The Clinton New Era, 1902-12-12, Page 9"1*,773t
, Tho lein of reruatfatee-
"Ilaxolies Ilapper leeloyeelet"
rrOnd the wort worry .
higlaeSt. So„tielle-
tion, One .6telTpirir sitone
• The
And Very Nervous
Opportunity for Every °Matsu to tiont In the Noble Work of Bring.
Ing Health and Happiness to Young Lives,
The Ventilated Illuminated Oven.
• 10 I l• • 11•11 10, 1 1. 1..• •1.10. ••••• ••••10, :1••••. •••••_,
Leave your culinary troubles.
. worries and expense behind
! you ; enjoy the economy, the
cisier.euience, the absolute
- reliability of The "Happy
Thought." The best friend the
careful housewife can have.
/net a touch to the. patented
dampers and it is ready for any
work. -
Its efficiency will be a revela-
tion to you if you are using the
common kind. •
•Is this not' worth investiga-
tion? Send foe booklet to,
CO.. Limitcdoifir Brantford .
When a farmer puts his seed under
mother earth he expects it to bear
bushels of grain in a few months.
So it Is with the merchant. He in-
vests money in merchandise, counting
on a profitable turn over.
A father pays for his aons education
anticipating that it will provide the
•young maa with the Powers of mind to
Iput the body and head at work in gain-
• ing a livelihood.
• Yet the .seed may not bring forth
grain; the .merchandise may not be '
sold at a profit, and the Young man
may not reach the ideals of his father.
In all these instances the expendi-
tureof money is a speculatibn. It
, may bring happiness and it may not.
•To -day the Hospital for Sick Child-
ren, Toronto, is, performing a Heaven -
born mission on earth. It is renewing
health, removing pain and straightenT
ing xlistorted limbs of hundreds of
door to the Hospital, • The Outarbe
child is en a level with the Toronto
child. Neither has an advantage.
It takes a dollar a patient per day to
maintain the Hospital, .The Ontario
Government contributes ;7,000 a year,
or almost seventeen cents per patient
Per .day, for there are alvrays at least
or cal soft See the. agents,
Bold by
now Noce) glutei eireereeser
. . .
• e Can :we feed hene• too =la 7.'lleneve
sball we know Wheneetei!leee eininght-
.These are questions .every poultryman
ba8-.‘esked. Mpre'• thin, %once. Some
Would reply that the110S: Mould'''. be,
kept 'hungry, ea thsl- Shen'will work:
.harder, and so, by 'very' reason of. her
. exertion, ,procleice. more Ogee.' /apt ear.
away from. thy 'home lives et .man who
Certainly is making -poultreekeepingepree-
fitable. A friend 'passing !through the
yierd of this man a few days age .re-
ported that all about the yard on the '
ground could be seen grain' which the
hens had neither the ambitien not the
apparent desire to pick. Up. They were
walking about the'yetcl happy and cone
tented, stepping now and then to . pick-
up a bit of .corn or -otilef . toothsome
Morsel, This.. man . has, selvedethe
blem of "how much," to his eiWn isatia;.
faction, at least. Enough means all
•"' the hens will eat. Less is not ehough.
Beery few days thieeman ships away ,a
nice crate of assorted Ogs The weete
ones befog him two or three centsabove
the market. The colored, ones: take
then- chalices with those sentby melt
who do not ' euro to take the trouble'
Ito seat theme' The eggs of this •man
fife not ,peddled out to the Cartillan
who passes the door nok 'traded at the,
- Atom lIe expepte 'dash for them -and
•• is ready to pay cash for what he blip-
itt the genes. In short, 'he has his
poultry -keeping ona inietheas
• • Selection Of Breeds.
Any breed will lose its presage ef thse.
selection of the best individuals is not
itrietly adhered to; and all breeders
• rely mere upon the exploits of certain
• ..mezithers of their bode or gooks than
upon the whole, for, no . matter how
• careful the breeder' may be, • et how
jedieiouely he may niate , his animals,
have some that will fail •berow
the wicked of , excelleneeif the
• experienced breeder of• puee-bred etock
is compelled to continually soled and
• breed from the best sires and dams it
• ehould be -more important for the %rite-
er hot Only to improve with 'pure-bred -
sires, but t�- use only the best to be
obtained. But the majority of fermi%
'ire disposed to purchase the "culls" of
the breeder for breeding purposes, and •
-are disappointed if they do not secure
pod results: It is never profitable to. -
tele an inferior emirate for any purpctse,
,• narona • . Arrai ,
• young Canadians, boys and girls who
will yet make their mark in this -grow -
Ing Dominion, but who, were it not for
this noble inetitution, might _have.. al-
ready filled dn early grave. 3 •
That's where your 'dollar ,can find a
wayeto bring you pleasure and profit
without any doubts OS fears as to the
• Investment. 'Money is always at work.
