The Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-15, Page 123rd Year
Sporting Goods
Spalding's Base Ball Goods axe acknowledged to be super.
or to anything on the market and we keep a complete
assort went. Our price for Spalding's Official Leagae aIl
is $1.2, Bats, Gloves, Mitts, etc., cart also he had. from us
at eqnally low prices.
Tennis Racquets
$j to $7.50 each
The Lakeside at $3 is a very fair Racquet and about the
best value, Tennis Balls 25e and 35e each.
Lally's Lacrosse Sticks $1.25, $1,75 and $3 each.
Crieket, Croquet, Home Tennis and other sporting goods..
Wall Paper Specials
750 rolls paper in lots of 20 rolls and less, worth regu-
larly 15c and 25e, now selling at per single roll
—. • _
• Ask to see the line of Wiaciow Shades which we are
selling at each 35e, •45.0 and SOe
W. Cooper 0 Co. CLINTON..
Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express.
Money tattlers, alsofor Butterick Patterns, ,
...0+44.4,00•114•••••••••••••••••••••••• •olki•000
We are offering a nice line of
• 0
.e. Ginger Sn ps at 4 lbs. far 2.5' . 2
2 ,Inst think of getting 130 to lg. Wee fresh ginger snaps 4
2 for a quarter. They are cheaper than you can make • Z!
! them and do away with the work.. .
, o ,
2 ALSO a nice line of Dried Peaches it 10d a lb. • .
2 '
• .Owle Cooper & Co.
•••••••••••••••••o•••••••••.•••••••• •O••••••••••.O.o44,.!
, .
" Speaking of Pie sure,
The,A3 lasses furnished by P. B. Crews, after a scientific examination
of the eyes, give a most enjoyable sense of pleasure. after the old ill-
fitting ones which I wore."
Expert Watch Repairer. P. CREWS,' jeWeller and Optician.
_ 15
••••••••••!..4•...••••••••64•6•••••••••••••••• •••••411.4i
Go Way
nick and Sit Down
This is what our competitors do when it comes to follow-
ing the values we.are giving in spring and sumtner under-
wear, the hest to be found in the trade. Natural wool
unshrinkable for immediate wear at $1.50 and $2,00 It suit,
also it large varietyof !Main and finny balbriggans at prices
to suit everybody. We have them in all sizes, not fot get-
ting the little boys.
20th Century Suits.
Are as good Suits as can be made. Fit is atetfeet and the
styles correct in every particular. Materials are pure wool,
tweeds, worsteds and serges trimmings lira class,and every
Suit is built to wear and keep its lamps. Lots of tailors
can not make as good suits, no tailor can make better suits
and they cost you from $3.00 to $5.00 a Suit less than you
would pay for the some materials made to order.
20th Century Salts
Other makes $6.00, $6.00 & $6.00
Si0400, $112.00 & $16.00.
Our Pictures Oi
When tee make photo-
graphs we use the best
apparatue tnoney tan
buy and we Wm it alt
with Om skill that
t mites front study and
experienee,That's why
• our pictures exeel,
Ifenpy'u Photo Studio, 00
• • London; May CO, '1902,
Dear Editor,—Please fital enclosed
one dollar for your paper for next
year. .I thiuk }Yon have made The
News -Record the best paper by al
odds in Huron. I would not be with-
out it for five times the cost. Witl
best Wishes for your continued suc-
cess, 1 remain
Yours truly-,
The lecture given in the Ontario
street church on Tuesday evening by
Rev. Dr. Daniels of Goderich was an
eloquent one •, • those who missed it,
missed an intellectual treat. The sub-
ject . was " William Pitt, the great
Commoner,", of whom the lecturer
spoke in glowing terms as an orator,
a statesman and a patriot. Pitt -was
a leader among men and when he died
" the whole civilized world felt that
it had suffered a loss,"
A ffne• inonument tow stands in
Clinton cemetery. to mark the grave of
the late William Beacom. It is of red
granite; handsome in design and was
placed by order of the Woodinen of
the World, to which the deceased be -
Ringed, The formal 'towelling will
take place early in June when some
proininent °Metals.. of the order are
expected' to be present and' assist in
the ceremony. The monument is iron
the works of Mr. J, 33. Hoover.
