The Clinton New Era, 1902-11-21, Page 6visit. 'J. '''•• d ' November 21.5t, 1902 Immense Opportunity. Forgetting * Beautiful Watch • and Chain free.—No Money Required,,Every Man,Wo. • man, Day, or Girl Has the same Opportunity un der our System, Jn order to iiitv4 Dr Arii-Old's EigIih Tonto Pine placed in the hands of all portions suffering from bad health we make thefollowing most liberal offer re - it you will send to ueloue name and add; etre and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr Arnold's English TeXin Pills at 2,5c per box, we will give you absolutely free a beavalful watch and chain in either ladies, or gentleman's size, or your cnoice ot twenty other premluins such as fine sets of Jewelry, ring% v ioli n tn andoli as. tea sets. Otte en•-' skirts, cameias, etc. Remember lee den% want any money until after you sell the pills and vou don't have to sell any More than 12, •bones to fort the orersiums. Thin is a bona fide offer from a reliable concern that has given thiousencle, of -dollars worth of prem- iums to agents all over tae country. Remember also that Dr Arnold's Eng- tishiToxin Pills are a well known rem, tidy for all diseases of the kidney and bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatisro, nervous troubles, and female complamts, and are for sale by all first class druggists and dealers in medicines in all parts 'bf the world. You have only to show them to sell therm. You are not offeringeetnething that the people don't Know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Ladle's or Gentlenoen in lalckel or Gun Metal Cases witb handsoine il- luminated diale and reliable time -keen - ere, watches ouch as rialealy Or gentle- man need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Free to all wbo sell twelve boxes Of those won- derful Toxin Pills. Write at once and ateliestitrybilelticitlity to earn one of those beautifulwatch t s and ohltin. As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid twelve boxes, together with our Illus. trated catalogue and beautifully colored card with your nanaeand address on as our authorized agent. Bear in mind' that you will not be asked to sell any more than the 12 boxes and we don't want any money until after you have sold them. We beer all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a method of advertising Dr Aen • old's anglish Toxin Pills. Don't delay. write at pncetaind earn a beautiful pre- . seat for yourself for Christmas. Address Arnold -Medicine 0o, Dept.J.A. 50 Adelaide St. East, -Tenet°. 'Ont. Sept .5,31n.. . • .opinions °funding Physicians. I have found the suppositoey prePered by W T Strong of great remittance in beaten - holds. It is the best looall application I. have used. 01. T. Ciampi:ell, 01.D., Chair- UtAll Board of Health. Londcr, Oat, Price $1.00. For sale by druggists, a- y mail On receipt of price. • •,• ' W. T. ST BONG, Manufacturing Chem. et, London, Ontario. Trade -mark. Prevents Emaciation Increases the Weight Builds up SolidFlesh Sweet and Palatable as Cream - Does not Derange Digestion. • A POSITIVE 'CURE FOR Nervous Exhaustion, La Grippe, Anaemia, Gcnetal Debility and Pulmonary Diseases. • O Cook's Cotton -Boot CoW, Is etteeessfully used month 1one 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. your druggist for Cook's Cates Reel Take no °Sienna all Mixtures, Pine tons ire dangerous'. Pelee• No 1* St * it, 10 degrees strobger.ts per bog. mailed on recei pt of price and two_ The Cook company Windsor; 1 and 2 sold. and recommended!, WC Dragons in Csuedin Stories of the Czar, of Ousels. Zak of the Ozar's abdioation newed by the unfortunate occurrence in the, Ruesjan imperial household which has nowagain dashed the wish of Nichola Lor en heir. The young ruler of all the Bus. luta is a perenn ally intere,stingpersonali- po ou, as ile;111 TS tat a. Ilse seeteurious t stito hp father. THE CLINTON NEW EEL Proverb ' When the butter won't come put a penny in the etilicetzsatediIkwereesaturangely from hieleti;erit ChUrn," is an old tinie dairy elan. His elder °brother Ntehollis had t a highly e wetted proverb. It often seems to been carefully taught one trained for the- work -though no one -has—ever reepensibilitiee he was to bear, but cilia death, at the age 91 twenty-two, p d tl od why. Alexander in the position of heir t lath throne, and he was then toe old tii re e Whomothers are