The Blyth Standard, 1930-03-27, Page 7SUFFERED FOR YEARS Owl Laffs
Regained Health 'Through the
Use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Rheumatism ie a disorder of the
blood—caused by too much uric acid
In the blood. It attacks its victims
when vitality is low, thus setting up
Inflammation in the muscles and
joints, Wet and cold weather may
start the tortures of rheumatism but
it Is not the canon. Tho cause Is the
blood—bad blood, Enrich and petrify
the blood and rheumatism will disap-
pear. If you are a sufferer from this
painful malady begin the use of Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon
the pains and stiffness will disappear.
These pills enrich and purify the
blood and good blood means good
Mrs. John C. McPherson, SL Mary's,
Ont„ was a victim of rheumatism for
years and writes as follows of her 111•
nes, and recovery. Sho says:—"I
suffered from rheumalistu for nearly
sixteen years and for eleven years I
was unable to walk, I trieJ a number
of medicines as well as massage and
chiroproctle treatment without any
permanent benefit, I was then so bad
that I was at a loss to know what to
try next. I noticed 10 different papers
how strongly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
woro recommended for cases like
mine sof decided to try then!, After
taking several boxes I noticed that
my appetite was improving. The pains
became less severe and my color im-
proved. I continued their use and
now I am able to do light housework.
1 wish I could impress on all rhea -
matte sufferers just what these won-
derful pills have done for nae."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills do 000
thing but they do it well—then en-
rich and purify the blood. This rich
red blood banishes such troubles as
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia and
neuritis and leaves the former suffer-
er robust and healthy and well able
to take his or her place in doing the
duties expected of then(, Tho pills
aro sold by medicine dealers or by
nail at 50 cents n box front The 1)r.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Death Stalks Vienna
if the present death rate p1000110 f0
this city In two hundred and fifty
years there will not be a soul left,
Every month there aro seventeen hun-
dred more deaths than births, Laet
Year there were 880 suicides against
867 deaths front epidennical causes.
Three per cent. of all death's in Ans•
trio Is by suicide.
Health organization is the essential
framework of a sound body, politic,
for cleaner—roster cutting
1711 steel used is mode and spec-
ially tempered fn the Simonds
plant and We Can and do guar.
• antee every Simonds Saw.
Llwueal • Toronto
St. Iorm.N.D,
April Foolish — and Wise!
By James Edward Idungorford
Seine folks aro April foolish,
And some are April wise,
And some aro jest plait( "mulish" --
And "cop" the donkey prize!
Some 1110k the hat with brick In,
And smash their big toes fiat,
And others cash the "trick" in—
And walk off wI11 the hat!
Some get "the laugh" on others,
And chortle at the "jolce,"
And make fun of their brothers—
Who help 111101 when they're broke!
Some step aromul a bill -hook,
They don't think holds a yen;
Ono grabs 1t with his "pin-hook"—
And finds inside—a ten!
Some think they'll "put it over"
On "soft 01110" they can "carve,"
And spend their days "In clover"—
And let the victims starve!
But when at last they waken,
And take stock of their wares,
They find they were mistaken—
The "booby prize" Is theirs?1
Some folks are April foolish,
Also May and June;
In other months, uurtlllsh—
And imitate the 10011!
Sono others use their "thinkers,"
Also their hands and oyes;
Their blains aro clear of clinkers—
And these are April Wise! *
It's difficult to relieve the breath of
suspicion of halitosis.
When a fellow gets with a girl he
gets away with anything ho tries, but
after he's married ho tries everything
he can get away with.
Judge—"Prisoner, have you any-
nything to say before I pass sentence?"
Prisoner—"No, your honor, except
that It takes very little to please me."
"There's a Bole in one," said the
golfer, as the reached for his socks,
The shepherds watched their flocks
by night, which shows that neighbors
have always been about the same,
It Is hard to understand a girl be-
fore she is ^greed, and even harder
There are still a lot of people 0110
will take checks from people they do
not know and thenyell for the police.
