The Clinton New Era, 1902-07-25, Page 7• The Chances ot Long Lite. We, SWAIM be aerate ed the fear of • deeth--elet cle,ath, leself. If vell irollote thie rule, there is no seas 0004 WhY we shottici not •all be- • Vomit ceatertartans— so we are to U he "11 ev go d'Econeuti e Poll. Idelue" by M. Sean Pinot. Tbis author lbegins anarticde on tee limitations of We by mentioning some trieditiOnal long lives. .Among these case* ars these et a resident of Goa, whe is said to ° ?lave reached We folnehundredth Year in the enjoyment of gill hie intel- lectual facuities, a Scotchman who lived to be ever 200 years old, and vari- Ous monks Of Moat Athos who have Peached 150 year*. Ale assert e that •Pervian statistics for 1897 thew three peretme between 136 and 140 yearn old, U from 126 to 135, 123 front 115 to kas„, and 290 from 106 to 115. In 1800 there were, he says, in the 'United ,States, 3,981 Denson* over 100 eears eel and 21 , in London. M. Fleet eltee a teethe- ,/ enatical formula'whith he eredits to 'ff)r. Richardson, by which anyone may get an Idea of hie probable length of life. It is only necessary to add the ages of one's father and mother to those of one's two grandfather e and two grandmothers, tend the total di- vided by six indicates the exact num-, 4ber of years one should live, 3, 'inot does •not believe that the averaget length of human life has been reduced. +On the contrary, he believes that it ts ,Constantly Inereasing, owing to the 'progress of hygiene. Why de we grow *Ld at all? The 'writer answers: "roe three reasons; First, want of +Physical exercise in the open ter; seo- iced,. poisoning by Microbes which the phagocytes have not succeeded in de- stroying.; third, fear of death. It Is bard .to imagine the importatee of this hurt element, If a man,fearc :Oath, it !will :carryhim away. And yet It is *Mee pleasant to die; no .sensatiod . could be compared to it." To prove this , aes,ertion, M. Mot emcees Helen, who related the sensa- tions he experienced while falling with lets companions fronethe summit of ens et the Alps to a death 'which he mir- etoulously escaped: , • "At 'first a sense of beatitude. then cornplete • insensibility to touch and pain; finally an 'extreme rapidity of theught and cif imaginationwnibh In a. few seconds enabled hint to •recollect • the events of his whole life. therefore, • it is not death we should fear, but the fear it Inspires In us. We are wrong, •says Socrates, .to fear death, as it is our greatest possession: op earth, and. eeneca adde that It la the best of the inventions of life, 'while Montesquieu. coneludes that we ehould shed tears Or men when they are Bern and not when itiry dick. •• . • • 'M. Henry de .VerigelY exarninee the, giu'estiori of longevity in ."L'Illuitra- Zone from another point of view.. • He &eke: Has the man of to -day aechance to live longer than the matt of 2,000. years ago? He bases .his conclusions • .uPon charts and statistics published by Professor. Karl Pearson. In "Hlometri- 'and upon. the researches made by W. Spiegelberg of Strassburg, on the ago of Egyptien mummies. These One elusions are that an Dositlah who 2,000 rears ago lived to he 68 years old was Pkely to -Ifve longer "than a modern Englishman or the same age. ef. de Varigny gives the following. explene- ' tient• •"EvidentlY there wee:among the Egyptians a natural selection, result - leg from envifonment, that does not . take place te-day, at least to the same 'degree, among civilized people. The Egyptians who reached the age Of 68 years had robust constitutions, and therefore their chances of longevity' were exceptional. Mortality was high-• er among the children and the adults, and there was a kind of. selection by death. The man: • • of • to -day is not ctronger; he is possibly..weaker. But the majority of the people live under conditions more favoiable to eingevity, becadie we knew what Conditions to, promote. In ether Words, the greater •expectation of &Image life Is the result •oz the •progress of sanitary eciertea the fullest ,sense, and -got the result of • an Increas of vitality. It. IS the -anti-" :Sequence of the evolutiori of Man's in- tellect rather than of the evolution of les body." • For these reasons M. de Variene as- serts that although the chances of life .2tave inoreased for Infancy, youth, and the prime• of Me, they hattenot in- ereased for old age. •• • • .a Tailor's Cunning. . "You've made a Mistake iri my bill," said