The Blyth Standard, 1930-04-10, Page 7RU's
BABY'S OWN TABLETS Training Spiders
There is 1)e other medicine of as
great a help to young mothers as
Baby's Own Tablets, These Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative
which regulate the bowels; sweeten
the stomach; correct constipation and
indigestion; break up colds and sim-
ple fevers and make the euttiag of
teeth painless,
Mothers who keep a box of the Tab-
lets In the house always feel safe from
the sudden attacks of iluess that seize
their little ones. If baby's Own Tab-
lets aro given on the first sign of ill•
nese the baby will soon he right again,
Concerning the Tablets Mrs. 13, G. Cal,
ver, Lyndale, P.E.I„ writes:—"I al-
ways keep Baby's Own Tablets in the
house and find them a wonderful Help
In keeping my baby well."
Baby's Own Tablets are soul by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 26
cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Moscow and Montreal
Quebec Action Catholique Ind.): By
the ordersgpf Moscot,, on Thursday of
last weep larch 6, , . , four thousand
people in the City of Montreal tried
to parade and demonstrate In the
streets! Four thousand people, just
consider the figure, Montreal is
taking orders from Moscow. There
must, therefore, be a Bolshevist or-
gauizatton in Montreal. And, judg-
ing by the anther of people who obey
these instructions, bow can we doubt
tho existence of continuous propag-
anda? The fact is that in Montreal,
as in many Canadian towns, there are
nuclei or cells of Communists. They
distribute revolutionary literature,
even to children,
The obstinacy of the indolent and
weak is loss conquerable than that of
the fiery and hold,—,T. C. Lavater.
�® iLUxUftIoUS clubroom for
in Smoke Room on the Antonia
'..-typical of the accommodation,
In this popular class on all the
Cunard "A" ships..You ,will ix&
surprised at the size and comfort.
of the Tourist Third Cabin Public'
Rooms when you travel Cunard.
You will enjoy,tlie; service for
which all Cunarders are famous.''
Weekly'sollings from Montreal (ono
auebed from April 261h, ,r
aookthrough The Cunard lino,
Corner of lay and Wellingfon �l
Streets, Toronto, (Tot Elgin
3471). or any stoam:hip agent
"No more stomach trouble. Can eat anything;'
writes Mn, E. White. 'thousands say indiges-
tion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic with
Fruit -arrives". Constipation,, sick headaches
endovernight. Nerves, heartpwet, sound sleep al
ewe. Rheumatism Dies away,Compleaion clears
quick. Get "Fruit•g•Uves" from druggist today,
"I hear of an interesting little en-
terprise In Canada for the commer-
cial development of spiders' webs. The
very fine threads which tho spider
spins aro valuable in special kinds of,
Photography and, I think, in gunsiglit-
ing," say's the London correspoadcat
of the Manchester (uardian.
"But it is not every hind of spider
that spins a thread delicate enough
for this delicate work, and In Canada
the National Physical Laboratory,
bringing the aid of science to coin -
mance, sends ant els stridor experts to
collect the right variety, and to eulti-
vatn them as factory workers, so to
speak, much as bees are cultivated
for their honey.
"'rhe pro0ess-of,tho education of i
these commercial spiders is interest-)
ing. They are induced, entirely by
kindness, to walk mound and round a
stick, and as they do so the thread is
wound rotund it, so that the spider Is
made to manufitehu'e 0 sort of bobbin
of Inconceivably fine thread. This
thread is afterwards wrapped ground
the prongs of a fork whiclh has been
painted beforehand with shellac to
prevent the thread from sticking, and
these forkfuls of gossamer are thele
put luta cold storage. I believe these
eomnterclal cobwebs are wanted ehibf-
ly for aerial photography, the thread
being stretched across the diaphragm
of the cones to supply the sighting
'"flue spider thus joins the ranks of
industrial workers, it prosaic 0(1(111100
to the exploitation of nature, In the
age of business, Perhaps them will
be a spider's' protection society with
proper trade union regulations, It
seems rattier a grim business for the
spider, and certainly a contrast to
the poetry of the spider's web, and one
wonders what W. II. Hudson, who
clad his enteral Riuta in a diaphanous
vesture of spider's gossamer, wouldhave thoughtt of it."