worried ern, 9 _ DO e un or unate inciaent occurred which • gaill. strength„ancl- flegh we irr could he afford the necessary tizne. because the childrend v f t efore he succeeded to the throne, a • proved how cruel .he could be. An °ill• - the United States to order rides for the oleo n BIB Scott's E1111.11. cer 0 Swedish origin had been sent. to --saY give Russien attliV. . On his return he had to , - - pointed 'to suwrintend the rearming- of . It is like the penny in the . aciebia to the Czarewitch, who was ap- I Prince lost his- temper and began to milk because it works and the troops. During the interview the because there is something dignity, whereupon Alexander fell into a scold sharply. The officer raped with fit of fury, and loaded the man with in. astonishing milt. The man bowed himself out of the Scotts,Emulsion is simply royal presence, went home and wrote e letter to the heir -apparent, asking him a m ilk of pure cod liver oil c some hypophosphites to apologize within twenty-four hours, with adding that if the apologydid not come be would shoot himself, he Czarewitch took no notice, sending neither excuse , . especially prepared for delicate nor apology, and the officer kept his stomacns. word. The Czar heard the story and wee very angry with hie son, and Children take to. it naturally dered him to follow the hearse of the 'officer to the grave. But even this ter - because they like the taste rible lesson failed to cure Alexander of his haughtiness. The gentle ways- of the . and the remedy takes just as Rresent Czar, and his unwillingness to 'naturally to e chi. dren. be- urt the feelings' of anyone are ni sharp -,' contraet to the cruelty of the father. cause it IS SO perfeCtly adapted Unlike his father, he retakes a point, whenever it letpossibie, of driving out tO th,eir ..Wan LS. attendance, He does not give notice of -. hie drives and walks abroad, and.% often thin children Scates__Emulmon_ Tule rinnotieeZ—The late Czar, when he • alone 'with the mprects and with mall 1 For all Vireak and pale and rove out, had the streets lined with " is the most satisfactory treat - troops,. and always drove in a splenuid • egtupage surrounded by his guards and •• attendants, while the police now seldom know In in what direction their Emperor Means to drive. ' The etiquette of the Russian 'court also has become much less strict since the accession of Nil:audits I1.,1 and all his subjects are allowed admis-• lion to his presence. The peasants will - travel hundreds of miles to bring their , petitions to him, for they know that the ' Czar will personally receive them and will himself read what they have writ- ten. /le is grave in public, but in private he is fullof fun, and very fond' of chaff- ing the members; of his intimate ;circle. The Czarina oxaetly suits her husband, - 1 and. a happier fami life cannot be ire• with the Czar, even when be le at' work. - More than one good story is Old m the. Czar's earcastus and repartee: On one notable occ.asion he reduced a Rus- sian general to a frightful state of con- sternatiori. It happened soon after his accession, and before his coronation, that he was cycling in the park. at Gatschina, wearing, as was his wont, the uniform of a' colonel. Something having gone Wrong with his chain he got off to ad - jest it, and, just at that moment, a pompous general from ii distant.province eased Not receiving the salute t him, the officer stepped up to the sup-: • aginecl. Iter Majesty is almost alwa.yt • e due • posed .eolonel and peremptorily regnest- Wet, will send you the penny, 1.. e., a sample free. • ' Be sure diet this picture I. the form of, a label is on the wrapper of' every bottle of Emulsion you buy, . SCOTT fit BOVVNE, • Circa" Isis; Toronto; 'Ontario: sye. told iirivoi .an druggists. alomementing open 'tic reiseltrtfon the Imperial conference relating to the to melte the uee setae eyetele morepulsory we mud show how the ay* tem eetti be Witted in with the traditional neages of the English people. Happily tide ie not difficult Certain English weight* snit measures approximate very closely to convenient metric equivalente. The pound avoirchipole is very nearly equal to half a kilo, the cwt. to 50 kilos, the ton to 1,000 kilos. Foreign usage ha* gready ,farailiaryed us with the .phrase "metric ton,' We also need "metric ewt." and "ixtetrie pound." By • Introducing