The Clinton New Era, 1902-11-07, Page 44.1•Nr•fr, ' 'November 761 1902 CLINTON NEW ESA 1 mailuaishatecti NOVitablersus Otthei 1111110114, osiery and Underwear Reaches all parts of Canada of Best Makes Makes connections with „ all parts 01.1he World a See *het your Wrote are by Shia route. Buying Hosiery and Underwear from us is Much like buying from a wholesale house, so far is prices are concerned. We buy with a syndicate of five stores Orect F 11, Hodgenst Town 'Went from the manufacturers and save the middle profit for our customers.' In this way, Buyzonru tiekete aTown and:veld r e'sd del Y Otago . "too:we often come upon special lots that other stores know nothing about and these Arlrintionnanto Boverehr Rentr-14X, Snider., we are generally able to secure at extreme price concessions, People who prefer the finer grades may choose from a pod assortment here, but we mention a few lots very favorably bought that we offer at very tow prices. 'These ;re all good qualities that will give excellent service, WE HAVE UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND OHILDREN. Hosiery, Good makes only Boys' hetwywool Bose, ill ribbed onlyetzee 8/1, 9, 9io, special 19e Boys' Hose at 25e, ;worth Q40e Mee boysheavy ribbed wool Hose we ik,re selling at 254 IS by ladies' Vests at 25e Xutlifse Tests, lush in natured color, heavy quallty.for winter wear, open front, all are nicety made and dumb- ed, Tod will find this vest as good as most stores sell cs S?r30oot3o. Cur price,,,• • * • • * • ,, • , 4013 *ests at 35e, 74oCeirt we are selling.at 85o ie *he best Cioepn•the market far the best stocking in Canada, for the money,they or made of su Englielt yarn of fine quality and come in . •Lookin he Peolgeta-liodgens13zos, . . ... 1 Hosiery and_uunerweer- evreombe4 Pineroip-Cocrier G R- It II gess - • . 4 Teacher wanted -3 Torr;iwe 5 Farm for salls-A Ginn• Plank for sato-7R & RaWfiford. 5 Cardof thanks -Li Dickinson' 6 Tax notice -3 'YVheatleY., .... Stoves ancliwood-Harland Bros ... , , ... • 5 Retiring from bunineas,-w LOunnette., 5 Now for bigger business -McKinnon, 5 Nothing like leather .•Taylor & Sons 8 Mantle saio-Rodgens Bros list** F.9buir **0 "IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1902, • Illtrett'S NOW Judge. • all alma from 6 to 10. This hoee is eold in one . of the The World Osgoode Hall roan heard ler tbe money, it is extra beavv quality and is well large city stores at 40o per Pair, our pritte resterday that judge Masson, senior made and finished.it would be considered Wood value at them under price tLed while they last the prim will be.. C appointment to the bench, but he pre. 200 palm of ladies' bleok Okiehmere Rose, in ribbed and fere the emoluments of low praetiee. p!ain, 'stemless feet, heavy heal end toe, the plein mike ,ehe promotion of Judge Doyle will be judge of 'Soren county,is to step down. :50o in some etores We cleared out several' hundred of _Ladies Cashmere Hose at 05e Pie judge is a comparatively recent .tadieS' Vests at 50c -and Cie ".iatileeee Prices .ve are sire our aldose are 'not equalled in ' "town. They are insole from a very flue yarn, 75 per vent wool, in a mem or natural color, all are warrant. ed nnehrinkable, all edges are overstitehed and will ' -not hey out all are tall length garments that will fit *rid wear w‘11. Yon will Mid our prices 10o to 15o lees n , 'Om others ask for came qualitiee,50o and , 4. TesAs at 75e, 85e, $1. and $1.25 ,Autheoe prices we oan giye you exceptionally 'gooa yeluee. ' They are made of fine yarns that will not shrink in the *ash, every Ferment at each price will fit, wear well and give mild comfort daring the cold weather, pribes 75o, 85c, $1 and • . ' . . • ' ' . are made or tor wool, They ere A I value, at per peir e announced, without delay. It is doubt, ful svhether a new appOintment ,vill be Cashmere Hose at 40 and 50e . • made as lunior.-Toronto World. • M 400 and 50o we n-giveyou a fine range of oathThe World hiformant eVidentli rildmere Hose . not know 'much about the matter. ' They are me& of extra fineyarn and wlii give good wear. • Judge Masson, ,.unfOrtiinately, will • Children's Nose In children'a Hose We keep,almont every good make.• If * tice, or juclicial,duties for that rnatter,.. 