Rev. W. G. Howson will'oceupy Ms
Pulpit at both services next Sunday
ia3niid4ei.n„. the. evening will take as hi
text," The Spade, the Pick and th
Mr. C. Hoare aas made the follow;
ing sales of musical instruments late -
s ly pianos to Mr. C. 1. Reid of
Brucefield and IVIiss M. Clark of Hal-
lett, and an organ to Mrs. Burdge.
On Monday C. U. Reid shipped two
carloads of cattle. Mr. 8. II. Smith
• also shipped, in addition to sending a
bunch to his big farm to be finished
1. off on the grass. Cantelon & Wallis
shipped 229 logs. On Tuesda3r- Mr.
1 Fitzsimons sent a carload of hogs to
Collingwood mut on the same day
Watson & Entigh shipped a earload of
cattle. The price paid for hogs wa56,65.s
attendance as usual at the
High and cola winds prevented as
l�rge an gun club shoot on Friday last. The
scores of those who (lid shoot were as
At' go birds—J, .E. Hovey ix, E.
.Holmes 7, j. E. Cantelon 14,
At 22 birds—R, GrahamIs.
At 23 birds --R. Agnew 8. •
• •Special match 25 birds—R:. Gra-
ham no, J. E. cantooli 19, J.E.
Hovey 17, .0. E. Holmes 15,
, The C. C. I, football team- visited
Seitforth on Friday evening mid play -.
•ed a . fast game for the Hough 'Cup.
The C. C. 1,, boyshad the best of the
game* andkept the' ball clown . On
.their Opponents' goal pretty . well, but
luck,. seemedagainst them .aad • they
were •nnable to score— In„ -the first half
Seafortla managed' to score '•one goal,
but.' was more by. goodThiek that
goodplaying. Li the.second half malt-
er• Side scored and thus the -game sto.od
a to O in favor • of Seaforth. The C.
C. -Vs :will • probably . again e enter— . 'for,
the cup.,
• . .
. • The Salvation Army throughout this
Province h4 now actively efiga.ged. •in
preparing .for the annual. self •denial
work which vill begin.,on'Sunday,May
25th, .aral 'end oit Saturday, May 315t,
The purpose's of the Army 'self denial
work are now ' nniaersallyknown'arid,
recognized as worthy of every. sup-
port, • •In thiscountry especial-
. under the • leadership of
Coanuissioner Evangeline •. -Booth,
the. Armyhas , inade. very satis-
factory progress and, is .on a sound
footing. Its ' institutions num-
ber .. 35 . and the latest ,annual report
shows a most• Satisfactory result. The
public wilt, dObt1iss ehieerfully' t
the. Army -collectors in• due recognition
of the. v'altiable: work Which that nit--
ique organization . does 'among the
poorest. and most. needy of our' land,
• Citizen .12.. Irwin may :well beprolid
of his sons. The eldest, John, is yet
but a young man, notiortyabut occu-
pies thea• responsible Position of As-
sistant . Superintendent 'of the Dative,.
and. Rio Grand i Railay,.
way . with. head:-
quarters •,, tt. Sahitia, Colorado. His
monthly salary is, 'equalto that re-
ceived by many of our school teachers
:afar a Whole year's grind... Mr. Irwin's
•.second son, Gregg W., whialits ha,(1 a
good situatiOn• with an electrical firm
in Freston, England, for the
yata, reached New York this week on
los way to Springfield, Mass., to ea.;
ter --upon '.an- engagement .with the El,
eetrid Car Equipment Co. The 'post is
Ancrative one, especially for so
• young a man as Gregg, who is only
twenty twa years of age.- He has.
fouad itinipossible to visit the • par-
ental homit. after* his two years' ab-
sence, hitt is eagerly looking 'forward.
to obtaining' holidays. for that pur- •
pose shortly. • .
rirrp.,E LOCALS.
Mr, Thos. Brown, auetioricer, Sea-
- forth, town- on Tiiesdav.
The license commissioners Ofl Tues-
day, transferred the Clarendon license
to Perkin a & Mahon, • '
• We learn that Mr. 'Will. •rifiller of
the. 4th contingent Was made' a cor-
poral . before the force sailed from
Halifax on Thursday last, • .
' The' Wingliam Times has installed a
new press. and enlarged 'from a six to
a seven column .paper, both of • which •
indicate prosperity. Congratulations.