Charleston—"And say, dearie, they
even took any finger prints."
Black Bottom—"I1ey? Well, loot(
at what You took first,"
Your superiors are those you de-
light to catch in 000::r.
IIe—"1Vhat do you think of this
intention of the artificial larynz?"
Sho—"It would bo a splendid relief
if church ushers would get wise to it
and have all larynx, taken out and
cleared before the sermon starts."
Sell better merchandise for loss
money anti you'll get the business and
It will make no difference whether
your piaee is called a chain store or
rope stare.
It's on16 three years 11010 until the
!Fo'ld's Lair in Chicago, and we bre
laevo we can wait.
Listen to the exborat!on of the dawn!
, Look to this (lay!
AL AtAG:YAPjIi'NED t t ti 1 or It is lire, the very life of life,
inngie, says`r. : Chan ny, In its brief course lie all the
Thousands write kidney and bladder Varieties and realities o
Des, constipation, Indigestion, gas, back- IL^�� P your exist•
e che end overnightwah"Frust.a•tives". "'W e1lee:
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep. at once. Get Tile growth,
FrniGa•dves" from druggist today, �% g"
11�14".►�!'1®"'® Tl1e glory of action,
_.- ---- I The splendor of beauty?
For yesterday is but a dream,
And to -morrow is only a Vision,
But today well lived makes
Every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every to -morrow a vision of 1101m,
Look well, therefore to this day!
Such isthesalutation of the dawn,
kr Colds
P60•lr CU' dilsli/rerc
Of MAOp�
For Troubles
due to Acid
INOIOm5f0N .
Care for roar Hands
By Dally Use of
Cfticura Soap
Mal Bashes mud Irritations
with Cuticfma Ointnleilt
What mo;t people call Indigestion 1s
usually excess acld in the stomach.
The food has soured. The instant
remedy is an alkali which neutralizes
acids. But don't use crude helps. Use
what your doctor would advise.
The best help Is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia. For the 50 years since its
invention it has remained standard
with physicians. You will final noth-
ing else so quick in its effect, so,harm•
less, so e.Nicient,
One tasteless spoonful hu water neu-
tralizes many times its volume in
acid. The results are immediate, with
no bad after effects, Once you learn
this fact, you will never deal with
excess acid in the crude ways. Go
learn—now — why this method is
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips';
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physl•
clans for 60 years in correcting excess i
acids. Each bottle contains fill direc•I
tion—any drugstore.
Youngest Ocean Traveller
Beryl Brown, 18 months of age, youngest traveller ever to have made a
trans-Atlantic trip alone, travelled half way round the world by the time
the reached her mother in Red Paso, 11.0, Site came over on S.S. Minnedosa
10 Saint John and thence by Canadian Pacific to her home. She is showing
her doll to officials and newspapermen who 00010 to'seeher'in her sleeping
car aboard the train.
Ber 01111d Is a never-ending source
of joy and a never -falling responsi-
bility to the fond mother. It not in-
frequently happens that 1011100 ail-
ments of the child distress and puzzle
her; she does not know just what to
do. yet feels them not serious enough
to call a doctor. As lust ouch times
as these 1t is that Baby's Own Tablets
are found to be mother's greatest help
and friend.
Most childhood ailments arise from
a derangement of the stomach or
bowels. Baby's Own Tablets will im-
mediately banish them by cleansing
the bowels and sweetening the stom-
ach, Thus they relieve colic, correct
tho digestion, banish constipation and
snake teething pains disappear.
Baby's 0100 Tablets aro guaranteed
to be free front injurious drugs such
as opiates and narcotics and may he
given to the newborn babe with per-
fect safety and beneficial results.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock-
ville, Ont,
The Maritime Lumber Trade
Saint John Telegraph -Journal (Ind.) :
The announcement that the Canadian
National Railways has successfully
negotiated with the Boston and Maine
Railway for a reduction of 11 per cent,
freight rates front the Maritime Pro-
vinces to New England points is being
received with „ratification by limber
shippers. Some weeks ago the Cana-
dian Pacific 'aibvay made a similar
rut in rates. Now all points in the
Maritime Provinces will benefit from
the savings to bo affected The
whole question has been handled from
a business standpoint and a satisfac-
tory conclusion has been reached,
without the 0111.1111(0 political fire-
works which attended the settlement
of such problems, Another of the re-
commendations of the Duncan Com-
mission has thus been carried into ef-
fect to a major degree.