5e, never be able Co .resume. leis lave prac• The Council met in due form en Tees. day Overklm to treneaot the town's engin. tom All the member, were preeent MOO 0Ounoillor Combo. The aerofoil lasted but an hour and it half, but ormeidereble tool. 13+ eA" 00"nlilnialliriotti011f.:' from /deem Proud - foot & Hays, woe rood, eating the offekikkle On Wheel they wished the writ Nerved, the wise of Biggart ve, the Town acumen, This Is an action for damages caused by opposed, defective midewalk, near the new Weeny church, to /dee Riggart, The let- ter was turned overlo the teWillti solioitert Tame boon, to be dean with by him. A grobt of 5158 wait voted to J. X Wheatly, for the faithful eervioe rendered by -him to the town, in overseeing the mak. ing of the granolithio sidewalks laid the poet summer. He was granted $100 last seset,n, for half the work that he ae0Q411-, Iillehed inn season, and the Council is to be, commended for this recognition of his services, as he has sewed the town many dollen; in being able to oversee and aired the laying of our walke, thereby saying the profit that vrould have gone to oontraotors, 0. Crich was allowed $10 for extra labor orient on the cenietery,• in grading and tilling in holes. Chief " was instructed' to have all the 'pipes taken down and cleaned. He reported that nine cords of wood had been placed in the oellar, and recommended that the several rooms be sorubbed out, and the Connell Chamber repainted. For the third time that blooked drain on Councillor MoXenzie'e property °eras, up for alien:legion. The blame and the res- ponsibility of it has been ehifted long enough, and we think that the Council ' ehould Rot at onoe in the matter,. The drainage system of our town is not the beat, and the carrying off of the water from our streets and lots is hampered by larger and several _other drains emptying into the main sewer, which is groaner than Won emptying into it, and it is impossible to expect that an 8 inch tile will oarry Oft the waste of o dozen of .10 -inch ale. IS eineplybeciontee clogged, forolng the water book through the lots and into the cellars, and numerous complainte to thie effect are beard from our citizens. By•low No. 28 for 1902 was read for the Arai time. It le * by-law to coneolidate the debentures to be ' leaned tinder by.lasse Nos. 7 to 27 Inclueive, to be used for the payment for our granolithio sidewalks this year. The several streets, with their reopeotiye amounts, are as follows South aide Welling n street$ 28240 East aide Victoria °et .... . 885.70 North side Prin 498,80 et 1.084.50 North side Huron street .... . . 55" West side,Orange atreett .. 286.80 South side Princess lifted.... . .,„. 68.80 West side ring street 855,05 West aide Albert street 850.72 E•alit side Victorla.street 262.85 North side Rattenbury atreet684,05 Wes side Isaac street .... 258.75 West side Kirk street......... .., 111.60 North side George street 182.20 East aide William street . . . 417,60 West side Queen, atreet . 820.80 West side Raglan atrest... . *Po • 112.00 South side Joseph street..., . . . . . 786.65 West side Victoria street 788.25 North side Princess street.4,. The report of the finance committee was presented and pinged, and the following accounts ordered paiitt. 0 Carter. work bill. $46 87; tt Churchill, gravel, $276.20: J E Wheatley, salary, $58; R VVelsh, sal- ary, $101.50; R Coats,.malary, selection of jurors, $85.60: - A Wilkin, weighing, $8.40; 131111er, street watering, $12,50; A Seeley, fireman $6.25. .1' X- West, fireman 55; 0 Crich, salary; $30; Harland Bros. $1.50; 'Eleotrio Light amount! $70; W Grant, rent, 512; Wiseman, menrince, .$23; R 00111201, #rinting, . $6 60. Receipts -a' Wheetley, melee, $38,80,. rent of offioe, 48, hail, $24; 0 Crioh, work ni cemetery, 010. you buy your children stockings here you will be well because his ilinees is such that he Will . • pleased both with the wearing qualities and pricier; never get over it, a fact regretted by • everybody. lie has been a .credit to the bench, and the probabilities are that he will 'resign at an early. day, add go on the atiperannUatlan list, thus se - Children's and Infants! Vests come In navy and bleak, with white stripes and figures, Miring tWo-thirclet lehrf salary is will* ere twine 19a to •:. • • • • • • 9 Wrappers at11.50 5 Ladies! Wrappers made or good quality wrapperette, all hard finished goods that will not get rough by avedr, allhaye flounce at the non?? , side+, very spaoial I OV Judge. We believe that this course is "X`oraihildren we can give you every good kind; yeate In all 1,051, cotton or union, at prices teem 15° to . ....... 