Mr. Jahn' 13rickenclen will represent
the Ontario' Street churchandMr: W.
N. Manning Wesley church nt the dis-
trict meeting to• be held Blyth next
wele)rk.. Medd of Bothwell spent Tuesday
with his brother; . Mr. J. Goodson'
Medd, and took • the afternoon train
for • Crediton Where he lectured that
evening • on 44 Wooliig. and .
. • .
PIE SOCIA:L• . • . •
• . .
On Metday evening next the Outer,'
lo -street League will give a' pie Social
and while the eompany is regaling it -
sell several, gramophone selections will
. glvcIl. 1'lieowing program will
afterivards Ite rendered .
•Solo, . • • Alra-ltr: •33.0S
Trcithlione • solo, Mr. 13. j: .Gibbings
".Soto, Latornell
instrament.a1;,, eSSrS. ,Thinn'qrton.,
,ICerr :and ;McRae
Solo, " • • • Mr. Shaw'
Reading,•, • . ,Mr: Stoddart
Solo, •
Cornet soIo, Mr. .Borland
• Solo, .* • , Mr. 8,- Murch
Clarionet solo,. .• Mt. McRae '
Solo, . • • .Mr 1V.: P. Soaulding.
The foliowing pupils in Miss .Combe's
division ..naVe . been -promotecl. to the,
• second ;book .Marjory Manning,Mary
Smith', Dim. Ross, La 'Verne. Menzel;
Fred. Tischitl, Helen -Fair, Mary..
Hayes, Agnes Irwin, Florence Shaw,
Charles Trowhill, Harold Rorkei• Ada
McGuire; Rassel Stewart, Broder Ma -
Taggart,. .Robert ' •Norman
Levy, Eileen Hoover, 1VIeLedcl,
Semi° O'Neil,' Annie Walker, .Ruby
Horsley; . Elgin 'Mason, Wilmer, Wal-:
Clara 'Walker,: Warren Flaelt,Jdan
Scott, Gladys 13.1anning. •Given 'a .trial
• until next' class is ready Alex. 'Mc-
Intyre, .Ikey Rattenbury and • Charles
Wilson, • The clasS 'will in the
room, .
After a. long aitd very painful illness
Mr. Miller J.'White;4editor of the.Ex-
etcr Times, died last 'Saturday even-
ing. Deceas.ed was born near 'Toron-
to, Went to Exeter when a mere lad;
entered his 'father's office, and became
partner and editor some years ago—
a • position which he • has filled credit-
ably. Mr. White fell on the ice on
the 1st of December, breakina his
right leg, The fracture did not unite
altliongh • Dr. Wishart of London per-
formed •alt operation softie weeks ago
to bring about union. . A few days at,
terwards a severe eraimi; caused by
his •Joitg confinement in one attitude
itt bed, -broke his bit leg also: Since
than his. recovery has beenconsidered
hopeless. Mr; White's. father, tha
founder of the paper, Mr. John White,
died something over a year ago front
the • effects of a broken leg, sustained
also by fatting on the ice some five
years previously. The funeral tciok
place on Tuesday.
At .a special meeting of the town
commit held on Thuraday evening Mr,
Robert Welsh was appointed chief
constable with all the ,powers and
pickings pertaining thereto, The ap-
poititment is o. k. Chief Welsh not
only knows what to do but has the
desire to do it well.
Wise body that the council is, it
rescinded its former resolutioe seeking
to make May 26th a public holiday
instead of the tinte-honored 24th..
Shop doors in town will thus be clos-
ed on Saturday instead of ott Mon-
The business nten have an eye to the
cleanliness of the street itt frottt of
their premises and every Friday morn-
ing last season they raked awl swept
the rubbish into it pile which ,was car-
ried away in. the -corporation wagons,
flie good work will be begun tomor-
row morning.
The wandl decided that future peti-
tions for granolithic walks should in-
clude a. request for the niakitig of it
proper, boulevard, the expense to be
defrayed in the Mine way as for the
Tite tati convention of the • W.
M. '$: of the •Methodist• Chtirch. " was
held in Seaforth on Tuesday-at.which
Wesley . church was represented by
Mrs. W. S. Harland, Mrs. Hall, Mrs..