time names me give the rabid something to take head of. -"Net, riti pound" at once suggests a weight ling a pound, *berms kilogram suggests no- thing et all. Other links -that might be used with advantage are the metne inch (25 millimetres), the metric) hand (to centimetres), the metric chain (20 metres), the metric' pint (one-half litre), the mettle gallon (five litres). I de not suggest that the use of these or any other names should for the pre- sent be made compulsory. My proposal is that. in order to facilitate the in, troduetion of the mettle system thee@ names should at OTICe be given a pre, cise legal valets Even in the present seasion it might be possible to pass et simple declaratory aet proviling that' Wherever the phrase "metric pound" le used in a contract of sale it ehatt mean 500 grams, and so on. r The second lesson to be drawn from the experience of other countries is that decimal coinage must precede the Intro, auction of the metric system. It will be found that no country has yet adopt, ed the metric syetem without. -first ad- opting decimal coinage. The reason is that one of the main advantages of the metriosystem is the decimal relationship between the principal units. That ad- vantage is greatly impaired if the coine age le not ago decimal. On this point I recently received an instructive letter ,from firm •of electricians, They in- formed inc that they had tried to em- ploy the metrie-system in taking stock, but had found that the necessity of working out prices.to shillings and pence deetroyed the whole islue of the change. Here, again the difficulty of reform ie not so, great as has been represented. In the sovereign we have 4 unit of value . which is recognized all over the world. It is already divided into ten florins. The whole reform we have to accomplish is to -divide the florin into 100%farthinger bistead ^of N. • .The shil- ling would still remain. The only real ehange involved is a reduction of 4 per cent. in the value of the piano?, making 25 pence instead of 24 pence to the flor. in. ;Until we find a Chancellor of the .Exchequer strong enough to grapple with this tremendous difficulty, we shall not get decimal coinage, nor the metrie system. The whole problem terns Upon the penny. s'doption of the reetrie system, Mr. Har- old Cox has written an:interesting letter tb The Times, in the course'of.which he • says :-The average Englishman ap- • ,pears to 'imagine that the metrie tem consists of a .formidable -list of • Greek and Latin names invented by French revolutionaries. , This billet is me strong that the most conunon objec- tion urged against • the metric system. is the difficulty Of getting the mass of peo- ple to use Raines that are. foreign. to ed explanation of :the , seeming, dis- courtesy. "I am so sorry," said the czar, sweetly, "r have not yet had the honer of becoming acquainted with you, owing, to the shortness my reign, or I should; of course,.have dem so." • • A prominent Russian -statesman is such a perfect double of the Czar that he is often taken for his imperial ruler. ,"Count said the considerate rid- er of Russia, to his double, "why don't you Alter your appearance somewhat - shave off your beard, for instance? You, knocking about is you do, and eo re- semblieg your unfortunate Emperor, run terrible risks -frightful risks." • 'What!" exclaimed the faithful orient. "What, I , resembling Your Imperial Majesty as I , 'do, alter My facet Never, sir, never!" . "Ah, well, Count replied ' the • .• Czar, smiling and shrugging his shoul- ders, "as you wilt, not alter your face yourself, some of my Nihilist subjects' will alter it for you, I fear." . A characteristic etory of the Czar's love of simplicity has been going the redilde of S. Petersburg lately. A cer- tain lieutenant who:Was in a perpetual state of impecuniosity was one day seen riding in a street car. The other officer, of the regiment were furious at what they. called an insult to the uniform and intimated to the culprit that he had the bption of sending in his papers or being cashiered, and the unlucky subaltern took the former alternative. Before he a • time o so, however, e Czar heard- of the affair, witheiut' a rim= merit's delay donned a colonel's uni- form of the regiment In question, and sanntering out of his palace hailed a car, them and convey no asstici,ation.to their minds. It hi, therefore, of Utmost lin- - portance that the following .facts should .