a young • matt excitedly yesterday to the proerieter ot a prominent tailor- ing house.. . "That can't be," asserted the tailor,' _ 'Oh, but tes ;th," exclaimed the youth In a flurry. "Ttook here!' Ten deliars. toe much. chargeel On this bele' The proprietor compared the bill with his books, -"You're rig -hie" letansieee !ie •admitted. "I'll take •ten dollars off, and how truth. did you say you wanted to pay on aceount?" • • .. . The young men grew red, roughed, • and finally produced' a five -dollar note. "That works every time," confided, the tailor to an • interested • bystander, eater the easterner had .departed. "Nothing brings a man here in such a hurry as to overottarge :him oh his bill. When a .customer •gets a tittle back- ward and dodges the place, I send him a bill overehargliig him: He cOmee or. et rush"to have the mistake correeted and e. little diplomacy does th,e rest.. .Best of all, it doesn't hurt les feelings, 'as would a visit from a collector."--, l'hilacielphie "reset:ed." • • • • +Th' s s , THE .OLINTON NEW ERA 111*•••10,00114.1 I eSerVe COLD ST ORAG il d VARMS. .1 • A. SUggetAltni Bespe01,14 Covalotusiktit C • Among I'eeigeberi. The fanner as a prodneer Ando him- self limitdd as regards the gale ei fruits by the 'impossibility of keeping them at all beyond their natural sear •eCIA whelt there is always a glutted Market. In most lame cities cold- ,15\oraff'0 houses for the keeping of fruits, meats and other produoto are btilit and their owners realize Yer, large profits, though they are ebliged to build on expeneive ground, and to procure ice that costs much more then • it could be put UP for by meet farmers. We believe the time la coming When the keeping of fruits until the best seaeon for selling them_ will be regard- ed as rauth the legitimate business of the large orenardist as la the care and management of his trees and tbe gath- ering of theirr. fruit. If no farmer in a neighborhood grows enough fruit to make this worth while, a number can comblue together to build the storage bourie, allotting to , each one space preportionecl to tbe amount eactt has put in. • ei. better • way, would be t� capitalize the cost of 'the icehouee and a sufficient fund to , furnish each winter the amount of ice eit will require the following year. It yell then be easy to divide up the available etorage rtiont, allowing eaell • stockholder as much' room as the amount he bad 'put in woultl entitle •Ittlia to. The cost of thie storage may • often be !mid by labor in putting up the Ice and if the etockholders do not want all the room the gurplus may be disposed' of to those who Will mike the beet offer. But for a long time the fruit growers who originally in- vested In title c-.opeiative concern Will want all the ,room therneeives. • Thee who want to ,teet in as stock- • elders w 11 be obllged to form Inoue. • Or co -Operative • establignment and build cold-atorage arms for theirr. ittWe It le not itione fruits and vegeta- Mee that cold storage will Prove "MP • 'taiga By building separate coid etorage tematities of milkmay blip • kept in good condition, so that the night and morningMilking may go • together to be sold. • "Wnen farmers take to bundler cold storage for any purp,uf they ba soon learn of other :lees that It can be put to. that wil,t give them greater. • profits than they, have • ever: before • found for iniestniente on the farm • self. 'The lausineen of farming. so• far Prodwition isentencerneti, seam to beveeiregenyeedonle But this' 180n17 •because enougb attention itas not bean . •igpren to markettng products after they are .—Amerlcazi Culttvatr• . Women often astonish neW acquaint- ances, who are introduced to a large family of etrong boys and healthy girls, 'Who call thia young looking Newnan *nether. It is popularly imp sed that • maternity is the foe of beauty, and the •• 11,401/104) worn and faded face of Many a mother / seems to warrant the . belief. But it is hard to believe that nature should compel a woman to seed, fice the rightful dower of her beauty in order to carry out a natural function of her being/ And nature does not. The pains a n4 sufferings Mi tchielheo on dt arte°, to a large ex- tent, unnatural, 1 This Is proved by the use of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which prevents and curee nausea, tranquilizes the nerves, encour- ages the appetite, induces refreshing eleep,and makes the baby's advent prae, tically