Sibley, Mrs. Shaman], Mrs. A. Tay -
lot, Mrs. Doles, Mrs. French and Mis-
Dollie Citation and Beatrice
Greene. •Froin Ontario street church
there were : 'Mt, Gifford, MrS. Lair -
is, Mrs, ItIcVittie and Mrs.. Courtice.
Mrs. Gifford. gtive • a Paper on the
" Easter Thankoffering." Addresses
were deliv'ered by the president:, Miss
Mallough of the Nile, and Mrs. Hussar
af Holmestrille, Mips VIallatigit's ad-
dress was devotedto the deaconess'
work; Theeorivention was one of the
best . yet .held both" itt interest and
spiritual results.
'Early Motday. morning, the 66th an-
niversary of her birthday, Mrs, Car -
line breathed her hist after having
been' at, invalid for eight years. She
was it native of iltill, Englatid, and
tame to this country with her latsbana
thirty years ago, For twenty years
they were engaged in the boot • and
shoe trade in Clintoe. Mr, Carlin
died tivo years ago. Theironly child
was Mrs. . 8. T. .1-Iolines of Sea.forth,
who was at the bedside of her dying
mother and helped soothe herlast
hours. It . is somewhat. remarkable
that Mts. •Holnieg has not now a
single blood relation. The funeral
took place yesterday afternoott from
the residence of the Misses Whitely on
Huron street and was private. Mrs.
Carline was a • member of the Plyni-
outh Brethern, and it. preacher of that
deimininationa Mr. Pieree of Loudon,
conducted the last sad rites.
Mr, B. J. Gibbings represented the
Clinton lacrosse club at a meeting
held in Stratford on Tttestlay to ar-
range .4 schedule ok games. The meet-
ing was long drawn out and it Was
not until an early hour yesterday
morning that the foll,,*,ng dates wore
decided upon :
Stratford at Clthton, .1.110C 4th
Clia011 at Bright, June Lith or vith
St. Marys, at Clinton, June 26th
Clinton at St. Marys, July Ist
Bright at Clinton, Inly stli
Seafortit at Clinton, July Oth
Clinton at Stratford, July aard
Clinton at Seaforth, August I 5th or
The !Mine teant is stronger 'than
it has been for several stagona
and whatis almOst equally import-
ant, the boys have settled down to
hard practice and will be in good
trim for the opening traill0. We are
anticipating it suetessful season for
ilVIenTi(sss.,Corit Bawd=.Is. visiting Myth
Dr. Thompson and Mrs. Thompson
drove to Granton on MOnday, return-
ing home Tuesday.
Rev. Father riTchienamin was it
Zurich on Monday 'and engaged the ef-
ficient orchestra of that place for his
big picnic on May 27-th.
M. Sohn lVfaefarlane has sold a
fine Polled Angus bull to Mr, John
Stewart of -the Bayfield Line, Goder-
-ich townsip, for the sum of 15xoo.
"Macfarlane's herd of Polled An-
gus is about - the best: in the county.
His father before him was a well
known importer and at one time had
five thorobred bulls and eight
Cowe in his stables. The Polled An-
gus cattle do not need dellorning,
nature having done that.' They are
easily fattened and, experienced sto
niolt sinalinh
make it Splendid cross wit
the it
Mr. 8. 3: Andrews of Clinton has•
the contract for making cemett tile
for the municipal council and is now
busily engaged at Logan's gravel pit
on the Parr•Line. Mr. Andrews is 'a'
good workman and the council may
rest assured that there will be no
Skimping of -cement in the tile which
he inakes. And,. We may add; that
any of our people who happen around
after working- hours, will find him an
entertaining talker and a pleasaut per-.
Sot to nicet. 'Mr. Tom. Cook of Clina
ton assistiug him. "They are board -
fag at Mr. Meelynimit:'s and a 'cow-
fortaide placc. they findit. a
ssVI. Fee of the Goshen has beet
visiting Miss Stephenson,
Mr, Ralph Stephenson has had • his
barn raised Preparatory to having a
stone • fonuclation plac,ed under it.
Mr. John Stephenson went to Mar-
lette; Mich., last week to visit friends.
The council has haal a .bylawprepar-
ea dealing with the Logan drain,
There arenot quite So many interested
in- this drain as in the " Big Ditch"
but there are :sixty and se.vent-tC in all.