• be generally known: In almost every • country' where the metric system has been effectively Introduced the nomen- clature has been adapted to the tradi-• t Coital usages of the eountry. This is true 'even of Itrance herself. Not eVen :the all' -pervading; power of the French • Goveinment could. cempel, the French . citizen to forsake the livre ot his fathers and talk about kilograms. After more ; than a generation of struggle, the simple- : .device was adopted of lefining the livre as half 'a kilograin,and the work was • done. To -day the word livre is .con-, • stently used all over Vrance,.liut every- . • body knows a a ivre exactiy 500. grams, or half Of one kilogram. The a.dvaetages of this recognition of a tradi- • tional name are .prectical as well is Sen.' imen a . n ance,--iie wefl as nEng. /and, a very commoe weight le arquerter 1 of a „pound. But :transpose. that• phrase into "an eighth of A kilo" tint the un- trained brain is immediately confused. ! This iitep, that France teak after ': Mitch floundering, was taken in Germany. long before any general attempt was made to introduce the Metric system. When the zellverein wasestablished the pfued was made exactle equal to half a ' kilo; and thus the way was prepared • for- the rest of the metric system. was informed that throughout Germany the Word pfund it universally used in preference to halb.kilo. The moral is that beforii-elitinipting eople Who Have Used I Flay that Dr. Chase's Sirep'oeT.Atureett and Terpenttne .„affords wonderfully prompt relief for coughs " and colds. Everybody has confidence in Dr. Chase. In his great recipe book and famous familY :remedies. They have learned hy experience that it pays to instil on nsiv- ing Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 'Turpentine instead :..Of 'accepting the various unscientific "mix-ups" which some druggists offer as "just as good:" Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine contains many of the most valuable and most effeotive reinedial agents ' for throat and lung . troubles. that science has discovered. it acts so directly and promptly as to be of incalcutable worth in all cases Of croup, bronchitis and whooping cough. It he so far-reaohing in its effects as. to loosen the, tightest chest couch and cure the cold of lone standing. 25c * bottle ; femur size, three times as mul?b, 60c. at all dealers', or Edmon- ton, Bates A Co., Toronto. Pre Chase's -Syrup of Linseed.* and Turpentines A good story on Sir Williani Melo& is being told in Toronto, and is circulating round his constituency ,of.North York. The Postmaster -General has been buse in the Old Country booming Canada up hill and down dale in season and, iie.• cording to this stori, out of it. Imbued with a desire to toot the coat:Wel Iniciw. '- ler* of the ordinary Londoner Sir Wil- liam took a friend along the Strand with JUIN Ernainie Rivet authoress, recently assumed euitorial charge of a daily paper of Atlantic Ci • for one le fate, the reeeipts of the day's sales going to aid the Atlantle City Hospital. Some remarkable stories Are told of her Mora_ She 00necripted staff of special writen, ' and, it is said, detailed a prominent pas- tor to report a hall, a musician of inter national reputation to do the police court, and a political boss to arite an article denouncing the 'corrupt methods of modern electious. Carleton F. Fledge, editor of the "In _.,..dependent".of-Assr- is threat,- ened with proseeution by a prominent official of the St. Joseph Savings 'Bank at South Bend, Ind., for printing the Bible in his newspaper, Editor Hodge - says he proposes to continue to use e chapter of the Bible each week,. deepite this threat. At thio rate it will take more than fifty years to completer Stu publication. "It Is to chapters of Genesi* and Deuterononay that the bank °Metal objects," said Hodge. "Ile wrote me a letter saying,there were spots and 'Armes in the Bible that were not at to be put before the publie for perusal. For my part I candor that anything that as fit to be the bailie of Chnstianity and to be taught to children in Sunday solid* is good enough to be submitted to nom tper readers along with news items ei e .t NERVOUS AND:SLEEP-LESS .