some tuttnner.
and this wi 1 be how hey will do
me program is this : Introductions,.
pt'onienade, conversation (grarnatickle
aarers), part 1 program, praineuade,
speeches, promenade, : conversation
(sports), promenade, part 2 program,.
speeches, pr'otnenade, lunch, God save.
the King.
-It may not seem much of a trick to
make the eh 'ones that have recently
been made to Cooper's bookstore, but
to undertake this delicate piece of
work reqqu,ires skilled mechanics. Mr
Thos Mcg enzie's amen, in charge of'S.
Dayelent, n; the changes, and it
required but 32 hours to remove the
brick wall, frames. doors, windows,.
the old stairway,. and put the new large
frames and plate glass windows in
place. Mr Cooper, to show bis appre-
ciation of the quick change, treated
the workmen to an oyster supper at.
McLennau's. on Saturday evening, and
it is unnecessary to slay than they ap-
preciated Mr Cooper's kindness.
every day some one sends to the, Naw
ERA.. an account of a wedding; meeting
or other interesting event,. that "took -
place here yesterday, atthe sometime
neglecting to give either the time or
place of the event or name of the Writ-
Now; 'how is anyone: to. know
where' 'there" is - or which"yesterdat'y,"
the writer means? Sometimes the
postmark gives a clue, but then it is
only a clue and may be. misleading„
while tit the Saints' time postmarks Incr
very often u oreadabie, and the latter
nay have been a week in retching its
destination: Do not fail to state
°`wluere" atoll "when" these events
take place.
FAR FROMEXT b:._d _ince the _ __ chilly.
ings set in, has not been giving their
weekly concerts: y• et this organization
is far from being clead,its they are hard
at weak on new music with a, regular
Practise attendance of 23. 'which is
et ite encouraging On Thin -May? the.
I etli, a local concert. is to' be 'given uu-
r their auspices re the town' Atall, at
vchfeh th band will give the towirthe
beuefit of their labors foe the past
moeth. Beeides thi- all the het talent
of .town will take part. -As the band
committee have been undo gretia ex -
petite this the first year, we ask for
theln hoti_se, so that they May
town officials state that our tOwn Was
never so orderly.on a hallow e'en as
,4 RECEIVED MS Wing• -•The long
looked for gun that J, lioveY WAS to
get far the highest average obtained
at the Toronto shooting tournament,
given, bl Parker Tiros.,arrived manes.
clay au it is a„beauty. It is a double
barrel shot gun, weighs 7 lbs 12 az, the
handle is of imported oak, the heat of
polished steei is in the barrels, and a
plate on the lade states to whom pre-
sented, for what and by whom, Me
Hovey may well feel prowl of the gift,
WIDELY READ—If You wish to
read you have but to take a trip
n throne, the west and the experience
of IVIr Thos jackson will be yours for
- he says wherever he went the l‘IgW
t ERA was to be found in some of the •
homes or business place% Mr Jack-
$ son was also surprised to pick up the
Naw ERA that was printed on Wed -
r !Imlay Oct. 14th, Nelsou, B. Ca ola
the following Monday morning. This
surely made good time cor a news --
a day Win. :Downs, jr-, soh( bis,property
on Tovvosend St. to Mrs Voilden, of
town, For some time past bis son has
s riot been in the best of health: and he
purposes Moving to California, in the
hope that good health may be restored
to his little boy. 'VVe Understand that
Mr aud Mrs Win. Langford will occupy
the house as soon as Mr Downs ills -
poses of his goods. We very much
regret having to lose Mr and Mrs
Downs, as they have been useful an4
highly respected citizens of our town,
in church and. musical circles.
H B Combo has let the contra,ot for
the interior finishing of his store,which
wilt be of natural oak, to Mr .T,
Carter. This item above will take up
Mr Carter's time in getting the mat-
erial prepared, for4its placing in the
new store in •the Clombe block by the
time the briar:ling is ready to receive
it, 3000 feet of oak will be needed to
do this He will also install a number
of silent salesthen to match. A very
pretty prescription counter front has
also been ordered from alie Grand
Rapids office. supply Co. Mr Combe
intends to have. one:of . the Prettiest
Drug stokes in this peat of the Proe
APpLES --As soon as the apple is par-
ed it should be cut into quarters, trim-
med .and thrown into an ordinary
sized pail which has beeh about half
i3lled with water in which a handfull
of salt has been stirred. As soon' as
enough appies have been prepared,.
drain off the water, which can be used
again, aud day in the usual manner.