It is said -that one if not. two law suits
. may •ditectly .or iudirectly result -from
this drain bat the couiicil is doing
best to deal out -even handed • justice
audit will bo to bad if lawyers are
givenopp or tit ty destroyitg
1 harmony.-
The right.. kind of dueks to keep..--;
. .
•Mia Rieliard Penhale of the Brown -
son Line,his Mar ducks- that have lold
nineteen eggs in three days and 'icier
. of these eggs. being double yoked the
Whole would equal tiveuty three -eggs,
These are what we consider profitable
ducks- to keep and if any person 'has.
clucks who, .caii,• beat ilia record -we
wciiild like to hear about them.
Mr. A, Seotchmere is improving- the
roOks of his. place .by planting: shade
trees:: ' . •
•• Mr. Joseph Mossop hada beertiav•-
tag his., barn last week andit putting.
• Stonework under it.. :Joe .is a hustler •
and likes to keepup with the :times..
Success' Joe. •• ,
• Miss' Clara SPe.ckinati was the. guest'
of MissLily Peck 'week. .
Itir n
-Reid, last. ,Aieek. They live near Luck
Me. William Dixon- teas busy paper-.
Mg for Miss G. sbhustoi last week.:
Thc Mimes Albinaaand 'Laura Rich- ,
ardson were 'the guests of ''Mrs. *.L.
Clark, on Wednesday. • • '-
Mr..' and Mrs. Robert Stephenson of
the Park Line visited at the hoine •of
Mr.'. John Reid," Jr., on Sunday. •
, .We. are pleased to me that Mias...T.
ReM is able, to be' around again
Mr: Richard Peek 'and his .site
Miss Emma. of -Seaford -1- .sperit...Suriday
at their liottie, • • • • . .
• Miss *Sarah E. •Reict visited:her sis-
ter in HenSall on 'Sunday.. • .• •
• Miss H. Siterritt is the pest. of 'her
Miss Stella .13..athWel1, Pr61
.ent. • • .• • • '
. We are PleaSed• to -hear of the•recov-
• ery of Miss:T. Johnston. • .
" Miss.. •.A., Davidson .visited 'at • the
hoMe: of j. Reid on Thursday ev-
citing of last week.
. MisS. Mary J. :Reid visited 'friends
oa. the Parr Line last; week., •
Mr, and Mrs, Dickson �f SeafOrth
Were. :guestsat the •Itorue of 111r;..M.-
Bates last week. " • • • ,
Mrs, Chas, Johnston has been .visit-.
• ing at the ItOme of her father-in-law;
-JosePh Hayter: • '
• .Mr.A. .Galbraith &livered. fine
butich of stock steers • m Brueefield 'on
Tuesday last.
Mr, Herbert Snider visited at • the
home of Mr. John Daviclsott on Sun- '
day last, • •
Mr. 'John T. Dickson and WS.' Dicka
son visited at:the holue.of the latter's
sister, Mrs, M, •Bates, Moftday
last: : • , ,
Mrs. A.ritistrong•and Mr. "Aritstroitg
visited her ' dexighter, .Mrs. Laird of
Clinton, on Tuesday,
' Bitt/CtrXELD.
Rev. E. g. Sowers and. Rev.. Nell
Shaw of Egniondvilleexchanged
litt cm Sabbath a week ago. •
hithlaIntosli of Kippen has moved
hito the cottage lie recently purchased .
from Mr. Peter McGregor, .
Mr. B. R. Higgins visited hi sister,
Mrs. Graham, and brother, 8, M.
Higgins, barrister in Tomtit°, last
Week. ••
Mr.' ten. Mcdotnell recently pur-'
chased Mrs, 13aird's dwelling mid has
moved lato it lately.
Mr. Shillinglaw of Mitchell is learn -
ling; oa
sess with Mr. Jos.
Mr. Waiter Baird haa been appoint-
ed baggage matt at Clinton and has
left for that 'position.
Mr. Jas. Aikenhead • has returned
from a trip to London..
Mrs. Cameron and children, tanner -
by of Winnipeg, ate visiting at the
hotne of Mr, George Mot,
Mr. Walter Baird of 'Clinton spent
Sabbath at bis home tore,
Rev. E. 11, Sewers and Mr. • Th05.
went down to London, on Mon-
Mr. Charles Reid presented Ms Wife •
with a haadsoine upright pimio last
Mr. and Mise McLean at the Mill
Road spent Sabbath last with Miss
Maggie Jainieson.
