The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-06, Page 2R r T"10"TON "somon" VA" picked ... ... ... in10 Published every Thursday at and belf- T118 DIT1110 LIGISUNU l`oyc� oviing ila`tw them from[BIDDLE BROTHERS ES" NEWS ITEMSs It I" ta P 9�w ra ... ...... ...... ... ....... Zoo Q0 4 X our Notie THE MARK ar, ,, altowed to poll their Tho News-tiecord tButoborW bulls ... ... ..... 0.50 8.00 W votes. 48 hours before election day. Both' Were Under Sentence of F That to wbat; you should breAtba throusit ­UAT OVU MENDERS ARE, DO - Power Printing House —1190 your mouth. Light stock bulls, cwt.. -.00 2-50 It was given a Arst reading. DoAtU at Vittsburg. 414D .0u, ING AT TORONTO. RUT CLINTON. Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc Xilqh cows ...... ...... ...... aalou 50 NEW BILLS INTRODUCED. A Pittsburg, Pa., despatch says : Telegraphic Briefs r-rom AlI But Unto way bw times When your ca. SheiIII, export owes, Mr. Garrow got a Arst reading for,—U dward and John Biddle, under Tlinus, tarrh Is so bad yon can't breathe through It. in Trade Ceutres. ew t ...... ...... ...... ....... 3-00 3-50 MR. BARR WANTS TO KNOW. i per year In his bill limiting the number of ex- oentoucO of death for Murder,, over- Over the Globe. Breathlua throogh the mouth to always do bucks.; . ... ...... ...... 2,UU 0, Mr. Barr moved for A return abQW- port witnesses who muy be called in powered tho guards at all early iour; bad for the lungs, and it to copecially so Toronto, Feb. Sheep, butchers*, each.. %00 3.00 Ing the names of All licentoo commis- an action to three on each side, ex� Thuraday morning and escaped. With Paper discontinued until all 4vroaragos when their dollc4te Lalubs, cwt ... ... ......... 4 3.50 4.90. isiouers, and the name, sulary, and cept by leave from the presiding saws provided by sowe outside are P41d, unless at tile option of thopubiliber. fivilu" bay* been Weak- was firmer to -day, with more ell- 11 CANADA. best ..... ...... ...... 6.00 ....... the amount allowed to him for Or.- judge, Galt collegiate Institute will hold ened by the scrofulous condition of the quiry. Fifty-eight, lb�, Wit .Thed4toto which every 2ubscriptiqu is paid its and friend who also furnished them vith blood on which c4tarrb depends. do light ...... ....... ....... 5,75 ........ penses In 1901, of every I 'and red; quoted at 7-1 to 750, middle Mr. Auld (South Essex) introduced krevolvers, tlle)r cut the barti domonotratloia this summer. Alfred E. Yinese. Hoornerstown, Pa.. (10 fat ... ...... ... ......... ....... rpector in the province. 1, I I ADV44TISING RATEF—Trausleub advertise- suffered from catarrh for years. His ,load freight. No. I spring vit 720 cast, ! - a bill to amend the Drainage Act, so were ready at any moment to make Tito Guelph loard 91 Ilealth has Monts, 10 cents Per uoup4rlol line for Jlrsb felt bad, there was a riaRing In his eam and No. I goose at 670 low out that as the public accounts were that Instead of extoladiug� drainaga an opening large enough to pasa, rdered tile vaccination of school at present printed these fact% could i wQrks to' An ou ,tlet where the dis- through. The two men. occupied ad- children, Insertion and 3 cents per line for each sub -go. and he could not breathe through .one of freights. No. I Manitoba bar, 'to=- NEW ELDORADO.. n,)t be ascertained. charge of water would do any in)ury joining cells and Planned the affair' A bailill can, without a It I Congo, quelltinsertioll. Small a4vortisomonts no his nostrils nor clear his head, ID061 at 78jo to 80c, 9.1.t. Sarnia ; Mr. Stratton pointed Out that as to lands And roads and where the.cleverly. sell liquor he has d, according yea, Atter trying soyeral catarrh specifies No. I Northern sold at 83c North. scize t* exceed, One lach,such as "Lost," "Stra from which be derived no beriefit, he was uy, and 840 Sarnia ; No. 2 North- Enox Qu it la D o ver,y In ther the license year ended on April 30th, cost of extension would be heavy � 'Shortly before four o'clock one Of to a, Judgment of Judge Snider, of "StOlcu,"Oto, Inserted ancof9roocents and completely cured, according to his own m, sly is is o the return could only be given for the the outlet need not, be secured '� 1 tile Biddies called to J in each 0060911out insertion 16 cents. statement, by ern quoted at Sic Sarnia. Klondike. , bul ames Me- Ha 11ton. AAvArtiscUlAuta without opecifio directions will year ouding April 80th, 3.901. compensation could be given those I Geary, Who had charge of the out- be Inserted until forbid and charged accord rir Oc.t,The market is quiet, `wlth de" A Victoria, B.C., despatch says:— Mr. Barr consented and the Motto , The work of surveying for tYxe dou- 93 (7od's Sarsajoarilla inand a. little better. No. 2 white No . 4 whose lands were doodeo. I side gates, arid asked for some cramp w& has been received here from tile carried. ble tracking of t1le C.1),R. main line are noted at 40 to d -le, middle, Mr. Richardson Introduced A bill to medicine in a hurry, saying his fro Ig e, t This great medicine radically and per. q XIondike, of a rich mining discovery SALES OF TIMBIWIt. amend the section providing for the brother was dangerously sick. ill Ilac o Vort ' William has 'COINViorchangeof advertisements 011lia9081- manently cures catarrh'by cleansing the freight. and & Ingst be, In the QMce on Saturday. a in Indian River, a tributary of the, Mr. Jessop moved for a, return taking of farilk lands out of towns UcGeary hastened to the.call with been commenced. lid blood and building tip the whole uxkot is quiet, with Klondike. This river and its tribu- showing what is the area, ill acres, and villages. His amendruant Is. that the medicine when John Illildle Ilitallilton haii une policeman for 1,- for pages I and 8 on Monday to ousure change 230 1prices, unchanged. No. 2 quoted at; tary creeks were very tho uglily 'of timber sold by the Government the section shall not apply to towns sprang through the opening 1)1 tit(- 032 Of iLi Population, Toronto one for 1OIlQwIni; Issue, '800 wolat'L and at ale middle freight. ro prospected for gold in the -early days since 3,871, and the limount rocolv- Jn�orporatod since 1880, Instead of cell and wlzl,,,, uround t3i; fOl' 603 Tito ambitious city wants CONTaAor nATEs.