The effect of the salt water le to
whiten the apples very much ands pre-
vent them : from turning dark. Try
this Way and you will be pleased With
result and proud Of your work with
really no more trouble. Dried a pies
are saleable from 1st October to st of
biit'expertence has proved that
it is the wisest' pla,n to market the
goods early while the detnand is good,
„The Hensall observers:Mourn the loss
of the town's band leader, So the fal-
lowing item 'will show: -"Last week
"0 Under, leader of the 'band, took his
departure from town and is now lo-
eated at Toledo, Ohl°. *He took With
him a g6oci cornet and almost the en-
tire stock cd music belonging to the
institutioh 'the 'Would return the
coanet and the music the boys. would
forgive 'his abrupt manner of • leaving.
The boys met on Thursday night and
and elected Will Miller, leader for the
t present and inteiad to practice right
Along*" Win itbeVa geilt Was OD aoOli-
band was organized last spring, and
has been a visitor tO our town many
times since. It is very fortunate, we
did not accept -him asui all probability
we would have suffered the sanie loss.
we See' the boys on the streets' and
public places we ofteo Wonder if they
know thet business meu are watching
them. • In every bank, store and office
there. will aeon be a pines far a boy to
fill. Those who have the management
of the affairs, of businees will select one
of the boys. They wilanot Seleet him
for his. ability to sWear or smoke
few loose habits themselves: but they
are looking for boys who are as near
. gentlemen in every sense of the word
he one just passed. Por this report
the boys Are to be commended.. The '
only ungentlemanly and somewhat
serious acts that were conimitted *ere
thoge of throwing a atone at a• vehicle
containingMr arid Mrs Chas Gle'vawhe
were, coining into Nava.: Had it not
been for the top being ep it would have
aroved unpleasant for Mrs Glew,„ as
she felt the force of the blow fromlean-
inq hp against the stile of the baggy.
The.other uncalled for act was that of
aek door with plaster. A large farm
gate was SuspeodeO &inn the bridge, and
but this is aboin afiel the • complaints
we have heard of, '
ges give t 0 character of everybody in the
aoricourse of people that has been seen,
ny Bros. Minstrel pe oral:thee oh town. The are not looking .for
in (Hinton% town ball for earsgreeted
Mooday evening. The wonderful at-
traethre power of music rendered. by'
their superb band was a drawing card
hf itself, the clartonet ao'o by our. own
were really good numbers. A marked
change towards modern, minstrelsy
was noticeable in their °peeing num-
in Khaki Uniforns, gathered around
their British ensign ; which, together
with the fine solo, quattette and chola
us singing was very taking. One of
Chas K. Harris' latest "Down on the
farm," was slug by Albert Guy, with
qhartette arrangement. The vaudville
part contained many good, features of
which we will men bon the trick bicycle
riders (no better to be seen) hoop roll-
ing (which was quite novel) and an
acrobatie.performance that Is worth
seeing. Guy Bros grow more populat
each year and it is not to be wondered
at for they give us somethingneweaeh
year and always have a gentleinaply
lot around them,'
rowdies. hep a boy applies
of these placesancl is refused they anay
not tell hhal, the reason they do not
want him but the boy can depehd
upon it that he has beep rated accord-
ing to his behavior.- Boys cannot
afford to adopt the' habits and eon-
vers.ation of the loafers. and rowdies,
if they want to be caned to responsible
FOOTBALL -As announced in hist
vveek's edition London is to play here
for the Hough On on Saturday. The
Jackson jr., who ha,s just retorned
from a very successful business trip to
the Pacific coast, tells a good steal. of
how he worked a barber for a hair
cut. As you are all favare Toni is
bald and the best that could be done
for him in, that line is a trim up on the
sides and back. "VValking into a bar-
ber shop in a small place he asked the
inan before lie removed his hat is he
could give him a pompadour cut, Trn-
agine the barbers Indignation at such
a question, Tom he follows up the
fireaquestioa as to whether he was
sure he could, and the bather to em-
phasize his ability stated that if he
charge him nothing for it, The hat
was then removed, and the eheapness
of the man eannot be portrayed when
Tanny ; Hawks, DoWning, O'Grady ; he gazed upon the ball head lie was to
Halfbacks Ryckman, Stewart, Camp- tleare several other patrons in at the
bell ; Porwards-Garret, Garret; Gov- thne and the laught Wee ood one,
bat the barber learned a esson he
will never forget.