Mrs. (Rev.) Sewers was in London
Mat week,
Mr, George Turner baa returned
Whole Number 1213
riRso. wed Sunclaycd with village
Major Beck of Saltford visited
here over Suuday.
William and Bertram Cumming and
another spent a 'short .while visiting
•(>1(1 neighbors here.
Mr. Humphreys, of Walton also Sun-
stayed- in the village.
Dr. Turnbull :was, visited by his
brother-in-law with wife last Sun-
• The Prohibition Alliance campaign
is on in thorough earnest and!.the staff
of lecturers it is supplying to West
Huron is 40 excellent one. Mr.' Nicol
addressed a large and enthusiastic
gathering here on Monday evening and
lilted the prohibition cause • above
partyism and mere personalities. Ile
appealed. as only. Nicol kuows how to
the sound judguieut and couscience of
all ,right thinking men to support his
cause and do away by rising aa elec-
tors itt. their power and crnshing out
the vile worm of strong drink, His
remarks were plain, forcible and prac-
tical. Prof. Grant .0:Misted itt inalia
Mg' the .evening•entertaining as well
as profitable by a guitar itstrument-
__ al . and temperance Selo: Thelatter.
holds forth here two nights of . this
Mr, Jolla Schultz is having a ston.e
foundation placed under- his house.
Mr., Harry Youngblut _is home from
Zurich, Glad to see- hira back. •
• (.3corge-Snell, who has been
blacksmithing with. Mr. John *Fergus-
on; left last week to take' it trip to
New Ontario.' . .
Mr. Joseph Lawson' had a situation
for six weeks in Brussels but is now
working in' Mr. John Ferguson's
shop, •Ple.aset1 to have him among us.
Mr. Ed. Elliott ia learning' the cut-
ting ingotta:jell so as the • better to
• Assist his father in the shop. here:
' Mr. Robert Sprung of Matiton,Man,,
who was -here' a few weeks ego and
took •hoine :a carload 01 horseg, has
since contracted smallpox. 'Ws sou
Ben:, is also •doivn withthe' acute dread
diseaSer and •the house has been quer-
diSease, Our Mr. John Clark went up
with Mr. Sprung to. Visit his daugh-
ter, 'Mrs.... Sprung, • and we -hope lie
may escape Contamination. • •
Miss. Martha: Mole of Clinton"' .1Ms ,
beim 'home for a few 'days- . •
The stave Cutting having been '.fin,
ished, • Mr. Fred. Sharp returned to
home- 111 Listowel On Friday..
Sete:rat-sof our young men witnessed
;the': football match, Blyth vs. Brim-
sela, played it the -former place • last
3veek, Brussels Won. Football' . was
once upon a time consulerably played
here, alasI ':ive haven't even
. , .
e. team. •• . • .
. Mr, • Ed.- • Mole was in Clinton • on
Saturday feat. • He had been firitg at
tights at the mill during the staVe
cutting .4 season, but the mill having
closed' down he haa. turned, to Other
• employment_ .
Mr: 'George Youngblut,- who. has
been living neat the flour •mull, has
inlayed tothe ' upper village to the
.,house wlach he has rented' from Mr.
Caldwell,' • ''. • • • • - . .•
Mr. • 'Herbert Knox and . Miss E,
Knox visited .a. few. clayS. at Braicefield
this Week. • •
Dr. Turnbull.' and his ' sister, Mrs.'
Nelsen; •visited • at their home in Mil-
verton the forepart of the week',
Mr. S. :Crawford of ,Blyth is
ing here at present, . • • '
Owing to . . re -arrangement by the
.Alliance of its workers they.:were un-
able to send Mr. Bnchanati arid Wife
for Monday eveaing's, prohibition lec-
ture herd- but rather than disappoint
the people sent Mr. Kerr Of Wingham,
.who, considering his short, notice .and
.first "speech in -public, , put forth some
:.pretty • .solid faets, emphasizing the
fact ,• that the 'issue at stake in this
riding .for • this •eIection is simply pro-.
hibition., and not 'party and until
there are sylliciett Met -Micro in the
House to hold. the balance of power
for prohibition; then legislation on.
its lines 'will be out of the questiot
in ..either Party. He lays the blame
at the door. of the electors. for ..the
present condition of things and says
the remedy lies in their hands.. .• •
The Presbyterians 'have give a
Unanimous call to the Rev. Small of
Arthur,. Rev. Camp having' declined
the call they tendered him recently,
Mrs. J. Carter was able to be .out
for LC:drive one day recently" and , is
gaming rapidly.•
Inspector Rath of' Brussels paid our
'school its seini-anntial call and ex- .