It is'.ceaSeless in its labour, but •in no
spot in this fair Canada is it put to
.better Service than at. the. Hospital for
Sick Children. , .• "
You see /Our money is At week from:
the even'. •deee it le placed, at the •Hosi
pitaVe .'disposal; Your investment'
qufckly hringiou backjoy, foryour
contribtaidn has entered into the task
of , Hee' saving, body building and
:1)0.4101'0ring: e• 4. ,
4•LOok at a few the 'leek
clone in the' •Orthopedic- •DePartment..
The, feet shown are these of Children.
ewho live outside of Tormiteee You see
theercenditime •"befere.'.. entering 'the
HosPitarand you se the condition
• "after'''. hospital'tf.eatettent The par-
ents theSe children could not afford :for: treatment. Da you know
'of any child so situated? ,Then have
him sent.eo the Hospital. .. ' • •
. •
°tie hundred and twenty children under'
treatnient. This amount from the
elovernment isall expended on main-
tenance. • Then' the corporation of the
eity of Toronto gives $7,600, or seven. -
teen cents per patient per • day, 'and.
remember, pot for Toronto patients,
• but for every child no matter from
What point he may come. Aad in ad-
dition to this Toronto citizens donate
$6,000 for the, maintenance • of all
Again remember all theee gifts from
Toronto. are devoted to' the main-
tenance of patients from all over On-
tario as evell as the city itsolf, and
the eleildren that seek relief.: from
places outside' are very numetoue, and
It ought td be .as great a 'privilege and
pleaeure 'for the geneeoirs citizens of
the province to Contribute' to the main-
• tenande of this Hospital ete -it is for
ehe people of •Toronto. •• •
Ten years ago the Hospital ems en-
cuinbered With a mortgage.Year by
:year the mortgage has been reduced;
and it is now paid.
: The Hospital Must proceed. Is per-,
perming its great teals:Mon. Money is
needed to maintain it, and this 'Appeal
. 1
. ,••
REVORE. . • ":".•' 'AFTER,
'The- Hosoltal feres-Sick Ohildren de:
pends solely ' upon the generosity pf
the people :c.of Ontario, It • requ1reS-
.',e35,000 a year for its maintenance,
and it stands toelay aff,a nionutnent,to
the :big liearts of Oilearep. people. •• Lo-
cated'gg is in: Tgeentoe it .10ehot
., . . •
a city institution-proymeiel.
• e The child In- the 'farthermost regions
of lenitareo..ihae the sate rights, and
privileges aa...otte that may efee,next
The Doctor's
Fre0 Ais
Good rood
- Trade -cub ,
For all those threatened
*ith *Cortsurription,
• t•
II 1
Airs. Beni. Hatfield. /7 Hillyard $te,
$t. John, N.B., writes 'For three years
I was a sufferer from extreme nervousness
and female weakness. I wasepale end
weak had no appetite and would IOn20.
times feint two or three tiniea a day, I
underwent a very painful -operation sate
for seven weeks was under the doctor*
care but he seemed unable to help we,
Despairing of recovery. I took the ad-
vice of A friend who told me that Dr.
Clissets Nerve Food would build me up
and make me strong and well again,
continued this treatment, using In all
sixteen boxes, and believe that am as
strone and well as ever in my life. As a
result I. cannot say too much foi D.
Chase's Nerve Food. The, testimonials I
see. for it are nct half strong enough."
feke a boxat all dealer% or Edrnanson,
Bates ste Co., Toronto. On evety tox cf
the genuine will •be fou•ni prtia.:t aLl
signature of Dr. A, W. Cluse•
Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food
end also to breed to a standard �f
eellence, by selecting the best to be eb-
taineel of any breed.-khilsidelphis BM-
ord. ,*
Perk -
The day of the four-year-old steer is
past. No .up-to-date stockinet) thinee in
th.ese days of rapid growth cf fettling
a steer after he has passed his 30th
month. In the same way the b'g bog
of 300 to 000 pounds weight has also
disappeared. Aaroung animal makes its
most rapid growth 'during the first days
of its existence. The rate of growth de-
• creases 'eeedually with env. 'The secret
oe success in swine raising, then, is be
• sell the animal as soon as it ceases to
Convert feed . into Reale with profit.