Witness (in assault case at North
London),—My wife fli;ked him in 1110
face with her glove ,and, as a gentle -
m:.11 of course, he strucic her back
and pushed her down the 'fairs.
Is Vacation Time
In Atlantic City
Is An Assured Success
If You Stay at the
With the Finest Location
and the Longest Porch
on the Boardwalk
Offering the ultimate In Service
with Unexcelled Cuisine
Nurse Gains 7 lbs,
in 2 Weeks with
Yeast and Iron
"I am a nurse at the hospital,"
writes Miss Martina Burns, "and 1
want to let you know that I am glad
to recommend your 'itemized Yeast.
"It gave me a good appetite. I get
strong and gained 7 pounds in 2
weeks, I could write all day about
how much good Ironlzed Yeast did
me. You would be surprised at the
strength I gained in 3 or 4 days."
People eyerywhere aro amazed at
the wonderful benefits of Ironlzed
Yeast. Many write they were doubt-
ful when they started. But after
taking it regularly for only 3 or 4
weeps they gained 5 to 15 pounds.
Ugly hollows 11)1 out. Skinny limbs
become gracefully rounded. Blemish-
ed skin gets clear and beautiful,
Only when Yeast is Ironlzed is It
more effective—for Iron is needed to
bring 001 the weight -building and
strengthening values of Yeast. Pleas-
ant tablets in a handy bottle. Never
cause gas or bloating. Safe—no
harmful drugs.
Go to any druggist to -day and get a
full size treatment or Ironlzed Yeast,
If after this generous trial you are
not delighted, your money back In•
stoutly from manufacturer.
¢ � v
For 'lou*.
due to Actd'
1Nolaeer as St
When Food
About two hours after eating many
people suffer front sour stomachs,
They call It indigestion, It means
,that the stomach nerves have been
overstimulated. There hi excess acid,
The way to correct It is with an alkali,
which neutralizes many times its vul-
ture in acid,
The right way is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia — just a tasteless dose in
water. It is pleasant, efficient and
Chinese Financier
Chinese people are beginning to
realize the value of currency and ale
learnlug to 1(audlo it systematically,
The liaancial position in China is bet-
ter to -day but not until the govern-
ment adopts higher taxation will there
be peace, Is the view of 1C, N. Chang,
president of the Bank. of China and
entstantlibg financier of the country them Mrs, Wm, T, Thompson, Brus-
who sailed from Vancouver for Shang- gels, Ont„ says:—"Ivor years I suffer -
hal aboard Canadian Pacific liner ed with indigestion, headaches and
Impress of Russia recently. Photo-
graph was taken on ,1(0 ship,
A Chinese
Dr. 'Williams Pink fills \Yiil
'I'nne tip Your Stomach Mak-
ing Mealtime a Pleasure
Are you afraid of meal -time? Does
eating distress yon? Would you rath-
er go without food? That 13 the dor
ditlol of many due entirely to indigos -
tion. 'There con be 00 perfect dlges-
lol—hence ((0 enjoyment of meal-
time-uulese you have rich, red blood,
This pure blood is necesoary t0 tone
up your sl.wna611 and naive it capable
of properly digesting the food,
Many so -culled stomach remedies
merely try to digest your food for you,
'flint is a mistake—nature should do
that work and if nature does not do
it serious results are bound to follow,
'Pone up your stomach by driving out
the poisons that are in the blood.
Make new rich blood and your appe-
tite and digestion will soon be normal
—meals will once more be a pleasure.
The one sere medicine to eerlch the
blood, restore strength and banish
stomach trouble and Indigestion Io Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. Concerning
Magna Charta
Mutt may well prove to ho an the
portant step towards constitutional
guarantees, hitherto significantly lack-
ing in China, Is discerned by some
keen political students in a 13111 of
Rights which has beet jointly spoil•
scrod by Dr. II, II. Kong, Minister of
Industry, Commerce and Labor, and
:lir, Chino Y1•tang, a prominent Na-
tionalist leaden', This 13111 of Bights
has been widely printed throughout
the Chinese press, and has attracted
a good deal of attention both 1n the
English press lo Celina and 11'o111 the
newspapers of Japan.