• pe
rssea ittihseeyre
lf aas..well pleased with
• •
11, Match and wife and Thos. Carter
and wife, all of Clinton, also. Wm.
Carter sand mother, Sunclayedin town
with James.
C. Washiiigtonof the circular city
visited here recently.
C. Askwith was at hia home over.
Bimilton has returned froM Tor-
. A number kohl. here went to hear
the renotvned temperattea orator, Mr.
Nicol"; at Westfield on Wednesday.' .
• .
. , • •
John . Jacobs.; "who has -worked for
Mr. Sohn Voote for several years, left
on Saturday last for Crunch, Afield,:
goi, 'where he has secured a job. Ar-
thur Johns has take!' his, place at Mr,
Miss maid Moffat of •Londeti is the
guest of hfiss " Cassie Johtison this
week. She alSo visited with • several
old aquaances arouiid Varfta.
Miss Maud Torrance visited friends
rotted Varna this week.
Mr. and MM. T. McGuire atid child
of Winghain visited over Sunday at
Arr. joint Dennison's. .
Rev. Mr. Davidson's father is visit-
ing at the manse this week.
Mrs. Hall of Clinton gave an ad-
dress •on Sunday evening last in the
Methodist church in aid of the Wo-.
inen'a Anxiliary. The church was
crowded Mid Mrs. Hall's address was
much appreciated.
Mrs. J. E, xrarnweit and Mrs, non-
Wtheylfie, 8r,, drove to tIoderich on Sat-
urday last. Urs. ilarnwell, Sr., in-
tends visiting up that way for some
Mr, IL A. 1/legit's has engaged his
brother-in-law, Mr. Ryati from De.
troit for the summer. Mr. Ryan will
move into the house B. A. recently
rented from 'll/fr, John Johnston.
The Wingham clergymen are work.
ing hard for the prohibition candi-
date. Rev, Mr. Rohl" Methodist, is
not only speaking in his favor but is
tnaking peronal canvas as well.
Rev, Ildr. Perm, Presbyterian, has
taken an equallydecided stand, Rev.
Mr. .Lowe, Episcopalian, says that
since his ordination he has not voted
but that lie will this time—for Mat
These gentlemen believe that Prein-
eirs oRossjt:r eill)cessetic• vde sp ideeafgeac st ftoor thureeatkeitang.
peranee people.
Mr. Robert Holmes, • who once upon
a time talked prohibition himself, ob-
jects to Miss Wiggins of the W. C. T.
1.1.• and the Dominion Alliaace taking
part in this contest. Professing ig-
norance of this lady, who is vastly .
better known than himself, he has
asked, " who is this Miss Wiggins ;m-
end 'be has said, " be would Just like
th meet 'Miss 1Viggins., for he could
down. her in argument in a few tnin-
• . -
It . alt depends upon Mt..Holtnes
• whether .or not. heimeets Miss
iii. -debate on. the 'te,..eperaitee question
•during this- contest, an invitation
• ing been extended to him, 'He has -
even- been given•theprivilege of chaos- -
kg the• time and place.
As Mr. • Holmes. will, • of • course, •
promptly accept the invitation, we
hope he will. bring cin the debate with-
out any delay and select Clinton as.
• the scene of it.. \\r can .assure him of
an, interested audience,
: • B.A.727TEX.B. • .
Mr. ;Tames...Macdonald has returned
- for the summer and opened his home
again. • • •
"-. The (tato of laying the Confer stone
of the new St. Andrew's church .has.
hen filled far 2 p, m. on IVIotalay,
next, • the lath inst. .
We regret to state that little Flosa
sie McGee centimies very ill.
-.•Alr: Henry. .,Eilber addressed the el -7
ectors of this .village In the town hall .
on Wednesday eveuing. He will speak'
at Varna on the 151,h aud at lippera.