-The following table shows Corn—The market Is quiet, but thol vt the Klondike rt therefrom; also, what sales have 1866. our ratesfor ispecilled porlods and space: 1N$URANC1E feeling is better. Canadian yellow ish, and Many OW117 04 waist, burled iii.n. over tile rgIling 30 mor� bluccoats. ADVEATIBING RATES. era of claims got fair returns. Some taken place during the last Avo quoted at 560 West, and mixed at miners who had worked in the SSUANC+ DEBENTURES. to the atone floor beticath, I dis- The contract, for the new Yr. c Mo. 3 Mo. 1240, 55ic West. South 'vearis; to h6m sold, and the amount A secorA reading was given Mr. tattoo Of sixteen to"" 000 LOnguguil briclao acr6tis the �St- . African gold fields were struck With I ;cceived from'such sales. Column, ......... $7000 *jo 00, $25100 $860 -ley—Market quiet and steady Edward Biddle joined his brotlwy Lawrence, near lqolltrcal, , Olumlk .......... IQ 00 2500 15 00 Goo THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Bat Carscallon's bill to extend to 30 has been tits similarity, to tile rich "blanket" I lion. Mr. Davis replied that figures Immediately and both, with drawn awnrded to the l9ow York. Construe - 24 00 1500 goo 240 58c; No. 8 extra at 51c, and No. a. d Subsequent ; of the sales for the period up to may be Issued by all municipalities 'revolvers, hurried to the first tion Company. i column INSURANCE COMPANY No. I quoted at 56c, and No. 2 at, - oposits of the Rand. years the period for which deb@ntures i CQInmn ........ 18 oo l000 650 200 Farm gnd Isolated Town Property examinations showed that the, oro'1892 were to be found in the Publ' where they Met Guar(I Uoynolds, and I Inch ............ Qoo only Insured. at 60c. middle freights. Ic for� the purchase of electric light The Dominion Government will put 350 200 125 RyoTho market is quiet, and ran from $1.to $200 a. ton. records; since that ' time, however, shot him. W8Pecial Pgaition from 26 to 60 per cent extra OFFICERS ic. John, Ilepburil, an experienced min- they were not on record, and he IlWd plants for lighting and PQwer pur- 0, awn In the ewtiluates to assist prices are nominal at 55 to 55, , poses. The 80 -year period is at pre- THREE MEN ON DUTY. Z. B, McLean, President Kippen P. 0 - Thos. er of British Columbia, satisfied him, 'no objection to granting the retrn, III Cr1VUIlt,, lilq wireless tole- W, J. XIT0B Frazer, Vige-Prosident, bruceflel4 P. 0 T, R. middle freight. sent only permitted to, municipali- There were but three men'on duty graph station lar Glues Day, at MLL, RaYsa Seel-Tteas., Seaforth 1). O.; 0- Buckwheat—Domand limited and self to the extent anIl.va,lue of the which would be prepared as soon as ties under 6,000 population. The and the tliird wa.9 oil 0110 Gf tile UP; Qapo 13raton. Editor and Proprietor -firoa foot, iispector of Losses, Se%forth P:Q. deposits, and . then secured options possible, considering the nature of prices nominal at 54c, Middle freight. 14DA 132 claims of the 180 that had the work. Attorney -General agreed thtst the, per ranges. 'Ile was ordered down a ACcording w issued t DIRECTORS. lour—The Market Is quiet. 'Ifille- nt,law was rather an to till ord, W. G. Broadfoot Seaforth- chu Grieve i been staked. Ile Is now on his way Press omalous. the point of the revolvers, Ilial tits Ottawa oil Thursday' ail officer oil BANKS Winthropj One Bale, searorl,�; John witt� ty per cent., in buyers' bags, nominal I to London. to interest capital in de� CONTRIBUTIONS TO ASYLUMS. MU14101PAL CQTJNCILS. three guards were put !I% �Iio ' dun- appointInclit to tile I Harlock; ohn ennewies, Bradhagan;Ja,mes at 81.sS to $2.90, middle freights. lion. Mr. Stratton brought down a jermauent, mill- voloping-his properties. lie asserts geon. tilt corps will III future be Lxpe4taa John MoLqan,.Ktppon Locally and for Lower.Province trade! return granted on motion of Mr. The keys wevo taken fruin to leat'll tile French Ittliguage Evans. Beechwood; Jamea Conniely, Clinton r. Iloyla (North Ontarlo) moved; Neeper THE MOLSONS BANK AGENTS: choice strdight I rollers, In wood, are that Ono of,his claims, will yield $64,- Iloyle, showing that during 1901, the second reading of his bill to dis- McGeary and the two desporato il 000#000 in gold. Who conglomerate ffuu 01 d op Dond Robert I mith. Harlock; Rober WoMillan, So $8.20 to $3.25. - Manitoba our the uin of $05,505 was paid by pri- qualify from sitting on the I I - oners ba a clear only .3 Incorpo. ated b forth- JaaiesCiiiiiniinn,.Egtnoixdvillo; J.W,. deposit, so far as located, is eight wn, oil in- of Montreal, who I-, now 85 yea.rs-old Act of 11arlIE laon%,1856. steady, w�.tth Hungarian 64 10 to ,vate individuals for the maintenance Pat 00uneil Of a city, to Yo, goiniesvillo, P. 0. a d r $3, miles long, with a width of one anc coripprated village any persons - who , witnesed the oscape fcOble health, a. coadjutor CAPITAL Patics desirous to effect IpAurance or tranwi $1.30, n ong bakers' at so, insane; -the amount receive merhber of It nt )It $2,500000 in, quarter to four miles. Its thick-�'Of d fol were prisoners who could not Intel- " REST $2,IW,000 sact other business will be promptly artelviled rorolito fkcight. cldt�hing them was $13 184� and the school board, for' Willett' rates are fere or give ail alarm. bishop will pi,obabl bo'appolitted to to Ion 'glication to any ot the above officers ess is unknown, as Paid by the ins' levied. Mr. Hoyle held that it would duti, READ OFFICE oatmeal—Market unchanged. n no sinking has amount pectors of the Tito prisoners 'went to the ward- assist In thu vH ws lidad of the MONTREAL, ad sHe totheirrespectivepoatoffloos. lots, on track, $5.25 In bags and - been made, be for the be e Muni-' diocese. WN. MOTAON MACPICROUN, Toronto General Trust Company was robe where the guards keep, tholr JAMBS ELLIOT President $5.40 in wood. Broken lots, 25c, The pew Eldorado Is twenty-eight the total reaching $101,- cipal and educational sys'tems that, clothing, and each put oil a now 'Northern Railway General Manager per lb. extra. miles. from - Dawbon, the Klondike the membership of the School Boards They then unlocked the out,side gates has reached a 41OC191on. to build all Notes discounted. -Collections made. Drafts capital, A wagon road traverses tile a4id Councils. sdiould be kept apart, Arnerict -Bran is unchanged at $18 Indian River Valley. This V%�A%Olj, TO INSPECT - VOL-UNTARY and passed. out into . %Uick litissible in Winnipeg. issued, Storting and tit I�xohall .4 Milifeed bought and sold. Interostallowod on depodits. outside. Shorts, $20 outside, aul- The 41torney�General was inclined The escape was not dioovered uhti-I As a result of thIS WOVIC Will Soon SAVINGS BANh.. TIME TABLE. toba bran, $20, and shorts $22, To- I road will be. repluLced'by, a I rom J to take the same vlow. The view 'o oil dtit)r at ,during thIi coming summer, all ar- rein- went t6 the municipal commi . ttee. the daylight guards cam , �titt (Ott Ith tit(, Purpuse of doub-, litite'rest allowed ou imms of 41 and up, ronto freights, including sacks. 'Mr. Hill, of West York, wIll six o'clock.. They were hiformod' I& ling. the capacity of tit Cox QOn- Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton rangements for Wh4ch. are in the 'trod uco. his measure -relating 'to -vol- TOWNSHIP COUNCILS� prisoners where the -night guar(is st"'tictioll llobs of Ole, 60 Mone on their own Station as follows ilipally. ii advanced to farmers hands of X (). Hawkins, who was untary' schools.j Which was shelved A second reading was 'given 211�. had been,put arid they- were soon re- 'c"t'86 'bitalit, values have notes w th one or more endorsers. No mort- BURVALO AND GODERICH.DIVISIOX. PRODUCE. one of the builders of the NYhito Pp,ss-'l 13L J "St. ybor. It'provides that mlien re- Dull's bill providing that - Township leasit-d from thp dungeon, and ' cia gage required as securitv. Going East Express 7:39 a. in. and Yukon ltallway,7 1�11tced'uPOrt'a. bit of propoirty . .1 Pptatoes-The -demand for potatoes Ill t d to '(to so, public school in- Councils shall cojisist of 'the 'reove,, to.. the hospit"I. H.C.-BI&EWMi, Manager, Clinton :63 p. in ANGIIIII 'I ca e file eftnadiall I'Mcific Itollw4y CQnJ- and first, 9eco I 44 4:16 P. m:- -is limited. -and pricep easy. Cars are E R DISCOVERY,. shall voluntary nd, third, and fOl"th THE110MANCV01' IT. :Lo Pure In, Montreal 0011,1,9 )�pst Mid 10:15 a inn. quoted at 06 .' to 03c. per bilg', ort No lit�'Ie excitement. -exists here, in. schools, priviito schools, and inc6r- councillors, each of -wliom shall bol of-nvw car. shops, 41 �Xprosq 120 p. In. -The escape, of the. 131dales W" SO)- track -her% and the jobbing price', Now lVestminster,, and near the Town. porated sominaries,in general, It. is elected 1 separately. It was reNwrell i -sequently* , explaine ys C. 0. MOTAGGART 10:27 p. ill of Sumas, B.C., over the.41loged dis:. requested that there shall be. an to a Mutilcipal Committee. It in a stctellient m that tile -issued by. Warden Peter X,, -cltY may. lose -the outire. works, LONDON. nTiRox AN D, nRvqn DivisioN. 'Dried Applcs-m-Market is dull. e of alluvial gold in. Consider- average attendance of 20, and that every . ear Sliinas, which is the teachers' certificates shali have MANY REES DESTROYIDD. *,The warden asserts 'that his-wito, J.", Goli)g South Exprods TA7 a. In hoice are worth Ge per lb. Evapor- able, quantities D. rnishing of Lhe Mixed 4:15 P. m:. ated sell at 9 to l0c. situated a few miles, from the. Inter- been Issued bv. the. E ducation De- Tho return asked by 5fr, Jossop. responsible. for ' tile fu GREAT I3RI!r&I1J,. QoIn th,Wxpress 10:16 a. in. with reference to San'Jose scale in- revolvers &lid saws to the Nor Hops --Business quiet, With prices national boundary line.. and 50 miles 'partmont. wre is an unitatiaL del Mixed MO$ p. in. "Oetlou'll" boon brought: down.. It which onabled them to es�cupd. lla�d' for steady at 18c, yearlings, 80. 'from Vancouver. OWNERSHIP OF GAS -PLANTS. I u ca lit.-Londoil. A�O.PATTIJSON, F.R.HODGENS shows that the total n mber of tress In her infatuation -for Edward Isitt- to 8 - Town Ticket Xgerit. Honey -The market I& steady. at Ali old Klondike miner named nam- U . -dle . , it is alleged thdt ll�- lic..9 1,it. , Londua ts.tb hcLv(.. t n Public owildrallfg is coming more eindelnnod� to be -destroyed in the fie griiatest -olee- A GonerM Backing B1181 1108F Transact . od. DICKSON. 9?, to 10c. for. strained. Combs, ed William. Davis made tile B Co 11 by Goveram it 1 n, L, District Rassonger Agent. Toronto r5t d's- a:nd.more to -the front ln�th6 leglsla�- 0 unty of Lincol ontler husband and her four childrLil, th a Ile worki. it- $1.50 to $2.25 per dozen. covery while sinking- a, hole for sta ' tIon introduced. Mr.. Qar1scallen, of Inspectors wits 20,965'. Of this num- and It is supposed, W Lo uteet, the lit London inonoy Is bold- toised to Notes m6counted. .-Drafts Issued. 11cans-The markist is quiet, with Ing-' quartz Claim.' In. the bottom a Hamilton, has bill in.hand to her 17,788 were destroyed, leaving. escaped at; �a 1�lacu give working girls cheap 'li jaa' till I.q fir offering. Prime mediums, $1 3 of the hole he. states, that lie found d, d I Acre .8r amend the Municilial Act, which Will 8,177 condemned but not destroys iipon rest rooLus. Interest Allowed on D�poolts. JAPHSON to $1.40 hand -pick -ed, to a number cif nuggets, and also found I The story 'of tits inatter' is -y, provide that towns of more than DAIRY STUDENTS.