50L• line of children's underwear that.ie in great demand is nailed Mob Lined, they come in all size% pricee ate 13CtAilie • • . . eye ynudeiiers tb match the mete areiery price, • gens' Underwear We Mice imported direct from the makers in Loridon,Eng.4 inignifloent range Of men'a natural wool laalerwear. It is elide of the finest Australian yarne and each gar- ment is finished with the new patent spliced selvedgee. • They come in small men's,inedium and large sizes anda Aft • prices range from, each 01.25 to: , . . . , Xeres Underwear "Veda in (Daniels," of fine' Scotch' Wool, in plain rind rib, fancy stripes and natural oolorte all . aizes from 32 to 42 and,.eaoh 75o;.90o to.... - ........ 1.."40 „. par popular price underwear this season is the half •dollar • - make. We calk give you the choice of from 16 toi2 different kinds,including wool,union,fieme wool,eto., . And all sizes from 82 to 44, your choice oranv make at - De Valne'lltelk°11••••... 0•9'• •,•• ••••• pea.. • algal. 94* 46.4444•*.• * ' • - recommended by his own relatives. Flannelette Gowns Should' the Government piompte Judge Doyle to the Senior Judgeship, Ladies' Ginths Made of res pea quality of flannelette, in it will showing appreciation ,of one yolk, blue end white, 1111 nicely trimmed and *Imbed, who for about twenty years headmen • very special Value at 85o kind 4.. . •00 faithfulty performing the duties OU T • Ju ior judge. Since the illness of Mr Mack Satana, Underskirts at $1 . . ma son he has looked, after the larger . . pait of -the judicial work of ,the county, We bailey° £t.....4 I.., Underelsirts at $1 ever'scild in town tire an is well deserying Of prornotiqn. the'ones we are .now showing at till', price, they are , The government, In . our hiltable made of an elegant quality of satana cloth, all twine opinion, Will be -making a' gracious wide frills at bottom, mend styles to choose from, all =Stake if it does not oleo appoint a -----------------------------1.00nJunior Ttidge, There IS' more work A. full assortment o f hoye'*Underwear, in fleece lined wool And we' a so think that taking. ail the • , - • than lu ge Can properly look after. and union, at from, each • • • * ..25c to 50e circumstances into account, the Junior judgeship should go to Mr Philip Holt, Corsets that will fit and wear well • of Godertch, Who is actingjudge at the 'lhat's the kind present time. In addition to the fact flV •• Ina he posseeses all the qualifications • necessary,. he is unanimously reborn. • Our corset sales this 'season so far have been the largest sn mended by eyery member of the Bar re3sra• :Women who want geed wrests and corsets that will in the cOunty, and also by the three giva solid comfort have found out that at this etore they are sure parliamentary representatives. • gesting tfle.be8s. • Tour niniOy back if y011 want it. CLINTON i . . . ST JOSEpET'S ORCR013,-,-Iiast &slur- ' ehorch Chinees day .. being "all; Saints" : day Undue . -t • --service was conducted in Blyth by. Re* TURNERS CHunc11.--QUarterly ser, Father McMenamin. Healso conduct- . -vices will beconducted in this church 'ked service in that town On Sunday. cia "Sunday next. 4, , Monday morning, at nine,`seryice was ,... ..., 'held here, it being "all Soul's" day and •13APTIST RURCH. -Re', luo I,. s was said for their peaceful repose. Coltman. of • Branerkton, a former • ' .....The. ' usual first Frulay's devotion pastor, will be the special preacher at OFtbe Sacred Heart. League will be the anniversary services - to be held held to-day-Eriday---at 7 o'clock, Rev 310""ndale• At 11 a* m• and 7 P. ith; 1 Father McMenamin officiating, He Bnecial music will be rendered by the I will conduct Wm services next Sunda" choir, and collection will he taken tin.' • o;. behalf of the trust fund.... On Mon- 1 Si PAUL'S CHURCH, -The rector's ' -4"1,-„1, evening a tea meeting will he held; , remarks in his discourse last Sunday tea to be eerved from 5,30 to 8 p. iii,, ' inorning, was along the lines Of the after which an Wrests will be given • Christian's sworn here. . Being but a tyliir Coltman, on "Canada for the 1 pilgrim snap, wanderer in:a strange 'Venadian Youth" a number of recite.