The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-06, Page 7OF CEJIB Church a -looking out for a fare, ABOUT 00=S. when in jump$ tho dog. 19 MERRY OLD 41. Ide,%s of the Ancients to Which 11 FFEUTS OF R. REFIND. Ilia impudence., says I. so No LE Some of the Xaix�r T-bings. Which macons How Amages sAgain Turning. ITS INVZVE ts through the window. but be Cause, Them. NEWS BY XAIL ABOUT JOHN Science At present shows A tou'den- X09 ON 3MMSH I shou UNTIL THE 9N=Y IS COX. ,pUS ON #X. wouldn't atir. Then X gets down Volum D UIS MOM. IHE ZDT. and tries to ull him. out, and PL =11MY UUEes have been Written on the ULAN ey to turn back to, some Of tho be- P Are. Sent allow(# 111AU my whip; but be Bits still wretched condition which,, taking Quo liefs of ilia auclon to regarding scents of Its causes for tile disease ltself:I, 000ure=00 in Zailid! rhat centuries ago. $cents were ac- 3�,r('M the Noist Air of England and barks, as much as to say, 'Go,. IXQU. Joseph Chamberlain SAYS We call o, "cold"- but very little Pro- Reigns Suvrewo in the CQm- ACHIEVEMENTO ,counted more than luxuries. Into the Rarelled Air of on, old maxi., the War Wi be Pressed to Without Wires. $ South Africa, "When I takes him by ilia collar I gross has been made In tile way of mercial World. Odorous herbs.. notably vervain, Its conclusion. its pnovention Or care. In avoid! ded oft the, evil eye. The Mosaic It was orixo in one of Jules V ree,cls the name And address 'All Jamaican bananas which arrived right. Jay fine gentleman' save I. Discussing ilia progress of tile It wa, are arneil to beware 01 uAro and stories that two men $at out. to I In London recently -were retailed in i9w ritual to full of hyssop. South African War In his of T-11 4likincouse. Greece met olinloaxon climb a mountain. As they' went I'll drive you where you're a-wau.tacl Dirming- drafts, wet feet. sudden changes fr I dare, may., ham, Eugland, speech, 11on. Joseph temperature, and so forth, and tile the strOOtO At two A Penny. isix GU$rlielino )$a to to tile. Message sent by A certain gates to its alyiduip. and surrounded higher and highor up the air grow Advice Is excellent. The, only objec. Lord Portman � wont "SO I Shuts to the door. And my Chamberlain said:— 1144 AL sorlopo fall NoWfQuA4l%u4 last December to test transmitter. When Marconi's ilia- it with a., scented river % hundred More rarefied And provoked such. Ir- gentleman Battles himself with his When. you hea.r wild and wilful LIOU to it is that it Is Impossible, al. while hunting at Purweston. Ile is hia newly perfected (system of 'Wire- coverlQs were first announced In 1896 Cubits broad, ivilich Souls swam ritability In both that they fall Into -a of progressing satisfactorily. 1054 telegraphy, the 4) purged head just looking out, and I drives talk, about negotiations which are to ways to follow it. But exposut nly rispresoutar there. existed tic method of tuning, through and thereby them- an angry qximrrol, They challenged this kind is not the sole cause, for For �Ixe i1rat time for many years tive of a, liewspAper or magazine to though the Inventor had its necessity selves of earthly grossness. each other to Immediate duel And On till I stops at this here gato, be casually undertaken in some pub- if It were a wetting or a chill would there were no prisoners for trial at when out jumps My passenger, - lic house on tile continent, when you LQtn him was Mr. Bay Stanuard clearly in mind. Accordingly the 111111y records olghty-f1vo remedies turned to go down the mountain are told even by the hihcob a vs be followed by A cold, and the. Southauipton. quarter sessions. But as th OY calmly ity In this country that proclama, that, we know to our jo, is not the Palcor. Mr. Baker Arrived upon the public inquired, "How are you go- derived groin. tile odorous rue, Iorty� Wile ter their weapons e o walijs in As lithor- alWr�, 1 413 though he'd been a rpg'lar Mrs, lurch, -tile Fellxstowe cQixten- scene, Immediately After the a4- Ing to keep your meseages secret ? one whose basci'waq =Jut, thirty4wo deaceaded into the lower strata of fare " I tions solemnly adopted at the sug- e0,00- 19 gouncement of Mr. Marcord' nuo- =ng a warphIPL Wishes to com- bAlms from roses, tweixty�olxa from i air their normal Condition was re- vtile cabman 9, liberal fe gestion of or with the subsequent ap- A cold in the head Is an inflaxoma, ariall, (tied recently, aged 1021. �She� m a And remL bered the jubilee of George Ill. core, And accompanied the Inventor a with Another of the Rest, lilies, bulb and bloom, and seven-, stored and when they got to the toot Scott ou his intelli_ proal of Colonial Governments Are tIO11 Of the mucous molubrane of the deaths Axl4L:L,668 to NOVA Scotia', obtaining from. im what Is tQ Prevent the enemy from teen medicaments Strong In the vir—of the they were last Congratulated a were 1,702 mounta I f 'ogo �d by corta-In bacteria. Thor &4 a ativo, story In regard to reading your Message ? How are tue of violets. Thus It . in xistinct, rqasion or whater to be recalled in presence of the on- produce In London 14ot, ,uthorit Appears that ifriands a&alh. when you are advised to Offer What those bacteria are, and w1tot- births registered It MAY be, that tdld him that no OMY, hip, Invention. This Is given . to the private business dispatches, to be the violet cure for cancer Is ELMOVS; I A man who, went from England to hansom er it is Always the salue kind that week. Tile annual death rate per the February number of secured Against publicity ?" I-Iore, the very new things thal oer war thinks that, 'British in the words of that calm And reso- produces a, cold, are questions that 1,000 Was 20.6. public. in sagely home before, a hansom cab 1, ourf4ce'the 13 cabs bad often taken him or to aceept terins of peace, which, X.C.D lure'* Magazine, axid in addition Indeed, was a probi6m. Without as- science scorned because t4ey. were so Generals and Others in going fro=7 not been settled. Some, at Sir Henry Cralk,, LL.D.; would probably do It agaiii, seeing Wto speech which was made byLord haeMr. Baker gives a cora-grallensive, and Crecy no system of wireless tele- vory 014. the racist air of the Thames Into the intelligibiq explapat of the South African could not find life way. which, in Ilia words, would ?reser Present In tile air of oilr houses or ident of tile Ellinburgli Sir Walter Ion of one of the graphy could ever reach great com- New,' 6ay varlousi experts, 040 rarefied air that Ile had lost his Master And Milaor two clays ago�ternls of peace least, of thent aro'probably always has succeeded Lord Aberdeen as pro - modern mercial, Importane, or compete with must choose and