The Clinton New Era, 1902-09-12, Page 7The New Era to new subscribers, a trial trip to the end ofthe year, for 200
Little Liver Pills.
Must Screw Signature, of
LSee Pim-Simile Wrapper Below.
Tarr Man and tutesity
ctitsjilltre‘'13;40t lainsir="W'en6
IEarthquakes and Cause.
y •
, One of the most .disastrous eartlx\
makes Of recent times Is that rse
• ported from Bussian. Transcaucashu
'The town of .Shamaka has been;
;practically destroyed, only a dos-
. en houses being left standing, while a
!Population of 25,000 •has been rendered
homeless. The number of fatalities is
• as yet 'unknown, Over 300 bodies had
been recovered • at, the latest accounts.
To the student of seismic. phenomena,
says the San Francisco "Chronicle."'
the interesting and suggestive featttre''
In the Shainaka earthquake is that it.
has occurred In the neighborhood ef
the Baku ell distafict--the :most pro-
ductive field in the world, not except-
•ing that of.Beaumont, In Texas. ,It Is,
furthermore, a section of the .World
!which ems hitherto been exempt from
these plienOrnena. The scientific 'oa-
t:fairer --veg.- naturally search for a '
Cause, for ca'use and effect• go together
in the scientific analysis. of all phei;
nomeria. Is the great natural oil re.
servoir tapped iby the oil wells lot Baku
on the shoret of thaOasplan Sea, lo-
cated under the :site of Shanitelea, and
has ehe !tremendous drain of mineral;
oil from the same caused a void and a
subsequent shrinkage the :earth's
crust in that neighborhood? The en-•
Autry is not far-fetched. It Is Usually
assumed that water takes the place of
the on withdrawn from. the Measures
Riling The vacumit created by 'the lat-;
tees withdrawal, but .12 the water; bee
lug more tenuous, should find an tilde --
pendent vent .elsewhere, the Vactiuni
created by the draining Of the mineral
oil would remain, and a shrinkage :of
the unsupPorted crust of the -earth
.would naturally tollOW -soon& or later.
It has been suggested that the tap-
ping Of the oil measures in the south-
ern part of !California has !relieve& the •
mineral •ollelsearieg formations from.
the presSure of the gas Created. in theft.
and the possible subterranean:gas
DlosIons •prodticed by excessive pres-;:
sure, and thus removed one of•the Sup-
posed causes of earthqualtei in that
section. .There may be nothing in the
theory, but it has been Observed that
the Los Angeles district has been not-
ably exempt from seismic- disturbances
since the riff measures were tappect and
vent given to the gases ;.generatEd. ene
them. Likewise, the theory that :the%
• entamaka .estetlictuak, d _was Atte to 'the
drain on the petroleum reservoirs In.
the Caucasus by • the 13alcu wells may
• be entirely' at feult. Bat 'the .two phse.
diemena se.ern to Invite the attentiOrr Of
the scientist, and open a -new fiele fog
the study of selarnee destureta.nee •
. .
Breizeli of Promise Ethics.
If a man engages ,himself tO inarrY
/woman, and, on the understanding or
that engagement, induces her to aban-
don, for, perhaps, a lengthy term, the
Chief buSiness of her life-seduzing a
suitable husband -and subsequently
breaks his engagement, he inflicts just
its real a cash wrong as if he had en-
• gaged her as govern,ess and not Paid
aier any wages. For a term of perhaps
!two years, possibly the beet 'years of
her life, he has kept the !wonlan from
the quest of a husband, anal thus ma-
terially injured her mattilmonial
eets. V. is right, therefore, that be
stheuld gray compensation.--"Bnilotin."
• fruni
Paine's Celery
Permanently' Cures' Sick and
Nervotts ,
Make Life Miserable.;
Sick and nervoneheeesehee are arnonget
the won't Moot lite, The man or Woman.
who is subjeot to headaehe at irregular
terval% goes through lifd bearing a load of.
inimery end wretchedness that is terrible to
think f.