painless. wresitp-ririttrSagyeleb'sertIP;tvenelillit 9:477ntletoe'OiVet.4. ever since nay baby was born ingregaro to what your 'Favorfte Prescription' has done, for inc. I cannot praise it enough, for I have not bee* as well for five years as tam now, In July last ilck daibiweight ;l°ila str,initi aenotbad one sick day. I have, not had any utedue • rot rc111PlrivifutPrndgt:14riendre;evprise lee me so well" ,,Payorite Prescription', baa the testi- mony of thousands of women to its com- plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved sub- stitute in its place, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the complexion and sweeten the brassie, , • 1,--sradi,sig the stoetr. .Suppose • a pure 'Southdown male le mated with e grade female of :very mix, ed breeding. In eetrimop larguage, it Wriuld be Staid that 00 per ,cent. of the blood elements in the progeny would. be per cent. graae. in Ireality it is not so, for more than 50, per cent. of the qualities of the progeny . are derived from the male, as many more as his propoteney exceeds thatof the 'dam. ' This excess'of prepotency on the side of the sire would leave its impress on the progeny. They would resemble the sire name than the dam, as much more as the prepotetcy of the sire ee- ceeded that ofthe dam.. Now stip:lose that15 per dent. of blood elements in the • Progeny +are from the sire, then net mere . -then. 25 per cent.•.are• from the darn. If. that were true, which is nota very •un- • like13, eceurrepee, then the: progeny' of, the first cross would in reality he three-. fouttim Southdown. If a Southdown The Torture. of male were mated weth the female pro-• • geny., it is. Very evident that the aniinals • .of the third generation Would be essen- guarantee rnr Latest idetluid Tresernent to be Is permanent and poetiett cure toe e view' leele and etrioture, without outing, etretchlug or loss of (Inc. In lesriceceie it ; :absorbs the inaggunl, or wormy condition, equalizes circulation, stops painsinthegroinS, • also all drain, thereloY giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitalizes the peas %tie re- , storeelost powers; in Stricture it absorbs the Stricture tissue,,stoPs smarting sensation, :I nervousness, weakness, backache, eto., while in alt proetatio troubles It los the treat, mon* par excellence. So posittve Z that my treatment ein, cure Tote yeessaa PAY WHEN CURED - l°uuneed tuitng uttu o gazeoonvtozet 1-otthotghetldeonaleteoureha - rnestiianhimsbocupcey,ut,i4,eoordenelnmyLtestmetbod ratment, s, otherwise I eoulti not rnake you this proposition et makes ue difference who has failed to cure you, cell or wate me. Each Time You Cali You See Me Personaffy, Or mils tinae you 'write it receives my personal attention. The nureber or Years X am estioxished In 13etrolt, and the oures 1 accomplislied otter given up by other doctors, has • placed me as Oats foremost specialist ot the country. OONSULTATION FREE. Cali or Avrite for Wank for blank ortome treatment. Perfect system of home treatment for .1 those who cannot call., BOOK lati3B. All medicines tor Oenaditte patfeete :delved ' from Windsor, Can, All duty and express cliargeS prepaid. Nothing Bent 0. O. D, 200 WOODWARDWILX et, DR, GOLDBERG, DETROIT., Mieelle. COOne Third. of your life July 25th, 1902 Harvest i$.Coirdng /3 ut before it vowel) there is a fruit sewn, Toe will therefore Want a atipplyX Fruit jars, We have, Iroperiel, Pints, 'Quarts and Half Gallons, Do you want a flay Forts,rope,4 Well of Pare lnilla? Then (tome hole. Da tett forget Forks, Rakes, Seythes, Seated, eeythe Stoma, Alechine On Evil Cane Then psr. haps you want a screen door or window? Yon ought to see ours, • A. fine variety of Peekage Tees such as Blue Ribbon, Salado, Moneoc,n, Gra* and Fall Brett& Do you want your Photosenlarged, if so. Ask for One of our Cards. Ternes are cash or produce such es liege et 14c, (and likely more) Butter; Lerk Tallow, Dried Apples, eto. A trial respectfully Solicited, Yours for businetis, truporium, Londesbero fj July ard, lass. Not Mainly About People. "I. wonder what makes nay eyes se weak?" a fierce Radical once said to Disraeli. "It is because they are In a weak place," was the reply, General Horace Porter, the Tenite:d States minieter to France, says that when he departed foe nis post five years ago, his pasting words to it:Ittek Twain. as he was attout to beard the steamer for •the other side, were: "mark, May the Lord be with