- . rilleo-of 1vale-4 is undersiobd other traces of gold in- the viclult, . live thousand population, can.' issue 'Mr. Carno glo, ths Ali.s. SofTel the-ouly person '.,,d- to littva been ntuEh graLiflod'by hW ACENT 0. P. R. Cranberries �'Market unchanged, Ths: find is supposed to be in, the for -1 In -reply to; e Min- mitted to tht, jail si'llee'liwL Situdty, r0(%PLiuLl in uerwiin. debentures extendl�g -over, 80 years in I t of the Fraser.River. r of Ag with - stocki smalt. - Cape . -Cod at iner be 'culture stated. that, from .9 L m. a9.50 to $10 per bbl.. purchasing this gas plants. As the 180 5 -to date the number. of stud�.nts lVednesday aft6rnaoti Mally Claims were immediately staked in ilaw now stands 20 ear debentures at, tfie them''during tho w4rdeit's ubseace. A IXEIIT �TREETI CLINTON. 04INT01 LIVI -1-Ta, _y tinitud:l�i:tlgdoln wi V, baled -The market is stedy. Ahe, vloinity of the.flnd and many are allo-ivbd.for to 'a qf Moroi tba Weste�n'.dairy. School had 11"hursday 9voning she retired ut 0 Well. offer to- at!;. n been * �P27;. a . t the Guelph Dairy with good demand. Timothy quot;d Vancol4ver people, business hicid as Wclo�k, She told her.hitsbaild '14hut cure -situatiils oil Ctiugt.lian fitrin* Travellers to any part of the *' era, � are. staking.. more -thousand, while' those under -'Eustern Dairy ]or wbich PrQ - for No. 1, all Min ided. at $0 75 to $10 on truck well School, 534; at the It 'WiLtlil is dellial LEGA world should consult the Lit (I $8 to, $8.50 for No that viltimbor � lla�e the Aglit,'to issue -615. The Ica' she was: going. to sistel! &L.V e 'I 2. claim's as near the original 'as pdssl- School ter hilinberAn- M61)oiiald, and that she* -etirb J1 Certaiii 1,.'iigllsll wbove in refer nce to t�lekotp, I . Would I ;80 -year. debentures. If the gniotid- 'earl -UtL against tit& Straw -The" Market is quiet itrid bid.' Mountain side nefir by' tits w o bad taken 't.wo V sbt.tg1ilidug SCOTIT fares, etc, On'the . .. inclit passes then kill can issue so- cludqq stude early so that site tift firm. Gai lots on iruck� will brilig free millink* -quartz has . been or irriors, courses- SOITel was u)jOut; ti,c heay.,v bin-dLIA' the litivii 'been BA .. 1. — -6 . 1. - gold year ­debenturei;.� Warden RRISTN R, sol,lpftolt, uto. $6. found worth,.. it'is claimed, $500 to jail until aft�i% midnight. Me fOl'cuct to 1) Ill givilig. :expenslvo I UV Poultry -m -Market unchanged. . q I is f RAILIVAY: 33ILLS: PASSEV do , idliel ato Weddfug -Tu Th Ind, too, Is attract- RIf.]iNDER '.* to his. owli r Ill,. I Is. sepal Money to Loan, Wd J 06140 K0 N OUGHT J'O'.1SU . : . ... . . keys, 9�,' ' t 1b; frozen, ling -large ilumbers of people arined IlailwA�r from 11li-s, off0l's' shtirtly . before Ox ComiAittee of the OFFICE -Elliott Block PLINTO Leglsl�tur6. ;took up *this bill of' the rec"lation, against, smallp half -fatted st6ek AGENT 0- p..,R*., scalded, and sold wl i ninving stakes. One o'clock.... Mbeii lie -awok6 tlilg. irtrectioll poin * Boston ! frbin 8 to 9c. 'Goese; dry -picked, *13. nstdubd �to SuAias bu , Electric - ltuil,;iay, Coin- American Divine's:Opinivn on the. ced or NJ. Nuw ..... .... . , . .. I � Experts �ha�ve h Morris rg . -mot;filng h6- as), Irs and York ill be. - subjce� -to, BRYDON& to 840..: D ucks,; 60 1: to 60c. Chickens -o a4derttlin liany' Which- proposes.. to corfaect Troer- Resistance. NV' . .. .. � I 1. � . :... I .1 .. t . a . .1 I . .. ., . . ; and was Qlut slie-:N�bL9 1L Inedical. 41ipec LI oi� before they are, al� BARRIS young', 56 -to. 750;- old, - 35 to 50c,: tile allegO IIII(covery.', Alorrisburg, axd lViachegier in Dunda* a u -g TER, SOLIOI-TOR., A Lond6ii',(Icspat-c�i'says:-()abling sent. LbAer, wheil'the detalls of ihe taltheir ij as figers, in County- aid: c9nstru0 branch- '1' Incs, fl�om Cape Tow ''. the. corres ondent escape, became known, 13P n; W lid. THE, DAIRY MARKETS i rho company also asked the. right, to Cb�duicle quotes from an to'M A Ali. a*rr NotAIT Public, &oi, N H C 0 TS of the Dally cDon * Id, 'and *a,; informed that OFFICE-13'eaver Blo6k,. -COLON-Y'S' CONTRIBUTION. construct. and 'operate telegraph lines, address delivered by Dr. 'Joseph. Q. Mrs. Sottel, was notthere. is. being made.. CLINTON Butter�-The-mari�t �s 'quiet,.* with. amung � tratts-AtIAILLIC steamship IlartzelI, missionary blighop, Va.rden Soffel liumddiately made a lines to "Ose tile saluun. and second �_MONTHLY MAGAIZINE I electric . power, and lighting plarits of thq choice grades firm... Inferior butter long, ' the line, and to acquire. or. Methodist Ej3AscOPiI.Church in Afri-..$rank confession. of his AFAMILY LisRA'RY.'__ I . . Selected. NewlIundland Asks Soliltin' 0abin rdto CONV,�YANCIAIG is liard to 'selL. JV6 quote'� of erect Aiotels,. sZi a to a pay ng busi, �ariums arid steam -.i -Dr Vtvo.guard bij6rod. will p,-,-. Im eria Problems. Cincinnati, I&st us The Best h! Current: L' dairy' tubs, 17, to 17.2jr,; choice bil-ge, P. Ines outside tho'-AULuitic are join-'. Rorature 'rolls-, 10 to. 17c: f Ib 6rs in connection with the railway. mis-. liably recover. 1-8 atch Aay'i ; Hartzell sdi.d!-"The':BOorS have 4ne9t I- , "I A St. J6hn's, Nfl(l. desp main ' �rovisions Q� the bill ' Lptod -to build tip a: re- LATE, akenly atteg -it s, -ill the British 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY to'IIDC; inferior qualities, 11 ro, Pted, blit, 'the ment has unders- wore ado publ� bused up n. peelerence. instead RIDOUT HA The.Cofonlal* Govern' latter. clauses �4uong the efoi I MANY SHOR%tTORI ES AN[) creamery prihts.�, 2,1 to. . 22c; solids,** taken'to renew (Gr the priisellt year worp chang�6di 'Mr. Barber made u Q A 'reward of .$5,000 has been o5or- 1-16use of (ib'JnMolls procedure will be. Cbn7eyancer's, Coinihissioner 20 to 'Ile. 01 piluciPle. Tile Doers have made a ed for the recftpt%iie.'6f' the 'Biddle: of tit L'Iiji:66 of divi- PAPERS ON TIMEI..Y TOPICS the French .. slidre' modus vivendl., protest against permitting telephoile due Real Istate nd Insurace. E -The: ill brn.ve resistance, and now ought . to mur ggsw� arket is quiet. �StTict-, whi6b,e:.K der6rs. ;No trace. 1�as been found $2.50 PP -R YEAR 25 CTS. A COPY pired. on the $lsi of.. last Don- companie6I to spring- up -all oVer the. lolls. and the ellipuWerilli; of tile ly fresh, 27 to 28c; �held� bd brave enough to a0calowledge d.c- % . cotmtry. -Mr. Conmee,, Dr.' .