This means, or course, a quick.maturing
type, and the tesult is "pig pork." The
pig has bee re forced bY a .sort of hot-
house. process to make at 200 pounds a
close imitation of a eully-matured kog,
just sts baby. beef has, by special de-
• velopment and selection, been mad�. to
take the place of the ripened steer.
during the winter months,
" Opinions. ofl:cadlnglPhysicians..
Interesting Items.
The astonysnous author of "An Qs look-
er's Note Book" soya that ba
hers a little boy belouging to an historie „
Englieh family who cried when lte cut his
linger ---not bemuse it burtt but beeatese
he was poignantly • disappointed to find
that hie 'blood was not blue, as, he had
always been taught, but red, like any.
one else's.
The majority of people MX fa reely re.
member the time when there was no re.
volver, yet the fact is that it le ft modern
weapon and in its form of real efficiency
is less than half a 'century old. It was
the invention of Joseph Shirk, it citizen
of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Be.
fore the civil war there were the old-
fashioned pepper -boxes, which were dan-
gerous . to the user; then came tee
"nary" which had to be loaded like a
musket, each barrel requiring separate
attention, and usually being. ineffective,
except at point-blank range. Then fol-
lowed the present weapon of destruction, '
which is more effective tlian the musket
of our fathers. Out of the revolver was
evolved the repeating rifle of to -day,
Which lies so far chaeged the whole the
tics and strategy of war that jean' De
Block felt that a great war could never
again take place. •
It is said that one of the great enemies,
of the overland telegraph line in Central
Australia is the commou green frog. In
Order to save the, insulators from being
broken by the lightning they are provid.
ed with wire "droppers" leading routed
them at a little distance to conduct or
to the ikon pole in case of need. The
frogs climb the poles and find the insu
lators cool and pleasant to their bodies,
and faney that the "dropper" is put
there to furnish them with a back seat
After a nap they yawn and stretch out
a leg until it touches the pole -result;
Redden death te the frog, and as the
body continues to conduct the current et
earth we have a paragraph in the paper
to the effeet that "in consequence of an
interruption te the lines probably eausee
by a cyclonic disturbtelbe in the interior
we are unable to present our readers
with the usual cables from England!"
A great mem people were sorry • tc
bear, a little while ago, that old "Page
the Centre! Park, N(4 York, police
horse, was to be sold by auction. Pot
fourteen years he bad done service in the
police department, and during that time
bad stopped innumerable runaways, see-
med of them on his own account, hevine
started when his rider was absent ans
having caught the reins of thu runaway
in his teeth. "Hel caught three huudred
and fifteen during the first four years'
said his master. "Then I lost count'
But old age had rendered "Pug" nolong
er equal to his arduous duties, and it
was decreed that he be sold These whe
enew him were afraid he might fell bite
•liareh 'or inconsiderate halide. •Happily
llOWeVer, the fear was groundless. A
friend who was grateful for what the oh
horse had done in the line of -duty
bought him, and bus put him in harge
of the policeman who has ridden hint sc
•Pie$1.0O. For- eale by druggists, o
bytmail on.r6celpt of P•tice• Mythical French Politeness.
I have been prescribing Strong's Telekone
• for the lest eightyears, and havehed 'bet- : ..
• ter success with them than with any Other
means, Wm, Woodreff, M. De :London. :
W. T. -STRONG; Miiinsfatiitiring Chen, I
ist, London ; Ontario,
Is made for that purpoie: .Hospital
• Work cannot,. be .conducted without
money. To keepethe machinery mov-
ing the dollars and cents of the people
of Ontario are needed:. Nurses, do-
mestic S ,and haVeto live..
Their wages mist be paid.
True, it is, that some have to pay -
yes, all who can afford it are expected
topaPeehut those -Who canna Pay and
'lean prOduce the Certificate: of a clergy-
inan ..orknown ratepayer of the pro-•
Vince to the ,offeet that they are too
leateeeto pay, can have maintenance and 4
treatment free Of eharge.