- I land, and asked • those who: were tidos will also be given, interspersed • ()heists oven to let there lives so speak, ',with appropriate Music....Rev S. 0.• that they may be recognized as such. , Dunlop will conduct his own work in ' A goodly number partook of the ,, the *aft ornohn,at the Base Line church. Lord's Supper after the ',morning ser - WESLEY ORTIRML-The Intermedi. . ' • " vice. Next Sunday being the Kings birthday special services of a thanks'. ate and Senior Leagues met on 1Stkinl' giying nature to Almighty God for the daY, evening. The Monet from t°' 80 restoration of the Kings health arid *lid was consecration meting, with e •:roll call, Several 'Short address's tendd for the many bleseingthat has at - the British nation during the 'were given, Oscar Rodre ers being ' the past tWo year!), will be held. and ap- %nein sPeaker• A like service was esn'prop 1 ,te mnsie will berendered by the idonted for the senior League by Rav BChoir. . - X: Manning. Collections were . 0 . - fin lip by both meetings, the money °START() STREET Catrtunr.-Miss le to be devoted to the running • ex. Allan, who recently took' charge of the wenass of the society; et . was •ev.er. , organ of this church, handed in her resignation ,at few days since (her broth. Iboked that the delegates to the cor • er having moved to Goderich) and Miss ,nention held. at atiderich last Weiei • Rollie Combo hail been engaged to sue. were present, and the report of t at gatheting was 'not given, so they thoroly Proficient organist, and will 111 ceed her. Miss Combs is known as a ' bore another week to present a betteriirender excellent e4,•rvice. , "The qiiart- . report.. .The quarterly Services on S 11. dly were well attended, and gave evie erlY service% on Sunday were Well dello, of increasing apintaai iii,e. At, attended, the number participating in the needing of the efikaak hoard on both the loveteatit and, sacramental• eerviee, teeing the largest , ever exper. 'Tuesday eenning, the financial state. renced,giainariyidetace of the continued InentglYen was the meet eatlefitetory geowth and spirituel prosperity of the , -in the history of the Church. and show. ' au an appreciation on the Dart of the : simrsk 4 the meeting of the °foetal congregation that was amouvaging, QiarterlY Board was held on Tuesday noa stoer s elected•wre aro evening The report. of the 1(ecordlng raheriv., W. canteion, ty,mgh.• alma. Steward ehowed the Obancett to he in a geed and eatiefaCterV conditioe, F. R. Itodgens. Southcanthe and Tin- good The following resolution was '.1.:he Stewards elected were Messrs E. ! vaned nnanirenegy -,,,,irteseaveav that. G. Omit Moe; H. Plumsteel, Jacob Tay- inh inion.of.•thie the Quarterly : lor, L. Tyndall, W'. Mural, B. J, Gib - o r . Wesley church, the bilis now - hinge, and John Gihhinge, the totter Iia 2 ttanaing on 6,1e,bin board!, ;towbar of whom was re eleeted Recording A recent in town are moatit ea Steward; Mr William TipladY, as one totitand improper, and shedid be ,e0v., of the oldest and most • faithful SteW. orea or destroyed; we also protest in ards of the church, WAR elected an the eteringeet manner against bills of nehenarY Steward for life. James 00011,1000d a respectable: ineMbet Cornish, Henry Plumeteel and 1 Gib. Carretr.n..t.anoillearogtrhaem .t9itiltr given hinge Were appointed Sunday School that character being allowed UP at any , Ihne, and think; Jplaholild be taken f ; to pet -Amite the Party or patties who at League on Monday night., . Ate v Mr ' g ttikilegsVettiliteVOr IlMittfi aingit 1 • e• , Godieln, of Grade church, St. Thomas, ,. subsequent Meeting of the Trnatee will occupy the pulpit at both eervicee ' Blaze eeyeral Miner iMprOYetitentis next IsundaY• Rev Dr Gifford will . watt r000tamended. Milting there the tr...aach wehlverearY eerYieee In St, Ildtteing•Of Ittelephoneldtbe parsonage. ;U10113460 • • Tile P.; 0. DePartmont: ' The Liberal part,f, thretigh Sir Wm. Muilock,has achieved areeordfor wbkh • ' eretnleg and Violas; Mut Riese, of Exeter, visited it the home •of her son, W. Ross.for a few dein last Jemee Crewe, of Toledo, is hereon with hie brother, . F. B. Crews; for It has every reason to be proud. Ping Peng Is the moat popular, game In AMerice at the present time. 11 11 mutt. able for old entLYOUnNand be - geed itim dining table. The prioem have yery muck loosened during ties laet few motiths owing to the yery large sale throughout America. • These are three lines of special value No, 1 Set -TWO turned handle wood bate, two Peliehed poste, ghen, Knet with white binding, and..2 TWO balite-complete, cardboer4 KAn box, with rules, Per set ......