**o horrors crowded into one life, the product ot poor digestion, and the poisons dna are thereby formed within the body. There's just one method of mire for thin ter- rible oondlhons-plenty et food, but mind, food properly digested. . 'That's the dial. oulty-the digestive power of the stomach must be improved. Blob, red blood formed, strength given to the organs to drive out poisons; then 001.1200 etrength, vigor and indurance..Ferrozone 'does all !hie and mote ,• makes eiok people web; weak peo- Ole tarring. Sow fereozene and you will reap health. Sold by Combe, Trice 60o. It ie estinsated that the. nee. weeVi bag eaused a loss of from $4,000,000, to and workinanship. Before you buy call and eee us. $6,000,000 in -Ontario. - We also handle,the Canadian Steel, Field Fencol,_4)ceadysso.yenrany_fartgac.m......— erect from 60 to 80:rode per day, it ilea oheeristrongfencet. I GUARANTEED CURE • 9 The Mai( of Rongo•-.. 4. rmetv:t nib.rrir Triownvir" One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Canadian WOMBS . iied�cided for p• The "liapp)r Th.ought ang COM111011Eanges were not good enough -why allou"14-tiiiihiforlfott? Don't be imposed on by "just to good talk. The conotruetion of The "Happy • Thought .patented, its deeigat registered, it is totally different in every respect to any other., There is none like it. There can be none so good. If You only knew the time, the trouble, the labor it would save you, how little fuel it Uses, you would not be one single day withotit one. .114.4. The WM, DUCIS. ,C)V4 CO•Meattrivitt. HARLAND BROS, ugglels ! a ons! Do You want a high grade Buggy or ; Wagon We have the fineststock to select from. All the Wed etyles in the new • Colors. Our prices are as low as can be found for firet-claes matelial ris Isaac Street, For All Forms of Si(Iney Dia- NEXT DOOR TO NEW ER A.' OFFICE We,theendereigneddruggiste, are fully we. 4111114,"00,41413PPP14440-144Pi9P14/449,1144MR*441*,tdtafitud pared to give the billowing guarantee with every 60 oent bottle of Dr. Pettingill's Kid- ney. Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the world abet positively cures all troubleseris- ing from vieak or diseased kidneys :- "Money Cheerfully returned if the suffer& le not relfeVed and imetoved after, use of •one bottle. Three to six bottles effect es- toniehing andaiermanent Irina re-. . bayed and cured, you waste no money, R. P Bookie Druggist •Clinton, Ont. P. .0 . arordlg mmelie *Too, rtaifeentIs• ..b.tesi.that one day his mother's mother ' • was hobbling along the street in Ajaccio, Our Behingiserwodit_i• eieenilenineabneeotlhiritnelay'inp,3rioexei:ustaielm:.' tertaii ' . . . Cetsiese; and .that ne and his sister, Pau- line, followed the old lady, and Mimicked , her. Their granamether, happening to P turn, caught them in: the act. She cotn- . J. E. HOTEY.,. Dispeusinkplei!ist?‘ Clinton ; . ; OD BISCUIT The. beetbiseuit, and always the best. - •• No. change*: No uncertainties. " • Every biscuit light, COQi3t, If yob Want this certainty on Biking 7Day, nes Hovey's BakinePowdets, 25e a • .94k1,1111124.141:111.1P14.10S. illieliienalite*****41**********44 t • • : • . pleined. te'. Mine., Letitia., Pauline wait t - at once "spanked" and disposed. of; Na- poleon, Who Wad Out in regunentale, could not be handled. His mother bided her time. nit day,: when het on was off his guard, she' cried: "Qutek, Napo- leon! You are invited to dine with the goVernor l" He ran up to his tome to change his clothing. She 'quietly lot:. - Jawed; and when slie 'judged that the ' proper time had .come, rushed into the . mem, seized her addressed hero before he guessed her purpose, laid hini Berme the maternal knee, and belabored • him - earnestly with the flat of hett hand. • ' One day David Col; the Flemish genre painter, was reared by a peasant to paint it portrait of his father. The young art. - ist said that be would he delighted, and enquired when the father would be able to tilts him a sitting. 'The peasant re- plied, ."Oh, he is dead." "How would you have me paint his portrait? asked the artist, soma/hat amused at the peasant's naivete: "Look here, sir," said : the peasant, "thie picture on the easel -- whom (lees it represent?" "St: .Anthony." "You; are sure it is St Anthony ?" "Yee."• I"Did -he come here to sit?" "Of course not." "Then, you see, you , are quito. a.ble to metre a dead man's portrait?* - who asked tie better than to earn money, yielded, and; after making en' entries concerning the old man, set about painting the pottratt. The peasant, sec - it ler the AraiUma. 