This year an effort is bellig Made to
eleer awaYea, 'batik overdraft created
ber cost'of maintenance. Eery dollar
'sent tete belies to lighten the load that
is being oarried. •• •
toRstatredvefirnmes whquoigiat,n a7ar• thea dogllar
thought' strikes them, to Douglas
Davidson, Secretary of the elosp tal
for Sick Children, or to Jeltose Robert,
Son Chairman of the ' Tenet, College
street. Toronto.
Requires nourishment in a coneeritrkted, palatable and easily
digestible form: Bovril should therefore form One of the
chief items on the diet list of eve?. invalid* as it is the •
embodiment of all these qualities.
Bovril is not merely. a stimulant to prop up the flagging
b • r /
spirits for tne mug hour. It ts a highly nourishaig food#
contahang all the strength -giving properties of the best lean
beef in the most palatable and easily digestible form.
Bovril is Liquid Life.
more 'especially when grading up a herd,-
• Or flock, as the better the sire the great-
er his influence, Worthless sires should
rather be avoided, as they entail -loss
of time Mor and money. The male
is "half of the herd," for every young
•animal partakes „o his enaraeteristies,
Its value deperiding.more upon the ex-
Celleriee of the (sire and the'advaneement
tii'd herd, and in exact ratio with the
influence of that patent. Pedigree is a'
safeguard tteitt protection, but pedigree
alone is not to be relied upon. The
form, dieposition, health and' other
AleatiOnll mus acaiSt in itelectio», but,
as some sires can give no evidence of
titeir value until tried, the pedigree
should never be overlooked, twit points
oat the several families among breed*
that lame excelled, and also the beet
individuals airing those famine". Ever• y
fernier slieuld endeavor to be a breeder',
General Manager Hari of the Grand
• Trunk sole Government 4081SC/wee
will eertainly be asked for the neW '
• Pacific lino. • - • A
Dr 3'. A. MacCabe. Principal of the
• OttawaNormalSchool, died suddenly
whfIeat .Maeein St Patrick's Church.
He bad been married only two weeks.
• Dyspepsia; Bolls,
Pimples;. • '
Loss of APPetites
Salt Rheum, ' •
Erysipelas, •
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver, -
Bowels or Blood.
. MrS.A.Lothancno. '
of Ballyduff, Oat,'
writes: "I believe I
would have been in
my graves long ago
had it not been for
Burdock Blood Bit -
tors. I was run down
to MOB an extent
teat 1 could scarce -
17 Moveabout the
house. I was subject
to severe headaches,
backaches and dizzi-
ness; my appetite
was gone and i was
unable to -do My
housework. After
wingtwo bottles of
B. D-13. I found my
health fully restored.
I wa,milyrecommend
It to au •tired and
worn oub women.'
Iteji no pig, •
exetTt • for breeding • purgoses. Sows
slieuld farrow in March or April, ifild
Ntith thtir litters well proteeted ageinse
inclement eether they will get *.good
s tart, so filet .the husky little wean
tinge will go on summerpastureg in line
e.irder. Good pastures. should be the
pieee de resistance of young • poekers•
diet, tvith middlings and skim milk on
the -side, earnisbed- with charcoal, anti
don't forget that a pig takes water like
a duck. A most successful pig feeder
In St, Louis County has a clean ponce"
where pigs may -swim and cool them -
!selves, but they are alwaYa clean. -Fin.
ish off Mr, Porker with a little corn
and put, the money he brings in Your
ChriStrnaS • stocking. Then you will
know 'what Mother Goose meant when
she• handed down she classic line,
"This little pig went to entarket."
• Most farmers will went to Yalta two
litters a year, but if cost of production
Ss carefullyfollowed up the spring far.
• rows will undoubtedly pay best V they.
are kept growing.-Itural 'World.
ONE MINUTE otrairronToom
Not only for toothache but any nerve
pain oared almost instantly with Nerviline
One drop equals in pain subduing power
five drops of any other remedy. Thoueende
ee.y so. PowerfuLpenetrating, pain.suban.
big Nerviline. Mervelloue in action for in.
fermi' and external use. The world (Mal.
'longed for its equal rirriggiete sell it, Your
Money tack if it in not sot
Zee Vale men played 0, clever trick on
Carrie Nation when she was there re.