, aw rd, Moffatt. The game
has been called for two o'cloek, and as
the London boys leave on. the four
trait' the game vvill have to begin tharp
ori time We are every day heaving
fresh news of Londoe's prowess, but
oothing daunted our boys are practis•
ing hard and fastaand We are confident
that on Saturday afternoon they will
do credit to ibeir training and pr.we
worthy of their prestige. As the Lon-
don boys are apparently decent chaps
and are certainly good sports, we hope
that they will be courteously treated
and that the srotith of this town will
not display the "moothitiess" for which
Acme boys are famed. Then will the
visitors in our town say that the Clin-
ton boys can accept 'victory modestly
or defeat gradefully. We also hope
that the game will be welt attended for
not only does the sight of suchamatily
struggle inspire the spectator to great-
er zeal on his vocotion, but the cola
sciousness of eager eyes Upon hien in.
spires the player tO niore strenuous
effort In his stoat, and only those who
'have been in the game understand
,What shell) it is to a player to heor the
encouragement and. applanee of his
friends, -so come Obe and all and come
prepared to cheer,
Councillors Bowtriab, Cantelon find
Lockhart,Olerk Lane, Warden Kerr and
the ideal conintitteeeri the }louse of Re-
fuge plans, etc., composed of Messri3
Coats Shaw and French, met in tbe
Cler room ori Tuesday, last, to go
over the plans and specifications, as
submitted by Architect McBride, Lon-
don. They were read clause by elause
and dismissed its to their merits, and its
a whole wits agreed on with the excep.
Man of some specifiea materials that
were asked to be used in. the building
of the mune. it being -wisely' thought
b thein that all such shonlil be pur•
tom within the county as faros poe-
mends, and it is to be regretted that
this rule ean not be followed out on all
fetch public ImPdings. The building
and heating epecifications not being on
hand the committee Will meet iu Clin.
ton the first day oftotincil in December
for ratification of same, belore laying
all such information before the whole
council, Whieh meets hi Goderich
ere's a New One
A Good One
It% a Cup and Saucer—good size,
fah ly Ane china, gilt tracing, delicate
elecoratiou and deep blue shading,—
without doubt the best value we ever
had to offer you. If it were higher in
price you Inigkt ,call it too good for
practical price for a practical article.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
SOigied. -CtiSotpors',
just what everyone -wanted, We have an im si-
tu4ers. We Ixaow the kind you n.eel, 'Wing .hal
thirty years experience buying al I set iag S11003. •
Keep you .feet.waral and dri by. Waarin Taylor's
Shoes and Rubbers.
. The OW Reliable.
This cut will
give you a very
good idea, of how
the best Ten -dol-
lar Overcoat in
the market ap-
peirs. We look-
ed through' the
Samples of all the big Clothing
Factories, before we bought, and the
best. overcoat made in Canada, that
can be sold for $10 is the one we
are selling totday. This is what we
think, but come and see yourself,.
it sio,o0
. Men's Ovcrooats, laiade from good quality all-weol Cheviots,
two shades of dark grey, loose back, French fnced, velvet
collet, good lining used throughout, a leader, writ
opeoial yalne at each., 'MUM
Some Good Sweaters.
Nothingolike a Sweater for fall and winter
wear, esppcially if you are OUtSide Very intich.
They are just the thing, too, for boys going to
School. Prom the cheapest to the finest grades,
we have the best values to -day that have ever
been inside this store. lhere has never been as
many natty styles or as good an. aisortment, to
select from.
Boys' Sweaters, 500., 75e. and $1.00