Headaches as a runeresuit from a disor-
dered condition of the atervone spited.
Ildental excitement, loss of sleep, beady fat-
ique and dieordered &genitor' are exeitinie
causes, When the brain becomes tired she
debiliteted, the whole nervous agate= is
weekenecl. and headathes result. If the
liver is sluggish, the kidneys inactive and
digestion deranged, headaches invariably
follost. To ottre and prevent Isestdaclieehe
nervous system meet be strengtheeed and
vitalized. The most persistent closes of,
headache fierveue feebleness and eleeplese-
Miss are permen. 'lily cured by ?Aimee
'3elery.COmnound ; it le the great reeve
.trtietant Of the nerveless oyster'. Aire A.II,
enateoe, Oreemote, Ont., writes se follotek
"Far mane yeerd I was eorely trotiblecl '
with violent headache, go that at times t
wag oempletely prostrated and enable to
attend to household duties. I started " to
nee Paine's Celery Cleeripenride end exper.
kneed immediate tenet ; and mace usine it
I Witte not had a reeerrehed Of the ttouble.
I consider Pelmets Celery Compound an in.
ylmibIe reinedv, and will always be pleat.
.ea to OW a Word for
The Joys of
Sarah Bartle commended whit above
all other genies of cards, because it Was
Stiell a "solid m
gae," writes D.
; O. Campbell in Seottish Amen -
Van." Ilad she known anything
about golf elle might, have placed
it above all other outfitter sports, for the
selfsame reason. So solid indeed are the
joys of golf that they partake more ef
the nature of substantial and enduring
benelits. The old alchemists \vested. a
great dee' of time and money in vain
experiments. to discover the elixir of
life. A number of Spanish gentleinen,
headed by Ponce de Leon, went on a
fruitless quest through Florida, in the
hope of finding a fountain whose waters
wouldlepair the ravagesof time, and
rejuvenate the human. frame. They
might have saved themselves' a great
deal of trouble. The only true elixir of
life is golf. It *lengthens the span of
human life, and preserves, as far as ia
possible, one's health and. gtrength un-'
diminished; nay,it not only preserves
health but is pretty- certain to restore
you are 'weakly, "throe' physic to
the dogs" and 'try golf. If it doeell'e
cure you you Cadd 13 a desperate one,
and you might as well set about making
our will. It is the greatest antidote to
e inroads of time known to mankind.
The ingredients of this elixir ar
these; Sunshine, re air, rational exer-
cise' devoid of fatigue, Kest of mita and
frcedoni from euro, and very gcnerafl7
fine scenery, to say nothing of the ex.
traordinstry fascination of the genie. If
You can beat these I should be very
melt obliged to you for the prescription.
A friend of mine, who keeps some Turk-
ish baths, told me that he eould alweye
tell the regular bathers. "They look,"
he said, "as if they had struck more 'sun-
shine than the average individual." I
was very much struck with the phrase,
and although not in a position to give
an opinion asto its truth when applied
to Turkish bathers, I do knew that it is
absolutely true of golfers. They look as
if they had struck more sunshine than
other men, because, as a 'natter of fact,.
they have struck mop
htestinal A Cosmutwolitan Crowd.
emeatiaedenealleaesaIn the absence of the reing, the at-
tennon of le .don hes turned to
pegsia which can never be reached by •
ttyhe from the far corners of the
picturesque delegates of royal.
Then eallileelh's of indigestion and dys-
or Mary stomach medicines and so.called I earth who are now in the metro -
digestants. Tho kidneys and liver are : &°116' "Never have the streets of Lon -
involved, and though the stomach may be ' on presented so cosmopolitan an Rs -
all right, it is the part of digestion which1 pearance," says a London correspondent;
mfee4.11 ofevetr. . the country are People who are
tales place eathe intestines that is ' 'the guests of the nation from the fur.