11 aai* I OH MY' 'HEAD! _ BOW:It 'acHts! ex, ' film, and cast about forLthree likely sub, - -jectii, -Thelrfend, a .distingiiiiEed Lon • don lawyer, waa nw ng o that English people were as ignorant on matters Cariadian as Sir .William re re - u t believe entered it arid sat calmly down until it stoppea in front ef the ba•rracks. He sented, The first person accosted lad Ne, r heard of Canada 1, and No. 2, are sold n Clinton desired the oilicers•to be called, and ad- neve; and said so short - tibial responsible DruLlitorea. dressed them thus: "Gentlemen, I have • ly . The second was anxious to assist _film befogged stranger, and ruminated, but -finally had to ediiiirthat he wan - unable to give the locality of Canada. Ile was sure that it was nowhere near the Strand, as he had 'Ned around those parts for'nearly seventy years. This en- couraged Sir William. Changing his question 4 little, he went up to a cock- ney flower -girl. He asked her if she was familiar with Ottawa. "Familial 'with rho?" she asked. "You go 'long or VII meek rat dirty Isew.° just' ridden frets- ths- paisenln-w-streetl a 'lute car, and I wish to know if you desire nie disgraced my uniform," "Sire," replied to send in my papers? I presume I have the major, nervously, "Your Ma -Jetty We want as Many tam- could never do that." "Then," replied en as can inaneitIt eon von. hthaeve• Czar aWegitrhadaed the uniform, smile, 'as • n amused smil albalanetedi esfu It4e3Pna"th'cl8 ttiGkralle a* tuliztvtitishnIu. retain ai he no 00 nt v eeh,ya 9,1inek-ceeed. ment, even 'lilt eenuninin, Bre:lied° :jilt.; ient to .eom erOwded.giFI as we' are f iv. ith •it,and ROM° .1zik aezareing,eirs leer fond Kiel During last and a she and her siesutenir, of a joke 4. . . eiff. wOetforto friends complain, _ will sell ., , e.,. sPui:nniCsas s i IeyV i emivisit rtrtwoi se . e A Heinrich, were paying a visit on 'SO Wa • ‘11 rO It11611:11/06T Set 7 0 '0 . to ha tn lig to an art"_lef intuiet. crowd.° °P in the . ;per hundred lbs, bl, the ladles come out, and it weer it. crowd tive citizens waited outside to see the barrel, to make room for Which increased every minute. Half an hour, and an h ur went by, and still the 4 te act ear. . . expectant'°nets waited in vain, until a - whisper went utia that the Czatitia Ot course, •w 1- ' e will deliver ' .and the Priecess were back at the it any place ill town, Schloss. On perceiving the denseness of . the crowd Her Imperial Majesty asked HOB GROqiuty " the manager if he had net a back exit to his house. She wad told the way W er . ,, , .6 was barred by a lbw wOoden fence. "Oh, • ii • 0-Ndlitil. we can manage that," laughed the Rus• . • elan Empress, If you can lend us a lad - Our can _give littsitieits to persons of sit i t elehoie nu nib° le i g 48 ." placedd .a' n' g tThateh .1171 511 ; : the I11,arltliii,er citliai:11740evenendr. grades or ability. ANents, book-keepers, jOying the fun, They went throug the olerks, formal; sans, lawyers, niechartios, phy- Court, reached the street on the °the* cams, ereeebers, students, married and oho& women and 'widows, Poeltione are Bide, and regained the SchIoes, net 18ifrom $406 tit por annum. We mus., itt h worth 4 feW 11111111tes. have paid Several canvassed% SItO, 'weekly for 1 yion to suitears. Write fully and we win give YOU& A litle philanthropy covers A WON& Petit. • TUE BRADLnYeGAItittifte014 Co. Ltd. of freed. ' Aug. 22nd ‘ Brentford, . 1 - F� t it StYlisti'llitit iii;',4 ,..1 -AIN&,, ,.. -,-:,:'...: ...- ...,,. • AND I SCIENTIFIC SIIIVE • POtice t° 'warmer& * Wher° Y611 got 5 51555 t5ffel "i5a thg13:10149101t:eirttatitntiegtientritlittttilltee7 on your face and everything free cannot buys, y more end farmers win kindry trona eoptit3 0011dition,.. go to r. MBBIo Tonsoftiat Parlor iii:4.