Keeping Air Cool on
Trains in Summer
The Santa Po Railway Inas been ex-
perimenting for several years with
the problem of keeping tho air cool In
club, dining and sleeping cars, daring
the summer season,
W, 1. Black, passenger traffic man-
ager, states that at last the problem
is solved, As a starter, a contract Inas
been closed for early fustallation of
reconditioned air, cooled by a patent-
atented process, on dieing ears of The
Chief, tiro Santa L'o's extra fast and
extra fare flyer,
There is absolutely no draft, the
cool air being brought in overhead,
with a resultant uniform temperature
of 65 to 70 degrees Fahr.
It is a curious subject of observa-
tion and inquiry, whether haired and
love be not the sante thing at bottom,
19ach, in Its utmost development, sup-
poses a high degree of int[tnacy and
heart -knowledge; each renders one
Individual dependent for the food of
Ills affections and spiritual life upon
another; each leaves the passionate
lover, or the no less passionate hater,
forlorn and desolate by the withdraw-
al of his subject. Philosophically con-
sidered, therefore, the two passions
seem essentially the same, except that
one happens to be seen in a celestial
radiance, and the other in a dusky and
durid glow, The Scarlet Letter.
"A man's best des11'ei are always
the index and measure of his possibili-
ties; and the most difficult duty that
a man is capable of doing is the duty
that above all he should do."
"DO not think that what is hard f01'
thee to ]easter is impossible for man;
but if a thing is possible and proper
for man, deem it attainable by thee."
—Marcus Aurelius.
Minard's Kills 'Dandruff.
British Trade in Canada
Saskatoon Star • Phoenix (L1b.):
There is only ono kind of action by
Canada which can stimulate British
export trade, and that Is, of course, a
reduction in the tariff on British
goods, The preference now given (T-
500(0 substantiae, but it is not enough
to overtone the British exporter's
handicap of distance from the mar-
ket. By its 1919 platform the Cana-
dian Liberal party is pledged to in-
crease the preference to 50 per cent„
malting duties on imports from Britain
just half of general rates. This pro -
arise should be redeemed in Mr, Dun-
ning's first budget, There was never
a more appropriate tim0 for taking
that step, —�
Empire Trade
London Sunday Express Ind.), Be-
tween 1913 and 1926 the Percentage
or American trade with tho four Do-
minions and with India increased by
over 6 per cent. During the saute
period Britain's percents go declined
by nearly 10 per cent. In these c!r-
cum,stances It is hardly astonishing
if American critics express surprise,
tempered by' apprehension, that we
should bo so slow in organizing our
Empire as an economic entity.
Exactness in little duties is a won-
derful mime of cheerfulness.—F. 1V.
Child (to stranger in 0 tor)—"Dad-
dy, daddy!" Mother—"Bush, dear.
That isn't daddy; it's a gentleman.'
Prof. It. T,. Vel veney's World Famous
Tapeworm Remedy 11.0 expelled these
horrid monsters ht two to puree hours.
N0 st eying necessary. 00 sieletesc no
idne s
U'oubl� wrhatcver,
Dept. A. all Osslmgton Ave„ Toronto "'""'-
Don't impose too great a strain on
them. Aid with Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Remedy
..Tho day your kidneys break down,
you health and usefulness aro over.
Modern life, rick foods and other unnat-
ural conditions make unusual demands
oa ll kldney
good?e and lives. Ie your health!
stiThen 0000 it so.
Start taking Warner's Safe Sidney and
Liver Remedy while your kidneys aro
stronger than they may ever bo again.