use Perfumes With veldt, 5, 00 to In. our peak- Scott Club. Most wonderful feats of (I 6,000 feet above the the political dualism in In the dust of our streets, .science. the preselil;I cable communication. an eye, or rather, A nose to health. see, and a thousand Miles away Iron' substance Although. not In forl— ots, where, whenever Suffering from A man named RlobArd Coelcrill has In its bare outlines,, explains Mr. Mr. Baker tells how this difficulty So It Is worth while to set down the it may have passed through some sa, an "auto co n e cae- committed suicide at Gorleston. Rio v to you remember that you Baker, "Afarcoill'o System of teleg- was overcom ouch Mental transformatign as tile INDRUSIA88 OF INSANITT do not stand Alone, that you have lossly put Soiled handkerchiefs coii- father found him. hanged to a bad- ,.a. properties Attributed to varipus per- raphy consists of Setting in motioa, "The reflector system being, of fumes. mountain climbera. allies, And that you Are not entitled taining vast numbers of tile germs, post, by r�eaxxs of hip, transmitter, certain, course, impracticable for long-dU- Iure violet essence to said to be. ant was and on clothes, 'books, furniture, -.ev. instance f hat Is me ASYLUM rOPUZATION DOUBL� ta 111alee peace unless it is upon The death is announced of the It electric waves which, passing through tnxice work, Mr. Marcolit experiment- espociAlly suitable to nervous people. furnished by two Colonels of infail- money; and hundreds of other things David Davies, vica, e . tuning. He so constructed a But It must be obtained from the, I terms which will be satisfactory to with wIllah in cially con- r of Llansilln, Os - the ether, Are try who rode out of 13loemlont,0111 ED = TWENTY YEARS. those allies, Ivilo have gent Of their we come weotry, where be had labored for wire suspended groin. a kite or mast,'receiver that It responds only to a flowers themselves, not the hemical on� day with a, couple of junior olll-o toet.. -So It cannot be the germs half a contury. Chemically derived per- best to light and to die In,ek common and registered in. his receiving- aP- certain transmitter. That is, it the Imitations. �cera and an orderly, to 's 4use. Meanwhile, gentlonion, the alone that causb a cold, otherwise paratus. The other is a Mysteious, transmitter is radiating only �1300,- fiques are irritant, poisonous even, a Heredity, Cram and Crush, These 0 � 4 treasury ilotboo pulinihisa in 1 They -rode a dozen miles north an Are The Three Main , War goes on—olowly, no cloul)t, but we should never be free from ono. unseen,, colorless, odorless, incon- 000 vibrations a second the cbrree- to persona of especially sensitive con- then to and fro among the kopies, The gorin. of ally disease.. is the uesday's onclon. U4,4etto prohibits something which is pending receiver will take only Siltation. Causes. it Will gl.o%v nad the -use of sucramine , in the ma4ulae- 'but found poor sport, same as a sued; supposed ta fill all. -space. It has $00,000 vibrrtions, Inexactly the TRUE ILowirm SOEXTS. I It was At a time when the Boers Statements made by Dr. Daniel TO ITS SETTLED CON CLUSION. multiply it planted in suitable Sol,, ture or preparation of beer. been compared to a, jelly in which same ay a familiar tuning fork are obtained in.threo ways. First by,were watchilig for the next British Clarke Medical - Superintendent -.Of There has been a grobt lluprov6- but not otherwise, So tha gerin or Nine hundred Old people, whose the stars and planets afe set like will respond- to another tu ' ning fork spreading fresh blossoms Upon glase'advance and patrols of the burgher the T�Ironto Asylum for the Insane, ment in the situation during the re- germs -of P, cold ill not grow ill a combined ages amounted to 70,0(;O cherries. About all we know 0 it is having exactly the same nuniber of thickly smeared with . pure grease, commandoes were active and watch- regarding the increase In the number Cess. I can give no batter instuncil Ilealthy nose; the inticus wombrame. Yevaxs, have - bee a that It has waveo—that the jelly May vibrations per second. And Mr. , letting them st%ad. in the sun, And as f ul. These t ,wo Colonels were old 9f insane in the Province are calcul- of it than by informing you tb0t, the of'tho nose must be prepared by solon tallied by, the Mayor of Darwen be made to vibrate In various ways, Marconi has now succeeded ill"bring-! they wilt, replacing them until the hands in the-,avrvico And to some of ated to load, to serious reflection. railways in the Transvaal and, the local or general cause which Weakens The'XCing has given hie consent to Ethorle vibrations of certain kinds Ing this tuning system to some de-' Orange River Colony are now worIc- its Power of grease is as fragrant as the flowers; their frien its it. seemed that nothing *. "There to no. doubt," said. the cloc- Ing almost as in norinal times, In be This may ilia creation of an Isolation 401iiital give heat other gree, of"perfection, though very much give light, other kinds peatedly infusing fresh but lightheadecluess ' could explain, ter "that insanity is on the in- a local disturbance cif the blood- on -Crown liaid -at Old INTIndsor, 1 Second, by re the 12 months between June 1900, supply, calls a electricity. Experiments have shown work yet remains to be done. For i petals, in oil; and tlikd, by infusing what the,,� did when the buck failed And theri, he referred to tho ad by A 1�1111119 of tile joining the Great Park. that If the etWir lhrates at tile ia- instance, in one of his Ungligh exr' which is than distilled, them. llatest tables which he had at hand And June, 1901, there we're 284 in- surface of the body, or irritation by -roviock,, i them in ether, The Rov, I.T. D, C. S, I conceivable swiftness of 400 billions periments, at Poole, In England, be, to a dry Solid. They rode on for good stretch . r the figures, terruptions of the line; the line was the inhatation of (lust or of strong X.A., said to be England's oldest of waves a second we see tile cOl6r had -two receivers' connected with As this solid sells -for $250 an outside of- their' own ou�postai Sud- I From 3.877 till 3.897, or in a. pe- blown up, trains were stopped or f1r-- fullics, as of burning sulphur; or it clergyma, has died tit owton-Pop- red, if twice as fast we see violet, If the game wire, and tuned to differeat ounce, it is. easy to :understand why 1 donly one of them caught eight of. riod of twenty ears, the number of W- Into—very often when they con- uy be some clafect in the construe- plefor in his ninety"ilftli year. m And women and tie more ale ly—poillaps 280 millions to transmitters located at St. Cather-, the 6ther 'Process, though far %ad'mounted lunatics in the Asylums of the - Pro- tained wounded me 4 of the nasal cavities, causing a, The Dean ai . id the secold, and less—we have -the ine's Point.