you." "Yes," the hu- morist replied, with a slight trough, "and I hope lie may occasionally find a leisure =merit to pee some attention to you also." Onoe when dining quite by chance With Dr. Creighton, the tete Bishop' of Lond,on, at a certain Club, Lord Rose - buy remarked: "Ahl me Lord Bishop, 'what a •nuisance this :dining ts! Two things I absolutely dread- long On- us, and a long'sermone I think that a sermon and a, dinner, however good either may be; ottgbe never to last mere than a quarter of an hour, or twenty mieutes at the mast." "Well, well," said Dr. Creighton, musingly, "could we not arrange matters this way, mY •Ierd? Knoek, say, ten minutes off the sermon, and put It on to the dinner, . Here Is the story how Mrs. earoffne Corbin became the anti -woman suf- fragist leader in Chicago. letre. Corbin weneto. school with leliss Susan B. An- w tue rree s. hawker fashion the merits of his plc- . thony. and not uhtil years later the .7fhat in ivire of the little bleick box in- • In'Ttheerepseteor aenwdficQugriaetithse,rebde tasreomuned. two women • met in Washington. side the tent. Finally the photograph - 'What• have you been doing ail teat er thought he. might set the sheep to while?" asked Miss Anthony. "Bring' running' by singling out 'otie of the ing up fou t boys," was the answer. crowd and taking his picture free. ' "10i/el" exclaimed' the outspoken Su- Standing near each other were e young sane sun s a, woman man and a young• woman. Thinking . like you doing with four boys?" "I* •that they would like to bataken to - don't know. Would you expect me to strangle them?" "Both!" was the• re- more courage to face the camera than gether, and that the two would have They will grow hate to be men—nothing out: - • gi is spent in bed. Opinions of Leading Phestehms. • Race 81.00. For sale by eruggists, et • by naell on rethipt of prim I have found the suppository made by W, T, Strong of great value in hemorrhoids. They are the best I ever mad. T, V. HUT- CHISON, M. D., Medical Health Officer, Londou, Out. W. T. STRONG, Menufaieturing Chem. ite, London, Ontano. • . A Photographic Introddction. Many years/ when tintypes first • came into general use, the booth where Pictures were made "while you weit"• was the center ot a large erawd at evs ery county fair and popular resort. Ain • old-time photographer tells an expert. ence he had long ago, ,before the se- crets of the camera were known to I everybody.• a e hate set itip a tent at a county • fair, anti was trying to drum trade. He O stood outside his tent, calling in true Itching Piles belly Southdown. Thus quickly could the imost common kind of females whose O bleed elements are mixed be transformed In :the progeny into animals -of emelt ex, • cellence. . • . The . change ' could. not be made so quickly had tlie • females been purely bred, • on high grades of any particular . breed. : The females ithuld •then have greater power to resist ehahge. In the : • • Mr. /olio Harvey,. Mayor of Arnprior. Ont., states :—"Only persons who have .experiericed the torture of itching piles can forni any idea of What I suffered trent 'this horrible disease. was advised to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, and can positively say that it has completely cured me. I tried very: many so -celled cures for piles, and can truthfully say that there is no remedy On the face cif the earth like Dr, Chase's Ointment for this ptirpose. I would not be without it for any amount of money, aid can heartily recommend it to all sufferers, as it is the best thing I ever There are several imitations of Dr. Chase's Ointment, 'but so far, it is the • only preparation extant which iS a positive and certain, cure for piles of every form. You can rely On it absolutely, and it is only a waste of time and monev to try su'ostitales. 6o cents hoi, at all el Lial...;,s.' or Edinanson, Bates & Co., Torcatu. • e ••- : -se : • -- ree fee re, eei wee • • eleste of pure breds equally propotehe .