According to despatches just recede -
ed, the first article or this Chinese
]Magna Charta sets forth that the
Chinese people, irrespective of race,
caste, sex, or creed, shall enjoy full
legal equality, and the second provides
that no person shall be restrained or
deprived of his ilio';y without doe
pr06000 of law. No one is to bo
subject to the jurisdiction of military
courts except those in the service of
the army, navy, or aerial forces en-
gaged In war or, In areas of 006))5a -
The principle of 110(lor,i of speech
and of the press Is affirmed by another
article, which declares that everyone
has the right, within the bounds of
the law, to express his views by word
of mouth, by writing or drawing, or still at It, Maybe we're a little
by any other method that he may vloleltmhided, but we'd kind 01 like
think of. It is also provided that to see those two girls get together
within the limits set by the law the some time at a bm'gain counter.—
people shall have the right to assemble "Life."
end to organize, The right of privacy
as regards the mails, telephones, tele- Scientifically speaking, coal is of
graphs and other means of co msn1, the slime composition 00 the (Ho -
cation is recognized. mond." "Still, it is only a carbon
Other articles lay it down that no MY."
dwelling -house may be searched wit 1
out the consent of the owner and due WNY SUFFER
process of law, that every person
shall have the right to live and travel
wherever ho wishes, and that every-
one shall bo permitted to choose his
own occupation, profession, or em•
ployment, No property is to bo con•
flscated without due proem of law,
t and every person is to have the right
of free access to the courts.
Parents who have more children
than they can caro for can call upon
the State for help; orphans, cripples
Rad those enfeebled by age have also
a claim to State assistance; while the
right of the workless to ask the State
for employment,..tlhe right of landless
Peasants to cultivate unowned land,
and the right of poor people to Knee
education are also fun .amental princi-
ples of the Bill. Whatever else it
does, it certainly gives indication that
somebody in China has got a cleat
grasp of the best foundation upon
which to build a really democratic
dizzy spells. I tried a groat many so-
called remedies without relief, As a
farmer's wife, with three little girls,
it was almost impossible to be idle
and I just drugged myself through my
w0610, I suffered so I 1110 actually
afraid of meal tine. A friend advised
the use et Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
and although I had lost faith in ever
being well again I purchased a supply
and began taking thein. Gradually the
dizziness and headaches left Inc. hiy
appetite improved and soon I was able
to enjoy my meals. I gained in
weight and my health in general Is
better than it has been for years. I
feel I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for they relieved me of all my
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at TO cents
a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Sometime I will forget you,
Forget. your multicolored eyes,
Like shells held In tela sun
The way yob brush your hair --your
Your voice like music far away.
It 1s not good for one to lie
Awake with stagy and dream
i. 011011 forget you sometime—
When I ,lie.
—Norma Reatieg hi the New Yore
Evening Past.
Minard's-50 Year Record of Success.
Mrs. Longworth and Mrs. Gann are
harmless, It has remained the stand -
and with physicians in the 50 years
since its Invention,
It is the quick method. Results
come almost instantly. It is the ap-
proved method, You will never use
another when you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physf
clans for 50 years in correcting excel
acids. Each bottle contains full direr
tions—any, drugstore.
The Wealth of India
Calcutta Englishman: The general
Public, pathetically unversed in econo-
mics and exchange, do not realize the
immensity of India's natural re.
sources. They do not understand that
their wealth remains; that though
Political tergiversation and corrupt
and inefficient administration may
snake the winnowing of this wealth by
the Indians and Europeans harder in
the future than it has been in the
past, the wealth remains and de-
mands the application of ever theater
capital and labor. Whatever the pre-
cise evolution of Indo•Brllish politics,
it Is utterly unthinkable that any
time, however distant, Britain will be
false to her trust to tine extent of let-
ting India slide into Chinese chaos.
Combining Pastels
In the evening fashions worn this
year there Is the same tendency to
combine pastels as in sports cos-
tumes. 13y the younger women, short,
baby blue wraps are worn over flesh
Pink frocks, or pink velvet capes are
, seen over blue frocks. Tulles and
nets are as popular as ever, more
especially in black and white, and in
s . pink, but occasionally In other colors.
Mlnard's lulls Dandruff.