- Two ineasages� were seat , -0 4i;.'ehililren, but during the last threq chron 'iiiptei'of Wes,4wlns- Away the best, .1s.no.t commonly used. 1-vince increased. from 1,859 t I id discharge which keeps the -rue Hertz waves used by 31faic9ni in his one, -in - English nd,one in French', MOVING - FIGURE S., months there has.,nat been a, single mucaus membrane constautlY ii-ri- ter claim the privilege of last ting But the sc6nted grease and the.ssen�, interruption. Mcanwhile, every day, tho.80vereign in tile rites and care- wireless tolegra, a least Interference. And ces made by ateeping It In, pure Spir. a, score -of them, aniong the folds of Since these returns Were Made, the tated; or It way be some il�6 0-h-ce phy , experiments. without ill Either wa,v6s should not be confound- Suggested that the largerarea Is being cleared- of the which depresses tile general . su .96 'when ritics it Are never cheap. fter all the the Veldt a mile away. Increase,, has continued,. And the' doo- ystem onies of the corouation. ad with air w4ves, Sound 14 a inVentor may have been' deceived at scent possible has . been Abstracted I "Come on, they're Boois I Let's tor estimates the_'presont� asylum aneilly, and bpInd' protected- by that and makcs it vulnerable to the At- 61oud a of - sclagulls passed over suit of the vibration of the air if t. John'q'by messages transmitted fragrant:roulid them up, 11, shouted the elder'population At something over 5,000, Iron girdle of blockhouses which Lord tacks of the microbes, l3over recently, returning.- to the an I from the, grease it is still � Xitchener has devised, and.which are Suall intluences me -Channel from inland, where they had we had ether and'no air, we should from oce iners, he was Able to enough to make the very finboti.per- and sentor.Colonel, and off he gel- I Adding to that what lie 6onsiders a nx�ay � be latig still see light, feel heat,.and' have respond promptly . 'Impossible. My turned soap. .1 i inexorably. barring out the Boers inentaf Anxiety, loss of aleop'and the been, driven by the Severe eather. loped witli the three.officers Close -oil 'fair allqwance for cases At large -tuned.to receive only likaj but perhaps . mo e electrical phenomena, but no sounds instruxnent,� was i among th.6 people, he expressed the front the territory We have occupied— often sefr- . Th� Duke of Argyll, acoompaniod All the citrene, scents, bergamot,. his heels and the orderly chasing be- I r would ever come, to our ears.. Air is from Jay stAtionAii Cornwall" noroll, ordlige-flower �.water—are re- hind. :view that the total insane popiiia- drivin themInto districts ill which poisoning. by � the w"'to products by the Priftcess LQuIae, visited the sluggish besides. other, And sound degree 'stimulat- I Wl . iat the men bf the Boar I patrol 'tian of the Province would run be- ur troops; 1. hoppi will be able to found ill the -intestines And absorbed Alexandra, Palace, oil January waves are very slow compared with POSSIBILIT=S OF'THE,SYSTEM. trashing, and in, a find them. Ing, If properl-k prepared. To make thought is not recordecl,,but at once tween seven and eight thousand. nstead of being promptly' eliminat- and delivered an Address on "Ph a! - ether waves-. During a stol-rir- the Wireless telegraphy has infinite pos-, a lasting perftime, some,animal baaej�hey Spread out and Pushed � their V IGURS ARE 1-11011, NOT A SENSATIONALIST, ad.. The Absorption of those waste �cal culture." ether brings the gash of the lightning ibilities, -Mr. Baker - sm�a : "The It . would be alluost impertinent izi, -products. of the body * which should - of - is essential—mask, civet or umber- horses On As hard As they could to "Dr. Clarke'does not, however, think The rince of Wales, who will be before the air brings the sound importance of The new system of tun ward the dark bdulders, , ine to Praiser Lord KitAeier, L�rd be got rid Of through the lungs, but gris. Along theltluit these tlgures'rejJrose;A the situa-, I accompanied by the Princess of thunder, as every one knows, Ing can hardly be overestimated. By foothills., the . . Ritchener does not draft sensational e lty hab- Wales, will -be the guest of the Duke. It the base is too strong it makes baae of the nearest ;tion fairly. It is forg6tten,'he says, it all the ships'of 6 float can be pro- ETHE R.,WAVES. the flower scent curiously iiritaut, buck. shooters tearing alter them. thid insano.people, Are. now cared for despatches. I darosay we ail NvIsh its of breathing, is another form of of Beaufort, at Badminton from video with Intruments tuned alike, People who feel themselves faiiit.in Once amo I Jig the. bo arp-9— 1n the asylums who formerly yvor' self-poisoning.wilich leads to colds.— March 3 to 5. "Electricity is, indeed, only 411" o -that they may* communicate fiFeel . y sometimes that he wr6tc at greater Youths' Companion. other'name for certain vibrations in crQwded room, are often the vic-:for they proved'to be men of tile left with their people, and of whom length; but he keeps his own coun� Two hundired and twexxt3��six tons. ijlat a with ne another,. And have no fear tims of several sce.iitd simultaAii0uslY, Transvaal police, jumped olT, got i 0 sels rymen ap- brought in o Aberdeen the ether. We say tile' enomy will read the moa� 31 Account . WAS -accordingly takerr. and. I think lJis.couat leotricity that Of IISIA -idallY sages. The. spy- of the. future .' must attacking thpir.n&ves. �k single oo-'cover And turned to t�aka-tba-mca- lEvery village and country -.place for- 1preeia:te-A great nkan.w1jen.-they have LONG WATC111FOR. A.SON. 'flows' ill ix wire, but fiothing harbor on three 'different days, anti no - matter how strong. after -a; sure of their amazing pursuers. in all)und Win. . They recoglilio the.storn passes except -an cilicric wave,. for be an electrical 'expert who can slip or orly had ftsut0,otwa.9f foolish the sales ter. the week. amounted to tile atoms composing the wire, limile, deadens. the olfactoq� nerves, J They. 'res'.11t came soon. hey shot and women, . b o they are In the resolution, the well-thoght-out Ptah A.Door Lelt.Unloelted.