. thermost quarters of the earth have been,.
from just this kind of indigestion., 7e?ow and1"111°the ebrown few% surmounting
mpiee's capital. Black,
They don't get well, , because they gaudy, fantastic costumes, are met ev.
don't use the right ineclicine. Dr.- erywliere. eluffiedgibbering and a soft,
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are admirably monotonous pattering of feet are lieeels,
suited for this very trouble. They act and one turns to tee a pee blirly ligtifp,;,
directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, in a short, heavy blue coat; Under which
remove the cause, and make a permanent , is suspended a kind of linen apron drawn;
eureofintestinalincligestion, backache.and • close around the hips and reaching to
1 odrisgeaansse.s of the Altering and excretory I the knee, while below are a pair of &any
1 legs and huge, bare feet. After him
I Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are veg- , crime some tWenty more, all smiling and
etable in composition, and remarkably ,
prompt and effective in action. They are i
kept in thousands of homes as a standard '
medicine, and have proven by years of
trial to be without a rival. One pill a
dose, ze cents a box. At all clealees, or
I Edmanson, Bates & Co., Tereete•
Dr, Chase3
• A Perm of Hero -Worship.
wow** •
Hero-worship of .a certain Irene.
; ty is no doubt responsible for the
I fact that the prize-fight holds its
place in popular favor, despite all the
reasons why a civilized and refined peo-
ple should object to it. Some popular
sports touch human nature so near to
its innermost impulses teat laws cannot
prevail against them -and. the combat of
man to man with fists, the trial of
Istrength, skill, and endurance between
two splendid specimens of the physical
animal, appears to be one of these with
the people of our, race. In the victor in
such a trial the people whose tastes in-
,eline that way' simply see a hero; and
this perception, that has endured. in the
popular mind of our race or other races
for several thousand years, will not out
because of something printed on paper
and called a law. Law has its limit in
the modification of the lives and sports
of the people; and if prize -fighting is
ever looked upon by the people with
disapproval it will not be because of
statutory fulminations against it, but
, because there has cisme over the nature
of the people themselves some profound
change. Ought we. really to desire such
a change? asks an exchange. While it
might be pleasant enough to know that
man ,who is not worth his weight "
all our countrymen are so far refined ad ,
Modem Proverbs.
The good may die young, but the bad
nearly -always outlive their usefulness.
Don't cast your bread on the waters
when you might just as well hand it to
some hungryone.
i . .
Everyone s supposed to know his own
business, but it is often hard to convince
his friends that he does. •
Many a man looks upon marriage as
an Institution that enables him to put
Itis property in his wife's name. •
Nine times' out of ten the woman who
is th her weirht itt rold rnarries a
to consider this combat a
sFrtypeityrontime a man : e _,.'• and bruta• l opectaele, Would not that
rune across a ,we - 'state of mind imply other changes in the
of old clothes around •the house he
, nature oe• the people altogether ; undo-
aearches • thene, •althongh. he. neverermee: . sirable in a nation that has probably '
enythinn. • before it. a history that may call for all .
the fightleg histinet any people can lies• .
sees! . • • ,
. Specials Front Oyster Bay:
. . .
Kermit stubbed his toe this mOrning,..
Mrs. Roosevelt turned pale and tot-
eered„ but bravely recovered her equan-
imity. • Secretary Cortelyou was sunn
moned by the President. and Tubbed the
injured mereber until the eirculatimi was
chattering, and all similarly attired, each
of them carrying a small rattan cane
tucked under the right arm in the ­
ion popular with Townies. These pie.
tureeque men are merely the Fiji police,
come to London tQ d honor to their
emperor. Then there are splendid native
Indian ooldiers, i11 their picturesque tee.
jianfe, or euggareese and glittering but.
tone, With black, shifting eyes, they
striae along like. kluge, and, to tell the
truth,. the average London man who
walks .near them souls ridiculously in-
signifieant., These fighting men, devoid
of much •thtte civilization is supposed, to.
bestow, are superb in their indifference
to the gaping crowds. There are also
little men from Japan in top -hats;
!rocked Men with round. button -like hate
from China; skirted end coiffured men
from Ceylon; spectacled and much -with-
ered men from the remote Straits Settle-,
ment; mild -looking, tawny -complexioned
Eincloon in snowy white robes and pink
or red turbans; stout, black-frocked
Bengalese, with no head-coveritig at all;
and men from every British colony or
dependency, as well as almost every
other nation in the world. •
- "The princes from India, however,
have eh -en London its greatest treat.