This safe 1101001 remedy 10 pleasant to
talo, ieoipa liver and kidneys to throw
off b dy poisons that may prove danger-
ous. For more than 50 years thousands
of grateful sufferers have testified to its
reliability. ,
Every druggist will tell you that War-
ner's Safe Sidney and Liver Remedy is
an old friend. Get your bottle today. It
costs little but its value 1s beyond mice
n1 cases where its known action is bene-
ficial. Don't wait until kidneys aro brut
Start now. Warner's Safe Remedios Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy
True Humanity ` Classified Advertising.
In a certain village in Ontario there
was a family consisting of marl, wo-
man and four children, They got
along passably well until the man, 111'.
10(1 of his responsibility as a parent,
suddenly departed for parts unknown.
No effort was ntade,,to find him and
the bravo little mother became the v11 -
Inge washerwoman to earn enough to
keep her children together. Worldng
for other people all day 0110 had little
time to train her children, and the old-
est—a boy of twelve—developed pil-
fering habits that soon made hint the
talk of the neighbors. The magas-1
trate decided to send lila] to the lie.;
fo'matory and a social worker was
deputed to convey him to the instltu
tion next day. For safe keeping he j
took the lad home with him and as I
he was going to the church meeting
that evening he took the boy along so
he could have his eye on him. The
good women gathered at the church
became interested, and the pastor sug-
gested that they make him the subject
of their prayers, A discussion follow-
ed which led to practical results. 'Ilse
boy was found to be a mighty fine
youngster• only needing encourage-
ment, Ms sentence was rescinded
and with contributions from the mis•
sionary fund of the cluu'ch tine family
was assisted to become self -sustain -
Mg. All concerned were made very
happy as a result of this friendly in.
tervention.—J, J. Kelso.
Use Minard's In the Stable.
Mrs. Watt—"Welham, will you never
get that string untangled for nae?"
William — "Well, I'm doing thirty
knots an hour now!"
Weekly Parties During Early
APPLY NOW—The Secretary, Tim
Salvation Army Immigration:
803 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont.
,Tam is Street, Toronto, Ont.
114 Beclewlth St., Smiths Falls, Ont.
1125 University 'St.. Montreal, Quo.
st113111 rMaIRISMOaRMs
"After Baby, Was Weak,
Skinny. Gained22 Lbs."
Itemized Yeast did it, says Mrs.
limit. Thousands say 5 to Bibs,
gained la 3 weeks. Nervousness, constipation '
vanish overnight. Skin clears like nuglc. Get
Desired Yeast tablets from druggist today.
OF'NNS•INSfR7 ���tjj
11.25 00 Druansts Desrrivti a Wei on man
A. 0, LEONARD, Inc.
70 Fifth Ave., New York city
Why not Help
Write for foil information.
So easy to get quick relief and pre-
vent an attack in the future. Avoid
bromides and dope, They relieve quick-
ly but affect the heart and are very
dangerous. They are depressing and
only give temporary relief, tIa cause
of the headache still remains within. 1
The sane and !:armless way, First
correct the cause, sweeten the sour
and acid stomach, relieve the intes-
tines of the decayed and poisonous
food matter, gently stimulate the liver,
start the bile flowing and 1110 bowels
pass off the waste matter which causes
your headache. Try Carter's Little
Liver Pills, Druggists 25c red pkgs.
A. cry in the night may be the
first warning that Baby Inas colic.
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
handy I This pure vegetable prep-
aration brings quick comfort, and
can never do the slightest harm.
Always keep a bottle in the house.
It is the safe and sensible thing
when children are ailing. Whether
it's the stomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath is bad.
Whenever there's need of gentle
regulation. Children love the
taste of Cas oria, and its mildness
makes it suitable for the tiniest
infant, and for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose of
Castoria is always better for
growing children than some need-
lessly strong medicine meant only
for adult use, Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. I -I. Fletcher's
signature on the wrapper. Pre-
scribed by doctors -I
Ay It\I10 CHICKS -lliu 1111)20 0(8
L 21 000 lust year In 00171' varie-
ties 1VI Ito rm. 0, e tf Vogue - tL
Switzer Granton, r)nt.