-AleXay' of Mrs. Sbffel. l-To"t, and iio�lau worthy of the iiain.e ..A -estigatin disclosed the fact stomd of-paggIng th6u. out, to' the NO STORIE Oc- limed 18 Mr. Qhambe . rlaXn*. th6, British Col- and. Mr. Pardee thoilght the public. -Jcan Would Agency. Mone� toloap. SO , fresh, -"l comber. chair io.dount standiug td 22c; cold storage, 2 EVZRY MUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF. to 20e. of Englishman or Amot h est Jobb e'two sitting.,;. C 13- HALE K 100U- on "cilonidl should have the convenience of 'Is- At receive' *their suiredde'r'in's. pro-, that She' ad taken all, di her . b JOH R !al. Secretar, ;hred the C Clicese--Market , ''is steady. W' a -this action clothes.,with her�:- I P. in. aud.t o'other Government.o. request for ilig tile nies' lines, The clause : dil, oile at L * per spirit." It has been knbwn' for seve�vtl MEDICAL quote .4--s-`Flnest Septewlterar,. iq- to. 3w9t Saturday, itirging. his desire to. -relating torpoaephones was� amended oil. sald'he b'elie' at. 9 p.' M. Dr Hartze ved thers STILLNAMM THE. COOK. Ile; :s%bnd�, 9f 6.10c, i'dispo6e of theAoei War I$eforfe-re- §o'ms'to' prevent the coAipany.from . Wed. k that"Alrs.'.Softel was takingan . .. . .1 . .;. — ; - would arise Ili Africa' a suttlemcut of tiltellest lit- the:�Bi�dlcs and* itis- said. viving 'negqtiatvlon�s -.'with France re- selling -Its service to'prjvate parties, custoin which.prevalls at* HOGS- AND % PROVisiNs. Newfoundland shore. - tcharging . for the use of its Imporial Feder- iem.. otit- na is'.. tlircatened,- l DYL w- Qu A' quest Axiglo-*"oon civilization which would urrilsbed - ti R. C. P.ana L., 9. .01 S.,11dinbui rih, no Other ce'utt than thalL of.Gre&t ppeeting the complete.the.ar that she frequently I ill acqilles-. phones. ' Who � c3ause `relatlng. to '�Irit4in almouncoment at the* - ])"eased:. hos 'uhchanked,.. with. car -The CO'16tilal -0abinet; with dallities - outtide their, 11SULLI-1 Night calls at front door of resideirconil. Batten Chariib6rlain's requetit; steamer. ation, abd create a Vuited.peopis prIs6n.fare. b Y street OPi3opite. Presbyterian church; beginning of caeli course at�'a dinner loth quoted at $7.75, Hog' eing to ]Sir. a.was strtick'.out, and. that.souil hlrlcit� If] urlit� 1* '' - hat jile, B The Poles In. Chicago, 200,000, pro- , ' I ;e thatAll.t.116 d A s reported t iddlcs took . cK t tc� We' qiote S ca fter the Civil War. at 4gainst. Itilsslan cruelty -111 I name of ihe-eo6k Yvlio has pro iucta steady. that'i amended by mak- 4 -_"llo,aon recorded the fact. t as do4saff relo�tiii g to botols QFF'IO9-ONTARI64TaEA% ong clears, �pells t the colony'.9 dontkibi�tion: to�rards the inW''thein ubjet -gulations .11, -train at the Fourth avenue, 6tatiol'i prote, pared the.dishes sdrved.. The origin in ' e P` R. SECAW Of' -thii .. custom. dbtes - back to the ton and.cass lots. .721ass pork,. -solution of, Imperial. problems in of the Public Healih-Act. of thei'Panhandle Railroad, , which Olan is within , block of theJall, and The Lake C4 ri Assoclailon at ar er D reign of King George II.,. Who in do, short out, $21.50.io $21-3. South' Africa', Newfoundland, being The Pembroke SoUthern Railwa left ade Y. CHASING DE..W1 I. ., . . Cleveland,.,hivite all. Canadian ship- OFFAM Sm�keO nisa:t&--Hams, 18c; Ilre&]�_ unable to send -'mon there; takes tills company asked power to dxttind its for the west. n ,galzatt a- great favorite of Ono .of. his cooka,. THEY ow or.§ to -join the oi on... ONTARIO hilil: t fast bacon, 14c; r6lls, i -of testifying -operation :line from Pembroke to Golden Lake AIZE CAP her do I STjZ1tT,,,-' English churph,. Promotin* o the railli. .,of chief Ile; backs_ meang opposite g Twetl�ty-three British Columns Are, P�aymen held a rail- 14C., 4ho, ders, Igic. in.the Impoka p6licy, and Is' c4n6a through NVestmeatli and Ross Towh-'J A despalich, sa:�%-The Masked ii4h, over the * heads of 'all his sehiorp.- and.. Ill After Him CLINTON. 4at the: redresi of her driev- ships , to the Otiaw . I ... i i in ar UliarlVs Lott-, 6.0 and This,: ol course, created grebLt ijeal- id�The` market ls'unchEinged.'_ dent ill be next unde . r _dn�, -it Is a River, and. to Biddle brother§,' who escaped frora Way ra ne ON4. cry effort 'Was, Made'. t . O a amalgamate or. enter into runiiing lii�o The.-. Ladysmith . corrispondent Of the':Alleghaii�*: dounty' jall.'in pitti- '.carried dif the express a. 0-!-. p gefierally tood ihaV, this is - the 'raligements With the-Torogito,'Lln& theLohdon Diiily Xbws reports that rs !.h. Orse wagon.. -DR- c' OUst film froul i,oydl favor by render�- .ails. under$ ..btqg.. Thur.04SP mornini, * and k , . Titomps Ousy, and . ov i quote itub",-2.3:te- ihce�� Wt tak silfe in.." tw '14 h column$ R At lluxlUngtOn_ 1.1. Va., Georp tlast ti bd. rendw- sa�, and Pembroke IR&UwaSr Pom-. iwtn ri, is rp li:ateDietrich' Sollel,. wif6 i re. me thip. me4surs will PHYSICIA2 9 AND SURGEON Ing him resonsible for the fax S. t special attontion UNITED.STATES -MARKETS. ed, Ilzio hatl it'is ot4ly done'n6w for Lay, Pontiac 'aiid Pacific Junction hunting for oheral Do 1st, arid ven to diseases Of the Eye, were -16.id upon the ing.g Pa -re.ter Soffel, were c4tured Friday liakes killed. llj§'wife with an axe, Ear, N6sa and4hroati. the foregoing reason. Company., or at rail-. silya.,thd assertion that' his capture aft6noon OVFXOR AND - Rgsx mble. Gr.siitly incensed thereby, and Buffalo, Feli. ' 4.-Flour--Steadv ay -near Prospect, about,nine chopping her head and face..to, an un- way company;' The,bill'was amend- Or the.annihilation.of hia force 1.9 'miles. -west of here, alter*. a -bloody ree6glitzable:muss. STlIIIET� CLiiVTON. .1 ' d to the Ling in'person, 'who I inj Corn- rAlbert Street East north.of A�TIZNBU AT fearing . to lose Ilia *Post, his ',00111� -fair demandi :'Wheat�x6thing do- a at company must,make only 4 question of time it -'Jus conflict; by. -Detective Chatl.69 1110� After :34'yea 9. of blinduess'4. R. p aing Strongd.r;. No, 2� yellow, -IGN. OF TERROR. .,specific mention of th6 lines:they e- tiflod' than ever befor#, E verything-1 Goverri, J�hii'lioach, a:nd Albert IL Porr�r, r , Xich., Was given .Immediately gavd Orders that ilenZa- 1641.'e, No. - No 2 corn, R�E . . . of Portlnd I 3" do. 631c airs to a algainate:wjf1l., indicates a owcr�ul iffbrt to. ckilsh: Swiinefiart. '. Ed. Biddle is lying 1D' badl,- tilt, iaculty of eight at tho'ham- forth when6ver'e, dish was placed be- I 63c; No. 9 -'do, G�ic'. OLS -Strong p fore iiiin, the. 