Swathed in costly silks and satins, wear-
ing beautiful turbans bedecked with
priceless- jewels, they have been the sen-
sation for London's highest as well as
its lowest society. Never has a more
glittering .body of men 'been seen on
horseback than the group of ,princes who
rode behind the Prince of Wales when
he reviewed the military contingents
from the Indian Empire, and rode
through their stolid, impassive ranks.
• Only quick, stealthy glances betrayed
the fact tleinthey were alive and not au-
tomatons. These princes were seen to
better advantage at the reception given
in their honor by Earl and Countess Ro-
berts. The scene was brilliant, the
dresses and jewels worn by the princes
far outshining the lovely tresses, and
tiaras of the ladies present. A ,most dee
iightfal, air of friendliness. preiailed, ra-
jelis coneeniing most willingly when pos-
sible with -guests,among them many
Angle-Indiaes renewing happy acquaint-
ances and recalling pleasant associations.
The most impressive figure, perhaps, was
that of Colonel Sir Peitab Singh, uni-
orm of whitc, laced with gold eords,
wearing. a turquoise blue turban, with re
• The' only .kihd ,consump-
tion ' to. fear is. 4c;rieOiected.
• 'People are learn*** that con;
sumption Is a curable disease,
It is neglected consumption
.that is so ,often incurable: •
At the fairithst snspicidn. Of
.constunptiork,get. a' bottle of -
•,Scott.'•5 Ertailsion and begin
regular ,doses• - •
Thelase of Scotts F.,rnulsion
at onee,l-has, in thousands of
:cases; turned the: balance 'in
favor of health.
N'egleeted,conSiinifition doe's '
. not exist •where Scott's Emul..'
sion. is. •
Prompt use of Scott's Trirrni1'.
sion checks the'dise.ase xvhfle it
can be checked,. .
SCOTT. & 110W.Ny.,
Toronto, cm!, •
,„, • . •
• ---
-Velyene-yeai do not speak to me as af-
leefionately. as you used ere Gee.
think erou have ceased to love me.
• Husband -There you are again! Ceased
do love you! • Why, I love you better
thanmy life. Now sbut no end let me
read my paper:-Beston -"COurier." •
'Dooley:on Reading. ••
Readire; fend, is talked about be
all ,readln' people as thoggh it was th
orey thing that makes a •man bather
thin his .nelghborse But th' truth Is
that readin' Is ele net' thing this side
Ir gola' to bed Vt. nett& th' mind.
,With mos ' people it takes tie Place iv.
• wurrulc. . A man doesn't ;think whin
he's readine Or if he has to; the book is
• no fun. • nia ye Iver have soinething
.to do that ye ought to doe but didn't
want• to, an' ,while ye Was wishIn' ye
Wee deed, Y9 )PterAele teletele.11,3Lae,
e2nieWeieitlieze-Yeeteee'-itneeeleeeli ref etieettere
Ye didn't Jus' skim throtigh spaorte
• ire intillygince an' tie crime news. Whin
* ye got through with thine ye read th'
other querther iv th' pa -per. 'Ye read
about • people ye niver heerd iv, an'
hepperdn's ye didn't undherethand-th"
fashion notes, tie theatrical goserp,, th'
teciety. news fern Peoria, tie •qUota-
tioria on oats, th' curb market, tie real
estate transfera, th' marredge licensee,
tle death notices, tie want ads., •th'
dhrY-goods bargain% an' oven th' idle
toryals, 'Thin ye r -read thim over again
•-with a faint idee yed read thitei befere.