-for Twenty! eR00,000. [is In somehow and steal the geeret 'of pa ithem. one Of the junior I 'Eight YeaTs. vh r as a, combination 1r.ee Officers , dead; asylums. �..by Which I;e is successfully " cle�llng well its the air and the eartho airid.. the eifemy's '. tubes, Great. telegraph' " 0 0 Queen Alexandra. Is to' perform tile n Active. through the brain, shatterbd the r-rin, I Another influence which makes th6 wiOx the most -difficult, task that has Tile death iast' w'e*ok of the Revi ceremony - of christening. the� new flr�it them b other, wounds - increase look Unfairly large is that lh ueen, w1lich.will be e bstances, are 411. compa ies will . each have its own Y ;of anc it one -of the Col- �aver fallen In modern times to 'ally Afloat. in ether. Vibraions, - Ra fovor;:which, it is believed WilliamMilier bi-C.lifford, Penn., ends -clasp bAttlesbip Q tuned:' ingtruments, to receive* only some; "ises from the. irritant pro- 6liels in Mid thigh and pierced � the asylums the insane live longe nation to accomplish.. We EL're proud fore, started at Ono end Of the wire its'.ow.n messages, and there m4ybd yielded'wrist of the other; besides disabling." r than of the general; a, lung and fruitless watch for. a run- lauclied' next. Iffarch t we a -oud of the "ort ther. - Throw a !�tone 'special tunes for each of � the , I=_ pertibs of fine odorous pollen �vhen i1xicared and consequently re pi .. . away boy. I -dockyard*, travel to the 0 mpare Any, other army into A quiet pond. Instantly Waves by grass and weed fields, is la a'.- tlxo� orderly� , They lAid out their men ci.ainong th6 lrksane�ariny- TO 00 Elder William 'xIhe'r*,' as -he as portant. governments of the world. ar C n -t way ii type' Of perfilang.action... Scent.. -in. the netweet,farinhouse, dressed popul Ito It -is to 110'%NTn Ali exteligively'st6ed formed which spread out. in'* they �tlon-'O%Jfor 4 longer series of pay tlie:higliest c6mple-' k otition,from are Or perbaps (for. the * system -can be likent.in our. power. %Vag one of the best-known -Berkb.aud, Bucks has been preeantod particles -in general are. not strong their wounds - and sent a-mesenger than: they.' We are proud, of every directiozi ; the water dOOP 'lot, operated very cheaply), tho.i I �. years used.to'be. A great Baptist. preachers .":in northeastera --down, yet the . line will 6no.ugh or acrid enough. to set'ilP VIO- to Bloemfontein. for further aid.. maii their herole colurage. I.think We are against the, right of the cor-1 move, except up and c6me, the great - banking And y. old pooplt�,. tooi who really. 6is Pennaylvalla.% He offiblated at more icy have I 13�th 0olonels got a aevere'repri- 1*ouder, still -'of the cuduiaa6o�thie 'Pration to levy tolls. over Wave passes onward indefinitely-. bsiness' �duaes,' or­e,�6n f4Mi1ie9.,axxd lent ilia. one. the less, tl only uff6ring frona the mental *ask-. they - have wed(lings And funerals than any -bridge. their effect, Wta6ss ilia refreshment mand:­ But otsibly,.&* Dr; Charcot, I'lless that,conies with.e%ld ago, Are In. cheerful. 'iudurance�which 61- ele . 1-gYrn . ail in'SusquelialinEL,county. Electric, waves cannot be sceR, but friends, will each have, its own wire-, Of.la;*bAder 7ater when - one !a faint or, a brain ' �peelalist, could- - . have the a Swell 'the Shown under the hardships of this The yeaf's record at St. Aaktholo�, electricians have Jew4l6d how to -ili.� ]", I syNtins,'and aervv'tQ IWas when -he �dicd, iv aberration better e icept .6 and we ere mew.'s hospital; Ro"ch&ster,, includes a. certain extelit h' system, with its -own secret from beat or, crowding.- Lavender -is inderstood� the' Account; io,lil. '116 wag strongly. cite them, to a Ow to tulle. 'Having - variations of millio of th opposed. to games. Peculiarly suited to'bl& stiulig tem- than a field marshal �tQ whom it pre- still 1) Clarke does not'think prouder ng lilinianity of ,Ill kinds; ' One day twen markhblb operatioh which resulted -control them, and have devised--cun- .,I,,,r tyLelght re of different -vibrations thi�ro. Will ' be -is soothing as' well aonteil,.only,a� case of reckless breaahthat tliAtI even at great cost to the�msolv- ago he - discovered.. that - his -in perainelits. it e.;IcAuses- explain the. Whole years in k needle being successfully remov- ning instru ants whlclx� register no.lack of tithes, &Aasitituce, at ad froin*,a ptitieut's heart. �he as refreshing,. 'without beiiig, undulv of discipline. of the artlf�g Inerealad.. "es they have constantly Shown. to the. youngest ion', John, had'been'play- their presence. British navy. may, be finied, to Te- One -of troops opposed to. thern.and to the �06 600 vi Stimulating, the . divisional Generals, 13Y OVF in& croquet ' The fathel! a Rev. Miss Edwards, %vhq.hcLs 'Electrical have long � been- ceive july messages of Id always I be used . . whose I forte AS not pitiellco' dr.bal-: gave . the . Th tit cy" , � I Ii " id filially 'for two years acted ag,raluister,of a' Jasmine shou civil,population whicii'llas, been. at, boy a severe sco ( Ing, at a use of Wirep '-for br I as to,06'seedri German pur "Thare is: Of WeAklings their -mer hristiall. chapel harnessed by ill d; the a t res tile. Aace evou.. In the most restf ill of air,' class toBeat' Pat , out sending communications ; lh�'* other a' the United Statei 16. disaster can.be tr' ositively.. forbade him ever. agE in h. w 00 who ayste , 'but in almost Ali - of finished his South frican opportun- Whose =Onto, Azed '­FROUD OF MILNE- It. Play. croquet-.- Vffioiated recently -At lld fundral - of re in in'th(i caroiie rapture of a gal-. to mental overpressure at -school. words, We helve had I' telegraphy. =LaexiiI010,0,06,000, and so'6n it. compounds Is Singularly depres-:itieb. d a e. -oldest ma'lo in mber.of her con- But the ether exists outsldo� , of he der, -t-1 I Ss. . ill a y. exception: .* Jas- cry like the race of the buck- W6, all know how Much brain work' Wo are prou . also, of our Admin- John told, �.companion -afterward th a ntherefoie, lop.v gregation.- as wx sing� Noroli is the wire as well faint es -I 19 needed nowadays, fronx-child�on to ist"P-tor, proud of Lord Milner, the 'that' -'he Would "allow father'a COMPARATIVELY INE XPENSIV.8. mine mud Weroll'together in hunting officers. . H6 was to. link his, do: of great publlb servant whose'l oi 110 trick.'!. Tha ffliht* v�ile the oth'er Thomas, F Is havingthe other everywhere, itmust h the. cleman ab a 2211119i. chief purser- 'O Marc Another general a posgible 11 ro�dui:6 waves in it oni informed Mr. Baker that jance make the scent of scents for, all forces with those of ep pacd, wit man -can* over�-esthnate,,, who, � day Aad;_moxnbe1s- of -the family were asleop of the Cuilard. liner Umbria, is aliout. ips. in complatilig A, line of doxdiTaila"7 parents And teacho Some.. r i ellef niglit, . is working out tile gret� -he, vin away.. I The o * illy things . he to retire. Ire is the - oldest W will pass Anywhere,. a.