Why be handicapped with unsightly
blotches on the face, eyes with yellow
tinge and that tired and languid feel-
ing? This indicates a torpid liver
Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness
surely follow. You must stimulate
your lazy liver, start the bile flowing
with Carter's Little Liver Pills,
They also act as a mild laxative,
purely vegetable, free from calomel
and poisonous drugs, small, easy to
swallow, and not habit forming. They
are not a purgative that cramps or
pains, unpleasant after effect follow.
ing, on the contrary a good tonic.
All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
Constant Variety Classified Advertising
For Real Beautyrou SAL17
A BABY CHECKS—wig fl 'Ram)
i �ti]L� alma() hist yea; In four varie-
ties. Write for free, 00tologue. A. EL.
Sal user, 100100, Ont.
Suzanne Lengien Seeks New'
'Technique in Making
Sports Attire
SI an no Lowden is nolo open cham-
pion for the short skirt brigade, and
it is related that she is In conflict
w1111 the long sldrt advocates among
the Paris dressmakers and she is
planning a 1150 conception of femi-
nine dross based upon the modern 100-
n1011'0 need fair unhindered movement,
pu'llcularly at sport,
To carry out her ideas 1110 tunnel
tennis champion, who 10 now a dress
designer, has given orders for the in-
stallation 1)0110' her Paris office of a
Private tennis court, upon which spe-
cially chosen mannequins will pla,Y
daily with racket and ball under her
critical gaze.
Grace In Motion
Every variation in the lines of the
frocks worn by the players will be
carefully rioted and later studl:'Y.
"Clothes which are graceful only
while the wearer :amine motionless
are useless for women of to -day," Mlle.
Lenglel delaredl, "New frocks must
be designed for action and speed, as
well as for elegance.
"My first nateiles at Wimbledon im-
pressed the idea on aro., I was struck
by the elemsiness et women's clothes
on the court '1'lte.y worn their shirts
Call sleeves 100.1003 anti had too much
to carry. 'fbe elleet in motion vas
"Sooner than play in 1i1a ridiculous
0lire, I tn4'oduned tb0 bandeau, the
sleeveless jumper and t11a dialer
siert, which were all alopt0(1.
"That was a beginning, 1013 there
is still much to bo done. I think I
have found a way to do It, and a new
technigee of dressmaking will be the
result. All my designs will be based
upon tea fact that beauty to be unarnh•
ing must vary incessantly."
Magistrate: "Are 3'ou hero again?
I told you no to let me see you here
again." Prisoner: "Yes, sir, I told
the policeman, but he wouldn't listen
to me."
"She has no physical infirmity, she
could tell the truth if she liked," said
a landlady, speaking of her lodger, at
Protect your shin, scalp and hair from
infection rm11 aseist the pores in tea
elimination of waste by daily use of
Cntieura Soap
200. Everywhere
Keep Kidneys
We nnnst he as careful to keel?
friends as 10 mica them. The aftec-
Ilone 011001 not be mere "tents of a
night." Friendship gives no privilege
to make ourselves disagreeable, --Lord
He alone to nn acute observer who
con 0110010e minutely without being
R, L. Alulvenry's World Famous
TYPew010 Remedy has expelled these
horrid monsters In two to three /mute.
No starling necessary, no slaknes no
110(1ble whatever.
Write for full information.
Dept. A, 211 Oesington Ave., Toronto
Wet Feet
Endanger the whole system. Play
safe by ba111ieg in Minaret's and
hot water.
1' months. liothing helped. Tien,
'Soothe•Selva' ended hchln0,pd,a 1
minute. Pil es soon eo ne."E. C. Arley. Instants
relief, riles vanish. Avoids knife. All druggiefa,'
Health and life depend on them. Try
Warner Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy
The trouble about kidney disease 10
that it brings no warning pain. But
there aro ((101(0 that you do well to
watch—headache, dullness, lack of en-
ergy, bad temper,moodiness.
ifyouare perfectly
things don't happen
At the Ara suspicion of these syuip•
tours yon should take stops to tone 1)p'
kidneys and livor. Por 10000 than 501
years thousands of families have been
using Warr or's Safn Kidney and Liver
Remedy to their expressed satisfaction.