• 'With the Wales, the progeny worsid have. only '50 per cent. ef the qUalities of the Male, whereas if in the previoas •in- -stance the pregeny Of the first erase had: 75 per cent. of the bleed elements cd • the same ewe, the .progeny might have high exceeleece, bet that would depend -considerably • upon the natures of the blending of the 'elements. in -sloth breeding, in some instances eke 'blending ' is satisfactery, in other insitanees at is not, wherette• when a ,really good piere bred site is mated 'with' reany common not enough, however, to 'choose. good;pure nearly all instances; satisfactory. No man should feel discouraged, 1 hereforee. ed- ebacseyaesme e ahnist of °link prirev triogf xd:d, aburde hrings within, reach of the fanner an therefore a vete simple ' prooest. It Ing .: • Thee feet wilt facilitate eapid nn Impreremeat • through iipgrading is proveinent ori eerreel Ihies,'Xiitlici Than- reterd it of ••A -Believer in the • doingTit quickly. But it shoitld he :re- THE DAY IS OURS! Malt Breakfast • Food Has Crptured Canadian Pal- ates arid Hearts It Pleases the whoa Pani fly Patina add Old • • • — • mem ered that the imProvement *might • There •are two very. &missing little anecdotes hi the • newly - publishee "Me.moirs of Beer von •Buseh," • who lived for years in the denfldenee. of Prince van 131ernarck. It appears that the lien 'Chancellor was not ten- der to hts two sons When. they were , . little and spanked them foe • the slightest offence. • Once Herbert and "Hill" had been eaught stealing nuts., in the 'garden of et, neighber, -Who, full. • of 'respect ..fOr the little •gentlemen, • Only scalded them mildlY. 4:••••••"•44144• 4124M1114VA:44119:.*"0„rJ, marek and Moritz -Busch Put in pr.arti ace. • "What!" dried the atcril . fathrt•ri "la 'that all you. find tosaiy to ' th.so seoundrels? Please pin on, • of ammo:It elastic branches from yoar, despoiled tree, .• and • glop them, unrim illy very • eyes, ;the heet thraihing that they over had. Ane; depend upon. it, when 1' do it hneself I do not spare them!" • There was fie getting •out ef It; so the neighbor set about the task. as tenderly as poSsible, huts leen-tarok) ,strimpine, with nis foot, kept On. ery.' '4c fag, "Go 001 Go oni oti cowardie the wietched fainter, 'excited by the ' cenirtiantling voice, hit „so herd that the: bore asked for mercy, . . Herr von Busch irdignant, and mut& not help _venturing a few Ob- eervatione. •"13ah!" Bismarck an - :sewed, "you are too Much oe a tient!- . ineneillist, and scent tgeore that, tbe birch •is tee ,salvatinn :of' our Gurnee ehlitliee, Look at the Prince Imperial hitriesgfi The bireh neceir for a trio- 1 • merle leaves the beck of the' chair of loratilela IT., his governess, Who obeee . (peters, but hates beating her august Dtleeti.Pile‘att', choking with. laughter, the Vance wont On: "One day the poor, kind lady; after havink administered a ppm etirreetIon to Zilhelni, •said, '4elleve me, your Ilighltess, it hurts' Me more than it hurt you When. bittese to purils'h you so.' The hey *gigged hie shoulders, Wilting Seine. hat inereduleue. A little latet, at Maxon time, were all the a. gathered rouna the fable, 136 will only barapid in proportion, first, as good sires Are chos:en, that is,. good in. dividualle .and in proportiOn; second, as tte progeny are suitably cared for. -It is not enough, bewever. to good,. pure sires. tires.They ought to be geed arwell'aspere • fy bred. The breeder ef grades is meth prone to concletle thee 'because Ile is breeding grades it- is not so greatly .inn. portant. that the sire sball Ate of high eecelleelee, panelling he has a pedigree. - % should be remembered, l'iowever,' that 41, geed site is jest as Potnt improv• ipkgrecles as in improving pore bans, ritot; VOA nnere*.Sh.—P refessor There, es. ehaw, in American Sheep. nneeder. , Hearing cif the election protest met:hist the return of D. A. Stewart, reheral, as member for Liegar, has been fixed for Sept erohm fith, at Mani - ton, „ To more to you tirt;) "`"•, nil• _ (.111,0 Obit met.t is .1 certain .yit• nix' oil l.t'L.r lic4 ht, morafte...nr..„, tate?' ea, 'we'd 10. 1Tioiii do it, f• nit ei•t!.1, t '4 41 DOrr Iltr 1t1C 1"11ikt if' 1 it 111 J., '1: " tl ,1 Zrt 1111 r Sr.3,:t" .; I 1.4 eri or e. •: ze, • ,. •iCe, ewe ' • - • e, .k..34.41 • el danghtet of Wire Sifitive,reof St. Ontharines; witeAt owned in the old Welland. canal there, Lightning caused the destruction of the barns of Geo, Evane, near London Portlier, Galt, was given fen ditee n tail for attenipting to corn t stil • «A remitter of heves were destroyed bv light eing hi Ottawa, district dui ing the teeent Stortn. • ON TIIE FOURS•QUA.13;b1 PLAN( The four-eqoare plan ' roeitne that all custompre, regardless of rank 'or station, receive the setae eareful attention and treatment at our store. We are as•partio. a eteifiltlenly 'eald to . the governese. Males Thasaltfitsf tonne has woo the aay s,nd captured too paletes and hearts of all ceeteliane. Lovers of pure and true health - foe& quickly diseovered diet Malt Break. fast•Food preened many health virtties 'unknown to other drain feods. It gave fl tire Elatiefeetion end pleaeure to old' an yoting it kept the strong and well happy and vigeretts, and formed ilesh, mitecle and bone for the week,. For those reasons,Malt Ilreakfast Vood has won the day and will ever be tlis favorite breaktitst dish, AM &oats • s ;your back better?' On whieh. Prineese Vie:torte kindly &sited ber *hat wan the metier with her back. 