­7.well he would be *able to build and equi who have.hyst6rical, tendenc w years t Ounard tions. ,has been gien1n ills past he ot-061c.'Wit,ft and duflng hi' forty-six hrough mountains as Ovek seas, -and Stations on both.sides of the, Atlan in school hour for the very youlig,'aaheme for. ilia ragpneiatiou -him beside� hiaxiothes employe, But when the other m6t. lit controlled, -tic for lessAhau $150,000, the , sub- im he. new . coloxxies_ wlio-.flads��nlon—I- do We"O -the Pictures of his mother and years of servi c c, ha sailed. 2,760,0 0 it these waves - can. be I : end by thi� introduction of the -kill- a N they will evidently cotiOY as easily sequent'dilarge for maintenance- b OUTWITTED THE ELEV,ITANT. w4s dashing along oil ..the voldt, -a the 'pai-lor al-, miles. not.kn6w whether he knows,�of thei sister removed,'from ly as the ether, wiflifn Ing *cry small. A)Dable across the except,for a handful.*6f' bodyguards, I ftrgarten system in towns, and dittos. -7mean' * a . nough In this country to buin; and as certain Atlaxxtic,: ''Co"atsi between $3,000I000 A Sportsman'S.Experionee With a swallowing -the "he.44�" air * -as which combines `pleasure with.. teathr No - tioe of him a Colonel Sir'., Herbert PerrOtt, So agued'Mr. araont� ..The t tAke the,'6pportuAity to,bliiekon-hig o4ld -be found Xnig4t of JVatIce - bL�d S�cl,etaxy wires. -Specimen. though it was the mc!gt Ing. 'So, far go.c5d- but and $4,000,000 'ad it is a constant OO'MAaY digr character, to -call for his to rolil.the titne-he left the*house. His thd:Ord2r_of 8t'e.,John of J,s,rusalem..' ocuity Jay d peeuliar source Of expenditure for, regairs..' It SPARKLING.OF CRAWAGNES. n- - th list of * studies to.wer hrm in'iheir belief that in,-Eftlatd, was i�aarrled the; other.:. subjects are.'o . a for aftributol' hi went which. Would pro kice. a. n , and is 6stir�atdd that about $400,000,P00 ElePhants are so often the Winners 0 youlig. -They are Suppsed o ilix.raptives ' ol"the most Pare" o kind of wave, and in receivi g I, i exi,,unter with men. that it is Asked Where "*his divialft-Was he to b6 -at sixteen walking oncyl,p,�L,I.unwoith3t'cliaraeter*.'. Gqntlemeli, -be. be would slip -into. �hp Aloppso 0 me. da�y.to Ethel Lucy,-. daughter bf. thie %,iave in a Second is invested in cable systems iii vaxl- r his reward in the regard aad�ilp" night at cautiously as he had ell P it I t C pt. u registering this ether interesting -to learn of. orre nuide a Sweeping gestilre'�to the ll -4- i di", and 'arc. -the piide of parents. a X&17C a Rare, U.N.. apparatus located at a. distance from lous, parta, of he world. If, Marconi. that was fairly outwitted. It was. izon and* rode oil. He :was. hours and teachers, � The robust go through: proval.. of the vast, Majority of his Out.'. They accordingly alw`ys leftj c6rding to ' Sir ill succeeds as he hopes t lain the first. p succeed, an Africary elehant, taller, -lighter'l away �from his command, - thw-orcloal unscathed, but to * Many fellow citizens,- he has. it 112 - tile con;-' tbo door unlocked for him. at, night. ton�Dyer, the director of Kew Gar- -vast network of wiroa at Ifen Much of the and nimbler. than ill I t* Some such mental disturbance pro- fidenke of the. (36veirnment, the con- W a year had passed -they were as, a perfluents at Chelsea. during A CuuDM BEGINNIN'G. a As a ic var- I the bottom of ilia' world's oceans, means nervousness, lassitude, 'pe f1deace. of his. Sovereign; and he will sure he would retur'n. oil *:the Anal vor� do x -k cglit fog showed that In* it wee al me,� riodle . headaches, -loss 'of 'appetite, the., a k "it was, therefore, a' practic iety. Like most alepliants, When I vok,ed by brail,thing this air, way be, NVIII. not turn Out Of sary..of"lils disappearailde;. nd when represented by this llivestihent, will rouseid, hq: proved* himself c 18 -to ilkpliLla the troubled. sleepi a lax, - - p not flinch, lie apable. of put. forward perhap rostratdd six,tons of solid matter -*ire. do- chanical problem Which Marconi had lose Its, usefulness. It is-ilow - the considerable gymnastia'foAtl9. Proceedings. of the 'three -offtceis .. of -his -way� - -because . a 'number of 'ill- She retired that.iii ith crude till i4vent6r's pt;rpose to, push tild wo! hysical and 'menteLl System. A -ion- glit. his inother lieff. posited, oil a square mile. to meet. Beginning w rk Vred curs'arii barkin t his, heels. on, tho.d.luVig-y table those boxes Set up on pbles. on the ground& Of. in�tallatiorx between., the -contin- , An English.aPortsman, out After ele- the Intalligende� Department who:w0re dency' to and.an iavasi6n of filsenit' oom '11 The Archbishop - Of Cafitorbur� phantit, :.bad Wounded -A inignificent I sent out from the' War Office in: to - Y We A -re. proud of him, a'are proud of good, of ftlah'the boy ad ro- of his father's os�tit in Itidy, he fill- a- too often ends the chapter of blun- . . baxid,ot. skilf s bben ai6st flon�:. c;Ontly visited, FolkeitoJ16 to 6psn� A .0 ents, as -rapidly ag;popsible; and- no, Ld ndk6tiations'bet* of the ul and zedlo, ally devised an Lpparatuff froin pecimen. Unfortunately.fdr.him the don befoie tb cell dera,'especially if & ficroilitary - .pre� now church, ouse,,'sah�o6j, And: one, need be surprised if the yea �vound patriotic colleagiies with witom Tb4 eugtQm,,.was kept,up on evory, by a be was .slight,. iind. the. - tile Briti'sh - and Transvaal Gov6iq. -.div6ii�ion eiists. Teachers ' "deny creation hall drected as A' which a current generated. is working. As in the mjllta� -ana!Vah�ary of the ay for, live ye -t4! 1902 sees hip, yatem, In.'practicaf ments were broken oil. 'They' ivere to lhe 'ra' greatl� inhiriated, . turned a4ad, charg but there IS no.iis a to the-- late Canoli'Mattho tery and.passing -in brilliant commercial operation. 'Along ., with ad report what force Would be needed operations.;'-Progross, And Civil. Go So cdita n'were the p4rents tbAtlic W v- two brass balls him 'OF LIV . cl, vicar 1611cestone. thisArtins-At SSUR)31 -E. lows "elo bUld return when -Ile had been-goni war,. a tall a a t6rrifying sl4lit. With'its ifit dame. to '97ar.' '01 0 . upon their Y . : I , . . between !matte work he intends � It Wa R ernq of r ed from 9, wire.susponded on to extend his "Anothei'cause. Is the ne live years that they pl ave in of transmission are spread oilt like sails, -w, ifferiint'ways ilud rvousness Whcinpdace ohas been,proelaim­� anned to h turning between shi enormous a All three eat d3 er. pole. But. shutting off and IV, ed. we 'Sllajl arty for him, which they ill- 2-IONSTER DYNAMOS.- ment� by. mealls- Ps a as,. and 'ports On, -and emitting , shrill acites of ragei assumed names, grew boards, ivore inducIed-by the stress'and high pres� find an administration it ; ..to, on this peculiar cul -Of land, with a,view to. enabling -,, the With re.1ii-busineab life Which wa' t already In our hiLuds. 