•• . . • . .0000111.*01,.****".0•.• No, 2 Set, --Two horned handle mud Fiber :surface bats; green net with white binding, two poliehed poste and four Rain belle, cora. , plebe in oardbeard box, With rules. Per eat . .4 . *4 • • • 9 P • 4 'Pk No P 8.„Eleta.Two woodbats with donble eand paper Judges bledelk turned handles, new etyle cleran poste with felt bottom, hound net, fen analogy, iialex belle, Per . Amy Bata extre, With Or withont Oend paper Barna.. 10, 20, 85 an4 60a each, Best Rolex balls extra, each 5o. Beet Englieli Caddie, meat 7e WALL PAPER Department You're not going to put bask *bat carpet and furniture without paper., ing the room, are you vto!! .ehie hortee-oleaning eessonie wall paper seamark, toe. • • We have a stock of 15000 rollsto select from -and oan give you any Outdo or pat- tern yea require. Call or send for eaniples. Good paper can be had as low tie 5o a roll, but we excel in medium priced • pa. • pore for 8 to 20o permit, •All paper trimmed free Hang' ourWinds:ivy Shades, 'tu or better still; let t hang them sfor you. This we will be pleased to do if your home IC' in town, To our country customers we glye special histrac- tionewhen necessary: • • When 37,0u get Blinds, t the. best,. as it alway ys. We buy direct from the beet inanufaeturere in Canada, and our Shades are first-class. The rotten; also are fully guaranteed. • - • 151110105 tra4be hod front 85 to 60e for the plain. ones, c to *1:25 for lace arid fringe.. Special sizeth e eecured on ort notice • Now in Stack Butterick Patterns for .December.• - These show everyveriety of, garmentlorindoor end:outdo= *ear.: Special coettimes for elderly ladies evening wear for the Bolidasee Band. frill novelties tricked and'slotuream effects; Drop shotilder effects, new . norfolk effect% • • Be sure to get a copy of The Delineator for-itecember, now ready.• • 11 18 the Chrietnuie number and also the thirtieth anniversary number. 11 18 the meet complete, the moat beautiful woman's magazine ever published, 240 peps; 21 hill pages in colors, Only 15 cents. Don't fell td get s copy; the !Alfieri is limited. ' W. Cooper & Co., dinton • I Agents for a P. It, Telegraph and Derninion xpress Money Orders, also for Button& Patterns, It is this -.the Festal department • of , Mr .Reekie,of ihornite; aceonipanied by his daughter, is visiting it his eon% :the country has been so well managed Paraltr'ir,'GReuntlinki.e'of Toronto. returned to *that Or the last fiscal year4the receipts his home on Wednesday, after virkiting his brother Dr. Gunn, for 'a few dive. : Are $5,000.aikere than the expenditure. :When it is remenibered that ' every etre in'. W. Ferran and daughter Pdre U. T. Ilande,ieft Saturday for a trip ,to T.orim year -under the Conservativeadminiee th. They will be gone two weeks. • :tration,there wits a large auntie! deficit Wise Millie Evene, who has been visiting her brother in Toronto, for the past two month*, returned home net Thursday. Mre S. floats, who has been speeding the souttner with her daughter,alre McCallum, Creatline,Ohio,returned to town on 'Friday. Mrs R. H, Read, Lorelon,(mother of Aire W.• Harland, jr..) is visiting her'old friends here, and.expeote to rtinsin for soma time. bliss Tillie Cololonah, . who has been epending severed weeks with friends in and around Olinton,returned to Woodetook this: week. • • . • • Mrs James Turnbull, of Toronto, who less been visiting at Thos. Jackson% jr., for some time, returned to her -home this week. Will pone, express messenger between London, and the, Niagara Falls.and former. ly a resident of town, was a visitor here last week. . • in this deportment the testi-just before tbe.Liberrile took, office,: am punting to 'nearly $800,030 In one year; ,it thowe inaavellieue good, management. , . It should also be remembered that the Liberal party'has given the cOuni7 •• try the best postal service it ever had; Ifteferaridum. Notes. and the lowest letter rate, thereby sav- ing the • people •thousands of dollars • Voting bakee place on Dec.