'Not much, ,t hope,' rjuteklY • enswevot.1 the mit- lehlevottle ,boy trhe is now Temperer; 'Too Pearcely feel mine now, but you see, redthee, Pranieirt hes fetch a tympethetie hatk that it :SP t.0 ItUtt her • direetly she coinmehees tee Aatie the, and the perfertned .dt1 nii this Morning,'" mill of fttibt. • mar with the child who is. sent chase MAW email artiele as we aro with the perienced adult, . We never sub - '5 it ale inferior aruge when. filling eone erd the "eomethieg last att good.' ann titatitttito ttor s preseription. We neVer recenn. 'Under all dirournatatices of sickness and dier,tr� ' I :try :ioropettod is safe, sure and unfailing. It cleatere end ptirifles.' the bleed, braces the ne.rves, norreete digeetion, and hunch; up those with° are weak and run.down. If you are 1 reenite will eurprtse you. Our stock of reine's Celery ComPouncl is always fresh • and purs. ilanY.Druggiet, Onkel, • nervous or m eeptasit, try one. bottle th egrepiete• wweithhaovuet itnheamt0.04 Iron and braSE. }aerie are becoming so popular, thet ne well furnished home O e'er that reason yourbedrooni ebould be the beet furnished room in -the house - several new patterns, with wire spring attaoltMent, Whki CleanlineTateBveriaeuetsyearnednoOtohniigfhor.t are combined. a 1"i W M31.1 Buggies ! Wagons! • Do you manta high grade Bugg,y or Wagon ? We have the finest knock to select from. All the latest styles in the twee - est colors. Our prices are as low as can be found tor first•class material ' and workmanship. Before you huy call and see us. We also handle the Canadian Steel Field Pence, already woven, any farmer ea : erest EtOM 60 to 80 rode per day, it is a these strong fence. Geo. LaviS, Isaac :Street, Olintor N DOOR'14) SCITV Mid A oippot,t, Every 'Farmer Should use.. FORMALDEHYDE. Tbe best knOlin remedy for &nut on Oa's, Barieyl Wh t C 1 ea or orn. We can give you .testimonials from all the leading farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde last year. Fnll mstructions given with each bottle, Use Combes "Standard Formaldehyde" Ply; you eheuld riever liaNre' had them, a lone •victime the pliotograPher nail,- _ _ 9 H ..B• COARSE • . . 'Chemist at Druggist but mere': •It was then that•Mrs. cor.- "Thatgentlernan right' there and that blitbedanie an eternen cif woman sof- lady, ,corte inside and I'll give you plc - •miss in 'two naleutes, free of ohargeet..'. ..Glibert . Parker • ' sake Of his first -at- . :The two. looked eeeech. caber, grinned, ternetat atithorseip: "I Went to .Archie ' • and 'finally cante, irieide the teets . bald Forbes, with Wheel .1' Was ace Stand . right there es Raid the photo- • ettainted, to have .:hine.give. me a note grainier. eThaes It Now hold still a le the Mama -linens, as I wanted ter see- • minute. There erne are.. Now wait till ,. • whether they 'would not 'bring out. a I' finish `ern lip." : ; - • • . • .; book of sh,or storieso' me. read In • a few minutes he hanaed these- . . tfr He the'. stories and then invited me• around each •et tintepe. In a' pink, paper frame. to dine, to glye me the letter of .intre-' , They - looked at tee:pictures curionsle. ' ductioresind his opihiort et the etories. -Then the young woman blushed and X have. rend your skettlies,'• he said ' her eompanion grinned and tittered alter dinner, . 'end I •must say this of ."Like 'em?" asked the photographer,: ehem. A have never seen sech a fine ebriekle, thinking of possible, eusto.mers -donee:pore Of tales In iny ilfee 'Theme. 'in' the ,crawce: outside, , • - ' • dotet"sae another word,. Mr. Forbes ' / : - "Waal," said the .' man, :slowly; 'It sale; ''I undeestand . pereeotly S eitth .. letalts'l Ike her• , . and T glISSS It leeks 'like title ••saggests . a complete idea which i me, but ye see, :I didn't know and I the story faits to carry out. I under- I g, ease she didn't : know . we ,Was gall! • stand perfectly.' 