'name of the cool, re- No. 2 whits, 48.1 c; No. Armed Men Pay Visit -to Tenants, AFTER GOVERNME NT AID. file Bosr.4 everywhere !%I 'March mind the ., lAiLter Cbmi l - .) ail it, !a 11 V1119 copatbic hospital at u Arbor, .8 do, VIC t Rosco on, April.. The:Boors in the -field, how- condition, Jack.1liddle lit& brother R. AO.NBW sPonsiblo. for- its success or failure �No� .2 - Mixed, 46je; No' 3 do, 46o. Mr. Munro, *and Mr..-Lollgh- . . . . 0 - ' D., Ahnle : Soldier ever; ire surprisingly numerous, and is in. 06 adjoining -cell, riddled'wItIV �attisdn in* should be announced in an, audil;le, Marley�Xq'41ling doing. !lye -No.- 1; :,Dospalcli�es 'received In London rin, introduced iLdeputation. well equipped. A is suspected that. buckshot,' :ilia condition I . not col%� shot and wolinded. Clyde I DENTIST, tone. . 6 5,,', c S from, Dublin con -Cain alarming - re- from Pembroke and - Westmeath, ask, tbpy have been'. reinforced by rebels 1 sidered serious, the .,dourt, :house, - when a charge ­tho. 4lille ext Mri..$offel shotbee Will be at Bayfleld e�orv* Wedlipaday I Toiedo O., Feb. 4. at,.Strong; p6rts of the reign of, tbrror prevail- Ing for aid for a. 15 enoion from the. Cape Colony.. J.'relf in the battle.' - against Mill, made. by'lier,.'could nor afternoon.. IS I QLASS..1-3LASTIC?,. Iiighor ; cash, 87*c; May, 87ic,,.July Ing lu'RoscommoA County. . Tenanto of the,Pombrolso and Southern nail- ..She placed a, re be proven, 82c. Coin -Strong; higlter;- Jan., The Daily - Afall's, 'Cape Town cor- sid6rsd- serious. - Mrs. Solyel shor her-, DTFZOX�Adjoinlng Who are suspected of paying . rent way !,rom Pembroke to the Ottawa%. respondent alitiounces that great; pro �volvcr to ]let left breast * and drov . e! The,level of Lake Eric at'- Buffalo lObster's Photo Gallery. "'As.brittle as glass" Is ail old say- 59Jc;;Mfty, 68Ifc; July, 6,52c. Oats�- Ijive� They'wanted $3,000 a inile. lng,.'but like -many 'other thilags told ligher, Jail., 417Jc; May, 4,05c; July,. are visited. tit rilght by ried men, parationg, are: being. made for It gen- the ball . clear to the -baok_ bit hdr 'bag . Welt, falling * for the last four notices. are posted threateabig death The,Promler promised conadderation. i i -C, , lessr�: 'Itugli I orid movement against the Doeri and condition is not 4riticaL, She is now 'Years. according to the figures pre. for true by our grandfathers It* will do,, ver seed, Jan., $5;80 to traitors �and 'midnight Daoctingto S. 04 R. 4, iARNEST'ROLMES riot *1�asg.to�day, Do you k I rebels in the far lili the Butler VolintY General Itospl-. sen,ted, by -MaJor Thomas W.`Pymous D. Successor to r)r, now that MarcIV,, 0.824 to $5.85; No. 2 alsike are a nighify Occurrence, tile people Wood. 'IV. G.' MOVIIIIams,%and John Bruce. Clinton, glass'.can be inade to bouncq up from latter itre also preparing. for resls�- tal, ' The detectives are uninjured. of:,the,.U. S,.4o,llgineer Clollps. eciall tin, rO W31 AM Bridge Work. :$7 85 lbeffig assembled by beacon.fires. Flett Waited oil th�L'Governlnent to the'- flo�r like a rubber'ball? 0 ance. They. - are storing. large There were about 80 shots exchanged 'John Rlter�, a d a ull' OfROY%10611ego ot Donial 'i&aukocr; Feb. 4�-Wheat-T-Iighor, 'John O'Donnell, member- of- Pat- ask an extenilon ofthe time for com- n lit U a. herb doctor, titids of- grain'and other, su;_ in .1he frtly�6 The,capture was Corn- hai been placed under arrest at Spar- Burgeo ' f ntOffitl.' ba.ve. set -pla that) t1irown close, No. I Northern, 77c: No. 2 Ilament. for 'South porto4 aduatoofDental -upon tho.table, rebounded' pleted about one tit' 'T�nn., ch-4rgid ' witW, I%, 'inarder, m a. glass to -osed.'Ci midnight meet- ship rallw4y'from. Geor lan Day to . t t efitotTorouto6niversity..4 'Mayj 796. to 11*%ve addL is re inencing and'compl6ting.the proposed. Buslinfartland, Where inflitary'oper Octal - I with &,N9itbci1n', 17 7.4- to 75*c; g a. tr. o paid to.presoivatlon of chullons motallic. ring, -and when broken. br1Ityo­Du1l;, No. � 1, 61c., Barley- jIng at F a Toronto. ions will be -most difficuli, ' The cOr- from Prospect. coininfued twenty-one years ago at. t: h. irmount, at which he chal- frbspondent predicts that the troubles force 'separated into small crystals, st6adier; NO-_ 2, 62� to 63c; saluPle, 1onged the' Chief Secretary for fre- Fttch- v from 10 a. in, to 0 v. nil, I instead- of, the usual scr�iips. Tile in- 55 to 62i 0orn-May, 621c. iland, Mi.. Wyndham, to come into . ford,were waited uponby-Reove Ill ill continue The tIn St.'Thoul, The Indiana, Ohio, and Peunsyl� Willbo-attho RiverHotol, Ilayfleld, eve" Tito Fronfler and Hon- Mr' -L THE DIDDLES CANADIAN$. Seattle, Wash Monda. aw- fil, Bushina . niklid. for iddles �iere bdi ventor claims that.this glass can bol Duluth, Minn., Feb� &-WhCat--�- the open It *.the head of 5,000 b cett, of Wplfe Island,, and It. J. perhaps years. as, Ont., about thirty years ago. vallia operators say they- will never D R.J.F9EEMAN inaAe from the *ordlna;r�r kind, that i Closed, cash,. -No. I hard, 1771c; No. 110,000 Men, either %oldlers or police, Wolfe. of Toronto, asking that the Their father, George Biddle, remov- ' agree to the miners' demand of a Vi4triagAlly auRQEOIT tits whole operation Will be complet-,2 Northern,. 72�p, No. .1 Northern municipality 'of. Wolfe Island be:,al- Airtherstburg, run-of-mno basis. it woulit virtual- t If.he (Mr, IVndhain' would give. the . MARCHED TO DEATIL ed subsequently to A member of the Voterindry Atedlettl Aggoola- 6d in a few liour�, 4nd ;with expense lowed to devote any money rJue It t.a,'s.aloon lbcallY known ly. meantait advance of 15 p6r cent. tions of London ard Rdbiblirp I that of tile common 6, May,, 77 -kc; July, 771c; Maii- men of. Connaught a month to pro- wbere it(.