`4..Hin the annually. It has, increased themileage meantime think over how you are go- of mail routes thousandsof miles and to Vote, . *opened up hundreds of new offices. . When the Governinent maimed the ganY inquiries 'have ifielleti the If' ietter rate from three to two, cents, the cense branch of the -Ontario Glover:- Conservatives bitterly opposed it, as. neent_on.Dec; 4th, day o as to whether, bar -rooms mustthe f , e 'eerting that a direct tem would be nee.; Closed on the Lignop Act. The chiefithe yotenspECtlF entity to meet the large loss of revenue thus incurred, of Retinae tag said that by a clause in the Prohibition Act, the nr visions of Nething of the kind hart oecuire4. the general election lit•*164peolin-ltTithe peoanle got the bentefit of the'redue. • closing of baes,eorruption etc would on, an vvere • never axed an extra apply to the Coining vote. .1 . CThere are some features Of ear Mut- The first meeting for ptirposes of or- ock's adminiatration, that we do not ganiecition Was held in the Oeuncil agree with, and which may be referred chamber, Clinton, on Friday evening to again, but be is certainly entitled' to last, with a fair attendance. Mr A T. great credit for his aeneral :Manage. Cooper was appointed vice-president merit of his department, which brings for the town, and Mr Russell Manning inthprominence these facia:- secretary -treasurer. • A chairman and 'Under Conservative rule •-e. deficit of three Ot a, committee for each ward $800,000, Ceder Liberal rule -a surplus was selected to look after the votes of 55,000, and See to getting out the`Store, and a few minor matters left in the „hands * of the Executive, , North Norfolk, Von by the °onset- , • yatives in the loial election, has been • The declared vacant by the judges, en the .raeority of the Ftosfie4lovern- ment now three. It is increasing at • ground of bribery. This is the second the rate of one a week, which Will Conseryotive unseated and no Liberal, make it eleven by the end of the year, and twenty somewhere during the ses• We stated two weeks ago that ElOn. Mon, Twenty, tirethink, aheet James Sutherland would, noosed Mr enough. it is not weii thab a Govern- ment should be too strong.-plaae. Tarte, as Minister of Public Works; Sir Wilfrid Louder and Mr Torte though not. 1:41441.13' ammtheedi it Is were the leading guests on Tuesday virtually conceded that this will be the , evening at the Loyal Tiniversity an- case, and that Mr. Vtefontain, e ex.' nual dinner in Montreal. No references Mayor of Montreal, will become Mlinis- of n personal character were made. Mr ter of Marine.-; Tarte,who get O tremendous reeeptien, mune out hot in supportof his well- , defined tariff, , eteod 133r all he hod Mr Monteith, Who has been unseated said,and urged his hearers to stand for in North Perth,laeld his seat by a yote a PolloY, of (*hada for the Canadianet that belonged to his opponent, What& • Jas. Howson, who waa awAy on the har- Yeeterre excursion' to the northwest,eeturned • last'Friday. He is greatly taken with that p vet of our country, daysinStotrwanchwainthGrgsritelher' la7tanwteeka, fbeva- fore leaving for London to take a mime in Coo' ik Shorthand Academy, ' 3. Fluker and Eli Motiaughtin, of Ox iiv, Mem , are visiting relativee in town. They attended the wedding of their mean, Miss Fluker, Wedneeday. Metiool, of Drurribo, 'slatted his sister and mother on Albert street, for a few days last weeir, prior to leaving for the North. west, where he will reside in the future. Mrs EL Andrews left kat Saturday to spend the winter with her . eon Rasa, in Cleveland.. lir and Mrs Ben Gibbinge will orsoimy thellonse till their own is finiehed. W. Newcombe left on TuesdaYaftertoon t•for Stratford, London and Strethroy. Erc returned on Wednesday evening, a000ni- panted by Mfg Newitionebe and baby, who have been *Ring at her parents' in Pet. roles for the pad three weeks, . . George and Barry Ansley, of Wingluon, have gone to Chathein to attend