I° 0,1'01" 0h01 IIOI,21 '(10 ❑1,1,1(3
re,.dy ton scram ,, Ohcap I`c tar
A 00000 st, 5lllche1l, Onlarlo-
I111111 WANTED '00 00 [ t AIN
S t1 'I'1J and light sewing at nouns Whole
or spare time. Good pay. Work sent
.any distance. Charges poll. Send stuana
for particulars. Nuttimal Manufacturing
Company, ,Montreal.
Viclters—"Did you carry a stove ea
your camping holiday?" Wickers—
"Whero do you think we cooked, on
the mountain ranges?"
2'rhn World's 0001001 GroWlna In-
dustry. Demand for Trained Men Far
Exceeds Supply. Well 1'ald Positions
Open to Our Graduates.
310A Yonge Street • Toronto
!Minute Ends Itch of
"Baby had terrible eczema, 'Soothe.
Siva' ended itching in 1 minute. Disease soon
Wt."— Mrs, J. Laurence. Stops itch, burn, nail
in I minute. Eczema goes for good In tear days.
Skin becomes clear, smooth, All Druggists.
Massaging the aching parts with
Minard's brings comforting relief.
Try it.
Could not Eat or Sleep
after Husband's Death
Iler husband's death left her very run
down in health, unable to eat or sleep
much, Nswshe ishrighter inspirits and
rads and sleeps well, What caused I ho
difference? Lct her answer in her town
words :-
01 think lirusehen Salts are a splendid
tonicAfter my husband's death in
December last I 110.0111110 eery run 110001
in health. Had terrible veils of depres-
sion and was unable to eat or sleep
much. 1 wu0 alae troubled ,with
theumali0m, 1 de0ided to take lima -
ellen Sults and have now taken the little
daily dose for nearly two months,
during which time my health hos
greatly improved. The rheumatism ling
completely left 010, I ani much
brighter is spirits and both eat mid
When life begins to " get you down,"
when you begin 10 feel the results of
modern atlibeial conditions- errors of
diet, worry, overwork, lick of ek0u'isc—
then you should 1001) to Krnschcn Salla.
They posses a w'cnderful potter of
gV'iup new life and vitality to Iho
countless millions of cells of which the
humin body is composed. The way to
keep smiling is to take Krusehen 811115
every morning—just a pinch in veu0
Drat mofming cup of coffee or tea.
If you lace nes'(,( tiled lvusehen—try it nowt
at our expense. Wo Taco distributed a great
many special "GIANT" packages which make
It easy for you to prove our claim for yourself,
Ask your druggist for tho new "GIANT" 75o.
This consists of our regular 75c. bottle togrther
with a separate trial bottle—somrlent for 000110
one week. Opcn 100 trial bottle Det, est it, to
thu teat, and then, If not entirely enslaved that
Ilrnsehen does everything We claim It to d,, the
regular bonnie is still 0s good as new. Yoko 10
hark. Your druggist le authorised to 01hun
your 75o. Immediately and without roast Ion,
You have tried Knsachen tree, at our exptuso.
What could he fairer? hfanufnctnred by
P. Grllia.hs Hughes, bid., Manchester, ling,
(IDstab. 1756). Importers; SlcO)lOeay meso
Ltd., Toronto.
"Your Vegetable Com-
pound is a good medicine.
Anyone who is in poor health
should not hesitate to try it,
When I was taking the Vege-
table Compound I ;tried Ithc
sample Liver Pills I found in
the package. I have taken
them every night since and l
can feel Myself improving, I
am so thankful for the good
they do me that I have told
several women about it," --
Mrs. G. W. Poslij, 263 Huron
St., Stratford, Ontario.
Ly PMakhal
Vegetable Compall
lsdaE Pinola Moe Cr Lre1 Hill 4)
n'd Cab rart 0M4r n
ISSUE No, 12—'30 —�(