- kep .,Ill and Graduate not so great'as tile 43 me years, and: of tile Ont&r1o. Veterinary Cofl. go, and fraglin vavioty� tobvi, . No. 1. Northern, cash, 72c; Para, Ur, O'Donnell aid he would. 'Linder obd RohdA -Act to the Whole Detachment of Oapaiiese Its 11 -Tell" for so it A bill Oita reported ill Congress ay,,74);jc. 09AS-42-1c. -Cora- Ole. not o declare I that Improvement of the forr service bd-; was. in tills, Office Opposite SL Paul's obtireb,Ontario street mill hesitate t they Infantry Wiped Out., atmosphere tile boy$' on of $25 per month neapolls,:F6bk 4, -Wheat closed would meet them, even at.'Oeilt ,,, tween the island and Kingston, the ­ A, Yokohaina despatch says :-A 'W . ere brought tip. The father to the last surviving soldier of the Phonoul.. NOSE S IN ANY SHAPE., Cash, 75?,c; May, 76J6, arc9t market. arirant. cook, of Oneida;. July, 7620; morical odds, and settle the land and tits boys Were tiLken In of war of 18121, 1-1 'The,latest, development in sUiger,.y .on traek, NO. I hardi 77c; No. .1 question for, good.- Speaker, Evarkurel has received a detachment of 210 Infantrythea left l3cil AtcQuade. their ilUCle. Ile sed Cotinty,'Now York, agod 1U2 years. is the moulding of noses Ift paraffin, Northern, 751c.; No...' 2 do, 74A,0. 1-potition signed by maify. hundreds. Awornori- on -Jan. '23 to practise. to beat the bos, solely for tile ]3LACKALL & BALL. I . - . . -1 of people in ' Prescott and *Russell III I finally, which �s.-now boing-pra6tisod in V1,11-lour-Pirm; first Patents, $3.7r> to archlug over tile allow. None ' of sure he derived from it, but VETERINARY SURQE0Xs. Gov.� Onna. In the deformity known as iN98-85; second patents, $3.65 to counties, itrging :the Government to them" has. since boin seen. excopt, a' one day, he blow out Ilia bra corporal, who Was, foulid -last Mo"- tel- tho'boys left Anihorstburg Tl�o, Italian GdVeVnIftent saddle nose.tho most remarkable rL HOSPITAL QUARANTINED. will not' suits are. Said to be obtained. lie ii -In bulk, so on tiny railway. ERNME14T VETERINARY INSPECTORS 163.75;. first clears, $212.75 to $2.85 assist in flood preventative measure$. O)PIPIOU, ISA T second clears, Bra 0ay by 0; relief: party.. orporal 'allow. a.. strik SIDENC, " drifted around the country, oSTAUXT; R1811) Non, ALUFAt AVOMAX'S RE process cotlsikI3 in tho subeittancolls $16 to &IIpOX Spreads to Notr6 Dame at their 1; . . ... ,, t;ays that the detachment lo It is thought that Carneglo will STItHET, CZINTOXI I -Ton. X binding Ill Pittaburg. injec t Ion of - paraffln; 'which 1�cforc I b 'Detroit, �.-Wheat closed -No, Montreal. r. llarcourt. will introduce a Way, and were overcome by the III- contribute $4,00,000 to establish I bill relating to.the-Toronto, Univotl- AUOTIONEER completel ets is Itioulded into tile *1 white, cash, 901c; No. red, cash A Montr ' tense cold. They were with out fuel, braries In Mexico. a cat desPatth sAY0,:-SmaIl- sity, , permitting- tho. erection of it and burned their haersacks tuld tille NEW SUBMARINE BOAT, dealred A warmed syringe Is - and January, 88.1 c; Way,. 87P,ic; 4uly, pox of 0, mild typo Is apparently Woman's residence on the property of Tho.oditor of the ROSSIY', ft Rug- charged with.the In sage. stocks, but by"the evening of Jan. RI&LI, paper, has booll, deported for re- HOS. BROWN elt04 compound spreading very fast in Montreal, -and, -the university. Mr. Harcourt states 0-6, all'but. 71 of thorn. had perished" flections -on royalty. and the needle Is Inserted betweel St. Lotiiq, reb. 4. -Wheat closed- inany new cases have-b6on reported, hat a start will be made during the The survivors separated into small veral iTew Features. T I tile Thirty Veat Longer �nd. Have S& L1010248M) Auctloxnm eyebrows, just above the root of tile Cash, Afity, 8510c; Ju . ly, 78go. A iwedliar incident in. connection coining summer, and that as 0, PP` parties and sought4or reflige. It Is ilorse cars have disappeared train oted in all pnrtN of the ount-les of nose, Then the compound N Inject-' —Vicket, � tile . streets of VJonna, and now the huron and fort Barrow despalch says. Sitlao condid With tits epidemic, is the. quarantill-, 11111irlary step, accommodation. far- 20 rod. that till of thein .have been Verth. Otilem lof ilia NLows ed Into thn ubeutaneoul; tiaio, a9 ill- of the Noire Dattio Ilos ontracted trolley boWls U10219. t at �i pital, ow­� and. Mit,xint. have c Ruconn, ofild?, Clinton, or addressed to 8oa the needle is slo%vly wItIl CATTLE AtAiticrip. ypyng ladies will �bo provided, lost, -The story has tirrod the city, Sol's forthl-I.O.Wi receive promptattention, Sat. (,rawn Ing. to one f tho Aeuvants being at- PUBLIC SCITOOLS ACT. 1 and fare ornment, for tile con� proposition to limi-e . the state staction guaranteed Or he charges. Your pat. Toronto, Veb, run Was tacked with the disease, ignorts tire subscribing for tlte with the Gov The ollago Solicited. The histi- lof of . tile families of tile unjor- qirtletfoli of a new tpo of sitbiliarille It railways Unds fit,Vdr ift the - 1 61. light (it the Cattle Market to -day. tutioll is One of the largest liospitals Two bills t mn ublic rot than, buy th Business oil the whole was fair Schools Act were introduced. he . tunato, soldiers. boat. it *111 be 30 feet long French Chamber of Deputie. to fix Montreal, tit by firill, of.cholco qual and the quarandlie atil Vebruary i1th, the Tile Fl,�,Ilch Chranber o VOUS' brisk for anything Illealls tba�t u 'Minister of Education, Introduced Oita A tllo other boats bu f Deptl0es lid will hve soveral novel featIll-09. Ity. While thore was enough of - tile � �)()O. men, wonien and cf�l ldren, Who "takes 'WO - proposals: first, to TEN TALIANS CREMATED. a ling Lipprovotl of tile Socialist bill My Lun lnedium.quttIJtlea'on: blind, there was are within, the walls of tile hospital enable tile * school boards of rural q,tproving of eight bot . Irs, It, da for CEO. TROWHILL not cliough of the better (Itiallty to 'will'havo to'renialn. there, and,that expelld