the Cab. oda Business: College, of that city. George was gold medallist in the business depart. meat last, 36120; and will now take up the shorthand mare% Barry is ori ex-pilblio school teacher of this county, and will en- -ier the bagmen' department '' Sir Sandford riernin ,* Of Ottawa,' howl the psuedcifirtuous ConservatiYo Mr and Mre Henry Joyner, who left oven the comniehin of the Pacific cable to ress would have raised had li been a .alavoiabirwrekt.hersisOiold8Lsayneda,r; Mat Saturday night too advantate of . returnedatagohom6er a hi visit, and thinke seta around the world. it iberal who had thus- retained his. +seat messageuntil nut out bv the courts, ut they elm% he hear men his eatiye country. ane w :dammed to the Governor-Gener- haven't '- a t h f le jubilant OV r 9 V' bout this case • ° a° al, Ottawa, and was sent yiti, Australia, "I',a trot: . e aa" 4 ' MOM of the *mare of ',Merry England" South Aides and England. The mes- ii than ever, Ha took in all the eights of k, vv, •awe, pf Toronto, aged 27, Rage duly came back; haying oceupied ondon, where he epent most of the time 1.01souts and 25 minutes in its globe* the new general manager of the metro- . he was away, visiting two &others whom girdling trip. - nolitan bank, Is said to be the youngest he had not ;teen Fll1100 leaVing there. He The London Standard,. ,the chief °.• mntook in the great matinfoottiring centre of Government omen, , publishes. the full occupant of such an iortent office., Birmingham, the Wolvethomplon Pair, text of the Laurier -Tarte correspond- in Canada, if not in the WOO& Ile and had a long talk With Alex Moll Allan, etarts with a salerynf 4115,000, and no the ,Canadian Dotomiselober. Fruit en ence, and expresses tutierise that Mr Tarte atteropte .no excuse for hie line .: exhibition, that ill over a year old. is In doubt hie emnloyers believe him, to be good condition a of action, which is contrary to all tra till; Mr japer Boys that ditions of Cabinet geivernment, The Woeth it. MA lf the general manager' ' Canada . has a wonderful exhibit there, Standardsays Sir Wilfrid's answer is of a single bankinginstitution is worth which is induoing thotesonde to ernigrote ,„ worded wiUramodorationwhich Would title eatery, What about. the General to thie oduntry, the Triniehm, the boot on certainly not have been displayed hManager of this Dffintilion, Who re. whieh he dards Nee, bringhtg over item the Doke of Wellington Or -Lord Pal- 1 • s) calves lees than 410,000 a year for his 1800, The reesage was very rough, but mereten, service, • he say' that he more thou enjoyed it. At LAM,' 1WWWWWWWk Nile .Goderiele .deta,ear,..... At the meeting of the ' Nores:-Lee & Sheppard, plumbers, Trustee board of the Alethodist church conduct the business in future.. 0on- bave dissolved partnership; Lee will • rvair the old church,' and a resolution OwIlastibo rnoduagyh night; i gi ihpt ; ati ihde y decided,passed t.In. not mato. bridge at Georgetown, fortunately. ductier Dingman dropped 20ft off a :ously that a new church be' built next was not, injured. • Public School Board. • d's: met Monday evening ; 'there were spring. The: matter was freelyp -ens boys and 221 girls attended net month 181 'and ascertain 1 he probable peat, veas cussed and A committee to secure + unloaded at the . or 86 per cent, 125,000. bushels of appointed, namely -Chas •Gerv.in and wheat nave been, . unto Samuel Shepperd. • This is a step in, the and outfit returneeTueeday evening'. this Week. The dredge Arnold rhiegthet; dbiruetce,wioinu,.aptirdobvr:bIllynoied.don.ltyc: aid:0 jog. to the comfort of the congregation the past month, Work is . pro - from Bayfield,Where it had been work- ' . strength. "greesing on the:excaeation for th-eliM NOTES. -Rev E. Shaw. Benutiller, warehouse for the Lake, Huron & Mara last : itoba ,Milling 0o. Miss Mac Dickinson, condected quarterly services here SuncleY„Rey-M J Wilson supplying on of Toronto.. Miss Laura Acheson and his charge, Next Monday night our Miss Elizabeth Wilson cave an inter. branch Bible society will hold their an- tainment under the auspices of Ep- nual Meeting in the church, when ad. worth League at Ridgetown recently, dresses will be delivered on the work Farewell supper Was tendered Science teethe society by our pastor,. and