:tently. She agreed to sit for lier'pioture,
holding a water pitoher in her hand as
an emblem of her belief. She was de.
tigbted with the idea., but found the
piteher too heavy. Por this TeaSOill she
substituted for it a glass of water. The
students, standing just out of range of e
her vision, told her t� be sure to keep
her eyes fastened on the Ione of the
einneett• As se etraiued lier eyesd 117
e"One limos so 'inueli abOut Frenel
. and sees so Tttle pi
• . .
_it that I was a good deal struck
by two good specimens of , it which
writes a correspondent. "The first wet.
'at Avignon, where we were waiting fot
• the train to 'Taraseop, famous for the. •
adventures of Tartarth, The guard pet. .
his head into the first-class waiting-rooir
and called out, 'Ladies and gentlemen
for the Tarascon liue, takeyour seats
please.' He went on to the tecondeclaes:
Where he exclaimed.Passene0ers for Ta
anon, take your seats.' At .the
class he colitented himself with remark-
ing, 7araseon; take your seats: It h
easy' to 11.11N:sine how he would have pro.
• eeeded if there had been a fourth class.
• "The second instance was On,,a steame)
have: recently come under iny notice,'
Or Motormen Weichm, in the employ of
010 Herr WANT TO GIVE UP WORK OUT Wall PORORD TO 00 00-110.14 NOW FT*
OM 01,00Usi TRSATMXPIT--IIS NOW IN 0000 FIRAITH AND .el‘essigio
Mr. Alfred Walden, ),/ Cornwall St., Toronto, who
has been in the employ of the Street Railway Com-
pany fora number of years as tnotorman, informs us
that he had an attack of la, grippe, followed by
typhoid fever, and after many weeks of Buffering it
resulted iA A COMpliCatiOn of throat and lung troubles.
During this illness he was under the care of one of
the best physicians in this city, who pronounced it a
very serious case and advised him to stop work,
winch he was Snally compelled to do. .
Mr. 'Walden heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies
and commenced their use and after using them but
for a few weeks he noticed a great improvement.
After nsing this valuable treatment for some littls
time, the cough stopped, pain in left lung' ceaseds
appetite improved and night sweats were checked:
and in about three months he was able to go back to
weteoiiontgaswellasever,,mt,wwoo seemed to be
the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most
grateful terms, as he considers himself completely
cured and in the ealoyment of good health,
What the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done fos
Mr. Walden has also been accomplished in thousands
on oat,. hopeless cases, which testimonials we have
o .
A New Discovery that Cures Consumption.
The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure for Humanity's Greatest Fee.
Four Marvellous Free Remedios for all sufferers reading this paper. New Cure
for Tuberculose, Consumption, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown sys...on•
to you cough?
Do your lungs pain 'you?
Is your throat sore and: inflamed?
Do you spit up phlegm?.
Does your head ache? °' •
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?
Are you losing flesh?
Are You pale and thine).
Do you lack stamina?
• These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the mos4
'dangerous malady that has ever devastated the earth-eonsumption.
You are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by
writing for a
• aHnedsaritttnpiteTiryFoouwubricietso. Freetto the
Preparations will be forwarded yott at once, with Complete directions for use.
The Slocum System is a positive core for Consumption, that most insidious disease, and for all Lunr
Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Aztbnia, Bronchitis and
the: T. A. Skerum Chemical Company, Limited, 119 King Street West, Toronto, giving,'
post office and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promnt•
promptly se.
Persons in Canada seeing Slocum s free offer in American papers will please send for samples bpi
Toronto. Mention this paper. •
on the Lake of Geneva. A well-dressed
'Vretielrivoman had scoured a goad seat in
the bow of the vessel, from which she
was admiring the view between EViall
and Geneva. Presently she went helots
, to have • some coffee.. As she had left
nothing on the •seat to mark it as hers,
she very:naturally found it 'occupied on
her return by a fat Frenchmen, whose
dress betokened that he belenteed to the
upper class. ' On her representing that
itwasher seat he absolutely. declined to
move, and sat stolidly ,there while she
storrited• and raved like an angry fish-
wife. Very soon, however, his Latin na-
ture esrevaded over his assumed calm,
arid he began to reale and gesticulate
with as much vigor and einehasis as the
lady. So far there was nothing at all
unusual about MO scene, but at -the end
of aefew minutes, during which they had
both become wfhite with rage; the lady
actually struck him in thedaee with her
• delicately -gloved hand, 1 thought that
this was going rather far, even for A
•epeelmen of politesse Francaise,' but
the epectators did not eeelet perticuleele
nitonuthed, • They had been there Wee
ung )341saim.