•'Thin ye yawned, studied th' design iv
cal -pet, an' settled down to wurruk.
Was ye exereisin" ye-er Joynt letelleek
While ye was readin'e No more thin if
ye'd been whistlire or' writhe ye-er
name an a pa -aper. 12 atirtY wan ,else
but me come along they might sant
"What a mind Ilinnissy has! Iles al-
ways towline." But / •w'u'd kick th'
book or peeper otit iv ye -or hand, an'
grab ye be th' oiler, an' try, "Tip,
• leinnissye ate to Wtirrnkl" tr I'd ktieW
ya were loathe. Beneve me, Ilinniesy.
roadie' is not thinkine It seeing like it
•etre .whin it 00fneS Otlt in talk some-
times, it sounds like It. • it 's a, kind iv
nearthought that looks glnooyne to th'
• thoughtlese, but ye ean't get ann.*
thing on •Manty aemart Pee knoveed
hae so dopea hems.t with, (Woks two.
atumwe twat a earpat.tadi,
,41.ft_i1U,..L -Atom •
Archie ate six waffles at breakfast this
morning. Ethel, who is really .thelife
and soul ofeithe Presidential party, hu-
morously observed: "II you don't look
out, Archie, you'll beeonie a waffle year -
self." Unrestrained hilarity, of cones%
succeeded, and Ethel was congratulate
on all sides on her bon mot. d.
Teedy having, successfully, attained
the summit. of the Oyster Bay ()hutch,
ded to star,d
leoTti e11?"thc
e vai e • er ay e ou was
instantly deepatebed to fetch him down,
tearing his treusers- hiupday ones -
in so dehig. The Doe id of Estiniates
has voted WM a new -pair if the old Ones
cannot ;be patehed. • Pork. ;for -beech at
Saganuireleill. . . •
Mrsnoose-vele gathered' a posy of
dine' lee this mowing, aetokereof pastoral
innocence teuly seenbollealeand proving' ,
that simple tastes are not Wholly Con-
fined to the 'only. The 'President ate
,pientkdonions for afternoon tea with an
evident relish; . • •
This morning Kermit's pet :rattlesnake
died. lee was convulsed with woe, and
conripanying hie family on one of etheir
fifteen daily he Las or twenty-six day-
break gallops over tee Sagamiere Hills.
The Secretary of Stew has promised. him
a 'baby white elephaut to console him
for his loss.
' Secretary Root arrived it Oyster Bay
this evening. Query by Ethel at tea
time: "1 say, Mr. Secretary, are you the
.root of all (evil?" Mr. Cortelyou imme.,
diately eablee this • truler wonderful
child's Wheeee to tho foreigncourts.
Ethers future' is assured or should be.
The felloning i the routine planned for
the Roosevelt menage during .the sum -
men .Breakfast, lunch, dinner, bed: trills
a sensible one, which doubtless caused
the President and his wife mikes Useable
to draw up. -'Town Topiene .
' .Stubba's
The ehafingalish supper was over, see%
the Chicago ."ewe," and Mr. and Mrs.
Stubbswere wending their way home'
"BItI Jobe," said Mrs. Stubbs, who
was feeling perfectly well, and cense,
quer* Was sure that everybody should..
make an effort to be p,bove indigestion,
"how do you know that 'Welsh rabbit
is going to disagree with you?"