This safe ]verbal remedy originally a
doctor's prescription, aids to clean body
poisons from the system, purify the
blood, restore abounding health,
Every drugftlat 110ows Warner's Safe
kidney and Liver Remedy—has sold 1t
for year's. It is pleasant to take and
costs but little. Patting it off doesn't
help your kidneys. Go to your druggist
now for a bottle. Note the snick line
provement. Warner's Safe Remedies
Co., Toronto, Ontario.
Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy
for it
Children hate to take medicine
as a rule, but every child loves the
taste of Castoria. And this pure
vegetable preparation is just as
good as it tastes; just as bland
and harmless as the recipe reads.
(The wrapper tells you just what
Castoria contains.)
When Baby's cry warns of colic,
a few drops of Castoria has him
soothed, asleep again in a jiffy.
Nothing is more valuable in diar-
rhea, When coated tongue or bad
breath tell of constipation, invoke
its gentle aid to cleanse and regu-
late a child's bowels. In colds or
children's diseases, use it to keep
the system from clogging. Your
doctor will tell you Castoria
9 4070
fiern elageeP.,dke
.1)l I,paefma y P.N.
11 ttheShvuMredk end
Therebyrmmotlntei el.
ruestfulMn Cadgestlea'abe
neither OpplI um, Mnrphl 1)e ser
Mineral. NoTNAne01le
,a, jr w oW P: urt0(aer01
found r,, ianneslIalionand f'a and
a ,
result ntne,g1mo-I" exY
fu3lmile Si4nO.a
deserves a place in the family
medicine cabinet until your child
is growlf. He knows it is safe for
the tiniest baby; effective for a
boy in his teens. With this special
children's remedy handy, you need
never risk giving a boy or girl
medicine meant for grown-ups.
Castoria is sold in every drug
store; the genuine always bears
Chas. H. Fletcher's signature.
the looks 20 gears gouger'
I have takrn 000)0105 011)) for 7 Sars,
and endo,, my photo at G0, to adz your cantina
of my record. f have been funded ted 30 Servo,
have 3 sons, 60, e6 1e; alto 'L grandsons.
a and 20 months. I nut (fount my youthful
uppcaranue to lirnsehcn '('1110 token rash
nloruiu7, t 01101414 never think of starting
t1:e lay 0(1)10tt 10,0,u them.
"1. am 311. Gin, in hcilht, 0aight 710 pounds:
I can nisuru yuu my husbaml Is very proud
of mel• Mrs, A. R.
0,00,) letter on ale for Inspection.
To 50010 te, your aoutlf"I 6100,1 you Horst
7 r run (014(07da10, Charm (00 beauty am
s I I nip a ft r of h0Wi(1a so art vitality and
,iyoys. n!! mill Lnynurs if 00a 1im Isar pith in
111. aIle; d4 t)) d 010,102 Marl (0-5(01.001C, add
Ion will fret years yountier Worn Ion (00 many
daps 1,1dcr,
Jerusalem `• Ilk Is oht t ,,able at dolt; and
department Arnett 15 Canada at 730. a bottle.
A botrle contains enough to hat 100 t or s
inonths-00,A stealth for half -a -gent a dao;
If 000 have never tried Fineelmn—try It now
at our expense. 10o have distributed a great
(may medal " GIANT'' Anckauos 001011 maim
14 easy for you to prove our 0(01in for yourself.
Ask your drogglst for the noir " GIANT " 15e.
Tho consists of our 0/0(01 7110. bottle together
with 0 separate trial bottle—suaiekot for about
ono week. Open the trial bottle neat, put It to
the test, and then, 11 not entirely coneinced that
Knischen dues everything se claim It to do the
regular bottle Is still as good no new. Taira It
back, Your druggist Is authorised to return
your 760. Immediately and without gncsttou.
Von have tried Krusehen free, at our expense.
What could be falter 1
13. 6to(1by
Griffiths llaghcs, Ltd„ tonh Eng.
(Estob. 1756). importers: McGillivray Dros.,
Ltd., Toronto.
"1 have used several bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.
table Compound and find it
helps me wonderfully, espe•
cially before childbirth. I have
five lovely children. After my
last baby came I had a misera-
ble pain in my right side so I
bought another bottle of the
Compound and I feel fine now.
I work outside during the fruit
season in addition to my
housework." — Mrs. Charles
Slingerland, R.R. #4, St. Cath,
crines, Ontario.
ISSUE No, 14—'30 --i