'Thereupon . I went to he in the same .piettre," home and burned eyery:•One of Olsen. .. . '''Thought you'd like. 'exit :that ::way," • Thee I sit dowo. and eviette the first of answered the phetogra.Pber. "Pleasant •the 1Pierre' ;aeriesWhieh' was the be- sauvenir of your visit ' to the fair to :. .gine,ng of ' whatever tsueceee . e ever getlier." . ' ... ' , , • ,• .• ', . had • - • . • ' • . . . .. : - "Waal,. .Yes, but you: see, we. saidn't • who was commander'uof the flagship iope''' .” .. •eorrie together. 1 . never seen her lie;, • , • ' -deptain French Z Ohadvilelt, T,,T.S-.N , . eteetv Yore's dering the...Spanish-AM- . . , :erlean. tyae says that illear-Adiniral ' . Then the two =altered, and the pho, ampsetn Was. deeply -and uziaffectedly ` tegrapher liewed them MICAS qiiickly • 'once, at leasthe fo,rgc,it,the:days of the .1k•S he ceuld. again. • One .day a young equple Came al- the- .next. fair he set u1A_bootit_ :religians, and atlds• 2',5J,eims a strict.:. • observer of ,SundaY, but the fadt that Thateear he'did• a good.businesa 'and. 'Week G Milleatiee of the inteneite.*ftli ': .--j;ciu,b:a7dttui'l;i•teol'egnclit'21041114.'n. i'‘v•t•il.','•Rinliir isoiiii°1 I Which, the duty in hand • always seized abeerd for consititation. on -June 4 (a snereand woman of the year before. 4. "How ,dO you dor dried the pha.tet... hint }Davin 'ailed the :Saturday), he. said eowtird the 'close a . grapher...'"I-1. b ee you knew eget!' othe'. the -conferenee: 'I :sten going in, to- ''''e 11°w''' : ' .:. : ''' ' • .' ' - ' • • inOrrow to ..attnek ,the .batteries, so . ' ' 'T6s''' answered the -Ittati. 1601,111e Captain Philip, who was most 'earnest have everything .ready . 'be. 'de:vegeta AleeP.ishIY et the girl. in his religieus convictions, at once • suite folks' of. eel's over to Hopkins, "My'forka know spo.ke'itp: But, admiral, to-morroW 0 and when they, seen her .pieture they . it....ecociou'::riketqddi.,!... Aa"., that's how we got • Sunday,. tend I don't believe in fighting• on Sunday; unles,s the ;other fellow be- :Th'' 716" glit'd'"' 'said the • Vhetfe. .gins.. I have:elwayanoticeil that who- e'aPe`r• • ' e . ' Oyer begins:a' Sunday light gets licked:: • _ . • . :sane:mon at onee said: 'I am glad eou . eerern X: ,ele!t:Yau, Pieter - Tes,'".. said .Liesie, .e11344r'' - ' : ' 4 • • : m e Itt 1 on e cr thitt, itack; 'to tell the truth, : . - 1 bed forgetten the days of the week.. I ' '• .. • - •• • alt,, 00 more .a believer .b.i. lighting en • . . Sunday than you 'are's-Gentlemen, we'll , A': novel' method of ..seeuriSg,rose eut- • eduction in Prices Here is a great thence to sectire a first olaseebuggy :at a' big reduction. Ne these prices:— . • $80 Buggies for ter $75 leuggies for $65 ' • .$65 Buggies for $60 • • a • • Remember these are all our own make, which pieties us in a position to gaerenee them, as we do not buy any material but what is first ohms.: • • • prnang proutpt y attendedto y experienced naen, RUJIBALL .61.411ATH. - Huron Street; Clinton • Clintan. Sasn f 1)oor and 'Blind Factory SS. COOPER - • PROPRIETOR Ceneral Builder and Contractor. , Tim ;faotery is the largest in. he:county; and•haa the eery lateet improved mte. .° •• abinery., Capable of doing Work on the shertest notice. We carry an extensive ".' • ' .and reliable stook arid prepared plena, and give estimates for and bead all class, ! ( " ss of buildiegs on Short notice and On the Closest prices A decent is supervise e ,' . ea in a reethanicel wee end eatisfaotioa otiaranteed. We sell all kinds of .in- " • . ." " d • . ' • .... ' • e • Luniber L4b.. Sbliiiies, Liiiie.7SirtSli; ,1).:ootso 'BIllidS; Eto • .. . .. : , . • '.----":-..---.---.----- . - . agent for the Celebrated Get A.trett Ca -;,,srirte rtr.SliKe mentifootive* r• e Witterhao. Call and eat npeee and 'estimates betere placing veer °reds? ." •, • Another Prop: in Prices:. • . The undersigned is offering, hia $80 Buggies for $6$.: They: 8,re his own make, and are made from choice materiid and b first' class mechanics. All the, latest improvements used are up -to date in every respect. The Cannot. be and we guarantee them. •". JOHN LESLIE. Streat. Ciiittcti; •I put 110!! anti/ Siondaye.and ,hie rder • 41.egs, which is lereely practiced in Bur- , • was obeyed." . . , rope, le to take a tie -1147,0h cutting, bend ' . - • lit in e.e form of a bow, both ends being Englipli Elumor. , . {I:inserted into the earth, leaving the eon- • . . , . • ei • Mr. Max Beerbehrn,• in eti, recent re- arrangement' prevents evaporation while ' Ire, witha bud, above the g'romul. This — view, writes that lee has codified, as it. , the ends are foneirig roots, 'When the finds Te following list to eximprise, in : of the entre bud as rout atvay, leitving bud has rooted the, portion on one eide ,.