"I-[ h d enf nnat.o ," Stubble
Sick Headache, Biliousness, bys.
nepsia, Coated Tongue, Pont Breath,
Heart Burn, Water Brash, ot an
Disease of the Strength, Liver or Bowels
Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable
neither gripe, Weaken not sie1et4 ate cap
to take' and.prompt to ad.
fawn aigretee. The most impressive
group certainly eteas'that of the Malletsjah lef Jeypour and his followers, whose
velvet robes were egold-trimmed, and
from whose turbans hung bunches of
, . .
e. some nig teht
wore a white frock narrowly edged with
red. • His quitintlyediapeci turban ' was
rid. His neeklapes of pearls- wens worth,
an emperor's' ransom. There. were four
rows elibig round peaels, then a rowof
long pear-shaped beauties, some more
inch long and shaped in 'propor-
tion. The Sultan of Perak wore w.dark-.
blue cloth uniform, with the ribbons of
the various ordeea, Hie black eaten
head-dress.' blazed with the fined dia-
monds set in twee graceful :design,"
The Worlkrs )3est Itge.
• Meet people have no doubt asked
themselves at- some time .or other -what
part of the world's hietory would. have
been best worth living in; it is a favor-
ite tepee on whys the 'superlative de.
gree is often eeercieed. Mr. Justin Me-
Carthy, the eminent Irish historian, hos
been heardto vote for the period of DA
Johnson. and :Nees. Theale. Years ago,
when Mr. Gladstone was alive,. the Grand,
Old Man and a group of friendswere
discussing elds same question itt HaWar.
den Castle. Mr, Glacietone, without any
hesitation, decided ern), the intellectual
aud expragca the opinion
that he would describe as the greatoat
day in the world's history it day in. Pie
cient Greeee„. when A.thens was at the
summit of its glory. Another member
of the group ehose the day of Pentecost.
The, (elect on Mr. Gladstode is still re.
menibercd vividly by those who were
present, The intellectual gave .way at
once t� the spiritual, and, 'the aged
.statesman„ "seeming .rather ashamed. of
himself," according to one who was pre
ent, asked leave to withdraw hiselormer•
ehoice, and to say, "A day, Wit tliII
•ord."-"Leslie' Weekey,"
Willing to be Tested.
We possess the most ample facilities for
Nerving the pnblia with pure, fresh drug-,
toilet goods, petfnmes and all other Rine •
usually found In a first class drug acne.
From burliness and profeesional etandpoints
we are willing to be tested by a critical
• That Paine's Celery ComPoience has 0,
equal for, buildine up the weak and • rue -
down. It is specially recommended to suf-
ferers from rheumatism and nervous pree.
tration. Paine's Celery. Compoued etat
far above all other medicines as a diseae0
R P REEKIE, Druggist, Ciinten,Ont.
A West Larnbten Joke.
Sept. 12, 1902
Or despondencY cauwd, by weak unhealthy nerves. are r.,sponsible for more sickness asil
snlrering than any other discase. If. you have a secret drain, from early abuse, later ex-
eesses or exposure, you cannot expect healthy nerves while your vitae ty 'seeing wasted.
d Bo not eke (bit a miserable existimeeron account of your follieS. You are not safe until
cured -nature 110.1,r ex.011SeS--110 matter bow young, old or Innocent one may be.
Have you pain in the lack, a (101 fecliniOn the region of the kidneys? At times your
it quite so freely. it Is dark In color, you make a small quantity. or :toe may hevenieAucouti
serious complications will =t IP. Pay trotaien to usranteedas u positive cure forsuchcon.
deposit orbriell dust, colored sediment; g,re your Condition inimeaiate attentio or more
utle upuanAtityy
iight in color, ttiI1
No imams on envelopes or packages -Nothing sent O. O. D.
at;:tthEer Dtinles 37" ti° 11(4 °lake
You need paw eotbing until yell arc convinced that a thorough and complete eure has
been estabibilwd. Surely this Is fair, as you run no °eau ces. CoNSIMTATION FREE,
• If you Cannot (.411, write for blank for honie treatment. Perfect system of home treat.
ment for those who cannot call. BOOK FREE, Medicines for Canadian patients shipped
from Windmer--All duty aud transportation charges prepaid -Everything conadeatiai-
208 woof:m.0mo AVE.,
Cor. WroilEeToxitoStrrre.emuicH.