'The'Midustry vitled the young people of the neigh- a device similar to the familiar tele- shore stations to maintain c.,)natant ilia I monster came t ' hundering. over ready-made, suits afid 7 miIed 'all a 110 Will -be Tnstalled,o�a Jqanadian Sid a in earlier 1,110 borlibod. ke 9. runaway locomo-Ife,rmersand stockraisers as men who .the day. When we in the two colonies is.re'viving,- I . ' 1. a grapher's key, the waves, could beL So communication with vessels .0 pare insanity a*ong races that refugees `rh�n ten L. yeatS. Wag tile time. to Falls, all the tivq., The hunter fired a second shot. meapt to adopt that: life. They, wer6 I in, - . a returning in. great ual divided as to represent clashes and way across the' Atlantic. if "he *Mteh And JIS'an L look go it stra'ia with those which bej�s to 'their. bellies anil'the Work Which they looked forward, Tor they do but, missed. ' His nerve was shaken, signs, - VO On 0, Another Step in 'the utiliza- to t r dots, and spell out, letters in- the age 'doing :tcLke life easy, we find a con ast,'For sald "JohnnyL will surely' collie home, tiOUL of 'N this,. there will at, and throwing down his rifle he jud a the situation and report, t. I I I tr NO TIME OR i.-�juxt: 'Tiagara power is Announced s'was. the trans- last be no escape for. the Weary. fr011x sought safe in -flight, . ... . . L 9 eic 1, Morse. alphabet. Till ty Their final, estimateL Was that'L M ample, the numbeir of insane among whon lie h4s been g9ueAen.yj' 'B -by r mitter. It Was, indeed, - simple an- the daily Large schemes of development.Am- t a) Lleiitrieal, World and Enj�txloer, of ough to start those wAv9S travelling news of tho.'WorldI, so long Near at. hand as a steep hill and I force grom England of 80,060 men. I the Turks or Indian races, or. even in being d9vised, and preparation Is be- The fiftedlith and - twentieth anal- New' York-. one of the advantages of -.0A, 'Ocean. toward- this. 116 turned; '.for �- being could conquer the -two republics in., China, Is;.* not :proportionately. vrsarles' of the boy's'disappearaneb Or, tile A at Ole Valle to jar the Siberia OLIJ Ing made for Vie re -settlement of tlib 410ri through space, voyage. , V or every morning - each great as among th6se wh ve, In 9, were as an;dOupl awaited by the tile AIugQrA. J.,Al �k slightly acquainted w1iii the climb- three months. ut much esteemed As jelly, so to speak ; but it WAS far' Ship, though . in mid-ocaan, -Will got 'Ing powers of elephants he they were by their superiors In Lon-' state of, excitiiinent of one ind or, .1and—for. he resumption. of agricul- parents, Three years age, tlipy moraL difficult to devise An apparatus Ito bulletin -of news, the ship's forint, another. tural operation, That is not Abits. loixg had eZev,aa d- his pursuer might beLbaffled by the don, even the. latter rseemecl- to have dounted much ' 'oil the twenty-fifth, to receiv and register'them. Vor -namok,. mch dr4%c,J1 k�th its own' Irg Press will strike it off, and it steepness of'tho.asc6t. * It *as -a, put'. down -something to the -unbal- Y LIFE TI r, itSE. The,. obsolo*te� and. - corrupt legislation yeai; . since tholr : boy ran - away, at turbine.' anti ilk-% clopiug 6,()*0 horse,-, this purpose Marconi adopted- a de- Pit 1, WO of the Transwml' . Government has . will'be;- served I hot With the coffe6. hie cligappointment to find that ancing-effect''of their South.A.fric which timo-they-were especially sure vice -invented by ark Italian, Cal- Y terri An "A parallel faCtLig in- power wbvt4-pi�. r-u-411va with at -think what. such a, system will, the. that more' been reviewed. We have Wiped the that be *buld r6turn; aud.the inoth- tIl-e first ane was r%x*nUv tornpleted lephant could climb as quickly surroundings; for tlxdyacnt� out 50,- sanit comes . otit of the 'city than'slatc. clijaa.. V*L zeechi,,and improved..b�r A French- That is notlllng� Any erowas road., to'4reot him- with ail mean to ships in distress and )low as he�could, goord runner though'ho 000 mell'and told.therh they a can do that. . But wo have de'licacips. of which iety .. 1. , . I I'that farmers' wives Account got - a wl- - itten oh the state, that''.vo have abundallee man, M. Brailloy, called the collator, often it will relidve'the anx o, -'Out, of tile country. 'It Is offsen-'said ell ool boy'L and withli tile last Z;O�Ar *rders Wer; Of WAS. six:months' job given go� 6loven -watei-wheals the very crux of the system, witliout friends awaiting', the delayed vOyag- Ila ,iould ha" . this %large lie'WbLg�bhcd fond,. and genorntors.' When -they Arc in - which there could be no wfreldasele�- ak.,s vo been speedily. ovdr- - How had the Doers escaped perbent4ge of the Insane - oWm cleaned the pflncl�lca of list and ; . .. I j .jce the -night he d1s&pp'e'aro4 not Stalled "Itho'colupany will be* able to' Mtaken If he had not.thoiight of An flightiness 7 Perhaps by constantly,ing to their a thing lias b . een heard from the filis graphy. This collarer, . Which he arcon�Pajafth In big invan- lonely lives', 'but this is honest govcIrnment.undoi whIch, in expedient. Ile knew that elephants 11,Ving Ili their brilliant air and know- to, mistake According -to Statistics. !the. future, -the two races. may livo� -allig son. 'But J)ever for, one blatant pply, 11.0,000 borse-poWer - In, the greatly improved,'Is merely &.1ittle tion. �s, boundless. He told bfii ' In- never run r even. walk down A Steep Ing no other they bava learned just n forin'of electricity, Operations are tube of glass ab big Around no ' 'a torviewerL' that one Insanity to not a me tal disease, but'in mutual respect,. enjoying equal would the parents entertain the be - lead panel], and Perlin of tile project's Inclino, but. always c"uch, gather what Can be s4foly'done in it. There. a disease: 01 the brain, the physical 131ghts . and equal liberties, and in now to be unertakta on the Cana- Pgi two inches which he hoped soon, to 9 bach thele a' I . lier that he was dead. an. side, 7 attempt wa their loot together, )a= Well Is something in conamy of ,organ. Consequently, given" a pre- whidli that vast population of no,- . Up to,.thO di long. It Is plugged at each end with to communicate between' 19,xigland hour -of Ilia death this wcck� Will'Aal The RIOCtriCAl World and Engineer and Slide down. Just as the furious speech—they have probably the small- disposition, bad air, defective food, tives, for which *a have become re- I . I says that contracts ha,"- just beeii in the tube, The narrow space. be- and Now Zealand. It the electric animal gdt within a 'few Yards of lost vocabulary of ally' white * ra6e.;-In luncomfoitAble houino, bad envIron- sp6psible, may rcc6lve due Pro'co- The aged mother, Alver, the plugg.nearly meeting with Miller.