•••••• Were, all the English comiepapera and eubjects discussed: , . Mothers-in-law.• .e1XPE. RIP. NORD DRUGGIST bf . lien -peeked Intaindrids. • . WE ,GTJ ARANTEE ACCURACY' . AND PERFECT SATISFACTION Twins. • . (..iiti maids. ' • In this see of worry; hustle and bum, noes competition, strict dare and. attention Prenchinen, Germans,, 'ItEreeens, nig- i"he' itilillg of Ynt •.0°0or'" l'rescriP" gars (not Russians oe other fcreigners' 1011819 abscautely two:wary for the safety ,of any denominate:it*.• arel welfare of your family. We use. antes acceracy and ,perfect sate:fedi n •-te , Thinness. • . • • •• • Fatness. . • • ell oar customers. • Our foiTet d part - Lone hair (worn by a Mall).• t Wont ids always repiete with ,the beset • Baldness. pretty:miens and novelties. . tbe ore ceot their emporeence, all of the 41.5tritight••••• 1 ! f, 111 Dandtuff Cure Sea-sicke este ,Stuttering. Illoemers, • PAINZ'S ORLEIM CoairtiorM, Pisa onced thoctean de when everytiiing•elee '• has failed. It hag nrer felled to give eiek Pad cheese, . , peopte,happy results.- It strtngthensanvig- Shooting the ninon (siatig expression . orates, gives new tenet° the Vet for ' leaving a lodging -house 1,vitheut tern, nukes the blood pure, is food paying the bili)e . , for the neeves—jt nuthes viols people well, rod noses. Weems topply you with the pure and 'gezi- : , nine Nine's, Celery Compound. - Questions and Answers. - H. B. OWIDA, Bruggistr Clinton, Ont, Hera are seine anseVere to questions; In examination papers: What, eerigion.haa the e3ritons? A • ittrange and. terrible ene ealled religion of the <Rules. What caueed the death of Cleopatra? et was isecause elle bit a weep." What tath YoU tell of Zobeson? He survive.d Shakespenro in some respeets. What •is the seenal cOlunin? Bones running all OVer the ho4Sr. It Is aeon- eidered daugerotte. Name a do:nestle Ordinal lateen fee elothing, and describe leg Ifabite. OX. -tseen't have any itabits, becattle 11 ves etahle. ‘Imatet, Vs the function of the eta/Aria e WO digest the stornaoh.—NoW SO YEAR'S' EXPERIgNe 1 "S! 1 'ete4e1" Lee, Trete= Pl..1.f..V.11 • VV:k1 • 060'IrDtei7.1;'?/;3&e. • • kovone Mt .1. it. 4109:(11,11,hoi, o ,otiody, f,erbin 4.11111.111111,4, 1:111-!...• 41:f:,;141,1110.1nrf, 0,3 . t1gg'iti 24 ilig,f,..1121F,',4");14,1Aat:lic t .:spretat we ice, vitliont t•11.1,ree, in Scuggit...tIvaert-ciab .4: handsomety vranly. TAntost ciliation of nny soieroR; 'rerats.,$3 ft ear.. four tronthnoff. o IVO! trowsito,,,tior.., UNN &Mai $Gtel"dwaYi tcw omco 42stt tee Wasienetee, i. • t 4 Brings tbe. grace of 'beautiful 'hair to.: everyone . uses. it Dandruff MUST,.be.,. gotten rid of firil— becuse it is tile root of 420..trOgblen; There is no disease mere wide:spread:in the world today,' ' and none more embarrasing',",to people, of- refinlinefitt, Dandruff Cure is a posittve, permatient,..inarapte444, -dandruff. Bay a bottle at yotsrdrists.-Nice We. end $1.00. A. R. OREM Eft 'CO., . : • CHICAGO • , smut yont :".' woos- • t. '4 • \ . 4,t rtilitNIE,TUIEL*11 BlEt0A1)X00()T,, SOX' & 00. • , I The Otealy increase•In our traciq is good' preof of tbe feet that our goods are fish ii41.14' ,_• otte'preces lower thus thee Of other dealers in the trede.- . + ii We reenefecture furniture on a argc,scale eed mat afford to cell cheep. " If yoriletir ''' from us, we gave for yen t 0 peat, Which, in ether cases,:has'to be added'''s the retail (wider, „ I' I •This week wo have passed' into stcok,some ot Our new designs. r Specs 1,811' het' piir0161';‘:: tis to quote prioes,,bot (tertle a0cf we for yourself Willit Snapa We hate to effer, Remember-- we are deteraqued that eut Prices shall be the 'eweet an the trde..., UNDIEllitAliiNtIA "' ' ' ' ' . ' - ' •••,, - .. 1 . ,. , , " , • 3.'• . fil In th10 depattraenteur, etentit 15: riottlphitth .,Attil 'W6•!1.11(11;1/tt tindOtIbtetily t a boat ftnatilk ft:, • 011101 in titteeenety. I ettithitiete Wee •wew'se la htefase.: , et . ' # # i # # 1 ! #1 t ' % :I.E..•.. 1. a 0 .‘, 13IitOIXDP vet" Director) residetio • ,• Y tie m. ',4,11;; •Al..111111111111#11•mm.......1•1111AllilliALmintr.,' •.1 •