the Master, Grant, on Thursday evening president of the society ; music will be , last; he has. occupied thatpositionfer furnished by the choir and others; ev- several years; in connection With the: erybody should avail themselves of this Collegiate Institute to the satisfaction meeting, John Marke and bride, of of all, but has resigned, and will look Galt spent. their . honeymoon at the : for laurels in other fields. The bylaw home of Snyder, also visiting friends to grant a loan of $25,000 for fifteen , at Auburn:, Benmiller and Clinton. years, without interest, for the re- •. : . • : thy -law to take SM,000 of stock in the win Courtice,Sicu:dnaeyiied. a.t Ntil.e.. -;:mbutifirdoilin,gtorfut:itor. g::erfo.evatoeryet,raien,d,Rtithae.,. , sr a- ' way were provisionally passed by the Curritot -The'November quarterly sacramental seryices of the Kippen cir- will be submitted to the qualified vet.' _ council on Tuesday evening. They cult Methodist church were held at era on Friday, November 28th. • Chiselhurst, on Sunday,Nov. 2nd, The attendance was large and the meeting nTivohaoes refyeryotth0well filen' cg _lifeI'stewards boardn 131:0t:;edt at KlYecialitael: .NoTas,—A, Glenn Woollesley Bar.. . . Dungannon John jonee Wm IyesonoTehn Fitss'er' racks, is home again after spending ald, Henry 'Pybus, Geo Smallacombe, three years there: Miss J. Ryan, Lon- yodnmestuwndasTerioeyeetordanRdebtcoerod.inCgolsereteawna.ri. eats. Mr anil Mrs Wm, Ryan. nowt don, is visiting at the home of her ;par.. , The financial returne vodre good'fbeing der the auspices of the Ladies' A.I4 of forget the hot supper on Nov. 13th, un - larger than usual. Some matters that iwneglalmefet ourvefro rfrecrttltehmeeAntti,goUnSet billet; smolt Sunday kit J. Mole% Auburn. H. Presbyterian church.. Thos. Anderson the apptoptiation for salary, In finite Caesar spent Sunday at Y. Elliott's, of a large number of reineVals,ipeurring gravel road,' Thos. Finnigan is all. heavy financial lose, the Salary was angles ; ibis a girl, The farmers are Is in good condition. On Sunday even - kept at $700. The work of the circuit very busy at their roots and plowing. Vir. P, Landerson is visiting friends at hag, "Nov 2nd, a union temperanopt! Goderich, and win. McKnight, Nile Woodetock. • Mies Mabel Robinson, meeting was held in the church at Ri were in our burg on Sunday afternoon'. pen. The meeting was addressed b; Rey M 0 McLennan,B. A., and Rev SErootrena . CONTEST. -The shooting It Malntt B. A., D. . • contest the Agnew tronhey was • icoorinlugdedmittarekteSmaetnurdac TuCkerOmith Yam' Wphleetiledtbethfe(11;* - 21W 0014. NOTUS -IL Carter sold tWO ACOreS as foilows ; 3, Glover 605; Chae. young horses last week ; one to a Sea. Elliott, 623; B. J. Crawford, 632; A. ' Vrerrfistet..--.Mise Lane epent forth buyer and One to F. Plewes, hcoannddipettt ofwatwa eattrardpeodin to : Maher. 034; Dr. Bice. 600 ; Thos, Allen, a. few 537, Chas. Elliott and Thos. Allen were days visiting iamb in this ,vicinity. Mr Elliott, The. troi3hy. which is "a allotTbede oae Miss Mary Turner, of Clinton, is visit- and handsome cup On an ebony pedestal, onset 14Irs G, Turners. '. NOTICE. -We inform that person or suppottedly two rifles, was presented persons who carried away that plow Icier :II eitlbg Diril 'egellevi.°11114°13' re td f. . t r st has been and set of harrows, from lot 85, on or taken in the contest tor it. It was a „ about nalloa e'en, that they had het; ettaight shoot for the cup, and Mr ter return the same immediately, and Glover now holds It permanently. J',E, time gat* themselves 'further trouble. a Oanteloti, Clinton, put up a prize of a There died on Monday at Oolunibne• silk ttrobrella for the highest average, Ont., the pioneer importer of Clyde*. , which was oleo WOO by Mr GIover.whe dale homes into Canada, Mr .Theeph 'had ushoth wad an average dm peihte,, A .T. Bickle 001110 second with 7 kihotti. Thornpeortiaged 84 years arida months.' Mr Thorripson4catne to this' country and. an Average of 02points. . frone Yorkehire when about I' years of -, age. It was more then 60 years age ' that he Imported and acted, as gtoom 14"110111411111! dreieiris gook to Select from. Butter 104 . for Clyde, the fleet Clydeedttie in this country. ,•" coi0.E.X.1140 Vanillin% 4***.s._ At4imate..