* expecte& Ilia son's return waves follow the curvature of the him, therefore, the hunter ;uddenly. now alone, has placed (iith the General Electric tween them is filled With their.entive indifference to all. ques- �Moxit of any kili'd ''Which tends to'tion imil co'nsIderatiom 'Gentleman, again taken up ilia Wateli. ' As for earth, -as tile I%To*fouhdland expert- doubled axid rian'down the hill again, Itiona of Speculative plillos6phy'we.alceri the Pysical strength, axd� we are to meet Parliament in a few Company for the �,colxstructioil of dared fragments. of nickel and silver, monts� indicate, lie seas n Years past, in her sleepless night-!, three taxi thousand horse -power. gen- which possess the strange property 0 reason Quick ag-a; flah the elephant turned, which may save their 'brains f�oi� "which Is found most frequently : tit 'days, I hope and believe that the hy he! Ahould not Soho Signals 6,- too gathered Itself together, and she listens fOr 010 Opening Of'the orators for the new plant whose ul- and 000 or 10,000 miles its eas 1�y P, certain risks. the cities, increases just so much the Itompor of Parliament will be tile door hich for more than twenty�- timate capacity,' it Is estimated, will of being alternately -very good [is trumpeting with rage, slid -down al- . Thell. -thar'o'ls the soft vo'1603 of the chance of insanity. ' I f. the nation. . This . is not% very bad conductors of electrical 2,0()O. 1 temper o eight years has never beell. locked. probably reach.200,000 borse-power. ter ilia' mail. The hu�tor had just bearded burgliers that contrasts 'Sol t'Sixty per cant, of the hisane'are ilia time for weak-kneed exhortaticift waves. The negotiations have been conducted HE, ntar,xviDiG WIRE. time to sprIhg out of. thoay as the striltaigely with their' bigboned flores forodoonied by 6eredity. Of course "or of fear. We have only to g eat beast came tobogganing after end -the - elimination of Alt. violent 'All that can be Inherited 1.4 tendency, � Imitate the magalficelit constancy 3A: through the CanadfiLt Niagara Power The waves which come frorn'the YOUR TIANDWRITING... r eple 0 RAISING. A St Company which. bad the; riginal' him, smashing trees and shrubs, and exertion—for even thelf, seat on but in unfavorable : circiumstances, And resolution of f - this transmitter, perhaps �2,000 miles It is a fact that tile hand- carrying everything before It- like ail horseback is as easy As. a rocking easily. becomes insanity, I country And the sturdy patriotism Of The Ozai� has -just sanctioned a re. charter for the -enterprise, but *hose away, Are . received . on it Suspended W1.1 ting -of father and Son � Are Avalanche, chair—that May mean:some reacting: Naturally, In'this conneatIOXI,, bitsr- -our colonies,. and we Shall achieve a markablo 'engineering projcct-�-the rights haii been acquired �� the Ain,- lte-wire, exactly imilar to the of�oa very Much alike, although'thQ . Once luoro ilia hunter dashed to, the lesson learned from the'air around! Illarriago.plLtys a, largo Part, and'itiresult that Will, justify ilia Saciliftcs I-4101119 Of tile 'Surface of tile Witter ericall, company. wire used In the trhilkixitter, but' father bas not tit glit thil $oil, I-Taud- tile 11111, while ilia elephant; them. Their eyes sco.ii,to It farther is very frequent. People wh I u o are in-Ithat We have luadn, which will con- of the Sea of Azof 14 toot 8 inches, These dynamos will be situated like they are so'weak that they could'not writing, according to Darwin, And = to stop Itself, went- carcering,than good field glasses ha�o ilablod'sano' marry just as readily asi otfier'firin forever our dqxxinion in South b building a dain near lCortob, nine those of th6 Niagara FPower of themselves operate an ordinctry other authorities, Is hereditar, Just down to the very toot, where, &P -'most xnell of other. races to see,, poople. Few will refraln. trom war-lAfrica, and will comout tile Unity of. miles long. lit the wall immense sea- COMPOnY At tile level of the surface telegraph Instrument. They. do, how- as much as disposition and other parently understanding that It had ,iage because there is Insanity ill the ilia Empire. gates Are to be made for the passage of' the earth, while the turbines will ever, po.4sesb; strength enough - to characteristics. The theory is that of ships. There will Also be outlets 1>0 In a Whe0l-P(t directly underneath. draw the little particles of.silver And been outwitted, and feeling sore and. faintl. It does not of course -follow certain ligain nts are Inherited, and disappointed, it rose to its full that because a, p I arent. was. Insane, for the superfluous water. The cost Vertical shafts over One hundred 0 -he inter-, feet the a nickel In the coherok together in 11 so we are ledL to shape our letters height and walked wearily back to A REAL ATISTOCILAT. the child willm,bo. Children born be- will be+ about $25,000,000, t long Will connect w ter, egntinuoua xnetal path. In other in tile same way. aro The venerable ])can eat oil which will be paid by. ships wheols with the generators, It, Is . ;Sometimes there its native Woods, fore, the insanity manifests Itsell I w6rds they make these PRA16169, cO­ is a skip over a, generation, as witil ko a, has almost completely recovered. trading to the,liorts affected. asserted that these dynamos will be 1 — . It6ruarkable Intelligence Shown by not so.11tiblo to.becomil Insar -he largest ever buili. Tile clos here, And the moment they cohere, Maladies and marks, and the writing those born after ; and. sometinG t eat 1from his recent Indisposition. they bocolud. it good conductor for of grandfather and grandson Are al- PREPAItING CARRIAGES. A collie Dog. where Only one parent is afflicted, It selclot I n raing alike on the just a,pProach to thelh, is made by those Daddy," Asked little Jack, "where li�ftig Installed In tile power house electricity, and A current froli abat" most Ideftleal, whereas that of the A London gentleman who owns D. ilia child na'.y take After the healthy And the unjust, beca e d'' i nk n e tory near tit hand,rushoa through, father is quite clifferent'. Lord Brou. SP1011did Vehicles to Figure in beautiful collie keeps him provided, 'side of tile family. annex the ulabrollas of the former. of ilia Manhattan Elevated Railway operates the Morse fustrument, anti ghaln Wpoto Almost exactly lilt canvageaut. a Clar, on which INPLUX MOM 111UROPE. Wag Ilis, illif r, of'Now