,1 01 ,1
LI 11101 h.; 41,4414411w Yu 11.1: .g. 4.• I 1 1 1 110
They are good too
Are those old simple prescriptions that you have used,
maybe for years and years in your family. We like to
• compound them, because we have all the things to do it
• with -and to do iteproperly. •
If you have it favorite prescription of your own, bring it
• to us.
• It will get the same attentionas those the doctors Write,
and ever y ingredient will be the first quality.
Our Baking Powder at 25 Cents a pound is goo
.1. E. HOVEY, - Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
• Quality the Bes•t Prices the Lowest
The following joke (if it is one) •
comes from West Lambton:-
Public School Inspector •(testing a
stenior Part I. class in phonics in a
• school -room where election day brings
the children it boliday)--"Now,
folks, who can tell me what this word
-is?' writinge"e-lec-tion" on the black.•.
board. '
Small .1303r (aside) whispering to In-
• apee tor -"E h" -"leek" -"shun." •
• Inspector (not setisfied that the boy
recognizes the word) -"Whit does • it
• bring you, my boy?"
_Small Boy (iia whisper) -"Money,"
I The InspectOr was satisfied, hut he
declines to name tee boy.
. onturous orLeeding Physicians.
• ,Price $1.00. For sale by druggists, of
• by mail on receir of price. -
I have used V). T. Stromes.Pile Ramsey
• in my practice with moan satisfactory re-
• sults, and can • cheerfully recommend it.
W. T",STRON Manufacturing Chem.
, a•
• ".
jewels.. Their eignified bearing suggest- .
tle cr Viral./ • biblical The
historic Maharaja: S tuba O Goa lore
• ,
• It Couldn't be Worse.
petsinist who are continually .dreading,
that they' ome mischance; hurt-
-:the' feelings of others. -Added fo this,
she has hademisidereble.treuble- in geV,
tingea,-suitabl% cook,..and does not
.oleend. her, •'
• "John?' she said to the man -servant,
on the morning following the party; "do
you happen to know whether-ethat is-
• I mean, can you find out, without asking
• the cook, whether- the tinned salmon
was all eaten .last night? ' You see, I
don't wish to ask her because she may
have eaten it, and then, she would feel
uncomfortable," added the good soul.
"If. you, please,- ma'am," replied the
man, "the new cook has eaten the tinned
• salmon; and if yOti. Was to say anything
to her You couldn't make her mote un-
comfortable than she le." -
"Poor mail" said the lady visitor, ad.
dressing one pf the intnates of the insane
asylum,. "don't you often feel very seek
to be shut up here?"
"Oh, no," the patient answered. "The
lunatic.s who come to look at • us ere
generelly very amusing."-chicago "lee -
cord -Herald." •
It is hard to 'decide which feels the
most elated --the distinguished man who
manages to palm himself off as an o1 -
dietary citizen font), few home, or the or-
dinary man who happene to he mistaken
for somebody In panficelme
"What ig your city meted for?"
'Well, we have the tallest building In
the country, the cleanest streets of any
city in the* world, tlie best street or
ehe other cities haven't got?"
We offer -Ono Hundred Dollars; Reward
for any WO of 'catarrh that eannot be cur-
ed by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chesney & Co., PrepeeToledo,O.
We, the Undersigned have known F. 1.
Chesney for the lest 15 years, and believe
him perfeetTy honorable in all business
transaction's, and finanoially able to carry
nut env obligation merle by the
Weat& Traux.wholeealedruggiste,Toledoe
Kinnen & Marvin, wholesale ,
irtigelets, Toledo. O.
Claterrh Cure le taken internally.
eating directly 'Mon the blood and mucie e
surfaces" of the system. Price 75-e per bete ,
sold by all cluggiets. Teetimoniels freed
Family Pills are the beet
• •
At &Meeting of miners arid operators
held at Kee atone, the strike in,
the Norfolk end Wesstern field was *de-
clared oft The men return to Work on
l`o Curia a Cold Inene Day* \
Take Laxative Brom° .Quinine Tah14td.