• ery achool. Goderich township,
'the r6th, , • • • '
Miss' Ra 'McGee, vhhas beeii at
Eaton's ;in Toronto, has 'returned, be-
ing- called home on accoiint of the ser-
ious Ultima of lier sister Fldssie.
..Mrs. MeNeil.anel Mrs, StariburY hike
' returned from *attendance at the Wo-
men'a /foreign, Misaionary 'Convention
• held -in London. last; week.
A large number • of . visitors were in
town' 'last Sunday, • anicing Whom •we
noticed Mr. and Mrs, Webster of Ludt-.
now, Who: were. visitors at Mr, Me-
Gehelr's.:. 'a—nd -daughter, Miss..
Bertie have returned 'freer& Londita
where they spent the past winter: We.
understaadMrs. : Morgan inteiMs
spending -the summer here, . •
The services an St. 'Andrew's 'church
last Suuday morning were of an in-'
esting natiire. The pastor,- Rev. Mr.
McNeil; instead of. preaching gave, .4s:
he called it a. practical talk oii the
work of . the . past year, • 14U Sunday
behig . the anniversary , of -his. induc-
tion which took place an the nth
May last year, • • . : • •
: A, serious accident betel' -1Vi1-
- bur Erwin,. Son of Mr. H. Erwin oV
this village, on Monday evening. .It '
appears thelittl fellow' andanother •
'little boy were engaged In a wrestling •
match and in 'falling broke. Ilia leg, ,
above •the knee. •:Dr....Siriith'.'45 callSer
, in . and attended.. the little 'sufferer,,who
is doing as well: as. cau • be expected
under such •a„painful 'affliction. • •
Mr, Charles Donaldson left herd. last
Saturday- for his home in Theasa-
lcia. and was accompanied by .Mrs. -
Thos. • Heard.. and . family and Miss
Vanity Wild. Mr: Heard luta been' in
Thessalon • for some tine • and Mrs,
Heardgoes to join her .hushand. Mr.
• took with ,hini several-
liorSes 'for livery'.
0114 of those pleasant eventa which -; -
generally eautia it • flutter itt society
happened' in our village on Friday ea, -
ening last 'whet Miss Ellie Mabel Mea
Candliah took Mr. Edmund Reid . for .
better or for Worse and promised to
bells- faithful spouse', Mr. Reid is' an
industrious• young, Man Slid has for •
Some years been one Of • the treW of
the • survey. boat, Bayfield, jinn
which. he . left ,.early 'this week, while:
the bride will remain: it the village.
We' loin, their many friends. hi ..con-' .
gratillating the young couple and
wishing than much happiness. -
What alight have Proved a very dig--
astrons and perhaps " fatal fire' was
nipped . in the bud. last Sunday 'morn -
lig in the large*.steire al • Mr. I. A.
Edwards of this village. Early San- .
day" morning Mrs: Edwards was awak-
ed by it choking acitaatioa which she
at mite realized to be due to smoke.
30 at Mice gave the alarm and on
Mr. EdWards going doivii stairs the
floor in the, neighborhood of the stove
in the centre of tile' store was clis-
ecivered to be in- flames. With -Scnne
difficulty the flee • was extinguished as •••
it had got under the :floor and the
sleepers were foetal to be burning- and
a space several feet square was burnt
10 the floor,' 4s the faintly sleep
above' the store \it was indeed it nar-
row cacape •-i,anct,, as it was Mrs. Ed-
wards was much prostrated on Sun-
day, owing Ito doubt to inhaling so
much smoke, The origin of the fire is
not kilown but itmight very probab-
ly have been fttin it burning cigar
stub thrown intd Asmall box full of
sawdiist used •aa . a spitoon as this
box was completely burnt. • Iliad the
fire got further headway it wonld no
doubt have destroyed not only Mr,
Edwards' house and store but the Al -
bit it hotel would have gone as well.
-Mrs. Elliott • of' the Albion, Who is
Inkvery strong, received a severe
:shock also wheti thc alarm was given.
Ilayfield should awake to the danger
Of it serious outhreak ok ilia kiwi and
vpirilactgiree, some fire proteetion for the
InIttitr tOW148/111).
Allen Bros. have purchased a. broil-
elto from it Seaforth man and are
busy breaking it lb.
1111`. 110(1 lift's, Ted. Crawford of
Londesboro visited at Mt. Irenry rree.
Man's oil Thursday