luoney for illu'llelpalltl('s to jriire in Boston Lodging-hoUse ANY) upply the choice 0*' tile 'ohl, communication thov will the conveyance of children to school Causes Loss of Life. The hott0st 0090 On Otirtli is all- The C11111080 COUrt, is c6n,qlderltig 0JUNNUAL, BLACICSNJIT11, "An gitack o 1 port cattle to -day fetched $5.817 1-2, have with tho., outside World ��ill bo' In urban. lau nicipal second, to of six foreign ex- onable several adjaeon parelitly to bo-YoUnd on flict Bouth- tit(- t school sce" A DoAan despat9h,says:-Vire In coast of on the'GIllf pel,ts ill tile Work of re#argaulzing I-clafig material and with a bad tough. My friends said bav(I found it market. Choice' clolls to units for the. Purpose of ca- 06 Italian Lodging -house, oil Fleet' ty con- the Governitient, Woodwork Ironed and first f Is; grippe left me. alid more of the snane kind , would through the telephone. wOrklIxual-aliteed. Farmilliploinouts and ilia I had constimption. i th f There during foil ell tried butcher cattle were also selling %yell, tablislibig grade schools. stroot, here, otti-ly oil 0 u July and August Tits most superb cLrtd wonderful JOB13ING A 81-ISCIALTY Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it picked lots -tit $4.40, There was U, Air. Fallis Durham) intro- kmeul,ive dayff I which flashed forth ,as It fed by gun- tile inercury ha been J(AOWn to taild pcc�rl the world litts uver.scell is re- cured me promptly," fair itiarket for beavy feeders, but . duced an act to . aniend tile Public Powder; and . swept through the r A. X. Handles, Nokomis, 1IL not inany oiYerlog. Stockers are hoola Act, which extends, file pow- nafew woments, Caused I It Iligt, and to rtiji to 1�0 lit till. STREXT"NOnTit, Clat',;TO.,; e above 100 dc1,?veQ9 in the shade, da.v po ted to have been discovered lit ,ural school boards to borrow Broome, Australia. YLA�Isl . white three.all abrelli Is and, which. , . . ... W fal0y stentlys.1foav bull foil ex- P. It. Returns t5how VL Large Or Of T.110, acatil of ton persons I port are lling tit $4 to itioliey under. ct, settled lkote. They Others were injured b le(I.Ping 111,0 1-1,niperor of (111111a; it 19 aid, (JOO(I ..ettl .talves are Wanted, alid ftro at Present reAricted n,borrow­ 'j., situated In the Contro Of tills Illoqt* In.8 I wa, Tile victitlis were tilt Ital- I torrid part of the 1,01'rid 20110, Witter: lid to You forgot to buy a bo heavy export lambs wid. sheep are I A Whillipeg k,Spateh say$ Ing to Ruins needed for teachers' al- windo, I )rdered Admiral Yell to organt2d It' 3(aituary Wvro publish- and tho bill xtends tljo Is linknown. Shafts have been si 1 41: litival oleat IT fle of Ayer"s Cherry Pea. 1 good dentand, Itogni are wondc, r1and salusfor falls. The filiancial loss wav only a ill% I engage ItOtIr-Adinfral I.ord Ch4S,. dropp lig ail eighth again to-afty, od by the Land lego to expenditures for other school tow 'hundred dollar.q. j0,tlIe depth of 500 fact in searell of toral when your cold first 4 with The williber of sold it, but In vahl. luwev. Tito run wito totalled' t49,846.00, for 8847,761.- I A nophow of tile hite 1141-11 Of Pete - came on, so you -let it rUn 45 with of cattle, MUNICIPAL ACT. 11Z MILES AN 1IOURd- I)OV 91. Tito sales for January, 1,U01, Ida, a ot Lt, .kU�s old silong. Even now, with 9, .1345 llogq, and amounted to 1-17,028.80 Afr. Smith ItIttoctuced an NOTED INUATO'S. hold$ tile & any- 15 cttives. acro.t), for Aet to amend the Municipal' Act, I'voin, Ediubtirgh to Olaagow by I inie world, boing a OZOIGNS All y6Ur hard cough-ing, it Vxport -cattle, light This, shows an Increae Which deals It Is stated that in one of the body of Ilia age COPYRIGHTS &d. lit the salog of acres. Tilt, with the vexed "Ontion rail in -06 kintitos. Ivatlon. Arnly's MORA ond 40,Aalption MAY tonount rea-lived also. exceeds, that Of of famit. lands ill towns and villages. A London d4%9patch says houes-in. London Wfiro recentl Neen 11 will not disappoint you. Bulls, export, heavy, patentablik. communtpro Jauary, 1901, by Tho It providest ti)at th4v 11111fticiPAIRY Wore stibinitted for the approvl of tin t1le saine ocension, unip oyed aq THL' PAIS,Stbl(l 011 11 Tal. Ilftl,dbook on Ilatelita Cwt. ...... 8.05 4.1-65 I I i There's a record of SIXty ..... "' * .... * "' the 'Canada� I .. ly sitter illto Jill Upt-C10111011t, with the Government Board of Trade Oil c1callprg ancl as91stants, all exvlear Ion it, $A &P. <. , 1.11rinil PSWIYARI XII(irt, light , 1. 2.r, Miles of cc, roeoM owt 8.00 , the Owners of sucli lands for it spc- for tile collstruc citizen--"vo you reelly Ir Land Company for tile ptmt iiionth� tioll Oj a I all its years to, fall bgck on heav ... ...... ... 4.00 4.1 Y of tile Church of I-Inglaild, all ex- thinit tbat nioderix nianners are do- g.75 havo also doubled those for the cor- dal rate of taxation inatead of hav- Itionorall aystem ot transit betwoeu Presbyterian willister, and a gentle- ... ... ...... 2.50 �parotod by ft; 3,1dinbur generate V' Stockers, 400 to 800 ireapoliding Inolit.1% la. -A year. ing the farin lands sL gh and GlAqgOW, Tile "It"d 'Iman Who had, while in VoCeipt of Th"o alitoft I Mer, 61011 h for &* otditiot ocount by-law, pf t 10 oy old Citlzen-"Olv, yes, 111dood wd I eoId;We.,J&atrIgitfor rorkehitig.lioAr .. ...... ...... . ...... 4 � year the compau MI stom would be 117 nilles till lovor $2,r>00 a year as all undergrad- till A1011 of tiny pleattiln .116, acres, at 676,5t tile obe surprise([ when PeOP16 n606. hard Politt, OtA. of tbo ox 011t 0 ONTARIO A0 411lug that 06 JOurllcy ttf!uate, acted as coxswetin surprisod ofthe"ill. llutchem' cattle, choice ,75 4 0 715 to, ithrainst C ATER C even, X"01 117 of 1-18,060 aeres, at JA Jaiiii- 31r, Lee (Last Xent) introduced 11114' do Miles would bo covered lit 25 � ford -boat -111 tile IJItor-'V1l,r$ItY, Boat wero, rude; now we feel Ilufthers' cattle, Flood., 8.00 S %hen they are polite." MUNI&Cpdaia­�Adwo, NOW York I 4 Butchors'i commoii ... ... 9.18 3:00 0,17, it)61!, itill to Wne4d the ontstrio Bloction Minutes. OfIxIs y0sx.