All dreggiato reload Ilia money if it
10 Jure, 11. W Otrova's niguaturo :a
exeh box, 25e •
Lil5I,.klP1110•••••••••wita....a..,em •
short roads.
loads. ev
oocl for everything
that rt.ns on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
,15tJ. W. IRWIN'S
iledpath and St. Lawrence best granulated and coffee 'sugar at less
than wholesale prices. $ass per cwt benthe barrel. •
Canned goods cheap-Delai area Kent Can Corn tee a can, Canna
chicken 1O Bostee int; iSa etia . •
• Teas -Black Japan and Young Hyson from 10c up, our leader is 25c per
Raisine, Currants, Prunes, Dried Peaches,. Apricots and Cooking Figs
• cheap. ••
' Crockery -I have just pened out 3 crates of Dinner,Tea and Toilet sett
• and fancy china, pew patterns direct from, the factories in England,
selling from 10 to 20% less than regular _price. Call and examine
• quality and,prices. ••
Wanted good butter and eggs. . Phone 45.'
-W. IRVirM.. Clinton.
Another Drop *Prices
The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They
are his own make, and are made from choice material and.
first class mechanics. All the latest improvements used.
are up -to date in. every 'respect, They cannot be, surpass*.
and we guarantee them. r
JOHN LESLIE, Huron Street aliiitra.,
iiirestern Fait*
September 1h to Q0th, 19 2.
A Medley of Spectacular Merit..
• Prof, Hutchison, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling lealloon Ascension and Prase
chute Drop, The marvelous Cycle Daezle, The Osnatos, in a seneation novelty.- Ito
great Gay. the Handcuff King. The Olifans, Continental Eccentriques. Mannioa au&
Du Crow, buboes Monopedes. Rosa Naynon, with ber troupe of Trained Tropical Birds, .
The Bard Bees, Aarebatio Wonders. • Clines's M. Jones. Cornet Virtuoso. hIsigninosat
—Pyrotechnic's and many other features Special train service over all lines. -,
I. Exhibits further ahead than the times. • Grounds insidienaly beautiful. Baled -
. ings irresigtably inviting. . 1 - •
Prize List% Maps, Programmes and information fcr the asking from
- LT. COL. W. M.' GART.SHOREvre,aide.nt. - .. J. A. NELLE el.
• to sell PRINTER'S INK -
a journal .for advertisers,.
published weekly at five
• ,dollare a year. It teaches
the science ad practice of.
Advertising, and is highly
'esteemed br the most suc-
cessful advertisers • In 1 his
country and Great Britain.
-Liberal comroleeien al-
lowed.Address PRINTERS
INK, 10 Spruce St., leie*
Yos. k.
• I have experienced a vOnderful re
suit in using Ripans Tabules, 1 was
seriously affected with indigestion and
heartburn. A friend suggested trying
RipanEi., and I Was surprised ait ;theirn
.,,.._annioRmirmsimwm.. wpm proyement..., Op...A:14km? .appliT4tipn a few
years ago for pohf i
cy onsurance I was'fused on account of a weak heart, but the
Does -
Back Ache?
11 11 aches and pains,fs stiff and sore,
a° that you can hard& get roind to
dO year work, or if ,you're so bad
'mere had to go to bed, lust take
Dr. Pitcher's
same company passed me itcently, and 1
give Ripans.Tabules 'credit for the health
• I am enjoying, 1 can certainly reecnk.
• mend them to any one suffering with pal
pitation of the heart or indigestion,
rho new Scientific remedy, pm; •
pared by the eminent Kidney Spotlit!.
at, Or. Zino Pitcher, Thea0 rabic&
cure promptly and permanimily the
worst kinds of bad bads and ail
forms of kidney trouble. .0
Price Is& a box, at all divests reb3#
meeB, zu4 roc** Togokto,
The ilvescent packet is enough :for m tia
...rainary occasion. The family bottle, siy:t
outs, contam' s a supply for a year,