York,. a his causes It to priat v. dot, or ti, dash ; grandfather,' who died before 13roug- The coronation'pageatit fix London his name And, address are engrawd. "The last Point I wish to touch same current, i strikes, against ^11 .4 tile SllCCQsh11 hapOrtatiOn Of then a little tappet,. actuated by tho hani's birth, and Lord ralinerston's will. bring out such a. display of gold Soffld one asked im. recently whoth- 11poll 11 the "fist" 9trongly resembled Ilia fit- and Coloring in the way of state er'this had over served to bring tile. traxnp�, defectives, and Insaw cohoror,- the partioles of metal arc ther's. Wo have Seen a collection of Iiarriages its has *never been, seen by I dog back to hini, and', the cluestlori tills continent from (Lit parts I RLM jarred apart, or decollored, becoming handwritings and signatures in sup- tllo present generation, Several led to. the relation of aq alwasing ill- U t 5A'" siteepluiss Nights State carriages tire, now' being pro- cidont. Neither out, qot�­ports nor those of Instantly a poor conductor, and port of this contantion, ad the re� World, ))tit especially front 11-ut thus Stopping the Strong current somblanabs tire very striking. T110 pared for the Xing tit the carriage On one occasion I lost Scott In from tile hoine battery, Anothe.1- characteristic is More marked In wo- works in Chandos street, and a large lVideadilly. You, know how much I the United f4tate,,4 - tire guarded s W Hosts of ve-Exhausted Men and wa.ve comes t1irmigh spate, d6wn the inea, than in inon, alklount, of gilding, royal and noble rush About. in hansom cabs. Wellp t tile 8 insaile, when the are -In it condition suspended kite,-wiro, into the coherer, arms And mottoes, rows of bullidn, cott alwas goes, with me. We tra- there drawing the particles again to. bright scarlet cloth and rich blue Vol 0, good man3f Infleg w week toge- to temporarily pass muster at tile Women.—Th lattql Vrvor of 1V and another dot or dash isr TRY IT YOURSELP, ports of Putr. As it Ivelvet And fabrics of varloil . and I thof In this way; but, on one occa- find, oil enquiring, that all tile hos. eini-dowents and tho Is Too Well Kno a to All th�sa Processes arc. 04011- A very curious fact Is' the linpossi- beautiful Ahades are boingapplied, Ision 1: was walking and inissed Mill. gotho printo Id not ill,d pitals, for tile Jimmie have a, larger OF -asds Nerve F:Ood tinuod rapidlti, until It eOmPlOtO )"eS- bIlIty of moving your eye while a%- Tho 9uporb carving on tho Xing"O 1. searched for him but 4 a is ticked out, on the tape, alainIng the reflection of that orgin state landriu, which has just been him. 1119afte pereent, than C u red Ab y jm a an g 1) r. C h this Is. In bare outlIne Ur. Mau Ill & irror, It to really tile mov- novatod, Is thoroughly English. Two The crowd was great, and tile I found itillong. tile IlativP popula- ciiiii's lnventlon-��thfa is tho combina. able part of the faco;.yet, if you sexiii-,stato landaus, are being prepar# street traffic drowned my whistle- so tion. 'Pill" ills W acedullted, for To Ila awdke night after night, the brain on fire with nervoliwoXeltilmont And thought flashing befoft matte wiro- partly because of the IOW oUtudard tile mind Ill nevor-endhvV variety, to tho'colunioll of persons whose nerves are weak and exhausted. tiou of devices which hna hold your head fixed and try to move oil for Xing 8 dward and two dress After waiting a While and IoWking' . of mi'lltailty of it large isropiwtlon of such )lights nerve force IF4 collsiolled lit it tremendous rate: it." telegraphy possible, the ln-�eft­ Your 6YO While W&tchlflg It, YOU Can- carriages for ilia Prill,ce of Wales. I about Ina pretty thoroughly, I wont 1113tpad of baing rostored unit reinvigoruted for another day's, wear and tear the body is further wealconad tion on which ho.has taken ut 1A2 not -do it tho vlaqu Whieft Is, dumped upon out, pateilta, in eVory civilized country of orn Inch. —OvOrk the ofte-thousandth The panels of the Prince of Wales' I back home without him, hoping 110 I and exhitusted anti the laind is unbulallecd by this terrible waste of ellorgy which the Iamp of life Is -ratift,ly Of course, it you look tit coronation carriages tire a, study ift: might flnd his Way back hinllelf. burning out, the,world. the rellOcti011 Of th0 noso, or at ally themselves. On the Center panel arill In about two hours artPr lil arel- It in lit this despairing condition that ilially 111011 and Woulpli. attemA to drug and deaden thd nerves by po# I tile TTIM, MRISSAG1,11S other o tho, 'face, your eye tile, royal arms With SUPPotteraWlth Val a hausatu cab drove lip to T,AWY1,.1f$1 tile use of oplatos.' Thin In a fatal Atop Whirit bapteM 11PITC decay. must move to see It, But tile the oftrwr, the motto of thii; Order, restore the 1wryes by uc,ing Dr. maws, Nerve, Vood. And now we come to the most Im- door, avid out jumped Scoti. 1110 �qllrel it In witz.,or to build up atid Completely portalit part of Mr. Marconi's work . ..... thing Is that thil moment and the Pendant of JoWel, 0 Well as vabinat tai%g for Ilia fare, and thirk- Two Austrial lawyers, 1)r. IlItLell treatillent which get,4 right down to the foundation of the difilculty and e.'A'ects permanent results by roVItk1w aI Mon. Ing he had captured the dog lit sonie and I)r. LaUterstein, Who noted ai IzIng the wasted'udrvo the part loast khown even to stionce, you endeavor to perceive the motion the prince's own motto,"Ich And the field of Almost 1111mitablo fu- tile eye Is lIxod. 11,1118 Is Ono of thIs, on the 'left pAtel, 11; the familiar de-iwa, I asked hlin how anti Where Ile legal advJsero to tlie executors of tile' Sleeple� qalles to only one of the inafty oltresAing byMptomg which eyltirel disappear With the U86 Of Df- ture dovolopment, This Is the SYS- 'rea,96na Why a person's expression as vice of the "Iyrince of WaleS' fettll-'fouad libu. [will of.,the, late Baron 111iach, have (Iliaic' Nerve II'ood. It is a positive cure foi, weaklims of nerves, and body, and Is, specific for- Woman's illo om, of Whilig, all 016 Inventor Call emu by himself In a glass IN xittite, on the right, th6 addition, ,oil, Ito said.. "I didil I, I received A feO of onell, This lidetuso they almost Invetriably arise from exhausted norvag, DO'cts, 0i box, 4 boxs for at, 0.11 diralsto 'Coul ndel by Ilia majesty In. coun- hila at all. 116 halled mo, I was remuneration was fixed by the 111911 llat4s,.k Ca,o TaraAto. It', tho eolintruct(oh of it certain to- dirloreat from What 'it is when seen til, U44017, the bafto of Iftles. a-atkuding cload by St, Jwmea"it'Ourt of JuNtice. tolVer, o that it tvlll roiland onlv bY Oth0r#4, (010 , il 1111111