The best Cough Itiedidine.
should be rigorously insisted
__upon when buying medicine.
for Upon that depends one's
SAM contains NO. OPIVM- in
any form and is Safe& sure.
and prompt in Cases of CHOVP.
COLDS. deep-seated COVGIIS.
Try it now. and be convinced.
rs. "
that direction the studettts' surreptitious-
ly produced pipes, cigarettes and a Whis-
key bottle. The resulting photograph is,:
mirions one. in the, center of the
group stands Mrs. Nation, holding in her
right hand glass, Whiele Owing to tin)
mysteriee of the dark-rotem, In capped
with st erown of leant Around her are
the students, one drinking from a, whis-
key 'bottle, another ligVting a pipe, Obit-
ers snicking cigarettes, and two appar-
ently lit the last stages of intoxication.
En another picture Mrs. Nation is littlet*
ing, and the entire group suggests a, bad.
• 110.atalls.why ytia :Mall. bay Nat tha;;itaita •.
their stock lArge and -- well B -The deiare
. . the newest an most up-to-date- The. construction
and finishthe beste-Materialei that wear out the buyer's eapeutationsi
• aud prices that are easy ()near oeseomere.
Ail kinds of Repairing at inoderate prices UNDERTAKING in all its '
. •
branobes. 'Night and Sunday calls enewered at teeidenoe; Primiess Ste
directly beck of Presbetetien Church A tirlitieiees kearse kept.
- A. J. HOLLOWAY Manager 8; .Ftmeral Director
nstmas reefing
• -
Another Year will Soon be 1'40, slid Ii4ore it leaves you will Want to make some
• f>ierid happy with:a Christmee gift.. I;Iwill tr3lettee on to oat:nine onr sup- IV of
Mode Beeelee thP914 we have n large a; oak' or substantial goods -Midmost
lines of DRY GOODS, froth wIlio t •$ciu oeuld salad' '$%iur preaent Alsot
• .would be for your aevanteee tri see .oiir RAISTIN 8, CleetItANTA,: PEELS; Teel
. PEBB,D EIBIlItINg, • nd OYSTERS.' You .roight like a meeletrieg of HOeitte •
:Belle, or some for the Cettre:ehafts. Ora Retie, or Horse Blanket, or fancy Reg
That WES•have tbe hest thine out in Rebberg..eleete pf Hardwaree itc'tidine
Orose ()tit Saws, • e are not :sellingiout, or gelling at or below:coat,: We are
still giyiug eon full vahie for your mogry, or We do tot eepeot it. "
: Out.teemeareCasifor Produce, of whioh w can take all you brine, • Wishisige
• all a t Melly Christ was nd .a • peppy New Year, You *ill have ie yott deal ,
• Londesboro Emporium,
Deo. 3rd, 1902. •
Is ur comfortable *tether' the wearer ,
Wks, Sits or Stands..
agar -Shoes
, Are not uncomfortabie
Theffit Well.--440ok Well—Wear Well
We .carry in stoo1425 different styles of this make of Shoes
arr' giving you a splendid variety to choose from.
The prices range from $3.00 to $5.00.
• No Shoddy—No Piper Soles. .
una Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes.
We are
• Sprains, &tains, Cut* > Wounds, Ulcers,
Open Softly Bridees. Stiff jeinte, Bites and
Stings of Iniette. Coughe. Colds, Contracted
Cords; Rheumatism, Neuralgia; Bronchitis,
' Croup. Sore Throat, Quinsey. V,lioop4
Cough and ail Painful Swellinge,
ehartallen revel of the most. streinunloti
A talk
• UM BOTTLE 250.
Out of
•,Stnislr is well aosotted-goods are
IV% being sold at °leering prices
-*mane lines at lege than Wholesale pekes
-are you getting yob!' °hire of the bargain
Dinner Sets
nIngliet Rawl -porcelain dinner gate bard ,t
body, floral deoeration, 06 pieces, for $41175,1....
A fete Sete of choicest English selni.hettie. ••
beautifully cleeerated, lateet dombina.
tion-Breeda and Butter plate's ineteitd_ol
-butter ptida, We deitibt if you Call 41rid
• their equal for415*Oilri3rbo10.50,