`'1,46°Pf FaraaitaletT:4317sWti.eitRITE i Whiting /MY mere, Sleade tilloek, eliuteno I Olintee. NUY.14 tf TOWS & °Aar. ALL" s u re s Deep.seated Colds CouBlis • Croup • Bron: ch if is 'LARGE' RO7TLES SI?,? MEDIUM 50C • TRIAL SIZE: 25c The Orisinaaor of • DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, The original kidney speOilic for the euro Of Baeltache, Diabetes, Bright's Disease and all Urinary Troubles. Don't Accept SoMething just AS, geed. See you get the genuine LOAN -'-S • They euro when an otherS fan. Not a Cure Ml,but purely a Hittite), Pat Soc. net born or 8 for $1:23, All dealers er An* DOAK mussy vim co. Toronto, Ont. The Iovc1ty Bakery :and Restaurant • • _En . .Q.yotpts.. Oyitqrs We are prepared tea ferret( the best:Viten either °oohed or red/. We elect have canned roma Young Duoh, Spring (Thicket , Corned Beef, Bondage Turkey, it - so the beet tell:don. . , We hartalethe best oboe:ter MoCernicke choice Mariceibci kiso Pettersons °twins and burnt al - monde. Fano, ben .. bone always in Book. • Aaholoe etook of ovangeo mia lemons, banana and all kinds' of frtilit in season. . Fancy bread and °alma alway on hand. • Wedding Cakes a • • Specialty.. • Terme strietly mush, IlIcOlay, Clinton. • fetkvova niziotte PERIODICAL HEADACHES. sica epAseeepxo „ Headache le not'of Melt a disease:but is • generallycaused by somedisorder of -Modern- &oh, liver or bowels. • Befora. you can be °tired yes must remora the wawa Burdock Blood Bitters will do it for yew , It regulates the stomach, liver snd bowe1s. • purifies the blood and tones up the yrhole uys- $Im to full health and 'vigor. • elm; OVITO 01 away Because heiratimk is large and Well assorted --..The designO ate ''the netvest • and most up-to.dater-- The construction • and finiett the best -Materials that wear out. the buyer's expectations, and pryers theft are Wane on'our oustorneren. . • ' ' • All kinda ef Repairing at Modeeate Prices. UNDERTAKING in all its branches.Night and Sunday- cello answered it residence, Princess St., directly beck of Presbyterian Chnroh. 11 firstaciass Hearse kept R. N. ROWE J ATKIN.SON • A.' J. HOLLOWAY. Manager & Funeral Director loopoomemoommi . This week Wedihow Benne fine. BED- ••• : BOOM SUITES in eparter-out pot. . - - ished oak, with either White Enernel, • Iron or Oak eds., Also a fine lot of ' urn. ure MORRIS.ORAIRS, COUCHES end PARLOR SUITES . • Prices tow as the quality will permit Headquertere for 'Window SHADES. Bring tut the size of your windows-wedo thn rest. Plotting; framed.while II wait • me xi. cal E LJW 13 P11. . For the Fall trade is now almost complete and comprises all the new materials W-aist-meaterialaln— French Flannels Finnetlaines,. Etc. A special line of Fancy Striped Mack Silks for waists at -60c yard. CO.A.Te. C&Z.. sol\T The American Newspaper Directory Esteitheihed 1869. Issued Semi -Annually. thiworiltlatetonr000tinoroation:lgiv::ig-0111:alnniirtiOn net000rsitiointkotttitedstatesiragidu0grl4ur:1oedoRtre,in , orlign41aagebtt)ibdtaCpewe. AdVerlieitig 'went', editors, cleitit:oneasithialiktrita oZ each state; showing pre trOtini ni le nil all andanl tthithoreitiltha a ft ti tte tit 61 I netle311,11:01gtahve. tutowoirtue:tatoto:1600:1100%.0:40:4:4;itteio.oraz:pers_buil:onsint Itt • itrIt tiliel crTle7thio,P4?to 0 k'aT eiVeledP UtPlEtb It I e"ik nameP°1PP Igte epit4i6406! p°61 t_tht90 !A:4x' I %tem hi. Inver. ...A.rna Dm jeeiebtkeiveeestteheeeneatin)Vat°of. newspapere and portation °barges prepaid. oar te,rayenionares.eet moment trans - other periOaleels. It Oval the politioo, re. deter, netionality, etto. It gives the frequently Of Woe. It give( the editor'a Aim% It elves the peblieher's nen% It .Big gliel the lin Of the paper. It givee the autseription inlet). It gives the date of et t613th figalymeeeette olroulation-presont, 66 Well ed foe A Retitle of years pest, time enabling tuu ntarediVertiscr to determine the probable gives11 ba separate Ilet of all papers rated lft 118 ono thoontnerok with e oiteulatioe otov:r It gieett e separate Hit of all newspapers having 6 $tinday issue, W holesale btoOk Of platios4 at very best pussible prices. Organs, the very entertainlible gramophone, sheet music, books, and a variety of music at e. neattE's An the meet important potion of the ins tom:Afton supplied by a blereelltile WOO" °onside of a repot* ot.the financial strength of the person about whom information it totted, ao is the oiroulation of it newepeper generally tioesidered the point upon whieh lutormetion will be of Moat Value to the itdyettiset. The greatest pourable 006 ig taken to make the Direotory reports aoheet. livery publisher ie spelled to systemetioelly inforreation tekett in A fOrbe which excludes any but deft nit etatemente while every 4ffort ia made ta protect boneet publishers agoinek eneh would resat to dieingentienue rephrts , gain an unfair advantage, . aao P. Rowell& clo..Publishers, 10 Sento' St. New York,